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初至波菲涅尔体地震层析成像   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据地震波传播的有限频理论,对于某个特定震相的观测信息,不仅射线路径上的点对该信息具有影响,射线领域上的其他点对接收信息也具有影响,这种影响可以用核函数来表达.本文基于波动方程的Born近似与Rytov近似,给出了非均匀介质情况下初至地震波振幅与走时菲涅尔体层析成像单频、带限层析核函数的计算方法.通过对均匀介质情况下初至地震波菲涅尔体层析成像核函数解析表达式的理论模型实验与分析,给出了不同维度振幅、走时单频菲涅尔体的空间分布范围,进而给出了带限菲涅尔体边界的确定方法.将本文的走时菲涅尔体层析成像理论应用于表层速度结构反演中,理论模型试验与实际资料处理结果表明,初至波菲涅尔体地震层析成像方法比传统的初至波射线层析成像理论具有更高的反演精度.  相似文献   

层析成像分辨率的研究,不仅可以帮助分析层析方法的反演能力,评价层析反演的效果,还可以帮助指导层析参数设置,优化观测系统设计等.本文对比研究了前人提出的两种菲涅耳体层析成像分辨率的计算方法,并针对其存在的问题进行了优化.文中通过对二维理论模型的定量计算,总结了菲涅耳体地震层析成像分辨率的一些规律,并将其与射线层析的分辨率...  相似文献   

共反射元弧叠加方法在火山岩成像中的应用   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
常规叠加方法假设叠加的地震道集的反射波来自地下同一个反射点,而地表观测到 的反射波场在空间上小于菲涅尔体范围是不可分辨的. 本文根据火山岩体特征,用元弧描述 火山岩的反射界面. 将来自菲涅尔体范围内的反射波沿着元弧界面求和,进而扩大叠加次数 ,达到增加反射信号能量提高地震反射波的叠加成像质量的目的. 文中给出了反射波走时参 数与地下元弧反射界面之间的联系和叠加实现的步骤. 计算结果表明,元弧叠加方法能够提 高剖面的信噪比,增加反射波同相轴的连续性.  相似文献   

近地表地层与人类生产生活密切相关,利用地震层析成像方法准确重建浅部地壳速度结构有助于开展高精度地震勘探、探查浅部矿产资源、规避潜在自然灾害,并利于城市地下空间建设.中国大陆地表条件复杂,尤其中西部盆岭结合带地形起伏剧烈,对浅部地壳精确速度建模构成严重挑战.本文系统论述了地震层析成像领域基于高频近似理论的走时成像方法和有限频层析成像方法,阐明两类方法的基本原理、存在问题和发展方向等.依据正演走时有无显式射线追踪,基于高频近似理论的走时成像方法分为传统走时层析成像方法和无射线路径的走时层析成像方法.基于射线追踪的传统走时层析成像方法,在浅层速度强烈变化时,因存在阴影区或多路径现象引起成像失真,严重影响成像效率;而无射线路径的层析成像方法通过程函方程走时场的正传和逆传直接计算敏感核,并利用伴随状态法获得目标函数的梯度,具有快速、稳健的优点.以上两种基于地震射线高频近似理论的走时成像方法由于未考虑地震波频率的带限性,存在波散射、波前愈合及反演约束差等问题.有限频层析成像方法克服了射线理论"无限高频"假设所带来的弊端,已成为重要的研究方向之一.该类方法主要分为射线有限频层析成像方法和基于波动方程的有限频层析成像方法.射线有限频层析成像方法能够提高成像的分辨率,但在方法本质上仍依赖于射线理论,较难处理较复杂的波现象问题;基于波动方程的有限频层析成像方法能准确处理复杂地质问题,提高成像可靠性并能以图像形式直观展示地球内部地震波的速度结构分布,但是该方法在实际应用中强烈依赖于数据中的低频信息及较精确的初始速度模型,其推广应用仍需进一步探索.  相似文献   

近地表速度结构通常是利用射线走时层析或菲涅尔体走时层析等反演方法得到的,但它们的目标函数仍利用射线走时残差构建,导致反演精度不高.为此,本文提出了基于散射积分算法的初至波相位走时层析成像方法.该方法的核心是:(1)提出了依赖于频率的相位走时概念;(2)利用依赖于频率的相位走时信息,而非单一的无限频率射线走时;(3)发展了一种改进的相位展开方法,即通过监测相位不连续性和2π周期判定来消除相位折叠现象;(4)考虑了地震波传播的有限频特征,即基于波动理论而非传统的射线路径或有限空间的菲涅尔体构建核函数.通过利用Overthrust模型的数值实验及与传统射线走时层析和菲涅尔体走时层析的对比表明:本文提出的方法是一种有效的初至波走时反演方法.同时,基于Overthrust模型的数值试验还证明了下列结论,即通过挖掘更多的走时信息的确可以获得更高的反演精度和分辨率.  相似文献   

