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为探讨二维反演方法在三维电性结构中的适应性问题,本研究中设计了一系列的二维/三维正演模型进行实验计算,分析了三维高阻/低阻异常体对模型响应的畸变作用,并从反演模式选择和数据旋转方向两个方面进行模型二维反演的对比分析,与三维反演的结果进行了比较,最后采用了实测数据进一步进行了二维和三维反演的比较实验.实验和研究结果表明,在剖面选择方面,在剖面方向与垂直主构造方向相差不大的情况下,截取剖面方向,将电性主轴旋转到垂直剖面方向的二维反演结果与垂直主构造方向的反演结果都可以较好地还原正演模型,在大的构造的反映上并无太大差异.在地下为二维或近三维条件时,正演模型的主要结构都可以较好地被二维和三维反演解析出来.二维的反演结果可能甚至会比三维的反演结果的边界更清晰,更精确.然而,对于具有较强的三维结构的模型而言,其二维反演结果与原始模型可能仍然存在较大差异,其中TM+TP或TM模式的二维反演结果相对更接近原始模型,而TE模式的结果往往会有较大误差,需要在解释时特别注意以免得出错误结论.  相似文献   

受计算机硬件水平限制,大地电磁(MT)三维反演难以在实际中推广应用,MT数据解释仍以二维反演为主.地质构造具有一定的二维性特征,但不同的地质构造走向往往不同、MT测线无法与每个构造的走向垂直,这使得实际MT数据并不满足严格的二维反演条件.因此,有必要开展大地电磁测深二维反演对"准二维"地质构造的适应性研究.本文设计三个理论地电模型,通过三维正演计算获得各测点大地电磁响应,以此模拟实际观测数据.对MT数据进行相位张量分析,结果表明设计的地电模型主要表现为二维性特征.利用非线性共轭梯度(NLCG)反演算法对理论MT数据进行二维反演研究,重点讨论了测线方向、电性主轴旋转策略及反演模式选择,对反演结果的影响.对比分析反演结果,得到如下认识:1.测线方向对反演结果影响较小;2.电性主轴旋转角度对反演结果影响较大;3.TE+TM联合模式及单独TM模式的反演效果较好.研究结果表明:当一条测线下方在横向与纵向上存在走向不同的多个异常体时,对整条剖面分测点、分频段进行电性主轴旋转,反演所得结果最可靠.  相似文献   

局部畸变问题曾经困扰大地电磁资料反演解释几十年,大地电磁三维数值模拟技术的发展为剖析局部畸变特点和得到可靠的反演成像结果提供了技术基础。本文采用三维数值模拟成像方法对典型三维局部畸变模型进行模拟分析。三维数值模拟结果显示:电场分量垂直电性分界面的极化模式视电阻率曲线(对应二维情况下TM模式)在穿越低阻异常体界面时,曲线会先上移后下移,而在穿越高阻异常体界面时,曲线会先下移后上移,这与电性分界面处积累面电荷产生的二次电场有关。三维模型中XY模式、YX模式视电阻率和相位在三维异常体附近的水平变化是呈现近似垂向对称的,该现象与电场垂直跨越电性界面时视电阻率的变化规律是吻合的,当测线分别沿X方向和Y方向展布时,三维情况下的XY和YX模式分别对应二维情况下的TM模式。低阻小异常体对区域构造响应的畸变影响比高阻小异常体要严重。低阻小异常体对二维区域响应的两种极化模式视电阻率和相位都有非常明显的畸变影响,相比较而言对TE模式的畸变要大于TM模式,因此我们在做二维反演解释时,可优先考虑拟合TM模式数据。位于小异常体中心上方测点的三维畸变响应虽然与对应真实二维区域响应的差异比较大,但可以等效于某种二维模型响应,这种由局部畸变造成的假二维响应在实际野外数据的解释中是需要注意的。   相似文献   

