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声发射矩张量反演   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
地震矩张量反演是获取震源过程的有效方法.岩石变形过程中的声发射与地震类似,均是弹性应变能快速释放.如假设条件得到满足,矩张量反演方法同样可用于了解声发射震源过程.声发射矩张量反演可使用P波位移进行计算.当样品尺寸远大于声发射波长,且声发射由微破裂产生,声发射源的尺度很小时,P波矩张量反演可采用远场近似.本文首先针对声发射的特点,实现根据远场P波反演声发射矩张量的算法,并通过人工声发射实验对算法的正确性和可靠性进行了检验.最后,用声发射矩张量反演方法对花岗岩单轴压缩实验的声发射源特征进行了分析.结果表明:对于纯剪切破裂模式,声发射矩张量反演可得断层面;对于非纯剪切破裂模式,如纵向挤压导致的横向张性劈裂,由于存在多解性不能得到断层面,但可通过矩张量的迹区分破裂模式.  相似文献   

微地震矩张量能够描述储层岩石破坏的细节,有助于了解水力压裂储层的地质力学特征,震源机制矩张量反演对于非常规油气开发具有重要的作用.水力压裂通常在页岩油气储层中进行,震源区介质表现出速度和衰减各向异性,需要研究衰减各向异性介质中微地震信号的传播规律.基于观测到的微地震记录,通过波形反演能够获得矩张量,忽视震源区介质的衰减和速度各向异性会导致震源机制反演结果的误差.本文提出了一种考虑地层各向异性吸收衰减作用的震源机制全波形反演方法,对于黏弹性VTI介质,采用GPU并行的伪谱法计算合成地震记录,通过全波形反演方法匹配合成波形和记录波形,借助优化算法获得震源机制矩张量反演结果.本文通过实验测试验证了该方法的有效性,分析了震源区各向异性速度和衰减参数、噪声以及观测系统等对于微地震震源机制各分量及成分反演结果的影响,研究表明考虑模型中的黏弹性各向异性对于获得可靠的震源机制反演结果非常重要.  相似文献   

小震震源机制与应力场反演方法及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正众所周知,构造应力场的分析与研究在地球科学研究以及生产实践应用中都具有相当重要的地位。同样,我们也知道,天然地震的震源机制在构造应力场的分析和研究中也具有相当重要的地位。地震矩张量的引入使地震产生的远场位移与描述震源机制的地震矩张量之间成为线性关系。如果地震产生的位移与描述地震波传播路径效应的格林函数已知,则很容易通过波形反演得到地震矩张量,即震源机制。然而,波形反演技术只适用于远场记录或较大  相似文献   

微震监测技术被广泛应用于衡量水力压裂作用。由于微震释放机制的复杂性,很难获得对其统一的理论认识。基于地震学原理,本文采用物理模拟实验和数值分析方法对页岩水力压裂扩展造成微震的机制进行研究。理论上,岩石破裂过程取决于水力裂纹尖端的应力分布。通过反演得到矩张量的特征方程及其特征值,从而确定震源点的破裂机制。通过真三轴水力压裂物理试验和声发射实验获得岩石破裂过程的基本规律。利用声发射信号的主频特性和初始运动来确定震源处的拉剪损伤比。震源点微震地震波采用水平井压裂数值模拟方法进行研究,得到不同位置、不同平面、不同方向上的微震波的频率和能量特性。通过数值分析验证了微地震波的分布,并揭示了在水力压裂作用下释放的震源机制。研究成果对页岩特性、页岩气储层评价和重构、优化压裂参数、提高采收率等方面具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

各向异性ATI介质地震矩张量理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
引言地震矩张量描述了地震点源的基本特征,其内容涉及到各类震源(包括剪切位错震源、张裂震源和体积震源)的力学机制、震源辐射、地应力场、震源运动学和强地面运动等地震学中的重要课题。一般认为,浅源构造地震是因断层面间的快速纯剪切错动而辐射地震波,造成在地表的振动,传统上该解释被称为双力偶机制。但实际地震观测和地震矩张量反演结果  相似文献   

