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模型储罐三维地震反应振动台试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对立式钢制模型罐,进行了三维地震激励和一维地震激励振动台的动响应试验研究。结果表明:储罐在三维地震动激励下的反应与一维激励相比,加速度反应、罐壁的应变反应、储罐提离反应具有较明显的放大效应。位移反应在不同地震激励下,其放大效应不同,El Centro波激励下各测点三维激励下位移较一维激励下位移放大明显,Taft、天津波激励下各测点三维激励下位移较一维激励下位移有放大也有缩小,幅度均不大。由罐壁测点加速度功率谱分析表明:一维激励其峰值频率区域较为集中,主峰突出,能量主要集中于低频区;在三维地震激励下,频率峰值区域明显拉长,峰值点模糊,频率成份十分丰富,表现出多主峰的特点。  相似文献   

立式储罐与地基相互作用地震反应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在考虑地基与储罐相互作用的情况下,采用有限元法对储罐住水平地震荷载作用下的反应进行了计算。推导了系统刚度矩阵及质量矩阵的计算过程。通过对四种场地条件下的地震响应分析,得出了储罐各种参数对地震反应的影响。分析表明:不同的地震激励对储罐系统的反应是不同的;地基刚度对系统的动力响应的影响也很大:即地基越“柔”,基底弯矩、罐壁轴向应力越小,但环向应力和底板变形却在增加。  相似文献   

针对近场地震激励下隔震储罐响应的问题,采用简化后的三质点力学模型,分别对铅芯橡胶支座隔震储罐模型在近、远场地震作用下的响应进行了对比分析,并将理论分析结果和振动台试验结果进行了对比。对比结果显示,理论分析得出的加速度响应与振动台试验结果相近,但理论分析结果会略微偏小。进一步的理论分析结果表明:近场地震下基础隔震能有效降低储罐的基底剪力和基底弯矩,而晃动波高有所增大;隔震后储罐加速度峰值位于液固耦合质点附近。  相似文献   

本文以某特大型跨江大桥主墩为研究对象,对相应于抗震设防水准为1000a和2500a地震重现期的6条人工地震波,首先采用一维波动模型分析了主桥墩场地的地震动效应,进而,采用二维整体有限元法和三维子结构有限元法对特大桥墩-群桩-土相互作用体系的地震反应进行了数值计算,分析了桩体不同深度处的地震加速度反应峰值、反应谱特征,探讨了深厚软弱场地上特大桥墩-群桩-土动力相互作用效应对群桩地震反应的影响。结果表明:桥墩场地的深厚软弱覆盖层对输入地震波具有明显的滤波和放大效应;由于特大桥墩-群桩-土体动力相互作用的影响,二维和三维计算得到的桩体加速度反应峰值较同高程处的自由场加速度反应大,且两者的频谱特性有显著的差别,群桩加速度反应峰值的空间分布与输入地震波特性有很大关系,不同桩在同一高程处的加速度反应峰值可能相差20%以上;二维和三维地震反应分析结果之间存在一定的差距,群桩中桩体的加速度反应峰值平均相差10%-25%左右,但两种方法得到的加速度反应峰值沿高程的分布具有相似的规律性。  相似文献   

立式浮顶储罐在强震作用下会发生罐壁屈曲、卡顶、浮顶下沉等震害。为降低储罐地震响应,以1 000 m3储罐为原型,按1:5的几何相似比设计缩尺模型,并以隔震周期为0.5 s进行并联隔震装置设计,给出其力学本构关系。采用模拟地震振动台试验方法,选取四种不同频谱特性的地震动对模型罐进行地震响应分析,结果表明:隔震层顶部加速度卓越频率有所降低,周期延长;隔震后储罐加速度、层间位移及动应力地震响应明显降低,但晃动波高有所放大;三向地震激励与单向地震激励相比,加速度地震响应明显放大,对晃动波高影响较小。建议储罐抗震减震设计时应考虑三向地震作用。  相似文献   

本文采用液压阻尼系统(HDS)控制立式圆柱钢制储罐的地震反应,建立了安装HDS储罐的力学分析模型,并进行了数值计算,从频域对安装HDS后储罐的地震响应进行了分析,研究了HDS的减震效果和HDS和HDS参数对储罐地震反应的影响。  相似文献   

