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本文在《珠江黄埔大桥模态频率连续监测中的温度影响Ⅰ:频率识别》的基础上,利用2013年10月至11月的识别频率和温度数据,针对环境温度对珠江黄埔大桥频率监测的影响问题进行研究。首先通过时程曲线对比以及线性拟合,对温度与识别频率进行相关性分析;然后分别采用多项式回归和支持向量机回归方法(SVR)进行建模分析,并利用拟合模型对测试样本进行频率预测;最后通过残差分析,评价了两种非线性模型的拟合效果。研究结果表明,大桥模态频率与环境温度之间存在明显的非线性的负相关关系,两种非线性模型均能很好地对频率与温度的关系进行模拟,得到了较好的预测结果。  相似文献   

首先引出在大型桥梁上开展强震观测应用的重要性,进而介绍在珠江黄埔大桥上布设强震动监测和警报系统的设计思路和方案,最后介绍系统使用的预期效果,达到桥梁震动报警、损伤判定、模态参数更新、时程数据捕获分析等目的.  相似文献   

佛开高速九江大桥全长1819.16m,主桥采用六孔一联、最大跨度160m的变截面预应力砼连续箱梁。为实时监测桥梁结构振动状况和记录大型桥梁真实地震反应,在九江大桥主桥上架设了总计23通道的强震动监测系统。简要介绍了该监测系统的测点布置、系统构成和技术特点,并对系统试运行期间的加速度记录进行了峰值、频谱和模态分析,得到了箱梁前六阶模态频率变化曲线,并与现场实测模态参数进行了比较验证。研究识别出的模态频率的长期变化可以为桥梁结构的健康监测和损伤评估提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于环境激励的桥梁健康监测方法是未来的发展方向。我们采用宽频带地震计Guralp CMG-6TD,建立了在线桥梁监测系统,对北京市昌平区鲁疃西路大桥进行了连续监测。分别使用随机子空间识别获得桥梁模态参数和尾波干涉法监测桥梁波速变化。结果表明:(1)采用的高灵敏度宽频带速度型地震计,能够连续准确记录宽频带范围内的三分量振动信号,非常适用于长期桥梁动态监测;(2)基于连续记录的环境激励信号,随机子空间法能够稳定可靠地识别桥梁低阶模态参数,尾波干涉法能够连续精确地监测桥梁材料的细微波速变化;(3)温度变化会引起桥梁材料的弹性模量发生显著变化。波速变化呈现振幅为1%的日变化特征,与温度变化呈明显的反相关性,温度敏感系数约为。同时模态频率的变化不太明显,说明波速可能是比模态频率更为敏感的量化损伤指标;(4)模态频率是桥梁整体状态的一种度量,而波速变化可以监测桥梁局部材料弹性性质的变化。将这两者结合起来,利用环境激励信号,连续准确识别桥梁模态频率以及监测波速变化,对于桥梁健康监测具有潜在重要应用价值。  相似文献   

近年来我国布设的强震动观测结构台阵越来越多,并在数次地震中捕获了一批宝贵的观测记录,这些记录既是对应用日益广泛的结构数值模拟结果的检验和参数标定的依据,也是结构健康监测的重要数据。本文选取昆明防灾减灾中心大楼观测台阵捕获的3次中远场小震记录作为研究对象,对比ANSYS结构数值模拟和观测值之间在时程以及谱特性等方面的响应差别,证明了在弹性范围下二者结果具有较好的一致性。最后,基于观测记录,采用高效简单的经验谱比法进行了结构模态参数快速识别,3次地震下的自振频率计算结果相对稳定,与数值建模计算结果的差值可控制在0.17Hz以内。  相似文献   