针对传统射线层析存在的种种局限性,菲涅尔带走时层析成像摒弃了传统的数学射线,考虑到地震信号具有一定的频带宽度,中央射线附近的介质对地震波的传播产生不同程度的影响。本文提出了多频段组合菲涅尔带走时层析成像方法。该方法以频率域波动方程Born和Rytov近似为基础,推导出建立在带限地震波理论基础上的波动方程 Rytov 近似走时敏感核函数,实现第一菲涅尔带约束下的波动方程走时层析反演方法。同时由于多个频段的引入,充分利用低频段和高频段的特有优势,从而兼顾菲涅尔带层析的计算效率与分辨率。模型试算结果证明了本方法的有效性和稳定性。  相似文献   

多震相走时联合三参数同时反演成像   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
黄国娇  白超英 《地球物理学报》2013,56(12):4215-4225
采用新近研制的分区多步不规则最短路径多震相地震射线追踪正演技术,结合流行的子空间反演算法,提出了一种联合多震相走时资料进行地震三参数 (速度、反射界面和震源位置) 同时反演的方法技术.数值模拟反演实例、以及与双参数 (速度和反射界面或速度和震源位置) 同时反演的对比分析表明:三参数同时反演成像结果大体接近双参数同时反演成像的结果.另外,噪声敏感性试验表明:所提算法对到时数据中可容许的随机误差并不敏感,结果说明多震相走时的联合三参数同时反演成像方法技术不失为一种提高走时成像空间分辨率、进而降低重建模型参数失真度、行之有效的方法技术.  相似文献   

为了研究弯曲界面曲率变化对分辨率的影响,首先推导了垂直入射下来自弯曲界面的反射波和透射波界面菲涅尔带近似的解析公式,证明了公式中曲率为零恰好对应已经被推导的平界面菲涅尔带的解析公式,然后给出了利用网格走时计算方法计算弯曲界面下反射波和透射波菲涅尔体的数值实现策略,这一实现策略同时保证了网格走时计算的精度和菲涅尔体计算的精度,最后对比了不同弯曲界面(不同曲率)下的菲涅尔体相对于平界面(曲率为零)下菲涅尔体的变化.研究结果表明,界面下高速时,向斜弯曲造成菲涅尔体在界面附近变宽,使得分辨率降低;背斜弯曲造成菲涅尔体在界面附近变窄,使得分辨率提高.并且向斜弯曲对分辨率的影响程度要明显大于背斜弯曲.而界面下低速时,结论正好相反.  相似文献   

三维地质模型中地震波共轭梯度非线性走时反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震体波走时层析成像是探测地球内部速度结构的重要方法之一。基于三维块状建模以及三角形拼接的界面描述方式,结合快速高效的逐段迭代射线追踪方法,获得三维复杂地质模型中的地震射线路径与走时信息,采用共轭梯度非线性反演算法,进行地震波走时反演。实验结果表明共轭梯度反演算法在三维层状模型中具有较高的有效性。  相似文献   

二维复杂层状介质中地震多波走时联合反演成像   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
黄国娇  白超英 《地球物理学报》2010,53(12):2972-2981
采用新近提出的多次波射线追踪正演算法,结合共轭梯度法求解带约束的阻尼最小二乘最优化反演问题,分析讨论了利用多震相走时资料进行联合反演成像的方法及技术.考虑到不同震相走时的拾取误差不同,反演算法中引入了不同震相种类数据的权系数; 由于同时反演速度模型和反射界面起伏中不同模型参数变化对走时影响程度的不同, Jacobi偏导矩阵元素中引入了不同参数的归一化因子; 另外,为了克服射线密度过大(或过小)区域速度模型的过度(或欠)更新问题,反演算法中引入了等权射线密度的概念.几种数值模拟实例表明(含噪声敏感性试验): 多波走时的联合或同时反演成像技术是一种提高走时成像空间分辨率,进而降低重建模型失真度行之有效的方法.  相似文献   

