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江南隆起位于扬子与华夏地块的碰撞汇聚带,是研究华南大地构造演化的关键地质单元.本文采用磷灰石裂变径迹及(U-Th-Sm)/He年龄分布特征定性分析与径迹长度分布数据定量模拟相结合,主要研究了幕阜山岩体新生代的隆升与剥蚀过程,并在此基础上结合区域构造背景, 对其构造-热演化之间的关系进行了探讨.自晚白垩世持续隆升以来,幕阜山岩体经历的平均剥蚀厚度约4800 m.在不同岩体间,隆升过程及幅度存在差异,空间上具有非均匀性.热史结果显示幕阜山岩体经历了3期剥蚀, 其中两期快速剥蚀分别发生在晚白垩世-古近纪(80~50 Ma)和10 Ma以来,而这之间为一期缓慢剥蚀过程.研究区古近纪的快速剥蚀反映了中-下扬子喜山期大规模伸展断陷作用造成的肩部块体快速剥蚀事件; 约10 Ma以来的快速剥蚀是对太平洋板块向西运动的响应.幕阜山岩体自燕山晚期以来的隆升剥蚀作用具有良好的盆地沉积响应, 三期隆升剥蚀事件与研究区构造演化的动力学背景相吻合.  相似文献   

喻顺  陈文  张斌  孙敬博  李超  袁霞  沈泽  杨莉  马勋 《地球物理学报》2016,59(8):2922-2936
天山是中亚造山带重要组成部分,其中-新生代构造热演化及隆升剥露史研究是认识中亚造山带构造变形过程与机制的关键.本文应用磷灰石(U-Th)/He技术重建中天山南缘科克苏河地区中-新生代构造热演化及隆升剥蚀过程.磷灰石(U-Th)/He数据综合解释及热演化史模拟表明该地区至少存在晚白垩世、早中新世、晚中新世3期快速隆升剥蚀事件,起始时间分别为~90Ma、~13Ma及~5Ma,且这3期隆升剥蚀事件在整个天山地区具有广泛的可对比性.相对于磷灰石裂变径迹,磷灰石(U-Th)/He年龄记录了中天山南缘地质演化史中更新和更近的热信息,即中天山在晚中新世(~5 Ma)快速隆升剥蚀,其剥蚀速率为~0.47mm·a~(-1),剥蚀厚度为~2300m.总体上,中天山科克苏地区隆升剥蚀起始时间从天山造山带向昭苏盆地(由南向北)逐渐变老,表明了中天山南缘隆升剥蚀存在不均一性,并发生了多期揭顶剥蚀事件.  相似文献   

北京拗陷构造活动性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪良谋  徐杰 《中国地震》1990,6(2):25-36
本文据地质历史和构造变形对北京拗陷中、新生代构造演化及新构造运动和断裂活动性作了分析。地质历史分析表明北京拗陷在横向上介于京西隆起和大兴隆起之间的一个中新生代拗陷。在纵向上由几个相间排列的凹陷和凸起组成。中生代沉降中心表现出由北向南迁移,新生代以来则表现出自南向北迁移。从地貌水系所反映的构造运动来看,北京拗陷的中段和南段表现出间歇性均匀抬升性质,北段垂直差异运动明显。断裂活动时间在南段和中段主要为上新世和早更新世;北段活动时间可延续到晚更新世,甚至全新世。北段第四纪时新发育的断陷盆地可能与北西向断层的左旋走滑活动有关。  相似文献   

