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Summary Theoretical considerations are put forward for identifying the Dynamic and Static Methods of Diffusion measurements of aerosol particles. On the basic of this equality the Exhaustion Method of Diffusion developed byPollak andMetnieks for the size-frequency resolution of a heterogeneous aerosol by Dynamic Diffusion Methods should be applicable to Static Methods. This hypothesis is tested using a Pollak-Nolan nucleus counter as decay vessel. It is shown that turbulence in the counter is the most serious obstacle against this type of approach to finding the size components of an aerosol. The time involved, the high humidity in the counter and a hypothetical nucleus-free zone are other major difficulties for relatively large Aitken nuclei. It is established, however, that for particles whose diffusion coefficient is of the order of 10–3 cm2 sec–1, the proposed method should be quite workable.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown thatLinke's definition of the «subzonal» solarconstant meets best the problems of the meteorologist.Georgi's «meteorological» solarconstant neglects waveregions very important in biology and in atmospheric heating and has to be rejected. The «astrophysical» solarconstant needs further knowledge of X-rays, radio and corpuscular radiation in units of energy.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the dispersion curve of Rayleigh waves of an Earthquake of Haiti as observed in Budapest agrees well with those obtained byEwing &Press, as well as byBerckhemer for Atlantic route, though the latter related to purely oceanic routes, while with the curves observed at Budapest 80% of the route refer to an oceanic, 20% to continental path.  相似文献   

Summary A new significant correlation has been sought between high magnitude global seismicity and lateral surface wave velocity gradients. Rayleigh wave velocity divisioning of Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean into regions of similar group velocity dispersion character of 30 sec period bySanto andSato [1]3) has been mainly used for calculating the gradients. It is quite striking to note that all earthquakes of magnitude 8.6 and above during 1897–1956 have occurred in regions having gradients of the order of 1.5·10–3 sec–1.Finally, some potential areas for high magnitude earthquake occurrences are predicted and the possible velocity gradients in regions, where division pattern is not yet investigated like South America and Australia, are also estimated.N.G.R.I. Contribution No. 70-170.  相似文献   

The large-scale terms in the vorticity equation are evaluated usingKrishnamurti's (1971a, b) summer mean winds at 200 mb for a global belt from 25°S to 45°N. The production of vorticity by the divergent wind field is found to be imbalanced over all of the tropical and subtropical belt. As a result there is a requirement for a sub-grid scale (space or time) mechanism which removes negative vorticity from the regions of strong divergence (Tibetan and Mexican highlands) and removes positive vorticity from the regions of strong convergence (mid-oceanic troughs) at 200 mb during northern summer at a rate of approximately 4×10–10 sec–2. As suggested byHolton andColton (1972), in regions of strong and persistent convection, such as the Tibetan Plateau, deep cumulus clouds can account for this transport. However, the mechanism for removing positive vorticity in the vicinity of the upper tropospheric mid-oceanic troughs is still an intriguing and open question.On leave-of-absence at the National Science Foundation, Climate Dynamics Research Section.  相似文献   

Summary UsingCraddock's method of representing the annual temperature variation by a two-term harmonic form fitted to monthly means, the harmonic coefficients of 63 stations in western Europe and around the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the 5-day normals for 24 Mediterranean stations, were computed and tabulated. In addition, some of the harmonic coefficients were charted and isoplethed, showing very distinctly the influence of continentality and topography. These charts, together withCraddock's charts for northern and northwestern Europe, provide fairly complete coverage of Europe and the Mediterranean area.This paper was prepared in the offices of the Technical Support Division of the 2d Weather Wing, United States Air Force, as a matter of routine business. The information contained herein was presented at the 5th Meeting of the Italian Society of Geophysics and Meteorology by Dr.Ingrid Weiss (Genoa: 23–25 April 1957). Since the paper is of general interest to all meteorologists of the Mediterranean area, it is published here with the permission of the originating agency as «Mémoire No. 3 du Centre International de Recherches sur la Météorologie de la Méditerranée (CIRMM)».  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird die seit 1949 verwendete Ausführung der Strahlungsmesskugel nachLarché-Schulze beschrieben. Sie ist ausschließlich für Spektralmessungen bei gleichzeitiger Verwirklichung der Forderung der «ebenen, das Cos-Gesetz befolgenden Fläche» entwickelt worden. Um die laufende Registrierung beim Dauereinsatz im Freien zu ermöglichen, ist das Gerät durch ein heizbares Wetterschutzgehäuse und durch ein Prüfgehäuse zur Ueberwachung seines Empfindlichkeitszustandes ergänzt worden.
Summary The form of the «radiation measuring sphere» according toLarché-Schulze is discribed, it is used since 1949. It has been developed only for measuring monochromatic radiation to realize a flat surface following the cosine-law. In order to enable us to obtain continuous records in the open air, theLarché-sphere has been completed by an easily heated case protecting against bad weather and by a case controlling its sensibility.

