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The tropical riparian zone has a high diversity of plant species that produce a wide variety of chemical compounds, which may be released into streams. However, in recent decades there has been an extensive replacement of tropical native vegetation by Eucalyptus monocultures. Our objective was to compare fungal colonization of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves with fungal colonization of native plant species from riparian zones in Brazilian Cerrado (savannah) streams. The fungal colonization and enzymatic activity significantly influenced leaf litter decomposition. Fungal sporulation rates from leaf litter varied significantly with leaf species, with E. camaldulensis showing the highest sporulation rate (1226 conidia mg−1AFDM day−1) and leaf mass loss (23.2 ± 0.9%). This species has the lowest lignin content and highest N concentration among the studied species. Among the studied native species, we observed the highest sporulation rate for Protium spruceanum (271 conidia mg−1AFDM day−1), Maprounea guianensis (268 conidia mg−1AFDM day−1) and Copaifera langsdorffii (196 conidia mg−1AFDM day−1). Overall, native plant species of the Brazilian Cerrado exhibited recalcitrant characteristics and a higher lignin:N ratio. Therefore, variations in the physical and chemical characteristics of the leaf litter could explain the higher decay rate and reproductive activity observed for E. camaldulensis. However, the detritus of this species were colonized almost exclusively by Anguillospora filiformis (99.6 ± 0.4%) and exhibited a reduction in aquatic hyphomycetes species diversity. Our results suggest that the disturbance in the composition of riparian vegetation and consequently, in the diversity of leaf litter input into streams, could change the patterns and rates of leaf litter utilization by microbial decomposers. These changes may have important consequences in the processing of organic matter and, consequently, in the functioning of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Littoral zones of lakes are important for carbon and nutrient recycling because of the accumulation and decomposition of organic matter (OM) coming from terrestrial and aquatic plants. Here, we aimed to study OM decomposition from the most abundant riparian trees (Nothofagus dombeyi and Myrceugenia exsucca), and an emergent macrophyte (Schoenoplectus californicus), in the littoral zone of an ultraoligotrophic North-Patagonian Andean lake. We analysed the initial 2-days leaching, and litter mass loss and litter nutrient changes after one year of decomposition in a litter-bag experiment. The three studied species had very slow decay rates (k < 0.005 day−1), and initial nutrient release by leaching was not related to differences in decomposition rates. However, differences in leaf traits (lignin content) were related to interspecific variation in decomposition rates. The highest decomposition rates were observed for the macrophyte S. californicus, the species with the lower lignin content, while the opposite was observed in the Myrtaceae M. exsucca. In the three studied species, nitrogen content increased during decomposition. Our results indicated that in the shore of ultra-oligotrophic lakes, litter remains for long periods with net nutrient immobilization, thus OM of the riparian vegetation represents a carbon and nutrient sink.  相似文献   

火烧作为调控因子,对植物群落结构和生态系统功能具有重要影响,但在湖泊湿地中研究较少.通过野外调查取样与实验室分析,探讨火烧对洞庭湖湿地主要群落类型——荻(Miscanthus sacchariflorus)和苔草(Carex brevicuspis)土壤化学性质的影响.结果表明:火烧后,苔草群落土壤硝态氮含量显著减少64.6%,有机质含量增加26.3%;而荻群落土壤与之相反,硝态氮含量增加186.9%,有机质含量减少22.9%.火烧后,苔草群落的全氮、铵态氮、全碳和全磷含量均显著增加,分别增加了75.4%、36.3%、102.7%和76.9%,而荻群落土壤与对照组间无显著差异.总体上,火烧对荻群落土壤养分影响不大,可作为芦苇场的一种管理方式,但火烧促进苔草群落土壤养分释放,有助于苔草群落提前萌芽和生长,并引起牲畜牧食增加.  相似文献   

