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霍山窗与华东中强地震关系研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
分析了1972 ̄1997年霍山窗小震的资料,研究了小震月频次、小震空间分布、P轴取向、P波初动等特征。认为当霍山窗小震月频次增高超过40次时应注意3个月内华东地区在佛子岭东北或西南方向500km内可能发生中强地震。未来地震的大小、距离和方位与震群中的最大震级及佛子岭台记录到的P波初动符号的一致性和空间特征有关。  相似文献   

Javah.  A  张天中 《地震学报》1994,16(3):310-319
用有限差分法合成地震图时, 有限大小的地球模型必须分成许多小网格。如果和源信号的波长相比, 格子太大, 那么随着走时的增加, 波将产生频散。这一现象被称为网格频散, 也就是不同频率的波速度也不相同, 频率较高的信号比频率较低的信号速度慢。此时, 随着走时的增加, 信号将产生一个显着的尾区。这一现象将在如下情况发生:①网格间距太大: ②采样率太大: 或③震源波长和网格大小相比太短。换言之, 用有限差分法合成地震图的一个重要参数是, 每个震源信号波长上网格的点数。本文的工作表明:当P-SV波对经有限差分的弹性模型传播时, 源函数的频率对网格频散有很大的影响。文中所用的二维弹性模型包括:①正断层: ②半空间上单层模型。结果表明:用有限差分法合成地震图时, 如果对于介质的最低速度, 与震源信号的半功率频率相应的一个波长和格点间距之比超过10时, 网格频散将减小到满意的水平。   相似文献   

提出了一种以小震的记录作为格林函数来成像中强地震破裂增长的反演方法。该方法通过迭代法中同时拟合多台的P、S波形,估计了子事件相对格林函数事件的破裂时间和振幅。我们用小事件作为格林函数反演了发生在帕克菲尔德地区的2次中强地震的加速度图。第1次地震(M=4.6)于1993年11月14日发生在米德尔山,震源深度11km,在下一次帕克菲尔德主震的假定孕震区内。第2次地震(M=4.7)于1994年12月20  相似文献   

腾冲火山区地震事件(LP,VT,VE)的识别研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用腾冲流动数字台网资料,用多种方法对腾冲火山区的地震事件进行识别研究,认为腾冲火山区记录到的地震事件按波形主要分为两类:P波最大振幅明显大于S波及Lg波最大振幅的事件;P波最大振幅小于S波及Lg波最大振幅的事件。其中P波最大振幅明显大于S波及Lg波最大振幅的事件是火山地震的可能性较大。根据多个事件频谱随时间变化扫描图中的频谱特征,认为目前这个地区未记录到长周期事件;但流动台网记录到几组振幅较小,频率较高,振动持续时间双腾冲地震事件的持续时间(一般为6-7s)明显长,达20余秒的颤动事件,波形与Tremor事件曲型图有相似之外,这几个事件是否是Tremor事件,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

本文首先较为系统地回顾了终止相研究的历史、进展,对震源破裂过程产生终止震相的物理机制进行了讨论,并详细讨论了主事件分析法以及合成包含终止相的理论图的方法。在此基础上应用主事件分析法处理了唐山地震的实际资料,给出唐山地震的震源破裂过程的大致时空图象,同时计算了包括终止事件的合成图。结果表明,考虑破裂过程的终止事件可以较好地拟合P波观测图,从而进一步确认唐山地震震源破裂过程包括两次终止事件的可能性。此外本文还对唐山地震的震源环境以及调整单元的让位情况进行了讨论。  相似文献   

基于东南沿海地震带的地震活动特点和构造背景,确定了若干个地震活动特别集中的区域,并引入地震丛集窗和震级结构的概念分析这些区域的局部特点。结果表明,这些地震丛集窗的地震活动水平变化反映了所属大区的应力状态,当某个地震丛集窗发生震级结构异常,具备前兆震群特征的地震密集事件时,该地震丛集窗内或其相关部位的介质性状可能发生了变化,这对以后可能对应发生中强地震或强震具有一定的中期预测效能。  相似文献   