晚喜山期以来四川盆地构造-热演化模拟   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄方  刘琼颖  何丽娟 《地球物理学报》2012,55(11):3742-3753
四川盆地位于扬子板块西缘,是我国重要的含油气盆地之一.25 Ma以来的晚喜山期是四川盆地构造-热演化的重要时期,此时,盆地大部分区域受到挤压处于隆升剥蚀的构造动力学环境.本文采用有限元数值模拟方法,基于二维瞬态热传导(含平流项)的基本方程,并引入修正的Airy均衡理论模型,通过覆盖全盆地的八条剖面模拟研究了晚喜山期以来四川盆地的构造-热演化特征,且利用现今大地热流对模拟结果进行了有效约束.模拟结果显示在晚喜山期(~25 Ma)川中地区地表热流较高,为60~64 mW/m2;川西南地区次之,为60~62 mW/m2;川东北地区最低,为50~54 mW/m2.该期基底热流,也是川中隆起区热流高,川东北强烈剥蚀区热流低.热流的空间分布特征揭示了四川盆地深部动力学机制.四川盆地晚喜山期以来,抬升剥蚀作用降低了其地表热流和基底热流,其降低幅度与对应的剥蚀速率相关,即剥蚀速率越大,这种降低作用越明显.  相似文献   

对吕梁山地区中-新生代隆升时限及其演化的认识,是恢复鄂尔多斯盆地沉积东界的基础,也是探讨华北克拉通演化和破坏等科学问题的有机组成部分.本文以盆山耦合的研究思路为指导,通过较系统的裂变径迹热年代学采样分析,认为吕梁山地区显生宙的隆升活动主要发生在早白垩世晚期以来,可进一步分为缓慢抬升(120~65 Ma)、加速抬升(65~23 Ma)及强烈抬升(23 Ma以来)3个隆升演化阶段,新生代以来是其最主要的隆升时期.抬升作用在空间上具非均衡性,中、北部抬升早,南部晚.晚新生代以来吕梁山地区的快速隆升作用,与东部相邻断陷的沉降具有成因耦合联系.吕梁山地区晚中生代-新生代以来的隆升演化,可能主要与青藏高原挤压造山作用和太平洋板块俯冲的远程效应有关.  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂中段晚新生代走滑过程的沉积响应   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过阿尔金断裂中段晚新生代盆地的沉积特征和构造变形过程的野外观测和室内分析, 建立了阿尔金断裂中段晚新生代的沉积序列; 并根据盆地断裂-沉积-古地貌的恢复, 推断晚新生代阿尔金断裂至少经历了3期走滑作用过程. 通过晚第三纪沉积体错移和盆地形成与演化过程的复原分析, 提出了阿尔金断裂晚新生代以来80~100 km左旋走滑位错的地质新证据.  相似文献   

日喀则弧前盆地紧邻印度板块与欧亚大陆碰撞带,研究其剥蚀历史对理解印度板块与欧亚大陆碰撞对造山带剥蚀的影响具有重要意义。文中利用磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)及锆石和磷灰石的(U-Th)/He(ZHe和AHe)年龄数据,结合已发表的低温热年代数据探讨日喀则弧前盆地的热演化和剥露历史。日喀则弧前盆地磷灰石裂变径迹年龄存在明显的南北差异,南部磷灰石裂变径迹年龄为74~44Ma,对应的剥蚀速率为0. 03~0. 1km/Ma,剥蚀量≤2km;北部磷灰石裂变径迹年龄为27~15Ma,剥蚀速率为0. 09~0. 29km/Ma,但缺失早新生代的热演化历史。而磷灰石的(U-Th)/He年龄表明15Ma BP之后日喀则弧前盆地整体呈现一致的剥露历史。低温热年代数据表明日喀则弧前盆地南部自新生代以来尽管受到印度板块与欧亚大陆碰撞及后期断层活动的影响,海拔由海平面抬升至4. 2km,但一直保持缓慢的剥蚀,表明高原隆升并未直接促使该地区的岩石剥蚀速率加快,这与快速剥蚀即代表造山带开始隆升的假设不相符。此外,日喀则弧前盆地北部的低温热年代学研究表明晚渐新世—早中新世Kailas盆地仅发育于日喀则弧前盆地与冈底斯造山带之间的狭长地带,并在短期内经历了快速的埋藏和剥露。  相似文献   

