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金浏  李鸿晶 《地震学刊》2010,(2):130-134
穿越逆冲断层的埋地管道在地震作用下,容易发生局部屈曲或整体失稳等形式的破坏,研究逆冲断层作用下的埋地管道地震反应规律,对管道抗震设计及施工等具有重要的意义。本文将埋地管线及周围土体从半无限地球介质中取出,分别以空间薄壳单元和实体单元进行离散,采用非线性接触力学方法模拟管、土之间的滑移、分离及闭合现象;采用线性位移加载模拟断层的错动,考虑了系统初始应力状态的影响,对土体未开裂前的管土相互作用系统进行了拟静力数值分析;分析了位错量、土体刚度、埋设深度、径厚比及跨越角度对埋地管道反应的影响,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

埋地管道地震作用下的破坏因素源于地震引起的永久地面变形(PGD),其中管道-土体间相互作用决定土体位移作用到管体的大小。利用离心机试验技术模拟埋地管道在逆断层大位移下的反应特性,重点讨论断层与管道的交角、断层位移大小、管土相互作用、管径和埋深五个参数对管道破坏的影响水平。实验结果表明:上述参数对管道断层作用的反应均有明显影响,其中断层的位移量、管土相互作用、埋深和管径的影响更为显著。本文的研究结果对于管道经过断层区的抗震设计有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

沉陷区域埋地管线数值模拟分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
场地的不均匀沉陷是导致埋地管线破坏的重要原因之一。本文考虑了材料非线性、几何非线性以及管土接触非线性,将管线计算分析模型模拟为四节点薄壳单元结构,周围填覆土体采用八节点六面体单元划分。管土相互作用模拟为三维刚性与柔性的面面接触单元结构,并采用线性位移加载来模拟土体的沉陷作用,对三维薄壳有限元模型进行数值计算分析。通过比较不同参数,如沉陷长度、沉陷深度、埋深、管径、径厚比、土特性等对管线的反应影响,得出管线在沉陷情况下的应力和应变的关系,通过算例分析,说明了该方法能更好地模拟管线的破坏过程,该方法将为沉陷区域埋地管线数值模拟提供理论分析依据。  相似文献   

液化场地下埋地管道上浮反应是管道破坏的主要原因,避免因上浮造成的管道破坏,是城市地下生命线工程建设中急需解决的问题。利用ADINA有限元分析软件,建立了液化场地下埋地管道上浮反应的管土接触-土弹簧分析模型。考虑了非液化区的管土接触作用和液化土的非线性约束作用,对埋地管道的上浮位移及轴向应力进行了分析,探讨了管道自身以及液化土的一些参数对埋地管道上浮反应的影响。结果表明:管径、液化土密度,液化区长度越大,埋深、壁厚越小,管道的变形越大,破坏越严重,并给出了几点工程建议。  相似文献   

在考虑管道的材料非线性和几何非线性、管土相互作用的非线性和管道接口非线性的基础上,建立了由管体梁单元、三向土弹簧单元和接口单元组成的埋地非连续管道在断层位移作用下的有限元模型,并以美国密歇根大学Junhee等(2010)所做的跨断层水泥管试验为原型进行了模拟分析。有限元结果给出的水泥管最终变形、接口转角、接口位移与实验结果基本一致,表明本文提出的跨断层埋地非连续管道抗震计算的有限元分析方法具有一定的合理性。有限元结果和试验结果都表明,在逆冲断层作用下,水泥管的破坏主要是因为在管道接口处的轴向压力和弯矩的耦合作用,在断层附近的管道接口承受了较大的转动和压缩位移。本文所提出的分析方法可推广到埋地非连续管道在其它永久地面变形作用下的有限元分析。  相似文献   

对结构-土相互作用体系中结构基础底面积和结构基础埋深对体系地震反应的影响进行了研究.基于有限元分析方法建立了结构-土相互作用三维计算模型,通过改变结构底面积及基础埋深在不同地震动下进行了地震反应分析.结果表明,考虑相互作用时,在同一种地震动作用下,结构顶层总位移及基础转动随着结构底面积的增大而明显减小,上部结构本身位移在总位移中所占比例随着底面积的增加而增大;底面积相同,结构顶层总位移及基础转动均随着埋置深度的增大而减小,上部结构本身位移在总位移中所占比例随着埋置深度的增加而增大.比较不同特性的地震动,不同底面积及埋深结构顶层总位移、基础转动、基础平动和结构自身位移的变化规律趋势相同.  相似文献   