福建省仙游2013年ML5.0级地震是福建该省年度内发生的最大地震事件。在地震监测以及精定位的基础上,从地震序列、震源深度和震源机制解等方面做了统计分析,并依据震区地质构造图,分析了地面流动重力反映的不同构造部位深部物质的变化及其与断裂构造和地应力的关系,最后从断面凸破模型分析了地震发生的机理,并与地球物理及震源机制解进行相互验证。  相似文献   

苏门答腊—安达曼MW9.1级地震的破裂过程持续了大约500秒,这一时间几乎是一般情况下用于计算远震辐射能量的P到时和PP到时之间时间窗长度的两倍。为了测量整个地震所辐射的P波,我们将时间窗扩展为从P波到时到S波到时,并用扩展窗对震中距大于60°的台站的地震记录进行分析。这些持续时间8~10分钟的窗内包含了PP,PPP,ScP震相和其他一些多次反射震相。为了测量包含这些附加震相的影响,我们计算了由扩展窗(P波到时和S波到时之间)得到的震源谱和由标准窗(P波到时和PP波到时之间)得到的震源谱的比值。对扩展窗的分析是在假设它只包含P-pP-sP波群的情况下进行的。我们分析了发生在MW9.1级主震附近具有相似深度和震源机制的4个相对较小的地震事件。这些地震的震级范围从2005年1月9日的MW6.0级余震到震中位于苏门答腊-安达曼地震南部的2005年3月28日MW8.6级的尼亚斯地震。将得到的这4个地震事件的震源谱比值取平均,就得到扩展窗的频变算子。然后对扩展窗得到的2004年12月26日主震的震源谱进行校正,就得到苏门答腊-安达曼地震整个破裂过程(~600秒)的完整的或校正的震源谱。我们计算的地震辐射总能量为1.4×1017J。经过对整个地震的校正震源谱与破裂过程的前~250秒的震源谱(由标准远震窗得到)比较,我们发现主震破裂过程的前半部分辐射的地震波能量多于破裂过程后半部分辐射能量,尤其对于周期从3秒到40秒的地震波,这种现象更加明显。  相似文献   

宁波地震台VS垂直摆倾斜仪在中国台湾南部3次中强地震事件中,震时响应表现为形变波引起的脉冲和阶跃变化.因3次地震事件处于该台近正南向,震时响应方向性一致,记录图形相似,最大异常量NS向小于EW向,且震级越大,震时响应振幅越大.  相似文献   

澜沧-耿马地震的震源机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文利用中国数字化地震台网(CDSN)记录的2°-40°范围内的长周期P波垂直分量波形资料,通过理论地震图拟合的方法,研究了1988年云南澜沧-耿马地震主震及两个余震的震源机制.结果表明,主震由三个震源机制不尽相同的子事件组成.第一个子事件的震源机制为:走向N30°W,倾角88°,错动角185°,地震矩为0.55×1020Nm.第二个子事件的震源机制为:走向N33°W,倾角90°,错动角209°,地震矩0.24×1020Nm,延迟时间为25s.第三个子事件的震源机制为:走向N65°W,倾角82°,错动角172°,地震矩为0.14×1020Nm,延迟时间为70s.这种在空间上相距甚小而在时间上有分离、子事件的震源机制相差较为显著的复杂震源过程,与现场综合考察所见的地表裂缝分布一致,可以解释为单一裂缝的X型共轭剪切破裂,两个余震震源机制均为:走向N10°W,倾角86°,错动角185°,地震矩分别为0.54×1018Nm和4.29×1018Nm.  相似文献   