基于地球物理正则化反演理论,详细给出了目前常用的三种大地电磁(MT)二维反演方法——奥可姆法(OCCAM)、简化基奥可姆法(REBOCC)和非线性共轭梯度法(NLCG)的理论基础.设计了两个理论地电模型,一个是高、低阻体组合模型,另一个是断裂模型,使用这三种MT二维反演方法分别对TE极化模式、TM极化模式以及TETM极化模式响应数据进行了反演,对反演结果进行对比分析,考察了不同的反演方法以及不同的极化模式对反演结果的影响.研究结果表明:三种反演方法有各自的特点,使用不同的极化模式数据反演将会得到不同的反演效果.  相似文献   

交错模型指的是由几组走向不同的线性构造(近似二维)在空间(纵向、横向)上组合而成的模型.对于电性结构,交错模型表现为纵向或横向上的构造存在电性主轴方位的变化.从构造维性的角度来看,交错模型是一种由二维模型组合而成的特殊的三维模型,直接对其进行大地电磁二维反演,不易获得可靠的反演结果.本文针对交错模型的特点,提出分频段-分区段反演方案.该方案首先需要借助于阻抗张量成像技术,在频率域确定组成交错模型的各线性构造的电性主轴,然后,针对不同的频段、区段,选择对应电性主轴的数据进行反演,通过初始模型的构建将不同电性主轴方位的反演结果对接起来.本文通过三维理论模型的研究,系统展示了分频段-分区段反演的全过程,归纳得到:在分频段反演时先做低频段反演,在分区段反演时先做二维性更不显著一侧的反演.最后,本文将这一技术用于郯庐断裂带中南段一条实测剖面的反演中,其结果与常规二维反演结果相比较,深部的信息更为丰富,且与其他已有地质、地球物理结果的可对比性更好,表明在构造复杂地区,大地电磁分频段-分区段二维反演具有较高的模型分辨率和可靠性.  相似文献   

大地电磁野外实测数据月前大多为二维剖面数据.如何反演这些二维剖面数据获得较为接近实际地电情况的结果,是多数大地电磁工作者关心的问题.我们通过对理论模型的三维响应进行分析和对合成数据及实测资料的反演结果进行对比研究,讨论了利用三维反演的方法来获得大地电磁二维剖面附近三维电阻率结构的可行性.结果表明:可用三维反演的方法来解...  相似文献   

二维对称各向异性介质大地电磁反演   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
考虑一种二维构造走向与一水平各向异性主方向一致的对称各向异性介质. 在这种特殊情况下,若假设电导率沿垂向和倾向表现相同的各向异性, 即sigma;zz=sigma;yy,则得到形式完全等同于各向同性情形TE和TM极化方程的微分方程. 因此, 就可用各向同性完全相同的反演方法, 获得二维各向异性介质的电导率. 亦即各向同性介质的TE和TM极化反演结果, 可以解释为对称各向异性介质两主方向上的电阻率. 这为MT解释提供了新的解释途径及其理论依据. 最后用由此发展起来的各向异性介质反演方法,对甘肃天祝永登一带大地电磁资料进行了反演试验,获得了该区地壳介质各向异性电导率结构   相似文献   

大地电磁研究和应用中,面临的实际地质结构多数是三维的,但是当前三维反演技术还不成熟,仍需要利用二维模型进行近似反演解释。在进行二维反演解释时,如何分析认识三维局部畸变的性质,最大限度地克服三维局部畸变的影响,获得尽可能可信的地质解释结果,如何认识三维模型的二维近似程度,  相似文献   

张大海  徐世浙 《地震地质》2001,23(2):232-237
最近开发了一种针对二维大地电磁野外数据进行处理解释的新反演方法。该方法以加入阻抗相位信息的一维大地电磁连续介质曲线对比法为基础 ,把一维反演得到的电阻率和相位的数据集作为二维反演的初始模型 ,使用二维有限单元法做正演模拟。在程序的后继迭代中 ,深度方向上用一维反演修改模型的电阻率和深度值 ,沿测线方向由二维有限元作修改 ,反演结束可得到一个接近真实电性分布的电阻率数据集 ,并绘制成电阻率断面图。对模型的反演实验结果显示 ,该反演方法能够较真实地反映地下电性分布 ,而且避免了偏导数矩阵的计算 ,其原理简单 ,计算速度快 ,表明该反演方案是可行的  相似文献   