In considering the seismic spectrum, one of the methods to incorporate irregularity of fault motion statistically is to introduce the concept of coherency of fracture. In a classic paper,Aki (1967) investigated the scaling law of seismic spectrum on the basis of a statistical model in which an exponentially decaying function is fitted to the autocorrelation function of the dislocation velocity. It is found, however, thatAki's model does not necessarily express irregular fault motion, but corresponds to a smooth dislocation. We show that an analytical function of dislocation velocity gives the same autocorrelation function and the same seismic spectrum as those ofAki's model. In actual fault motion, there is considerable evidence which indicates that the dislocation is not continuous and smooth over the whole fault plane, but is often segmented in several parts. In order to take into consideration this feature we introduce a generalized autocorrelation function of the dislocation velocity in which many coherent fractures smaller than the size of the fault dimension are included. It is shown that the more small-scale coherent fractures, the larger the seismic wave energy in the high frequency range.Kanamori andAllen (1986) showed that a large ratio of seismic wave energy relative to the seismic moment means a large effective stress drop. On the other hand, it is well known that when a fault plane is segmented in several parts, stress drop becomes large (e.g.,Madariaga, 1979;Rudnicki andKanamori, 1981). These two results are fused in our model, because we find that large seismic wave energy is obtained when the fault motion includes small-scale fractures.Kanamori andAllen (1986) also showed that there is a tendency for earthquakes with long repeat times to have a large effective stress drop. Our model implies that a fracture corresponding to earthquakes with long recurrence intervals is more complex, and the strength is large, as also suggested byCao andAki (1986) using a numerical simulation. It should be noted that to the zeroth order, an approximate scaling relation is observed among earthquakes, which means that a large earthquake consists of a relatively large-scale coherent fracture. This fact seems to suggest that the condition of occurrence of a large earthquake is related to the maturing of a source region in which a large coherent fracture becomes feasible.  相似文献   

Summary The value of three different methods for deducing aerosol size distribution from diffusional decay measurements — the exhaustion method proposed byPollak andMetnieks, the method byFuchs et al. and the method byNolan andScott — is investigated with numerical examples of known distributions and also by applying them to laboratory experiments. It was found that the exhaustion method and the method proposed byFuchs et al. are satisfactory for deducing the mean particle size and that none of the three methods is quite satisfactory for deducing dispersion of the distributions with higher accuracy.  相似文献   

Summary A review is given of the investigations on variations in the general circulation in middle latitudes made byWillett andPetterssen. According toWillett a «high-index» type of circulation pattern with a strong zonal flow has probably caused the recent climatic improvement in the northern latitudes while the «low-index» type with meridional flow would create a cooling off in the same areas. According toPetterssen an other type of «low-index» pattern with a weak zonal flow and strong meridional exchange of air has been the essential cause of the warming up of the northern latitudes in Europe. This implies that the definition of the «low-index» type is not clear and gives rise to misunderstanding. Making use of our experience on glacier retreat in northern Scandinavia it is concluded that thePetterssen type of circulation more probably than the «high-index» type has caused the warming-up in the North Atlantic area from which the retreat of the glaciers has followed.  相似文献   

Summary In order to obtain an automatic recording nucleus counter with greater accuracy than that ofVerzár, a precision photoelectric nucleus counter (Pollak type) with ceramic lining and internal diameter 2.5 cm has been substituted for the horizontal fog tube inVerzár's automat. Certain small alterations, have been made to the electric circuit of the recorder. The new arrangement can be easily calibrated and shows an accuracy approaching that of the precision counter operated under optimum conditions.
Zusammenfassung Um einen automatischen Kondensationskernzähler von grösserer Genauigkeit als es der vonVerzár ist, zur Verfügung zu haben, wurde das horizontale Nebelrohr im Automaten vonVerzár durch einen photo-elektrischer Präzisions-Kernzähler (BauartPollak) mit unglasiertem Porzellanfutter und einem inneren Durchmesser von 2.5 cm ersetzt. An der elektrischen Schaltung der Registriereinrichtung wurden gewisse kleine Änderungen vorgenommen. Die neue Anordnung kann leicht geeicht werden und besitzt eine Genauigkeit, welche jene des Präzisions-Kernzählers unter optimalen Betriebsbedingungen erreicht.