软流层、中地壳与盆-山系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虽然大量的地学断面研究为我们提供了及其丰富的有关中地壳的信息,但极少有人将中地壳的与盆地、断隆山的形成和演化相联系.大陆层控构造理论认为,上地壳正断层上盘在下降过程中,挤压下伏中地壳塑性层,中地壳塑性层物质在该压力作用下从下降幅度最大、垂向压强最大的箕状盆地翘降端压出,主要流向垂向压力较小、紧邻断层面应变空间的下盘,促使该盘向上倾斜,形成断隆山,组成盆—山系.现今中国东部阴山、秦岭、太行山和燕山等断隆山脉,无不与同时代深沉降的断陷盆地毗邻.松辽盆地和西侧大兴安岭以嫩江断裂为界,断陷盆地和断隆山由晚侏罗世到早白垩世同时开始形成到新生代,伴随松辽盆地大幅度沉降,大兴安岭大幅度隆升.在重力均衡作用下,盆—山系形成引起莫霍面隆起和上地幔软流层隆升,在沉积盆地和断隆上形成大量金属、非金属和油气矿产.中生代以后,软流层大规模发育.软流层隆升对大型含油气区形成具有决定性意义。  相似文献   

本文重点论述了四川中新生代沉积盆地变形构造格局、盆内地震活动规律、变形构造形成演化与地震活动的时空耦合关系等。提出盆内浅源地震主要受盆内薄皮构造中的冲起构造带控制,并认为地震活动随变形构造的前展式扩展有逐渐向盆地中央迁移的趋势。  相似文献   

磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)分析表明松辽盆地晚期构造活动在空间上具有分区性, 在时间上具有幕式性. 空间上的分区性表现在晚期构造活动始于盆地东部, 并逐渐向西部迁移. 盆地东部裂变径迹年龄大, 表明进入抬升剥蚀作用的时间早, 而西部裂变径迹年龄小, 表明进入抬升剥蚀作用的时间晚. 盆地的抬升剥蚀量与主要构造单元关系密切, 但是东部的抬升剥蚀量明显大于中央隆起带和西部斜坡带. 时间的幕式性表现在盆地的热演化历史经历了两幕快速冷却和紧随快速冷却之后的缓慢冷却过程, 磷灰石裂变径迹的蒙特卡罗随机模拟进一步限定不同热演化的转折时间为65, 43.5, 28和15 Ma. 结合盆地所处的区域构造背景认为松辽盆地晚期热事件是对太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲的响应. 其中第一幕快速冷却与紧随其后的缓慢冷却过程是对燕山运动主幕构造运动的响应, 抬升剥蚀的时间可能始于嫩江组末期, 并持续到始新世末期. 盆地的抬升剥蚀速率与板块汇聚速率密切相关, 板块汇聚速率高, 抬升剥蚀速率高, 反之抬升剥蚀速率低. 第二幕快速冷却和紧随其后的缓慢冷却是对日本海的拉张与闭合的响应. 日本海的拉张导致地幔热流向日本海汇聚, 使盆地快速冷却, 相反, 日本海的闭合使盆地进入进一步的缓慢沉降阶段, 盆地的冷却速率下降.  相似文献   

