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南北地震带区域构造应力场反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用区域应力张量阻尼方法,使用南北地震带及其邻近区域2009年1月—2017年8月466次ML≥3.5地震的震源机制解,及1976年1月—2017年8月GCMT公布的259次M≥4.5地震的震源机制解,反演得到研究区1.0°×1.0°网格大小区域的构造应力场。应力场空间分布特征显示,南北地震带作为青藏高原的东边界,由于所处动力环境复杂,其内部最大主应力方向具有明显的空间差异性。这种差异主要表现为:南北地震带北段最大主应力方向为NE向;南北地震带中段及周边除龙门山断裂带NE段最大主应力为NW-NNW向外,其它地段最大主应力近EW向;南北地震带中南段最大主应力方向逐渐由近EW向到NW或NE向,再到近NS向。整体而言,南北地震带及邻近区域最大主应力方向由北到南发生了顺时针旋转。川滇菱形块体内部最大主应力方向为NNW向,应力方向转换带与块体边界基本一致,其东边界以东最大主应力方向为NW向,西边界以西为NNE向。从区域构造应力场的角度分析,难以将“南北地震带”作为一个统一的地震带应用于中长期地震预测的研究与实践中。   相似文献   

崔子健  陈章立  王勤彩  李君 《地震》2019,39(1):1-10
基于CAP方法, 使用地震波形资料, 计算得到了2009年1月~2017年8月期间南北地震带及周边区域466个3.5级以上地震震源机制解。 在补充收集1976年1月~2017年8月GCMT公布的259个4.5级以上地震震源机制解的基础上, 分析了南北地震带地震震源机制解和应力特征。 震源机制空间分布显示, 不同断裂带、 块体间表现出不同的震源机制空间分布特征, 该特征与南北地震带不同段落活动构造性质基本吻合。 作为青藏高原东边界的南北地震带, 由于动力环境复杂, 其内部P轴方向具有明显的差异性。 这种差异主要表现为: 南北地震带北段P轴呈NE向分布; 龙门山断裂带及周边除NE段P轴取向为NW—NNW向外, 其他地段P轴近EW向; 川滇菱形块体内部P轴呈NNW向, 而其西边界以西呈NNE向, 东边界以东呈NW向, 应力方向转换带的与川滇菱形块体边界基本一致。 整体而言, 南北地震带及近邻P轴方向由北到南发生了顺时针转动。  相似文献   

欧亚地震带现代构造应力场及其分区特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用美国哈佛大学矩心矩张量目录中的2818个地震的震源机制解资料,分析了欧亚地震带及其5个分区现代构造应力场的基本特征,给出了5个分区的震源机制主压应力方向分布图。结果表明:①欧亚地震带以逆断型和走滑型断层活动为主;②地中海地震区以走滑断层活动为主,主压应力方向为SSW向;③伊朗—阿富汗—巴基斯坦地震区以逆断型断层活动为主,主压应力优势方向为NNE—NS向;④喜马拉雅地震以逆断型为主,主压应力优势方向为NS和NE向;⑤川—滇—缅地震区以走滑断层活动为主,主应力场方向为NNE向;⑥印度尼西亚地震区以逆断型断层活动为主,主压应力优势方向为NE—SSW向。各分区的主压应力方向明显受其所在区域板块运动的影响,由此推测板块运动可能是产生欧亚地震带构造应力的主要力源。  相似文献   

利用目前国际上较为流行和普遍接受的基于P波初动符号和振幅比HASH方法,研究给出川滇地区2003年1月1日-2012年12月31日1 893次M3.0以上地震震源机制解。选择1 651个可靠的中小地震震源机制解,采用基于中小地震震源机制解的Hardebeck和Michael的阻尼区域应力场反演方法,研究区域的水平最大主压应力方向。结果表明:川滇菱形块体南段红河断裂带尾部左右两侧应力方向相同,水平最大主压应力NW-SE向;川滇菱形块体内部以丽江—小金河为界呈现出不同的应力状态,位于分界线以南的滇中块体水平最大主压应力NW-SE向,而在分界线以北取向基本上沿NS方向;从青藏高原内部到川滇菱形块体东边界应力方向整体有一定的顺时针旋转趋势;块体东边界从北部的NNE-SWW向逐渐过度到南部的NW-SE向。滇西及滇西南水平最大主压应力方向与构造方向基本平行,为近SWW-NEE向。  相似文献   