Riassunto È un terremoto già studiato su dati sismografici daP. Caloi che ha ottenuto una profondità ipocentrale di 18 Km. in disaccordo con i 37–51 calcolati con analoghi metodi per altri terremoti precedenti pure del Veneto. L'A. ha rideterminato la profondità ip. per il terremoto in questione con procedimento macrosismico, deducendo soltanto 4–5 Km. D'altra parte riesaminando i metodi delCaloi si è convinto che i suoi 18 Km. sono quanto mai incerti ed anche in forte contrasto col valore ottenuto pure microsismograficamente dalloSchmerwitz di 43 Km. Al riguardo l'A. ricorda e discute altre notevoli contraddizioni che intervengono in importanti questioni sismologiche.
Summary The above mentioned earthquake was already investigated byP. Caloi only by seismographic data obtaining a depth of 18 Km., while others shocks in the same zone, investigated with similar methods, should have been originated in depths of 37–51 Km. Therefore, the A. has undertake a new determination using a macroseismic method and became a value of only 4–5 Km. The discrepance is particularly great on account of the value of 43 Km. obtained bySchmerwitz also with microseismic methods. The unreliability of similar results for the solution of some important seismologic problem is analised.

Fault gouges have been observed in the surface outcrops, in shallow excavations, and in deep (300 meters below the surface) tunnels and mines in fault zones. The 2-microns fractions in these fault gouges may compose a few percent to more than fifty percent of the total mass in the outcrops, and the mineralogy of the 2-microns fractions consists of a variety of clays (the common ones are montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite, chlorite, vermiculite and mixed-layer clays) and some quartz, feldspars, etc.Although we cannot yet conclude directly from the studies of gouges that similar gouges exist at depths where many large shallow earthquakes are generated, there is a strong possibility that they do, based on (1) available equilibrium data on various clays — for example, kaolinite has been found to exist at 4 kb and 375°C (±15°C) (Thompson, 1970) and montmorillonite + kaolite has been found to exist at 450°C and 4 kb (Velde, 1969); (2) the compatibility of laboratory velocity data in gouge (Wang et al., 1977) with those in a model for central California (Healy andPeake, 1975); (3) the capability of clays to undergo sudden earthquake-like displacements (Summers andByerlee, 1977); (4) the petrology of intrafault cataclastic rocks in old fault zones (Kasza, 1977); and (5) the compatibility of gouge mineralogy with the mineralogy of hydrothermal clay deposits.If clay gouges are indeed significant components of the fault zone at depth, then the mechanical properties of clays under confining pressures up to 4 kb are important in the behavior of faults. Very few experiments have been performed under such high pressures. But from the physical makeup of clays, we can infer that (1) the range of possible behavior includes stable sliding with vermiculite and montmorillonite (asByerlee andSummers, 1977, have proven) to stick-slip-like behavior with kaolinite, chlorite, etc.; (2) the absence or presence of water will greatly affect the strengths of gouges — it is possible that water may reduce the strength of gouge to a fairly small value.  相似文献   

Summary Regional variations have been indicated in the slope of theP travel-time curve in the shadow zone of the earth's core. Further study is needed since the uncertainties of the slope are large, especially for the observations from North American stations. There is no significant difference between themean slope of theP travel-time curve in the 95°102.9 range and those obtained byJeffreys, andJeffreys andBullen. However, there is a significant difference between themean slope in the 103° to 135° range as obtained in this study, and those obtained byJeffreys andBullen, and in a later revision byJeffreys. Themean travel-time curve ofP in the shadow zone of the earth's core should be lowered. A trial travel-time table is given with amean slope of 4.41 sec/deg. This table is in close agreement with the times obtained byGutenberg andRichter, and with the trial travel-times ofLehmann. Under the assumption of diffraction the longitudinal wave velocity has been determined to be 13.7 km/sec at the core-mantle boundary.This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America Reno, Nevada, 1966.  相似文献   

