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古遗址、古墓地发掘过程中自然变形现象的识别研究是反演或充实最新构造变形历史记录的重要工作。地震部门会同文物考古部门对安徽寿县丁家孤堆遗址文化层进行宏、微观研究,发现了自然变形痕迹,其主要表现为文化层被砂脉穿切,初步研究显示为地震液化遗迹,发生时代处于龙山晚期至西周时期。研究有助于推动中国东部文化层中地震遗迹的识别。  相似文献   

本文通过在河南新密、洛阳和南阳等地的实地考察,发现了一批存在于文化遗址中的自然变形现象,时代涉及新(旧)石器过渡期、东周到北魏时期等。其中在新密李家沟旧石器向新石器过渡期遗址发现三组裂缝,可代表三次构造变形活动。洛阳汉魏故城发现两类裂隙,一类穿切性较好,应为构造裂隙;另一类贯通性差,应为干燥收缩裂隙。南阳东周文化遗址发现两组充填裂隙,一组走向北东,一组走向北西,两组正交,被砂土充填,应为地震液化脉体,显示所在地区东周后有地震活动发生。初步研究表明,这些自然变形现象与当地区域构造方向具有一定的相关性,说明这些遗迹为史前地震事件记录的可能性较大,进一步分析判定这些自然变形现象的形成机制,对河南地震考古工作及历史地震研究的进一步开展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

对江淮地区近期发掘的四个考古遗址进行了地震考古研究,发现了丰富的构造变形现象,包括古地震事件。其中固镇小李家遗址的汉代砖室墓变形具有统一的方向性,显示受区域NE-SW向构造应力作用形成,与强烈地震的快速变形无关;合肥乱墩子遗址的多数竖穴土坑墓存在不规则变形,但M66的压扭变形可能受郯庐断裂右旋走滑活动牵引形成,也与地震力作用无关。在和县大城子遗址和马鞍山申东遗址发现古地震遗迹,主要为地震裂缝、文化层位错及褶曲。在和县大城子遗址通过文化层中木炭的AMS14C测年确定出西周中晚期的一次古地震事件(2 580±30)~(2 760±30) a BP;在马鞍山申东遗址通过文化层考古断代及地震裂缝与文化层的切割关系识别出一次古地震事件亦发生于西周中晚期。最后综合本次研究与前人对江淮地区西周时期的古地震研究成果,初步认为西周中晚期江淮地区处于中强地震活跃期。  相似文献   

蓝田新街仰韶遗址在抢救性发掘中揭露出疑似自然变形现象.地震和考古人员共同进行现场分析,认为该遗址存在史前地震遗迹,表现为文化层被错动、砂土混杂掠裹和砂土液化,变形条带呈现近南北向和东西向延伸.初步研究结果表明,研究部位在仰韶文化期后曾遭受地震变形作用.  相似文献   

古遗址、墓地发掘过程中自然变形的识别研究是反演或充实历史或史前地震变形资料的重要工作。地震部门与文物考古部门合作,对安徽固镇垓下遗址考古现场进行了专题发掘研究,发现了断层和裂缝,初步研究显示为同期2次层位变动事件的遗迹,发生时代约相当于大汶口文化晚期,该工作有助于推动中国东部人类文化层中地震遗迹的识别  相似文献   

以梅山—龙河口断裂近侧安徽霍山戴家院遗址再发掘所揭示出的自然变形痕迹为主要研究对象,结合前期工作对比分析,识别编录其变形形态,分析其活动习性,定向采集含液化脉变形物质,在保持原态基础上进行微观分析.发现一系列丰富的微观变形组构和组合,如波浪状、流动构造和定向排列组构,有机颗粒悬浮等;脉体形态多种多样,见原地碎裂,弥漫性裂隙,在脉体及旁侧基质见先成纹层被扰动,被扭曲甚至被冲断,产生微破裂、穿切和揉皱等,多处显现流动-挤压-冲断递进变形过程,呈现丰富的微观变形细节.地震液化脉微观变形特征的提炼对液化脉多尺度的识别研究是有益的.  相似文献   

