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为研究1920年海原地震中石碑塬地区液化滑移灾害的形成机制、滑移特征及滑移距离,对石碑塬液化滑移区进行钻孔勘探、取样以及探槽开挖。分别对钻孔及所取试样进行剪切波速测试及颗粒分析、室内动三轴试验,得出石碑塬液化滑移区地层分布情况、震时液化土体层位以及不同地震烈度条件下砂质黄土层的液化情况。综合分析钻孔勘探、颗粒分析、动三轴试验结果,揭示出海原地震中石碑塬黄土地层液化滑移灾害的形成机制:砂质黄土层液化后在自重应力以及地震力的共同作用下"托浮"第一古土壤层以及上部"粉尘化"的非饱和黄土层沿缓斜坡运动,并利用液化滑移地层滑距公式对滑移距离进行估算,得到结果为223.35 m,与实际情况较为相符。研究结果可为黄土地层液化滑移灾害的预防提供一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

地震地质灾害研究是地震灾害研究中的一项重要内容。通过对济南市主城区地层年代、岩土体特征、地形地貌条件等分析,在地质钻探和粉土颗粒分析实验基础上,采用标准贯入试验方法对济南市主城区砂土液化进行了判别,结果表明Ⅶ度烈度下济南市主城区西北部部分地区轻微液化,局部中等液化。研究表明,Ⅶ度烈度下济南市主城区发生滑坡、软土震陷、黄土震陷等地震地质灾害可能性较小,但局部可能发生崩塌、塌陷、地裂缝等地震地质灾害。  相似文献   

岷江上游堰塞湖沉积中软沉积物变形构造成因讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对在岷江上游及其支流河谷中的晚第四纪古堰塞湖地层中发现的大量软沉积物变形构造的类型、特征和成因进行了分析,发现这些软沉积物变形构造分为两类:一类是小型的层内变形构造,如液化卷曲变形、泄水构造、负荷构造、阶梯状微断裂等,其形成与软沉积物的塑性变形、液化和流动作用相关;另一类是崩(滑)塌体对软沉积物的扰动形成的大型褶曲构造.通过与其它成因的软沉积物变形构造的对比以及对区域构造环境的分析,得出地震、崩塌和滑坡等灾害性地质事件是造成河谷区古堰塞湖地层中软沉积物变形构造发育的最可能的驱动机制.  相似文献   

倾斜地层地震液化和滑移的有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用饱和多孔介质动力学分析倾斜地层的土壤动力线性反应、液化和液化滑移问题,地下水位上的地层简化为单相介质层,饱和夹砂层看作是两相介质,水是可压缩的,采用双曲线非线性本构关系,考虑了砂土的剪胀性、刚度退化、滞回特性和土水相对运动等因素。基于土力学模型,建立了适用于分析非自由场地液化的动力方程组,基于是否考虑发生渗流问题,同时建立了两种离散形式:一种是以土骨架位移和水位移为未知量的矩阵方程,另一种是以土骨架位移、水位移和孔隙水压力为未知量的矩阵方程,初步分析了适用于多孔介质波动模拟的离散模型的人工边界问题,形成的方法将有助于问题的解决。  相似文献   

在喜家湾滑坡现场调查基础上,采集黄土斜坡的原状黄土和滑坡滑带土试样进行了室内试验,分析计算了滑坡土体震陷性和液化可能性;并结合滑坡发生前斜坡在地震作用下的稳定性分析及数值模拟,对该滑坡的形成机理进行了研究。研究表明,地震发生时,斜坡上部黄土产生震陷,结构破坏,下部泥岩面附近处于饱和状态的黄土在很短时间内产生了液化现象,坡体下滑形成震陷—液化复合型滑坡。  相似文献   

目前相关规范主要依据工程场地单点的测试数据进行砂土液化判别,而实际的三维土层结构可能非常复杂。研究土层结构对砂土液化的影响机制,有利于提高砂土液化判别结果准确度。分析2008 年5 月28 日发生的松原MS地震和2010—2011 年新西兰坎特伯雷地震序列中砂土液化点的分布,结果显示:砂土液化点主要位于高弯度河流的沉积相地层,凹岸侧蚀、凸岸沉积形成的边滩具有典型的二元结构,其顶部分布的黏土类不透水层有利于下伏饱和粉细砂等易液化土层的超孔隙水压累积;而辫状河流沉积相中,上覆黏土类不透水层间断分布特征明显。针对河流不同沉积相的土层结构建立简化场地模型,使用FLAC3D 进行砂土液化数值模拟,揭示出不同土层结构中超孔隙水压力的累积、消散和渗流过程机制,结果表明,河流沉积相土层结构对砂土液化场点的分布和地表变形具有显著影响。在合理的工程地质分区基础上,现有的液化判别方法有必要考虑场地的土层结构的影响。   相似文献   

