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万全断裂的几何结构和活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据实地调查和探测资料对万全断裂的几何结构和构造活动进行分析与研究,结果表明:该断裂是洋河盆地北缘断裂带的组成断裂之一,由南、北两段斜列组成,呈北东-北北东走向展布,为正断层,长约15km;断裂在第四纪期间持续活动,控制着附近地区的构造演化和地貌发育:西北侧中生代地层抬升,形成低山丘陵;东南侧地块下降,接受第四纪堆积,构成山间盆地;晚更新世以来单条断层的平均垂直活动速率大于0.03—0.3mm/a。  相似文献   

山东胶东半岛地区断裂最新活动性研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
山东胶东半岛地区发育有北北东-北东向和北西西向两组断裂,前者分属蓬莱-栖霞断裂系和即墨-牟平断裂带,为半岛的主体断裂构造;后者分布在半岛北缘及其北侧海域,由多条断裂组成。实地调查表明,断层在第四纪期间是活动的,控制着附近山地和盆地的构造演化与地貌发育,最新活动主要发生在第四纪早期,垂直活动幅度可达百米以上;第四纪晚期,断裂活动性迅速减弱,甚至停止,但依然发现北北东-北东向断裂的多个局部段落还在活动,明显地错断了晚更新世地层,垂直断距最大为10m左右。  相似文献   

第四纪火山区活动构造的识别和地震危险性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪一鹏 《华南地震》1997,17(4):19-25
在第四纪火山区作活动构造研究时需要仔细地区分岩浆原生构造,火山区非构造变动和真正的活动断裂。第四纪火山区晚更新世晚期以来不再活动的断裂不宜看成危险性断裂。第四纪火山可能发生中强地震,极少可能发生大地震。  相似文献   

实地调查表明,山西长治断裂由三段组成,南段和中段为西倾正断层,北段为东倾正断层,总体走向北东25o,长达65km,控制着附近山地与第四纪山间盆地的构造演化和地貌发育;第四纪早期,断裂发生强烈的垂直差异活动,最大垂直活动幅度可达400m左右;第四纪晚期,断裂活动性明显减弱,中段仍有活动,至少发生过两期活动,第—期活动发生于距今10.88万年左右或以后、1.49万年以前,第二期活动发生于距今1.49万年以后,垂直错距0.65m。  相似文献   

陈文彬  徐锡伟 《地震地质》2006,28(2):319-324
阿拉善地块南缘发育了由5条走向近EW、向西收敛、向东撒开的断裂组成的断裂束,每条断裂长度一般>100km,控制第四纪盆地呈EW向长条状展布,卫片上线性影像清晰,晚第四纪以来表现出左旋走滑活动的特点。断裂束西段的金塔南山断裂与阿尔金断裂带东段的宽滩山段趋于交会,并与文殊山构造隆起之间构成构造转换关系。分析认为金塔南山断裂以及整个阿拉善南缘断裂束是阿尔金断裂左旋运动的东延部分,断裂束在平面上“帚状”的、向东撒开的构造样式有利于走滑运动量的分解、消减和吸收,符合走滑断裂末端的构造特点。阿拉善南缘断裂束的左旋走滑活动有可能是阿尔金断裂带进一步向东扩展的结果,其时代可能发生于早更新世末—中更新世初  相似文献   

张家口断裂第四纪构造变形与活动性研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
本文根据野外详实资料对张家口断裂的构造变形和活动性进行分析与研究,结果表明:断裂由西、中、东3段组成,各段多由北西向和近东西向2组多条次级断层组成,总体呈北西西走向展布,长达70km,控制着张家口及附近的第四纪构造演化和地貌发育;北西向断层构成断裂的主体,为高角度的逆(或正)走滑断层,近东西向断层较短,表现为正倾滑,第四纪期间2组断层持续活动,以脆性变形为特征;断裂端部段落与北东向断裂交汇,活动性较弱,构造表现不甚清楚,中部段落活动强烈,晚更新世以来单条断层的平均垂直活动速率大于0.07—0.30mm/a,总的垂直活动速率可能达到1.33mm/a。  相似文献   

本文根据航卫片、第四纪地质、地貌、浅层地震、钻孔、年代学等资料,分析了厦门篑筜港北东向断裂带的第四纪晚期活动特征,并阐述了其构造组合特征。结果表明:①断裂带中的文灶-龙山-五通断裂和虎尾山-钟宅断裂为第四纪早期断裂,晚更新世以来不再活动;②篑筜港断裂为晚更新世早、中期活动断裂,晚更新世晚期(约3万年)以来不活动;③文灶-龙山-五通断裂和虎尾山.钟宅断裂将厦门岛切割为3个地块,分别形成了仙岳山地垒、篑筜港地堑和云项岩地垒的构造组合,晚更新世晚期以来地壳以整体性上升运动为总趋势。  相似文献   