震源机制解,即对地震矩张量的推断,对于地震研究具有至关重要的意义.应变地震观测是张量观测,与摆式地震仪的位移矢量观测不同,可以为地震研究提供新的数据源.本文讨论用应变地震观测求解震源矩张量的基本原理.在距离震源足够远的地方,地震波可以看成平面波,其性质决定于震源矩张量.假设平面地震波的应变张量可以由震源矩张量通过坐标变换计算得到,就可以通过观测应变地震波求解震源机制.这个假设至少对于双力偶震源机制是成立的.由此可以证明,在理想的无限介质中,只要有两个以上不同地点的应变地震波观测,就可以解出震源矩张量.这为解决震源机制问题提供了新的方法.目前的地震矩张量求解方法需要两方面的条件:或者需要很多观测点(例如体波反演),或者需要长周期地震波资料(例如面波反演).这些方法只适用于分析比较大的地震.对于小震,因为通常其震中周围不会有足够多的摆式地震仪观测点观测到其地震波,而地震波周期又短,难以利用传统方法给出可靠的震源机制解,所以只需少数观测点就能求解震源矩张量的新方法特别有意义.用应变地震观测求解震源机制,可以给出更为精确的结果.  相似文献   

云南禄劝地震部分余震的矩张量反演   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
倪江川  吴大铭 《地震学报》1991,13(4):412-419
利用数字盒式磁带记录加速度仪组成的流动地震台网所记录的三分向近场加速度图,通过矩张量反演确定了1985年4月18日云南禄劝 Ms=6.1地震的部分余震的震源机制.以均匀半无限弹性介质的格林函数解释路径效应,并通过正演计算识别由两次积分得到的位移地震图中的直达 P 波、直达 S 波和 SP 转换波震相,然后用这些震相进行矩张量反演.反演结果表明,在解超定线性方程组时,采用适当的加权系数,可使上述直达波和转换波的理论计算值与观测值拟合得较好.尽管用以反演的三个余震大小不同(震级 ML48,3.2,3.5),震源位置也有差别,但它们的震源机制却非常接近,且与主震的震源机制相当一致.这一特征显示了余震的发生与主震发震构造的内在联系.这些实例说明,由震源球球面上分布适宜的数字地震台网取得的近场加速度资料,借助于即使是简单的介质模型,通过地震矩张量反演,不但可以得出这些地震震源的主要成份————剪切位错源,同时还可得出震源所含的其它成分,如膨胀源和补偿线性向量偶极.   相似文献   

采用前人反演得到的云南禄劝地震的地震矩张量和主震及部分余震的震源机制解,以该主震震中为中心在全球CMT目录中查询到的部分地震的震源机制解,先将地震矩张量转化为震源机制解,运用精细网格搜索反演方法将震源机制解反演得到禄劝地震和其周边地区的应力场。对反演得出的两个应力场进行差异性对比研究,结果表明禄劝地震震源处主压应力场为NNW—SSE向,主压应力与主张应力相当,周边地区的主压应力方向为NW—SE,断层破裂面倾角大,以走滑正断层为主,主压应力占优势。但是由于云南地区主要由NNW—SSE和NW—SE方向的主压应力控制,并受本文所选的周边地区的经纬度及所处地区的控制,所以该区域在总体上受NW—SE方向的压应力控制,局部地区受NNW—SSE方向的压应力控制。该结果可以用来分析该地区的地震地质背景和断层形成条件,对地球动力环境的研究有一定的意义。  相似文献   

近震源宽频带记录的地震矩张量反演   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
吴忠良  陈运泰 《地震学报》1994,16(2):141-152
以1985年4月18日云南禄劝地震(Ms=6.1)的15次余震为例, 使用简单介质模型进行近震源记录的地震矩张量反演, 并试图通过反演结果的讨论, 进一步明确有关方法的意义和限度。将DCS-302数字磁带加速度仪组成的小孔径流动台网获得的三分向近震源宽频带记录进行两次积分得到位移地震图, 对依据震相特征选出的信噪比较大的直达P波、直达S波和SP转换波波形在频率域进行矩张量反演。反演中采用均匀弹性半空间的格林函数。计算结果表明, 采用简单的介质模型, 选取信噪比较大的震相进行矩张量反演, 对MLL约为4-5的地震可以较好地给出震源机制解。在不十分了解详细结构的情况下, 用本文所发展的反演方法处理大量中小地震求震源机制和构造应力场是十分便利的。地震矩张量反演的结果给出禄劝地区的主压应力轴为近NNW向, 接近水平, 表明该地震与欧亚板块和印度板块边界的构造运动有关。   相似文献   