The decomposition of plant litter is a fundamental ecological process in small forest streams. Litter decomposition is mostly controlled by litter characteristics and environmental conditions, with shredders playing a critical role. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of leaf species (Maprounea guianensis and Inga laurina, which have contrasting physical and chemical characteristics) and water nutrient enrichment (three levels) on leaf litter chemical characteristics and fungal biomass, and subsequent litter preference and consumption by Phylloicus sp. (a typical shredder in tropical streams). Maprounea guianensis leaves had lower lignin and nitrogen (N) concentrations, higher polyphenols concentration and lower lignin:N ratio than I. laurina leaves. Phosphorus concentrations were higher for both leaf species incubated at the highest water nutrient level. Fungal biomass was higher on M. guianensis than on I. laurina leaves, but it did not differ among nutrient levels. Relative consumption rates were higher when shredders fed on M. guianensis than on I. laurina leaves, due to the lower lignin:N ratio and higher fungal biomass of M. guianensis. Consumption rates on M. guianensis leaves were higher for those exposed to low water nutrient levels than for those exposed to moderate water nutrient levels. Feeding preferences by shredders were not affected by leaf species or nutrient level. The low carbon quality on I. laurina leaves makes it a less attractive substrate for microbial decomposers and a less palatable resource for shredders. Changes in litter input characteristics may be more important than short-term nutrient enrichment of stream water on shredder performance and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Lin Ding  Suhua Fu  Hui Zhao 《水文研究》2021,35(3):e14088
Vegetation stems and litter cover have different effects on sediment transport capacity under the same experimental conditions, which in essence, may be due to differences in their hydraulic properties, but the availability of comparative studies is limited. This study aimed to compare the hydraulic properties affected by litter and stem cover, compare differences in the drag forces exerted by litter and stems on overland flow, and develop new Manning's n and flow velocity equations for litter cover. Two series of flume experiments were conducted with the same slope gradients (8.8%, 17.6%, 26.8%) and flow discharge rates (0.5, 1.0 × 10−3 m3 s−1). Artificial Gramineae stems with a 0%–30% cover level and Pinus tabulaeformis litter with a 0%–70% cover level were used in series 1 and series 2, respectively. The flow velocity and depth were measured. The results showed that the Froude number and flow velocity affected by stem cover were much lower than those affected by litter cover, while the opposite trend was observed in the relative magnitude of the Reynolds number, flow depth and shear stress. The form resistance caused by stems was 22–57 times greater than that caused by litter for the same cover level, which suggests that stem cover contributes more than litter cover to increasing the flow resistance and reducing the flow's ability for sediment detachment and transport. Two new equations for calculating Manning's n and flow velocity under the influence of litter cover were developed, with R2 and NSE values of 0.96. The results of this study contribute to revealing the mechanisms of the differences of the effects of stem and litter cover on soil erosion.  相似文献   

Riparian zones are important interface areas between soil and stream systems. Few studies carried out in tropical and subtropical regions evaluate litter decomposition in both stream water and riparian soils. Herein, we assessed the effects of land cover on microbial activity on the decomposition of an exotic litter (Pinus elliottii pine needles only) in water and soils of a subtropical riparian zone. Leaf litter breakdown rates (k in d−1) were estimated for different land covers (Grassland without riparian vegetation, Grassland with riparian vegetation, Forest, and Silviculture). To assess the microbial influence on k, we used fine mesh litter bags with monospecific leaf litter of senescent pine needles. Streams in Silviculture land use showed high k values and orthophosphate, dissolved oxygen and water velocity accelerated the leaf litter breakdown in the stream system. The soil system of Silviculture, Forest, and Grassland with riparian vegetation land covers showed high k values due to the high moisture and litter stock on riparian soil. Only a minor difference between stream and soil systems highlights the significant changes and the negative effects of silviculture on subtropical riparian zones.  相似文献   

Centroid moment tensor solutions for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake are determined by W phase inversions using 5 and 10 min data recorded by the Full Range Seismograph Network of Japan (F-net). By a scaling relation of moment magnitude to rupture area and an assumption of rigidity of 4 × 1010 N m?2, simple rectangular earthquake fault models are estimated from the solutions. Tsunami inundations in the Sendai Plain, Minamisanriku, Rikuzentakata, and Taro are simulated using the estimated fault models. Then the simulated tsunami inundation area and heights are compared with the observations. Even the simulated tsunami heights and inundations from the W phase solution that used only 5 min data are considerably similar to the observations. The results are improved when using 10 min of W phase data. These show that the W phase solutions are reliable to be used for tsunami inundation modeling. Furthermore, the technique that combines W phase inversion and tsunami inundation modeling can produce results that have sufficient accuracy for tsunami early warning purposes.  相似文献   