Interplate coupling plays an important role in the seismogenesis of great interplate earthquakes at subduction zones. The spatial and temporal variations of such coupling control the patterns of subduction zone seismicity. We calculate stresses in the outer rise based on a model of oceanic plate bending and coupling at the interplate contact, to quantitatively estimate the degree of interplate coupling for the Tonga, New Hebrides, Kurile, Kamchatka, and Marianas subduction zones. Depths and focal mechanisms of outer rise earthquakes are used to constrain the stress models. We perform waveform modeling of body waves from the GDSN network to obtain reliable focal depth estimates for 24 outer rise earthquakes. A propagator matrix technique is used to calculate outer rise stresses in a bending 2-D elastic plate floating on a weak mantle. The modeling of normal and tangential loads simulates the total vertical and shear forces acting on the subducting plate. We estimate the interplate coupling by searching for an optimal tangential load at the plate interface that causes the corresponding stress regime within the plate to best fit the earthquake mechanisms in depth and location.We find the estimated mean tangential load over 125–200 km width ranging between 166 and 671 bars for Tonga, the New Hebrides, the Kuriles, and Kamchatka. This magnitude of the coupling stress is generally compatible with the predicted shear stress at the plate contact from thermal-mechanical plate models byMolnar andEngland (1990), andVan den Buekel andWortel (1988). The estimated tectonic coupling,F tc , is on the order of 1012–1013 N/m for all the subduction zones.F tc for Tonga and New Hebrides is about twice as high as in the Kurile and Kamchatka arcs. The corresponding earthquake coupling forceF ec appears to be 1–10% of the tectonic coupling from our estimates. There seems to be no definitive correlation of the degree of seismic coupling with the estimated tectonic coupling. We find that outer rise earthquakes in the Marianas can be modeled using zero tangential load.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Falle homogener Turbulenz läßt sich bei höhenkonstantem Wind die Konzentration im Lee einer punktförmigen Gasquelle über dem Boden in einfacher Weise berechnen. Die Formel ist bei geeigneter Parameterwahl auch auf die natürlichen Verhältnisse anwendbar. — In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die effektiven Mittelwerte der in die Konzentrationsformel eingehenden Turbulenzparameter so ermittelt, daß eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung mit der Natur gewährleistet ist. Es zeigt sich, daß dieSuttonsche Diffusionsformel die maximale Gaskonzentration mit den geringsten Fehlern (ca.+10%) bei lebhaften Winden und kräftiger Einstrahlung wiedergeben kann, diese aber bei extrem stabiler Schichtung und turbulenter Strömung von geringer Geschwindigkeit um mehr als 100% überschätzt. — Die Theorie liefert eine gute Übereinstimmung mitPasquills Kurven für die Rauchwolkenhöhe, sofern man Fälle extremer Abweichungen vom adiabatischen Zustand ausschließt.
Summary It is not difficult to calculate the gas concentration at ground level in the lee of a point source, if the turbulence is homogeneous and the windspeed is assumed to be constant with height. With a suitable choice of the parameters, however, the derived formula can be applied to real conditions, too. — In the present paper the necessary parameters are chosen as mean values in such a manner, that best agreement with nature is guaranted. It is found, thatSuttons diffusion formula overestimates the maximum gas concentration about 10 per cent in case of strong winds and strong insolation, but more than 100 per cent in case of light turbulent winds and extreme stability. Our theory is in good accordance withPasquills different curves for the vertical spread of smoke as a function of distance, if cases of extreme diabatic conditions are excluded.


