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本文利用Cluster卫星2004年11月8日的观测数据,分析了磁尾等离子体片中与地向周期性高速离子流相伴随的ULF波.结果显示周期性高速流的速度波动与磁场和温度中的ULF波同时出现、同时增强、同时消失,而且波动的频率都集中在60~70 mHz.这说明磁场和温度ULF波与周期性高速流密切相关,周期性高速流是ULF波产生的来源.高速流波动的相位与磁场波动的相位大致反相关,与热离子温度波动的相位正相关,同时磁场波动与热离子温度波动呈相位反相关的特性.最小方差法分析的结果显示虽然波传播方向有地向分量,但其主要传播方向是向等离子体片中心传播,并与周期性高速流速度方向垂直.以上观测说明是高速流的周期性变化产生了磁场在Pi1频率范围内的ULF波.  相似文献   

2007年3月3日位于磁层昏侧THEMIS的5颗卫星、同步轨道晨侧和午前的GOES 3颗卫星和地面地磁台站同时观测到了持续近4 h的Pc5 ULF波.我们用交叉小波相关分析计算脉动的传播速度,用MVA分析求解脉动的传播方向,然后结合两者的计算结果获得了Pc5相速度矢量信息.THEMIS卫星观测到Pc5具有压缩特性,且向阳传播,速度约在6~20 km/s左右,相比于磁层中阿尔芬速度(1000 km/s)较低.这些Pc5 ULF波动可能产生于磁尾或磁层内部不稳定性.GOES 3颗卫星观测到不同情况的Pc5 ULF波,极向模占主要成分,且具有波包结构,具有阿尔芬驻波特性,可能产生于K-H(Kelvin-Helmholtz)不稳定性.地面台站观测到ULF波扰动幅度随纬度升高而增强,Pc5脉动在地理纬度60°附近达到最大值, Dumont durville台站观测到的脉动与THEMIS观测到波形有很好的相似性.  相似文献   

依据太阳耀斑爆发特征,建立了双耀斑电子束与日冕背景相作用的模型,数值结果表明,该等离子体系统将激发静电不稳定性,其时间增长率ωi受耀斑热束密度与日冕背景密度比值(nh/no)以及耀斑冷束相对论电子密度与日冕密度值(nc/no)影响较大,并随它们增大而增大,其实频大小在耀斑热束等离子体频率附近。因此,此系统可激发大于1GHz的高频静电辐射,这些结果对揭示耀斑粒子在日冕空间传播行为有一定作用,并可用于探讨高频Ⅲ型射电机制。  相似文献   

本文提出了磁尾宽频带静电噪声强谱段的一种新的激发机制。在等离子体片边界层中存在着瞬时的局域性的晨昏电场。电子和离子对该电场的响应不同:在电场存在的区域内,电子作回旋漂移运动,而离子轨道在的时间尺度内可视为直线。由于等离子体片边界层中等离子体是非均匀的,这就导致了电荷分离的产生,从而可激发静电不稳定性。本文通过求解含电场的Vlasov方程,计算了由此产生的不稳定波的频率和增长率,考察了波矢方向。上述计算结果均与强谱段静电噪声的观测特征一致。  相似文献   

通量堆积和偶极化过程中的超低频波动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2004年9月17日TC-1卫星在近地磁尾夜侧观测到一次伴随有通量堆积和偶极化过程的典型亚暴事件.本文利用离散小波分析和FFT分析方法对本次事件中4 s精度的FGM和HIA数据进行分析,以了解通量堆积过程和偶极化过程中的低频波特性.分析结果表明,通量堆积过程和偶极化过程中场和粒子有明显的不规则低频波动,主要波动频率范围为4~15 mHz,和Pi-2脉动一致.通量堆积过程中磁场各个分量的低频波动和偶极化过程中的低频波动有明显不同,表明这两个物理过程可能存在不同的波动机制.在通量堆积过程和偶极化过程中,平行磁场方向上温度和速度的波动和垂直方向上温度和速度的波动有明显区别,平行磁场方向上温度和速度的波动有较好的相关性,且热离子密度的波动和平行磁场方向上的波动有较好的相关性,表明存在快模压缩波.TC-1卫星的观测显示通量堆积过程中磁场By分量有明显增长.我们的分析结果表明ULF波与By分量的增长有密切关系,从而可能对亚暴膨胀相的触发有重要影响.  相似文献   

本文用无碰撞等离子体的CGL近似,讨论了地球磁层顶的Kelvin-Helmholtz(K-H)不稳定性问题。同可压缩MHD近似一样,CGL等离子体也存在下、上两个临界速度vc和vu。不稳定性仅当vc<0 cosα<u时才能激发,v0为磁鞘等离子体流速,α为v0和切向波矢kt间的夹角。在向阳面低纬区,时间增长率ε和空间增长率κ与可压缩MHD的相应值相近。当v0 cosα≥vu时,不稳定表面波转化为稳定的体波。各向异性对K-H不稳定性有显著影响。在近日点低纬处,若磁鞘各向异性参数S2接近水龙带不稳定性的阈值,很小的v0便能激发不稳定表面波。S2低于极小值S2min时,不稳定性不可能产生。所谓Overstability现象是不存在的。  相似文献   

