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利用扫描电镜和能谱分析研究了长白山天池火山天文峰剖面全新世喷发物中长石表面风化溶蚀显微形貌和化学组成,结果显示: 天文峰剖面从顶部黑色浮岩向下到暗灰色浮岩中,长石表面发育风化溶蚀不同的显微形貌结构。其特征有,风化初期的溶蚀作用主要在双晶缝、解理缝等结构薄弱部位,形成规模较小的溶孔和溶缝等,随着风化溶蚀程度的增加,已经形成的溶蚀痕迹进一步扩大、合并、相互贯通而形成矩形溶孔或棱柱状溶孔。长石晶体上溶蚀痕迹的扩大受长石晶体各向异性的控制。天文峰剖面火山喷发物时代越早,长石颗粒表面风化溶蚀程度越强,结构越复杂; 火山喷发物时代越晚,长石颗粒表面风化溶蚀程度越弱,结构越简单。即长石表面风化溶蚀程度与火山喷发的时代具有一定的相关性。根据长石颗粒表面的显微形貌结构,认为漫江林场浮岩与天文峰剖面中灰色浮岩应是火山同一次喷发的产物。长石表面风化溶蚀度可以作为判定火山喷发精细序列的一个代用指标。能谱分析显示,较新鲜的长石表面与风化溶蚀的长石化学组成不同。长石风化溶蚀的显微形貌和化学组成反映了它是天然风化、溶解、淋滤,最后又有物质沉淀的自然成因。Fe元素则可能与微生物作用有关。详细研究长石表面的风化溶蚀特征,它将有可能成为从岩石微观方面探讨火山喷发后环境变化和火山喷发期次的一种新方法。  相似文献   

长白山天池火山玻璃和长石微观特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了长白山天池火山1000年和5000年前2次大喷发产生的浮岩和火山灰的微观特征,通过TEM-EDX和SEM-EDX分析了浮岩中的火山玻璃和长石晶屑的表面特征及风化层厚度。5000年前大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层平均厚度3·74μm,1000年前大喷发为0·98μm;5000年前大喷发浮岩中的长石表面风化溶蚀度大于1000年前大喷发物中的长石;两次大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层化学组成与火山玻璃相比富Al和Fe而Si减少。综合上述特征认为,天池火山喷发物中矿物的微观特征的差异与火山喷发年代和喷发环境有关。因此,系统研究天池火山喷发物的微观特征是十分必要的,并且具有一定的应用价值  相似文献   

长白山天池火山在全新世曾多次喷发,以往研究结果基本上认定至少有3期喷发物:距今约5,000a前淡黄色碱流质浮岩、距今约1,000a前灰白色碱流质浮岩和碎屑流以及距今约300a的黑色粗面质浮岩和熔结凝灰岩。喷发物斑晶矿物中含有众多熔体包裹体,形貌特征各有不同。经Leitz1350高温热台对天池火山全新世3期喷发物长石中熔体包裹体的均一法测温实验,结果表明第1,3喷发期的岩浆温度相差不大,而千年大喷发期较为复杂,揭示当时有2个不同温度段的熔体存在,为大喷发可能由2种岩浆注入和混合而触发的论点提供了线索。实验还证实,个体小的熔体包裹体易于均一,而个体较大的、尤其是含有大量子晶的熔体包裹体则很难均一;均一温度与熔体包裹体大小、何时从较快升温速率变为较慢升温速率、是否为初次升温时测量得出有关。同一颗熔体包裹体多次数升温至均一,每次得到的均一温度不同,而且每升温一次得到的均一温度均比前一次高,证实了均一过程中的确有H扩散的现象  相似文献   