The Qilian Mountains, as a major orogenic belt in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, is the forefront of the expansion of the plateau to the northeast, where thrusts and folds dominate tectonic deformation. The Baiyang River starts from the inner Qilian Mountains, flowing northward across various structures, and finally into the Jiuxi Basin. This work focused on exhaustive investigations to the terraces on this river to characterize the Late Quaternary tectonic deformation in this region. The results show that (1)these river terraces on the Baiyang River are segmented, of which multiple levels developed at steep terrains and anticlines in the basin. Bounded by the Niutou Mountains, mainly 2-3 and 4-5 levels of terraces formed in the upper and lower reaches, respectively. (2)The longitudinal profiles along the river suggest a vertical motion rate of the Changma fault as (0.32±0.09)mm/a and crustal shortening rate (0.12±0.09)mm/a. There was no vertical activity since the formation of T5 surface (13ka)on the Hanxia-Dahuanggou fault. At the terrace T5 (9ka)on the Laojunmiao anticline, fold uplift amounts (6.55±0.5)m and shortening amounts (3.47±0.5)m, yielding uplift and shortening rates (1.23±0.81)mm/a and (0.67±0.44)mm/a, respectively. The Baiyang River anticline began to be active about 300ka with uplift and shortening rates (0.21±0.02)mm/a and (0.14±0.03)mm/a, respectively since 170ka. (3)In the Qilian Mountains, there were two different deformation characteristics in response to the expansion of the Tibetan plateau. Shear deformation dominates the inner Qilian Mountains, which is manifested as lateral extrusion of blocks. In the northern margin of Qilian Mountains and Jiuxi Basin, the deformation is dominated by compression, expressing crustal shortening and uplift, and the shortening within the basin accounts about half of the total deformation.  相似文献   

The Hetao depression zone, located to the north of Ordos block, is a complex depression basin that consists of two sub-uplifts and three sub-depressions. The depression zone is subject to the regional extensional stress field driven by the Indo-Asian continental collision and the westward subduction of the Pacific Plate. The Baotou uplift that separates the Baiyanhua sub-depression and Huhe sub-depression is mainly composed of Archean gneiss and is overlaid by Quaternary sedimentary strata. The two sub-depressions are bordered by the Wula Mountains and Daqing Mountains to the north, respectively. The bedrock exhumed in Wula Mountains and Daqing Mountains consists mostly of Precambrian granitic gneiss, and the piedmont depressions are infilled by thick Cenozoic strata. The Wulashan piedmont fault and Daqingshan piedmont fault extend along the range front of Wula Mountains and Daqing Mountains, respectively. The subsidence is controlled by the two boundary faults. Previous studies have preliminarily documented the characteristics of the northwest boundary fault of Baotou uplift. Combining shallow seismic exploration, active fault mapping, and geological drilling, this paper presents a detailed study on the tectonic characteristics of the Baotou uplift. The shallow seismic exploration reveals that the Baotou uplift is an asymmetrical wedge with a steep southeast wing and a gentle dipping northwest wing. The Baotou uplift is wider in the northeastern part and narrows down towards the southwest. In seismic profiles, the Baiyanhua sub-depression and the Huhe sub-depression manifest as asymmetric dustpan-like depressions with south-dipping controlling faults. Baotou uplift is bounded by the Xishawan-Xingsheng Fault to the northwest and Daqingshan piedmont fault to the southeast. The two faults exhibit significant difference in many aspects, such as fault geometry, fault displacement, the latest active time, and so on. The southeast boundary fault of Baotou uplift is the Baotou section of the Daqingshan piedmont fault which is a Holocene active fault and the major boundary fault of Huhe sub-depression. East of Wanshuiquan, the fault strikes EW-NEE; west of Wanshuiquan, the strike changes to NW. The Daqingshan piedmont fault appears as a south-dipping listric fault in seismic profiles whose dip decreases with depth and cuts through all the sedimentary strata in Huhe sub-depression; the fault extends along the late Pleistocene lacustrine platform at surface with prominent geomorphological evidences. The Xishawan-Xingsheng Fault is a buried high-angle normal fault that mainly dips to the northwest and strikes NE. The fault strike changes to NNE at the eastern tip. Based on the results of seismic exploration and geological drilling, the Xishawan-Xingsheng buried fault is an early to middle Pleistocene Fault capped by late Pleistocene lacustrine strata. We reckon that the Xishawan-Xingsheng Fault is one of the synthetic faults that dip towards the main boundary fault of Baiyanhua sub-depression. Similarities in lithology, geometry, and structural characteristics of south boundary faults all indicate that Baotou uplift is the western extension of Daqing Mountains. Multiple factors may contribute to the formation of Baotou uplift, such as tectonic subsidence and the development of large-scale river system and mega-lake. We suggest that the upwelling of asthenosphere may play a primary role in the evolution of Wulanshan piedmont fault and Daqingshan piedmont fault. Separated by the Baotou uplift, the Wulashan piedmont fault and Daqingshan piedmont fault can be regarded as independent seismogenic faults. The Hetao depression zone is featured by complex inner structures, and many scientific issues are subject to further researches. Thus, more attention should be paid to the secondary structures within the depression zone for a better understanding on the formation and evolution of Hetao depression zone.  相似文献   