本文研究了地球磁尾等离子体片边界层内由离子束流和等离子体密度梯度联合作用产生的静电不稳定性.模型等离子体由向尾流动的冷离子束流、向地球流动的暖离子束流和背景暖电子组成,等离子体密度是非均匀的,等离子体β(热压强与磁压强之比值)很小,电子等离子体频率与电子退旋频率之比。ωee》1.结果表明,斜传播的静电快、慢离子束流-密度漂移模能够被激发。  相似文献   

应用二维三分量时变可压缩磁流体动力学模拟方法,数值研究了各向异性等离子体(P≠P,T≠T)中的撕裂模不稳定性和磁场重联过程.计算结果表明,在短暂的线性增长之后,不稳定性将趋于非线性饱和.线性增长率随着各向异性程度|P/P|增强而增大,随着等离子体β值减小及磁场y分量By增大而降低.在强垂直各向异性(P>P)的情况下,电流片中磁场重联形成的磁岛达到非线性饱和后,在X型点附近形成空腔结构;随着空腔的增大,磁岛逐渐变小,并最终消失.在P>P情况下,仅在电流片中心区域可以激发火蛇管不稳定性,电流片中不能形成大型磁岛.  相似文献   

本文利用欧洲非相干散射雷达协会(European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association,EISCAT)的两次加热实验诊断数据,基于我们在文章(1)中建立的数值模型,定量分析了实验过程中出现参量衰减不稳定性(Parametric decay instability,PDI)的物理过程.分析结果如下:(1)通过对两次加热实验数据的分析,均观测到了增强的等离子体谱线(HFPLs)和离子声波谱线(HFILs),谱线的频率和加热电波频率满足频率匹配条件,表明电离层加热过程中参量衰减不稳定性的激发.(2)通过对加热电波反射区电子密度和离子密度模拟数据的谱分析,可以清晰发现与实验结果相符的朗缪尔波和离子声波.实验1观测到的离子声波谱线频率为8.8 kHz,而模拟得到的离子声波在5~6 kHz,实验2观测到的离子声波谱线为7.1 kHz,而模拟得到的离子声波频率在5.5~6 kHz,模拟结果与实验观测比较一致.(3)实验观测和模拟结果均表明,在参量衰减不稳定性激发过程中,加热电波频率(f_h)与等离子谱线频率和离子声波谱线频率(f_(ia))并不是简单匹配,实验1观测到的等离子体谱线频率为f_h-3f_(ia),实验2观测到的等离子体谱线增强频率为f_h—f_(ia)和f_h—3f_(ia).这一结果表明在加热过程中出现了多次参量衰减的现象,从而为朗缪尔湍流的激发提供了条件.  相似文献   

提出一个剪切Alfven波加速极光粒子的新模式。频率远小于离子回旋频率的Alfven波由磁层向电离层传播会演化成孤波,当场向电流超过离子声不稳定性的临界电流时,激发离子声不稳定性,波与粒子的相互作用产生反常阻尼使Alfven波演化成行波涌浪。它携带一个方向向上的平行电场,加速极光电子形成分立极光。对等离子体密度、电场及其对应的电势进行了数值计算,结果发现满足磁层加速区条件形成Alfvn行波涌浪,提供足够强的加速粒子的电场。  相似文献   

The interaction between the Alfvén wave and turbulent sheet (TS) with an anomalous conductivity has been considered. High frequency turbulence causes the appearance of not only anomalous field-aligned plasma conductivity but also cross-field conductivity. Alfvén waves can be partially reflect from TS, be absorbed in this sheet, and pass through TS. When field-aligned conductivity is predominant, the relative effectiveness of these processes strongly depends on a cross-field wave scale. If TS is thin as compared to the Alfvén wavelength, the resistive Alfvén wave (λ A ) characterized by the field-aligned resistivity and Alfvén velocity above the sheet is the characteristic parameter responsible for the wave-sheet coupling. A comparison of the loss, estimated using the analytical relationships for a thin sheet and numerically calculated based on the complete formulas for a sheet with a finite thickness, indicates that the approximation of a thin sheet results in reasonable estimates at all wave scales except very small ones. The developed model has been applied to the interpretation of the results of the works on Pi2 pulsation damping during the substorm expansion phase, which indicated that the damping decrement increases at large substorm amplitudes. The estimates indicate that this increase in damping is related to the appearance of anomalous resistivity in the case when field-aligned currents exceed the threshold values necessary for excitation of high frequency turbulence.  相似文献   

本文研究了地球弓激波前内透射离子动力学横场流不稳定性.电子速度分布函数采用平顶形式.对包含电磁效应的完整色散方程进行了数值求解.结果表明,增长率峰值比采用电子Maxwellian速度分布情形的值要大得多.同时在高速离子横场流和近乎垂直传播情况下,在色散方程中需要计入与电子贡献有关的含高阶Bessel函数的项.  相似文献   

