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于革  桂峰  李永飞 《湖泊科学》2012,24(5):651-657
由于受到水文观测资料时间短的限制,目前难以认识百年遇机率的极端洪水.为此,本文根据19世纪末历史文献的洪水灾害记录,利用流域水文模型,对太湖1889洪水年的流域产流、入湖汇流等水文特征和过程进行模拟.本研究设计了三套模拟实验:首先在现代气候控制实验基础上对1988-2002年时间系列和特大洪水年进行水文模拟和模型率定校验;其次,采用长江下游19世纪末的气候观测资料驱动,对极端年份1889年逐日洪水过程模拟;最后,为减少1 a洪水年模拟的不确定性,还采用蒙特卡罗Bootstrap法模拟了15 a的流域气候场,在5475 d样本下进行特征年份的水文模拟.模拟结果表明,1889年洪水期间产流在当年6月底达到最大,1%频率的径流深达8.6 mm/d,95%CI的误差在-2.94~3.26 mm/d之间.汇入太湖径流同期达到最大,1%频率的洪水流量达到1286.9 m3/s,95%CI的误差在-128.3~165.7 m3/s之间.根据洪水Log-Normal概率分布,计算1889洪水年的重现期为149 a.经Bootstrap法对误差置信区的模拟,95%CI检验在70~175 a间的重现期可信.该研究为延长20世纪洪水序列、拓展对百年时间尺度的特大洪水的认识提供了动力学模拟方面的科学依据.  相似文献   

栅格新安江模型在天津于桥水库流域上游的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
栅格新安江模型是在概念性新安江模型的理论基础上,以栅格为计算单元,结合地形地貌和下垫面特性构建出来的水文模型.在于桥水库流域上游的水平口流域应用栅格新安江模型,研究该地区洪水要素的空间变化以及洪水形成过程,讨论洪水模拟效果来验证模型在半湿润地区的适用性.选取水平口流域1978-2012年的洪水进行模型计算,模拟结果较好地反映了流域产流面积的时空变化,且均达到乙级以上精度.初步表明栅格新安江模型在半湿润地区有较好的适用性.  相似文献   

将雷达测雨数据与分布式水文模型相耦合进行径流过程模拟,分析雷达测雨误差及其径流过程模拟效果,研究雷达测雨误差对径流过程模拟的影响效应.在对淮河流域气象中心业务化的5种淮河流域雷达测雨数据进行误差分析的基础上,采用雷达测雨数据驱动HEC-HMS水文模型,模拟分析淮河息县水文站以上流域2007年7月1-10日强降雨集中期的径流过程.结果表明:利用雷达测雨数据的径流模拟结果与实测资料的模拟结果基本吻合,各种雷达测雨数据误差经过HEC-HMS水文模型传递后,误差明显减小.联合校准法对应的模拟效果最好,过程流量相对误差NBs'和洪峰流量相对误差Z'分别为-20.2%和-13.3%.  相似文献   

流域土地利用/覆被变化的水文效应及洪水响应   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
万荣荣  杨桂山 《湖泊科学》2004,16(3):258-264
干旱与洪涝灾害已成为全球关心的重大问题.土地利用/覆被变化影响雨水的截留、下渗、蒸发等水文要素及其产汇流过程,并进而影响流域出口断面的流量过程,加大流域洪涝灾害发生的频率和强度.深入研究土地利用/覆被变化对洪涝灾害的影响,对于社会经济可持续发展具重要意义.通过分析和总结已进行的有关流域土地利用/覆被变化的水文效应及洪水响应研究工作进展,讨论了其研究内容、方法及现有工作的不足之处.  相似文献   

通过利用实时水文观测数据对洪水预报模型进行校正,可增加流域洪水预报的实时性和精确度.本文讨论了水文模型状态变量选取对滤波效果的影响,并给出了状态变量选取原则.在集总式新安江模型的基础上,结合状态变量选取原则,应用无迹卡尔曼滤波技术构建了新安江模型的实时校正方法.方法应用于闽江邵武流域洪水预报的计算结果表明,采用无迹卡尔曼滤波方法后,不仅能够直接校正模型状态,同时也能有效地提高模型预报精度,适合应用于实际流域洪水预报作业中.  相似文献   

