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煤田采区三维地震精细构造解释方法   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
虽然煤田三维地震勘探已经过了十多年的发展,但构造解释问题仍是目前需要解决的主要问题之一.随着三维地震资料解释方法的不断发展,小波分析技术、相干体技术、地震属性技术、图像处理等提高解释精度的方法相继在地震勘探领域中得到应用.另一方面,由于煤矿采区三维地震勘探资料一般具有高信噪比和高分辨率的特点,为做好三维地震资料精细构造解释提供了物质基础.本文结合小波分析技术、相干体技术、地震属性技术等多种方法,结合两个采区的实例,对小断层和小规模陷落柱做了精细构造解释.解释结果显示联合使用以上几种解释技术,能提高三维地震资料的构造解释精度和可靠信.  相似文献   

微山湖湖区表层地震地质条件十分复杂,芦苇丛生,三维地震勘探野外数据采集采用自行研制的钻井平台加套管护壁的成孔工艺,沼泽检波器加上加长尾椎,提高了检波器的耦合效果,获取了高信噪比的三维地震数据。资料解释应用了三维可视化、相干数据体、地震属性技术进行三维构造精细化解释,明显提高了地震解释识别地下小地质构造及地震异常体的能力,它完善和发展了三维高分辨率地震勘探技术,扩大了地震勘探的应用范围,为解决煤矿开采阶段所遇到的构造、煤层等地质问题提供了一种综合应用的解释方法,在湖区的勘探开发中,取得了明显的地震地质效果。  相似文献   

刘雷  金利  文宇飞 《高原地震》2009,21(3):46-51
某油田已注水开发40年,高井网密度条件下仍对某些微构造、断层认识不足。运用三维地震解释资料与开发井资料解释两项技术结合,优势互补,相互验证,形成了一套开发地震可视化构造建模技术,应用该项技术显著提高了断层的首尾部延伸、复杂断裂带断层的组合关系、无井断点控制的小断层识别精度,对油田特高含水期提高钻井成功率、油田精细调整挖潜具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日汶川发生里氏8.0级地震的发震机制与龙门山断裂带的构造特征紧密相关,应用反射地震探测方法精细探测发震构造内部的结构特征,对研究汶川地震的发震机理有重要意义.5.12地震后在地表错断最剧烈的区域之一虹口乡白庙村穿过发震构造和深钻科研井WSFD-1和WSFD-2布置了兼顾浅中深层信息的反射地震探测剖面,该区域断裂带硬岩出露,地形地貌复杂多变,起伏剧烈,只能采取弯线地震测线布设方式采集二维反射地震数据,而且弯曲度大,造成CDP点分散严重.区域内构造复杂,褶皱逆推构造发育,地层和构造倾角大,采用常规二维地震数据处理方法进行叠加处理时,易将不同地层的反射信息叠加到同一反射层.弯线叠加剖面上侧面波,混波干扰严重,会显著地降低原本低信噪比数据的分辨率,或剖面可靠性低,容易在二维剖面中造成解释陷阱.本文利用弯线地震采集的三维特性,用拟三维地震叠加技术处理汶川地震科学钻井附近横跨北川-映秀断裂带的二维弯线地震数据,弥补常规二维弯线地震数据处理技术的不足,将不同地层的反射信息分离归位到不同的三维叠加剖面上,解决二维弯线地震数据处理时混波干扰严重的难题.通过理论分析和实验选取合适的共中心点面元,获得了高分辨率的三维叠加剖面.相比于二维弯线叠加剖面,三维叠加剖面切片成像更真实,剔除了不同地层反射信息混叠的影响,能得到更准确的断点信息,并可以获得沿断层走向横向的信息,显著提高了构造解释的可靠性和精度.应用拟三维地震数据处理方法处理龙门山断裂带的二维弯线地震数据,获取高分辨率的构造信息,有利于断裂带内汶川地震发震机制和龙门山隆起机制的解释.  相似文献   

三维地震解释技术在油田开发中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在油田的开发部署研究中,三维地震解释技术的应用研究是必不可少的内容.辽河油田复杂的地质条件以及油田规模应用水平井决定了只有应用地震这样密集的信息资料,才有可能较为准确地刻画地下地质体,落实微构造、小断层;在地震反演结果不能准确预测薄储层的横向变化的情况下,才有可能实现薄储层预测,进行储层追踪,指导水平井钻井.利用地震解释技术进行薄储层预测和小断层识别的实例充分展现了精细地震解释技术的价值.随着地震解释技术,尤其是四维地震的不断发展,其在油田开发中的应用日益广泛.将地震与地质、测井、开发等结合起来,形成综合研究技术才是油田开发所需技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

