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通过某模型工程对抗震不利的平面之一--角部重叠框架结构高层建筑进行了分析.结果显示角部重叠面积越小,结构抗扭刚度越小,结构扭转效应会越来越大;地震作用下重叠处楼盖的应力集中越严重,楼板平面内容易产生的较大的变形和裂缝.但认为角部重叠平面做为组合平面的一种,宜在所列三项及三项以上不规则的高层建筑工程做为其中一项进行超限控制,单独做为一项进行超限控制有可能偏严.  相似文献   

桩基础是松软深厚地基上高层建筑的主要基础形式,其长度直接影响高层建筑的抗震性能。尽管桩基础有较广的应用范围,但桩长与结构整体抗震性能的相关性研究还颇为少见。根据上海某高层建筑地基基础结构数据建立软土地基上桩基础高层建筑平面动力有限元计算模型,以横观各向同性材料模拟软土地基,弹性阻尼人工边界模拟地基半无限体,薄膜单元模拟桩土间接触滑移性能,并考虑桩-土-结构共同作用,采用上海地铁某车站地震监测数据作为地震波输入,在其他条件不变的情况下选择各种桩长进行计算,根据计算结果分析讨论在该模型条件下桩长选择对上部结构以及桩基础整体抗震性能的影响,提出优化方案。  相似文献   

主要比较分析了超限高层建筑中基于性能抗震设计方法与常规抗震设计方法,并就目前我国的超限高层建筑结构的特点,详细的分析了超限高层结构基于性能抗震设计中的抗震性能水准以及性能目标的组成,希望能够为我国超限高层建筑的性能抗震设计有些帮助。  相似文献   

采用WSR模型分析建筑工程抗震结构造价控制问题时,存在造价控制效果差的弊端。通过设计的高层建筑工程抗震结构造价控制模型构建造价控制的递阶层次结构,获取高层建筑工程造价控制的多种方案,从多种方案中通过三标度法和权重向量法获取造价控制的最优方案;另外采用质量量化QoS调度方法进行高层建筑工程造价效益控制约束均衡设计,以获取最优方案中高层建筑工程抗震结构造价控制的结果。实验结果表明,所设计模型可有效分析高层建筑的质量化特征,可改进控制高层抗震结构工程造价,预估消耗成本可控制在1.8万元以下,且分析耗时均值为0.15 h,具有节省成本和效率快的优势,控制效果较好。  相似文献   

单排配筋剪力墙结构抗震性能及设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以往剪力墙结构主要用于高层建筑并采用双排配筋剪力墙.笔者提出了单排配筋剪力墙多层住宅结构,为了研究其抗震性能,进行了较系统的单排配筋剪力墙结构及构件的抗震试验研究.文中简要介绍了单排配筋剪力墙抗震性能研究概况,将其与传统的砖墙进行了抗震性能比较,给出了其适用范围,提供了其抗震构造措施.研究表明,这种单排配筋剪力墙可以用于多层住宅结构的抗震设计.  相似文献   

石若利  李其伦 《华南地震》2021,41(2):142-148
为了研究"工字型"平面不规则钢框架体系结构,分析房屋的抗震技术性能影响以及此种不规则建筑的薄弱位置,应用Abaqus有限元软件建立一个三维杆系模型对"工字型"平面不规则钢框架进行模拟.通过对钢框架结构在3种不同地震波作用下进行动力弹塑性时程分析,对产生的结构顶层位移、最大层间位移、层间位移角和底部剪力进行对比研究,以及对钢结构的薄弱环节进行了分析.最后从计算结果得出结论,"工字型"不规则钢架结构的抗震性能良好,主要控制指标符合规范要求.  相似文献   