本文针对目前二维反演存在求解参数过多和求其偏导数困难的两个问题,在近年来关于连续介质二维大地电磁测深资料快速反演的理论基础上,对二维层状模型反演的目标函数,进行线性近似,采用加权法来近似计算二维模型参数的偏导数。从而实现比较快速的二维层状模型的参数化反演。理论模型的反演试验表明,反演迭代可以较快地以足够的精度拟合视电阻率和相位资料,并收敛接近理论模型。  相似文献   

This study deals with two-dimensional (2D) inversions of synthetic and observed radiomagnetotelluric (RMT) data on typical buried conductive waste sites in Europe, and with the practical aspects of different inversion algorithms. In the inversion calculations, we used smoothing and L2-norm stabilizers and compared the results. The resolution of the geometry of the highly conductive waste site, in particular, was investigated. In the inversion with the L2-norm stabilizer, we used the least-squares solution with singular value decomposition (LSSVD) and conjugate gradient (CG), whereas only the conjugate gradient solver was used in the 2D-inversion with the smoothing stabilizer. The inversion results of the synthetic data showed a better resolution of the geometry of the highly conductive waste site when a L2-norm stabilizer was applied in the inversion; in particular, a better detection of the bottom of the waste deposit was achieved. Additional model studies were carried out using synthetic RMT data in order to investigate the 2D inversion of RMT data observed on a 3D structure; these studies showed that the use of TM mode data yields a better resolution of the structure than joint inversion of TE and TM modes.2D inversions of RMT data on a waste site near Cologne showed that the inversion of the TM mode could resolve well the geometry, especially the bottom of the waste site, if information about the background conductivity structure was available. In this case study, inversion with the L2-norm stabilizer produced a sharper image of the waste site than inversion with the smoothing stabilizer, as indicated also by the inversion study that used synthetic data.  相似文献   