文中基于某核电站场地工程地质资料,构建了5个硬夹层厚度不同的工程地质剖面。在此基础上,建立了5个一维分析模型,并应用一维土层地震反应等效线性化方法分析了硬夹层厚度对场地地震反应加速度峰值与反应谱的影响。分析结果表明:硬夹层的厚度对场地地震反应峰值加速度与反应谱有较明显的影响,硬夹层厚度的增加减小了场地的非线性效应;不同输入地震动水平下,硬夹层顶板的峰值加速度均小于输入加速度峰值,地表峰值加速度均大于输入加速度峰值;相同输入地震动水平下,随着硬夹层厚度的增加,硬夹层顶板和场地地表峰值加速度与输入峰值加速度之比均表现为先逐渐减小后逐渐增加的趋势,而场地地表与硬夹层顶板的峰值加速度之比随硬夹层厚度的增加总体逐渐增加;硬夹层厚度相同时,随着输入峰值加速度的增大,硬夹层顶板和场地地表的峰值加速度与输入峰值加速度之比逐渐减小;硬夹层仅对一定频带内的加速度反应谱有影响,其厚度越大,影响频带越宽,而对于影响频带之外的加速度反应谱影响很小,同时周期越长影响越小。  相似文献   

为研究近场多维地震作用下三维隔震储罐的动力响应,采用ADINA软件建立了15×104 m3储罐的有限元模型,选取弹簧单元模拟三维隔震支座,分别输入水平与竖向的近场地震动,定量分析了其动力响应。分析结果显示:对于大型储罐应当考虑竖向地震作用;三维隔震装置可以有效降低储罐的动力响应,但是对晃动波高无控制效果;近场竖向地震作用下的晃动波高幅值很小,实际工程中可以忽略不计。  相似文献   

竖向地震动特征研究   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:25  
本文以国内外数十次地震(ML≥5)的近场自由地表加速度记录为基础数据,进行近场加速度峰值比的统计分析,并着重对1999年台湾集集地震竖向地震动反应谱特征进行研究。统计结果表明,竖向与水平向(V/H)加速度峰值比与震源距相关,随震源距增加,比值降低;竖向反应谱及竖向与水平向加速度反应谱比是周期的函数、并与场地条件及震源距相关。  相似文献   

9.21台湾集集地震中场地类别对地震动若干特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对9.21台湾集集地震主震的404组强震记录按照不同震中距和场地类别进行分组,然后对加速度水平分量和垂直分量的持时、峰值加速度、包络线、反应谱及其均方差作了,统计分析。结果表明,场地条件对不同分量加速度某些特征的影响较为显著,断层方向对地震动水平特性也有一定的影响。该结果对地震危险性分析以及结构抗震验算有一定参考价值。此外,对地震动三分量包络线的研究为三维地震动模拟提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

水平地震激励下储罐液体晃动与提离分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在考虑地基与储罐相互作用的情况下,采用有限元法对储罐在水平地震荷载作用下的液面晃动及储罐提离反应进行了分析。结果表明:罐内液体的晃动是长周期运动,其周期受地震动影响。无论是小体积罐还是大体积罐,在一定的地震烈度下均可以发生提离,而且储罐发生提离的时刻大多数是在地震动的峰值过后的一段时间内。大体积的储罐的提离明显小于小体积的罐。底板提离区域为月牙形。  相似文献   

The seismic response of liquid-filled cylindrical storage tanks has been investigated using finite element techniques implemented in the general purpose structural analysis computer code ANSYS. Both added mass concepts and displacement-based fluid finite elements were employed to allow for the effects of the liquid. Simplified response spectrum modal analyses of a tank making use of the axisymmetric harmonic displacement patterns of the principal modes of deformation were found to give accurate predictions of the tank behaviour with a rigidly anchored base. Time history analyses of three-dimensional finite element models of unanchored and flexibly anchored tanks, with gap conditions between the tank base and the supporting floor to allow lift-off of the base, indicated that stresses in the tank and resultant loads on the floor can be much greater than for a rigidly restrained tank. These results demonstrate the importance of carefully considering the restraint conditions when performing seismic design calculations on storage tanks.  相似文献   

大跨度空间网格结构多维多点随机地震反应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文建立了三维正交地震动多点激励下大跨度空间网格结构的随机地震反应分析方法,依据现行抗震设计规范的有关规定,确定了平稳随机地震动功率谱密度的模型参数。数值仿真分析了一柱距80m的正方形平板网架分别在一维地震动或三维地震动的一致激励、行波激励和考虑部分相干效应的随机激励下的地震反应。结果表明:考虑地震动的空间效应会很大程度地改变结构杆件的内力,其中控制杆件的内力增幅达到30%;地震动的行波效应对结构杆件内力的影响比随机地震动的部分相干效应的影响更大;三维地震作用比一维地震作用下结构杆件的内力大。由此得出结论,对于大跨度空间网格结构,必须进行多维多点地震激励下的随机地震反应分析。  相似文献   