针对超限高层建筑结构抗震设计,提出了基于性能设计方法的性能目标,通过结构在小震、中震、大震作用下的弹性、弹塑性静力和动力时程分析,对三水准地震作用下结构构件进行了承载力定量分析。从理论上证明了结构性能可以达到“小震不坏,中震可修,大震不倒”的抗震设防目标,同时进行了1:20模型的结构振动台试验,确证了实际结构设计的安全性。  相似文献   

针对不满足抗震性态目标的一栋四层钢筋混凝土框架填充墙结构,基于框架和填充墙的抗震性态目标,采用附加阻尼器的被动控制方法进行抗震加固分析研究。首先,提出两种被动控制加固方案:1.在一层所有填充墙平面内方向上并联阻尼器进行抗震加固;2.在一层和二层所有填充墙平面内方向上并联阻尼器进行抗震加固;其次,基于Open Sees有限元软件,建立上述两种被动控制加固方案的有限元模型,选取El Centro、Parkfield和San Fenando三条地震动进行罕遇地震作用下的地震反应分析;最后,依据使用功能为钢筋混凝土框架填充墙结构抗震性态目标的量化指标,即综合考虑层间位移角限值和填充墙破坏情况,判定四层钢筋混凝土框架填充墙结构采用加固方案二可满足抗震性态目标的要求。  相似文献   

带加强层超高层建筑结构基于能力谱法的抗震设计   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
带加强层结构在加强层处的刚度发生剧变,从而引起侧向荷载下结构内力分布及变形的相应变化,地震作用下此类结构容易形成薄弱层,因而抗震性能较差。同时,带加强层的建筑物很多属于超限复杂高层建筑结构,无法直接套用规范方法进行抗震设计。根据带加强层高层建筑结构的受力变形特点及国内外研究者的研究成果,结合模态推覆分析理论和能力谱抗震设计方法,本文对带加强层高层建筑结构的受力变形性能作了详细的分析,提出此类结构基于能力谱法的抗震设计方法。此法采用受力层间侧移角作为性能指标,并针对加强层和普通楼层采用了不同的性能水准量化值,根据结构特点以底部和加强层上部两层楼作为薄弱层进行验算,最后通过算例验证所提方法的可行性。  相似文献   

组合剪力墙的抗震研究与发展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
剪力墙是高层建筑结构中的核心抗侧力部件,研制抗震性能好的剪力墙,是建筑抗震设计的关键技术之一。组合剪力墙包括不同材料和不同结构形式的组合,可以发挥不同材料和不同结构形式各自的优势,使剪力墙的延性和耗能能力得以提高,从而改善其抗震性能。本文对国内外一些新型组合剪力墙的抗震研究工作进行了归纳总结,并对其发展作一展望。  相似文献   

One of the main challenges in earthquake risk mitigation is the assessment of existing buildings not designed according to modern codes and the development of effective techniques to strengthen these structures. Particular attention should be given to RC frame structures with masonry infill panels, as demonstrated by their poor performance in recent earthquakes in Europe. Understanding the seismic behaviour of masonry‐infilled RC frames presents one of the most difficult problems in structural engineering. Analytical tools to evaluate infill–frame interaction and the failure mechanisms need to be further studied. This research intends to develop a simplified macro‐model that takes into account the out‐of‐plane behaviour of the infill panels and the corresponding in‐plane and out‐of‐plane interaction when subjected to seismic loadings. Finally, a vulnerability assessment of an RC building will be performed in order to evaluate the influence of the out‐of‐plane consideration in the building response. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了适应国家绿色建筑和装配式建筑的发展,减少地震中填充墙的平面外破坏,采用ABAQUS有限元程序研究了装配式AAC砌体填充墙的平面外抗震性能。进行了不同工况下足尺有限元模型的模拟,分析了填充墙高厚比、配筋率及填充墙与框架间连接方式对其平面外抗震性能的影响,以峰值、极限状态下的荷载与跨中位移评定其平面外抗震性能。分析结果表明:采用ABAQUS进行填充墙平面外抗震性能数值模拟与试验结果吻合较好;填充墙高厚比越小,平面外承载力越大,当高厚比小于10时,墙体延性大幅下降;填充墙配筋率和承载力近似呈正比关系,但当配筋率大于0.2%时,墙体延性也会下降;高厚比在15~20和配筋率在0.1%~0.2%范围内,填充墙呈适筋延性破坏模式;填充墙与框架之间布置双向柔性连接约束,墙体具备一定延性,墙体平面外承载力较单向连接件布置有所提升。  相似文献   

