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长江中游的泥沙淤积问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
长江上游年产泥沙5.12×108 t, 经宜昌输入中游, 长江中游干流及各支流年产沙约 0.80×108 t. 这两部分中约1.24×108 t沉积于中游河湖中, 4.68×108 t经大通输入下游, 沉淤于河道及长江三角洲或入海. 长江中游的泥沙, 总体是淤大于冲, 但是冲淤的地理分布、时间段分布和河床断面分布不均衡. 长江干流的宜昌-城陵矶段、九江-大通段冲大于淤或冲淤平衡. 淤积主要发生在长江干流以武汉为中心的螺山-武汉-黄石段以及洞庭湖区和鄱阳湖区. 即使在主要淤积江段, 也有局部时段和江段以冲刷为主. 主泓所在的河槽以冲刷为主, 而河道两侧或河道之间的洲滩, 则以淤为主, 形成高而平的漫滩, 往往被人为改造成圩垸. 荆江以北的江汉平原因有大堤从长江隔开, 只有汉水少量泥沙供应, 冲淤量很小, 再加上构造沉降的累计效应, 其地面高程绝大部分低于干流洲滩数米. 螺山-武汉-黄石段的淤积导致该段及以上江段洪水位抬高. 干流断面冲槽淤滩使长江中游河道的典型形态呈深河谷、高漫滩, 靠干堤保护堤内平原. 这种断面在洪水时成为在同等水量下, 水位不断抬高的原因. 高水位要高堤防来防堵, 这就增加了堤防压力、水头压力, 容易导致管涌、渗漏等险情. 堤外滩及洪水位与构造沉降的堤内平原间的高差不断增大. 三峡工程建成后, 水库拦沙及中游河道冲深, 可使同流量下水位大幅度降低, 但城陵矶-武汉段冲刷量很小, 不能解决该段及以下江段的泥沙淤积问题, 因此江汉平原因相对于洪水位地势过低而造成的洪涝灾害及相关环境问题, 仍将是中游长远的重大隐患.  相似文献   

“长江深断裂带”的构造性质:深地震反射证据   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
长江深断裂带自20世纪50年代提出以来,因其在区域控岩、控矿、工程地质和灾害地质研究中的重要意义,一直受到广泛关注和研究,但由于缺乏深部资料,对长江深断裂带的构造性质、空间展布众说纷纭.本文通过分析穿过长江河床及两岸的六条深地震反射剖面,讨论了长江中下游成矿带及长江深断裂带的构造性质及演化,获得如下认识:(1)长江中下游成矿带是燕山期的陆内俯冲带,上地壳发生强烈挤压变形,以大型逆冲、叠瓦、褶皱和推覆构造为特征;下地壳及岩石圈地幔俯冲或叠置到相邻块体之下,在宁芜火山岩盆地和沿江凹陷下形成了"鳄鱼嘴"构造.(2)白垩纪以来,长江深断裂带(CJF)由一系列拆离断层组成,大致沿长江河床分布.该断裂带在燕山期陆内造山阶段为一组逆冲断裂,伸展垮塌阶段反转为正断层或拆离断层,同时控制了沿江凹陷的形成和演化.(3)陆内俯冲或叠置导致地壳加厚、拆沉,引发大规模岩浆活动."鳄鱼嘴"构造或是沟通深部岩浆向上迁移的主要通道,控制了沿江成矿岩浆岩的分布.正是这种特殊的深部过程和构造特征,导致了燕山期长江中下游地区的大规模成岩、成矿作用.  相似文献   