砂土液化是埋地管道遭受地震破坏的主要原因之一。液化土对管道产生上浮力,使管道发生上浮反应,它是随地震发生时间而变化的动态过程。将地震载荷作用下的液化区埋土管道模拟成两端弹性支承的直梁模型,考虑管-土间的相互作用和管内流体与管道之间的流固耦合作用,采用模态叠加法对液化区埋地管道进行地震响应的动态分析,探讨了管道和液化土参数对管道动态上浮反应的影响。通过数值仿真得到了管内流体的流速、流体压力、流体密度、管截面轴向力,管道黏弹系数、液化土容重和相对弹簧系数、地震加速度幅值等因素对管道上浮位移的影响情况。  相似文献   

采用ABAQUS有限元分析软件,以北京地铁7号线区间隧道作为工程背景,考虑到衬砌与土体之间的相互作用,建立了地基土-隧道体系的整体有限元模型,针对不同断层类型工况下,隧道结构在不同埋深下的反应进行了系统分析。研究结果表明:隧道结构处于弹性阶段时,在规范规定的取值范围内适当地减小隧道埋深可以减轻结构的反应;在较大断层位错作用下,隧道结构产生的损伤区域长度,以及出现损伤最严重的位置不受埋深的影响;在逆断层下,隧道埋深为10m时,结构震害程度最为严重;在正断层下,隧道埋深为8m时,结构震害程度最为严重;在走滑断层下,隧道埋置越深结构受到的震害程度越严重。  相似文献   

管土相互作用下埋地管道的抗震性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管土相互作用是影响埋地管道抗震性能的关键因素之一,分析管土相互作用是城市地下管道建设中面临的突出问题。在应用ADINA软件实现地下管道与土体融合有限元建模的基础上,通过定义管土接触来设定管土相互作用;介绍了管土接触设定、地震荷载加载时间函数、模型参数选择与求解步骤,并依据所建模型计算了埋地管道的变形和应力分布。根据计算结果,分析了管土相互作用对埋地管道抗震性能的影响,并给出了几点工程建议。  相似文献   

悬垂管道跨越结构地震反应分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
管道悬垂是一种简单且应用广泛的管线跨越方式,水流冲刷等地质灾害也会造成埋地管线部分悬空。本文充分考虑了管-土相互作用和支座非线性因素的影响,采用非线性增量有限元方法对悬垂管道跨越结构在地震作用下的反应进行了分析。  相似文献   

玻璃钢夹砂管在土木水利工程领域得到了愈来愈广泛的应用,但现有的埋地管道地震响应分析模型大多不考虑管-土动力相互作用,且多针对均质材料管道,无法应用于具有明显层状复合材料结构特征的玻璃钢夹砂管。基于玻璃钢夹砂管的层状复合材料结构特征,建立了完整的埋地玻璃钢夹砂管地震响应分析模型,在数值分析模型中,考虑了管-土间复杂的动力相互作用,以及地震散射波从有限域向无限域的传播。算例分析表明,所建立的埋地玻璃钢夹砂管地震响应分析模型可合理地分析埋地玻璃钢夹砂管在地震荷载作用下的动力响应。  相似文献   

Buried pipelines are often constructed in seismic and other geohazard areas, where severe ground deformations may induce severe strains in the pipeline. Calculation of those strains is essential for assessing pipeline integrity, and therefore, the development of efficient models accounting for soil‐pipe interaction is required. The present paper is aiming at developing efficient tools for calculating ground‐induced deformation on buried pipelines, often triggered by earthquake action, in the form of fault rupture, liquefaction‐induced lateral spreading, soil subsidence, or landslide. Soil‐pipe interaction is investigated by using advanced numerical tools, which employ solid elements for the soil, shell elements for the pipe, and account for soil‐pipe interaction, supported by large‐scale experiments. Soil‐pipe interaction in axial and transverse directions is evaluated first, using results from special‐purpose experiments and finite element simulations. The comparison between experimental and numerical results offers valuable information on key material parameters, necessary for accurate simulation of soil‐pipe interaction. Furthermore, reference is made to relevant provisions of design recommendations. Using the finite element models, calibrated from these experiments, pipeline performance at seismic‐fault crossings is analyzed, emphasizing on soil‐pipe interaction effects in the axial direction. The second part refers to full‐scale experiments, performed on a unique testing device. These experiments are modeled with the finite element tools to verify their efficiency in simulating soil‐pipe response under landslide or strike‐slip fault movement. The large‐scale experimental results compare very well with the numerical predictions, verifying the capability of the finite element models for accurate prediction of pipeline response under permanent earthquake‐induced ground deformations.  相似文献   