基底隔震已经大量应用于一般民用建筑中,被认为是在剧烈地震中保护建筑物最具发展前景的技术之一,但对于核电站这类特殊的建筑物应用较少,且研究比较薄弱。介绍了核电站水平及三维隔震装置的研发及性能测试,概述了核电站隔震系统抗震性能的研究进展和核电站隔震设计规范,指出了在核电站中应用隔震技术还有待解决的问题,对今后核电站隔震的研究提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess and improve the seismic performance of an existing masonry building with flexible floors, representative of a Portuguese building typology—‘gaioleiro’ buildings. The study involved seismic tests and dynamic identification tests of two models (nonstrengthened and strengthened) in the shaking table. Each model was subjected to several seismic tests with increasing amplitude. Before the first test and after each seismic test, the dynamic identification of the model was carried out, aiming at obtaining their seismic vulnerability curves based on a damage indicator obtained from the decrease of the frequencies of the modes. In the strengthened model, steel elements were used to improve the connection between walls and floors, together with ties in the upper stories. The results show that adopted strengthening technique is effective for reducing the seismic vulnerability of ‘gaioleiro’ buildings, namely for improving the out‐of‐plane behavior of the facades. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many urban areas are located in regions of moderate seismicity and are subjected to strong wind. Buildings in these regions are often designed without seismic provisions. As a result, in the event of an earthquake, the potential for damage and loss of lives may not be known. In this paper, the performance of a typical high-rise building with a thick transfer plate (TP), which is one type of building structure commonly found in Hong Kong, is assessed against both earthquake and wind hazards. Seismic- and wind-resistant performance objectives are fi rst reviewed based on relevant codes and design guidelines for high-rise buildings. After a brief introduction of wind-resistant design of the building, various methodologies, including equivalent static load analysis (ESLA), response spectrum analysis (RSA), pushover analysis (POA), linear and nonlinear time-history analysis (LTHA and NTHA), are employed to assess the seismic performance of the building when subjected to frequent earthquakes, design based earthquakes and maximum credible earthquakes. The effects of design wind and seismic action with a common 50-year return period are also compared. The results indicate that most performance objectives can be satisfi ed by the building, but there are some objectives, such as inter-story drift ratio, that cannot be achieved when subjected to the frequent earthquakes. It is concluded that in addition to wind, seismic action may need to be explicitly considered in the design of buildings in regions of moderate seismicity.  相似文献   

针对既有的C类框架学校建筑提高一度抗震设防的加固目标,从地震作用计算、结构抗震验算和抗震构造措施等方面详细分析了其中的加固难点,指出了应用传统抗震加固方法的一些不足之处,探讨了应用消能减震技术进行结构提高一度抗震设防加固的可行性;并以某C类框架学校建筑加固工程为实例,从减震控制效果分析、弹塑性变形验算、消能部件影响评价、抗震构造措施核查4个方面论证了消能减震加固方法的有效性和可操作性。结果表明,消能减震技术在C类框架学校建筑抗震加固中具有一定的应用优势,不但能有效控制结构的地震响应,而且依据减震效果可以适当降低结构的抗震构造要求。因此,只要通过合理的消能减震加固设计,再辅以额外的局部加强处理,完全可以实现C类框架学校建筑提高一度抗震设防的加固目标需求。  相似文献   