Iwojima volcano, located on the southernmost part of the Izu-Ogasawara arc, is characterized by the extrusion of trachyte or trachy andesite lavas and pyroclastic rocks of Holocene and surface thermal manifestations. Small phreatic explosions have been recorded frequently during the last 100 years with the most recent in 1999 and 2001. In order to elucidate the behavior of volcanic volatiles and to assess the potential activity of this volcano, diffuse CO2 efflux, CO2 content and δ13C–CO2 in soil gas, and soil temperature at 30 cm depth were measured at 272 sites in March 2000, 112 sites in December 2000 and 40 sites in December 2001. We found that high CO2 efflux values, of more than 100 g m−2 day−1, occurred at several locations on Motoyama volcano corresponding with high soil temperatures (more than 60 °C at 30 cm depth) region and with areas where CO2 with magmatic δ13C was observed. Here, the magmatic δ13C determined for fumarolic CO2 data ranged from −2‰ to +3‰, which is clearly higher than magmatic gas values (−8‰ to −2‰) typically found in island arc settings around the world. However, this can be explained in terms of carbon-isotope fractionation between calcite and CO2 under subsurface temperature and pressure conditions at Iwojima. A total efflux of CO2 for Iwojima volcano is estimated to be 760 t day−1, with a magmatic contribution of about 450 t day−1. This value is rather high compared with other volcanoes in island arc settings. Since Iwojima has no visible plume, almost all volcanic CO2 is released as diffuse efflux through the volcanic edifice.  相似文献   

Riparian invasion by non-native trees may lead to changes in the quality of leaf litter inputs into freshwater ecosystems. Different plant species may affect the community of decomposers and the rate of litter decay in different ways. We studied the microbial colonization and decomposition of leaf litter of the invasive to Lithuania Acer negundo and native Alnus glutinosa during 64-day litterbag experiments in the littoral zones of mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes. The decomposition of A. negundo leaf litter proceeded faster than that of A. glutinosa irrespective of differences in the trophic conditions of the lakes. The amount of terrestrial and cellulose-degrading fungi (during the initial period) and bacterial numbers (during the experiment) were higher on A. negundo leaves than on A. glutinosa in both lakes. Differences in the assemblages of aquatic fungi colonizing the leaves of both types might be one of the reasons causing variation in their decay. The trophic conditions of the lakes did not significantly determine the extent of differences in decomposition rates between the two leaf species, but affected the microbial decomposers. The sporulation rate and diversity of aquatic fungi, especially on A. glutinosa leaves, was higher in the mesotrophic lake than in the eutrophic lake, while heterotrophic bacteria were more numerous on the leaves in the eutrophic lake. Generally, differences in the colonization dynamics of heterotrophs and the faster decay of A. negundo litter than of A. glutinosa suggest that the replacement of native riparian species such as the dominating A. glutinosa by invasive A. negundo may cause changes of organic matter processing in the littoral zones of lakes.  相似文献   

Alien plant invasions of riparian zones can trigger bottom-up effects on freshwater ecosystems through changes in leaf litter supply. Riparian zones of ponds are often invaded by alien species, and although these habitats are common, the effect of invasive alien species on ponds has rarely been studied. We performed a leaf litter experiment in a pond and compared within- and between-species variation in the breakdown rates of three native species (Alnus glutinosa, Phragmites australis and Typha angustifolia) and two aggressive alien invaders of riparian zones (Fallopia japonica and Solidago canadensis). The litter of S. canadensis decomposed faster than the litter of the other plants; more than 50 % of the S. canadensis biomass decomposed within a week. This contradicts the home-field advantage hypothesis, and we argue that the quality rather than the origin of litter might be the key factor driving breakdown rates. We also reported considerable intra-specific variation; old leaves (collected in spring after a partial aerial breakdown on stems) decomposed two to seven times slower than senescent leaves (collected in autumn just after abscission). The continuous seasonal supply of leaves of different quality into freshwaters may be disrupted by terrestrial invasions, especially if an invader forms monoculture stands and produces a highly palatable litter, as is the case with S. canadensis. This may fundamentally alter the resource dynamics in the pond environment through a rapid depletion of litter mass before the next litterfall.  相似文献   

In Brazil, where reefs occur in markedly turbid environments, the relationship between sedimentation/organic matter and corals is poorly known. Thus, the ex situ effects of sediment with and without organic matter over the ΔF/Fm and physical state of Mussismilia braziliensis were analyzed. The ΔF/Fm and coral physical state, evaluated through the susceptibility index to sedimentation (SI), were measured in seven colonies exposed to sedimentation (0–450 mg cm−2 day−1) free of organic matter after 45 days of exposure, and in 12 colonies exposed to sedimentation (0–500 mg cm−2 day−1) with organic matter content (10%), in which case ΔF/Fm was measured after 72 h and SI after 120 h. In both cases there were effects of increasing sedimentation on the SI with no effect on ΔF/Fm. Despite the tolerance to high sedimentation rates shown by this coral, we noted that the presence of organic matter might reduce its tolerance to sedimentation stress.  相似文献   