强烈下渗条件下天然河道洪水演进模拟方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河道洪水演进模拟是河道洪水预报与汇流计算的主要内容和关键.对于常年断流、河水与地下水长期处于脱节状态的河道,一旦行洪下渗非常强烈,渗漏量很大.不考虑河道下渗洪水演进模拟模型,无法准确模拟真实的洪水运动行为,不能用于洪水模拟预报.本文采用土壤下渗理论描述河道下渗,推导出了河道下渗流量计算公式,建立了基于霍顿下渗公式的河道下渗模拟方法;并把下渗当做单位区间出流,与基于马斯京根康吉法天然河道洪水演进模型进行耦合,构建了强烈下渗条件下天然河道洪水演进模拟模型.针对天然河道水力特性复杂特点,研究了洪水演进模型参数确定方法和波速计算方法.海河流域漳卫河水系岳城水库-蔡小庄段的典型场次洪水应用结果表明,模型能很好反映强烈下渗条件下洪水演进实际情况,具有很高模拟精度,基于土壤下渗理论的下渗量计算公式和模拟方法可以很好地模拟河道下渗过程.这一模型具有计算简便、参数确定简单、适合于洪水预报等特点,在干旱和半干旱地区河道洪水演进模拟预报与河道汇流计算中也具有一定的推广应用价值.  相似文献   

半湿润流域水文模型比较与集合预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
霍文博  李致家  李巧玲 《湖泊科学》2017,29(6):1491-1501
选择7种水文模型分别在中国北部3个半湿润流域做模拟对比,分析不同水文模型在各流域的适用性,并使用贝叶斯模型平均法对不同模型集合,比较各种集合方法的优势,研究贝叶斯模型平均法的应用效果.研究结果表明,以蓄满产流模式为主的模型在半湿润流域应用效果较好,针对不同流域特点对传统模型进行改进可以提高模拟精度.贝叶斯模型平均法能提供较好的确定性预报结果和概率预报结果,仅对少数模拟效果好的模型进行集合,并不能有效提高预报精度,适当增加参与集合的模型数量能使贝叶斯模型平均法更好地综合各模型优势,提高预报结果的精度.  相似文献   

丁杰  李致家  郭元  黄鹏年 《湖泊科学》2011,23(3):463-468
近些年,由于气候变化和人类活动的双重作用改变了流域下垫面的水文特性,探讨研究下垫面变化的水文响应过程具有重要的理论和现实意义.河南伊河洪水虽然量级不大,但发生几率较高,对水库运用和河道冲淤的影响较大.如果洪水变小,伊河下游的造床流量也相应减小,水库控制中常洪水的流量及所需的防洪库容可做相应调整,反之亦然.因此,为了科学...  相似文献   

司伟  包为民  瞿思敏  石朋 《湖泊科学》2018,30(2):533-541
空间集总式水文模型的洪水预报精度会受到面平均雨量估计误差的严重影响.点雨量监测值的误差类型、误差大小以及流域的雨量站点密度和站点的空间分布都会影响到面平均雨量的计算.为提高实时洪水预报精度,本文提出了一种基于降雨系统响应曲线洪水预报误差修正方法.通过此方法估计降雨输入项的误差,从而提高洪水预报精度.此方法将水文模型做为输入和输出之间的响应系统,用实测流量和计算流量之间的差值做为信息,通过降雨系统响应曲线,使用最小二乘估计原理,对面平均雨量进行修正,再用修正后的面平均雨量重新计算出流过程.将此修正方法结合新安江模型使用理想案例进行检验,并应用于王家坝流域的16场历史洪水以及此流域不同雨量站密度的情况下,结果证明均有明显修正效果,且在雨量站密度较低时修正效果更加明显.该方法是一种结构简单且不增加模型参数和复杂度的实时洪水修正的新方法.  相似文献   

