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林莉  董磊  潘雄  杨文俊 《湖泊科学》2023,35(2):411-422
三峡水库举世瞩目,是长江保护与治理的关键性枢纽工程,水库自2003年蓄水运行后库区水沙条件均发生了显著改变,对库区水生态环境产生了深远影响。本文系统综述了三峡水库蓄水运行后库区的水流动力特性和泥沙淤积特性,总结了蓄水后水库的新水沙运动情况;从水库蓄水运行后水质参数特征,营养物质、重金属和典型有毒有机污染物的赋存特征等方面,分析了三峡水库库区新水沙变化条件下的水环境响应特征;基于水库蓄水前后浮游植物、底栖动物等重点生物群落的现存量和群落特征变化规律,探索了三峡水库新水沙变化条件下库区的水生态响应特征;最后对未来三峡水库运行下的水生态环境效应研究提出展望,本文可为三峡水库水生态环境保护科学研究和管理提供新的认识和决策参考。  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水后支流大宁河水华频发,为了揭示水库蓄水以来,大宁河富营养化变化趋势以及水华暴发期间水动力等环境因子的影响特征,自2005年长期跟踪监测大宁河的水质状况,并于2010年针对东坪坝库湾2次典型水华事件,初步探讨了水华暴发期间的主要影响因素.结果表明:2005年以来,大宁河水体处于中度营养状态,水质尚好,但低估了水华敏感期的富营养化状况.东坪坝3月水华暴发期间,叶绿素a浓度与流速呈显著负相关,与pH、DO也呈显著相关,表明在此次水华期间,流速对藻细胞的增殖或聚集产生直接或间接的影响,pH和DO是引起水华暴发的主要水质因子;5月水华暴发期间,叶绿素a浓度与流速呈显著负相关,与流量呈显著正相关,同时与pH、透明度(SD)呈显著相关,表明在这次水华期间,流速和流量都对藻细胞增殖或聚集产生直接或间接的影响,pH和SD成为水质敏感因子.3月和5月水华暴发时间分别处于水库高水位运行期和泄水期,这可能是导致水华影响因子不同的主要原因,但具体机理还有待于进一步研究.本文结果表明在三峡水库调度运行的不同阶段支流库湾水华暴发的机制不同,需要针对不同时段支流库湾水环境特征分别加以调查研究.  相似文献   

三峡水库香溪河初级生产力及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2013 2014年采用黑白瓶测氧法对香溪河不同站点(上、中、下游及其支流库湾)和不同水深(0.5、1.0、2.0、5.0和10.0 m)的初级生产力进行原位测定.结果显示:(1)三峡水库蓄水后香溪河水域初级生产力具有显著的空间差异,支流和上游的总初级生产力大于中、下游,下游的初级生产力水平最低;初级生产力随着水深增加呈现逐渐减少的趋势;(2)初级生产力具有显著的季节差异,春、夏季显著高于秋、冬季;(3)光照强度、水温和天气对初级生产力有显著影响,水体叶绿素浓度与初级生产力极显著相关.结果显示,蓄水后改变的水文情势将香溪河的初级生产划分为明显不同的两个区域,水动力条件成为影响初级生产力的重要因子;依据初级生产力判断香溪河为富营养、自养代谢型水体.  相似文献   