地震泼由多种频率成份组成,在其传播过程中。由于地球介质的滤波作用,随着传播距离的增大。高频成份逐渐被衰减。周期越大的成份传播越远。因此,在地震观测上,不同频带的地震仪用于观测不同震中距范围的地震,使仪器较好地响应,就我国台网而言,短周期仪用于地方震、近震的监测,中长周期仪和长周期仪用于远震,极远震的监测,其中长周期仪偏重于记录极远震。但作者在实际分析工作中注意到,短周期仪的记录应用于远震,极远震的分析,显示出独特的作用,充分挖掘和利用短仪资料,将会更加丰富远震、极远震的震相资料。本文以高台地震台的资料为依据,从震中距和震级角度,与中长仪和长仪作比较,对短仪记录远震、极远震的震相及特征作了统计分析与初步探讨,并对新疆地区“影区”地震S波的记录、日本地区地震_PPcP等震相的出现提出了现象的存在,给出了相应的观测结果,以待步一步研究。  相似文献   

任意点震源τ-P域地震图的解及AVO分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
用严格的数学推导得出τ-P域地震图的解析解。分析表明,τ-P域中地震图的子波可表示为激发震源子波的积分形式,决定反射波振幅的因素是平面波反射系数、反射界面上覆介质的波速以及方向因子。这些结果说明:1.在τ-P域进行AVO分析是可行的,并具有更高的精度;2.从一种新的途径可以进行速度函数的反演计算。  相似文献   

We have implemented and tested a simple inversionscheme to retrieve source parameters of small andmoderate earthquakes recorded at close distances. Theinversion assumes that such events may be approximatedby a point-source shear dislocation, and the mediummay be considered an infinite space. Theoreticalseismograms used in the inversion include near- andintermediate-field contributions. The effect of freesurface is approximately taken into account bymultiplying the infinite-space synthetics by two. Thelocation of the event is assumed to be known. Based onan examination of the data, the user chooses thelength of the record and the weight of each trace tobe used in the inversion. The shape of the source-timefunction is estimated from the observed seismograms.A grid search is performed to determine the focalmechanism and the seismic moment which minimizes theerror between the observed and the syntheticseismograms. For two or more recordings, the inversiongives a solution which is consistent with thefirst-motion data and/or the moment tensor inversionof regional seismic waves. If only a singlethree-component recording is available then theinversion yields more than one equally acceptablefocal mechanisms. In such cases, the first-motionpolarities or a prior knowledge of the tectonics ofthe region is essential to constrain the solution. Thetest of the method on near-source broadband recordingsof small and moderate earthquakes in Mexico and theaftershock sequence of 1997 Umbria-Marche, Italy showsthat it gives fast, and surprisingly robust andreliable estimation of source parameters.  相似文献   

Theoptimumsource-timefunctionforgeneratingfinite-differencesyntheticseismogramsAbdolrahimJAVAHERIAN(InstituteofGeophysics,the...  相似文献   

本文首先分析了不同类型火山地震的波形,提出了相应的震源模型.然后发展了计算层状介质理论地震图的部分分离变量—有限差分方法,其最重要的环节是引用了吸收边界条件,使计算工作得以简化.这种方法特别适用于火山地震的理论地震图计算.最后,本文给出了计算实例.  相似文献   

We use near-field accelerograms recorded by the very broadband seismographic station of PNIG to locate the Pinotepa Nacional earthquake of 27 March, 1996 (Mw = 5.4) and to determine its source parameters. The data from PNIG on P and S arrival times, the azimuth of the arrival of P wave, and the angle of incidence of the P wave at the free surface permit the determination of the location (16.365° N, 98.303° W, depth = 18 km) and the origin time (12:34;48.35) of the earthquake.The displacement seismograms of the earthquake clearly shows contribution from the near-field terms. We compute a suite of synthetic seismograms for local mechanisms in the vicinity of the mechanism reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and compare them with the observed seismograms at PNIG. The point whose synthetics fit the observed records well has the following parameters: seismic moment, M0 = 1.2 × 1024 dyne-cm; source time function: a triangular pulse of 0.9 sec duration; fault plane: strike = 291°, dip = 10°, and rake = 80°. The location and the source parameters obtained from the analysis of PNIG records differ significantly from those reported by the USGS. This demonstrates again, what has been shown by some previous researchers, that high-quality recordings from a single near-field station can considerably improve the estimation of the source parameters of an earthquake.The main event was preceded by a subevent which occurred 0.18 sec before and whose seismic moment was 1% of the main event. It is possible that even this subevent was preceded by a couple of smaller subevents. This earthquake supports the body of evidence showing that an earthquake begins with a sequence of smaller subevents, cascading in the occurrence of the main event.  相似文献   