跨呼和浩特-包头盆地(以下简称"呼包盆地")完成的91.8km长的深地震反射剖面,揭示了呼包盆地的岩石圈精细结构和断裂的深、浅构造特征.结果表明,本区地壳和岩石圈具有清晰的层状反射结构特征,其中,地壳厚度约45~48km,岩石圈厚度约82~87km.莫霍面在大青山之下出现约3.5km的抬升,暗示大青山的隆升不是因为地壳物质增厚所致,即大青山可能不存在"山根".呼包盆地为南浅、北深的"箕状"断陷盆地,盆地沉积层最厚处位于大青山山前,其厚度约为7~8km.鄂尔多斯北缘断裂和大青山山前断裂作为呼包盆地的南、北边界断裂,在剖面上均表现为由3~4条断裂组成的"Y"字形断裂构造,它们对呼包盆地的形成、地层沉积、基底变形和地震活动都有重要的控制作用.剖面揭示的岩石圈深断裂位于大青山山前断裂的下方,该断裂向上进入上地壳,向下切割中-下地壳、莫霍面,进入上地幔.深断裂的存在为深部热物质的上涌与能量强烈交换提供了通道,而上涌的软流层物质与岩石圈地幔发生交代和侵蚀作用导致岩石圈减薄.  相似文献   

焉耆盆地北缘和静逆断裂-褶皱带第四纪变形   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
焉耆盆地是塔里木盆地东北缘天山山间的重要坳陷区,盆地北缘发育的和静逆断裂-褶皱带是一条现今活动强烈的逆断裂-褶皱带,对其第四纪以来缩短量和隆升量的计算有利于分析该区域的构造活动情况,对缩短速率和隆升速率的估计可以与天山造山带其他区域的活动速率进行横向对比,从而反映出焉耆盆地在天山晚新生代构造变形的作用。在深部资料不足的情况下,对背斜形态完整、构造样式简单的和静逆断裂-褶皱带,利用地表可获得的地层和断层产状,通过恢复褶皱几何形态,计算褶皱的缩短量、隆升量和断层滑动量,得到逆断裂-褶皱带早更新世晚期(1.8Ma)、中更新世(780ka)和晚更新世中期(80ka)以来的缩短量分别为1.79km、0.88km和26m,初步估计的缩短速率分别为0.99mm/a、1.13mm/a和0.33mm/a。显示和静逆断裂-褶皱带自开始形成以来构造活动强度并不一致。与地壳形变观测结果对比,作为南天山东段最主要的坳陷区,焉耆盆地吸收了这一区域(86°~88°E)的大部分地壳缩短,且主要表现为盆地北缘新生逆断裂-褶皱带的强烈变形。  相似文献   

