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The reduction and the smoothened amplitudes of the chloride concentrations since 2000 have resulted in a gradual positive development of the aquatic fauna in the River Werra. In the salinized section of the river increasing species numbers have been determined along the salinity gradient, which shows maximum chloride concentrations of about 2500 mg/l, maximum potash concentrations at approximately 200 mg/l, and magnesia concentrations peaked at 320 mg/l. As an immediate consequence of the reduction in salt concentration the immigration of various caddis fly species into the lower River Werra was observed. The Number of taxa per sample rose from 5 to more than 30 in the lower Werra region. Changes in species-richness could be seen more frequently in river sections where chloride concentrations fluctuated around 1500 mg/l.  相似文献   

The evolutions of diatom floras and the total phosphorous (TP) concentrations in the historical period were reconstructed for two lakes, Longgan and Taibai in the middle Yangtze River, based on high resolutional fossil diatom study from two sediment cores and an established regional diatom-TP transfer function. The TP concentration in Longgan Lake changed slightly in the range of 36–62 μg/L and kept its middle trophic level in the past 200 years. The changes of diatom assemblages reflect a macrophyte-dominated history of the lake. During the nineteenth century, the lake TP concentration increased comparatively, corresponding to the increase in abundance of benthic diatoms. The progressive increase of epiphytic diatoms since the onset of the twentieth century indicates the development of aquatic plants, coinciding with the twice drops of water TP level. The TP concentration in Taibai Lake kept a stable status about 50 μg/L before 1953 AD, while diatoms dominated by facultative planktonic Aulacoseira granulata shifted quickly to epiphytic diatom species, indicating a rapid expansion of aquatic vegetation. During 1953–1970 AD, the coverage of aquatic plants decreased greatly inferred by the low abundance of epiphytic diatoms as well as declined planktonic types, and the reconstructed TP concentration shows an obvious rising trend firstly, suggesting the beginning of the lake eutrophication. The lake was in the eutrophic condition after 1970, coinciding with the successive increase of planktonic diatoms. The comparison of the two lakes suggests the internal adjustment and purification function of aquatic plants for nutrients in water. The discrepancy of TP trends in the two lakes after 1960 reflects two different patterns of lake environmental response to human disturbance. Sediments in Taibai Lake clearly recorded the process of lake ecological transformation from the macrophyte-dominated stage to the algae-dominated stage. The limits of TP concentration (68–118 μg/L) in the transitional state can be considered as the critical value between the two stable ecosystems. Further work will be necessary to provide more evidence from the sediments in more eutrophic lakes for the primary inference. The reconstructive TP level and the inference of aquatic plants from fossil diatoms in different lakes, as well as their comparison provide a scientific basis for ecological restoration of eutrophic lakes in research regions.  相似文献   

The evolutions of diatom floras and the total phosphorous (TP) concentrations in the historical period were reconstructed for two lakes, Longgan and Taibai in the middle Yangtze River,based on high resolutional fossil diatom study from two sediment cores and an established regional diatom-TP transfer function. The TP concentration in Longgan Lake changed slightly in the range of 36-62 μg/L and kept its middle trophic level in the past 200 years. The changes of diatom assemblages reflect a macrophyte-dominated history of the lake. During the nineteenth century, the lake TP concentration increased comparatively, corresponding to the increase in abundance of benthic diatoms. The progressive increase of epiphytic diatoms since the onset of the twentieth century indicates the development of aquatic plants, coinciding with the twice drops of water TP level. The TP concentration in Taibai Lake kept a stable status about 50 μg/L before 1953 AD, while diatoms dominated by facultative planktonic Aulacoseira granulata shifted quickly to epiphytic diatom species, indicating a rapid expansion of aquatic vegetation. During 1953-1970 AD, the coverage of aquatic plants decreased greatly inferred by the low abundance of epiphytic diatoms as well as declined planktonic types, and the reconstructed TP concentration shows an obvious rising trend firstly, suggesting the beginning of the lake eutrophication. The lake was in the eutrophic condition after 1970, coinciding with the successive increase of planktonic diatoms. The comparison of the two lakes suggests the internal adjustment and purification function of aquatic plants for nutrients in water. The discrepancy of TP trends in the two lakes after 1960 reflects two different patterns of lake environmental response to human disturbance. Sediments in Taibai Lake clearly recorded the process of lake ecological transformation from the macrophyte-dominated stage to the algae-dominated stage. The limits of TP concentration (68-118 μg/L) in the transitional state can be considered as the critical value between the two stable ecosystems. Further work will be necessary to provide more evidence from the sediments in more eutrophic lakes for the primary inference. The reconstructive TP level and the inference of aquatic plants from fossil diatoms in different lakes, as well as their comparison provide a scientific basis for ecological restoration of eutrophic lakes in research regions.  相似文献   