莱州湾海域郯庐断裂带活断层探测   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
利用浅地层剖面仪对郯庐断裂带莱州湾段进行了活断层探测,发现郯庐断裂带主干断裂在第四纪晚期以来具有明显的活动,继承了晚第三纪以来的主要构造活动特点,仍是这一区域的主导性构造. 西支KL3断裂由多条高角度正断裂组成,最新活动时代为晚更新世晚期至全新世早期,受到一系列错断晚更新世晚期沉积的北东或近东西向断裂的切割;东支龙口断裂由两段右阶斜列的次级断层组成,沿断裂带不但有明显的晚第四纪断错活动,而且还发育北北东向晚第四纪生长褶皱,表现出明显的晚更新世晚期至全新世活动特征. 在山东陆地区也发现了与龙口断裂相对应的安丘——莒县断裂,安丘段由一系列右阶斜列的次级断层组成. 从安丘向北至莱州湾凹陷,郯庐断裂带东支活断层构成了一条右旋单剪变形带,每一个次级活断层段相当于带内理论上次级压剪面,在第四纪晚期以来仍以右旋走滑活动为主要特征.   相似文献   

西藏尼木南北向活动构造带的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西藏尼木南北向活动构造带是西藏高原上著名的当雄—羊八井—多庆错活动构造带的组成部份,具有强烈的第四纪活动性。它由活动断裂和裂陷型断陷盆地两大部份构成。盆地内的地貌特征显示它在第四纪持续沉降的特点。该带中的活动断裂主要有两组,即南北向和北北东向。第四记的强烈活动在带内留下了众多的断错地貌现象,南北向活动断裂的主要活动时期较早,在更新世。北北东向活动断裂的主要活动时期较晚,在全新世。  相似文献   

辽宁省主要活动断层与地震活动特征分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文结合编制 1:100 万辽宁省地震构造图,分析了辽宁省近 20 年来地震构造环境相关研究成果,确定辽宁地区共有第四纪以来活动断裂 29 条:全新世断裂 1 条;晚更新世断裂 5 条;早、中更新世断裂 23 条。其中北东向晚更新世活动断裂和北西向全新世活动断裂为辽宁地区的主要控震、发震构造。北东向晚更新世活动断裂与北西向断裂交汇部位、海城河隐伏断裂的端点部位和鸭绿江断裂南西端黄海海域是未来发生中强地震的主要部位。本研究可为深入研究辽宁地区地震构造条件、编制第五代全国地震区划图提供基础资料。  相似文献   

正SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences,an academic journal cosponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China,and published by Science China Press and Springer,is committed to publishing high-quality,original results in both basic and applied research.  相似文献   

正SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences,an academic journal cosponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China,and published by Science China Press and Springer,is committed to publishing high-quality,original results in  相似文献   

In natural waters arsenic concentrations up to a few milligrams per litre were measured. The natural content of arsenic found in soils varies between 0.01 mg/kg and a few hundred milligrams per kilogram. Anthropogenic sources of arsenic in the environment are the smelting of ores, the burning of coal, and the use of arsenic compounds in many products and production processes in the past. A lot of arsenic compounds are toxic and cause acute and chronic poisoning. In aqueous environment the inorganic arsenic species arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)) are the most abundant species. The mobility of these species is influenced by the pH value, the redox potential, and the presence of adsorbents such as oxides and hydroxides of Fe(III), Al(III), Mn(III/IV), humic substances, and clay minerals.  相似文献   

Due to deleterious effects on non-target organisms, the use of organotin compounds on boat hulls of small vessels (<25 m) has been widely prohibited. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) resolved that the complete prohibition on organotin compounds acting as biocides in antifouling systems should commence in 2008. As a result of restrictions on the use of organotin based paints, other antifouling formulations containing organic biocides have been utilised. This survey was conducted to assess the contamination of replacement biocides in the marine environment following the ban of TBT-based paints. Surface sediments samples were collected in the major ports and marinas along the France Mediterranean coastline (Cote d’Azur) and analysed for organotin compounds, Irgarol 1051, Sea-nine 211TM, Chlorothalonil, Dichlofluanid and Folpet. Every port and marina exhibited high levels of organotin compounds, with concentrations in sediments ranging from 37 ng Sn g−1dry wt in Menton Garavan to over 4000 ng Sn g−1dry wt close to the ship chandler within the port of Villefranche-sur-Mer. TBT degradation indexes suggested that fresh inputs are still made. Among the other antifoulants monitored, only Irgarol 1051 exhibited measurable concentrations in almost every port, with concentrations ranging from 40 ng g−1dry wt (Cannes) to almost 700 ng g−1dry wt (Villefranche-sur-Mer, ship chandler).  相似文献   