混合岩是深熔作用的存在标志,对研究中下地壳深熔作用机制、地壳流变以及造山带演化和花岗岩的成因具有重要意义.文中对西藏林芝地区和聂拉木地区的混合岩进行了详细的岩相学、岩石学和地球化学特征的研究.岩相学特征显示,研究区的混合岩可划分为浅色体、中色体和暗色体3个基本组成部分.对三者切割分离,分别进行了主量元素和稀土元素的分析.结果表明:浅色体由迁移的熔体结晶形成;中色体可以是未发生熔融的原岩,也可以经由未发生迁移的熔体与熔融残留体反应形成;暗色体是由迁移汇集后的熔体与中色体反应形成.由于聚集的熔体可以为暗色矿物的结晶提供良好的结晶空间和物质来源,因此暗色体多数以窄条带产出于浅色体边缘.浅色体和暗色体通常具有岩浆岩的结构,矿物粒径粗大且分布不具有定向性,这是其区别于中色体的重要特征.浅色体显示出明显Eu正异常,暗示长石大量参与了部分熔融过程,并且初始熔体在近源区的冷凝过程中长石优先结晶.浅色花岗岩的Eu负异常可能与熔体在源区的长石结晶有关.退变质反应有可能使部分熔融反应形成的矿物完全消失,因此不宜将反应矿物存在与否作为发生过脱水熔融的判别标准.  相似文献   

天然黄土因其较强的结构性,制备大尺寸原状试体非常困难,国内外尚无针对饱和原状黄土实施振动台模拟试验的数据与资料。通过解决大尺寸原状黄土试体现场取备难题,利用振动台模拟试验研究饱和原状黄土液化现象及其基本特征。试验结果表明:饱和原状黄土的液化现象,在超孔隙水压力增长、持续与消散的趋势性上与饱和砂土具有可比性,二者的最大差别在于细节特征方面的不同;饱和度是决定地震作用下天然黄土液化特性的首要条件;试体饱和度约为90.3%的条件下,加载后的最大孔压比约为0.93;饱和度85%、75%和65%可能是天然黄土能否发生液化现象、似液化现象(循环失效)和不考虑循环失效现象的临界值。试验获得的资料与分析结果,对深入理解饱和土体液化物理过程与力学机制意义重大。  相似文献   

闽南沿海晚更新世地层的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文对闽南沿海晚更新世沉积的分布特征和主要的地层剖面进行了描述,并根据野外沉积与地貌观察及~(14)、微体古生物与孢粉分析资料,对上述地层与沉积的年代、成因与古气候状况进行了分析与讨论  相似文献   

厦门岛晚第四纪沉积层的划分与海平面变化的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对厦门岛晚第四纪沉积的分布特征和主要地层剖面进行了描述,并根据野外地貌观察及C~(14)、微体古生物分析资料与邻区相应地层进行对比,对上述地层沉积年代、成因及其与海岸升降的关系进行了讨论.  相似文献   

基于地震作用下黏性土坡失稳滑动特点,以土体应力状态及其变化分析边坡失稳过程。通过分析地震作用下边坡不同部位土体应力状态和剪应力变化,结合实际地震边坡失稳破坏特征,提出黏性土坡地震三段式滑动失稳机制。在分析该滑动失稳机制与有限元强度折减法之间应力关联的基础上,将两者结合应用于实际黄土地震滑坡动力稳定性分析。依据此考虑得到的动力安全系数相比较其他方法,与极限平衡法得到的结果更为接近。  相似文献   

汶川地震高速远程滑坡机制实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
汶川大地震触发了多处高速远程滑坡,导致了大量的人员伤亡及财产损失。其中,东河口滑坡是这次地震触发的最为典型的高速远程滑坡之一,同时也是目前备受关注、争论颇多的滑坡之一。野外调研结果表明,该滑坡的成因和动力特征主要包括震裂溃屈、水平抛射、碎屑流化和振动液化等4个方面。为了对该滑坡滑动过程中的振动液化这一动力特征进行模拟再现,在东河口滑坡体上采集了具有代表性的滑带土作为试验样品,并以该地震时的实测地震波作为动力输入,利用目前国际上最先进的DPRI环剪试验机,对滑坡滑动过程中的振动液化现象进行了一系列环剪试验研究。结果表明,地震作用过程中,发生在滑坡潜在滑面上的振动液化现象是导致高速远程滑坡产生的一个重要因素;伴随着振动液化过程,滑体的剪切强度迅速降低并产生逐渐增大的剪切位移,为高速远程滑坡的形成提供了条件  相似文献   

