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应用2008年4月25日至9月26日的声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)的锚定测流资料,研究分析吕宋海峡上层海洋的内潮特征.谱分析和能量计算均显示在观测海区全日潮和半日潮为主要的能量频带,深度积分的全日潮频带总能量为31 kJ.m,在半日潮频带和高频带深度积分的总能量分别为6.9和3.4 kJ.m.谱分析结果显示:近惯性频率峰值仅出现在斜压分量.在66 m以浅深度,显著分潮(O1,K1,M2,MK3,M4)和近惯性频率分量都基本符合线性内波理论关系式E+(ω)/E-(ω)=(ω-f)2/(ω+f)2;然而,在其他观测深度,并非所有的主要分潮均满足上述线性内波能量一致性关系式.分析潮流的垂直结构和时间变化,结果表明:正压潮和内潮均为混合潮,潮日不等现象明显,显示了约14天的大潮/小潮周期变化.平行与垂直于陆架方向的K1和O1分潮的分量几乎相等,而M2和S2分潮则主要以波束形式向南海北部陆架传播.内潮幅度和相位均随时间变化,M2和S2垂向结构主要表现为第1模态,而K1和O1则接近于第2模态结构;在主温跃层附近,它们的短轴与长轴之比与f/ω的比值接近.  相似文献   

采用Green函数方法,高分辨率中国近海区域海潮模型和TOPO7.0全球海洋潮汐模型,以及Gutenberg-BullenA地球模型计算了负荷潮.结果表明,渤、黄、东海M2垂向位移负荷潮振幅最大值出现在浙江外海约150km处,其值超过28mm;次大值位于仁川湾,超过20mm;第三大值位于北黄海东北部,超过14mm.S2垂向位移负荷潮在上述三处的振幅值分别超过10,8和4mm.K1和O1垂向位移负荷潮振幅在琉球群岛中北部附近为最大,分别超过13和10mm:向内海逐渐减小.半日分潮垂向位移负荷潮基本上与海洋潮汐对应分潮具有相反的位相.在东海大部和南黄海东部全日分潮垂向位移负荷潮与对应的海潮分潮基本上具有反位相的关系,而在渤、黄海其余海域基本上不具有反位相关系.在研究海区内,全日潮的垂向位移负荷潮不出现无潮点.自吸-负荷平衡潮分布特征与垂向位移负荷潮相近,其振幅大约是垂向位移负荷潮的1.2~1.7倍,其位相与垂向位移负荷潮基本上相反.M2最大振幅值也出现在浙江外海,超过42mm.  相似文献   

深海潮汐是深海混合过程的主要能量来源,对深海环流变异和沉积物搬运具有重要的调控作用.文章利用深水锚系观测系统在南海北部2100m水深处开展了近两年的高分辨率海流剖面观测,用于研究深海潮汐的季节性变化特征.通过谱分析显示,南海北部深海潮汐以全日潮为主,且在观测区域的深海中,全日潮和半日潮以垂向第一模态结构为主.斜压全日潮具有显著的季节性变化特征,夏季最强,深度平均的最大动能达86.7cm2s-2,分别是冬季的1.5倍、春秋季的2倍;而斜压半日潮没有明显的季节性变化.通过对比发现斜压全日潮的季节性变化受控于吕宋海峡附近的正压潮.另外,观测期间有三个强中尺度涡经过锚系站位,其中一个气旋式中尺度涡对深海海流影响较小,而另外两个反气旋式中尺度涡经过研究海域时可影响全水深海流,激发强亚惯性流,对深海潮汐产生边缘强化效应,并使深海斜压全日潮冬季的异相成分增强,占全日潮的85%.同时,中尺度涡对深海海水混合的增强弱化了海水层结,导致冬季的斜压全日潮流速减弱,低于夏季.南海北部深海潮汐季节性变化为研究深海盆沉积物在不同时间尺度上的分布及搬运过程提供了重要的动力机制.  相似文献   

吴庆鹏  朱文璐 《地震学报》1992,14(4):485-492
根据 Schwiderski 海潮图,利用笔者提出的计算应变负荷潮的积分 Green 函数方法,计算了全球海潮 K1分波在中国大陆产生的应变负荷潮,并在此基础上绘制了负荷潮诸分量在中国大陆的分布图.在中国大陆东部地区,K1分波应变负荷潮主要受太平洋海潮的控制.在广东、广西南部沿海地区,它们明显受南海海潮的影响;在西部地区,除太平洋海潮外,负荷潮还显著受印度洋海潮的影响.在东部沿海地区,K1分波应变负荷潮的振幅可达固体潮振幅的15%-50%,在西部内陆地区亦可达百分之几.因而,在解释 K1分波应变固体潮在中国大陆的观测结果时,必须考虑负荷潮的影响.   相似文献   