长白山天池火山的喷发历史和喷出物层序一直以来是人们关注的焦点。目前,对于千年大喷发以来空降堆积物,尤其是灰白色空降浮岩层之上的粗面质杂色空降浮岩的地层划分仍具有较大争议。文中通过对野外地层的详细观察,对2层空降浮岩层进行对比研究,发现两者之间没有沉积间隔,认为2期空降浮岩均应划分为千年大喷发的喷发物。下部赤峰期灰白色空降浮岩成分较为均一,呈棱角状,正粒序,分选较好;上部圆池期喷发为脉动式喷发,岩性为富土黄色浮岩和富黑色浮岩颗粒互层,浮岩呈棱角状,粒序不明显,分选较好。2期浮岩粒度呈正态分布,在中值和分选系数图中均投点于空降堆积区内。浮岩内斑晶以长石和辉石为主,但圆池期黑色浮岩内斑晶含量略高。赤峰期空降浮岩为灰白色碱流质,气孔较大,连续贯通,气孔壁薄。圆池期土黄色空降浮岩为粗面质,气孔连通,气孔壁略厚;黑色浮岩颗粒成分虽然也投点为粗面质,但Si O2含量明显较低,气孔度低,气孔壁厚。圆池期喷发强度较赤峰期喷发强度弱。多种岩浆成分说明长白山天池火山下具有复杂的岩浆系统,多种岩浆可能以分层的形式存在,赤峰期仅喷出了上部的碱流岩,圆池期的脉动式喷发喷出了不同层位的岩浆。  相似文献   

长白山天池火山天文峰黄色浮岩的岩相学与显微结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在长白山天池火口天文峰内壁发育数十m厚的爆炸式喷发堆积物,颜色各异.其中1套规模较大的黄色中弱熔结的粗粒浮岩空降堆积,堆积物碎屑粒径大,气孔大量发育,含有大粒径粗面岩岩块.文中对采于该套黄色堆积物的样品进行了全岩成分和显微结构特征分析,并与“千年大喷发”的空降浮岩进行了对比.研究结果表明:1)黄色浮岩与千年喷发的浮岩一样,属于碱性流纹岩,比千年喷发的灰白色浮岩略偏基性,可能由同一岩浆演化而来;2)黄色浮岩呈泡沫状,由不同大小的气孔、气孔壁和少量斑晶组成,部分较大的圆形气孔沿斑晶周围发育,呈串珠状排列,流动特征明显,黄色浮岩的斑晶类型和气孔结构与千年喷发的灰白色浮岩类似;3)已有扫描电镜和X射线衍射分析结果显示黄色浮岩中的长石参数与其他浮岩明显不同,可能是独立火山喷发事件的产物.上述岩石学证据表明,该套黄色堆积物是火山爆炸式喷发作用形成的浮岩空降堆积.  相似文献   

长白山天池全新世以来的火山喷发与灾害风险初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了长白山天池火山全新世以来的喷发及其构造活动,其中喷发物以玄武质、碱流质为主,规模大。文中着重探讨了天池火山的风险性和未来的火山灾害。可为制定火山灾害对策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

长白山天池火山一次近代喷发物的特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
长白山天池火山是中国最具有潜在灾害性喷发危险的活动火山。在开展长白山天池火山近代喷发历史的研究中,通过野外考察、粒度分析、岩石化学研究,识别出了一套新的火山喷发物。这套喷发物分布于天池水面东北侧,为一套灰色多层火山碎屑堆积,厚约9.2m。下伏公元1668年的火山空降堆积。粒度分析表明,天池火山最近一次喷发物以空降堆积为主,夹一层薄层涌浪堆积,火山喷发类型为射气岩浆型。涌浪堆积碎屑物的分数维值为2.71。空降堆积的分数维值小于涌浪堆积,综合投点求出的分数维值为2.36。显微镜下可观察到鸡骨架状玻屑,无黏土矿物,为原生火山爆发堆积。火山碎屑堆积物中的浮岩岩石化学分析结果表明岩浆成分为粗面质。根据历史记录、地层层序关系、堆积物特征的综合分析,推测堆积物的形成时间为公元1903年  相似文献   