煤田三维地震勘探的应用及效果分析   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
现代技术的发展使三维地震勘探方法更完善、手段更充分、应用更广泛、效果更显著.无论是构造复杂区还是地表复杂区,三维地震勘探都取得了其它勘探手段无法得到的效果,多参数、多方法的应用使解释分辨力进一步提高,成果更可靠,同时也为煤田勘探和煤炭生产企业取得了巨大的经济效益.  相似文献   

复杂断块油藏是一种常见的陆相沉积油藏,在我国陆上和近海多有分布.涠A油田作为近海复杂断块油气藏,其显著特点是断层复杂、储层非均质性强、储层分布及连通性复杂,致使地震成像不清,给后续的油藏和开发带来极大的困难.针对上述问题,从地震资料成像处理技术和解释性成像处理技术方面展开研究和攻关,在成像方面,提出了叠前成像处理及目标成像处理的理念和思路,并在此基础上,发展了叠前各向异性深度偏移、优势道叠加、面元中心化偏移、叠后分频成像、扩散滤波和方向金字塔滤波等一系列技术和方法,取得了很好的效果.在断层解释中,建立了以下的断层解释方法及解释流程:在扩散滤波数据体上进行相干、倾角、方位角检测,沿着相干方向进行方向金字塔处理,从断层的平面解释出发指导断层的剖面识别,从而提高小断层的识别能力.形成了一套复杂断块油田地震成像关键技术,对油田下一步的开发部署调整具有重要的指导意义,对其它类似油田的生产开发也具有重要的参考作用.  相似文献   

复杂山区煤田三维地震数据采集技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在复杂的山区煤田三维地震勘探中,受地形和地表、地质条件的限制,使野外地震数据采集技术成为关健。文中结合在新安煤田三维地震勘探过程中遇到的复杂条件(地形极其复杂,相对高差大、潜水面变化不定、地表岩性横向变化大等),通过野外的试验对比,选择良好的地震激发和接收条件,应用非线性观测系统理论等多项技术措施,以保证野外地震记录的质量,从而更好地为下一步的地震数据处理与解释服务。研究结果表明:本勘探区内三维地震数据采集中,所采用的技术方法得当,效果明显,而且对具有相似地表、地质条件的地区具有借鉴作用  相似文献   

本文介绍了在平原复杂地表及地质条件下开展三维地震勘探的资料采集和处理的过程,并提出了针对性的勘探方法和处理技术,以保证野外资料采集和数据处理的质量。通过对三维地震勘探的野外资料科学采集和高质量的数据处理,说明了三维地震勘探在水网区(河流、鱼塘、水库)、铁路、村庄及工厂、地下构造复杂等等的地区取得了成功,并为今后地表及地质复杂地区的煤田三维地震勘探工作提供了借鉴经验。  相似文献   

西部地区地表起伏剧烈,往往伴随着地下构造复杂,给地震偏移处理工作带来了极大的困难,导致后续的解释结果与实际构造存在一定的差异.因此,复杂地区的地震资料成像问题显得尤为重要.文章通过对复杂地表模型的正演模拟以及山区实际地震资料的应用两方面的分析,获得了适合复杂地表的成像方法.结果表明:针对复杂地区,叠加技术成像比偏移技术成像更能真实地反映地下构造形态,是一种提高复杂地区构造成像精度的有效方法;同时,将叠加剖面和偏移剖面两者有机结合,对复杂地表资料进行解释分析,更能体现地下构造的真实形态,为煤矿工作的安全开采提供了有利依据.  相似文献   

抚顺活断层浅层反射横波地震勘探资料解释与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用多种途径对抚顺目标区的浅层反射横波活断层勘探资料进行的解释与分析,证实了浑河断裂总体上为北倾、逆断的性质,且只是在采空区表现为新的活动段,本身不是由构造活动原因引起的活动断裂。在第四系埋深浅的地区,反射横波法是具有较强抗干扰能力的活断层探测技术,可靠程度及解释精度均较高。本文为抚顺市活断层的地震危险性评价工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