With the use of complete synthetic seismograms for the SH component of motion we have constructed theoretical isoseismals. We have assumed a double-couple point source as determined from first arrivals of P waves. Lateral heterogeneities around the source were also considered. In fact, the crustal part of the model used to compute synthetic seismograms to the west of the Bradano foretrough was significantly different from the one used to synthesize seismograms to the east of the foretrough. Even with such a simple approach, the comparison between theoretical and experimental data is surprisingly good, indicating that the isoseismals' elongation, parallel to the Apennines, depends mainly upon the fault orientation, while the effect of local structures introduces relatively small perturbations in the radiation pattern.Publication n. 198 Istituto di Geodesia e Geofisica-Trieste.  相似文献   

At a sampling rate of 100 samples per second,the YRY-4 four-gauge borehole strainmeters(FGBS) are capable of recording transient strains caused by seismic waves such as P and S waves or strain seismograms. At such a high sampling rate, data from the YRY-4 strainmeters demonstrate fairly satisfactory self-consistency. The strain tensor seismograms demonstrate the senses of motion of P waves, that is, the type of seismic wave travels in the direction of the maximum normal strain change. The observed strain patterns of S waves significantly differ from those of P waves and should contain information about the source mechanism. Spectrum analysis shows that the strain seismograms are consistent with conventional broadband seismograms from the same site.  相似文献   

A trained analyst can frequently provide a rapid assessment of a seismic record and provide identification for many seismic phases. For digital data a challenge is to find methods (or combinations of methods) which can provide equivalent levels of phase identification and attribute analysis. Until now, there have been few discussions on phase attribute analysis for broadband records, even though the character of the major phases has been recognised several decades ago. We introduce a combination of four simple methods into the analysis of broadband seismograms so as to provide a means of improving phase recognition and the full use of broadband information for far-regional distances where the seismograms are particularly complex (because of the influence of the upper mantle discontinuities). For arrival detection we can employ the energy ratios of the short term behaviour to the long-term trend, using the vertical component and horizontal components of unrotated seismic records. We also use auto-regressive analysis to endeavour to separate broadband records into three parts: the seismic signal, microseismic noise and white noise. The higher order auto- and cross-correlation coefficient (representing the similarity of waveform) can be used to identify the presence of seismic phases, by avoiding the influence of the relatively low order correlation of microseismic noise. For each broadband 3-component record a set of complex traces are constructed and then a variety of definitions of instantaneous phase and frequency can be exploited to separate the behaviour of signal and noise. The complex traces can also be used for polarisation analysis. The changes in the character of the eigenvectors are particularly helpful for recognising the phases of broadband records in the far-regional range. The individual methods are quite powerful but when used in combination can provide a very effective means of phase characterisation.  相似文献   

Realistic Modeling of Seismic Wave Ground Motion in Beijing City   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
— Algorithms for the calculation of synthetic seismograms in laterally heterogeneous anelastic media have been applied to model the ground motion in Beijing City. The synthetic signals are compared with the few available seismic recordings (1998, Zhangbei earthquake) and with the distribution of observed macroseismic intensity (1976, Tangshan earthquake). The synthetic three-component seismograms have been computed for the Xiji area and Beijing City. The numerical results show that the thick Tertiary and Quaternary sediments are responsible for the severe amplification of the seismic ground motion. Such a result is well correlated with the abnormally high macroseismic intensity zone in the Xiji area associated with the 1976 Tangshan earthquake as well as with the ground motion recorded in Beijing city in the wake of the 1998 Zhangbei earthquake.  相似文献   

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