软沉积物变形构造是确定古地震存在的关键证据之一。拒马河流域野三坡地区雾迷山组中识别出2个软沉积物变形事件层,分别位于雾迷山组的底部、岩性段I的顶部。典型的变形构造有丘槽构造、水压破碎构造和液化脉构造。丘槽构造可进一步分成2类  相似文献   

皖西霍山戴家院西周-春秋晚期遗址发掘调查中,发现了与构造运动有关的地裂缝,其中充填有粉细砂,初定为地震液化遗迹.从变形物质的定向微观分析中发现了大量显微级地震遗迹标志,如负荷构造,流动构造,截断面,有机质悬浮,等等.这些发现和认识从微观角度验证了遗址所在地区西周-春秋晚期曾发生两次地震事件.上述工作在一定程度上丰富和发展了对我国东部地区史前地震事件的识别和研究方法.  相似文献   

古遗址、古墓地发掘过程中的自然变形研究是反演或充实历史和史前变形历史记录的重要工作内容之一.近期我省地震部门会同省文物考古部门,对皖西霍山戴家院考古现场进行专题发掘调查,发现了与构造运动有关的地裂缝,其中充填有砂线、砂脉.初步研究显示包括两期变形,且均显示高速变形特征,代表两次地震事件.发生时代约相当于西周晚期和春秋中晚期,前者规模较大,含砂裂缝长轴方向平行于近侧的地震活动断裂方向.本次发现及初步分析填补了东部地区西周到春秋期自然变形事件研究空白.  相似文献   

首次从胶州市上白垩统红土崖组史家屯段中识别出了一些震火山岩和强地震引起的软泥砂质沉积物的触变变形构造(震积岩)。震火山岩是强地震破坏火山喷出物形成的具同震变形构造的火山岩。震积岩是强地震触动饱和-半固结的软沉积物发生液化、触变、断裂、裂开、充填等形成的具软沉积物变形构造的沉积岩层。红土崖组史家屯段主要由玄武质火山岩夹河湖相泥砂质(砂质泥和泥质砂)沉积层组成。史家屯段中,震火山岩的主要类型为具同震裂隙的震裂玄武岩和震碎玄武岩(震碎玄武质角砾岩)等;软泥砂质沉积物的触变变形主要包括触变泥砂质脉和具曲折边界的触变泥砂质层。受强地震作用,饱和泥砂质沉积物不会发生液化,但会发生触变,即其结构会被破坏而具较强的流动性。由于玄武质火山岩层被地震破坏(震裂、震碎),强地震致使触变泥砂质沉积物沿玄武岩中的震裂隙而流动,结果形成了触变脉变形构造,也使火山岩层与泥砂质层的边界变得十分曲折。在重力和震动力的联合作用下,被震碎的玄武质岩块沉入触变泥砂质中,形成了触变泥砂质沉积物的包体。这些晚白垩世末期的强地震事件记录,所反映的地震烈度约Ⅶ至Ⅹ度以上。史家屯段主要分布在诸城凹陷北部的百尺河断裂以南地带,晚白垩世末该断裂发生强构造与地震活动,也为当时的玄武岩浆上侵和喷发提供了通道。晚白垩世末,玄武岩浆多次沿百尺河断裂间歇式地上侵和喷发,同时产生的火山地震或由百尺河断裂的活动产生的构造地震,致使火山熔岩和下伏的红色饱和泥砂层发生了上述变形,结果形成了地震成因的火山岩与泥砂质沉积层的变形构造。因此,它们所记录的地震事件,应是晚白垩世诸城凹陷发生强构造裂陷和百尺河断裂发生激烈断裂活动的响应。文中具地震成因的岩土层变形构造,也为分析类似岩土地基的地震力破坏效应提供了新资料。  相似文献   