Traditional ray tomography methods based on the high frequency assumption are sometimes unable to obtain a high resolution tomographic picture due to a deficient coverage of ray paths in real applications, especially for low velocity anomalous regions. In contrast, finite-frequency ray theory is more suitable for handling real seismic propagation problems because the travel time depends not only on the velocity distribution along a central ray (or traditional geometric ray), but also on the velocity values within a region (referred to as the first Fresnel Volume) which incorporates the central ray. In this study, we develop an algorithm to calculate multi-phase Fresnel Volume finite-frequency rays, and then present an inversion method to simultaneous invert for both velocity and reflector geometry by using these multi-phase Fresnel Volume finite-frequency rays. Using synthetic data examples, we compare the reconstructions of the velocity field and the reflector orientation using the Fresnel Volume ray tomographic methods and the traditional ray tomography approach. Results show that the former is advantageous over the latter, especially when the ray density is relatively low. An additional benefit of the Fresnel Volume finite-frequency ray tomographic method is that it can start with a low frequency to capture the coarse velocity structure, thereby mitigating the local minimum trapping problem, and then be tuned to a high frequency for delineating the fine velocity structure.  相似文献   

It is now common practice to perform simultaneous traveltime inversion for the velocity field and the reflector geometry in reflection/refraction tomography, or the velocity field and the hypocenter locations in regional earthquake tomography, but seldom are all three classes of model parameters updated simultaneously. This is mainly due to the trade-off between the different types of model parameters and the lack of different seismic phases to constrain the model parameters. Using a spherical-coordinate ray tracing algorithm for first and later(primary reflected) arrival tracing algorithm in combination with a popular linearized inversion solver, it is possible to simultaneously recover the three classes of model parameters in regional or global tomographic studies. In this paper we incorporate the multistage irregular shortest-path ray tracing algorithm(in a spherical coordinate system) with a subspace inversion solver to formulate a simultaneous inversion algorithm for triple model parameters updating using direct and later arrival time information.Comparison tests for two sets of data(noise free and added noise) indicate that the new triple-class parameter inversion algorithm is capable of obtaining nearly the same results as the double-class parameter inversion scheme. Furthermore,the proposed multi-parameter type inversion method is not sensitive to a modest level of picking error in the traveltime data, and also performs well with a relatively large uncertainty in earthquake hypocentral locations. This shows it to be a feasible and promising approach in regional or global tomographic applications.  相似文献   

A hybrid algorithm, combining Monte-Carlo optimization with simultaneous iterative reconstructive technique (SIRT) tomography, is used to invert first arrival traveltimes from seismic data for building a velocity model. Stochastic algorithms may localize a point around the global minimum of the misfit function but are not suitable for identifying the precise solution. On the other hand, a tomographic model reconstruction, based on a local linearization, will only be successful if an initial model already close to the best solution is available. To overcome these problems, in the method proposed here, a first model obtained using a classical Monte Carlo-based optimization is used as a good initial guess for starting the local search with the SIRT tomographic reconstruction. In the forward problem, the first-break times are calculated by solving the eikonal equation through a velocity model with a fast finite-difference method instead of the traditional slow ray-tracing technique. In addition, for the SIRT tomography the seismic energy from sources to receivers is propagated by applying a fast Fresnel volume approach which when combined with turning rays can handle models with both positive and negative velocity gradients. The performance of this two-step optimization scheme has been tested on synthetic and field data for building a geologically plausible velocity model.This is an efficient and fast search mechanism, which permits insertion of geophysical, geological and geodynamic a priori constraints into the grid model and ray path is completed avoided. Extension of the technique to 3D data and also to the solution of 'static correction' problems is easily feasible.  相似文献   

The two key requirements in conducting 3-D simultaneous traveltime tomography on real data at the regional and global scale with multiple classes of arrival time information are (1) it needs an efficient and accurate arrival tracking algorithm for multiply transmitted, reflected (or refracted) and converted waves in a 3-D variable velocity model with embedded velocity discontinuities (or subsurface interfaces), and (2) a subdimensional inversion solver is required which can easily search for different types of model parameters to balance the trade-off between the different types of model parameter updated in the simultaneous inversion process. For these purposes, we first extend a popular grid/cell-based wavefront expanding ray tracing algorithm (the multistage irregular shortest-path ray tracing method), which previously worked only in Cartesian coordinate at the local scale, to spherical coordinates appropriate to the regional or global scale. We then incorporated a fashionable inversion solver (the subspace method) to formulate a simultaneous inversion algorithm, in which the multiple classes of arrivals (including direct and reflected arrivals from different velocity discontinuities) can be used to simultaneously update both the velocity fields and the reflector geometries. Numerical tests indicate that the new inversion method is both applicable and flexible in terms of computational efficiency and solution accuracy, and is not sensitive to a modest level of noise in the traveltime data. It offers several potential benefits over existing schemes for real data seismic imaging.  相似文献   