长江下游湖泊水生植物现状及与水环境因子的关系   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
研究水生植物分布与环境因子的关系可为富营养化湖泊的生态修复提供重要科学依据.通过对长江下游10个不同营养水平湖泊的水生植物群落组成和环境状况进行野外调查,研究了长江下游湖泊主要水生植物分布状况及水环境因子对水生植物分布的影响.调查发现长江下游10个代表性湖泊主要水生植物共计6科7属11种,主要生活型为沉水植物.水生植物群落组成与环境因子的冗余分析结果显示,总氮、pH值和水深是显著影响这些不同营养水平湖泊水生植物分布的主导因子.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal changes in the Lena River runoff over the last 9 thousand years are reconstructed through studying the freshwater microfossils in sediment cores obtained from the Laptev Sea inner shelf immediately adjacent to the Lena delta and subject to the freshening effect of river water inflowing the sea through the main arms of the delta (the Trofimovskaya, Bykovskaya, and Tumatskaya arms), the sediments having been thoroughly AMS 14C dated. The freshwater species of diatoms (predominantly the river ones) and green algae that enter the shelf with river water served as indicators of river runoff. The reconstruction of paleosalinity of the sea surface water in the regions under study is based on the relationships (established earlier) between the distribution of freshwater diatoms in the surface layers of sediments in the Arctic seas and the gradients of water salinity in summer. Data on variations in the composition of aquatic microfossil associations in sediments and the reconstructed paleosalinity in the regions of the eastern and western paleovalleys of the Lena River are used to determine the main paleohydrologic events that controlled the variations in the Lena runoff into the shelf zone of the Laptev Sea during the Holocene.  相似文献   

In two survey phases (2003 and 2008) organic, nutrient and salt contamination parameters have been investigated in the lower Werra in order to estimate the importance of these different kinds of pollution for the quality component of macroinvertebrates according to the European Water Framework Directive. The chemical and biological investigations have been carried out comparing a “reference” section without salt contamination with the salt contaminated section due to the potash mining industry from Vacha to Hannoversch Münden close to the mouth of the Werra. The results show that the drastic differences between the macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Werra upstream and downstream the salt contaminated sections are clearly caused by the salt load. The other kinds of chemical impacts are not responsible for the observed fundamental change within the composition of the benthic invertebrate assemblage. General degradation of stream morphology, indicated by macroinvertebrates, shows a good ecological status for the non-salt-contaminated part of the river and a bad status for the salt contaminated sites of the lower Werra.  相似文献   

于1993-19954上对武汉东湖的布和网围受控生态系统中的植被恢复,结构优化及水质进行了初步研究。结果表明;在受控生态系统中,水生维管束植物生物量明显增加,控制养殖规模是恢复水生植被的前提,自然恢复的水生植被,结构较简单,通过选种优良植物,可优化植被结构,加速植被恢复进程;恢复水生植被时,应以沉水植物为主体。生长良好的水生维管束能使水中N,P浓度明显降低,浮游植物生物量减小;莲,芦苇,苦草,狐尾  相似文献   

Under the influence of the wastewaters of the potash industry the Werra river shows considerably varying salt contents (0.47 … 28.2 g/l Cl?, annual means 4.4 … 11.4 g/l Cl?) in dependence on the hydrological situation. Between 1982 and 1988 a total of 112 taxa of diatoms were observed. Of special interest is the occurrence of Stauroneis constricta (EHRENBERG) CLEVE, which is new for the river Werra. Its spreading upstream was observed. Compared with earlier findings as well as within each annual cycle there are observed clear changes in the species present and in the colonization structures in dependence on the salt content. The close relations between the salt content and the diatom communities are truly expressed by the index of halobic organisms. Diversity indices of 1.048 … 3.259 as well as values of 0.074 … 0.817 for evenness verify the imbalance of the colonization, without, however, revealing a relation to the salt content, except for variations of concentration which may be too sudden.  相似文献   