Soil pipes, continuous macropores parallel to the soil surface, are an important factor in hillslope hydrological processes. However, the water flow dynamics in soil pipes, especially closed soil pipes, are not well understood. In this study, the water and air dynamics within closed soil pipes have been investigated in a bench‐scale laboratory experiment by using a soil box with an artificial acrylic soil pipe. In order to grasp the state of water and air within the soil pipe, we directly measured the existing soil pipe flow and air pressure in the soil pipe. The laboratory experiment showed that air in the soil pipe had an important role in the water flow in the closed soil pipe. When air entrapment occurred in the soil pipe before the soil matrix around the soil pipe was saturated with water, water intrusion in the soil pipe was prevented by air entrapped in the pipe, which inhibited the soil pipe flow. This air entrapment in the soil pipe was controlled by the soil water and air flow. Moreover, after the soil pipe flow started, the soil pipe was not filled completely with water even when the soil pipe was completely submerged under the groundwater table. The entrapped air in the soil pipe prevented further water intrusion in the soil pipe.  相似文献   

Seismic response of buried pipes in longitudinal direction is studied. The effect of the variation of geotechnical properties of the surrounding soil on the stiffness, mass and damping of the soil is considered. The soil–structure interaction depends on pipe stiffness, joint stiffness, the variation of the soil stiffness and the soil mass and damping. Variations of the properties of the surrounding soil along the pipe are described by the random field theory. A numerical model is developed in order to simulate the effects of the variation of the soil on displacements, bending moments in the pipe and also to carry out a statistical analysis. The influence of different parameters regarding design and safety level of the pipe is conducted.  相似文献   

Much debate has occurred in catchment hydrology regarding the connectivity of flow paths from upslope areas to catchment outlets. This study was conducted in two catchments, one with three upper branches, in a loess soil with a fragipan that fosters lateral flow and exhibits an extensive distribution of soil pipe collapse features. The study aimed to determine the connectivity of multiple soil pipe networks as well as determine pipe flow velocities during storm events. Fluorescein dye was injected directly into soil pipes at the upper most pipe collapse feature of four different hillslopes. Breakthrough curves (BTC) were determined by sampling multiple pipe collapse features downslope. The BTCs were used to determine the ‘average’ (centre of mass) and ‘maximum’ (first arrival) flow velocities. This study confirmed that these catchments contain individual continuous soil pipe networks that extend over 190 m and connect the upper most hillslopes areas with the catchment outlet. While the flow paths are continuous, the individual pipe networks consist of alternating reaches of subsurface flow through soil pipes and reaches of surface flow through gullies formed by pipe collapses. In addition, flow can be occurring both through the subsurface soil pipes simultaneous with surface flow generated by artesian flow from the soil pipes. The pipe flow velocities were as high as 0.3 m/s, which was in the range of streamflow velocities. These pipe flow velocities were also in the range of velocities observed in pinhole erosion tests suggesting that these large, mature soil pipes are still actively eroding. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While most studies focus on the effect of soil pipes on hillslope stability, this present study investigates the impact of landsliding on pipe development. It is hypothesized that poorly drained active and dormant landslides change the hillslope hydrology through (i) surface flow obstruction, by changing topography, as well as (ii) subsurface flow obstruction by tilting less‐permeable clay‐rich substrates. Hence, new preferential flow paths are created at reverse slopes within the landslide zone and at the boundary of the landslide, enhancing pipe formation. This study aims at a better understanding of the interaction between collapsed pipe (CP) occurrence and landslide (LS) occurrence in the Flemish Ardennes (Belgium) by comparing their respective spatial patterns. At least 24.5% of the 139 sites with CP were related to the occurrence of an observed LS. Poorly drained LS may create favourable conditions for pipe development. Outside LS, natural and anthropogenic (e.g. broken field drains, road drainage) causes may result in concentrated subsurface flow, resulting in pipe development. No evidence was found that pipe development enhanced LS, probably because the subsurface drainage discharge generated upslope of the LS is too low. Even when pipes become blocked, it is more likely that new pipes develop and new collapses occur than they trigger or reactivate LS. A conceptual model is presented summarizing all elements that influence piping erosion in the Flemish Ardennes, including the role of LS. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