水文非线性系统与分布式时变增益模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论述了以Volterra泛函级数表达的流域降雨-径流非线性系统理论与概念性模拟方法. 依据流域数值高程模型、遥感信息和单元水文过程, 提出了水文非线性系统理论的时变增益模型(TVGM)和推广应用到流域时空变化模拟的分布式时变增益模型(DTVGM). 研究表明, 除了常用的非线性系统分析方法之外, 从复杂水文关系研究中另辟蹊径, 提出一种简单关系的非线性系统分析是完全有可能的. 时变增益水文模型的提出及其与一般性水文非线性系统的联系就是一个例证. 水文非线性系统方法与分布式流域水文模拟结合的DTVGM模型, 能够发挥水文系统方法与分布式水文模拟方法相结合的优点, 探索环境变化下的流域水文模拟问题. 将DTVGM分别应用到河西走廊干旱地区的黑河流域和华北地区潮白河流域实例研究, 模拟了水文时空变化以及陆面覆被变化与水文影响分析, 取得了较好的效果, 说明了其特色和应用价值.  相似文献   


The accurate prediction of hourly runoff discharge in a watershed during heavy rainfall events is of critical importance for flood control and management. This study predicts n-h-ahead runoff discharge in the Sandimen basin in southern Taiwan using a novel hybrid approach which combines a physically-based model (HEC-HMS) with an artificial neural network (ANN) model. Hourly runoff discharge data (1200 datasets) from seven heavy rainfall events were collected for the model calibration (training) and validation. Six statistical indicators (i.e. mean absolute error, root mean square error, coefficient of correlation, error of time to peak discharge, error of peak discharge and coefficient of efficiency) were employed to evaluate the performance. In comparison with the HEC-HMS model, the single ANN model, and the time series forecasting (ARMAX) model, the developed hybrid HEC-HMS–ANN model demonstrates improved accuracy in recursive n-h-ahead runoff discharge prediction, especially for peak flow discharge and time.  相似文献   

The East River in South China plays a key role in the socio-economic development in the region and surrounding areas. Adequate understanding of the hydrologic response to land use change is crucial to develop sustainable water resources management strategies in the region. The present study makes an attempt to evaluate the possible impacts of land use change on hydrologic response using a numerical model and corresponding available vegetation datasets. The variable infiltration capacity model is applied to simulate runoff responses to several land use scenarios within the basin (e.g., afforestation, deforestation, and reduction in farmland area) for the period 1952–2000. The results indicate that annual runoff is reduced by 3.5 % (32.3 mm) when 25 % of the current grassland area (including grasslands and wooded grasslands, with 46.8 % of total vegetation cover) is converted to forestland. Afforestation results in reduction in the monthly flow volume, peak flow, and low flow, but with significantly greater reduction in low flow for the basin. The simulated annual runoff increases by about 1.4 % (12.6 mm) in the deforestation scenario by changing forestland (including deciduous broadleaf, evergreen needleleaf, and broadleaf, with 15.6 % of total vegetation cover) to grassland area. Increase in seasonal runoff occurs mainly in autumn for converting cropland to bare soil.  相似文献   

The reliability of a procedure for investigation of flooding into an ungauged river reach close to an urban area is investigated. The approach is based on the application of a semi‐distributed rainfall–runoff model for a gauged basin, including the flood‐prone area, and that furnishes the inlet flow conditions for a two‐dimensional hydraulic model, whose computational domain is the urban area. The flood event, which occurred in October 1998 in the Upper Tiber river basin and caused significant damage in the town of Pieve S. Stefano, was used to test the approach. The built‐up area, often inundated, is included in the gauged basin of the Montedoglio dam (275 km2), for which the rainfall–runoff model was adapted and calibrated through three flood events without over‐bank flow. With the selected set of parameters, the hydrological model was found reasonably accurate in simulating the discharge hydrograph of the three events, whereas the flood event of October 1998 was simulated poorly, with an error in peak discharge and time to peak of −58% and 20%, respectively. This discrepancy was ascribed to the combined effect of the rainfall spatial variability and a partial obstruction of the bridge located in Pieve S. Stefano. In fact, taking account of the last hypothesis, the hydraulic model reproduced with a fair accuracy the observed flooded urban area. Moreover, incorporating into the hydrological model the flow resulting from a sudden cleaning of the obstruction, which was simulated by a ‘shock‐capturing’ one‐dimensional hydraulic model, the discharge hydrograph at the basin outlet was well represented if the rainfall was supposed to have occurred in the region near the main channel. This was simulated by reducing considerably the dynamic parameter, the lag time, of the instantaneous unit hydrograph for each homogeneous element into which the basin is divided. The error in peak discharge and time to peak decreased by a few percent. A sensitivity analysis of both the flooding volume involved in the shock wave and the lag time showed that this latter parameter requires a careful evaluation. Moreover, the analysis of the hydrograph peak prediction due to error in rainfall input showed that the error in peak discharge was lower than that of the same input error quantity. Therefore, the obtained results allowed us to support the hypothesis on the causes which triggered the complex event occurring in October 1998, and pointed out that the proposed procedure can be conveniently adopted for flood risk evaluation in ungauged river basins where a built‐up area is located. The need for a more detailed analysis regarding the processes of runoff generation and flood routing is also highlighted. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