The Central American volcanic arc supplies a significant proportion of the persistent annual global sulphur dioxide emissions from volcanoes. In November/December 2003, we completed a survey of the arc section from Mombacho to San Cristóbal in Nicaragua recording individual mean fluxes of 800, 530 and 220 Mg day 1 in the plumes from San Cristóbal, Telica and Masaya, respectively. An assessment of fluxes published since 1997 along the entire Central America arc yields a mean total arc flux of SO2 of 4360 Mg day 1 or 8–16% of the annual estimated global volcanic SO2 flux to the troposphere. New field data shows that Masaya volcano continues to show stable HCl/SO2 and HF/SO2 ratios, suggesting a sustained flux of these components of ∼ 220 and 30 Mg day 1, respectively (1997 to 2004). Masaya's plume composition also appears to have been stable, between 2001 and 2003, with respect to all the particulate species measured, with significant fluxes of SO42− (4 Mg day 1), Na+ (0.9–1.3 Mg day 1) and K+ (0.7 Mg day 1). Extrapolating the Masaya plume species ratios to the entire Central American arc gives mean HCl and HF fluxes of 1300 and 170 Mg day 1 and a particulate sulphate flux of 40 Mg day 1 for 1997 to 2004, although without further understanding of the degassing processes and sources at depth of these different volatiles, these arc-scale estimates should be treated with caution. Combining our arc scale mean SO2 flux with published measurements of volcanic gas compositions with respect to CO2 and H2O allows us to estimate mean CO2 fluxes of 4400–9600 Mg day 1 and H2O fluxes of 70,000–78,000 Mg day 1 for the arc. Preliminary comparisons of these estimates of outgassing rates with published volatile input fluxes into the Central American subduction zone, suggest that Cl is more efficiently recycled through the subduction zone than CO2. The results for H2O are inconclusive.  相似文献   

The on- and off-site effects of soil erosion in many environments are well known, but there is still limited understanding of the soil loss fluxes in downstream direction due, among other factors, to scarce and poor quality. A four year study to (i) evaluate water and sediment fluxes at different spatio-temporal scales and (ii) interpret the results in terms of processes involved and the controlling factors, was conducted in Thukela basin, South Africa. Five hierarchically nested catchments; namely microcatchment (0.23 km2), subcatchment (1.20 km2), catchment (9.75 km2), sub-basin (253 km2) and basin (29,038 km2), were used in addition to fifteen (1 m2) microplots and ten (10 m2) plots on five locations within the microcatchment. The results showed 19% decrease of unit-area runoff (q) from 3.1 L m−2 day−1 at microplot to 2.5 L m−2 day−1 at plot scale followed by steeper (56%) decrease at microcatchment scale. The q decreased in downstream direction to very low level (q ≤ 0.26 L m−2 day−1). The changes in q were accompanied by initial 1% increase of soil loss (SL) from 18.8 g m−2 day−1 at microplot to 19.1 g m−2 day−1 at plot scale. The SL also decreased sharply (by 39 fold) to 0.50 g m−2 day−1 at microcatchment scale, followed by further decrease in downstream direction. The decrease of q with spatial scale was attributed to infiltration losses, while initial increase of SL signified greater competence of sheet than splash erosion. The decrease of SL beyond the plot scale was attributed to redistribution of the soil on the hillslope and deposition on the stream channel upstream of the microcatchment outlet. Therefore, erosion control strategies focussing on the recovery of vegetation on the slope and stabilisation of gullies are recommended.  相似文献   