稳定分层的深水水库常在冬季发生“翻库”现象,继而导致水库的整体水质下降,影响饮用水安全问题。为探究南方水库热分层消亡时期水体混合特征,在冬季2019年11月—2020年2月对南宁市天雹水库水体理化指标开展长序列原位监测,并结合水体垂直扩散系数,分时期(热分层期、减弱期、完全混合期、形成期)刻画水库热分层消亡全过程中水温T、溶解氧DO的剖面变化特征,探讨了气象因子(气温、太阳辐射、风速等)与水动力因子(水体垂直扩散系数Kz)对水体理化指标的影响。结果显示:桉树人工林区水库热分层消亡期温度分层与溶解氧分层变化不同步,溶解氧分层的破坏较水温分层的破坏出现滞后,其结构失稳是气温及太阳辐射共同作用的结果;期间水体垂直扩散系数变化范围0.16~380.36 m2/d,均值为30.46 m2/d,表层Kz变化的主要控制因子为气温变化,且较T及DO而言,表层Kz对气温的变化更加敏感(RKz=-0.44,RT=0.25,R  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水以来,支流小江呈富营养化加重的趋势,且多次暴发春季水华.水库蓄水以后支流流速变缓,水体滞留时间增加,是引发支流水华的主要因素之一.基于MIKE软件,建立小江调节坝下游至河口的二维水动力-富营养化模型,考虑碳、氮、磷3种元素在浮游植物有机体、死亡腐屑和无机盐中的循环转化,模拟小江河段的春季水华过程.分析小江生态调节坝的水量调节抑藻作用,即人为制造"洪水脉冲",增加短时间内的水流流速,对下游流场进行扰动以控制水华.计算结果表明,增大泄水量对调节坝下游的小江河段的春季藻华总体上具有一定的抑制作用.小江上游河段调度作用效果明显,下游高阳至入汇口河段调节作用较小,上游调节坝水力调度可以作为三峡水库支流水华应急治理措施之一.营养盐控制应该是控制支流水华的根本措施.  相似文献   

甲烷(CH4)对全球温室效应有着较大的贡献。三峡水库自2003年蓄水以来,其CH4排放问题已受到广泛关注。但三峡水库反季节的运行方式,使支流库湾CH4的产生和传输过程受到多方面的影响,进而导致其CH4排放效应尚不十分明确。本文综述了三峡水库支流CH4排放的研究进展,典型支流的CH4排放通量普遍高于干流,位于三峡水库库尾的部分支流CH4排放通量高于三峡水库库首及库中支流。大多数典型支流的CH4通量在夏季均达到全年峰值,而在冬季高水位运行期均处于相对较低的水平。同时本文主要从水环境条件、水动力条件、人类活动及气象条件4个方面阐述了三峡水库支流CH4排放的影响因素。1)水环境条件:支流水华后藻类衰亡分解过程会驱动CH4释放,且藻类的演替过程会加剧CH4的产生;温度可以直接影响CH4的生成速率和消耗速率,也能通过促进藻的生长间接影响CH4排放;支流相对较低的甲烷氧化菌丰度是其CH4通量较高的原因之一。2)水动力条件:蓄水期CH4主要以扩散的方式进行释放,支流较低的流速促进了悬浮物的沉积,上游沉积物中的CH4含量高于下游;泄水期CH4主要以冒泡的方式进行释放,下游沉积物中TOC急剧增加,但干流的入侵会削弱支流的温度分层,破坏藻类生长环境,间接影响CH4通量。3)人类活动:农业耕作使支流水体中的营养物浓度增加,甲烷氧化菌的丰富度降低,细菌群落的营养相关代谢增强;建设用地扩大、支流筑坝增加抑制了有机物的传输,增加了水体中的产CH4底物,促进了CH4的产生。4)气象条件:降雨会携带更多营养物质进入支流,同时会增加水体浊度、破坏水体的温度分层,从而对CH4的产生和传输过程造成影响。最后对未来的研究热点进行了展望,以期为三峡水库CH4排放的控制和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