长江三峡地区仙女山断裂北端延伸问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
仙女山断裂是三峡库区重要的断裂带之一,该断裂在新生代有过明显的活动。因其对三峡库区的地质灾害、地震稳定性有着重要影响,因此断裂是否穿过长江成为备受关注的热点问题。通过对仙女山断裂从长阳县白咸池到秭归县荒口一带断裂构造的野外地质调查,长江两岸构造地貌的对比,结合前人已有资料的分析发现:仙女山断裂长约80km,将古生代地层逆冲到中生代地层之上,在长江南岸荒口以南断层形迹清楚,地貌上表现为沟谷和断层崖,而在荒口以北地区,地层连续、未见断错地貌现象;与长江南岸断裂相比,江北的断裂多为小型断层,仅错断侏罗纪地层内的砂岩、泥岩,在地形上也无明显表现,不是仙女山断裂的延伸部分。综合分析认为,仙女山断裂带由南向北延伸至长江南岸荒口一带尖灭,没有向北延伸穿过长江。  相似文献   

长江的形成标志着中国地貌格局的形成与东亚现代地貌格局的建立。文中简述了百余年间长江演化研究的主要争论,梳理了近20年来将物源示踪方法应用于长江演化研究的进展及得到的启示。通过对长江流域的典型沉积体系:包括上游昔格达组、剑川盆地、中下游砾石层、江汉盆地、长江三角洲钻孔沉积及边缘海盆地(莺歌海盆地、台湾岛)的物源示踪结果进行归纳梳理,笔者认为:1)长江演化争论的焦点问题依旧是三峡贯通和石鼓第一弯的形成,但争论的问题已拓宽至古水系模式、侵蚀-沉积过程、夷平面形成等诸多问题。2)三峡贯通和石鼓第一弯形成的时代尚未取得共识,即长江的形成时代和过程还存在争论。长江中下游砾石层和江汉盆地沉积物具有复杂的源区供应,仅依靠碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学无法有效区分长江上游的物源信号;江汉盆地和长江三角洲钻孔沉积记录对于三峡贯通的初始信号仍未达成一致;剑川盆地和昔格达组沉积物的年代及其物源意义对于金沙江南流(东流)的指示意义存在广泛争论;海洋沉积约束长江和红河水系演化模式的物源信号也存在争议。3)在长江流域各沉积盆地进行物源研究时,建议加强海陆沉积对比。从地貌-构造演化-沉积古地理-气候变迁的角度,将能更加全面地...  相似文献   

长江中下游成矿带中段岩石圈电性结构研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
长江中下游成矿带位于大别造山带、长江中下游凹陷、江南隆起带等大地构造单元结合部位,通过在研究区内布设两条首尾相接共计150km长的大地电磁剖面,获得了50km以浅岩石圈尺度的电性分布.长江中下游地区中段地下电性结构显示出在地下10km和30km处分别存在明显的圈层结构,以此认为现今横向稳定的"电莫霍"反映了研究区经历燕山期陆内构造-岩浆活动后已基本上完成壳幔重新平衡;而分隔大地构造单元的郯庐断裂带、长江断裂带以及江南断裂带在电性上具有特征的梯度显现,在印支造山期后的引张背景下,断裂带成为强伸展活动带与控制了燕山期大范围的陆内岩浆活动;高导地幔的局域性存在以及从北向南地幔导电性的变化反映了在经受深部动力学过程中处于不同大地构造部位的地幔所遭受的不同类型的改造以及地幔深部的构造极性.  相似文献   

长江中下游湖泊的成因与演化   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12  
长江中下游湖泊洼地的成因比较复杂,以构造沉降控制的湖泊洼地规模较大,也比较深,但在碚分湖泊洼地属支流河口洼地、扇缘洼地、河间洼地。湖泊水位受到长江干流水位位的制约。在冰期人低海面时期,长江干流下切,沿江湖泊多干涸;冰后期海面上升,长江干流自河口而上相继发生水位上升,加上降水的变化,导致沿江洼地逐渐蓄水为湖,长江中下游湖泊的演化趋势是不同程度地被泥沙充填,容积不断缩小并导致湖水位涨落年变幅增大与洪水  相似文献   

长江三峡地区地球物理异常带的地表地质特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈永成 《华南地震》2000,20(1):61-65
通过对长江三峡地区(巴东-宜昌段)野外地质调查获得的实际资料研究,认为沿长江北西西向地球物理异常带在地不存在着相应的断层破碎带及裂隙密集带。地下深处与地球物理异常带相对应的基底断裂已切穿中、新生代沉积盖层,在地不形成一组北西西向断裂带,现代地震活动与这组断裂带有密切的关系。  相似文献   