由于管道与土体的刚度相差较大,在振动荷载下,两者的运动不能相互协调,致使在研究管道破坏方面,管土之间的变形传递是一个极其重要的研究方向。目前学者对弯管的管土变形传递研究做得较少。本文通过弯管与土体的缩尺振动台试验及三维有限元模型,得出了地震作用下埋地弯管的变形传递系数的拟合公式。然后将试验结果与拟合公式的计算结果和有限元的模拟结果进行对比,证实了拟合公式的合理性,并分析了管道弯头处变形传递系数的变化规律,包括对不同管径、埋深、壁厚、土性和弯头角度的分析,证实了这些因素对管土之间的变形传递影响都很大,说明弯头处变形传递系数拟合公式对管道的抗震具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Soil pipes are important subsurface flow pathways in many soil erosion phenomena. However, limited research has been performed on quantifying and characterizing their flow and transport characteristics. The objectives of this research were to determine the applicability of a streamflow model with transient storage in deriving flow and transport characteristics of soil pipes. Tracer data from pulse inputs were collected in four different soil pipes after a fluorescein dye was injected in the upstream end of each soil pipe network in three branches (west, middle, and east) of a main catchment and a back catchment in Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed in Mississippi. Multiple sampling stations were positioned along each soil pipe network. The transient storage zone model OTIS‐P was executed inversely to estimate transport parameters by soil pipe reach such as the soil pipe cross‐sectional area (A), soil storage zone cross‐sectional area (As), and exchange rate between the soil pipe and the soil storage zone (αs). Model convergence was achieved, and simulated breakthrough curves of the reaches were in good agreement with actual tracer data for eight of the nine reaches of the three branches of the Main Catchment and five of the seven reaches of the Back Catchment soil pipe. Simulation parameters for the soil pipe networks were similar to the range of values reported for flow and transport characteristics commonly observed in streams. Inversely, estimated soil pipe flow velocities were higher with increased tortuosity, which led to a smaller cross‐sectional areas predicted for the soil pipe flowpaths, while other parameters were not sensitive to tortuosity. In general, application of One‐Dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage‐P to this unique soil pipe condition suggested larger transient storage (As and αs) compared with most stream systems. This was hypothesized to be because of relatively higher ratio of the wetted perimeter to flow area in the soil pipe, the hydraulic roughness of the soil pipe, potential retention in collapsed portions of the pipe, and interaction with smaller preferential flow systems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil pipes (continuous macropores expanding laterally in the soil subsurface) are a key factor controlling hillslope water cycles and sediment transport. Soil pipes usually enhance slope stability under rainfall events through their high water drainage ability, and pipe clogging by sediments is regarded as a risk for slope failure. In this study, we conducted a bench-scale pipe clogging experiment to clarify the effect of air mobility in soil pipes on water flow and water pressure build-up in the slope at the clogged point. Before pipe clogging, the soil pipe drained rainwater effectively and lowered the groundwater table. After the pipe clogging event, the mobility of air in the soil pipe before the clogging determined the water flow in the slope. When the air in the soil pipe connected to the atmosphere and moved freely, the water level in the soil pipe increased at the pipe clogging, and water pressure build-up was limited near the pipe outlet. On the other hand, when air in the soil pipe was entrapped by the clogging, water pressure suddenly increased, and the groundwater table of the whole slope rose correspondingly. This study clearly demonstrated the importance of pipe morphology with respect to air connectivity between the pipe and atmosphere to elucidate the water flow and slope stability during the pipe clogging event. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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