为探究在三峡水库特殊分层异重流背景下降雨对水华消退的影响,以香溪河为例,对库湾降雨前后水动力、生态环境因子开展连续三维立体跟踪监测。结果表明:降雨对水华的消退作用显著,降雨后香溪河库湾叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度明显下降。热分层稳定指数(RWCS/H)变化不大,库湾近河口处分层较弱、中上游分层较强的特性并未随此次降雨发生较大变动。受降雨影响,藻类在表层水体聚集程度降低,藻类聚集度指数(MI)、微藻群体平均深度(MRD)下降。库湾流态随降雨发生而变得复杂,库湾水体浊度明显增加,异重流倒灌形式由近表层倒灌向中下层倒灌转变,雨后又逐渐转变为中层倒灌,长江干流水体倒灌进入库湾的影响范围、潜入深度增加。水体水平输移增强,分散下沉的藻类易随水体环流流出库湾,水华消退。雨后库湾入库流量增加,大部分上游来流依旧由上层流向河口,与中层倒灌异重流形成逆时针环流,藻类无法在表层水体稳定生长,库湾Chl.a浓度能在较长时间内保持较低水平,不会再次迅速暴发水华。  相似文献   

水库或湖泊的热分层结构是其动力与环境过程的重要研究方面,虽然很多学者针对水体分层结构和演变机理开展了大量研究,但水体通过水-气界面与大气进行热交换的过程,各气象因子的贡献机理等研究成果还很缺乏。本文基于三峡水库香溪河库湾2019年3月-2020年2月期间的水温、水位及气象等监测数据,针对水-气界面热交换过程如何影响水温垂向结构及表层水体湍流混合作用开展研究。结果表明,(1)香溪河水体年内呈高温期分层、低温期混合的基本特征,高温期混合层深度小于8 m,低温期混合层深度超过30 m。(2)太阳短波辐射是香溪河水体的主要热源,潜热通量和长波辐射是香溪河水体的主要冷源,感热通量贡献极小。(3)香溪河平均风速较弱,约为1.6 m/s,主要通过增强潜热和感热通量的方式影响水体垂向稳定性结构特征,其机械扰动作用较弱。(4)表层水体湍能通量在高温期较低(10-7m3/s3量级),此时水体处于分层状态,风应力大概率主导表层水体湍流发育;低温期表层水体湍能通量较高(10-6 m3/s3<...  相似文献   

为查明三峡水库蓄水初期典型支流水-气界面CO_2和CH_4通量的日变化特征,采用LGR在线分析仪-通量箱法,于2015年9月初在库腹一级支流草堂河回水区开展连续24 h的定位观测.结果表明,24 h监测期内,支流库湾水-气界面CO_2通量变幅为-81.642~180.991 mg/(m~2·h),呈"昼吸夜放"特征,均值为17.346 mg/(m~2·h),总体为释放特征;CH_4全天均表现为释放状态,释放通量均值为0.064 mg/(m~2·h),呈"昼弱夜强"变化.相关分析结果表明,CH_4和CO_2释放通量与风速呈正相关,与表层水温、溶解氧浓度、叶绿素a浓度呈负相关,说明风速物理扰动、浮游植物光合作用是控制草堂河水-气界面气体通量最重要的环境因素.同时,干-支流相互作用形成的特殊水环境(如异重流、水温分层)也与水-气界面温室气体通量过程密切相关,但是其作用机制更为复杂,应开展进一步系统观测和深入研究.  相似文献   

溶解氧(DO)是水体能否维持生态平衡的重要指标,是湖泊初级生产力与水动力条件的综合反映.研究DO及其分层的季节变化对认识湖库的富营养化过程有重要意义.本研究以天目湖沙河水库为例,运用西澳大学开发的三维水动力水质模型——ELCOM-CAEDYM对天目湖的水温、DO和总磷(TP)进行了为期1年的数值模拟.结果表明,模型较好地模拟出了水体温度和DO分层过程以及TP的时空分布,3个指标在水体表层、中层和底层的模拟值与实测值拟合良好,均方根误差分别在1.8℃、1.8 mg/L和0.003 mg/L以内,Nash-Sutcliffe有效性系数均在0.7以上,相对误差均低于10%.沙河水库不同季节的DO垂向分层与温跃层协同变化:冬季垂向混合;春季(4月)温跃层开始发育,底部出现氧不足;夏季(7月)温跃层位于4~10 m之间,同时底部低氧区(DO<2 mg/L)面积达35%;秋季(9月末)低氧区随着温跃层的消失而消失;冬季再次垂向混合.全湖DO和TP的时空分布表明,南半库区磷的来源主要是外源输入,而北半库区磷的来源主要是由水体底部低氧导致的磷内源释放.DO季节分层还有可能通过影响藻类活动而对水环境造成影响.  相似文献   