长江口外及浙江沿岸夏季上升流的潮生机制   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基于普林斯顿海洋模式(POM)建立了MASNUM (Laboratory of MArine Science and NUmerical Modeling)海浪-潮流-环流耦合模式, 对长江口外及浙江沿岸海域夏季的上升流现象进行了数值模拟, 并从潮运动的角度分析了其动力机制, 对该海域潮致上升流的形成机理给出了一种新的解释. 研究表明, 该海域上升流的潮生机制同时体现在正压和斜压2个方面: 单纯的正压潮余流能够通过底层辐合和沿地形坡度爬升两种过程产生上升流; 在斜压海洋环境下, 强烈的潮混合作用在近岸陆坡区形成显著的锋面, 锋面两侧存在明显的密度差异, 该密度差异造成的水平压力梯度诱生出沿锋面的次级环流, 其上升流分支出现在锋区附近. 数值试验表明, 潮运动是该海域上升流的一个极为重要的诱发因子, 甚至占主导地位. 研究还发现, 与单纯模拟M2分潮相比, 对MS2, S2, K1及O1 4个主要分潮耦合计算有助于改善正压潮致上升流的模拟结果.  相似文献   

垂向和径向排水的潮汐水位振幅和位相变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘春平  唐彦东  廖欣 《地震》2011,31(4):68-76
本文根据岩石力学和地下水动力学理论, 分析了潮汐力作用下含水层与隔水层之间垂向水流交换过程, 并提出了垂向排水条件下含水层潮汐孔压-引潮高振幅比和位相差公式。 结合Hsieh等关于潮汐力作用下井水位对含水层孔压(体应变)的振幅比和位相差响应公式, 进一步推导了垂向和径向水流条件下井水位-引潮高的振幅比和位相差公式。 在径向和垂向排水条件下, 应用M2和O1波潮汐水位-引潮高振幅比和位相差的数值关系, 可以识别影响潮汐水位振幅和位相的主要因素。  相似文献   

本文探索了海潮负荷特征值的反演方法.基于中国近岸海岛GPS站(平潭与闸坡)观测数据,采用FFT方法提取了海潮负荷特征值,分析了反演特征值与全球海潮模型FES2004、NAO.99b和GOT4.7计算出的相关特征值之间的差异,评估了反演海潮分潮频率项的精度,并利用平潭站得到的海潮负荷特征值对附近的三沙站进行海潮改正以评价反演效果.结果表明:(1)频谱分析可精确提取4个半日分潮和4个全日分潮负荷的频率信息;与已知频率相比,P1分潮的反演频率误差为1.4%,其他7种分潮负荷反演频率误差均小于1%.(2)两个海岛分属不同的潮波入侵通道,反演分潮振幅和初相存在差异,但反演分潮频率几乎一致,间接证实它们属于同一潮波系统,也表明其潮差有别.(3)反演振幅与三种全球模型具有较好的一致性;其中S2、O1、P1、Q1四个分潮在水平方向互差为1~2 mm,高程方向上的互差均小于3 mm;K2、K1、M2、N2在水平方向振幅互差多数小于2 mm,个别差异高达4 mm,高程方向互差多为5~6 mm,个别超过10 mm.(4)反演得到海潮负荷改正模型相对于3种全球模型在三沙站的改正效果略佳,间接表明反演结果有效、可靠.(5)动态PPP结果中虽然存在多种误差,其时间序列仍可分离并提取海潮负荷的影响.  相似文献   

以往通过地震海洋学方法发现的大多是第一模态内孤立波,本文在台湾岛以南恒春海脊处捕捉到了两个大振幅凸型第二模态内孤立波.利用叠前偏移剖面得到内孤立波的视相速度约为0.7 m·s-1,其视传播方向沿地震测线从S到N,总体上满足较大最大振幅的波视相速度也较大的规律.地震海洋学剖面得到的振幅曲线观测值和理论方程计算出的第二模态内波振幅垂向变化理论值之间具有较好的一致性.通过叠前偏移剖面观察该内孤立波细结构的变化,发现在采集过程中,出现反射同相轴后翼变陡、分叉、合并的现象.由于密跃层中心偏离水层中心以及背景剪切流的影响,两个内孤立波尾部发育了高频内波,使得能量耗散增强.此外,第二模态内孤立波的生成和传播特征受到水体层结、黑潮、背景剪切流以及海底地形等多个因素的影响.  相似文献   