Inorganic fine sediments are easily carried into streams and rivers from disturbed land. These sediments can affect the stream biota, including detritivorous invertebrates (shredders) and impair ecosystem functions, such as leaf litter decomposition. We hypothesized that fine sediment (kaolin) deposited on leaves would reduce or suppress fungal development, reducing decomposition rates of leaves. Moreover, we predicted that shredders would act as ecosystem engineers by perturbing sediment deposition, reducing its impact on decomposition and fungi. We used a fully crossed experimental design of sediment addition (control, 400?mg?L?1) and shredders (none, Gammarus, Potamophylax) in laboratory aquaria. Leaf mass loss, suspended solids, microbial respiration, fungal biomass and spore production were measured. Sediment addition had no significant effects on the leaf mass remaining nor on shredders?? consumption rates. However, sediment slightly reduced fungal assemblage richness and the sporulation rate of three fungal species. The presence of shredders substantially increased the resuspension of fine sediments (>300%), resulting in higher suspended loads. However, the action of shredders did not have a significant effect on fungal biomass nor on leaf mass loss. Even if shredders did not enhance fungal colonisation, they affected the settlement of fine sediment, serving as allogenic engineers. Our study suggests that concentrations of fine sediment of 400?mg?L?1 with short exposure times (192?h) can have some effect on leaf decomposition.  相似文献   

Nanoparticle contamination in freshwater habitat leads to the drastic reduction in the population of freshwater micro crustaceans. Both Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Moina micrura were considered as the potential biological bio-tracers of freshwater ecosystem. This study describes the chemical synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) using zinc nitrate as the starting material. The physico-chemical characterization of ZnO NPs was made by UV–Vis spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). ZnO NPs elicited 100% and 76% mortality of freshwater crustaceans, Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Moina micrura at 160 μg L−1 respectively. The accumulation of ZnO NPs in the intestine and loss of antennae and carapace were clearly visualized through light microscopy. The exposure of C. cornuta and M. micrura neonates at 160 μg L−1 of ZnO NPs showed abnormal swimming behaviour after 12 h. However, chitosan significantly reduced the mortality and enhanced the survival of C. cornuta and M. micrura at 100 μg ml−1. This study concludes the protective effect of chitosan against the hazardous effect of ZnO NPs in C. cornuta and M. micrura.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,64(5-12):528-534
The Salt-water River watershed is one of the major river watersheds in the Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Water quality and sediment investigation results show that the river water contained high concentrations of organics and ammonia–nitrogen, and sediments contained high concentrations of heavy metals and organic contaminants. The main pollution sources were municipal and industrial wastewaters. Results from the enrichment factor (EF) and geo-accumulation index (Igeo) analyses imply that the sediments can be characterized as heavily polluted in regard to Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn, and Cu. The water quality analysis simulation program (WASP) model was applied for water quality evaluation and carrying capacity calculation. Modeling results show that the daily pollutant inputs were much higher than the calculated carrying capacity (1050 kg day−1 for biochemical oxygen demand and 420 kg day−1 for ammonia–nitrogen). The proposed watershed management strategies included river water dilution, intercepting sewer system construction and sediment dredging.  相似文献   

Plant litter can be incorporated into topsoil by a natural process, affecting the soil erosion process. This is a widespread phenomenon in erosion-prone areas. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of litter incorporation on the process of soil detachment on the Loess Plateau, China. Four common plant litters (Bothriochloa ischaemum L. Keng., Artemisia sacrorum Ledeb., Setaria viridis L. Beauv., and Artemisia capillaris Thunb.) were collected, then incorporated into the silt loam soil at five rates (0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, and 1.3 kg m−2) on the basis of our field investigation. Twenty litter–soil treatments and one bare soil control were prepared. After 50 days of natural stabilization, 30 soil samples of each treatment were collected. We used a flume test to scour the soil samples under six flow shear stress conditions (5.66, 8.31, 12.21, 15.55, 19.15, and 22.11 Pa). The results showed that the different incorporated litter masses and morphological characteristics, such as litter tissue density (ranging from 0.52 to 0.68 g cm−3), length density (2.34 to 91.00 km m−3), surface area density (LSAD; 27.9 to 674.2 m2 m−3), and volume ratio (0.003 to 0.050 m3 m−3), caused varied soil detachment capacities (0.043 to 4.580 kg·m−2·s−1), rill erodibilities (0.051 to 0.237 s m−1), and critical shear stresses (2.02 to 6.83 Pa). The plant litter incorporated within the soil reduced the soil detachment capacities by 38%–59%, lowered the rill erodibilities by 32%–46%, and increased the critical shear stresses by 98%–193% compared with the bare soil control. The soil containing B. ischaemum (L.) Keng. litter was more resistant to erosion. By comparing different parameters, we found that the contact area between the litter and soil was the main factor affecting the soil detachment process. The soil erosion resistance increased with the increasing contact area between the soil and litter. Furthermore, the litter incorporation effect on rill erodibility can be comprehensively reflected by LSAD (R2 = .93; Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency = 0.79), which could be used to adjust the rill erodibility parameter in physical process-based soil erosion models.  相似文献   

