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针对地震地质灾害数据特点和GIS强大的空间数据管理与分析功能,提出了建立基于GIS的地震地质灾害数据库管理系统。并对该系统所要实现的功能、系统设计思路、系统框架进行了探讨,最后对该系统建立的主要环节做了详细论述。  相似文献   

地震环境与潜在震源区信息系统的建立及应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
周庆  叶洪  陈国光 《地震地质》2000,22(2):200-204
应用GIS建立的地震环境与潜在震源区信息系统是中国抗震设防区划图信息系统的一个子系统 ,其任务是为新一代区划图的编制及其它相关领域提供基础信息服务。该系统空间数据库包括地震地质、地球物理、地震活动性等基础资料以及地震区划的部分初步成果。系统以MapInfo桌面地图系统为软件开发及运行平台 ,采用公共识别码在属性数据和空间数据之间建立联系。实现了图形数据与属性数据的相互查询、指定区域查询、缓冲区查询及各种统计分析等功能 ;应用GIS软件的制图功能 ,实现了计算机制图 ;结合抗震减灾工作实践 ,建立了各种应用模型 ,初步实现了通过GIS动态反映地震环境的变化 ,为工程地震、地震预报等研究提供基础数据的目的  相似文献   

杨斌  甄盟 《震灾防御技术》2020,15(1):165-175
为解决现有震后灾害快速评估系统地图要素更新不及时、使用涉密等问题,研究以天地图公共数据平台为底图和数据资源、以现有计算模型为骨架、以ArcEngine为GIS开发平台、采用C/S结构开发基于天地图数据平台的地震应急评估决策综合信息系统。该系统功能主要包括地震触发、震害评估、应急辅助决策等,在系统设计上采用模块化设计,并基于通用标准和用户定制的开发思想,实现数据和应用的标准化,使其成为地震应急信息系统的重要基础和开展地震信息服务的必要支撑,更好地为各级政府及社会公众服务。  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS的西安市地震小区划数据管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立基于GIS平台的数据管理系统是陕西省防震减灾“十一五”重点项目西安市地震小区划项目中的一项重要工作,通过对该项目多源成果数据的分析,确定以ArcGIS软件为开发平台,建立地震小区划数据管理系统.提出了实现该系统须具备的基本功能、系统的基本框架,并对概念模型设计、逻辑模型设计、物理模型设计等关键环节进行了数据库详细设计.最后,对入库数据的数据准备、数据生成、数据入库等技术环节做了详细论述,这些工作将有助于实现西安市地震小区划成果数据的有效组织与管理.  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市地震次生火灾危险性分析系统   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
李杰  江建华  李明浩 《地震学报》2001,23(4):420-426
以地理信息系统(GIS)为开发平台,研究了城市地震次生火灾危险性分析系统的基本构成与功能和系统的数据分层与组织,给出了地震次生火灾危险性分析模型及方法.以上海市中心城区为背景,开发了基于GIS的地震次生火灾危险性分析与火灾扑救辅助决策系统.   相似文献   

为了提升城市防震减灾能力,建立滁州市地震小区划 GIS 基础数据库,开发了基于 GIS 平台的滁州市地震小区划、震害预测信息管理系统,用于数据展示,并统一管理。系统采用 Super-Map Objects 6R 组件式开发,包括滁城概况、地震小区划成果、震害预测成果、震灾防御对策和系统管理5大模块,实现系统对数据的有效管理,充分发挥 GIS 功能对空间数据管理的作用。  相似文献   

遥感影像识别方法是破坏性地震震后地质灾害快速、准确获取的重要方法之一,传统的遥感影像识别方法主要以人工目视识别方法和半自动识别方法为主,需投入大量的人力和时间。针对破坏性地震震后地质灾害解译时间长、投入人力多等问题,以2017年8月8日四川九寨沟7.0级地震震后高分辨率无人机遥感影像为研究样本,提出基于深度学习网络的地震地质灾害识别方法。首先结合震后遥感影像解译资料和现场调查资料,提取九寨沟地震地质灾害无人机遥感影像特征,并构建研究区地震地质灾害解译指标和分类数据集;然后采用DeepLabv3+网络结构及softmax损失函数,建立基于深度学习网络的地震地质灾害遥感影像图像语义分割模型方法;最后采用半监督学习方法进行结果验证。研究结果表明,基于深度学习网络的地震地质灾害识别方法可有效识别九寨沟地震地质灾害分布信息,整体分类识别准确率为94.22%,F1分数值为0.77,结果具有较好的一致性和准确性,可提升地震现场灾情获取和重点地震隐患识别等工作效率及服务能力。  相似文献   

研究了地震搜救信息系统的可行性总体构架、设计流程、模型和算法的建立以及几大模块的功能划分,预想系统主要功能的实现和应用价值.该系统设想以ESRI公司的ArcGIS为开发平台,以人机交互的方式实现对地震压埋人员和重点保护设施搜索救援服务的GIS应用系统.  相似文献   