巢湖流域水生植物多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水生植物在浅水湖泊或河流生态系统中具有非常重要的作用.通过2次野外实地调查,对巢湖流域水生植物物种的区系组成和多样性进行初步分析.结果表明:巢湖流域水生植物共有43科85属123种(含种下分类单位,下同),其中蕨类植物有5科6属6种,被子植物38科77属117种,在被子植物中双子叶植物25科39属63种,单子叶植物13科40属54种.水禾(Hygroryza aristata)为安徽省首次记录;以禾本科(Gramineae)、蓼科(Polygonaceae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)等为优势科;以蓼属(Polygonum)、眼子菜属(Potamogeton)和菱属(Trapa)等为优势属,属的组成比较分散,寡种属和单种属占总属数的96.5%;以喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、菹草(Potamogeton crispus)、菱(Trapa sp.)、金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)和黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)等为优势种;从分布区类型看,在科级水平上有6个类型,科的分布区类型以世界广布最多,达55.81%,热带分布的科(11科)多于温带分布的科(8科);在属级水平上有13个类型,属的分布区类型以世界广布最多(36.47%),其次是泛热带分布(20.0%);从不同流域来看,水生植物物种多样性以白石天河流域最高,店埠河南淝河流域最低,这可能与南淝河水质污染比较严重有一定的关系.  相似文献   

Population growth in urban areas is putting pressure on sewage treatment plants. The improper treatment of sewage entering the aquatic ecosystems causes deterioration of the water quality of the receiving water body. The effect of sewage effluent on the Sand River was assessed. Eight sampling sites were selected, site 1 and 2 were upstream of the sewage treatment plant along the urbanised area of Polokwane, whilst sites 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 were downstream. The physico-chemical parameters and coliform counts in the water samples were determined. The suitability of the water for irrigation was also determined. Hierarchical average linkage cluster analysis produced two clusters, grouping two sites above the sewage treatment works and six sites downstream of the sewage effluent discharge point. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified total nitrogen, total phosphorus, conductivity and salinity as the major factors contributing to the variability of the Sand River water quality. These factors are strongly associated with the downstream sites. Canonial correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated the macroinvertebrates, Chironomidae, Belastomatidae, Chaoborus and Hirudinea being strongly associated with nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity and temperature. Escherichia coli levels in the Polokwane wastewater treatment works maturation ponds, could potentially lead to contamination of the Polokwane aquifer. The Sodium Adsorption Ratio was between 1.5 and 3.0 and residual sodium carbonate was below 1.24 Meq/l, indicating that the Sand River water is still suitable for irrigation. The total phosphorus concentrations fluctuated across the different site. Total nitrogen concentrations showed a gradual decrease downstream from the point of discharge. This shows that the river still has a good self-purification capacity.  相似文献   

近百年来长江中下游地区的浅水湖泊经历了气候变化及日益增强的人类扰动,造成了普遍的湖泊富营养化、水动力条件和水生生态系统的状态转变,水体的生态服务功能明显退化.枝角类作为一种重要的水生生物,敏感地响应于湖泊及其流域的环境变化,但目前对亚热带湖泊中的枝角类亚化石的环境指示意义,与其它古生态指标如硅藻、摇蚊等对环境变化的响应差异尚未明确.因此,本文以浅水湖泊太白湖为研究对象,结合流域历史资料和监测数据,基于沉积岩芯中枝角类群落过去百年来的期演化序列,重建了近百年来太白湖的历史环境演变过程及机制.对比硅藻及摇蚊的群落演化特征,探讨了多门类古生态指标对环境变化的响应差异.本文重点讨论了枝角类对湖泊鱼类产量指示意义及利用枝角类亚化石来重建历史环境的应用前景及不足.  相似文献   