长江断裂带东延问题及裂谷特性的讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
长江断裂带东延至镇江后并未终止,而是于镇江、扬中之间南移了约三十公里,展布于江苏江阴、沙洲、靖江、南通境内,于吕泗以北进入黄海。同时讨论了长江断裂带的属性,指出长江断裂带应是一条自晚中生代以来的现代大陆裂谷带  相似文献   

马云川 《地球》2013,(4):48-51
正"环保话题可能是今年两会比较受关注的话题。我这个提案不仅是说江豚,还关乎长江生态环境。以江豚为代表的长江水系的渔业资源,是长江生态中非常重要的环节,可如今它们的生存却因为长江的过度开发,造成食物链断裂,生存空间变小,甚至面临灭绝。"  相似文献   

本文根据长江中游地区地貌基本特征和地貌分布特点,论述了地貌分布与山脉地势之间存在的一种关系,并运用地壳屈曲的观点对此进行了初步解释。  相似文献   

Present models of continental breakup envisage the formation of a rift valley which undergoes a protracted period of tectonism and eventual seafloor spreading in the axial part of the rift valley. This results in evidence of pre-breakup tectonism on most Atlantic-type margins in the form of normal blockfaults beneath the continental slope. The southeastern margin of the Australian continent has an unusually steep continental slope and shows little evidence of tectonism associated with the rift valley stage of development. The margin was formed by separation of the Lord Howe Rise and Australia during a phase of seafloor spreading in the Tasman Sea which lasted from about 80 to 60 m.y. B.P. Marine geophysical data over the central Lord Howe Rise indicate a contrast between the western and eastern part of of this structure. The western part shows faulted, rough basement topography, disturbed overlying sediments, and a relatively quiet magnetic field. The eastern part shows a smooth basement surface, undisturbed overlying sediments, and a high-amplitude, high-frequency magnetic field. It is suggested that the whole of the pre-breakup rift valley remained attached to the Lord Howe Rise. This explains the absence of rift valley structures within the eastern continental margin of Australia and implies non-axial breaching along the western boundary fault of a pre-Tasman Sea rift valley.  相似文献   

A major question in seafloor tectonics has been, how does the 2-km-deep rift valley characteristic of slow-spreading ridges evolve into the relatively horizontal undulating relief of the rift mountains? Deep-tow studies of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge suggest that the primary mechanism for transformation of the rift valley topography is normal faulting along fault planes which dip away from the valley axis. The faulting occurs in a narrow zone just beyond the outer walls of the rift valley. This model allows for a steady-state evolution of the rift valley into the rift mountains in which the state of stress in the oceanic lithosphere continues to be in horizontal deviatoric tension throughout the entire process. Alternate mechanisms involving reverse faulting or regional tilt may be active but are found to be of less importance. Implications for various dynamic models of the rift valley are discussed.  相似文献   

张之立  方兴  阎虹 《地震学报》1987,9(1):28-36
山西地堑系又名汾渭地堑系,是新生代发育的小型大陆裂谷带,它有着大陆裂谷带的主要特征.本文根据裂谷和地堑是断裂带发展和控制结果的观测事实,应用断裂力学方法研究了山西地堑形成的力学机制.本文提出一个三维力学模式,分析了由断裂带扩展形成地堑的力学过程,并计算了山西地堑的 Z 形图案中的剪切段与拉伸段之间的夹角,该角度的大小与区域应力场方向、原始断裂带深度和长度的比值,以及断裂带周围介质的力学性质等因素有关,同时还发现,拉张区的总体方向总是指向区域主压应力作用方向.因此,可以根据拉张区的总体方向来确定区域主压应力方向;反之,也可以根据区域主压应力方向来判断拉张段的取向.本文同时分析了由地震资料得到的结果并进行了比较.此外,我们还应用本文提出的方法研究了国际上一些有名的地堑,如莱茵地堑、贝加尔湖地堑和北美洲西部的利奥格兰特裂谷等,这些地堑系的拉张区和剪切区的空间分布特征,也能得到较好地解释.   相似文献   