利用 Helmberger(1968)的广义地震射线理论,研究了利用地震波形资料快速、大量地线性反演国内地震的地震矩张量和震源机制解的新方法,并对近年来先后发生在中国大陆的六个中强地震进行了反演,得到了这些地震的地震矩张量、标量地震矩、断层而解和震源时间函数等参数.  相似文献   

—?Unique data from microseismic (MS) and acoustic emission (AE) systems monitoring a common rock volume have been analyzed from the Underground Research Laboratory in Canada. The two 16 sensor systems were installed to investigate stress-induced microcracking around clay and concrete bulkheads as part of the Tunnel Sealing Experiment. Single and double MS events are found to be spatially associated with clusters of between 19–86 higher frequency AE events. Each AE cluster is elongated with the longest axis between 15 and 50?cm. The AE events occurring before the associated MS event are termed foreshocks, and for two of the three analyzed AE clusters an acceleration in the AE frequency and cumulative magnitude occurs upto the time of the MS event, however with one AE cluster very few foreshocks are recorded, possibly indicating a more homogeneous failure plane. Time independent moment tensors were determined with the MS events showing significant deviatoric sources. The majority of the AE events have deviatoric mechanisms with a few crack opening and crack closure type events also determined. This study highlights the benefits of using small-scale seismic systems to investigate the temporal fracture mechanics of microcrack formation, and allows comparisons with larger more damaging seismicity.  相似文献   

A finite element method for seismic fracture analysis of concrete gravity dams is presented. The proposed smeared crack analysis model is based on the non-linear fracture behaviour of concrete. The following features have been considered in the development of the model: (i) the strain softening of concrete due to microcracking; (ii) the rotation of the fracture band with the progressive evolution of microcrack damage in finite elements; (iii) the conservation of fracture energy; (iv) the strain-rate sensitivity of concrete fracture parameters; (v) the softening initiation criterion under biaxial loading conditions; (vi) the closing-reopening of cracks under cyclic loading conditions. The seismic fracture and energy response of dams and the significance of viscous damping models to take account of non-cracking structural energy dissipation mechanisms are discussed. The influences of global or local degradation of the material fracture resistance on the seismic cracking response of concrete dams were also studied. Two-dimensional seismic response analyses of Koyna Dam were performed to demonstrate the application of the proposed non-linear fracture mechanics model.  相似文献   

从断裂力学观点探讨 b 值的物理实质   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
尹祥础  李世愚  李红  王敏 《地震学报》1987,9(4):364-374
岩石试验声发射及天然地震的 b 值到底反映了什么样的物理实质,是一个长期以来引起争论的问题.本文运用断裂力学的观点和方法,研究岩石试验试件内微裂纹系中各裂纹的扩展顺序及声发射能量,由此确定整个声发射序列,并进而确定 b 值.如果假设裂纹长度的分布密度函数为 p()=B-.经过力学分析和数学推导,可得到关系式 b=3/2.由此看出:b 值的物理实质是,它反映了介质的断裂构造状态————包括介质中裂纹系的空间分布及其它影响材料中裂纹扩展的物理量(如断裂韧度、摩擦系数等)的空间分布.这一结论与大多数实验及观测结果相符.我们的研究结果与茂木清夫观点有共同之处.茂木清夫认为:介质的不均匀性是决定 b 值的重要因素.介质的不均匀性一词固然也包括了介质的断裂构造状态在内,但是本文之观点比茂木更进一步说明了问题的实质.   相似文献   