利用目前国际上较为流行和普遍接受的基于P波初动符号和振幅比HASH方法,研究给出川滇地区2003年1月1日-2012年12月31日1 893次M3.0以上地震震源机制解。选择1 651个可靠的中小地震震源机制解,采用基于中小地震震源机制解的Hardebeck和Michael的阻尼区域应力场反演方法,研究区域的水平最大主压应力方向。结果表明:川滇菱形块体南段红河断裂带尾部左右两侧应力方向相同,水平最大主压应力NW-SE向;川滇菱形块体内部以丽江—小金河为界呈现出不同的应力状态,位于分界线以南的滇中块体水平最大主压应力NW-SE向,而在分界线以北取向基本上沿NS方向;从青藏高原内部到川滇菱形块体东边界应力方向整体有一定的顺时针旋转趋势;块体东边界从北部的NNE-SWW向逐渐过度到南部的NW-SE向。滇西及滇西南水平最大主压应力方向与构造方向基本平行,为近SWW-NEE向。  相似文献   

基于标量断层类型值,对京津冀地区及邻区2 187个中小地震震源机制解进行分类,统计结果显示研究区震源机制类型以走滑断层和正断层为主,P轴优势方位为NEE—EW和SWW—EW向;采用MSATSI软件包反演该区1°×1°网格的精细地壳应力场,结果表明:最大主压应力轴最优解的优势方向为NEE—EW向,与P轴优势方位一致;所有网格的相对应力大小R值均小于0.5,表明京津冀地区应力状态偏拉张性质,而且最小主压应力轴的不确定度变化范围相对稳定,表明现今京津冀地区地壳应力场处于一个相对统一的NNW—SSE向的拉张作用控制下。39°N以北地区最大主压应力轴方位最优解显示一定角度的偏转,同时最大、中等、最小主压应力轴最优解推断的应力状态由西向东存在一个正断层—走滑断层—正断层的转换过程;而39°N以南地区的现今构造应力场保持稳定,最优主压应力轴呈NEE—SWW向,大部分网格应力状态显示走滑型。构造应力场的反演结果与活动构造、GPS主应变方向和剪切波分裂的快波偏振方向等相关研究结果基本一致。  相似文献   

基于GPS的云南地区活动地块现今运动及应变特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用GAMIT/GLOBK软件,对云南境内以及川滇交界区域2009年、2011年、2013年3期陆态网络区域网联测数据进行处理,得到欧亚框架下的测站运动速度场。将云南地区划分为4个活动地块及7个次级构造单元,以GPS速度场为约束,建立块体的整体旋转与均匀应变模型(REHSM),采用最小二乘法,得到华南、滇东、滇中、川滇菱块南段、印支、保山及腾冲地块的运动速度。对活动块体运动进行分析,认为云南地块运动方向由SSE向逐渐至SSW向变化,具有顺时针旋转特征,运动幅度由西向东、由北向南逐渐减弱,菱形块体外各块体运动速度大幅衰减。从应变率参数结果看,华南地块、滇东块体主要受SE向压应力场控制,到滇中地块转为SE—SSE向,滇西北地区应力场方向为SSE向,滇西南印支地块为NNW向,滇西南腾冲—保山地块主要受NE—NNE向应力场控制。  相似文献   

自Global CMT和前人文献中搜索了1973~2015年间的34条中小地震震源机制解并进行分析,根据震级对每个地震震源机制解进行加权处理,采用网格搜索法反演了川滇菱形块体中部区域现今构造应力场。结果表明,川滇菱形块体中部区域整体以走滑断层类型为主,而西部呈现正断层类型;整个区域应力场受到近NW向挤压,NE向拉张,应力形因子为0.1。该区域应力场主张应力轴方向近水平,表明有横向的拉张作用。较低的应力形因子表明几乎处于NW-SE向和垂直向的双轴挤压及NE-SW向拉张的应力状态。这种应力状态来源于2种动力作用:(1)在青藏高原物质东流和华南块体阻挡作用下呈现NW-SE向挤压和NE-SW向拉张的走滑应力状态;(2)印度板块缅甸弧对该地区深部的NEE向低角度俯冲作用导致浅部地壳物质具有NEE-SWW向的拉张分量。这2种动力的共同作用导致该地区既出现走滑型地震,又出现正断型地震。  相似文献   