Microcystins are cyclic heptapeptide toxins produced by a range of cyanobacterial genera. These cyanobacteria occur naturally in drinking water reservoirs subject to eutrophication, and in rivers and natural lakes. Because of the diversity of organisms, the toxins occur, from oligo‐mesotrophic lakes in North Temperate latitudes, to hypertrophic tropical ponds. The toxins are responsible for numerous cases of injury and death of domestic animals, and human poisoning from drinking water. The initial poisoning includes hepatic cell death. This leads to secondary effects from liver deficiency, including jaundice and photosensitisation. The toxic effects are largely due to inhibition of phosphatase enzymes, acting to regulate protein phosphorylation. The consequences include structural damage, apoptosis and, at lower concentrations, cell cycle effects and tumour promotion. As there is no clear evidence for direct carcinogenesis by microcystins, they are classed as non‐carcinogenic toxins in drinking water. Guideline Values for safe drinking water are derived from data for subchronic rodent toxicity, using the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (the highest dose giving no toxicity). To this dose are applied uncertainty factors, to calculate a Tolerable Daily Intake. On the basis of a standard bodyweight and water consumption the Guideline Value is determined for drinking water. For microcystin‐LR the WHO have set a provisional Guideline Value of 1 μg/L for drinking water.  相似文献   

The geomagnetic field and secular variation exhibit asymmetrical spatial features which are possibly originating from an heterogeneous thermal control of the Earth's lower mantle on the core. The identification of this control in magnetic data is subject to several difficulties, some of which can be alleviated by the use of core surface flow models. Using numerical dynamos driven by heterogeneous boundary heat flux, we confirm that within the parameter space accessible to simulations, time average surface flows obey a simple thermal wind equilibrium between the Coriolis and buoyancy forces, the Lorentz, inertial and viscous forces playing only a secondary role, even for Elsasser numbers significantly larger than 1. Furthermore, we average the models over the duration of three vortex turnovers, and correlate them with a longer time average which fully reveals the signature of boundary heterogeneity. This allows us to quantify the possibility of observing mantle control in core surface flows averaged over a short time period. A scaling analysis is performed in order to apply the results to the Earth's core. We find that three vortex turnovers could represent between 100 and 360 years of Earth time, and that the heat flux heterogeneity at the core-mantle boundary could be large enough to yield an observable signature of thermal mantle control in a time average core surface flow within reach of the available geomagnetic data.  相似文献   

Located in northern Québec, the Lac Shortt Mine was a small gold mine consisting of a thin subvertical orebody which was mined in three main phases. High stress and rockbursting conditions were experienced when ore was extracted in the upper zone between the surface and a depth of 500 metres during the first two phases of mining. Severe rockbursts were experienced in late 1989 near the shaft and in the footwall development following a deepening of the mine shaft to a depth of 830 m and partial development of footwall drift access for the third phase of mining (the mining of the lower zone starting at a depth of 830 m moving upward toward a depth of 500 m). A 16-channel Electrolab MP250 microseismic system, with a Queen's University Full-Waveform piggy-back system, was installed underground at the site due to these problems.It was expected that the thinning sill would be subjected to an ever-increasing load as the thickness of the 500 m sill pillar decreased in the face of the mining excavation from below. A monitoring program consisting of the microseismic monitoring system, a range of conventional geomechanics monitoring tools as well as the undertaking of periodic seismic tomography surveys to assess the ongoing state of stress and rock mass condition within the sill was therefore warranted.The anomalously high-magnitude stress field and the brittle rockmass created a situation in which rockmass failure was common and violent. In the creation and thinning of the sill pillar, the location of banded microseismic activity was crucial in tracing rockmass failure and the associated ground control problems. Reliable source-location determination enabled the identification of areas of stress increase. The movement of the rockmass failure front could be followed, and was responsible for stope dilution, footwall and orebody development deterioration, and caving.Source-mechanism analyses gave accurate double-couple solutions for approximately forty percent of these events having at least ten recognizable polarities. Results suggested movement along vertical north-south striking or vertical east-west striking features. Underground observation of damaged access points showed that vertical north-south striking joints were experiencing failure.The microseismic activity, which was consistently concentrated close to the southwest and northeast corners of current production stopes, could be explained by a stress field oriented obliquely to the strike of the orebody, as measured prior to shrinkage of the sill pillar byin situ stress measurements and observed borehole overbreaks. The orientations of theP andT axes for the microseismic activity further confirmed that the stress field oriented obliquely to strike.While an increase in compressional-wave velocity of 2.3 percent, corresponding to a measured stress increase of approximately 10 MPa could be measured by repeated tomographic surveys, it was relatively small and only a factor of two or so above the velocity measured uncertainty. The relative insensitivity of thein situ rock mass modulus to the applied stress is believed to be largely due to the rockmass discontinuities being relatively closed prior to stress increase, as substantiated by the small deformations seen by the extensometer and borehole camera. This situation existed because of the very high pre-mining stress level.The experimental demonstration that the rock could not absorb substantially increased load through the mechanism of discontinuity closure or tightening (which would be reflected in the modulus) may be evidence in itself of potentially burst-prone ground, such as encountered at Lac Shortt.  相似文献   