In order to gain a better understanding of the geometry of surface faults, five Controlled Source/Radio Magnetotelluric (CSRMT) profiles were measured across the Volvi basin, 45 km northeast of the city of Thessaloniki in Greece. The data were collected in two frequency ranges: a) 1–12.5 kHz using a remotely controlled double horizontal magnetic dipole transmitter (CSAMT measurements), and b) 15–250 kHz using the signal from distant radio transmitters (RMT measurements). The transition from the RMT band to the CSAMT band was smooth and continuous allowing us to combine both datasets for plane-wave modeling. The surface geology shows a predominantly 2D structure, and therefore we planned the survey into profiles perpendicular to the geological strike. We have used a 2D interpretation tool to model the data in TE, TM, TE + TM and determinant modes. Using a 4% error floor on the impedance, 2D resistivity models from inversion of the determinant data provide lower RMS data fits (4.2 and 1.2 for resistivity and phase, respectively) compared to the combined TE + TM data (4.4, 2.8, overall resistivity and phase, respectively). 2D inversion of the measured tensor data shows a sharp change in the depth to the top of resistive gneiss–schist basement that is overlain by a less resistive overburden at southern basin flanks. The change in depth to the bedrock is clearly seen in all 2D models along the measured profiles suggesting the existence of normal faults with strike directions of NE–SW to E–W. The 2D electrical resistivity models suggest that the bedrock deepens towards south-west. The resistivity models are also compared with the existing borehole information in the area and show a reasonable correlation. For example the sharp change of depth to the bedrock towards the center of the basin as seen in the resistivity models are also confirmed by the borehole data.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon exploration in the Papuan fold belt is made extremely difficult by mountainous terrain, equatorial jungle and thick karstified Miocene limestones at the surface. The high-velocity karstified limestones at or near the surface often render the seismic technique useless for imaging the subsurface. In such areas magnetotellurics (MT) provides a valuable capability for mapping subsurface structure. The main structural interface which can be mapped with MT, due to the large electrical contrast, is the contact between the resistive Darai limestone and the underlying conductive sediments of the Ieru Formation. In some areas the base of the Darai can be mapped with reasonable accuracy by fitting 1D models to the observed MT data. However, in many cases where 2D and 3D effects are severe, 1D interpretations can yield dramatically incorrect results. Numerical and field data examples are presented which demonstrate the severity of the 1D errors and the improvements in accuracy which can be achieved using a 2D inverse solution. Two MT lines over adjacent anticlines, both with well control and seismic data, are used to demonstrate the application of 1D and 2D inversions for structural models. In both cases the seismic data provide no aid in the interpretations. The example over the Hides anticline illustrates a situation where 1D inversion of either TE or TM mode provides essentially the same depth to base of Darai as 2D inversion of both TE and TM. Both models provide base Darai depth estimates which are within 10% of that measured in the well. The example over the Angore anticline illustrates the inadequacy of 1D inversion in structurally complex geology complicated by electrical statics. The TE mode fits a 1D Darai thickness of 800 metres while the TM mode fits a 1D Darai thickness of 3500 metres, bracketing the thickness of 2450 metres observed in the well. The final 2D inversion model provides a depth estimate of 2250 metres. Four MT lines along the Angore anticline have been interpreted using 2D inversion. A high degree of correlation exists between lineaments observed on an airborne radar image and zones of low resistivity within the high-resistivity material interpreted as Darai limestone. These low-resistivity zones are interpreted as fault zones. Three-dimensional modelling has been used to simulate 3D statics in an otherwise 2D earth. These data were used to test the Groom-Bailey (GB) decomposition for possible benefits in reducing static effects and estimating geoelectric strike in the Papua New Guinea (PNG) field data. It has been found that the GB decomposition can provide improved regional 2D strike estimates in 3D contaminated data. However, in situations such as PNG, where the regional 2D strike is well established and hence can be fixed, the GB decomposition provides apparent resistivities identical to those simply rotated to strike.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric (MT) soundings and gravity methods were employed to study the deep freshwater aquifer in the area north of Abo Zenema city on the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Seven MT sites and 48 gravity stations were surveyed along northeast–southwest profiles as close as possible to a line perpendicular to the coast of the Gulf of Suez. The MT survey was conducted using high and low frequencies to investigate shallow and deep areas, respectively. One-dimensional inversion was conducted using a heuristic inversion scheme of the Bostick algorithm. The MT data were also inverted with a 2-D smooth model inversion routine using the nonlinear conjugate gradient method to infer variation in vertical and lateral resistivity inside the Earth. A 100-Ohm-m homogeneous half-space initial model was used to invert the TE mode data only. Then, the inverted model obtained from the TE mode data was used as an initial model for inversion of the TM mode data. The inverted model thus obtained from the TM mode data inversion was used as an initial model for the inversion of the joint TE and TM responses. Two-dimensional (2-D) forward modeling of the gravity data was conducted using the 2-D polygon method of Talwani’s algorithm for an arbitrarily shaped body and was based on the subsurface information from the MT survey and the available information about the geological structure of the study area. This method enabled us to obtain the basement structure of the coastal aquifer in the study area. The results from the analysis and the interpretation of MT and gravity data were used to detect and delineate the groundwater coastal aquifer in the study area.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘川滇构造区深部电性结构特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文对位于青藏高原东缘川滇构造区的贡山一绥江大地电磁测深(MT)剖面数据进行反演,获得沿剖面的深部电性结构,为研究喜马拉雅东构造结、川滇菱形地块与华南地块的构造变形特征、壳幔耦合关系、地块间接触关系以及相互作用等问题,提供电性结构的依据.研究发现:(1)电性结构揭示澜沧江断裂带和小金河断裂带为深大断裂带,控制着研究区的深部结构特征和形变机制;(2)澜沧江断裂带和金沙江断裂带之间的高阻体,可能是扬子古地块的残留部分;小金河断裂带和安宁河断裂带之间的高阻体,则是峨眉山大火山省喷发形成的冕宁一越西杂岩带;(3)在滇西地块、川滇地块和大凉山地块均存在低阻层,它们的介质属性有所不同,滇西地块下的低阻层"疑似"高热状态的岩浆囊,主要由缅甸弧向东俯冲运动引起的,中上地壳的高热状态使地块的活动性增强;川滇地块内部的壳内低阻层的成因为:理塘断裂带和小金河断裂带之间的地表低阻层由破碎带充水所致,而金沙江断裂带和理塘断裂带之间的中地壳低阻层可能是由局部熔融物质或含盐流体导致的,其为壳内物质运移的通道.从而在地下物质发生大规模走滑运动的过程中起到引导作用;川滇地块东部和大凉山地块西部的壳内低阻层可能与地慢物质的上涌有关;马边断裂带附近的低阻体可能与破碎带变宽和破碎带内的流体有关.  相似文献   