拉萨市附近刘吾大佛寺间断裂的浅层地震勘探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了在青藏高原拉萨市附近刘吾 -大佛寺间断裂的浅层地震勘探工作 ,并进行了初步的地质解释。结果表明 ,刘吾 -大佛寺间断裂所在区域的速度模型为 5层结构。第 1层至第 4层的介质深度从 0m变化到 2 6 0m ,P波速度 80 0~ 2 0 0 0或 2 80 0m/s,介质为第四纪或第三纪覆盖层 ;第 5层的介质P波速度在 30 0 0~ 4 0 0 0m/s以上 ,其CDP图像分布零散、没有形成较强的反射界面 ,推测该区域为花岗岩类的基岩区。根据反射波组的连贯性、间断性及位置 ,判定在浅层地震勘探剖面 32 0m处存在着刘吾 -大佛寺间断裂 ,它是 1条逆断层 ,倾向NE ,倾角 80°左右 ,其上端点出现在深约 10 0m处  相似文献   

赵成斌 《地震地质》2005,27(1):105-114
文中讨论了在浅层地震勘探中地质结构和构造的复杂性以及对浅层地震勘探成果要求精度较高的特殊性,指出了在浅层地震勘探中发展叠前深度偏移的重要性,并对相移法叠前深度偏移的基本原理和实现方法进行了详细论述,编制了相应的软件。通过使用该方法对 2种理论试验模型进行试算,获得的深度偏移剖面层位清晰,构造明显,较准确地体现了理论模型地质结构和构造的特征,效果良好。然后又使用实际浅层地震反射资料进行了叠前偏移计算,所得结果与已知地质结构和构造相吻合,也取得了较好的结果,证实了该方法及软件的可靠性和实用性,可用于实际浅层地震反射勘探资料的叠前深度偏移处理  相似文献   

The Daxing Fault is an important buried fault in the Beijing sub-plain, which is also the boundary fault of the structural unit between Langgu sub-sag and Daxing sub-uplift. So far, there is a lack of data on the shallow tectonic features of the Daxing Fault, especially for the key structural part of its northern section where it joins with the Xiadian Fault. In this paper, the fine stratigraphic classifications and shallow tectonic features of the northern section in the main Daxing Fault are explored by using three NW-trending shallow seismic reflection profiles. These profiles pass through the Daxing earthquake(M6¾)area in 1057AD and the northern section of the main Daxing Fault. The results show that seven strong reflection layers(T01—T03, TQ and T11—T13)are recognized in the strata of Neogene and Quaternary beneath the investigated area. The largest depth of strong reflection layer(T13)is about 550~850ms, which is interpreted as an important surface of unconformity between Neogene and Paleogene or basement rock. The remaining reflection layers, such as T01 and TQ, are interpreted as internal interfaces in Neogene to Quaternary strata. There are different rupture surfaces and slip as well as obviously different structural features of the Daxing Fault revealed in three shallow seismic reflection profiles. The two profiles(2-7 and 2-8)show obvious rupture surfaces, which are the expression of Daxing Fault in shallow strata. Along the profile(2-6), which is located at the end of the Daxing fault structure, a triangle deformation zone or bending fracture can be identified, implying that the Daxing Fault is manifested as bending deformation instead of rupture surfaces at its end section. This unique structural feature can be explained by a shearing motion at the end of extensional normal fault. Therefore, the Daxing Fault exhibits obviously different tectonic features of deformation or displacement at different structural locations. The attitude and displacement of the fault at the shallow part are also different to some extent. From the southwest section to the northeast section of the fault, the dip angle gradually becomes gentler(80°~60°), the upper breakpoint becomes deeper(160~600m), and the fault displacement in Neogene to Quaternary strata decreases(80~0m). Three shallow seismic reflection profiles also reveal that the Daxing Fault is a normal fault during Neogene to early Quaternary, and the deformation or displacement caused by the activity of the fault reaches the reflection layer T02. This depth is equivalent to the sedimentary strata of late Early-Pleistocene. Therefore, the geometry and morphology of the Daxing Fault also reveal that the early normal fault activity has continued into the Early Pleistocene, but the evidence of activity is not obvious since the late Pleistocene. The earthquakes occurring along the Daxing Fault, such as Daxing earthquake(M6¾)in 1057AD, may not have much relation with this extensional normal fault, but with another new strike-slip fault. A series of focal mechanism solutions of modern earthquakes reveal that the seismic activity is closely related to the strike-slip fault. The Daxing Fault extends also downwards into the lower crust, and may be cut by the steeply dipping new Xiadian Fault on deep seismic reflection profile. The northern section of the Daxing Fault strikes NNE, with a length of about 23km, arranged in a right step pattern with the Xiadian Fault. Transrotational basins have been developed in the junction between the northern Daxing Fault and the southern Xiadian Fault. Such combined tectonic features of the Daxing Fault and Xiadian Fault evolute independently under the extensional structure background and control the development of the Langgu sub-sag and Dachang sub-sag, respectively.  相似文献   