Seasonal and annual trends of changes in rainfall, rainy days, heaviest rain and relative humidity have been studied over the last century for nine different river basins in northwest and central India. The majority of river basins have shown increasing trends both in annual rainfall and relative humidity. The magnitude of increased rainfall for considered river basins varied from 2–19% of mean per 100 years. The maximum increase in rainfall is observed in the Indus (lower) followed by the Tapi river basin. Seasonal analysis shows maximum increase in rainfall in the post‐monsoon season followed by the pre‐monsoon season. There were least variations in the monsoon rainfall during the last century and winter rainfall has shown a decreasing trend. Most of the river basins have experienced decreasing trends in annual rainy days with a maximum decrease in the Mahanadi basin. The heaviest rain of the year has increased from 9–27 mm per 100 years over different river basins with a maximum of 27 mm for the Brahamani and Subaranrekha river basins. A combination of increase in heaviest rainfall and reduction in the number of rainy days suggest the possibility of increasing severity of floods. Such information is useful in the planning, development and management of water resources in the study area. Further, the majority of river basins have also experienced an increasing trend in relative humidity both on seasonal and annual scales. An increase in annual mean relative humidity for six river basins has been found in the range of 1–18% of mean per 100 years, while a decrease for three river basins from ? 1 to ? 13% of mean per 100 years was observed, providing a net increase in the study area by 2·4% of mean per 100 years. It is understood that an increase in areal extent of vegetation cover as well as rainfall over the last century has increased the moisture in the atmosphere through enhanced evapotranspiration, which in turn has increased the relative humidity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although changes in rainfall characteristics have been noted across the world, few studies have reported those in mountainous areas. This study was undertaken to clarify spatial and temporal variations in rainfall characteristics such as annual rainfall amount (Pr), mean daily rainfall intensity (η), and ratio of rain days (λ) in mountainous and lowland areas in Taiwan. To this aim, we examined spatial and year‐to‐year variations and marginal long‐term trends in Pr, η, and λ, based on rainfall data from 120 stations during the period 1978–2008. The period mean rainfall () at the lowland stations had strong relationships with the period mean daily rainfall intensity () and the period mean ratio of rain days () during those 31 years. Meanwhile, was only strongly related to at mountainous stations, indicating that influences on spatial variations in were different between lowland and mountainous stations. Year‐to‐year variations in Pr at each station were primarily determined from the variation in η at most stations for both lowland and mountainous stations. Long‐term trend analysis showed that Pr and η increased significantly at 10% and 31% of the total 120 stations, respectively, and λ decreased significantly at 6% of the total. The increases in Pr were mostly accompanied by increases in η. Although stations with significant η increases were slightly biased toward the western lowland area, increases or decreases in Pr and λ were not common. These results contribute to understanding the impacts of possible climate changes on terrestrial hydrological cycles. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Phosphorus flux models show that the removal tends to be a common feature in polluted estuarine systems whereas the release of P to the adjacent coastal area occurs in pristine environments. This study analyzes the distribution of P in water and sediments along six rivers in the south coast of Brazil. Three rivers located inside protected areas were considered non-polluted and used as a control of urbanization. The other three, situated within urbanized areas, were considered as having highly elevated concentrations of P. Results showed a different behavior of P in water and sediments located in urbanized and non-urbanized areas. The concentrations of dissolved organic (P-org) and inorganic (P-inorg) phosphorus in water, and the total phosphorus (P-tot) and polyphosphate (P-poly) in sediments where higher in the urbanized rivers compared to the non-urbanized ones. Both P of punctual origin and of diffuse origin contributed to the maintenance of elevated concentrations and disturbed the natural fluxes along the polluted rivers. The minimum and maximum concentrations in urbanized areas varied from 0.39 to 12.45 (microM) for P-org and 0.00 to 5.92 (microM) for P-inorg in water, and in sediments from 89.90 to 808.16 (microM g(-1)) for P-tot and 0.00 to 76.51 (microM g(-1)) for P-poly. In non-urbanized areas concentrations in water varied from 0.22 to 1.20 (microM) for P-inorg and 4.43 to 5.56 (microM) for P-org, and in sediments from 45.91 to 652.26 (microM g(-1)) for P-tot and 0.00 to 8.61 (microM g(-1)) for P-poly. Using a hierarchical sampling design and a simple model of variation of P (K(d) model) it was possible to demonstrate that urbanized and non-urbanized estuaries may act as sinks or sources of P. The variation of P analysis in different points along each of the six rivers showed that release and removal areas may occur within a same river independently of its urbanization.  相似文献   