This paper shows that there exists a mechanism of longitudinal plasma acceleration which is inherent in the process of the process of resonant conversion of a fast magnetosonic wave freely propagating along the magnetic field into an Alfvén wave. This mechanism is caused by the Ampere force arising due to the interaction between the poloidal component of the current of the compressible disturbance and the generated toroidal disturbance. It is shown that plasma acceleration takes place at the stage of increase in the Alfvén wave amplitude and that the accelerated flow retains its velocity when the process of resonant conversion is over. We describe spatiotemporal structures of plasma flows arising with the transformation of fast magnetosonic waves into Alfvén waves. An interpretation of the presence of fast ion flows in the magnetotail as a consequence of the action of the plasma acceleration mechanism considered in this work is proposed.  相似文献   

In this work, the results of comparative analysis of morphological regularities of right-polarized (R type) and left-polarized (L type) isolated bursts of ipcl pulsations (irregular pulsations continuous long period) with an anomalously large amplitude in the region of the daytime polar cusp, as well as conditions of their excitation, are presented. It has been found that R and L bursts are similar in the maximum amplitude level, wave packet duration, spectral composition, magnitude of ellipticity, diurnal variation shape, and other characteristics. At the same time, bursts of the R and L type are excited at different degrees of plasma turbulence in the generation region, at different IMF orientations in the plane of ecliptic, as well as in the plane perpendicular to it, and at different dynamics of the parameter β (characterizing the ratio of the thermal pressure to the magnetic pressure) and Alfvén Mach number Ma. It is supposed that the generation of isolated bursts of the R and L types can be related to the amplification of the plasma turbulence level due to the development of wind instability at the front boundary of the magnetosphere, and features of their polarization can be interpreted in the scope of the model of nonlinear propagation of Alfvén waves.  相似文献   

The losses of radiation belt electrons to the atmosphere due to wave–particle interactions with electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) waves during corotating interaction region (CIR) storms compared to coronal mass ejections (CME) storms is investigated. Geomagnetic storms with extended ‘recovery’ phases due to large-amplitude Alfvén waves in the solar wind are associated with relativistic electron flux enhancements in the outer radiation belt. The corotating solar wind streams following a CIR in the solar wind contain large-amplitude Alfvén waves, but also some CME storms with high-speed solar wind can have large-amplitude Alfvén waves and extended ‘recovery’ phases. During both CIR and CME storms the ring current protons are enhanced. In the anisotropic proton zone the protons are unstable for EMIC wave growth. Atmospheric losses of relativistic electrons due to weak to moderate pitch angle scattering by EMIC waves is observed inside the whole anisotropic proton zone. During storms with extended ‘recovery’ phases we observe higher atmospheric loss of relativistic electrons than in storms with fast recovery phases. As the EMIC waves exist in storms with both extended and short recovery phases, the increased loss of relativistic electrons reflects the enhanced source of relativistic electrons in the radiation belt during extended recovery phase storms. The region with the most unstable protons and intense EMIC wave generation, seen as a narrow spike in the proton precipitation, is spatially coincident with the largest loss of relativistic electrons. This region can be observed at all MLTs and is closely connected with the spatial shape of the plasmapause as revealed by simultaneous observations by the IMAGE and the NOAA spacecraft. The observations in and near the atmospheric loss cone show that the CIR and CME storms with extended ‘recovery’ phases produce high atmospheric losses of relativistic electrons, as these storms accelerate electrons to relativistic energies. The CME storm with short recovery phase gives low losses of relativistic electrons due to a reduced level of relativistic electrons in the radiation belt.  相似文献   

A review of the artificial excitation of Alfvén waves and vortices in the ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) is presented. In the framework of simplified models of the IAR and the Alfvén vortex instability, we discuss the main physical phenomena arising under the periodic heating of the ionosphere by a powerful HF radio signal with a modulation frequency F which lies in the range of short-period geomagnetic pulsations (F = 0.1–10 Hz). The amplitudes, frequency spectra, and polarization characteristics of artificial pulsations on the ground are found, and a brief comparison with experimental data is made. The Alfvén vortex instability in the IAR is analysed from the point of view of its artificial triggering. Two ways of such a triggering are discussed. The first suggests the use of two spaced transmitter antenna which produce an ionospheric current being in resonance with Alfvén vortices. Existing heating facilities are suitable for this experiment. The second method is based on the change of macroscopic parameters of the ionosphere, such as the conductivity in the instability region. This method is simple, but requires more powerful heaters.  相似文献   


We study the propagation of nonlinear MHD waves in a highly magnetized plasma cavity. The cavity's moving boundaries generate Alfvén waves, which in turn drive and interact with slow magnetosonic waves. The interacting wave system is analyzed by a Galerkin and multiple-scale analyses leading to simple dynamical equations. When the frequency of the forcing provided by the moving boundaries and that of the fundamental Alfvén eigenmode are close, the cavity behaves like a Duffing oscillator. Application of the Melnikov function theory shows that the Alfvén wave's amplitude undergoes both flip and saddle-node bifurcations as the amplitude and the phase of the boundary forcing vary. Direct numerical integration confirms these results and provides an estimate of the amount of energy dissipated in the bifurcations.  相似文献   

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