郯城-涟水综合地球物理剖面   总被引:85,自引:13,他引:72       下载免费PDF全文
在穿过苏鲁地体的郯城-涟水剖面上进行了深反射地震和大地电磁调查,剖面全长139.5km,取得了高质量记录,一级品记录高达85%。结果表明:(1)苏鲁超高压-高压变质岩片向北西倾斜,表现为高速高阻岩片,并受到强烈的变形,反映了超高压岩片的俯冲与折返;(2)杨子克拉通向北俯冲在苏鲁地体之下,表现为常速、中低阻的挠曲板状体,内部有大量反映碰撞的反射楔形体;(3)嘉山-响水断裂带向南陡倾,低阻带直通浅地幔,具有燕山期裂谷的特征,估计有可能是与沂沭断裂带同期的中生代裂谷;(4)印支期俯冲扬子地壳的古Moho面与期后形成的新Moho面都有强反射,表明中新生代在地壳底部有强烈的岩浆活动与壳幔相互作用,促使新Moho面的形成;(5)超高压变质带下方有一组南倾的逆断层,与折返有关,在此处进行科学钻探对了解超高压变质带形成和折返机制很有利。  相似文献   

The Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone, one of the most important geological interfaces in the Yarlung Tsangbo suture zone which is a huge geotectonic boundary with nearly east-west-trending in southern Tibet Plateau, has undergone a long-term tectonic evolution. Studying this fault zone can help us understand the development and evolution history of the suture zone and the tectonic mechanism of subduction-collision about the Tibet Plateau, so it has always been a hot topic in the field of geology. Most of existing data suggest that the current tectonic activity in southern Tibet is given priority to the rift system with nearly north-south-trending, and the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone with nearly east-west-trending has relatively weaker activity since late Quaternary. There are only some evidences of Holocene activity found in the Lulang town section near eastern Himalayan syntaxis, and there are few reports about the reliable geological evidences of late Quaternary activity of the section on the west of Milin County of the fault zone. Based on image interpretation, field investigation and chronological method, we found several fault profiles along the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone near the Angren Lake in this study. These profiles reveal that loose fault gouge has been developed on the fault plane which nearly extends to the surface and offsets the loess sediments and its overlying alluvial-proluvial gravels. The loess is characterized by coarser grains, higher content of fine sand and tiny small gravels. The results of the two OSL dating samples collected in the loess are(94.68±6.51)ka and(103.84±5.14)ka respectively, showing that the loess revealed at the Angren site should be the middle-late Pleistocene sand loess distributed on the high-terraces along the Yarlung Tsangpo River. Consequently, the Angren segment of the Yarlung Tsangpo fault zone is active since the late Quaternary. In addition, synchronous left-lateral offsets of a series of small gullies and beheaded gullies can be seen near the profiles along the fault, which are the supporting evidence for the late Quaternary activity of the fault. However, the segment with obvious geomorphology remains is relatively short, and no evidence of late Quaternary activity have been found in other sections on the west of Milin County of the Yarlung Tsangpo fault zone. Existing data show that, in the southern Tibet, a series of near NS-trending rift systems are strongly active since the late Quaternary, cutting almost all of the near east-west-trending tectonic belts including the Yarlung Tsangpo fault zone. In addition, majority of the earthquakes occurring in southern Tibet are related to the NS-trending rift systems. Tectonic images show that the Angren segment locates between the Shenzha-Dingjie rift and the Dangreyong Lake-Gu Lake rift. These two adjacent rifts are special in the rift system in southern Tibet:Firstly, the two rifts are located in the conversion position of the trend of the whole rift system; Secondly, the size of the two rifts varies significantly between the north side and the south side of the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone. Thirdly, the Shenzha-Dingjie rift seems to be of right-lateral bending, while the Dangreyong Lake-Gu Lake rift shows left-lateral bending. These characteristics may lead to the fact that the amount of absorption and accommodation of the rift activities in the north side of the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone is larger than that in the south side during the migration of the plateau materials, leading to the differential movement of the block between the two sides of the fault zone. Therefore, the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone possesses the accommodating tectonic activity, of course, the intensity of this accommodating activity is limited and relatively weaker, which may be the reason why it is difficult to find large-scale tectonic remains characterizing the late Quaternary activity along the fault zone. The scale of the rift system in southern Tibet is systematically different between the two sides of the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone, so it cannot be ruled out that there are also weak activities similar to the Angren segment in other sections of the fault zone.  相似文献   