本文基于对南海东北部东沙海域近期采集的多道反射地震资料进行重新处理获得新的地震海洋学数据,分析了该海域内孤立波/内孤立波包、沙丘上方和陡坎附近特殊反射结构特征,从而提供了新的海水层与海底相互作用依据.研究结果表明,除之前已发表文章中地震海洋学资料显示存在的第一模态内孤立波/波包和沙丘上方常见的反射样式-披毛状发射外,地震海洋学资料上还发现了第二模态内孤立波、陡坎上方的上抬型波动反射结构样式.在新的地震海洋学数据中,第一模态内孤立波振幅均小于50 m,宽度上都小于5 km,单个内孤立波的最大振幅约为45 m.内孤立波包的内孤立波振幅都相对较小,均小于40 m,并且与之前不同的是,彼此之间振幅相差不大,没有明显的排列规律.此次地震海洋学数据记录到的第二模态内孤立波,形态较为完整,上层和下层反射的振幅相差不大,在30 m左右;中间层大约在水深130 m位置处,垂向结构的整体大小大于200 m.沙丘上方反射结构普遍存在弱反射层,可能是湍流边界层,并且存在特殊反射样式-披毛状反射.但并不是沙丘上方都存在披毛状反射样式,本文分析它出现在地震海洋学资料上可能是受测线与沙丘走向之间夹角的影响.陡坎区域的水层反射结构则表现为上抬型波动,并常常伴随着同相轴连续性的变化.该波动的大小及反射同相轴的连续性可能取决于陡坎的高度/坡度及水层动力的强度,新数据中出现的一个上抬型波动,高度达20~30 m,它的附近水层还存在一个形态不完整的内孤立波.陡坎附近的水层反射也常常出现弱反射带和小的波动.  相似文献   

文章基于2011年9~11月南海西沙潜标观测资料,研究了西沙海域上层海洋对连续台风Nesat(1117)和Nalgae(1119)过境的近惯性响应.结果表明:两个台风过境都产生了强烈的近惯性振荡,且台风路径右侧的近惯性流速明显大于左侧. Nesat引起的近惯性内波平均垂向相速度为0.25cm s-1,垂向群速度为0.85m h-1,垂向波长为350m.Nalgae所引起的近惯性内波垂向相速度和群速度均小于Nesat,垂向波长仅为Nesat的1/2.两个台风引起的近惯性能量下传深度存在明显差异, Nalgae约为200m,而Nesat可下传至300m.产生这一差异的主要原因是Nesat引起的近惯性能量不易耗散,同时能够以较快的速度向深海传播.此外,两个台风引起的近惯性内波频率都存在明显的蓝移现象. Nesat引起的近惯性内波频率在100~150m深度受多普勒频移的影响明显增大;然而Nalgae引起的近惯性内波频率却在100~150m深度显著减小,这是由于两个台风过境期间,西沙海域背景场涡度差异所致.  相似文献   

Wind is the main energy source for the generation of the internal waves and the ocean mixing. Wunsch[1] estimated that about 1 TW (1 TW = 1012 W) energy was transported into the ocean from the winds by us-ing the altimeter data. Watanabe et al.[2] numerically calculated that the mixing processes obtained 0.7 TW energy from the global wind, which afforded most of the energy needed by the maintenance of the Merid-ional Overturning Circulation (MOC). During the past 50 years, in the Norther…  相似文献   

利用中国计量科学研究院北京昌平基地iGrav-012超导重力仪最新观测资料,对其作仔细地预处理,根据调和分析方法精密测定了重力潮汐参数,基于负荷理论与卷积积分技术获得了包含HAM11a,DTU10,EOT11a在内的14个全球海潮模型的重力海潮负荷效应,利用近周日频段内潮波振幅因子的共振效应求解了自由核章动(FCN)的本征参数.调和分析结果表明,重力潮汐的观测精度非常高,标准差达到1.184nm·s-2.基于加汉宁窗的快速傅里叶变换方法获得地震频段的地震噪声等级(SNM)为0.206,说明该台站是低背景噪声的.周日主波O1和K1经海潮模型作负荷效应改正的平均有效性分别为83%和85%;使用13个高精度海潮模型进行迭积计算获得的FCN本征周期为430.0(427.8,432.3)恒星日,品质因子Q值为-5137.  相似文献   

本文根据计算地倾斜负荷潮的积分Green函数方法,计算了全球Schwiderski海潮模型K1、O1分波在中国大陆产生的地倾斜负荷潮,绘制了K1、O1分波负荷潮椭圆及其长轴迹线,沿长轴方向分量的等潮时线,长、短半轴等值线诸地倾斜负荷潮参量在中国大陆境内的分布图,给出了它们的空间分布图象,为国内的地倾斜固体潮研究提供了重要的参考资料.  相似文献   