Earthquake archaeological research was conducted in recent years at four archaeological excavation sites in Shandong, focusing on the identification and analysis of the tectonic deformation phenomena. The non-tectonic deformation phenomena were distinguished at the site of the Shang Dynasty ruins at Daxinzhuang in the Jinan suburbs. In Longshan, sand vein-filled cracks were recognized in the cultural layers of the Chengziya site, Zhangqiu City. Sand veins on the trench wall and sand tubes at the trench bottom were found densely distributed at the Shang and Zhou Dynasty cultural layers, at Qinhuangtai site, Binzhou City. The tectonic and non-tectonic origin cracks were identified on the city wall of the Site of Capital of State Qi, Linzi City. In Rizhao city, parallel distributed sand vein fracture groups were found in the cultural layer of Longshan-Warring States-Han Dynasty at Yaowangcheng site. Typical conjugate shear fractures were identified on the city wall of the ancient city of the State of Xue, Tengzhou City. The above natural deformation phenomena are concentrated in the culture layers of the Spring and Autumn-Warring States-Han Dynasties and before, and characterized by seismic sand-soil liquefaction traces, which indicate that these regions might have been in the seismic active episodes in the corresponding periods. The above inference has been confirmed by microscopic data analysis.  相似文献   

This paper provides a state of the art of the use of declassified satellite Corona for archaeological application and deals with the use of historical archives of Corona and aerial photographs for detecting ancient hidden cultural relics that may be completely lost in the modern landscape veiled by current land uses and land covers. Geospatial analysis is adopted to identify, extract and map the subtle archaeological features and cultural landscape of the lost Han–Wei Forbidden City in the Henan Province (China). It was one of the most important cities of ancient China, served as the capital for a long period, from the Eastern Zhou (2600 BP, Zhou Dynasty) to the Eastern Han and Wei Dynasties (1900–1500 BP). Outputs from our investigations clearly provided evidence of numerous buried structures of potential archaeological interest that were compared with historical documentation and excavations carried out in the area. The geospatial analysis, applied both to aerial photograph and to Corona pictures, enabled us to discover a number of unknown sub-palaces and structures, thus providing new insights for this important archaeological area.  相似文献   

A lot of seismic volcanic rocks and strong earthquake-induced thixotropic deformation structures in soft mud-sandy sediments(seismites)were identified from the Upper Cretaceous Shijiatun Member of the Hongtuya Formation for the first time in Jiaozhou City of the Zhucheng Sag, eastern China. Seismic volcanic rocks are volcanic rocks with co-seismic deformation structures which were produced by major earthquakes destroying volcano ejecta. Seismites are sediment layers with soft-sediment deformation structures formed by strong earthquake triggering saturated or semi-consolidated soft sediments to produce liquefaction, thixotropy, faults, cracks and filling and so forth. The Shijiatun Member of the Hongtuya Formation mainly consists of basaltic volcano rocks interbedded with mud-sandy(muddy sand and sandy mud)deposition layers of the river-lake facies. In the Shijiatun Member, main types of seismic volcanic rocks are shattered basalts with co-seismic fissures and seismic basaltic breccias. The thixotropic deformations of soft mud-sandy sediments mainly include thixotropic mud-sandy veins and thixotropic mud-sandy layers with tortuous boundaries. Under the strong earthquake action, saturated mud-sandy sediments could not be liquefied, instead resulting in thixotropy, i.e. their texture can be damaged and their flow-ability or rheology becomes strong. Because basaltic volcano rocks were damaged(shattered, seismic broken), a major earthquake can lead to thixotropic mud-sandy sediments flowing along seismic fissures in basalts, resulting in the formation of deformation structure of thixotropic veins, and boundaries between volcano rock and mud-sand layer became quite winding. Under the koinonia of gravity and vibration force, seismic breccia blocks sunk into thixotropic mud-sandy layers, resulting in the formation of inclusions of thixotropic mud-sandy sediments. Seismic intensity reflected by these strong earthquake records during the end stage of the Late Cretaceous was about Ⅶ to more than X degrees. The Shijiatun Member is mainly distributed in the south of the Baichihe fault in the northern Zhucheng Sag, and the fault has generated many strong tectonic and earthquake activities at the end of the late Cretaceous, also provided the channel for intrusion and eruption of basaltic magma then. At the end of the late Cretaceous, intermittent intrusion and eruption of basaltic magma took place along the Baichihe fault, meanwhile the volcano earthquakes took place or tectonic earthquakes were generated by the Baichihe fault which caused the deformation of the volcano lava and underlying strata of red saturated muddy-sand, resulting in the formation of various seismo-genesis deformations of volcanic rocks interbedded with mud-sandy sediment layers. Therefore, strong seismic events recorded by them should be responses to strong tectonic taphrogenesis of the Zhucheng Sag and intense activity of the Baichihe fault in the end of Late Cretaceous. In addition, these seismogenic deformation structures of rock-soil layers provide new data for the analysis of the failure effect produced by seismic force in similar rock-soil foundations.  相似文献   

The Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault belongs to the forward thrust fault of the middle segment of northern Qilian Shan overthrust fault zone, and it is also the boundary between the Qilian Shan and Jiudong Basin. Accurately-constrained fault slip rate is crucial for understanding the present-day tectonic deformation mechanism and regional seismic hazard in Tibet plateau. In this paper, we focus on the Shiyangjuan site in the western section of the fault and the Fenglehe site in the middle part of the fault. Combining geomorphic mapping, topographic surveys of the deformed terrace surfaces, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating and radiocarbon (14C) dating methods, we obtained the average vertical slip rate and shortening rate of the fault, which are ~1.1mm/a and 0.9~1.3mm/a, respectively. In addition, decadal GPS velocity profile across the Qilian Shan and Jiudong Basin shows a basin shortening rate of~1.4mm/a, which is consistent with geological shortening rates. Blind fault or other structural deformation in the Jiudong Basin may accommodate part of crustal shortening. Overall crustal shortening rate of the Jiudong Basin accounts for about 1/5 of shortening rate of the Qilian Shan. The seismic activity of the forward thrust zone of Tibetan plateau propagating northeastward is still high.  相似文献   

Archeoseismological studies of the Kurmenty settlement have proved the seismogenic origin of the deformation in the walls at this site. The radiocarbon age of the first seismic event damaged the walls of the settlement is 7th century AD. The second seismic event occurred a few centuries later, probably in the late Middle Ages. The strongest seismic events of North Tien Shan occurred in the late 19th–early 20th century as the Chilik (1889, M = 8.4) and Kebin (1911, M = 7.9) also damaged the walls of the Kurmenty settlement. The local shaking intensity during these seismic events was I ≥ VII on MSK-64 scale.  相似文献   

Qilian Shan and Hexi Corridor, located in the north of Tibetan plateau, are the margin of Tibetan plateau's tectonic deformation and pushing. Its internal deformations and activities can greatly conserve the extension process and characteristics of the Plateau. The research of Qilian Shan and Hexi Corridor consequentially plays a significant role in understanding tectonic deformation mechanism of Tibetan plateau. The northern Yumushan Fault, located in the middle of the northern Qilian Shan thrust belt, is a significant component of Qilian Shan thrust belt which divides Yumushan and intramontane basins in Hexi Corridor. Carrying out the research of Yumushan Fault will help explain the kinematics characteristics of the northern Yumushan active fault and its response to the northeastward growth of the Tibetan plateau.Because of limited technology conditions of the time, different research emphases and some other reasons, previous research results differ dramatically. This paper summarizes the last 20 years researches from the perspectives of fault slip rates, paleao-earthquake characteristics and tectonic deformation. Using aerial-photo morphological analysis, field investigation, optical simulated luminescence(OSL)dating of alluvial surfaces and topographic profiles, we calculate the vertical slip rate and strike-slip rate at the typical site in the northern Yumushan Fault, which is(0.55±0.15)mm/a and(0.95±0.11), respectively. On the controversial problems, namely "the Luotuo(Camel)city scarp" and the 180 A.D. Biaoshi earthquake, we use aerial-photo analysis, particular field investigation and typical profile dating. We concluded that "Luotuo city scarp" is the ruin of ancient diversion works rather than the fault scarp of the 180 A.D. Biaoshi earthquake. Combining the topographic profiles of the mountain range with fault characteristics, we believe Yumu Shan is a part of Qilian Shan. The uplift of Yumu Shan is the result of Qilian Shan and Yumu Shan itself pushing northwards. Topographic profile along the crest of the Yumu Shan illustrates the decrease from its center to the tips, which is similar to the vertical slip rates and the height of fault scarp. These show that Yumu Shan is controlled by fault extension and grows laterally and vertically. At present, fault activities are still concentrated near the north foot of Yumu Shan, and the mountain ranges continue to rise since late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

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