A laterally averaged two-dimensional numerical model is used to simulate hydrodynamics and cohesive sediment transport in the Tanshui River estuarine system. The model handles tributaries as well as the main stem of the estuarine system. Observed time series of salinity data and tidally averaged salinity distributions have been compared with model results to calibrate the turbulent diffusion coefficients. The overall model verification is achieved with comparisons of residual currents and salinity distribution. The model reproduces the prototype water surface elevation, currents and salinity distributions. Comparisons of the suspended cohesive sediment concentrations calculated by the numerical model and the field data at various stations show good agreement. The validated model is applied to investigate the tidally averaged salinity distributions, residual circulation and suspended sediment concentration under low flow conditions in the Tanshui River estuarine system. The model results show that the limit of salt intrusion in the mainstem estuary is located at Hsin-Hai bridge in Tahan Stream, 26 km from the River mouth under Q75 flow. The null point is located at the head of salt intrusion, using 1 ppt isohaline as an indicator. The tidally averaged sediment concentration distribution exhibits a local maximum around the null point.  相似文献   

Alteration of water flows and consequent hypersalinization caused the death of nearly 70% of mangroves at the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Efforts to rehabilitate the ecosystem have been made through the construction of freshwater channels. Mangrove recovery was observed along a freshwater channel and at a small lagoon behind the beach ridge. Factors identified in this study influencing mangrove regeneration are: salinity of surface water, duration and height of flooding, leaching property of soils, dispersal of propagules and presence of fertile trees. Besides mangrove regeneration, a notable extension of freshwater plants was observed in the channel. Trace metal concentrations in sediments from the Magdalena River and its area of influence were investigated before the complete opening of the first channel. A relative comparison indicated that the highest concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn were above international recommended limits. However, metal concentrations found in sediments at Clarín Channel did not affect the mangrove recovery.  相似文献   

In two test series, for which 10 and 2 … 4 g/1 wet matter of higher and lower aquatic plants from the lake Baikal and from the waters in the surroundings of Irkutsk were used, phenol solutions having concentrations of 10?3 … 10?5 M (1 … 5 mg/1) were applied. During the investigations the possible error clue to the presence of microorganisms was eliminated. The phenol decomposition by aquatic plants proceeds as a first-order reaction. The results of analyses are summarized in several tables and graphical representations.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis of longitudinal variations in phytoplankton compositions from a eutrophic lake to its river downstream and determine the length of the transition zone, we applied functional groups as well as taxonomical methods to this coupled aquatic system, which is composed of the Dianchi Lake upstream and the Tanglang River downstream, by sampling at 9 stations during Microcystis blooms in the Dianchi Lake in 2013. The longitudinal variations in phytoplankton compositions from lacustrine species to fluvial species were reflected by: (1) the shift from Microcystis to Chlorococcales green algae and centric diatoms; (2) the shift from the dominance of codon M to the coexistence of a variety of coda without one outstanding codon; and (3) except for codon M, the shift from lacustrine coda (H1, LO, T) towards coda that are adapted to both lacustrine and fluvial circumstances (MP, X1, X2). The prominent difference of phytoplankton compositions between the Dianchi Lake and the lower reaches of the Tanglang River revealed that there was a transition zone in between. The upper and middle reaches of the Tanglang River with a length of approximately 26.4 km were considered the transition zone because: (1) the dominant lentic codon M in the Dianchi Lake disappeared at the lower reaches of the river; (2) the amount of codon P that is sensitive to stratification rose at the beginning of the river; and (3) the codon T, which is well adapted to the persistently mixed layer or epilimnia of lakes, lost a large number of biomass at the upper and middle reaches of the Tanglang River. In this study, we found that the eutrophic lake had a significant influence on the river downstream. In addition, we found that functional groups were sensitive to the changes of external aquatic conditions and helpful in determining the length of the transition zone.  相似文献   