筛选喀什乌恰地区21个强震动数字化观测台站作为研究对象,利用H/V谱比法计算各场点场地卓越频率,并与钻孔剪切波速计算结果进行对比,两者结果相差不大。根据幂指数关系,回归拟合了场地卓越频率与覆盖层厚度的关系,h=43.53 f■,有很好的相关性。最后对伽师台55条强震动记录按照峰值加速度分档,计算各分档场地卓越频率,发现0~50 gal之间各分档场地卓越频率相差不大,100 gal以上档场地频率向低频移动,场地发生非线性反应。  相似文献   

本文采用Spencer提出的MR模型,对斜拉索和MR阻尼器组成的系统进行了动力分析,考察了MR阻尼器型号、安装位置、施加的电压以及斜拉索基频(张力、索长、质量)、激励荷载(类型、频率、大小)等各种因素对斜拉索共振峰频率漂移的影响。进而对钱江三桥南岸154m长的斜拉索进行了现场试验。斜拉索自由振动的衰减信号通过阶跃激励的方法获得,经小波变换、Hilbert变换识别出系统的共振峰频率,并与斜拉索在安装油阻尼器和无阻尼器两种情况进行了比较。计算了杭州湾大桥330m长的索在被动控制、半主动控制下的各阶共振峰频率。研究表明,斜拉索在安装MR阻尼器后共振峰频率略微增大。其影响程度比安装油阻尼器时要大。因此MR阻尼器的制振效果除主要来自耗能外,还有部分来自调频作用。  相似文献   

主跨1196 m的龙江特大桥是我国第一座位于高烈度地震区的大跨度悬索桥,频繁的地震活动对大桥结构安全构成严重威胁。大桥建设时建立了健康监测系统,其中包含多个结构地震反应观测点,随后布设了场地强震动观测系统,这是对大桥地震响应观测的进一步补充和完善。本文详细介绍场地强震动观测系统的设计方案、系统构成、通信方式等。该系统获取的观测结果,可为龙江大桥在地震作用下结构健康诊断提供依据,为大桥结构地震响应分析提供可靠的地震动输入,有助于了解大桥结构在地震动作用下的反应特征,提高大跨桥梁的抗震设计水平。  相似文献   

通过文献调研,本文回顾了国际国内主要次声波观测台阵和地震次声波的最新研究进展,目的是寻找两者的差距与不足,为国内地震次声波监测台阵建设和地震次声研究提供有益的借鉴.文章首先对全球最大、分布最广泛的IMS次声观测台阵布设方式及降低风噪系统进行了详细归纳,与国内主要次声台阵在这两方面的进展对比后发现,国际次声台阵主要以小孔径多子台的方式布设,且大多配备有不同类型的降低风噪系统;国内次声台阵主要以广域台阵方式布设,仅有少部分实验性的小孔径次声台阵,且大多未布设降低风噪系统.随后文章对各类次声台阵在地震监测预报方面的研究成果进行了认真梳理,国内外对比可以发现,国内地震次声研究主要集中在震前次声方面,国际地震次声研究主要以同震次声研究为主,主要包括震中次声、衍射次声和本地次声的识别分析,以及应用相关次声信号开展次声源定位、地震动影响分析等工作.分析结果认为,今后国内地震次声监测台阵建设方面应该进一步加强小孔径多子台台阵建设及降低风噪系统布设,这更有利于次声互相关信号提取及提高数据信噪比;国内地震次声研究需要继续开拓思路,在关注震前次声波研究的同时,进一步加强同震次声波的分析,这更有利于追踪地震次...  相似文献   

夏晨  赵伯明 《地震地质》2015,(2):529-540
针对大小震拐角频率的差异,假设大震断层上每个子源的拐角频率与已破裂的子源个数平方根成反比,基于ω2震源谱模型,通过理论推导构建了一个函数,将动力学拐角频率引入经验格林函数法。以汶川地震余震记录为格林函数,分别用改进前和引入动力学拐角频率后的经验格林函数法合成5·12汶川大地震强地面运动。对比合成结果与观测记录,结果表明改进前经验格林函数法合成的地震动在低频部分相对实际记录偏低;引入动力学拐角频率之后的经验格林函数法合成的结果在高频基本保持不变,低频部分得到提高,并与实际记录符合。引入动力学拐角频率后,大部分合成结果很好地符合实际记录。说明动力学拐角频率可有效改善经验格林函数法的低频合成结果,同时验证了经验格林函数法对MW7.9特大地震地震动合成的有效性。  相似文献   