2021年5月21日云南漾濞发生MS6.4地震.为深入了解该地震的发震断层及发震构造特征,探讨其与2013年洱源与2017年漾濞地震发震构造及背景的异同,本文基于中国地震台网中心的观测报告,使用双差方法对漾濞地震序列进行重定位,并从全球矩心矩张量(GCMT)和美国地质调查局(USGS)搜集了9个震源机制解计算了震源区构造应力场,初步得到如下结论:(1)2021年漾濞地震序列呈NW-SE向展布且SE端余震数量多于NW端,余震区地壳应力不均匀释放,致使5.0级及以上地震周边余震稀少;4个5.0级及以上地震初始破裂深度大于矩心深度,推测发震断层是从断裂底部向浅部破裂.(2)发震断裂是维西—乔后—巍山断裂西南侧的未知断裂F2、F3,其走向NW-SE、倾向SW、倾角近垂直,具有右旋走滑特征.其中F2贯穿整个地震序列,长约30 km,F3主要发育在中南段,长约11 km,两条发震断层相交于地震丛集中间位置.(3)震源区构造应力场是走滑的应力机制,呈SSE向(174.57°)低倾伏角(18.79°)挤压,及SWW向(-93.65°)近水平(5.21°)拉张状态.震源区的发震构造受川滇块体与滇南块体形成的右旋走滑边界控制.(4)这3个地震均发生在川滇块体右旋走滑西南边界形成的走滑应力机制作用背景下.2013年洱源地震可能更多的受控于局部构造的垂向差异运动;2017年漾濞地震仅受到川滇块体西南边界的右旋走滑作用;2021年漾濞地震则主要受控于川滇块体西南边界的右旋走滑运动,还存在少量局部构造垂向差异运动作用.  相似文献   

基于Cut-And-Paste(CAP)全波形拟合反演震源机制解方法和阻尼线性逆推法(DRSSI),采用分区域选取地壳速度模型的形式,计算得到大凉山次级块体及邻区(101.5°~104.5°E,26.5°~30.5°N)震源机制解和区域应力场。结合构造地质、GPS观测数据等已有研究资料综合分析认为,大凉山次级块体及邻区震源机制解主要以走滑和逆冲机制为主,其空间分布特征与地质构造活动性质较吻合;区域应力场方向与GPS速度场运动方向基本一致,优势方向为NW-SE和NWW-SEE向,整个区域主要以走滑和逆冲性质为应力特征。震源机制解和区域应力空间分布特征表明大凉山次级块体在川滇块体、巴颜喀拉块体和华南块体三者联合作用的影响下形成了现今的应力格局,川滇块体相对向SE滑移以及青藏高原物质的E、SE向逃逸为大凉山次级块体及其周围地区强烈变形及大尺度位移的主要动力来源。  相似文献   