Currents in the northern Bay of La Paz were examined using an 8-month Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) record collected in the upper 185 m of the water column during 2007. Flow variability was dominated by tidal motions, which accounted for 43% (33% diurnal, 10% semidiurnal) of the total kinetic energy. The tidal motions had a pronounced vertical structure dominated within a shallow (∼30 m thick) surface layer by intense counterclockwise (CCW) rotary S1 diurnal radiational currents that were highly coherent with the counterclockwise seabreeze. Motions within the semidiurnal frequency band were primarily associated with significant counterclockwise S2 radiational tidal currents, which were also coherent with the seabreeze. Both S1 and S2 tidal ellipses in the upper layer were aligned perpendicular to the bay entrance with mean semi-major axes of 55 and 20 cm/s, respectively. Below the surface layer, tidal currents decayed rapidly to relatively weak, clockwise rotary barotropic motions. In contrast to those for radiational harmonics, tidal ellipses of the gravitational constituents (M2, K1 and O1) were oriented cross-bay. Energy within the diurnal frequency band in the surface layer was dominated by a coherent component (barotropic, phase-locked baroclinic and radiational), which accounted for roughly 65% (59% from S1 alone) of the total diurnal kinetic energy. Of the remaining diurnal band energy, 18% was associated with an incoherent baroclinic component and 17% with a background noise component. Below 30 m depth, the corresponding estimates are 40%, 32% and 28%, respectively. The persistent, surface-intensified CCW rotary currents observed at the mooring site are assumed to be forced by strong CCW seabreeze winds in the presence of a “slippery” low-density surface layer. This response may be further augmented by topographic narrowing at the bay entrance and by the close proximity of the diurnal and inertial frequency bands in the region.  相似文献   

Observations of semidiurnal internal tidal currents from three moorings deployed on the continental shelf off central Chile during summer and winter of 2005 are reported. The spectra of the baroclinic currents showed large peaks at the semidiurnal band with a dominant counterclockwise rotation, which was consistent with internal wave activity. The amplitude of the barotropic tidal currents varied according to the spring–neap cycle following the sea level fluctuations. In contrast, the amplitudes of the internal tide showed high spatial-temporal variability not directly related to the spring–neap modulation. Near the middle of the continental shelf and near the coast (San Vicente Bay) the variance of the semidiurnal baroclinic current is larger than the variance of its barotropic counterpart. The vertical structure of the baroclinic tidal current fluctuations was similar to the structure of the first baroclinic internal wave mode. In general, in the three study sites the variance of the baroclinic current was larger near the surface and bottom and tended to show a minimum value at mid depths. Kinetic energy related to semidiurnal internal waves was larger in winter when stratification of the water column was stronger. During summer, upwelling and the decrease of freshwater input from nearby rivers reduced the vertical density stratification. The amplitude of the semidiurnal internal tide showed a tendency to be enhanced with increasing stratification as observed in other upwelling areas. The continental shelf break and submarine canyons, which limit the continental shelf in the alongshore direction, represent near-critical slopes for the semidiurnal period and are suggested to be the main internal tide generation sites in the study region.  相似文献   


Tidal pressures and currents were measured with self‐contained capsules dropped to the sea floor for one month at distances of 175, 190, and 500 nautical miles from San Diego. These observations, together with a one‐week bottom pressure record by Filloux at 750 n miles, and three half‐week bottom current records by Isaacs et al, at intermediary distances, were analyzed for tidal components by cross‐correlation with a noise‐free reference time series. (For short records this method has some merit over classical tide analysis.) It was found that the tide decays seaward to e‐1 times the coastal amplitude over a distance of order 1000 km for the semidiurnal species, slower for the diurnal species. Tidal currents turn counterclockwise, and are polarized with maximum flow parrallel to shore in the direction of tidal propagation (320°T) at local high tide. The current amplitude is roughly 2 cm/sec for the semidiurnal component, 1 cm/sec for the diurnal component. Superimposed baroclinic tidal currents lead to poor signal: noise ratios (between 1:1 and 10:1) for the barotropic currents. In contrast, the ratio is typically 1000:1 for the bottom pressures and generally exceeds that for coastal tide stations of comparable duration. Published I.H.B. tidal constants for exposed California coastal stations indicate “upshore” (towards 320°T) propagation at 140 m/sec for semidiurnal tides. 214 m/sec for diurnal tides.