--The mechanical and statistical characteristics of acoustic emission (AE) events during stable sliding are investigated through a laboratory experiment using a granite specimen with a pre-cut fault. Numerous AE events are found to be generated on the pre-cut fault, indicating that microscopically unstable fracture occurs during macroscopically stable sliding. The composite focal mechanism solution of AE events is determined from the first motion directions of P-waves. The determined mechanism is consistent with the double-couple one expected for the slip on the pre-cut fault. The source radii of large AE events are estimated to be about 10 mm from the widths of the first P-wave pulses. These indicate that the AE events are generated by shear fracture whose faulting area is a part of the pre-cut fault plane. The occurrence of AE events as a stochastic process approximately obeys the Poisson process, if the effect of mutually dependent events consti tuting clusters is corrected. The observed amplitude-frequency relation of AE events approximately follows a power law for a limited amplitude range. As the macroscopic sliding rate increases, the number of AE events per unit sliding distance decreases. This rate dependence of the AE activity is qualitatively consistent with the observation that the real area of contact between sliding surfaces decreases with an increase in the sliding rate as reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Fracture toughness measurements under static loading conditions have been carried out in Barre and Lac du Bonnet granites. An advanced AE technique has been adopted to monitor real-time crack initiation and propagation around the principal crack in these tests to understand the processes of brittle failure under tension and related characteristics of the resulting fracture process zone. The anisotropy of Mode I fracture toughness has been investigated along specific directions. Microcrack density and orientation analysis from thin section studies have shown these characteristics to be the primary cause of the observed variation in fracture toughness, which is seen to vary between 1.14 MPa.(m)1/2 and 1.89 MPa.(m)1/2 in Barre granite. The latter value represents the case in which the crack is propagated at right angles to the main set of microcracks. The creation of a significant fracture process zone surrounding the propagating main crack has been confirmed. Real-time imaging of the fracture process and formation of fracture process zone by AE techniques yielded results in very good agreement with those obtained by direct optical analysis.  相似文献   

— A set of experiments on four samples of Oshima Granite at 15, 40 and 60 MPa confining pressure have been performed in order to investigate the damage behavior of granite submitted to deviatoric stress. In addition an experiment on one sample of Toki Granite at 40 MPa confining pressure was performed, in order to compare and elucidate the structural effects. Using acoustic emission data, strain measurements and elastic wave velocities allow to define consistently a damage domain in the stress space. In this domain, microcracking develops. The microcracking process is, in a first stage, homogeneous and, close to failure, localized. Elastic wave velocities decrease in the damage domain and elastic anisotropy develops. Using Kachanov's model (1993), elastic wave velocities have been inverted to derive the full second-order crack density tensor and characterize the fluid saturation state from the fourth-order crack density tensor. Crack density is strongly anisotropic and the total crack density close to failure slightly above one. The results indicate that the rock is saturated in agreement with the experimental conditions. The model is thus shown to be very appropriate to infer from elastic wave velocities a complete quantitative characterization of the damaged rock.  相似文献   

Apparent fracture toughness in Mode I of microcracking materials such as rocks under confining pressure is analyzed based on a cohesive crack model. In rocks, the apparent fracture toughness for crack propagation varies with the confining pressure. This study provides analytical solutions for the apparent fracture toughness using a cohesive crack model, which is a model for the fracture process zone. The problem analyzed in this study is a fluid-driven fracture of a two-dimensional crack with a cohesive zone under confining pressure. The size of the cohesive zone is assumed to be negligibly small in comparison to the crack length. The analyses are performed for two types of cohesive stress distribution, namely the constant cohesive stress (Dugdale model) and the linearly decreasing cohesive stress. Furthermore, the problem for a more general cohesive stress distribution is analyzed based on the fracture energy concept. The analytical solutions are confirmed by comparing them with the results of numerical computations performed using the body force method. The analytical solution suggests a substantial increase in the apparent fracture toughness due to increased confining pressures, even if the size of the fracture process zone is small.  相似文献   

— Analytical expressions to predict the enhancement of permeability due to stress-induced microcracking in initially low porosity rock are presented. A fracture mechanical microcrack model is employed to derive integrated effective hydraulic variables as a function of stress, which are then used to calculate the evolution of permeability using the statistically-based Dienes model. The model enables determination of permeability enhancement as a function of two loading parameters and three material parameters. Results are in reasonable agreement with experimental measurements and indicate that appreciable increases in permeability can be anticipated during brittle failure. The analytical nature of the model makes it easily incorporatable into numerical models that require quantification of the permeability evolution as a function of stress, for which there is currently no law.  相似文献   

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