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地幔过渡带顶部低速层地震学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地幔过渡带顶部低速层的存在、结构、成分、成因及其动力学稳定性对理解地球内部物质运动、化学分异、板块俯冲、地幔柱起源、板内火山、地幔对流模式和地球演化等深部物理化学过程具有非常重要作用.由于其厚度薄且横向变化剧烈,致使其地震学探测十分困难,再加上数据的限制,有关该低速层探测的研究不是很多,该低速层的结构、全球分布及形成原因等仍然存在很大争议.基于此,本文概述了该低速层的研究进展及存在问题,介绍了各种地震学探测方法在该低速层应用上的优缺点,总结了中国大陆及其沿海地区地幔过渡带顶部低速层研究取得的成果及不足,并探讨了未来工作方向.  相似文献   

西北太平洋俯冲地区410-km间断面上覆低速层探测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
自20世纪90年代首次探测到410-km间断面上覆低速层以来,全球多个俯冲带和大陆克拉通地区都陆续发现了该低速层结构.对其特性及形成机理的探讨是深部地幔结构、物性和动力学研究的热点问题.本文聚焦于西北太平洋俯冲地区410-km间断面上覆低速层的探测及特性研究上.通过对发生于日本北海道地区两个中等深度地震区域波形资料的分析,利用三重震相波形拟合方法获得了我国东北及日本海西北部下方410-km间断面附近的P波速度结构.速度模型明确显示,410-km间断面上方存在厚~47±14 km,异常值~2%的低速层,横向展布近700 km.结合区域地震层析成像、矿物高温高压物理实验及动力学模拟结果,我们否定了"从下至上"的上涌热物质导致410-km间断面上覆低速层的模型;认为较老且快速俯冲的太平洋板块在地幔过渡带顶部脱水导致硅酸盐矿物的部分熔融,由于熔体密度较大能够稳定存在于410-km间断面之上,从而产生了观测到的横向展布较广的410-km间断面上覆低速层结构.  相似文献   

地幔过渡带顶面低速层的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
位于地幔过渡带顶面上方的低速层是近20年来固体地球物理学研究领域的一个重要发现.其对于认识俯冲作用、地幔对流模式和强度、地球内部圈层间的耦合和解耦、物质分布和迁移,乃至原始地球演化等地球深部物理化学过程有着极为重要的意义.该低速层陆续发现于全球的多个区域,所处的构造位置也不尽相同,主要包括俯冲带和大陆克拉通.其在横向上有很大的变化,主要体现在深度和厚度的波动.关于低速层的成因,虽然部分熔融成因得到了较为广泛的认同,但部分熔融作用的诱发因素、发生位置以及熔体的密度和黏度等方面的研究还不够充分.通过分析基于部分熔融成因的几个关键问题,本文最后讨论了相关的地球动力学意义.  相似文献   

水对于地幔的部分熔融发挥了关键作用.地幔岩浆作用主要发生在板块边界(俯冲带和洋中脊)和若干板内热异常区域.在大洋俯冲带,俯冲板片释出的水可以诱发上覆地幔楔甚至板片自身发生熔融,导致弧岩浆作用,也有可能形成超临界流体.板片熔融和产生超临界流体的物理化学条件仍存在争议.在洋中脊和板内热异常区域,水和CO_2使上涌地幔发生熔融的起始深度增加,熔融比例增大.在地球深部层圈边界可能发生低程度的地幔熔融,如岩石圈和软流圈边界、上地幔和过渡带边界、过渡带和下地幔边界等,其成因一般认为与边界两侧矿物储水能力的差异有关.水可以促进地幔岩石熔融的根本原因在于水是一种不相容组分,强烈倾向于富集在硅酸盐熔体相(矿物-熔体的水分配系数远小于1),从而令其吉布斯自由能降低.前人对水在橄榄石、辉石和石榴石等地幔矿物与熔体之间的分配行为已经研究得比较充分,但水对硅酸盐熔体密度和迁移性质的影响还需要更进一步的高温高压实验和计算制约.  相似文献   