本文对柴达木盆地东部新生代盆地结构和构造演化进行了研究.地震剖面揭示柴达木盆地东部新生界分别向南、北盆地边缘变薄和尖灭,盆地北部被欧龙布鲁克山和埃姆尼克山隆起强烈改造.通过对新生代地层厚度横向变化以及地层剖面分析,确定欧北断裂自中新世晚期开始向北逆冲,导致欧龙布鲁克山发生隆升和德令哈凹陷的形成.埃北断裂从上新世开始活动,与欧北断裂同时向北逆冲,导致德令哈凹陷进一步沉降,形成厚度达2600m的狮子沟组.埃南断裂在第四纪开始大规模向南逆冲,不仅造成其北侧的欧龙布鲁克山和埃姆尼克山隆起强烈抬升和向南推覆,而且导致南侧霍布逊凹陷的形成,成为柴达木盆地第四纪沉积中心.早期提出的前陆盆地和背驮式盆地模型显然不能解释柴达木盆地东部新生代构造格架和演化历史.本次研究认为柴达木盆地东部的形成是强烈的水平挤压作用导致地壳发生大规模褶皱的结果,即柴达木盆地东部新生代是一个大规模向斜.该向斜盆地模型很好地解释了新生代地层向盆地边缘减薄以及沉积中心主要位于盆地中部等现象.了解柴达木盆地东部构造发展对了解青藏高原侧向扩展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The Helan Mountains and Yinchuan Basin(HM-YB) are located at the northern end of the North-South tectonic belt,and form an intraplate tectonic deformation zone in the western margin of the North China Craton(NCC).The HM-YB has a complicated history of formation and evolution,and is tectonically active at the present day.It has played a dominant role in the complex geological structure and modern earthquake activities of the region.A 135-km-long deep seismic reflection profile across the HM-YB was acquired in early 2014,which provides detailed information of the lithospheric structure and faulting characteristics from near-surface to various depths in the region.The results show that the Moho gradually deepens from east to west in the depth range of 40-48 km along the profile.Significant differences are present in the crustal structure of different tectonic units,including in the distribution of seismic velocities,depths of intra-crustal discontinuities and undulation pattern of the Moho.The deep seismic reflection profile further reveals distinct structural characteristics on the opposite sides of the Helan Mountains.To the east,The Yellow River fault,the eastern piedmont fault of the Helan Mountains,as well as multiple buried faults within the Yinchuan Basin are all normal faults and still active since the Quaternary.These faults have controlled the Cenozoic sedimentation of the basin,and display a "negative-flower" structure in the profile.To the west,the Bayanhaote fault and the western piedmont fault of the Helan Mountains are east-dipping thrust faults,which caused folding,thrusting,and structural deformation in the Mesozoic stratum of the Helan Mountains uplift zone.A deep-penetrating fault is identified in the western side of the Yinchuan Basin.It has a steep inclination cutting through the middle-lower crust and the Moho,and may be connected to the two groups of faults in the upper crust.This set of deep and shallow fault system consists of both strike-slip,thrust,and normal faults formed over different eras,and provides the key tectonic conditions for the basin-mountains coupling,crustal deformation and crust-mantle interactions in the region.The other important phenomenon revealed from the results of deep seismic reflection profiling is the presence of a strong upper mantle reflection(UMR) at a depth of 82-92 km beneath the HM-YB,indicating the existence of a rapid velocity variation or a velocity discontinuity in that depth range.This is possibly a sign of vertical structural inhomogeneity in the upper mantle of the region.The seismic results presented here provide new clues and observational bases for further study of the deep structure,structural differences among various blocks and the tectonic relationship between deep and shallow processes in the western NCC.  相似文献   

柯坪塔格推覆体的新生代变形与扩展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
柯坪塔格推覆体位于天山西南麓。新生代以来,由于印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞,天山晚古生代褶皱和断裂构造重新复活隆起,并向南北两侧推挤,在前陆盆地中渐进式地形成多排褶皱-逆断裂带。文中讨论了皮羌近SN向断裂带以西推覆体的新生代变形与扩展特征。结果表明,推覆体的新生代变形为波浪式差异性隆起。从天山南侧到塔里木盆地方向,构成推覆体的各排褶皱-逆断裂带的形成顺序有先后之分,早期形成的靠近天山,晚期形成的靠近塔里木盆地,反映推覆体在形成过程中由北向南的扩展,其扩展距离最大约76km。除此之外,各排褶皱-逆断裂带前缘都由多条断裂组成,它们与褶皱伴生,具有不同的形成和新活动时代。早期形成的断裂靠近山地一侧,晚期形成的断裂靠近盆地一侧,反映褶皱-逆断裂带单排前缘断裂也具有由北向南扩展的性质,其扩展距离为100~500m。最后,对推覆体扩展的形成机制进行了讨论  相似文献   