Modal parameters of structural systems have commonly been determined using system identification (SI) methods for damage detection and health monitoring. For determining the deterioration of the integrity of structural systems correctly, modal parameters of a healthy structure have to be obtained with adequate certainty so that these parameters can be used as reliable references for the healthy system to compare with those of the damaged system. In this study, the statistical significance of modal parameters identified using strong motion time histories recorded on two bridge structures is assessed. The confidence intervals of identified modal frequencies and damping ratios are obtained using Monte Carlo simulations and sensitivity analyses in conjunction with eigenrealization algorithm. The dependence of the statistical bounds on model parameters is examined. The effect of using different number of sensors on the statistical significance is evaluated using simulated time history data from a validated finite element model of a bridge. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An extensive programme of full-scale ambient vibration tests has been conducted to measure the dynamic response of a 542 m (centre span of 274 m) cable-stayed bridge—the Quincy Bayview Bridge in Illinois. A microcomputer-based system was used to collect and analyse the ambient vibration data. A total of 25 modal frequencies and associated mode shapes were identified for the deck structure within the frequency range of 0–2 Hz. Also, estimations were made for damping ratios. The experimental data clearly indicated the occurrence of many closely spaced modal frequencies and spatially complicated mode shapes. Most tower modes were found to be associated with the deck modes, implying a considerable interaction between the deck and tower structure. No detectable levels of motion were evident at the foundation support of the pier. The results of the ambient vibration survey were compared to modal frequencies and mode shapes computed using a three-dimensional finite element model of the bridge. For most modes, the analytic and experimental modal frequencies and mode shapes compare quite well, especially for the vertical modes. Based on the findings of this study, a linear elastic finite element model appears to be capable of capturing much of the complex dynamic behaviour of the bridge with very good accuracy, when compared to the low-level dynamic responses induced by ambient wind and traffic excitations.  相似文献   

Strong-motion accelerograms obtained on the San Juan Bautista 156/101 Separation Bridge during the 6 August 1979 Coyote Lake, California, earthquake are used to examine the response of this multiple-span bridge to moderate levels of earthquake loading. Although the bridge was not damaged, the records are of significant engineering interest as they are the first to be recorded on a highway bridge structure in North America. A technique of system identification is used to determine optimal modal parameters for linear models which can closely replicate the observed time-domain seismic response of the bridge. Time variations in frequency and damping in the horizontal response are identified using a moving-window analysis. A three-dimensional finite element model is developed to study the bridge response in detail. The first two horizontal modal frequencies computed from this model are in excellent agreement with information obtained during the system identification analysis provided the finite element model's expansion joints are locked, preventing relative translational motions from occurring across the joints. Locking is confirmed by the observed seismic deformations of the structure in the fundamental mode. Fundamental vertical frequencies of the individual spans, predicted by the finite element model, are in very good agreement with ambient vibration test data.  相似文献   

This purpose of this paper is to study the dynamic characteristics of the Fei-Tsui arch dam using the seismic response data and the ambient vibration data. For the identification of dam properties from seismic response data, the multiple inputs from the abutment of the dam to represent the nonuniform excitations of seismic input motion are considered, and the ARX model is applied using the discrete-time linear filtering approach with least-squares approximation to identify the dynamic characteristics of the dam. The system modal dampings, natural frequencies and frequency response functions are identified. A comparison of the identified modal parameters is made among different seismic events. Post-earthquake safety evaluation of the dam can be made based on the identified model. Finally, the ambient vibration test of the dam is performed to identify the mode shapes along the dam crest.  相似文献   