Most interpretation work is still based on stacked and not on migrated sections. In the case of heavy faulting and considerable velocity contrasts between formations, migration of interpreted interfaces poses a problem. In more detail, the problem may be specified as follows: — a given interpretation of a number of interfaces along with a given heterogeneous velocity field may not always have a plausible solution in the form of migrated interfaces in depth; — fault planes, salt boundaries, etc., are, in most cases, not directly interpretable in a section and are plotted by intuition using interface terminations as a guide; — the velocity field in fault zones is, in most cases, hard to determine. The interpreter may arrive at a plausible solution by repeating the migration process with various possible interpretations and various velocity assumptions. The subject of this paper is an algorithm based on ray-theory which allows one: — to handle faults and velocity variations at faults properly; — to perform migration in steps, working a particular geological unit at a time and proceeding to the next unit once the foregoing one has been properly migrated; — to display ray-paths, where necessary, for investigation of interface distortions, e.g., below fault areas. The algorithm is designed and implemented for application in an interactive environment. Inspection of intermediate and final results, investigation of interface distortions and modifications are performed on a graphics screen. Thus, various possible interpretations and velocity assumptions may be investigated within a short time. Interfaces interpreted on migrated sections may be over-migrated because of neglection of the influence of refraction in most section migration programs. This over-migration may also be corrected using the above algorithm in the “image ray” mode.  相似文献   

浅层反射波法地震勘探是城市活断层探测通常采用的方法,然而特殊的地质构造条件常会使反射波法勘探失效,此时可尝试利用高分辨折射波地震勘探方法。在兰州市活断层浅层高分辨折射地震资料的解释中,笔者以初至时有限差分层析成像方法为主,结合常规折射波资料解释方法,并综合初至折射波走时特征获得了各测线的速度结构和界面构造特征。文中选取SS04-1和SS11-2测线,对其探测结果进行了详细的介绍,由这2条测线各自确定的主要地层界面和构造特征都与测线上的钻探资料具有较好的一致性。文中的探测结果表明:在城市活断层的探测研究中,对于反射波法勘探难以开展的地区,高分辨折射波法勘探技术不失为一种有效的替代方法  相似文献   

拉东投影法三维叠前深度偏移   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对地下地质构造进行正确成像是地震勘探的最终目的,由于三维地震资料采集不可能都沿垂直构造走向的方向进行,为地震资料的三维处理带来了许多困难. 本文将三维叠后拉东投影偏移思想应用于三维叠前处理中,提出了三维叠前投影偏移算法. 利用拉东投影变换的原理,将整个三维叠前数据体投影到一系列各方向的径向线上,各方位角的构造都包含在其中某条或多条径向剖面上. 投影完成后,形成一系列的独立的二维叠前测线,可采用二维叠前深度偏移成像方法来实现各径向线的叠前偏移,当各径向剖面偏移完成后,在时间切片上进行反投影,从而最终形成三维叠前深度偏移结果. 实际应用表明,用本方法进行三维叠前深度偏移时,深度偏移剖面对横向分辨率有所提高,对陡地层和小断层的成像效果有所改善.  相似文献   

Multiple coverage reflection seismic data provide an important source of information concerning the subsurface. However, due to the stacking and migration techniques used in the processing, the first arrivals are muted and details about the upper part of the sections are generally lost. This paper describes a computerized method for the inverse modelling of laterally varying velocities and shallow depths which are not sufficiently resolved in the reflection seismic processing. The method minimizes, in a least-squares manner, the difference between the observed first arrivals, picked from the reflection traces, and a set of synthetic traveltimes, calculated by ray tracing in a cell model. An initial model, e.g. from a priori knowledge or the application of a conventional interpretation method, is refined iteratively until no further essential improvement can be achieved. Traditional first-arrival inversion methods cannot, in general, provide such flexible modelling. The technique is successfully tested on synthetic data as well as on first arrivals picked automatically from the records of a reflection seismic survey in North Jutland, Denmark.  相似文献   

唐山地震区地壳结构和构造:深地震反射剖面结果   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
1976年7月28日,在唐山地区发生了7.8级大地震.为了研究该区的地壳结构和断裂的深浅构造关系,2009年,我们在唐山市南部的丰南地区,跨唐山断裂带完成了1条道间距40m、炮间距200m、50次覆盖的深地震反射探测剖面.结果表明:研究区的地壳厚度为32 ~ 34km,莫霍面自东向西逐渐加深,在丰南县和宣庄镇之间,中-...  相似文献   

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