南水北调东线一期工程实施后,作为输水沿线上最大调蓄湖泊的洪泽湖,其水位将提高0.5m,并趋于稳定。这一结果对该湖的水生生物及其生态环境方面产生一定的影响。研究结果表明,透明度,pH值在某些湖区将有所降低,而敞水区无变化;短时间调水,湖水中营养盐含量基本无改变,但长时间连续调水,无机氮化合物将增加,可溶性磷下降,浮游生物数量仅在局部湖区有增减,全湖无大的差异;腹足类下降而河蚬数量将增加;水生维管束植物全湖生物量将减少;敞水性的鱼类增加,草食性鱼类或以水生维管束植物为产卵基质的鱼产量将下降。  相似文献   

In coastal zones globally, salinization is rapidly taking place due to the combined effects of sea level rise, land subsidence, altered hydrology, and climate change. Although increased salinity levels are known to have a great impact on both biogeochemical and hydrological processes in aquatic sediments, only few studies have included both types of processes and their potential interactions. In the present paper, we used a controlled 3‐year experimental mesocosm approach to test salinity induced interactions and discuss mechanisms explaining the observed hydrological changes. Surface water salinity was experimentally increased from 14 to 140 mmol Cl per L (0.9 and 9 PSU) by adding sea salt which increased pore water salinity but also increased sulfate reduction rates, leading to higher sulfide, and lower methane concentrations. By analyzing slug test data with different slug test analysis methods, we were able to show that hydraulic conductivity of the hyporheic zone increased 2.8 times by salinization. Based on our hydrological and biogeochemical measurements, we conclude that the combination of pore dilation and decreased methane production rates were major controls on the observed increase in hydraulic conductivity. The slug test analysis method comparison allowed to conclude that the adjusted Bouwer and Rice method results in the most reliable estimate of the hydraulic conductivity for hyporheic zones. Our work shows that both physical and biogeochemical processes are vital to explain and predict hydrological changes related to the salinization of hyporheic zones in coastal wetlands and provides a robust methodological approach for doing so.  相似文献   

岱海水生生物种类贫乏,生物量低,渔产力不高,优化岱海水体生物群落组成,引种耐低温、耐盐碱的水生植和藻类,改善水体环境调整鱼类种群结构是渔业发展的重要措施。  相似文献   

Sediment quality of the lower St. Johns River (LSJR) estuary, Florida was evaluated using synoptic data on benthic community structure, levels of potential stressors (chemical contaminants, ammonia and sulfide), and other basic habitat characteristics (depth, dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature) collected at seven stations, three times a year from July 2000-July 2002. Un-ionized ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were detected at toxic levels on at least one sampling occasion at four stations. Chemical contamination of sediment at probable bioeffect levels also was observed at four stations. Concentrations of pesticides or other chemical substances typically associated with human activities (e.g., PCBs) were detectable at all stations, though not always present at concentrations likely of causing significant bioeffects. A total of 251 taxa and 9783 individuals were identified and enumerated from the benthic infaunal samples. Polychaete worms and molluscs dominated the benthic fauna at all seven stations. The opportunistic and pollution-tolerant polychaete Streblospio benedicti was the most abundant species overall (from all samples combined), appearing as a dominant at five of the seven stations. Overall, the sites sampled as part of this study indicate a highly stressed benthos resulting from multiple anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

Cross-taxon responses to elevated nutrients in European streams and lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Few studies have compared the response of different taxonomic groups to environmental stress across aquatic ecosystems. We regressed assemblage structure of fish, invertebrates, macrophytes, phytoplankton and benthic diatoms to total phosphorus concentration, after removing the effect of ecosystem size (stream order, lake surface area), using data from 66 streams and 45 lakes across Europe. In streams, the structure of benthic diatom assemblages, measured by nonmetric multidimensional scaling, showed the strongest correlation to elevated nutrient concentrations (adj. R2 = 0.495), followed by benthic invertebrates (0.376), fish (0.181) and macrophytes (0.153). For lakes, the patterns were less clear: fish (0.155), macrophytes (0.146) and phytoplankton (0.132). Cross-system comparison showed that stream assemblages were responding more strongly to nutrient concentrations than lake assemblages. Moreover, our results lend some support to the conjecture that response signatures are related to trophic level, with primary producers (benthic diatoms) responding more strongly than consumers (invertebrates, fish). Knowledge of differences in responses among taxonomic groups and between habitats to disturbance can be used to design more cost-effective monitoring programs.  相似文献   

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