The Daliangshan sub-block is a boundary region among the Bayan Har block, the Sichuan-Yunnan block and the South China block. It hosts four major fault systems:The southwest to south trending Xianshuihe-Zemuhe Fault zone in the west, the Longmenshan fault zone is the northern boundary, the Zhaotong-Lianfeng fault zone in the south, and the NS-trending Mabian-Yanjin fault zone in the east. This study focused on focal mechanisms and the regional stress field of the Daliangshan sub-block to help understand the earthquake preparation process, tectonic deformation and seismic stress interaction in this area. We collected broadband waveform records from the Sichuan Seismic Network and used multiple 1-D velocity models to determine the focal mechanisms of moderate and large earthquakes(ML ≥ 3.5)in the Daliangshan sub-block by using the CAP method. Results for 276 earthquakes from Jan 2010 to Aug 2016 show that the earthquakes are dominated by strike-slip and trust faulting, very few events have normal faulting and the mixed type. We then derived the regional distribution of the stress field through a damp linear inversion(DRSSI)using the focal mechanisms obtained in this study. Inversion results for the spatial pattern of the stress field in the block suggest that the entire region is predominantly under strike-slip and trust faulting regimes, largely consistent with the focal mechanisms. The direction of maximum compression axes is NW-NWW, and part of the area is slightly rotated, which is consistent with the GPS velocity field. Combining geodynamic background, this work suggests that because the Sichuan-Yunnan block is moving to SE and the Tibetan plateau to SE-E along major strike-slip faults, the stress field of the Daliangshan sub-block and its adjacent regions is controlled jointly by the Bayan Har block, the Sichuan-Yunnan block and the South China block.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to a systematic analysis of the stress state of the eastern boundary area of Sichuan-Yunnan block based on focal mechanisms of 319 earthquakes with magnitudes between M3.0 and M6.9, occurring from January 2009 to May 2018. We firstly determined the mechanism solutions of 234 earthquakes by the CAP method, using the broadband waveforms recorded by Chinese regional permanent networks, and collected 85 centroid moment tensor solutions from the GCMT. Then we investigated the regional stress regime through a damp linear inversion. Our results show that:1)the focal mechanisms of moderate earthquakes are regionally specific with three principal types of focal mechanisms:the strike-slip faulting type, the thrust faulting type and the normal faulting type. The strike-slip faulting type is significant in the eastern boundary area of Sichuan-Yunnan block along the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang Fault, the Daliangshan Fault, and the Zhaotong-Lianfeng Fault. The thrust faulting type and the combined thrust/strike-slip faulting type are significant along the Mabian-Yanjin Fault, Ebian-Yanfeng Fault and the eastern section of Lianfeng Fault; 2)The most robust feature of the regional stress regime is that, the azimuth of principal compressive stress axis rotates clockwise from NWW to NW along the eastern boundary of Sichuan-Yunnan Block, and the clockwise rotation angle is about 50 degrees. Meanwhile, the angels between the principal compressive axis and the trend of eastern boundary of Sichuan-Yunnan Block remain unchanged, which implies a stable coefficient of fault friction in the eastern boundary fault zone of Sichuan-Yunnan Block. The movement of the upper crust in the southeastern Tibetan plateau is a relatively rigid clockwise rotation. On the whole, the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang Fault is a small arc on the earth, and its Euler pole axis is at(21°N, 88°E). The Daliangshan Fault is surrounded by the Anninghe-Zemuhe Fault, which formed a closed diamond shape. When the Sichuan-Yunnan block rotates clockwise, the Daliangshan Fault locates in the outer of the arc, while the Anninghe-Zemuhe Fault is in the inward of the arc, and from the mechanical point of view, left-lateral sliding movement is more likely to occur on the Daliangshan Fault. Our results can be the evidence for the study on the "cut-off" function of the Daliangshan Fault based on the stress field background; 3)The regional stress regime of the eastern boundary faults zone of the Sichuan-Yunnan Block is the same as the south section of the Dalianshan Fault, and the focal mechanism results also reveal that the Dalianshan Fault is keeping left-lateral strike-slip. There may be the same tectonic stress field that controls the earthquake activities in the southern section of Daliangshan Fault and Zhaotong-Lianfeng Fault. The regional stress regime of Zhaodong-Lianfeng Fault is also the same with the Sichuan-Yunnan Block, which implies that the control effect of the SE movement of the Sichuan-Yunnan block may extend to Weining.  相似文献   

中国大陆地壳应力场与构造运动区域特征研究   总被引:41,自引:16,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
系统研究了1918~2006年间中国大陆及其周缘发生的3115个M4.6以上中、强地震的震源机制解,得到中国大陆地壳区域应力场的压应力轴和张应力轴空间分布的统计结果.探讨了大陆应力场的结构,以及周围板块运动对中国大陆应力场影响作用范围及其界线.结果表明,中国东部的华北地区受到太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲挤压的同时,又受到从贝加尔湖经过大华北直至琉球海沟的广阔范围内存在的方位为170°引张应力场的控制.华北地区大地震的震源机制解反映出,该区地震发生为NEE向挤压应力和NNW向张应力的共同作用结果.印度洋板块向欧亚板块的碰撞挤压运动所产生的强烈的挤压应力,控制了喜马拉雅、青藏高原、乃至延伸到天山及其以北的广大地区.在青藏高原周缘地区和中国西部的大范围内,压应力P轴水平分量位于20°~40°,形成了近北东方向的挤压应力场,大量逆断层型强震集中发生在青藏高原的南、北和西部周缘地区以及天山等地区. 本文结果表明,正断层型地震集中发生在青藏高原中部高海拔的地区.证明了青藏高原周缘区域发生南北向强烈挤压短缩的同时,中部高海拔地区存在着明显的近东西向的扩张运动.根据本文最新结果,得到了华北、华南块体之间地壳区域应力场的控制边界线,发现该分界线与大地构造、岩石圈板块构造图等有较大差异,特别是在大别及其以东地区, 该分界线向东南偏转,在沿海的温州附近转向东,最终穿过东海直至琉球海沟.台湾纵谷断层是菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块之间碰撞挤压边界,来自北西西向运动的菲律宾海板块构造应力控制了从台湾纵谷、华南块体,直到中国南北地震带南段东部地域的应力场. 地震震源机制结果还表明,南北地震带南段西侧其P轴大约为NNE方向,与青藏高原的P轴方位一致.南北地震带南段东侧其P轴大约为NWW方向,与华南块体的P轴方位一致.因此,将中〖JP2〗国大陆分成东、西两部分的南北地震带南段是印度洋板块与菲律宾海板块在中国大陆内部影响控制范围的分界线.  相似文献   