The Daqingshan Fault located in the northern margin of the Hetao Basin has experienced intensive activity since late Quaternary, which is of great significance to the molding of the present geomorphology. Since basin geomorphological factors can be used to reflect regional geomorphological type and development characteristics, the use of typical geomorphology characteristics indexes may reveal the main factors that control the formation of topography. In recent years, more successful research experience has been accumulated by using hypsometric integral(HI) values and channel steepness index(ksn)to quantitatively obtain geomorphic parameters to reveal regional tectonic uplift information. The rate of bedrock uplifting can be reflected by channel steepness index, the region with steep gradient has high rate of bedrock uplifting, while the region with slower slope has low rate of bedrock uplifting. The tectonic uplift can shape the geomorphic characteristics by changing the elevation fluctuation of mountains in study area, and then affect the hypsometric integral values distribution trend, thus, the HI value can be used to reflect the intensity of regional tectonic activity, with obvious indicating effect. Knick point can be formed by fault activity, and the information of knick point and its continuous migration to upstream can be recorded along the longitudinal profile of stream. Therefore, it is possible and feasible to obtain the information of tectonic activity from the geomorphic characteristics of Daqinshan area. The research on the quantitative analysis of regional large-scale tectonic activities in the Daqingshan area of the Yellow River in the Hetao Basin is still deficient so far. Taking this area as an example, based on the method of hypsometric integral(HI) and channel steepness index(ksn), we use the DEM data with 30m resolution and GIS spatial analysis technology to extract the networks of drainage system and seven sub-basins. Then, we calculate the hypsometric integral(HI) values of each sub-basin and fit its spatial distribution characteristics. Finally, we obtain the values of channel steepness index and its fitting spatial distribution characteristics based on the improved Chi-plot bedrock analysis method. Combining the extraction results of geomorphic parameters with the characteristics of fault activity, we attempt to explore the characteristics of drainage system development and the response of stream profile and geomorphology to tectonic activities in the Daqingshan section of the Yellow River Basin. The results show that the values of the hypsometric integral in the Daqingshan drainage area are medium, between 0.5~0.6, and the Strahler curve of each tributary is S-shaped, suggesting that the geomorphological development of the Daqingshan area is in its prime, and the tectonic activity and erosion is strong. Continuous low HI value is found in the tectonic subsidence area on the hanging wall of the Daqingshan Fault. The distribution characteristics of the HI value reveal that the Daqingshan Fault controls the geomorphic difference between basin and mountain. Longitudinal profiles of the river reveal the existence of many knick points. The steepness index of river distributes in high value along the trend of mountain which lies in the tectonic uplift area on the footwall of the Daqingshan Fault. It reflects that the bedrock uplift rate of Daqingshan area is faster. The distribution characteristics of the channel steepness index show that the uplift amplitude of Daqingshan area is strong and the bedrock is rapidly uplifted, which is significantly different from the subsidence amplitude in the depression basin at the south margin of the fault, indicating that the main power source controlling the basin mountain differential movement comes from Daqingshan Fault. Based on the comparison and analysis on tectonic, lithology and climate, there is no obvious corresponding relationship between the difference of rock erosion resistance and the change of geomorphic parameters, and the precipitation has little effect on the geomorphic transformation of Daqingshan area, and its contribution to the geomorphic development is limited. Thus, we think the lithology and rainfall conditions have limited impact on the hypsometric integral, longitudinal profiles of the river and channel steepness index. Lithology maybe has some influences on the channel knick points, while tectonic activity of piedmont faults is the main controlling factor that causes the unbalanced characteristics of the longitudinal profile of the channel and plays a crucial role in the development of the channel knick points. So, tectonic activity of the Daqingshan Fault is the main factor controlling the uplift and geomorphic evolution of the Daqingshan area.  相似文献   