何萍  王挺 《华南地震》2014,(1):21-25
采用孙柏涛等人提出的基于已有震害矩阵模拟的群体震害预测模型,在广东省防震减灾"十一五"重点项目"重点监视防御区县级以上城市建(构)筑物抗震性能普查"数据的基础上,对已做过震害预测城市(区)与普查城市在设防标准、建筑年代、地上层数、建筑用途及平面形状等五方面进行相似度计算,最后得出普查城市的震害矩阵,对比分析结果表明,应用该方法对群体建筑物实施震害预测是可行的。  相似文献   

饶力 《地震工程学报》2018,40(4):671-677
传统的动力弹塑性分析法在研究剪力墙的抗震性能时,忽略了对剪力墙转换结构关键结点的有效分析,导致建筑抗震性研究结果存在局限性。提出剪力墙转换结构关键结点对建筑抗震性能影响的分析方法。塑造剪力墙转换结构平面布置图,确定剪力墙转换结构关键结点,分析剪力墙转换结构关键结点的层间位移与位移角和关键结点处的楼层剪力,关键结点位置上升使得最大楼层的位移减小、位移角也逐渐变小。根据关键结点处于不同楼层时层间位移、位移角以及受力作用的不同,获取建筑结构上下层刚度的波动。实验结果说明,所提方法能够高精度、高效的对建筑抗震性能进行分析。  相似文献   

Existing buildings can be at a greater seismic risk due to non-conformance to current design codes and may require structural retrofitting to improve building performance. The performance of buildings is measured in terms of immediate consequences due to direct damage, but the continuing impacts related to recovery are not considered in seismic retrofit assessment. This paper introduces a framework of retrofit selection based on the seismic resilience of deficient buildings retrofitted with the conventional mitigation approaches. The assembly-based methodology is considered for the seismic resilience assessment by compiling a nonlinear numerical model and a building performance model. The collapse fragility is developed from the capacity curve, and the resulting social, economic, and environmental consequences are determined. The seismic resilience of a building is assessed by developing a downtime assessment methodology incorporating sequence of repairs, impeding factors, and utility availability. Five functionality states are developed for the building functionality given investigated time interval, and a functionality curve for each retrofit is determined. It is concluded that seismic resilience can be used as a performance indicator to assess the continuing impacts of a hazard for the retrofit selection.  相似文献   

With the development and implementation of performance-based earthquake engineering,harmonization of performance levels between structural and nonstructural components becomes vital. Even if the structural components of a building achieve a continuous or immediate occupancy performance level after a seismic event,failure of architectural,mechanical or electrical components can lower the performance level of the entire building system. This reduction in performance caused by the vulnerability of nonstructural components has been observed during recent earthquakes worldwide. Moreover,nonstructural damage has limited the functionality of critical facilities,such as hospitals,following major seismic events. The investment in nonstructural components and building contents is far greater than that of structural components and framing. Therefore,it is not surprising that in many past earthquakes,losses from damage to nonstructural components have exceeded losses from structural damage. Furthermore,the failure of nonstructural components can become a safety hazard or can hamper the safe movement of occupants evacuating buildings,or of rescue workers entering buildings. In comparison to structural components and systems,there is relatively limited information on the seismic design of nonstructural components. Basic research work in this area has been sparse,and the available codes and guidelines are usually,for the most part,based on past experiences,engineering judgment and intuition,rather than on objective experimental and analytical results. Often,design engineers are forced to start almost from square one after each earthquake event: to observe what went wrong and to try to prevent repetitions. This is a consequence of the empirical nature of current seismic regulations and guidelines for nonstructural components. This review paper summarizes current knowledge on the seismic design and analysis of nonstructural building components,identifying major knowledge gaps that will need to be filled by future research. Furthermore,considering recent trends in earthquake engineering,the paper explores how performance-based seismic design might be conceived for nonstructural components,drawing on recent developments made in the field of seismic design and hinting at the specific considerations required for nonstructural components.  相似文献   

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