Atsushi  Matsuoka 《Island Arc》1995,4(2):140-153
Abstract A radiolarian zonal scheme for the entire Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous using biostratigraphic data from both Japanese Island sections and the western Pacific seafloor is documented. The zonation is applicable to low and middle paleolatitude portions of the Paleo-Pacific ocean. Radiolarian bio-events such as the evolutionary first appearance biohorizon, first occurrence biohorizon, and last occurrence biohorizon were used to define zones. The 11 zones proposed are, in ascending order, Parahsuum simplum, Trillus elkhornensis, Laxtorum(?) jurassicum, Tricolocapsa plicarum, Tricolocapsa conexa, Stylocapsa(?) spiralis, Hsuum maxwelli, Pseudodictyomitra primitiva, Pseudodictyomitra carpatica, Cecrops sep-temporatus, and Acanthocircus carinatus zones. Preliminary age assignments for these zones are presented.  相似文献   

This Special Issue of Earth Surface Processes and Landforms develops from the ‘Geomorphology: a 2020 Vision’ Annual Conference of the British Society for Geomorphology, organised at the University of Birmingham, UK, in July 2007. Entitled ‘New Developments in Process Understanding and Modelling in Geomorphology’, the Issue comprises a vibrant selection of 10 ‘process’ papers from leading researchers in geomorphological processes who presented at Birmingham. It aims to provide a readily accessible source of new and emerging ideas in understanding different landform processes across a range of space and time scales, based on innovations in geomorphological modelling and monitoring. The last few years have seen significant and exciting changes in geomorphology, especially in conceptual developments, numerical simulations, monitoring methodologies, data‐acquisition strategies and dating techniques. The resultant empirical datasets, theory development and modelling results have generated substantial advances in the understanding of geomorphological processes, form‐process feedbacks, scale impacts, long‐term landform evolution, the effects of climate and environmental change, and human impacts and management strategies. The Special Issue attempts to address the following key challenges: (a) to build on our Conference theme ‘Geomorphology: a 2020 Vision’, by identifying fundamental areas where doors need to be opened, for example in theory development, conceptual understanding, model evaluation, integration of the chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics of geomorphological processes, experimental validation, data needs and monitoring requirements; (b) to look forward to the next decade and beyond, and critically examine some of the approaches we will need for the questions ahead; and (c) to stimulate new research in the geomorphological sciences by highlighting both research gaps and promising developments, including emerging process modelling approaches, monitoring technologies and robust datasets. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

我国油气资源勘探开发中存在的主要问题及对策   总被引:30,自引:22,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文对中国石油、天然气资源作了重点的介绍.强调了这些资源对我国国民经济和国防建设的重要性.目前,我国油气资源短缺的现象日益严重.作者指明了在前第三纪海相残留盆地中勘探这些资源,会带来光明的前景.  相似文献   

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