410 km间断面是地幔转换带的顶界面,对其速度结构和起伏形态开展地震学探测有助于认识地球内部物质组成和相关的地球动力学过程.本文选取了由中国数字地震台网记录到的位于琉球俯冲区的一个中源地震P波宽频带波形资料,利用三重震相波形拟合研究了中国东海地区410 km间断面附近的精细速度结构.结果表明:中国东海地区下方410 km间断面整体表现为一尖锐的速度界面且有8~15 km的小幅抬升;该间断面之上存在52~62 km厚的低速层,其P波速度降低0.5%~1.6%;440 km深度以下存在1.0%~3.0%的P波高速异常.结合前人在该地区的层析成像结果,我们推测该高速异常体与西太平洋俯冲板片在中国东海地区地幔转换带内的滞留有关;板片内水相E分解使得转换带内水含量增加,这引发了410 km间断面的抬升;410 km间断面之上的低速层应与含水矿物脱水导致的地幔橄榄岩部分熔融有关.  相似文献   

地震P波速度成像显示,西太平洋俯冲板片滞留在地幔过渡带,在中国东部形成"大地幔楔"结构.中国东部大陆玄武岩的Mg同位素调查揭示了该俯冲滞留板片携带大量碳酸盐交代地幔过渡带上覆的对流地幔,形成了碳酸盐化橄榄岩,它是中国东部晚白垩世和新生代大陆强碱性玄武岩的源岩.该玄武岩的Mg-Sr同位素组成与年龄关系显示自106Ma以来,该地幔源区的碳酸盐种属为菱镁矿+少量白云石,发生初熔的深度为300~360km.因此,该地幔源区的碳酸盐化交代作用应发生在大于360km的深度,即在106Ma以前俯冲板片已经开始滞留地幔过渡带,形成了大地幔楔结构.这一时代支持大地幔楔的俯冲板片后撤形成机制.根据高温高压实验结果,碳酸盐化橄榄岩熔融产生的含碳酸盐硅酸盐熔体在到达至华北克拉通初步减薄的岩石圈底部(180~120km)时仍可以有高达25~18wt%的CO_2含量,其SiO_2和含量及类似于强碱性的霞石岩和碧玄岩,并具有较高的εNd值(2~6).该熔体向上渗透并交代底部岩石圈地幔可形成碳酸盐化橄榄岩.由于克拉通地热增温线与碳酸盐化橄榄岩固相线相交于130km深度,则华北克拉通岩石圈底部的碳酸盐橄榄岩将发生部分熔融导致其物理性质类似软流圈且较容易被对流上地幔置换.其新生成的碳酸盐-硅酸盐熔体又可以向上渗透交代上覆的岩石圈地幔.如此重复这一碳酸盐化交代-熔融过程,可以使岩石圈减薄,而碳酸盐-硅酸盐熔体也转变呈较富硅和具有较低εNd值(低至-2)的碱性玄武岩.随着华北克拉通岩石圈的减薄,其地热增温线逐步向大洋岩石圈靠近,岩石圈碳酸盐化橄榄岩的初熔深度可小于130km和逐步接近70km.因此,富碳酸盐熔体与岩石圈相互作用是华北克拉通岩石圈减薄过程在晚白垩世和新生代的一种可能机制.据中国东部低玄武岩的年龄统计,106~25Ma区间岩石圈的碳酸盐化交代-熔融引发的减薄过程仅零星存在,而在25Ma以后才大规模发生.因此,华北克拉通岩石圈的减薄可能存在两个峰期:与克拉通破坏峰期(135~115Ma)同时发生的岩石圈减薄,和25Ma以后由富碳酸盐硅酸盐熔体与岩石圈相互作用引发的岩石圈进一步减薄,它使得华北克拉通东部岩石圈减薄至现今的约70km左右.  相似文献   

第三篇文章较详细地综述了地球内部构造研究的进展情况,特别是有关地幔结构的一些新的研究成果,其中包括参考地球模型、上地幔及过渡带中的次级间断面和低速层,以及地幔结构的横向不均匀性。  相似文献   

本文基于中国地震观测台网记录到的震中距为10°~23°之间琉球俯冲区一个中深源地震的P波三重震相信息,研究了下扬子克拉通转换带顶部P波速度结构.通过射线追踪和理论地震图与观测地震波形的对比,发现下扬子克拉通下方的410 km间断面为一厚度20 km的梯度带,其上存在一由西南向东北变厚的低速层,厚度变化40~57 km,P波速度减低2.7%~4.5%.该低速层可以被认为是由于地幔橄榄岩部分熔融引起的.  相似文献   