介绍地震自动速报信息系统与桥梁监测警报系统的构成,通过将地震自动速报技术与强震动观测技术相结合,形成一套既有强震动观测功能又能接收处理即时地震信息的桥梁监测报警系统,应用结果显示,能丰富强震动观测系统的功能,为桥梁管理提供更多决策支持.  相似文献   

基于环境振动的斜拉桥拉索基频识别   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
斜拉索是现代斜拉桥最重要的结构构件,索力在斜拉桥的施工控制和长期监测中起着重要作用。振动测试法是斜拉桥索力测定、监测和状态评估中应用最广泛的一种方法。振动法测索力的关键在于准确地识别出索的基频。本文使用自功率谱和倒频谱方法,基于MATLAB平台,开发出了斜拉桥拉索环境振动模态分析图形用户交互(GUI)工具箱,实现了斜拉索基频的快速自动识别。应用本文的方法,对福州青洲闽江主跨605m斜拉桥拉索的环境振动实测加速度数据进行了分析处理,斜拉索基频识别方便直观,结果可靠。  相似文献   

基于HHT的结构强震记录分析研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文利用HHT(Hilbert-HUang Transform)研究了结构强震记录的时频特性及结构动力特性。介绍了一座7层钢混框架结构及其强震观测台阵概况以及经历的地震情况,选择了在3次有代表性地震中的强震记录,利用一种新的非平稳信号处理方法HHT对记录进行了处理和分析,得到了该结构强震记录的时频幅值三维分布以及边际谱,并将边际谱与傅里叶谱进行了对比,识别了结构的自振频率。研究表明,对结构强震记录这种强非平稳信号,可以利用HHT分析得到能量集中分布的频段与时间范围。HHT边际谱与傅里叶谱相比,在低频部分幅值要大于傅里叶谱,而在高频部分,幅值要小于傅里叶谱。利用结构强震记录识别的自振频率比环境振动测试结果要小。  相似文献   

<正>This paper focuses on developing an online structural condition assessment technique using long-term monitoring data measured by a structural health monitoring system.The seasonal correlations of frequency-temperature and beam-end displacement-temperature for the Runyang Suspension Bridge are performed,first.Then,a statistical modeling technique using a six-order polynomial is further applied to formulate the correlations of frequency-temperature and displacement-temperature,from which abnormal changes of measured frequencies and displacements are detected using the mean value control chart.Analysis results show that modal frequencies of higher vibration modes and displacements have remarkable seasonal correlations with the environmental temperature and the proposed method exhibits a good capability for detecting the micro damage-induced changes of modal frequencies and displacements.The results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively eliminate temperature complications from frequency and displacement time series and is well suited for online condition monitoring of long-span suspension bridges.  相似文献   

Dynamic characteristics of structures — viz. natural frequencies, damping ratios, and mode shapes — are central to earthquake‐resistant design. These values identified from field measurements are useful for model validation and health‐monitoring. Most system identification methods require input excitations motions to be measured and the structural response; however, the true input motions are seldom recordable. For example, when soil–structure interaction effects are non‐negligible, neither the free‐field motions nor the recorded responses of the foundations may be assumed as ‘input’. Even in the absence of soil–structure interaction, in many instances, the foundation responses are not recorded (or are recorded with a low signal‐to‐noise ratio). Unfortunately, existing output‐only methods are limited to free vibration data, or weak stationary ambient excitations. However, it is well‐known that the dynamic characteristics of most civil structures are amplitude‐dependent; thus, parameters identified from low‐amplitude responses do not match well with those from strong excitations, which arguably are more pertinent to seismic design. In this study, we present a new identification method through which a structure's dynamic characteristics can be extracted using only seismic response (output) signals. In this method, first, the response signals’ spatial time‐frequency distributions are used for blindly identifying the classical mode shapes and the modal coordinate signals. Second, cross‐relations among the modal coordinates are employed to determine the system's natural frequencies and damping ratios on the premise of linear behavior for the system. We use simulated (but realistic) data to verify the method, and also apply it to a real‐life data set to demonstrate its utility. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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