长白山天池火山位于中国和朝鲜两国边境线上, 借助国际合作, 对分布于中朝两国境内的天池火山喷发物进行了较系统的野外考查, 选择层序完整的火山喷发物剖面, 对天池火山进行整体研究. 在此基础上, 系统测定了天池火山历史时期大喷发从早期到晚期喷出的气体成分和含量, 进而探讨了该火山气体对环境的影响及其造成的火山灾害, 并利用天池火山气体成分和含量开展了该火山未来喷发危险性及其潜在火山灾害预测研究, 这一方法对进一步开展我国大陆活火山的喷发预测及其火山灾害防御研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山气象站期喷发类型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
全面系统地了解一座活火山的喷发特征与历史,对于预测其未来喷发形式及灾害性具有重要意义.长白山天池火山晚更新世或全新世以来存在3期大规模的喷发活动,天文峰期喷发与千年大喷发皆为典型的大规模的布里尼式爆炸喷发,而气象站期喷发方式却在爆炸式或溢流式的喷发类型上存在着激烈的争论.气象站期喷发物在遥感影像上表现为以气象站为寄生火口,向北流动长约5.4km,形貌上似一条熔岩流,但文中研究认为是小规模的脉冲式爆炸喷发而形成的岩层形态.主要依据为:1)岩石成分为高黏度的酸性岩浆;2)野外露头与剖面的薄层状堆积特征;3)晶屑的棱角状破碎形态;4)岩石的颗粒支撑结构.研究结果表明,气象站期的堆积物是爆炸喷发产生的碎屑物沿山坡以火山灰流的形式快速流动,在高温与高流速的剪切力作用下,火山灰流形成1套薄层状的熔结凝灰岩.因此,长白山天池火山晚更新世或全新世以来3期喷发活动均为爆炸式喷发,而非以前认为的爆炸-溢流-爆炸式喷发.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山喷发序列研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长白山天池火山周边的11个钻孔资料揭示了长白山天池火山的喷发序列和岩浆演化过程.天池火山的喷发序列分为3个旋回:早期旋回喷发于上新世至早更新世,对应着周边地区的造高原喷发,天池火山熔岩盾主体开始形成,岩浆演化顺序是粗面玄武岩到粗面岩;中期旋回是早更新世的玄武岩浆演化到粗面岩和粗安岩(相当于小白山组);晚期旋回是从更新世到全新世,老房子小山组的玄武岩演化到白头山组粗面岩及碱流岩.在粗面质岩浆喷发过程中,有寄生火山的玄武质岩浆伴随喷发.全新世内天池火山千年大喷发主体由碱流质火山碎屑堆积物构成,松散堆积物的钻孔堆积层序表明,天池火山在全新世至少发生过两期巨型造伊格尼姆岩喷发.  相似文献   

The recent finding of mafic enclaves in the Rocche Rosse (RR) lava flow, the last magmatic product on Lipari (Aeolian Islands, Italy) (AD 1230 ± 40), opens the possibility to investigate in detail the most recent magmatic system of the island, an important issue for the volcanic hazard assessment of the area. The RR lava flow is an aphyric rhyolitic coulée consisting of grey and black pumice and black and grey obsidian. Enclaves have ellipsoidal to spheroidal shape and vary from mm-sized in the central portion of the flow, to cm-sized, at the top and in the flow front, where they are also more abundant. Enclaves are shoshonitic-latitic (group A) and trachytic (group B) in composition. The mineralogy of group A consists of dominant clinopyroxene crystals with minor abundance of feldspar (plagioclase > K-feldspar), olivine and biotite, while group B is composed of feldspar (K-feldspar > plagioclase) with minor clinopyroxene, olivine and biotite. Geochemical modeling suggests that the host rhyolitic rocks could be the product of AFC (Assimilation plus Fractional Crystallization) of a magma compositionally similar to the associated shoshonitic-latitic enclaves, which, in turn, could be obtained, through an AFC process, from the primitive melts erupted as olivine hosted melt inclusions during the last 15 ka at Vulcano. The already-known last 42 ka relationship between Lipari and Vulcano Islands is here reinforced until historical time, especially for the last 1 ka. The geochemical and petrological overlap between Lipari and Vulcano is interpreted to reflect the existence of a similar magmatic system underneath the two islands. The nearly aphyric RR rhyolites are interpreted to be the products of a superheated (temperature far above the liquidus) and initially water-undersaturated magma that underwent degassing close to the surface inhibiting microlite crystallization.  相似文献   