Most large earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 in California during 1852–1987 appear to show a southeast-to-northwest tendency of epicenter migration. This finding is consistent with earlier findings ofSavage (1971) for a relatively few large earthquakes along the west coast of North America, and ofWood andAllen (1973) for smaller events along the San Andreas fault in central California. The average speed of migration is approximately 130 km/yr, which is within the range of speeds observed for other major seismic zones in the world. The epicenter migration in California may be the result of some small but broad-scaled episodic strain changes associated with creep waves induced by magma injections at the East Pacific Rise and propagating northwestwardly along a broad transform boundary between the Pacific and North American plates at subseismogenic depths as proposed bySavage (1971).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Kinematik der magnetischen Feldlinien im Plasma kann mit denselben mathematischen Hilfsmitteln studiert werden, welche sich in der Kinematik der Wirbel bewährt haben. Ausgehend vom Faradayschen Induktionsgesetz für bewegte Medien können gefolgert werden: eine notwenige und hinreichende bedingung dafür, dass die magnetischen Feldlinien mit materiellen Kurven zusammenfallen; ein Analogon zuC. Truesdells «basic vorticity formula», welches die Mitführung und Diffusion der magnetischen Feldlinien im Plasma beschreibt; Sätze zur Kinematik der Feldlinien, welche eine frei wählbare tensorielle Feldfunktion beliebiger Stufe enthalten und den vonH. Ertel formulierten «allgemeinen Wirbelsätzen» entsprechen, insbesondere Analoga zuErtels «Vertauschungsrelationen». In einem isentropen idealen Plasma ist das mit dem spezifischen Volumen multiplizierte Skalar-produkt aus der magnetischen Induktion und dem Gradienten der Entropiedichte zeitlich individuell konstant.
Summary The kinematics of magnetic field lines in a plasma can be studies by means of the mathematical methods used in the kinematics of vorticity. Starting withFaraday's law of induction for moving circuits the following results can be derived: a necessary and sufficient condition that the magnetic field lines remain material lines; a formula describing the convection and diffusion of the magnetic field lines in a plasma, which is analogous to the «basic vorticity formula» ofC. Truesdell; general theorems containing an arbitrary tensor field of any order, which are analogous to general vorticity theorems ofH. Ertel, especially a «commutation formula» corresponding to the «Euler-Ertel commutation formula» for circulation preserving motions. Given an isentropic ideal plasma it follows that ( denoting the density, the magnetic induction,s the specific entropy, andd/dt the material time derivative).

Herrn ProfessorDr. Hans Ertel zum 60. Geburtstag in Dankbarkeit gewidmet.  相似文献   

Summary Investigations have shown that in groundwater- and oil-bearing strata there are preferential directions of flow that are often maintained over wide areas.Johnson & Hughes (1948, see Ref.) analysed a series of oil well cores by cutting them into small horizontal plugs and they obtained directional permeabilities which they plotted in the form of polar graphs. They were not able to give a physical explanation of this phenomenon. On the other hand, there exists a theory of permeability in which the latter is represented as a symmetric tensor. This theory has been developed byFerrandon (1948, see Ref.), but no experimental substantiation of it seems ever to have been attempted.In the present paper, the author undertakes to compare the two sets of findings. FromFerrandon's theory, the directional permeabilities (denoted byk) corresponding to the experiments ofJohnson & Hughes are calculated and it is shown thatk –1/2 if plotted as polar graph, should form an ellipse. The data ofJohnson & Hughes are then are drawn. In this manner, a substantiation of the tensor theory ofFerrandon is obtained.
Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen der Permeabilität von Grundwasser und Erdöl führenden Gesteinsschichten haben gezeigt, dass dieselbe in vielen Fällen richtungsabhängig ist. Hierbei bleibt die Richtung extremaler Permeabilität oft über weite Gebiete konstant.Johnson & Hughes untersuchten eine Reihe von Bohrkernen von Oelquellen auf Richtungsabhängigkeit der Permeabilität. Hierzu schnitten sie aus denselben kleine, waagrechte Stücke, bestimmten deren Permeabilität und stellten das Ergebnis ihrer Messungen in der Form von Permeabilitätspolardiagrammen dar. Sie waren nicht im Stande, eine theoretische Erklärung der erhaltenen Kurven zu geben. Auf der anderen Seite existiert eine Theorie der Permeabilität, wobei die letztere als symmetrischer Tensor behandelt wird. Diese Theorie wurde vonFerrandon vorgeschlagen; es scheint aber, dass keine experimentelle Bestätigung davon je versucht worden ist.In der vorliegenden Arbeit vergleicht der Verfasser die zwei Typen von Untersuchungen. Nach derFerrandon'schen Theorie wird die «gerichtete» Permeabilität (mitk bezeichnet), die den Experimenten vonJohnson & Hughes entspricht, berechnet. Es wird gezeigt, dassk –1/2, als Polardiagramm dargestellt, die Gestalt einer Ellipse haben sollte. Die Resultate vonJohnson & Hughes werden dann in die Form vonk –1/2 umgerechnet und als entsprechende Polardiagramme dargestellt. In dieser Weise wird eine experimentelle Bestätigung der Tensortheorie vonFerrandon erhalten.

Published by Permission of Imperial Oil Limited, Calgary, Alberta (Canada).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird die Theorie der Pendel-Galvanometer-Seismographen (P. G.-Seismographen) ergänzt, eine neue Eicheinrichtung beschrieben und als Beispiel einHiller-Askania-Seismograph geeicht.
Summary A contribution to the theory of the galvanometric seismographs is given. Two new shaking tables are described and as an example aHiller-Askaniaseismograph is calibrated.

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