俯冲隧道模型提出,俯冲板片界面相互作用是实现地球表层与内部之间物质和能量交换的基本机制.由于大陆岩石圈与大洋岩石圈在物质组成和状态上的显著差异,其深部物理和化学过程及壳幔相互作用产物必然出现一系列差异.许多实验岩石学研究已经为大洋俯冲隧道中可能发生的硅酸盐和碳酸盐岩石的部分熔融和壳幔相互作用提供了资料.无论是基性还是中酸性硅酸盐岩体系,取决于部分熔融发生的压力或深度,熔体是具有或不具有埃达克岩性质的花岗质熔体.微量CO2即可大幅降低橄榄岩的熔点,所形成的碳酸盐熔体可有效萃取岩石体系中不相容微量元素.这些硅饱和或不饱和熔体均可以在俯冲隧道或地幔深部条件下与地幔楔橄榄岩发生反应,形成复杂的反应过程和产物.但已有的实验结果主要是针对大洋岛弧环境条件而不是大陆俯冲带的环境.因此,高温高压实验需要充分考虑大陆俯冲隧道中板片-地幔界面上各种不同成分地壳及其衍生的熔/流体成分与不同橄榄岩之间的反应,并结合大陆俯冲带岩石部分熔融和壳幔相互作用的地质证据,以阐明大陆俯冲隧道过程中的变质脱水、部分熔融和地幔交代等问题.  相似文献   

基于P波三重震相的华南地区上地幔速度结构研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
华南块体是研究太平洋板块俯冲和岩石圈减薄机制等问题的最佳场所之一.本文基于中国地震观测台网和大型流动台阵记录到的震中距10°~30°之间的两个中深源地震P波记录,利用三重震相波形拟合技术,获得了中扬子克拉通和华夏地块上地幔高精度P波速度结构.研究结果表明:(1)中扬子克拉通过渡带底部存在高速异常,系太平洋俯冲板块的滞留体.俯冲的板块并没有进入下地幔,660-km间断面下沉约11 km,与后尖晶石相变的克拉伯龙斜率为负有关.而华夏地块过渡带底部并无明显高速异常,接近全球平均模型;(2)整个华南块体,410-km间断面上方普遍存在低速层,主要与上地幔部分熔融有关,与IASP91相比P波速度减小了1.38%~2.29%;(3)在研究区域内,中扬子克拉通和华夏地块都存在岩石圈减薄(80 km),推测可能与太平洋板块俯冲和快速回撤导致的岩石圈拆沉有关.且华夏地块减薄程度较明显,下伏软流圈速度较低,说明其上地幔强度较弱、温度较高.另外,中扬子克拉通过渡带中存在一个较宽的速度梯度带,可能与520-km间断面有关,其具体成因有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

Most abyssal basalt can be divided into two groups based on major and minor element compositions of the glassy rinds of pillow lavas. Crystal differentiation models cannot relate one group to the other. Instead, depth of partial melting may exert the primary control. The first group (MORB-1) is characterized by low TiO2 and Na2O and higher MgO, and is derived from a primary melt originating from the spinel peridotite facies. The higher TiO2-NaO2 group (MORB-2) appears to have been derived from the lower-pressure (shallower depth) plagioclase peridotite facies. Mössbauer spectra show that MORB-1 is from a mantle source region with lower oxidation states (between the QFM and NNO buffers) than for MORB-2 (around the NNO buffer).  相似文献   

Melting phase relations of an augite-olivine high-magnesian andesite and an augite-olivine basalt from the Miocene Setouchi volcanic belt in southwest Japan have been studied under water-saturated, water-undersaturated and under anhydrous conditions. Both the andesite and the basalt are characterized by low FeO*/MgO ratios (0.86 and 0.76 in weight, respectively) and qualify as primary magmas derived from the upper mantle.The andesite melt coexists with olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene at 15 kbar and 1030°C under water-saturated conditions, and at 10 kbar and 1070°C under water-undersaturated conditions (7 wt.% H2O in the melt). The basalt-melt also coexists with the above three phases at 11 kbar and 1305°C under anhydrous conditions, and at 15 kbar and 1205°C in the presence of 4 wt.% water.Present studies indicate that high-magnesian andesite magmas may be produced even under water-undersaturated conditions by partial melting of mantle peridotite. It is suggested that two types of high-magnesian andesites in the Setouchi volcanic belt (augite-olivine and bronzite-olivine andesites) were produced by different degrees of partial melting; augite-olivine andesite magmas, whose mantle residual is lherzolite, were formed by lower degrees of partial melting than bronzite-olivine andesite magmas, which coexist with harzburgite. The basalt magmas, which were often extruded in close proximity to the high-magnesian andesite magmas, are not partial melting products of a mantle peridotite which had previously melted to yield high-magnesian andesite magmas.  相似文献   