The petrologic geochemical and Sr?Nd isotopic compositions of the eclogites from the mafic-ultramafic rock belt (MUMRB) in the Northern Dabie Mountains indicate that: (1) the protoliths of most of eclogites are tholeitic basalt and a few may be gabbro, and most of them produced from the Yangtze subducted continental crust (lower crust and formed during the deep subduction) and a part may be from paleo-oceanic relics between the Yangtze and North China continental plates; (2) their positive Nb anomalies and related trace element characteristics show that they did not form in the island-arc setting; (3) the metamorphosed MUMRB with eclogite and meta-peridotite blocks along the southern part of the Mozitan-Xiaotian fault zone may represent the suture zone produced during the collision between the Yangtze and North China continental plates, which included the Yangtze subducted continental crust and paleo-oceanic relics.  相似文献   

Using arrival data of the body waves recorded by seismic stations, we reconstructed the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the southeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau and the northwestern continental margin of the South China Sea through a travel time tomography technique. The result revealed the apparent tectonic variation along the Ailao Shan-Red River fault zone and its adjacent regions. High velocities are observed in the upper and middle crust beneath the Ailao Shan-Red River fault zone and they reflect the character of the fast uplifting and cooling of the metamorphic belt after the ductile shearing of the fault zone, while low velocities in the lower crust and near the Moho imply a relatively active crust-mantle boundary beneath the fault zone. On the west of the fault zone, the large-scale low velocities in the uppermost mantle beneath western Yunnan prove the influence of the mantle heat flow on volcano, hot spring and magma activities, however, the upper mantle on the eas  相似文献   

依兰-伊通裂谷火山活动与地震活动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依兰-伊通裂谷火山活动与地震活动陈洪洲,任锦章,徐亚勤(黑龙江省地震局哈尔滨150008)摘要沿着依兰-伊通裂谷发育有新生代的火山喷发带和现代的地震活动带。本文论述了该裂谷及其火山与地震活动特征,并讨论了地震与火山的关系,认为该裂谷的某些地震发生可能...  相似文献   

The Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) offers a complete record of the time–space evolution of a continental rift. We have characterized the brittle deformation in different rift sectors through the statistical analysis of a new database of faults obtained from the integration between satellite images and digital elevation models, and implemented with field controls. This analysis has been compared with the results of lithospheric-scale analogue models reproducing the kinematical conditions of orthogonal and oblique rifting. Integration of these approaches suggests substantial differences in fault architecture in the different rift sectors that in turn reflect an along-axis variation of the rift development and southward decrease in rift evolution. The northernmost MER sector is in a mature stage of incipient continental rupture, with deformation localised within the rift floor along discrete tectono-magmatic segments and almost inactive boundary faults. The central MER sector records a transitional stage in which migration of deformation from boundary faults to faults internal to the rift valley is in an incipient phase. The southernmost MER sector is instead in an early continental stage, with the largest part of deformation being accommodated by boundary faults and almost absent internal faults. The MER thus records along its axis the typical evolution of continental rifting, from fault-dominated rift morphology in the early stages of extension toward magma-dominated extension during break-up. The extrapolation of modelling results suggests that a variable rift obliquity contributes to the observed along-axis variations in rift architecture and evolutionary stage, being oblique rifting conditions controlling the MER evolution since its birth in the Late Miocene in relation to a constant post ca. 11 Ma ~ N100°E Nubia–Somalia motion.  相似文献   

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