To interpret these diverse observations, we have computed the dispersion laws for all possible rotationally‐gravitationally trapped waves against a straight coast with shelf. Trapped solutions are conveniently portrayed in terms of a parameter μ such that ? = sin μ = iu/v and f = ‐ cos μ = η/v define the ellipticity and impedance of the wave motion, η, u and v being off‐shelf dimensionless elevation, normal‐to‐shore and longshore components of velocity, respectively. We then attempt to fit the observations by a superposition of the possible wave classes, all of the same tidal frequency: (a) a free Kelvin‐like edge wave with small μ (mostly trapped by rotation, but somewhat slowed by the shelf); (6) a free Poincare‐like leaky wave; and (c) a forced wave (the distortion of the sea bottom by the tide producing forces plays a significant role). The mod el can account for the main features of the observed tidal heights, and gives relative amplitudes at the coast of 54:16:4 cm for components a:b:c in the case of the semidiurnal tides, 21:24:9 cm for the diurnal tides. The results place a semidiurnal amphidrome about midway between San Diego and Hawaii. Tidal currents are not well fitted by the model, and there are problems associated with the separation of barotropic and baroclinic modes, and with the benthic boundary layer. Coastal energy dissipation is small in the sea under investigation, but a “ capacitive “ phase delay appears to be associated with Northern California harbors and inland waters.  相似文献   

A detailed set of observations are presented of the tidal forcing and basin response of Loch Etive, a jet-type fjordic system on the west coast of Scotland. The characteristics of the tidal jet observed during a spring tide are discussed in detail, and with reference to laboratory studies of Baines and Hoinka (1985). Although the system is categorized as a jet basin during spring tides (when the mode-1 densimetric Froude number exceeds 1) and a wave basin during neap tides (when the Froude number remains below 1), a mode-1 baroclinic wave response is observed throughout the spring/neap cycle. Of the total incident tidal energy, 16% is lost from the barotropic tide. The ratio between loss to bottom friction, barotropic form drag and baroclinic wave drag is estimated to be 1:4:1 (1:4:3.3) at springs (neaps). Despite this, during a spring tide, a 20-m amplitude baroclinic mode-1 wave is observed to propagate along the full length of the basin at a speed of 0.2 m s–1, somewhat slower than the predicted linear mode-1 phase speed. A hydrographic section supports the implication of the dissipation of the baroclinic wave towards the loch head. The stratification of the upper layers is observed to decrease rapidly landward of the 40-m isobath, a possible signature of enhanced diapycnal mixing in the shallower reaches towards the loch head.Responsible Editor: Jens Kappenberg  相似文献   

MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled numerical model (MASNUM coupled model, hereinafter) is de-veloped based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). Both POM and MASNUM coupled model are ap-plied in the numerical simulation of the upwelling off Yangtze River estuary and in Zhejiang coastal waters in summer. The upwelling mechanisms are analyzed from the viewpoint of tide, and a new mechanism is proposed. The study suggests that the tidally inducing mechanism of the upwelling in-cludes two dynamic aspects: the barotropic and the baroclinic process. On the one hand, the residual currents induced by barotropic tides converge near the seabed, and upwelling is generated to maintain mass conservation. The climbing of the residual currents along the sea bottom slope also contributes to the upwelling. On the other hand, tidal mixing plays a very important role in inducing the upwelling in the baroclinic sea circumstances. Strong tidal mixing leads to conspicuous front in the coastal waters. The considerable horizontal density gradient across the front elicits a secondary circulation clinging to the tidal front, and the upwelling branch appears near the frontal zone. Numerical experiments are de-signed to determine the importance of tide in inducing the upwelling. The results indicate that tide is a key and dominant inducement of the upwelling. Experiments also show that coupling calculation of the four main tidal constituents (M2, S2, K1, and O1), rather than dealing with the single M2 constituent, im-proves the modeling precision of the barotropic tide-induced upwelling.  相似文献   

西沙海域内潮与近惯性内波的相互作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过使用西沙海域锚定潜标的测流数据,分析了距浣熊台风路径100 km处海流受浣熊台风影响前后的动能谱、旋转谱和流剪切谱,从而阐明近惯性波,以及近惯性波与全日内潮波的相互作用机制.台风浣熊之后所引起的近惯性波主要在上250 m较强,其能量是普通风场所引起的40倍.近惯性波的能量向下传播至450 m左右,与此同时,强的近惯性流的剪切驱动着惯性波与全日内潮波之间的相互作用,从而产生强的近惯性波与全日内波的耦合波(f+D1).此三波耦合机制为Davies的波波相互作用理论提供了观测依据,同时,近惯性内波与全日内潮波之间的非线性相互作用,揭示了南海近惯性波能量耗散的一种机制.  相似文献   

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