球坐标系下多震相走时三参数同时反演成像   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄国娇  白超英  钱卫 《地球物理学报》2015,58(10):3627-3638
球坐标系下多震相走时三参数(速度、震源位置和反射界面)同时反演需要解决两个关键问题:(1)球坐标系下3D速度模型中多次透射、反射(折射)及转换波精确、快速的射线追踪;(2)同时反演时三种不同参数间的强耦合问题.为此,我们将直角坐标系下分区多步不规则最短路径算法推广至球坐标系中,进行区域或者全球尺度的多震相射线追踪.然后将其与适合多参数同时反演的子空间算法相结合,形成一种球坐标系下联合多震相走时三参数同时反演的方法技术.与双参数(速度和反射界面或速度和震源位置)同时反演的数值模拟对比分析显示:三参数与双参数的同时反演结果大体接近,并且它们对到时数据中可容许的随机噪声不太敏感.结果说明本文中的同时反演成像为一种提高成像分辨率,同时反演速度、震源位置和反射界面的有效方法.  相似文献   

变阻尼约束层析成像及其在VSP资料中的应用(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初至波走时层析成像已经取得了广泛的应用,然而,由于观测系统的限制,射线在模型中分布不均匀,导致层析结果的分辨能力不足。变阻尼约束方法应用不均匀的先验信息来匹配不均匀的数据分布,可以减小速度模型校正量与射线覆盖程度的相关性。本文将变阻尼约束方法应用于初至波旅行时层析成像中,并将平滑约束方法加入正则化方程组中来避免单独使用变阻尼约束带来的不稳定性,利用阿尔法滤波器对反演中间迭代结果进行平滑和去噪,采用LSQR算法求解线性方程组来提高收敛速度和压制误差传递。本文应用上述层析成像算法对VSP观测系统进行速度反演,分别应用于检测板速度模型数据和实际VSP资料速度反演中,结果表咀变阻尼约束层析成像可以改善射线不均匀覆盖带来的影响,从而提高速度反演结果的质量;VSP资料检波点附近的速度反演结果可靠性高。  相似文献   

在井间地震初至走时层析成像中,随着相邻地质体速度差的增大,使得射线分布不均匀,以及网格剖分不合适,导致层析成像结果不理想.物理和数值模型的井间走时层析成像表明:当速度差超过300%时,层析结果畸变较大;在300%~150%之间时,层析结果较好;低于150%时,层析结果好.在此基础上,提出了井间多尺度初至走时层析成像方法,即对同一模型采用多种网格剖分来同时进行层析成像,以获得研究区域的速度图像.数学和物理模型的井间多尺度走时层析结果表明:该方法很好地兼顾了层析成像的分辨率和精度,极大地改善了井间地震层析成像的质量.即使速度差超过30%,其多尺度的层析结果仍然较好.因此,这种方法具有实际应用的潜力.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate finite-frequency effects in crustal tomography. We developed an inversion procedure based on an exact numerical computation of the sensitivity kernels. In this approach we compute the 3D travel-time sensitivity kernels by using (1) graph theory and an additional bending to estimate accurately both rays and travel-times between source/receiver and diffraction points and (2) paraxial ray theory to estimate the amplitude along theses rays. We invert both the velocity and the hypocentre parameters, using these so-called banana-doughnut kernels and the LSQR iterative solver. We compare the ray-theoretical and the finite-frequency tomography to image the intermediate structures beneath the Gulf of Corinth (Greece), which has long been recognized as the most active continental rifting zone in the Mediterranean region. Our dataset consists of 451 local events with 9233 P- first-arrival times recorded in the western part of the Gulf (Aigion area) in the framework of the 3F-Corinth European project. Previous tomographic images showed a complex velocity crustal model and a low-dip surface that may accommodate the deformation. Accurate velocity models will help to better constrain the rifting process, which is still a subject of debate. The main results of this study show that finite-frequency tomography improves crustal tomographic images by providing better resolved images of the 3D complicated velocity structure. Because the kernels spread the information over a volume, finite-frequency tomography results in a sharpening of layer boundaries as we observed for the shallower part of the crust (down to 5 km depth) beneath the Gulf of Corinth.  相似文献   

Fresnel volumes provide a suitable tool for estimating the resolution limits or accuracy of tomographic methods based only on the arrival times of these seismic waves, which penetrate the deep interior of the Earth. The standard definition of the Fresnel volume was modified to include effects of multipathing, i.e., multivalued travel times. Computations were performed in the IASP91 model for three representative epicentral distances and two prevailing signal periods. Preliminary results have been obtained. They place a rather strong restriction on the resolution limits of tomographic methods, depending on the prevailing period, due to the relatively large fatness of PKP Fresnel volumes.  相似文献   

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