西昆仑阿什火山机构及岩石学、矿物学特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
阿什库勒盆地位于NE向阿尔金断裂与NW向康西瓦断裂的"弧形"交会处,构造活动十分活跃,盆地内发育10余座火山,其中阿什火山为该火山群中最新活动的火山。文中从火山地质、熔岩和斑晶成分、显微结构特征及地质温压计4个方面对阿什火山进行了详细研究。结果表明,阿什火山由火山锥和熔岩流组成,锥体由早期的渣锥和晚期的溅落锥组成,熔岩流分布面积约33km2,可划分为4个流动单元。熔岩属于钾玄岩系列,岩性为粗安岩,显微镜下呈斑状结构。斑晶以长石(主要为中长石)和辉石(包括普通辉石、古铜辉石和紫苏辉石)为主;基质为玻璃质、隐晶质、微晶质,部分含有大量的长石和辉石。斑晶与岩浆的平衡温度为1 104~1 194℃,压力为570~980MPa,对应的岩浆房深度为18.92~32.29km。  相似文献   

Dissolution of igneous feldspar and the formation and occurrence of secondary feldspar in tholeiitic basalts from the Hengill volcanic centre, in SW Iceland was studied by microprobe analysis of cuttings from two ca. 2000 m deep geothermal wells. Well NG-7 in Nesjavellir represents a geothermal system in a rift zone where the intensity of young, insignificantly altered intrusions increases with depth. Well KhG-1 in Kolviðarhóll represents the margin of a rift zone where the intensity of intrusives is lower and the intensity of alteration higher. This marginal well represents altered basaltic crust in an early retrograde state. The secondary plagioclase in both wells is mainly oligoclase, occurring in association with K-feldspar and chlorite±actinolite. The texture of this assemblage depends on the lithology and intensity of alteration. In Nesjavellir (NG-7) the composition of secondary albite-oligoclase is correlated with the host-rock composition. This connection is not apparent in more intensely altered samples from Kolviðarhóll (KhG-1). The influence of temperature on composition of secondary Na-feldspar is unclear in both wells although Ca is expected to increase with temperature. Any temperature dependence may be suppressed by the influence of rock composition in Nesjavellir and by retrograde conditions at Kolviðarhóll. The absence of clear compositional gradients between igneous plagioclase and secondary feldspar and between Na-feldspar and K-feldspar suggests that secondary feldspars formed by dissolution precipitation reactions.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山大约 1 000年前的大喷发,形成了巨厚的火山碎屑流堆积层,其主要组成是浮岩与火山灰。以往的研究普遍认为其中的浮岩为灰白色,属流纹质。笔者在考察中发现了不少黑色及少量其它颜色的浮岩,系统地采集了各色样品作浮岩化学成分分析,结果表明,灰白色浮岩与黑色浮岩分别为流纹质和粗面质,灰色浮岩属于粗面质但靠近流纹质端元。它们都来源于地壳岩浆房,是岩浆房内不同分异演化阶段的产物,它们同时喷出说明岩浆房内具有分带性及不同性质岩浆的混合  相似文献   

Floating pumice masses have been observed several times near the central part of Ninety-East Ridge, Indian Ocean, in 1879 and in 1883. The author is of the opinion that the source of these pumice masses cannot have been the volcano Krakatau in the Sunda Strait - as has been suggested earlier by other authors -, but that they originated in situ. Examples of floating pumice observed over submarine volcanoes lying at depths of 1500 m or even more, are mentioned briefly by other authors, suggesting that eruptions in deep water may indeed lead to its formation.The suspected submarine volcano may coincide with an elongated but rather flat elevation a little north of the central part of Ninety-East Ridge. The center of this elevation is located approximately at 6° 05′ S, 89° 10 E. A roughly NW-SE profile of this area shows the presence of this shield-like feature very near the site where floating pumice was seen on three occasions. The inferred submarine volcanic center is lying within the belt of heat flow anomaly (called belt I). A particular “hot spot” with an unusually high heat flow value (7.61 HFU) is located southeast of the feature in question. The heat flow values measured in belt I are well above the world-average. This belt may be the result of the presence of linearly arranged magma chambers at a relatively shallow depth, probably within the oceanic crust. This belt has a length of 1100 km.The seismic activity of the area investigated is similarly remarkable. Numerous powerful shocks have taken place there. Belt I represents the axis of the seismic zone, extending from points b to c (Fig. 5). The seismic belt is regarded as a zone of weakness within which fractures can originate, permitting rock-melts to emerge from depth towards the surface.  相似文献   

