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福建省矿业开发产生的环境地质问题主要有占用破坏土地、破坏地貌景观、水土流失、水土污染、水均衡破坏以及采空塌陷、岩溶塌陷、崩滑流矿山地质灾害等。矿山地质环境综合评价单元的划分采用正方形网格单元。选取矿山地质环境现状、地质环境条件、矿产资源开发利用规划、矿山生态环境恢复治理难易程度等作为评价因子。根据各因子对矿山地质环境质量影响存在重大差异及可分层次的实际情况,采用质量指数评价模型作为矿山地质环境综合评价模型。利用MAPGIS的空间分析功能,对整个系统进行综合评价。然后根据综合指数的大小,将全省圈定出28个区的矿山地质环境综合质量划分为严重区、较严重区和一般区。  相似文献   

正让"残山废水"变成"金山银山",一直是中国这辆高速列车在多年飞驰中的一块心病。矿产资源的大规模开发为中国经济社会发展作出了巨大贡献,但也付出了矿山地质生态环境破坏、地面塌陷、土地损坏、植被和地形地貌景观的破坏等一系列代价。自2001年以来,国家相继采取了一系列措施,开展了矿山复绿行动,建设了国家矿山公园,建立了矿山地质环境恢复治理的保证金制度,初步构建起开发补偿保护机制。但总  相似文献   

<正>河南省位处我国中部,地跨华北板块和秦岭大别造山带两大构造单元、国土面积16.7万平方公里。河南省内矿产资源丰富,开发强度大,因矿产资源开发造成的矿山地质环境问题一直很严重。6月22日,在全国地质环境管理工作会议上,河南省国土资源厅副厅长杨士海表示,近几年,河南省国土资源厅围绕国土资源工作新定位,创新思路,服务生态文明建设,地质环境管理工作取得了较好成效。  相似文献   

湖南矿山地震类型及特征分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
童迎世  童敏  洪迅 《华南地震》2003,23(3):49-56
从讨论矿产资源开发所引起的环境地质问题出发,对湖南矿震的形成机制进行分类。总结出3种类型的矿山诱发地震,即:矿山构造型、矿山塌陷型和矿山岩(煤)爆型。并分析了各类矿震的特征。  相似文献   

矿产资源是社会发展的根本保障,为满足社会各领域的需求,矿山行业不断加大开发力度,在改善了供求关系的同时,也因人为或自然因素的影响导致了矿山环境的破坏,并产生了一系列的连锁反应,造成了矿山环境地质灾害问题的发生。基于此,本文就矿山安全生产的角度出发,对矿山环境地质灾害问题与勘查策略展开探索。  相似文献   

12年来,海南省先后组织开展了第二次土地调查、地质找矿大调查、地质灾害调查、矿产资源规划编制、矿山地质环境恢复治理等调查评价工作,摸清了土地、矿产资源家底,明晰了土地权益,严格保护耕地和基本农田,强化土地节约集约利用;落实矿产资源规划,矿山地质环境恢复治理有序推进。  相似文献   

<正>浙江的矿产资源开发以非金属及普通建筑用石料矿为主,且基本为露天开采矿山。长期以来,这些矿山布局不合理、开采规模小、技术工艺落后、企业管理粗放,导致矿山生态环境问题突出。在2017全国地质环境管理工作会议上,浙江省国土资源厅副厅长张金根表示,从2005年开始,浙江省就认真贯彻落实习近平总书记在浙江提出的"绿水青山就是金山银山"的发展理念,持续深化矿产资源管理改革,探索出了一条矿产开发与环境保护协调发展的新路子。  相似文献   

<正>我国首个地方绿色矿山建设标准发布3月20日,浙江省湖州市出台《绿色矿山建设规范》,这标志着我国首个地方绿色矿山建设标准发布实施。《规范》明确了绿色矿山建设的基本要求以及资源环境、企业管理、认定与监管要求。《规范》规定,绿色矿山是指在矿产资源开发全过程中既严格实施科学有序的开采,又将对矿区及周边环境的扰动控制在环境可承受范围内,使矿产资源开发利用与生态环境保护相协调的矿山,具有开采方式科学化、资源利用高效化、生产工艺环保化、矿山环境生态化、企业社区和谐化的特点。  相似文献   