Introduction Ready and Renkin (1971) were the first to make the research on anisotropy problems in magnetotellurics (MT). The progress in the research is not evident because it is more complex and difficult than isotropic problems. Now, the one-dimensional (1D) anisotropy problems in MT have been well solved, while for the two-dimensional (2D) cases, the numerical solutions have only been obtained for some particular conditions (Ready and Renkin, 1975). As to the three-dimensional (3D) ani…  相似文献   

The magnetotelluric (MT) method has been applied to the determination of the deep resistivity structure of the northeastern margin of the Parnaiba Basin. Transient electromagnetic (TEM) and MT data were collected in early 1999 along a 95 km long N–S line, extending from the coast across the projected subcrop position of a discontinuous fault found to the west of the study area that is believed to be a possible basin‐bounding fault. The MT data were processed to yield the TE‐ and TM‐mode responses and then corrected for static shift using central‐loop and single‐loop TEM data, respectively. Regularized 2D MT inversion was subsequently undertaken using a structured initial model with the near‐surface constrained by TEM inversion results. As a consistency check, we performed another set of 2D inversions using different smooth initial models. The various optimal 2D inversion models show clearly the presence of a major basement trough, over 2 km deep, located about 70 km from the coast. We interpret it as possibly marking the main basin margin and suggest that it may have implications for groundwater resource development in the area.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric (MT) data along two profiles were collected in Tulargen Cu-Ni mining area, Xinjiang, China. The MT profiles, crossing the known ore-bearing magmatic body, are interpreted to have further understanding of the ore-bearing magmatic bodies' stretch and shape in depth, and to evaluate the prospect in the mining area. The values of phase sensitivity skewness indicate a contaminated two-dimensional (2D) structure (there exist local three-dimensional (3D) structures at shallow level) over 3D structures. G-B decomposition of the impedance tensors indicates the dominant geoelectrical strike in survey area is in East-West direction. To obtain reliable electrical structures, four different 2D inversion codes as REBOCC, NLCG, OCCAM, and ABIC are adopted, inversions of a synthetic 3D model using these codes indicate TM data are more suitable to invert the electrical structures along the profiles in Tulargen Cu-Ni mining area, while TE and TE + TM inversions can be used to verify the transverse variation of electrical structures at shallow level. The 2D electrical structures show high-resistivity basement covered by relatively low-resistivity strata in the mining area, the conductive anomalies are imbedded in the upper covers. The known ore-bearing magmatic body is coincided with the positions of two conductive anomalies in both profiles at shallow level; its extension at depth is deduced according to the shapes of the anomalies. Other conductive anomalies, isolated and existing only at limited depth as the known ore-bearing magmatic body, are presumed of good prospect.  相似文献   

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