 This paper examines the cause of color variations of trachytic pumices which are essentially uniform in chemical composition and proposes a geological model for their formation. A pyroclastic sequence of distinct subunits with brown, buff, and black pumices was deposited during the 5000-B.P. eruption of a tuff ring in the central Meidob volcanic field (Sudan). Subunits of buff pumices locally contain minor amounts of streaky pumice with pale-gray and dark-gray domains. The combined evidence of petrographic studies, chemical analyses of whole pumices and groundmass separates, electron microprobe analyses, optical spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and magnetic susceptibility measurements show that color variations of the pumice clasts are related to the size and distribution of Fe3+-rich oxide microcrysts. Buff pumice and light-gray domains of streaky pumice have a colorless, transparent groundmass with very few microcrysts. Dark-gray domains of streaky pumice contain abundant hematite and/or magnetite microcrysts visible in thin section within a transparent, colorless glass groundmass. The groundmass of the black pumice clasts is brown in thin section which is most likely caused by submicroscopic magnetite microcrysts. Brown pumice clasts have a mixed groundmass consisting of brown domains and domains with opaque microcrysts in transparent glass. Variations in the eruption dynamics have been inferred from lithological observations. Subunits of black pumices are related to eruption pulses with low magma discharge and high water/magma mass ratio, whereas subunits of buff pumice were deposited during eruption pulses with high magma discharge and low water/magma mass ratio. Brown pumices represent the top part of the magma body, and the initial stage of the eruption probably had a low magma discharge. Streaky pumices are interpreted as the product of syn-eruptive mixing of Fe3+-rich oxide microcryst-bearing magma and microcryst-free magma. Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997  相似文献   

Feldspar phenocrysts of silicic volcanic rocks are commonly in Sr-isotopic disequilibrium with groundmass. In some cases the feldspar is more radiogenic, and in others it is less radiogenic. Several explanations have been published previously, but none of these is able to accommodate both senses of disequilibrium. We present a model by which either more- or less-radiogenic feldspar (or even both within a single eruptive unit) can originate. The model requires a magma body open to interaction with biotite- and feldspar-bearing wall rock. Magma is incrementally contaminated as wall rock melts incongruently. Biotite preferentially melts first, followed by feldspar. Such melting behavior, which is supported by both field and experimental studies, first contaminates magma with a relatively radiogenic addition, followed by a less-radiogenic addition. Feldspar phenocrysts lag behind melt (groundmass of volcanic rock) in incorporating the influx of contaminant, thus resulting in Sr-isotopic disequilibrium between the crystals and melt. The sense of disequilibrium recorded in a volcanic rock depends on when eruption quenches the contamination process. This model is testable by isotopic fingerprinting of individual feldspar crystals. For a given set of geologic boundary conditions, specific core-to-rim Sr-isotopic profiles are expectable. Moreover, phenocrysts that nucleate at different times during the contamination process should record different and predictable parts of the history. Initial results of Sr-isotopic fingerprinting of sanidine phenocrysts from the Taylor Creek Rhyolite are consistent with the model. More tests of the model are desirable.  相似文献   

趋势面分析与相干体技术在火山岩预测中的应用   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
根据近年来的研究成果,火山岩顶面在形态上主要呈穹窿状,形成局部隆起的构造圈闭,可利用趋势面分析的方法寻找火山口降起的分布.火山岩气藏往往是复合型气藏,它不仅受火山口的构造控制,还与有利的火山岩储层密切相关,可利用相干体切片技术来圈定有利储层的分布范围.通过这两种技术的结合,既可确定火山口的分布又可圈定有利储层的分布范围...  相似文献   

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