Haixiang  Zhang  Hecai  Niu  Hiroaki  Sato  Xueyuan  Yu  Qiang  Shan  Boyou  Zhang  Jun'ichi  Ito  Takashi  Nagao 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):55-68
Abstract   Volcanic rocks consisting of adakite and Nb-enriched basalt are found in the early Devonian Tuoranggekuduke Group in the northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate, northern Xinjiang, northwest China. The geochemical characteristics of the andesitic and dacitic rocks in this area resemble that of adakites. The relatively high Al2O3, Na2O and MgO content and Mg values indicate that the adakites were generated in relation to oceanic slab subduction rather than the partial melting of basaltic crust. A slightly higher SrI and a lower ɛ Nd( t  = 375 Ma) compared to adakites of mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) imply that slab sediments were incorporated into these adakites during slab melting. The Nb-enriched basalt lavas, which are intercalated in adakite lava suite, are silica saturated and are distinguished from the typical arc basalts by their higher Nb and Ti content (high field strength element enrichment). They are derived from the partial melting of the slab melt-metasomatized mantle wedge peridotite. Apparently, positive Sr anomalies and a slightly higher heavy rare earth element content in these adakites compared to their Cenozoic counterparts indicate that the geothermal gradient in the Paleo-Asian Oceanic subduction zone and the depth of the Paleo-Asian Oceanic slab melting are between those of their Archean and Cenozoic counterparts. The distribution of the adakites and Nb-enriched basalts in the northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate, northern Xinjiang, indicates that the Paleo-Asian Oceanic Plate subducted southward beneath the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate in the early Devonian period.  相似文献   

Young-Woo  Kil 《Island Arc》2006,15(2):269-282
Abstract   Geochemical data on Baegryeong Island spinel peridotites found in Miocene alkali basalt provide the information for lithosphere composition, chemical processes, equilibrium pressure and temperature conditions. Spinel peridotite xenoliths, showing transitional textures between protogranular and porpyroclastic textures, were accidentally trapped by the ascending alkali basalt magma. The xenoliths originate at depths from 50 to 70 km with a temperature range from 800 to 1100°C. The variations of modal and mineral compositions of the spinel peridotite xenoliths indicate that the xenoliths have undergone 1–10% fractional melting. The spinel peridotites from Baegryeong Island have undergone cryptic mantle metasomatism subsequent to melt extraction. Metasomatic agent of enriched spinel peridotite xenoliths was carbonatite melt.  相似文献   

This paper provides new constraints on the crystallization conditions of the 3.49 Ga Barberton komatiites. The compositional evidence from igneous pyroxene in the olivine spinifex komatiite units indicates that the magma contained significant quantities of dissolved H2O. Estimates are made from comparisons of the compositions of pyroxene preserved in Barberton komatiites with pyroxene produced in laboratory experiments at 0.1 MPa (1 bar) under anhydrous conditions and at 100 and 200 MPa (1 and 2 kbar) under H2O-saturated conditions on an analog Barberton composition. Pyroxene thermobarometry on high-Ca clinopyroxene compositions from ten samples requires a range of minimum magmatic water contents of 6 wt.% or greater at the time of pyroxene crystallization and minimum emplacement pressures of 190 MPa (6 km depth). Since high-Ca pyroxene appears after 30% crystallization of olivine and spinel, the liquidus H2O contents could be 4 to 6 wt.% H2O. The liquidus temperature of the Barberton komatiite composition studied is between 1370 and 1400°C at 200 MPa under H2O-saturated conditions. When compared to the temperature-depth regime of modern melt generation environments, the komatiite mantle source temperatures are 200°C higher than the hydrous mantle melting temperatures inferred in modern subduction zone environments and 100°C higher than mean mantle melting temperatures estimated at mid-ocean ridges. When compared to previous estimates of komatiite liquidus temperatures, melting under hydrous conditions occurs at temperatures that are 250°C lower than previous estimates for anhydrous komatiite. Mantle melting by near-fractional, adiabatic decompression takes place in a melting column that spans 38 km depth range under hydrous conditions. This depth interval for melting is only slightly greater than that observed in modern mid-ocean ridge environments. In contrast, anhydrous fractional melting models of komatiite occur over a larger depth range ( 130 km) and place the base of the melting column into the transition zone.  相似文献   

New inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) trace element data are presented on a suite of arc lavas from the northern Mariana and southern Bonin island arcs. The samples were dredged from seamounts in the Central Island Province (CIP), the Northern Seamount Province (NSP) and the Volcano Arc (VA), and they range in composition from low-K tholeiites to shoshonites. Previous studies on these samples concluded that the primary compositional control was two-component mixing between a fluid-metasomatized mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) source and an enriched, ocean island basalt (OIB)-like, mantle component, with subducted sediment material playing a secondary role. However, the new trace element data suggest that the compositional variations along the Mariana arc can be better explained by the addition of spatially varying subduction components to a spatially varying mantle source. The data suggest that the subduction component in the CIP and VA is dominated by aqueous fluids derived from altered oceanic crust and a pelagic sediment component, while the subduction component in the NSP is dominated by more silicic fluids derived from volcanogenic sediments as well as from pelagic sediment and altered oceanic crust. The mantle wedge in the CIP and VA is depleted relative to a normal mid-ocean ridge basalt source by loss of a small melt fraction, while the mantle wedge in the NSP is enriched either by possible gain of a small melt fraction or addition of a sediment-derived melt. Because the subduction of seamounts controls the arc and back-arc geometries, so the concomitant variation between subducted material and mantle composition may be no coincidence. The high field strength element (HFSE) data indicate a high degree of melting (∼ 25–30%) throughout the arc, ∼ 10% of which may be attributed to decompression and ∼ 20% to fluid addition.  相似文献   

A series of water-deficient partial melting experiments on a low-K tholeiite were carried out under lower crustal P–T–H2O conditions (900–1200 °C, 0.7–1.5 GPa, 2 and 5 wt% H2O added) using a piston-cylinder apparatus. With increasing temperature at 1.0 GPa, supersolidus mineral assemblages vary from amphibolitic to pyroxenitic. Garnet crystallizes in the higher pressure runs (> 1.2 GPa). Melt compositions show low-K calc-alkalic trends, and are classified as metaluminous or peraluminous tonalite. These features are similar to the felsic rocks in the Izu–Bonin – Mariana (IBM) arc, for example Tanzawa plutonic rocks. The anatectic origin of Tanzawa tonalites is consistent with geochemical modeling, which demonstrates that the rare earth element (REE) characteristics of Tanzawa plutonic rocks (which represent the middle crust of the IBM arc) can be generated by partial melting of amphibolite in the lower crust (∼ 50% melting at 1050 °C and below 1.2 GPa). Estimated densities of pyroxenitic restites (∼ 3.9 g/cm3) after extraction of andesitic melts are higher than that of mantle peridotite beneath the island arc (3.3 g/cm3). The high density of the restite could cause delamination of the IBM arc lower crust. Rhyolitic magmas in the IBM arc (e.g. Niijima) could be formed by low degrees of partial melting of the amphibolitic crust at a temperature just above the solidus (10% melting at or below 900 °C).  相似文献   

俯冲板块的深部脱水使得上覆地幔含水, 从而降低含水地幔的熔点, 导致上覆地幔部分熔融。 部分熔融的地幔柱一旦喷发到地表就是俯冲带火山, 也形成新的地壳。 相对于周围的地幔来讲, 具有较小密度和黏度的部分熔融地幔的时空活动性就控制着俯冲带火山的时空分布特征。 本文主要回顾近年来运用三维热力学岩石力学模型数值模拟研究与板片脱水相关的俯冲带火山活动的时空分布特性。 结果表明, 部分熔融地幔的有效黏度和密度是影响俯冲板片之上的三维地幔柱横向分布特征的主要因素。 高黏度的部分熔融地幔(1020~1021 Pa·s )易于形成近平行于海沟的、 长波长(70~100 km)的、 薄的波状地幔柱; 低黏度(1018~1019 Pa·s )的熔融地幔易于形成平行于海沟的, 短波长(30~50 km)的蘑菇状地幔柱和垂直于海沟的山脊状地幔柱。 当部分熔融地幔和周围地幔的密度相差小于50 kg/m3时, 在俯冲板片之上只能形成长波长低幅度(宽50~100 km, 高10~15 km)的地幔山丘。 岩浆产率随着时间的变化反映了火山活动的生命周期性。 板块俯冲速度会影响地幔柱形成的深度和范围大小。 高效率熔融提取会增加新地壳增长总量。 低的板块俯冲速度和低的熔融提取效率会增加上地壳(花岗岩质)和中地壳(英安岩质)化学成分的比例。 数值模拟结果可以很好地解释如日本东北、 新西兰、 南阿拉斯加俯冲区火山的横向分布特征。  相似文献   