Influenced by the far-field effect of India-Eurasia collision, Tianshan Mountains is one of the most intensely deformed and seismically active intracontinental orogenic belts in Cenozoic. The deformation of Tianshan is not only concentrated on its south and north margins, but also on the interior of the orogen. The deformation of the interior of Tianshan is dominated by NW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults and ENE-trending left-lateral strike-slip faults. Compared with numerous studies on the south and north margins of Tianshan, little work has been done to quantify the slip rates of faults within the Tianshan Mountains. Therefore, it is a significant approach for geologists to understand the current tectonic deformation style of Tianshan Mountains by studying the late Quaternary deformation characteristics of large fault and fold zones extending through the interior of Tianshan. In this paper, we focus on a large near EW trending fault, the Baoertu Fault (BETF) in the interior of Tianshan, which is a large fault in the eastern Tianshan area with apparent features of deformation, and a boundary fault between the central and southern Tianshan. An MS5.0 earthquake event occurred on BETF, which indicates that this fault is still active. In order to understand the kinematics and obtain the late Quaternary slip rate of BETF, we made a detailed research on its late Quaternary kinematic features based on remote sensing interpretation, drone photography, and field geological and geomorphologic survey, the results show that the BETF is of left-lateral strike-slip with thrust component in late Quaternary. In the northwestern Kumishi basin, BETF sinistrally offsets the late Pleistocene piedmont alluvial fans, forming fault scarps and generating sinistral displacement of gullies and geomorphic surfaces. In the bedrock region west of Benbutu village, BETF cuts through the bedrock and forms the trough valley. Besides, a series of drainages or rivers which cross the fault zone and date from late Pleistocene have been left-laterally offset systematically, resulting in a sinistral displacement ranging 0.93~4.53km. By constructing the digital elevation model (DEM) for the three sites of typical deformed morphologic units, we measured the heights of fault scarps and left-lateral displacements of different gullies forming in different times, and the result shows that BEFT is dominated by left-lateral strike-slip with thrust component. We realign the bended channels across the fault at BET01 site and obtain the largest displacement of 67m. And we propose that the abandon age of the deformed fan is about 120ka according to the features of the fan. Based on the offsets of channels at BET01 and the abandon age of deformed fan, we estimate the slip rate of 0.56mm/a since late Quaternary. The Tianshan Mountains is divided into several sub-blocks by large faults within the orogen. The deformation in the interior of Tianshan can be accommodated or absorbed by relative movement or rotation. The relative movement of the two sub-blocks surrounded by Boa Fault, Kaiduhe Fault and BETF is the dominant cause for the left-lateral movement of BETF. The left-lateral strike-slip with reverse component of BETF in late Quaternary not only accommodates the horizontal stain within eastern Tianshan but also absorbs some SN shortening of the crust.  相似文献   

本文基于Vening Meinesz区域均衡模型,通过试验不同参数计算Vening Meinesz均衡补偿深度,将其与CRUST1.0模型给出的莫霍面深度进行拟合,得到适应于天山及邻区的平均补偿深度、"地区性指标"以及区域补偿半径.结合地球重力场模型EIGEN-6C4与地形数据,利用球冠体积分方法进行地形效应、沉积层效应计算和均衡校正,得到了研究区的Vening Meinesz均衡重力异常.结果显示天山及邻区的均衡重力异常幅值在-110~120 mGal之间,表明了天山及周边盆地岩石圈所处于的均衡状态,同时揭示了研究区的壳幔密度分布特征.天山、塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地等块体的地壳垂向形变可能部分地由均衡调整引起,且均衡调整趋势与地面形变测量结果相契合.通过对均衡重力异常成因的解释,从地壳均衡角度分析了该地区复杂的构造背景及其新生代以来的演化历程.  相似文献   

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