应用中国地震局地球物理研究所和蒙古科学院天体和地球物理研究中心合作编制的蒙古国及邻区M≥3.5的地震目录,研究了中蒙弧地区的地震活动性特征.结果表明,与中国大陆的“南北地震带”相对应,研究区地震总体分布大致以107°E为界,呈现西强东弱的特点,7级以上的强震集中于贝加尔湖、萨彦、阿尔泰以及天山地区,107°E以东,除纬度40°线附近(燕山地震带)地震较集中且强度大之外,其它地区地震稀少,强度也低.通过断层的野外调查和本地区震源机制解,进一步研究了该地区地震活动性特征的构造应力场及地球动力学成因.研究区大部份地震都是走滑型断层活动的地震.逆断层活动的地震主要分布于中国的天山地区和中蒙边境一带的阿尔泰山地区,正断层活动的地震主要分布于俄罗斯的贝加尔湖裂谷带,走滑兼倾滑断层活动的地震主要分布在研究区域的西部地区.研究区域内的大部份地区主压应力轴(P)的倾角都小于30°,为水平或近水平的构造应力场,自西向东主压应力轴的走向从近南-北方向逐渐转为北东-南西方向.断层的野外调查、震源机制解和区域构造应力场的方向表明,中蒙弧地区主要来自西南面的印度洋板块向北偏东方向的碰撞挤压,通过青藏高原传递到本区,来自东面太平洋板块的影响已较微弱,这是研究区地震活动西强东弱、8级以上强震都发生在西部的主要原因.  相似文献   

The collision zone between the Arabian and Eurasian plates is one of the most seismically active regions. Northern Iraq represents the northeastern part of the Arabian plate that has a suture zone with the Turkish and Iranian plates called the Bitlis–Zagros suture zone. The orientations of the principal stress axes can be estimated by the formal stress inversion of focal mechanism solutions. The waveform moment tensor inversion method was used to derive a focal mechanism solution of 65 earthquakes with magnitudes range from 3.5 to 5.66 in the study area. From focal mechanism solutions, the direction of slip and the orientations of the moment stress axes (P, N, and T) on the causative fault surface during an earthquake were determined. The dataset of the moment stress axes have been used to infer the regional principal stress axes (σ 1, σ 2, and σ 3) by the formal stress inversion method. Two inversion methods, which are the new right dihedron and the rotational optimization methods, were used. The results show that six stress regime categories exist in the study area. However, the most common tectonic regimes are the strike-slip faulting (43.94 %), unspecified oblique faulting (27.27 %), and thrust faulting (13.64 %) regimes. In most cases, the strike-slip movement on the fault surfaces consists of left-lateral (sinistral) movement. The normal faulting is located in one small area and is due to a local tensional stress regime that develops in areas of strike-slip displacements as pull-apart basins. The directions of the horizontal stress axes show that the compressional stress regime at the Bitlis–Zagros suture zone has two directions. One is perpendicular to the suture zone near the Iraq–Iran border and the second is parallel in places as well as perpendicular in others to the suture zone near the Iraq–Turkey border. In addition, the principal stress axes in the Sinjar area near the Iraq–Syria border have a E–W direction. These results are compatible with the tectonic setting of the Arabian–Eurasian continental collision zone and the anticlockwise rotation of the Arabian plate that is evidently responsible for the strike-slip displacements on fault surfaces.  相似文献   