上海地震科学数据共享服务平台建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统介绍上海市地震科学数据共享平台的数据服务内容,详细讨论强震、测震、空间信息、地震地质背景等4类数据的共享方式、内容以及平台建设过程中采用的关键技术。地震科学数据具有类型广、种类多、数据格式不一致以及年代长等特点,地震科学数据共享平台在如何对这些分散的海量地震数据整合应用服务方面进行有益的探索,研究并建立基于Web的地震科学数据可视化发布系统。深度挖掘并探索地震科学数据的普及性和社会应用潜力,实现了地震科学数据服务方式的多样化。  相似文献   

应用GIS技术建立城市地震现场搜救指挥辅助决策系统是提高地震现场搜救工作效率的有效途径。以软件工程为指导,提出了一种建立基于GIS技术的城市地震现场搜救指挥辅助决策系统的技术思路和解决方案,该方案阐述了城市地震现场搜救指挥辅助决策系统的体系结构、技术路线和功能构建。最后给出了试验结果。  相似文献   

工程场地地震安全性评价、特别是在地震小区划工作中,对地震滑坡的评价通常采用定性分析方法,因此,对其影响范围未给出定量的评价结果。本文以吕梁新城地震小区划滑坡评价为例,通过对该区的地质条件、地貌特征的研究,针对具有典型特征的剖面,选取地震力、内聚力、摩擦角作为影响因子,采用离散单元法(DEM)对潜在滑坡体的稳定性进行了数值模拟计算,得到了可能失稳的滑坡体潜在滑动的影响范围。并在此基础上通过对已知滑坡与潜在滑坡剖面结构特征的类比,对整个研究区内滑坡体的影响范围进行了评价。研究结果可为吕梁新城的规划提供依据,也可为同类工程中地震滑坡灾害的定量评价提供参考。  相似文献   

Seismotectonic zonation studies in the Tell Atlas of Algeria, a branch of the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary, provide a valuable input for deterministic seismic hazard calculations. We delineate a number of seismogenic zones from causal relationships established between geological structures and earthquakes and compile a working seismic catalogue mainly from readily available sources. To this catalogue, for a most rational and best-justified hazard analysis, we add estimates of earthquake size translated from active faulting characteristics. We assess the regional seismic hazard using a deterministic procedure based on the computation of complete synthetic seismograms (up to 1 Hz) by the modal summation technique. As a result, we generate seismic hazard maps of maximum velocity, maximum displacement, and design ground acceleration that blend information from geology, historical seismicity and observational seismology, leading to better estimates of the earthquake hazard throughout northern Algeria. Our analysis and the resulting maps illustrate how different the estimate of seismic hazard is based primarily on combined geologic and seismological data with respect to the one for which only information from earthquake catalogues has been used.  相似文献   

我国约有1.1万个海岛,多处于地震活跃带,地震灾害特征明显,目前地震领域研究主要针对城市展开,海岛地震灾害风险的研究较少。此背景下,该研究收集了海岛地震相关的地质和地震数据,形成海岛地震灾害空间数据库;从地震危险性、承灾体易损性和防震减灾能力3个方面构建海岛地震灾害风险评价指标体系;利用ArcGIS空间分析技术,采用熵权法与AHP法相结合建立海岛地震灾害风险综合评价模型,以长岛县、洞头区和东山县为例进行分析,并将海岛地震灾害风险等级划分为4个等级。结果显示:东山县为地震灾害高风险区,洞头区和长岛县为地震灾害较低风险区。该研究对海岛工程抗震规划与设计有重要意义。  相似文献   

陈帅  苗则朗  吴立新 《地震学报》2022,44(3):512-527
地震滑坡危险性评估可为震后应急响应等提供科学的决策依据。纽马克位移法可不依赖同震滑坡编目快速评估同震滑坡危险性。工程岩体物理力学参数是该方法的核心参数之一,但其赋值过于单一,难以反映复杂地质背景下岩体强度的空间差异性。针对上述问题,本文在分析地震滑坡影响因子的基础上,选择距断层距离、高程和距水系距离作为影响岩体强度的评价指标并建立岩体强度评价模型,获得区域岩体强度修正系数,进而修正传统方法的临界加速度。结合震后的即时地震动峰值加速度,采用简化纽马克位移法计算边坡累积位移,开展地震滑坡危险性快速评估,并以汶川MW7.9地震的地震滑坡危险性评估为例验证本文方法。结果表明,相对于传统方法,本文方法划分的地震滑坡危险区与同震滑坡分布更加一致。   相似文献   

It is notoriously difficult to construct seismic source models for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in intraplate areas on the basis of geological information, and many practitioners have given up the task in favour of purely seismicity-based models. This risks losing potentially valuable information in regions where the earthquake catalogue is short compared to the seismic cycle. It is interesting to survey how attitudes to this issue have evolved over the past 30 years. This paper takes the UK as an example, and traces the evolution of seismic source models through generations of hazard studies. It is found that in the UK, while the earliest studies did not consider regional tectonics in any way, there has been a gradual evolution towards more tectonically based models. Experience in other countries, of course, may differ.  相似文献   