The upper Niger and Volta rivers exhibit a great and highly contrasting variability of inter-annual runoff. The Bani River, the largest tributary to the Niger River in Mali, shows a dramatic decrease in runoff after the 1970s, with the result that many boreholes in the region have dried up since the drought began. In contrast, the Nakambe River (Upper Volta basin, in Burkina Faso) shows an increase in runoff for the same period, leading to unexpected flood peaks that damaged infrastructures. The contribution that the groundwater and its variability make to surface runoff variability is assessed in this study by comparing the data of the national groundwater monitoring networks of Mali and Burkina Faso to surface runoff. Several variables are compared at the basin scale: the date of the maximum level of the water table, the annual rainfall, discharge, low flows and depletion coefficients. Variability in the low flows of the Bani River is well correlated to a decrease in the water table. Since 1970, the greater decrease in runoff in comparison to the rainfall decrease is due to a reduction in the baseflow, related to the cumulated rainfall deficit. Concerning the Nakambe River, the runoff increase is not supported by a water table increase, but is due to the increase in runoff coefficient related to land degradation.  相似文献   

The inability to detect the presence of viable Helicobacter pylori bacteria in environmental waters has hindered the public health community in assessing the role water may play in the transmission of this pathogen. This work describes a cultural enrichment method coupled with an H. pylori‐specific PCR to identify these bacteria in water. While far from perfected at the present time, this represents an exciting new approach to studying the significance of water as a transmission mechanism for H. pylori. Evidence is presented that indicates culturable H. pylori bacteria were found using this enrichment/PCR method in a local groundwater source.  相似文献   

To realistically assess the seismic risk relating to built infrastructures in Hong Kong and in the neighbouring coastal cities of southern Guangdong province, it is necessary to predict ground shaking induced by different earthquake scenarios with good accuracy. A companion paper has described the modelling of the spatial and temporal distribution of the diffused seismic activities in the region, based on the newly-developed ‘Expanding Circular Disc’ (ECD) method. Representative Magnitude–Distance (M–R) combinations for both near-field and far-field earthquakes (in relation to Hong Kong) have been derived using the ECD method. The present paper describes the modelling of the response spectrum on rock sites associated with the predicted M–R combinations, using the Component Attenuation Model (CAM) that was also developed recently by the authors, based on stochastic simulations of the seismological model. The significant effects of soil resonance on the response spectrum are described in a separate publication.The accuracy of CAM in modelling ground motion properties on rock sites has been tested here by comparisons with (i) strong motions recorded in Taiwan and South China from the 1999 ‘Chi-Chi’ earthquake in Taiwan (M=7.6), (ii) motions recorded in South China from another earthquake occurring in the southern Taiwan Strait in the same year (M=5.1), and (iii) historical seismic intensity data obtained within South China. The overall capability of CAM in modelling both near-field and far-field attenuation has been shown to be unmatched by existing empirical models. Results of the comparison studies confirm the accuracy of CAM, particularly within an epicentral distance of 300–400 km.This study shows that the developed serviceability response spectra (i.e. at short return periods) are controlled mainly by the earthquake recurrence behaviour of major distant seismic sources. In contrast, the ultimate response spectra (i.e. at long return periods) relate to events with magnitudes close to the maximum credible earthquake (MCE) limit, the effect of which may also be represented by the Characteristic Response Spectrum (CRS). Both types of earthquake scenario can be significantly affected by the regional crustal properties. The proposed response spectrum envelopes have been compared with previously developed recommendations, and a critical review has been conducted. The intrinsic advantages of the ECD–CAM modelling approach have been highlighted, emphasising its directness and transparency when compared with the more complex process required to implement traditional Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA).  相似文献   

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