On October 17, 2014, a MS6.6 earthquake occurred in Jinggu, Yunnan. The epicenter was located in the western branch of Wuliang Mountain, the northwest extension line of Puwen Fault. There are 2 faults in the surrounding area, one is a sinistral strike-slip and the other is the dextral. Two faults have mutual intersection with conjugate joints property to form a checkerboard faulting structure. The structure of the area of the focal region is complex. The present-day tectonic movement is strong, and the aftershock distribution indicates the faulting surface trending NNW. There is no obvious surface rupture related to the known fault in the epicenter, and there is a certain distance from the surface of the Puwen fault zone. Regional seismic activity is strong. In 1941, there were two over magnitude 7.0 earthquakes in the south of the epicenter of Jinggu County and Mengzhe Town. In 1988, two mainshock-aftershock type earthquakes occurred in Canglan-Gengma Counties, the principal stress axes of the whole seismic area is in the direction of NNE. Geological method can be adopted to clarify the distribution of surficial fracture caused by active faults, and high-precision seismic positioning and spatial distribution characteristics of seismic sequences can contribute to understand deep seismogenic faults and geometric features. Thus, we can better analyze the three-dimensional spatial distribution characteristics of seismotectonics and the deep and shallow tectonic relationship. The focal mechanism reveals the property and faulting process to a certain extent, which can help us understand not only the active property of faults, but also the important basis for deep tectonic stress and seismogenic mechanism. In order to study the fault characteristic of the Jinggu earthquake, the stress field characteristics of the source area and the geometric parameters of the fault plane, this paper firstly uses the 15 days aftershock data of the Jingsuo MS6.6 earthquake, to precisely locate the main shock and aftershock sequences using double-difference location method. The results show that the aftershock sequences have clustering characteristics along the NW direction, with a depth mainly of 5~15km. Based on the precise location, calculations are made to the focal mechanisms of a total of 46 earthquakes including the main shock and aftershocks with ML ≥ 3.0 of the Jinggu earthquake. The double-couple(DC)component of the focal mechanism of the main shock shows that nodal plane Ⅰ:The strike is 239°, the dip 81°, and the rake -22°; nodal plane Ⅱ, the strike is 333°, the dip 68°, and the rake -170.31°. According to focal mechanism solutions, there are 42 earthquakes with a focal mechanism of strike-slip type, accounting for 91.3%. According to the distribution of the aftershock sequence, it can be inferred that the nodal plane Ⅱ is the seismogenic fault. The obtained focal mechanism is used to invert the stress field in the source region. The distribution of horizontal maximum principal stress orienation is concentrated. The main features of the regional tectonic stress field are under the NNE-SSW compression(P axis)and the NW-SE extension(T axis)and are also affected by NNW direction stress fields in the central region of Yunnan, which indicates that Jinggu earthquake fault, like Gengma earthquake, is a new NW-trending fault which is under domination of large-scale tectonic stress and effected by local tectonic stress environment. In order to define more accurately the occurrence of the fault plane of the Jinggu earthquake, with the precise location results and the stress field in the source region, the global optimal solution of the fault plane parameters and its error are obtained by using both global searching simulated annealing algorithm and local searching Gauss-Newton method. Since the parameters of the fault plane fitting process use the stress parameters obtained by the focal mechanism inversion, the data obtained by the fault plane fitting is more representative of the rupture plane, that is, the strike 332.75°, the dip 89.53°, and the rake -167.12°. The buried depth of the rupture plane is 2.746km, indicating that the source fault has not cut through the surface. Based on the stress field characteristics and the inversion results of the fault plane, it is preliminarily believed that the seismogenic structure of the Jinggu earthquake is a newly generated nearly vertical right-lateral strike-slip fault with normal component. The rupture plane length is about 17.2km, which does not extend to the Puwen fault zone. Jinggu earthquake occurred in Simao-Puer seismic region in the south of Sichuan-Yunnan plate. Its focal mechanism solution is similar to that of the three sub-events of the Gengma earthquake in November 1988. The seismogenic structure of both of them is NW-trending and the principal stress is NE-SW. The rupture plane of the Jinggu main shock(NW direction)is significantly different from the known near NS direction Lancang Fault and the near NE direction Jinggu Fault in the study area. It is preliminarily inferred that the seismogenic structure of this earthquake has a neogenetic feature.  相似文献   

选用国家地震台网和区域台网的初至波P波初动符号资料,采用下半球等面积投影,用格点尝试法计算了2009年中国大陆27次MS4.5级以上地震的震源机制解。根据Zoback[1]研究全球应力场时的分类标准,对断层面解类型进行了分类。结果表明:走滑型(SS)地震13次,逆断层为主兼走滑(TS)8次,逆断层(TF)2次,正断层为主兼走滑(NS)3次,正断层(NF)1次。主压应力轴P轴方位的优势分布具有明显的区域特征,除东北地区有稍微的偏移,其余地区都与当地的背景构造应力场基本一致。  相似文献   

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