In the new types of industrial activities including unconventional energy extraction associated with shale gas and hot dry rock, gas reservoir operations, CO2 geological storage, undergoing research on induced earthquake forecasting has become one of the forward positions of current seismology. As for the intense actual demand, the immature research on induced earthquake forecasting has already been applied in pre-assessment of site safety and seismic hazard and risk management. This work will review systematically recent advances in earthquake forecasting induced by hydraulic fracturing during industrial production from four aspects: earthquake occurrence probability, maximum expected magnitude forecasting, seismic risk analysis for engineering and social applications and key scientific problems. In terms of earthquake occurrence probability, we introduce statistical forecasting models such as an improved ETAS and non-stationary ETAS and physical forecasting models such as Seismogenic Index (SI) and hydro-mechanism nucleation. Research on maximum expected magnitude forecasting has experienced four stages of linear relationship with net injection volume of fluid, power exponential relationship and physical forecasting regarding fault parameters. For seismic risk analysis, we focus on probabilistic seismic hazard assessment and quantitative geological susceptibility model. Furthermore, this review is extended to key scientific problems that contain obtaining accurate fault scale and environmental stress state of reservoir, critical physical process of runaway rupture, complex mechanism of fault activation as well as physical mechanism and modeling of trailing effect. This work in understanding induced earthquake forecasting may contribute to unconventional energy development and production, seismic hazard mitigation, emergency management and scientific research as a reference.  相似文献   

A seismic hazard assessment study of continental Ecuador is presented in this paper. The study begins with a revision of the available information on seismic events and the elaboration of a seismic catalog homogenized to magnitude Mw. Different seismic source definitions are revised and a new area-source model, based on geological and seismic data, is proposed. The available ground motion prediction equations for crustal and subduction sources are analyzed and selected for the tectonic environments observed in Ecuador. A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment approach is carried out to evaluate the exceedance probability of several levels of peak ground acceleration PGA and spectral accelerations SA (T) for periods (T) of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2s. The resulting hazard maps for continental Ecuador are presented, together with the uniform hazard spectra of four province capital cities. Hazard disaggregation is carried out for target motions defined by the PGA values and SA (1s) expected for return periods of 475 and 2475 years, providing estimates for short-period and long-period controlling earthquakes.  相似文献   

Located on the Alpine-Himalayan earthquake belt, Iran is one of the seismically active regions of the world. Northern Iran, south of Caspian Basin, a hazardous subduction zone, is a densely populated and developing area of the country. Historical and instrumental documented seismicity indicates the occurrence of severe earthquakes leading to many deaths and large losses in the region. With growth of seismological and tectonic data, updated seismic hazard assessment is a worthwhile issue in emergency management programs and long-term developing plans in urban and rural areas of this region. In the present study, being armed with up-to-date information required for seismic hazard assessment including geological data and active tectonic setting for thorough investigation of the active and potential seismogenic sources, and historical and instrumental events for compiling the earthquake catalogue, probabilistic seismic hazard assessment is carried out for the region using three recent ground motion prediction equations. The logic tree method is utilized to capture epistemic uncertainty of the seismic hazard assessment in delineation of the seismic sources and selection of attenuation relations. The results are compared to a recent practice in code-prescribed seismic hazard of the region and are discussed in detail to explore their variation in each branch of logic tree approach. Also, seismic hazard maps of peak ground acceleration in rock site for 475- and 2,475-year return periods are provided for the region.  相似文献   

In many countries such as Spain earthquake databases still mainly comprise macroseismic data from felt effects. The full exploit of this information is of basic importance for seismic risk assessment and emergency planning, given the strict link between macroseismic intensity and damage. A probabilistic procedure specifically developed to handle macroseismic data, mostly relying on site information and seismogenic-source free, has been applied to evaluate seismic hazard in SE-Spain (Alicante-Murcia region). Present seismicity is moderate-low with largest magnitudes slightly over Mw5.0. The historical record includes very destructive earthquakes, maximum EMS98 intensities reaching IX–X and X in the nineteenth century (e.g., Torrevieja 1829 earthquake). Very recently, two events in the area on 11 May 2011 (Mw4.5, Mw5.2) killed nine people, injured 300, and produced important damage in the city of Lorca. Regional hazard maps for the area together with specific hazard curves at selected localities are obtained. Results are compared with the maximum observed intensities in the period 1300–2012, and with the values in the seismic hazard map from the Spanish Building Code in force. In general, the maximum felt intensity values are closer to the hazard values calculated for 2 % probability of exceedance in 50 years, using felt and expected intensity. The intensity-based probabilistic hazard maps obtained through the applied approach reduce the inherent smoothing of those based on standard probabilistic seismic hazard assessment approaches for the region, allowing identifying possible over- or sub-estimates of site hazard values, providing very valuable information for risk reduction strategies or for future updates of the building code hazard maps.  相似文献   

江苏省地震监测信息化架构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴波  刘红桂  雷利  江昊琳  卢永 《中国地震》2019,35(2):367-380
在全面梳理江苏省地震监测业务体系的基础上,运用信息工程及信息资源管理的理念和方法,给出了一种江苏省地震监测信息化架构模型,以期对地震监测体系信息化管理具有一定参考作用,并为信息系统设计与开发提供全程统一的规划。  相似文献   

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