A correlary of sea floor spreading is that the production rate of ocean ridge basalts exceeds that of all other volcanic rocks on the earth combined. Basalts of the ocean ridges bring with them a continuous record in space and time of the chemical characteristics of the underlying mantle. The chemical record is once removed, due to chemical fractionation during partial melting. Chemical fractionations can be evaluated by assuming that peridotite melting has proceeded to an olivine-orthopyroxene stage, in which case the ratios of a number of magmaphile elements in the extracted melt closely match the ratios in the mantle. Comparison of ocean ridge basalts and chondritic meteorites reveals systematic patterns of element fractionation, and what is probably a double depletion in some elements. The first depletion is in volatile elements and is due to high accretion temperatures of a large percentage of the earth from the solar nebula. The second depletion is in the largest, most highly charged lithophile elements (“incompatible elements”), probably because the mantle source of the basalts was melted previously, and the melt, enriched in these elements, was removed. Migration of melt relative to solid under ocean ridges and oceanic plates, element fractionation at subduction zones, and fractional melting of amphibolite in the Precambrian are possible mechanisms for depleting the mantle in incompatible elements. Ratios of transition metals in the mantle source of ocean ridge basalts are close to chondritic, and contrast to the extreme depletion of refractory siderophile elements, the reason for which remains uncertain. Variation of ocean ridge basalt chemistry along the length of the ridge has been correlated with ridge elevation. Thus chemically anomalous ridge segments up to 1000 km long appear to broadly coincide with regions of high magma production (plumes, hot spots). Basalt heterogeneity at a single location indicates mantle heterogeneity on a smaller scale. Variation of ocean ridge basalt chemistry with time has not been established, in fact, criteria for recognizing old oceanic crust in ophiolite terrains are currently under debate. The similarity of rare earth element patterns in basalt from ocean ridges, back-arc basins, some young island arcs, and some continental flood basalts illustrates the dangers of tectonic labeling by rare earth element pattern.  相似文献   

Boninites are widely distributed along the western margin of the Pacific Plate extruded during the incipient stage of the subduction zone development in the early Paleogene period. This paper discusses the genetic relationships of boninite and antecedent protoarc basalt magmas and demonstrates their recycled ancient slab origin based on the T–P conditions and Pb–Hf–Nd–Os isotopic modeling. Primitive melt inclusions in chrome spinel from Ogasawara and Guam islands show severely depleted high‐SiO2, MgO (high‐silica) and less depleted low‐SiO2, MgO (low‐silica and ultralow‐silica) boninitic compositions. The genetic conditions of 1 346 °C at 0.58 GPa and 1 292 °C at 0.69 GPa for the low‐ and ultralow‐silica boninite magmas lie on adiabatic melting paths of depleted mid‐ocean ridge basalt mantle with a potential temperature of 1 430 °C in Ogasawara and of 1 370 °C in Guam, respectively. This is consistent with the model that the low‐ and ultralow‐silica boninites were produced by remelting of the residue of the protoarc basalt during the forearc spreading immediately following the subduction initiation. In contrast, the genetic conditions of 1 428 °C and 0.96 GPa for the high‐silica boninite magma is reconciled with the ascent of more depleted harzburgitic source which pre‐existed below the Izu–Ogasawara–Mariana forearc region before the subduction started. Mixing calculations based on the Pb–Nd–Hf isotopic data for the Mariana protoarc basalt and boninites support the above remelting model for the (ultra)low‐silica boninite and the discrete harzburgite source for the high‐silica boninite. Yb–Os isotopic modeling of the high‐Si boninite source indicates 18–30 wt% melting of the primitive upper mantle at 1.5–1.7 Ga, whereas the source mantle of the protoarc basalt, the residue of which became the source of the (ultra)low‐Si boninite, experienced only 3.5–4.0 wt% melt depletion at 3.6–3.1 Ga, much earlier than the average depleted mid‐ocean ridge basalt mantle with similar degrees of melt depletion at 2.6–2.2 Ga.  相似文献   

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