陈德亮  高歌 《湖泊科学》2003,15(Z1):105-114
近几年来,国家气候中心己经建立了中国主要四大流域气候对水资源影响评估的模式框架.本文拟进一步证明其中之一的两参数分布式月水量平衡水文模式对长江之上汉江和赣江两子流域径流的模拟能力,结果表明该水文模式对目前气候条件下径流模拟效果较好,运行稳定,可用于实时业务运行.在此基础上,利用ECHAM4和HadCM2两GCM(General Circulation Model)未来气候情景模拟结果及目前实测气候情况,对汉江和赣江两子流域的径流对未来气候变化的敏感性进行评估.经检验,两GCM对未来气候,特别是降水情景模拟存在一定差异,因此,造成径流对气候变化的响应不同,这充分反映了全球模式模拟结果不确定性在气候变化影响研究中的重要性.  相似文献   

Rainfall–runoff modelling was conducted to estimate the flows that Latonyanda River contribute to Luvuvhu River downstream of Albasini Dam. The confluence of Latonyanda and Luvuvhu Rivers is ungauged. The contributed flows compensate for upstream water abstractions and periodic lack of releases from Albasini Dam. The flow contributions from tributaries to Luvuvhu River are important for ecosystem sustenance, meeting downstream domestic and agricultural water demand and ecological water requirements particularly in Kruger National Park. The upper Latonyanda River Quaternary Catchment (LRQC), with streamflow gauging station number A9H027 was delineated and used for rainfall–runoff modelling. The simulation was done using Mike 11 NAM rainfall–runoff model. Calibration and verification runs of Mike 11 NAM rainfall–runoff model were carried out using data for periods of 4 and 2 years, respectively. The model was calibrated using shuffled complex evolution optimizer. The model efficiency was tested using coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), overall water balance error (OWBE) and percentage bias (PBIAS). The model parameters obtained from the upper LRQC were transferred and used together with rainfall and evaporation data for 40 years period in the simulation of runoff for the LRQC. The flows that Latonyanda River contribute to Luvuvhu River were computed by subtracting irrigation abstractions and runoff drained to Tshakhuma Dam from the simulated runoff time series of the LRQC. The observed and the simulated runoff showed similar trends and measures of performances for both calibration and verification runs fell within acceptable ranges. The pairs of values obtained for R2, RMSE, OWBE and PBIAS for calibration and verification were 0.86 and 0.73, 0.21 and 0.2, 2.1 and 1.3, and 4.1 and 3.4, respectively. The simulated runoff for LRQC correlated well with the areal rainfall showing that the results are reasonable. The mean and maximum daily flow contributions from the Latonyanda River are 0.91 and 49 m3/s respectively. The estimation of these ungauged flows makes it possible to plan and manage the water requirements for the downstream users.  相似文献   