张晓  张洋 《地球》2012,(7):94-95
中国是世界上矿山环境地质问题多发的国家之一。矿山环境地质问题关系到国计民生,关系到社会的可持续发展,文章指出了问题发生的原因有客观原因和主观原因两类,并系统分析了常见矿山环境地质问题各类型的特征。矿山环境地质问题是项综合的系统工程,阐述了对问题的防治和保障矿业开发及生态环境保护协调发展应重视的问题。  相似文献   

<正>在全国地质环境管理工作会议上,中国地质调查局水环部主任郝爱兵作了全国矿山地质环境调查监测工作报告。他表示,目前已经初步掌握了我国矿山地质环境特点和基本现状,支撑了五部委《关于加强矿山地质环境恢复和综合治理的指导意见》的发布和矿山地质环境保护与土地复垦方案合并编制与审查制度的出台,承担了矿山地质环境保护与恢复治理等专题研究,为第三轮《全国矿产资源规划》提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

为满足中国海岸带海陆统筹调查的需求,基于最新编制的中国北部海岸带(台州以北)1:50万航磁图件,利用逐点化极、延拓、垂向导数等数据位场转化处理,结合地质背景、物性资料和已有航空物探解释成果,对研究区磁场特征进行分析,分区探讨航磁异常成因,并编制北部海岸带(台州以北)断裂分布图。结果表明,海岸带地区磁性较强的岩石广泛发育,以NE—NNE向为主的线性磁异常带是大量中新生代中酸性岩浆岩的反映,而区域性团块状磁异常或宽缓正负磁异常则为区域变质岩系的反映。研究区断裂发育,断裂展布方向基本以NE向、NNE向为主,NW向次之,其中深大断裂对区域构造、岩浆活动等有明显的控制作用。本研究编制的北部海岸带航磁"一张图"作为质量可靠的基础数据,可为解决海岸带基础环境和地质问题提供丰富的地球物理信息。依据航磁资料划分的断裂,解决了特殊地理环境下海陆断裂不衔接的问题,实现了断裂海陆统筹的目标,可为海陆交互区重大工程规划提供安全性评价依据。  相似文献   

南四湖流域具有丰富的煤炭资源,是山东省主要的后备煤炭资源基地之一。近年来已相继开发矿井40余对。由于采煤活动的进行,对南四湖环境影响日益加大。主要表现为:地面塌陷、矸石堆放、交通运输、地表水污染和矿井废水。本文主要讨论因煤炭资源的开发引起的地面塌陷对南四湖的环境影响,在分析研究的基础上总结其影响规律。为湖区煤炭规划、开发和建设提供技术依据。  相似文献   

With the excessive development of social economy, water scarcity and water environment deterioration become a common phenomenon in metropolis. As a crucial component of urban water environment system, urban lake is mainly influenced by social economic system and tourism system. In this paper, a framework for quantitatively evaluating development sustainability of urban lake was established by a multi-objective model that represented water ecological carrying capacity (WECC). And nine key indicators including population, irrigation area, tourist quantity, the average number of hotel daily reception, TP, TN, CODMn, BOD5 were chosen from urban social-economy system and natural resilience aspects, with their index weight was determined by using the Structure Entropy Weight method. Then, we took Wuhan East Lake, the largest urban lake in China as a case study, and selected five time sections including 2002, 2004, 2007, 2009 and 2012 to synthetically evaluate and comparatively analyze the dynamic change of WECC. The results showed that: firstly, the water ecological carrying capacity values of the East Lake in five time sections were 1.17, 1.07, 1.64, 1.53 and 2.01 respectively, which all exceeded 1 and increased fluctuation. The rapid growth of population and GDP lead to sharply increasing demand for water quantity. However, a large amount of the domestic sewage and industrial waste led by economic development increases pressure on ecological environment of urban lakes. Secondly, the carrying capacity of the East Lake for tourist activities was still low. The value in 2012 was only 0.22, keeping at a slowly increasing phase, which indicates that the East Lake has large opportunity and space for developing the water resource carrying capacity and could make further efforts to attract tourists. Moreover, the WECC of the East Lake was mainly affected by rapid social and economic development and water environment damage caused by organic pollutants. From the view of urban water sustainable management, we must deeply recognize the reality that water shortages and the limited carrying capacity, and dynamic assessment of WECC provides an early warning approach and control direction of water environment. For the East Lake, it is the primary target to mitigate the carrying capacity of social-economy, especially for prevention of lake area encroachment shrinking and domestic wastewater discharge.  相似文献   