Projecting changes in the frequency and intensity of future precipitation and flooding is critical for the development of social infrastructure under climate change. The Mekong River is among the world's large-scale rivers severely affected by climate change. This study aims to define the duration of precipitation contributing to peak floods based on its correlation with peak discharge and inundation volume in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB). We assessed the changes in precipitation and flood frequency using a large ensemble Database for Policy Decision-Making for Future Climate Change (d4PDF). River discharge in the Mekong River Basin (MRB) and flood inundation in the LMB were simulated by a coupled rainfall-runoff and inundation (RRI) model. Results indicated that 90-day precipitation counting backward from the day of peak flooding had the highest correlation with peak discharge (R2 = .81) and inundation volume (R2 = .81). The ensemble mean of present simulation of d4PDF (1951–2010) showed good agreement with observed extreme flood events in the LMB. The probability density of 90-day precipitation shifted from the present to future climate experiments with a large variation of mean (from 777 to 900 mm) and SD (from 57 to 96 mm). Different patterns of sea surface temperature significantly influence the variation of precipitation and flood inundation in the LMB in the future (2051–2110). Extreme flood events (50-year, 100-year, and 1,000-year return periods) showed increases in discharge, inundation area, and inundation volume by 25%–40%, 19%–36%, and 23%–37%, respectively.  相似文献   

Plant water use plays a crucial part in the soil–plant-atmosphere continuum. However, in karst regions, plants frequently suffer from water shortages due to low soil water storage capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to understand plant water consumption (as determined by sap flow) and seasonal variation of water sources to improve water management in karst catchments. In this study, thermal dissipation probes (TDP), calibrated using empirical equations, were used to measure the sap flow of three typical woody vegetations, including Coriaria nepalensis (sparse-shrub), Toona sinensis (secondary forest) and Populus adenopoda (shrub-grass). Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes were used to analyze seasonal variation of plant water sources. The results showed that: (1) T. Sinensis (3.89 ± 3.87 L·day−1) had significantly higher daily sap flow than C. nepalensis (0.33 ± 0.37 L·day−1) and P. adenopoda (0.09 ± 0.12 L·day−1); (2) daily sap flow was closely correlated to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD); (3) over the entire study period, plants mainly used water from the surface soil horizons; and (4) a greater proportion of epikarst water was used for C. nepalensis than by T. sinensis and P. adenopoda over the whole growth stage, and more epikarst water was used in early and mid-growth stages compared to the late stage for the three species. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the plant water use strategies in karst regions, and is helpful for ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Nutrient enrichment and changes in riparian tree species composition affect many streams worldwide but their combined effects on decomposers and litter decomposition have been rarely assessed. In this study we assessed the effects of experimental nitrogen (N) enrichment of a small forest stream on the decomposition of three leaf litter species differing in initial chemical composition [alder (Alnus glutinosa), chestnut (Castanea sativa) and poplar (Populus nigra)], incubated individually and in 2-species mixtures during late spring-early summer. To better understand the effects of litter mixing on litter decomposition, component litter species were processed individually for remaining mass and fungal reproductive activity. Litter decomposition rates were high. Nitrogen enrichment significantly stimulated litter decomposition only for alder incubated individually. Differences among litter treatments were found only at the N enriched site where the nutrient rich alder litter decomposed faster than all other litter treatments; only at this site was there a significant relationship between litter decomposition and initial litter N concentration. Decomposition rates of all litter mixtures were lower than those expected from the decomposition rates of the component litter species incubated individually, at the N enriched and reference sites, suggesting antagonistic effects of litter mixing. Conidial production by aquatic hyphomycetes for each sampling date was not affected by nutrient enrichment, litter species or mixing. Aquatic hyphomycetes species richness for each sampling date was higher at the N enriched site than at the reference site and higher for alder litter than for chestnut and poplar, but no effect of mixing was found. Aquatic hyphomycetes communities were structured by litter identity and to a lesser extent by N enrichment, with no effect of mixing. This study suggests that nutrient enrichment and litter quality may not have such strong effects on decomposers and litter decomposition in warmer seasons contrary to what has been reported for autumn-winter. Changes in the composition of the riparian vegetation may have unpredictable effects on litter decomposition independently of streams trophic state.  相似文献   

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