The spatial variability of snow water equivalent (SWE) can exert a strong influence on the timing and magnitude of snowmelt delivery to a watershed. Therefore, the representation of sub-grid or sub-watershed snow variability in hydrologic models is important for accurately simulating snowmelt dynamics and runoff response. The U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrologic Model infrastructure with the precipitation-runoff modelling system (NHM-PRMS) represents the sub-grid variability of SWE with snow depletion curves (SDCs), which relate snow-covered area to watershed-mean SWE during the snowmelt period. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the sensitivity of simulated runoff to SDC representation within the NHM-PRMS across the continental United States (CONUS). SDCs for the model experiment were derived assuming a range of SWE coefficient of variation values and a lognormal probability distribution function. The NHM-PRMS was simulated at a daily time step for each SDC over a 14-year period. Results highlight that increasing the sub-grid snow variability (by changing the SDC) resulted in a consistently slower snowmelt rate and longer snowmelt duration when averaged across the hydrologic response unit scale. Simulated runoff was also found to be sensitive to SDC representation, as decreases in simulated snowmelt rate by 1 mm day−1 resulted in decreases in runoff ratio by 1.8% on average in snow-dominated regions of the CONUS. Simulated decreases in runoff associated with slower snowmelt rates were approximately inversely proportional to increases in simulated evapotranspiration. High snow persistence and peak SWE:annual precipitation combined with a water-limited dryness index was associated with the greatest runoff sensitivity to changing snowmelt. Results from this study highlight the importance of carefully parameterizing SDCs for hydrologic modelling. Furthermore, improving model representation of snowmelt input variability and its relation to runoff generation processes is shown to be an important consideration for future modelling applications.  相似文献   


Taking a representative catchment of the Yangtze River Delta region as the study area, this research evaluated sub-daily rainstorm variability and its potential effects on flood processes based on an integrated approach of the HEC-HMS model and design storm hyetographs. The results show that the intensities of rainfall on sub-daily scale are getting more extreme. The annual maximum 1-, 2- and 3-hour rainstorms followed significant upward trends with increases of 0.32, 0.43 and 0.44 mm per year, respectively, while the annual maximum 6-, 12- and 24-h events had non-significant rising trends. The detected significant trends in short-duration rainstorms were then used to redesign storm hyetographs to drive the HEC-HMS model, the results show that these changes in short-duration rainstorm characteristics would increase the flood peak discharge and flood volume. These findings indicate that regional flood control capabilities must be improved to manage the adverse impacts of rainfall variation under changing environments.  相似文献   

Urbanization strongly changes natural catchment by increasing impervious coverage and by creating a need for efficient drainage systems. Such land cover changes lead to more rapid hydrological response to storms and change distribution of peak and low flows. This study aims to explore and assess how gradual hydrological changes occur during urban development from rural area to a medium‐density residential catchment. The Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) is utilized to simulate a series of scenarios in a same developing urban catchment. Sub‐hourly hydro‐meteorological data in warm season is used to calibrate and validate the model in the fully developed catchment in 2006. The validated model is then applied to other cases in development stage and runoff management scenarios. Based on the simulations and observations, three key problems are solved: (1) how catchment hydrology changes with land cover change, (2) how urban development changes pre‐development flows, and (3) how stormwater management techniques affect catchment hydrology. The results show that the low‐frequency flow rates had remarkably increased from 2004 to 2006 along with the increase of impervious areas. Urbanization in the residential catchment expands the runoff contributing area, accelerates hydrological response, raises peak flows in an order of magnitude of over 10, and more than doubles the total runoff volume. The effects of several LID controls on runoff hydrograph were simulated, and the techniques were able to reduce flows towards the pre‐development levels. However, the partly restored flow regime was still clearly changed in comparison to the pre‐development flow conditions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conditional daily rainfields were generated using collocated raingauge radar data by a kriging interpolation method, and disaggregated into hourly rainfields using variants of the method of fragments. A geographic information system (GIS)-based distributed rainfall–runoff model was used to convert the hourly rainfields into hydrographs. Using the complete radar rainfall as input, the rainfall–runoff model was calibrated based on storm events taken from nested catchments. Performance statistics were estimated by comparing the observed and the complete radar rainfall simulated hydrographs. Degradation in the hydrograph performance statistics by the simulated hourly rainfields was used to identify runoff error propagation. Uncertainty in daily rainfall amounts alone caused higher errors in runoff (depth, peak, and time to peak) than those caused by uncertainties in the hourly proportions alone. However, the degradation, which reduced with runoff depth, caused by the combined uncertainties was not significantly different from that caused by the uncertainty of amounts alone.  相似文献   

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