The use of artificial neural networks in the general framework of a performance-based seismic vulnerability evaluation for earth retaining structures is presented. A blockwork wharf-foundation-backfill complex is modeled with advanced nonlinear 2D finite difference software, wherein liquefaction occurrence is explicitly accounted for. A simulation algorithm is adopted to sample geotechnical input parameters according to their statistical distribution, and extensive time histories analyses are then performed for several earthquake intensity levels. In the process, the seismic input is also considered as a random variable. A large dataset of virtual realizations of the behavior of different configurations under recorded ground motions is thus obtained, and an artificial neural network is implemented in order to find the unknown nonlinear relationships between seismic and geotechnical input data versus the expected performance of the facility. After this process, fragility curves are systematically derived by applying Monte Carlo simulation on the obtained correlations. The novel fragility functions herein proposed for blockwork wharves take into account different geometries, liquefaction occurrence and type of failure mechanism. Results confirm that the detrimental effects of liquefaction increase the probability of failure at all damage states. Moreover, it is also demonstrated that increasing the base width/height ratio results in higher failure probabilities for the horizontal sliding than for the tilting towards the sea.  相似文献   

饱和黄土在不同外荷载作用下其液化机理具有显著差异.为研究饱和黄土动态液化和静态液化机理的差异性,基于室内动三轴试验和静三轴试验,研究岷县永光饱和黄土动态液化后的动应力与轴向动应变关系、动孔隙水压力比与轴向动应变关系,分析其静态液化后的偏应力与轴向应变关系、孔隙水压力比与轴向应变关系,并结合液化前、后的SEM试验结果,研...  相似文献   

--The mechanical and statistical characteristics of acoustic emission (AE) events during stable sliding are investigated through a laboratory experiment using a granite specimen with a pre-cut fault. Numerous AE events are found to be generated on the pre-cut fault, indicating that microscopically unstable fracture occurs during macroscopically stable sliding. The composite focal mechanism solution of AE events is determined from the first motion directions of P-waves. The determined mechanism is consistent with the double-couple one expected for the slip on the pre-cut fault. The source radii of large AE events are estimated to be about 10 mm from the widths of the first P-wave pulses. These indicate that the AE events are generated by shear fracture whose faulting area is a part of the pre-cut fault plane. The occurrence of AE events as a stochastic process approximately obeys the Poisson process, if the effect of mutually dependent events consti tuting clusters is corrected. The observed amplitude-frequency relation of AE events approximately follows a power law for a limited amplitude range. As the macroscopic sliding rate increases, the number of AE events per unit sliding distance decreases. This rate dependence of the AE activity is qualitatively consistent with the observation that the real area of contact between sliding surfaces decreases with an increase in the sliding rate as reported in the literature.  相似文献   

黄土液化机理和判别标准的再研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文结合作者的试验研究和国外最新研究进展对黄土液化问题作了一些深入讨论。在一定的条件下,黄土可能发生液化,而且相当一部分黄土符合“修正的中国标准”。从液化机理上讲,黄土液化属于流滑。试验研究发现,黄土液化过程与应变发展有内在的联系,因而在动三轴试验中用轴向应变作为黄土初始液化的判别条件更符合实际。最后,通过对俄罗斯、美国和中国黄土的对比研究,作者认为黄土的粒度组成对黄土的液化特性有明显的影响。  相似文献   

At present, substantial scientific research achievements have been made in the research on landslide occurrence, movement mechanism, mitigation measures, and structural stability during tunnel excavation. However, the interaction mechanism of a tunnel under-traversing a slope body with potential landslides is still not well understood. Based on the field data provided by previous investigations in the study area, six sets of 1:100 laboratory experiment model tests were conducted to study the stability of the landslide-prone zone of the slope body with an under-traversing tunnel. The selected distances between the tunnel and the sliding surface are 1.5, 3, and 5 times of the tunnel diameter, respectively. The experiment results show the interaction between the landslide-prone zone and the tunnel, elucidating the effect of potential landslides during the tunnel excavation process and the reaction of the landslide slip on the tunnel structure. Several conclusions are obtained: ① During the process of tunnel excavation, the vertical displacement of the tunnel vault decreases with the increase of the buried depth. ② The vertical displacement of the sliding surface increases with the increase of the buried depth of the tunnel. The horizontal displacement of sliding surface decreases with the increase of the buried depth. ③ After the occurrence of a rainfall-induced landslide, the vertical displacement of the tunnel vault in the 1.5-diameter-distance case is 57.29% greater than that in the 3.0-dismeter-distance case.④ For a two-cave tunnel, it is suggested that the cave farther from the landslide toe should be firstly excavated since it may generate less structural deformation.  相似文献   

Presented in this paper are the results of the laboratory tests of sands performed for the purpose of defining the characteristics of the dynamic shear stress-shear strain relationships. For this purpose, the transformation of the initial stress-strain characteristics of undrained saturated sands was investigated separately. These transformations take place under conditions of an increase in pore pressure under the effect of sufficiently intensive dynamic excitations. The process of occurrence and development of liquefaction was investigated simultaneously. The obtained results show that the transformation of the stress-strain relationships leads to intensive reduction in the initial dynamic characteristics of sands. At the moment of occurrence of initial liquefaction, for the selected strain, shear moduli are considerably reduced in respect to their initial values. These parameters tend to be further reduced in the phase of post-initial liquefaction. It is concluded that the process of liquefaction of sands can be completely defined through the transformation of the stress-strain relationships.  相似文献   

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