A common effective method to reduce the seismic response of liquid storage tanks is to isolate them at base using base-isolation systems. It has been observed that in many earthquakes, the foregoing systems significantly affect on the whole system response reduction. However, in exceptional cases of excitation by long-period shaking, the base-isolation systems could have adverse effects. Such earthquakes could cause tank damage due to excessive liquid sloshing. Therefore, the numerical seismic response of liquid storage tanks isolated by bilinear hysteretic bearing elements is investigated under long-period ground motions in this research. For this purpose, finite shell elements for the tank structure and boundary elements for the liquid region are employed. Subsequently, fluid–structure equations of motion are coupled with governing equation of base-isolation system, to represent the whole system behavior. The governing equations of motion of the whole system are solved by an iterative and step-by-step algorithm to evaluate the response of the whole system to the horizontal component of three ground motions. The variations of seismic shear forces, liquid sloshing heights, and tank wall radial displacements are plotted under various system parameters such as the tank geometry aspect ratio (height to radius), and the flexibility of the isolation system, to critically examine the effects of various system parameters on the effectiveness of the base-isolation systems against long-period ground motions. From these analyses, it may be concluded that with the installation of this type of base-isolation system in liquid tanks, the dynamic response of tanks during seismic ground motions can be considerably reduced. Moreover, in the special case of long-period ground motions, the seismic response of base-isolated tanks may be controlled by the isolation system only at particular conditions of slender and broad tanks. For the case of medium tanks, remarkable attentions would be required to be devoted to the design of base-isolation systems expected to experience long-period ground motions.  相似文献   

The seismic response analysis of a base-isolated liquid storage tank on a half-space was examined using a coupling method that combines the finite elements and boundary elements. The coupled dynamic system that considers the base isolation system and soil–structure interaction effect is formulated in time domain to evaluate accurately the seismic response of a liquid storage tank. Finite elements for a structure and boundary elements for liquid are coupled using equilibrium and compatibility conditions. The base isolation system is modeled using the biaxial hysteretic element. The homogeneous half-space is idealized using the simple spring-dashpot model with frequency-independent coefficients. Some numerical examples are presented to demonstrate accuracy and applicability of the developed method.Consequently, a general numerical algorithm that can analyze the dynamic response of base-isolated liquid storage tanks on homogeneous half-space is developed in three-dimensional coordinates and dynamic response analysis is performed in time domain.  相似文献   

林树潮     《世界地震工程》2021,(1):129-136
为了研究高阶晃动振型对LNG储罐地震响应的影响,考虑高阶晃动振型,建立LNG储罐的简化力学模型,推导LNG储罐的运动控制方程,给出了LNG储罐的基底剪力、倾覆弯矩和储罐内液体晃动波高的表达式。以某16×104 m3 LNG储罐为例,采用大型通用有限元分析软件ADINA System对其进行有限元模型分析,验证其修正模型的有效性,结果表明:高阶晃动振型对基底剪力和倾覆弯矩几乎无影响,但对晃动波高影响显著,尤其是长周期地震动作用下,并且考虑高阶晃动振型的晃动波高存在延时效应。提出的简化力学模型修正公式与有限元分析结果吻合较好,可以准确地预测LNG储罐地震响应。  相似文献   

研究不同高径比橡胶基底隔震储罐的频率特征,探讨储罐隔震体系3种不同振动频率随支座隔震频率变化规律.分析在不同频谱特性地震波激励下,隔震体系各振型组分对地震响应(基底剪力、支座位移和晃动波高)的影响,以及响应峰值随支座隔震频率和阻尼比的变化特点.研究表明,基底剪力峰值与场地地震波频谱特性密切相关.支座隔震频率不能完全反映减震机理的实质,隔震振型频率是影响基底剪力的重要参数.在软弱场地上隔震储罐的减震效率低,有效隔震频率范围窄.晃动波高峰值是储罐自振特性和地震波频谱特性等多种因素导致的结果,隔震系统设计时需特别考虑晃动波高增大的影响.  相似文献   

The non‐stationary rocking response of liquid storage tanks under seismic base excitations including soil interaction has been developed based on the wavelet domain random vibration theory. The ground motion has been characterized through statistical functionals of wavelet coefficients of the ground acceleration history. The tank–liquid–foundation system is modelled as a multi‐degree‐of‐freedom (MDOF) system with both lateral and rocking motions of vibration of the foundation. The impulsive and convective modes of vibration of the liquid in the tank have been considered. The wavelet domain coupled dynamic equations are formulated and then solved to get the expressions of instantaneous power spectral density function (PSDF) in terms of functionals of input wavelet coefficients. The moments of the instantaneous PSDF are used to obtain the stochastic responses of the tank in the form of coefficients of hydrodynamic pressure, base shear and overturning base moment for the largest expected peak responses. Parametric variations are carried out to study the effects of various governing parameters like height of liquid in the tank, height–radius ratio of the tank, ratio of total liquid mass to mass of foundation, and shear wave velocity in the soil medium, on the responses of the tank. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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