For low-slope hilly land development to have more new land space in a watershed, it is particularly important that to coordinate the sharply increasing conflicts between mountainous and urban land utilization in the city. However, development of low-slope hilly land easily induce potential risks of geologic hazards such as landslide and landslip. It may lead to further environmental losses in a watershed. Hence, it is necessary to study potential risks of geo-hazards in low-slope hilly land development in urban area. Based on GIS spatial analysis technique, we select a study area, Dali City in the Erhai Basin located in watershed belt of Jinsha River, Lancang River and Red River in Yunnan Province of China. Through studying some relevant key indexes and parameters for monitoring potential risks of geo-hazards, we establish a composite index model for zoning the area with potential risks of geo-hazards in development of low-slope hilly land in the study area. Our research findings indicate that the potential risks of geo-hazards in eastern Dali City is relatively low while of that on slow hills with gentle slopes in the western area are relatively high. By using a zoning research method, generated maps show geological information of potential risks of geo-hazards on low-slope hilly land which provide important messages for guarding against natural geo-hazards and potential environmental losses in a watershed.  相似文献   

层状介质二维电阻率扰动反演方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为解决考古、工程地质和地下水污染勘查中某些探测靶体与周围介质间电性差异不大的地质问题,本文提出了层状介质背景下二维电阻率扰动反演方法.根据观测得到的背景剖面视电阻率断面,确定出背景场的电性层结构,利用电阻率扰动方法计算出敏感矩阵,通过广义逆矩阵法求解出电阻率的增量.在商丘地下夯土城墙的应用表明,该方法有效地抑制了夯土城墙的旁侧效应和地下水噪声的影响,揭示出地下夯土城墙的埋深与几何形态.  相似文献   


Sulphide mine waste extensively contaminates the Odiel River (southwest Spain), releasing sulphuric acid into the water body. Acidic water in this river precipitates and dissolves variably hydrated iron sulphate in a complex geological pattern controlled by climate. Local abrupt changes in the water pH in the vicinity of highly contaminated tributaries can be mapped by means of imaging spectroscopy using hyperspectral remote sensing (HyMap) data. Also, increased pH through mixing of acidic river water with marine water can be detected when the river reaches the area influenced by sea tides. Mapping the quality of water with hyperspectral data is confounded by vegetation, either dry or wet, rooted or floating. The spectral features of acidic water measured with a field spectrometer revealed the spectral influence of green vegetation, similar to the influence of the depth and transparency of water. Careful mapping of such parameters with HyMap data must therefore precede any spectral evaluation of water related to acidity in a river course. The spectral features detectable by HyMap data and associated with pH changes caused by contamination in river water by iron sulphide mine waste, and their controls, are described and references established for routine monitoring through hyperspectral image processing.  相似文献   

中国海与现代科学技术   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
中国既是一个大陆国家又是一个海洋国家,约300万平方公里的海域与6500多个岛屿如同陆地资源一样为中国人民提供了舟辑之便与渔盐之利,还蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源。  相似文献   

银山里铅锌银多金属矿区在大地构造上隶属于华南褶皱带,地处东南沿海中生代火山岩浆活动带的南部。矿体主要赋存于下侏罗统海陆交互相碎屑岩与岩浆岩的接触带上。本文从区域成矿地质背景人手,着重研究了地层、构造、岩浆岩与成矿的关系,分析了成矿物质来源,总结了矿化富集规律,提出了找矿标志。作为一个与侵入岩浆活动有关的矿床,本文旨在通过对其成矿地质环境的深入分析,提出矿床的成矿模式,为粤东地区该类矿床的寻找提供理论上的启示。  相似文献   

一、引言无线电波在地球物理探测中的应用,最早的一次试验是由A.A.彼特罗夫斯基于1928年在苏联外高加索某一硫化矿床上进行的,而且得到了由硫化矿体所引起的无线电波“阴影”。  相似文献   

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