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晚冰期以来青海湖沉积物多指标高分辨率的古气候演化   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:41  
通过青海湖沉积物孢粉、碳酸盐、有机C, N和有机δ13C等多项指标的综合分析, 建立了青海湖晚冰期以来的高分辨率古气候演化序列. 结果表明, 18.2 cal. ka BP左右为末次冰期盛冰阶进入晚冰期的界限, 自15.4 cal. ka BP起气候开始向暖湿化发展, 7.4 cal. ka BP时达到了暖湿组合的鼎盛期, 4.5 cal. ka BP以后气候又逐步转入冷干. 晚冰期向全新世转换期间气候的冷暖干湿波动十分频繁, 其特征与北大西洋深海沉积、格陵兰冰芯、欧洲地区湖泊沉积以及中国黄土、古里雅冰芯等记录的古气候具有一定的可对比性. 青海湖地区晚冰期以来的古气候演化特征揭示了万年尺度上东亚季风的源驱动力同太阳辐射有关.  相似文献   

13.8ka以来内蒙古吉兰泰盐湖的演化过程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过系统分析吉兰泰盐湖JLT-2010孔蒸发盐类矿物、碳酸盐矿物、碎屑岩矿物等,结合AMS14C测年获得的年代序列,研究该湖13.8 ka以来的演化过程.结果表明:吉兰泰盐湖13.8-11.7 cal ka BP期间水体较淡;11.7-10.2 cal ka BP期间湖泊开始萎缩、咸化,进入咸水湖阶段;10.2-5.5 cal ka BP期间湖泊进入硫酸盐沉积阶段,其中9.0-8.2 cal ka BP经历了一个明显的淡化过程;5.5 cal ka BP以来,湖泊成盐作用进一步加强,由前期的硫酸盐沉积转变为氯化物沉积,其中3.7-2.0 cal ka BP达到全面氯化物沉积阶段,2.0-1.7 cal ka BP又经历了一个短暂而明显的淡化过程;目前,该盐湖已进入干盐湖发展阶段.总体而言,吉兰泰盐湖蒸发盐类矿物主要是在全新世增温的背景条件下逐步萎缩形成的,由于区域性干旱气候的持续影响,吉兰泰盐湖逐步萎缩、咸化,进而析盐.  相似文献   

泥炭沉积物和泥炭地演化过程可以提供植被和气候变化历史的丰富信息.为了重建青藏高原东部全新世泥炭地发育、植被和气候变化,我们对若尔盖盆地一支泥炭岩芯进行了高分辨率的孢粉、烧失量和碳沉积速率分析.研究结果显示,当地泥炭发育起始于距今10.3ka,在早、中全新世繁盛,之后开始退化.若尔盖盆地全新世植被以高山草甸为主,周边山地针叶林在10.5~4.6ka曾数次扩张,之后迅速退缩.泥炭性质、孢粉组合主成分分析等揭示了研究区10~5.5ka气候温暖湿润,晚全新世气候相对冷干.其中,10.2~10、9.7~9.5、8.7~8.5、7.7~7.4、6.4~6、5.5~5.2、4.8~4.5、4~3.6、3.1~2.7、1.4~1.2和0.8~0.6ka时段,若尔盖地区发生了多次快速的泥炭地退化、针叶林扩张和气候变冷等事件.青藏高原东部地区全新世植被与气候的长期变化受控于太阳辐射及其主导的温度与亚洲夏季风强度的变化,而百年尺度的快速变化事件可能受到了季风减弱事件和北半球高纬度地区温度异常的调制作用.  相似文献   

通过对西风区新疆赛里木湖沉积岩芯的精确定年和孢粉、炭屑分析,重建了该地区全新世以来的植被和气候环境演化历史.结果表明,~9.6cal.kaBP前的早全新世,研究区以荒漠植被为主,A/C比值和第一主成分样品得分所指示的有效湿度明显偏低,第二主成分样品得分所指示的气温回升,气候干旱.9.6~5.5cal.kaBP的中全新世湖区为典型的荒漠草原/草原植被,区域有效湿度明显增加,气温较高,为温暖时期.其中6.5~5.5cal.kaBP期间,研究区植被由荒漠草原/草原迅速转变为荒漠,有效湿度明显降低,同时温度升至最高,可能是一次千年尺度的高温干旱事件.5.5cal.kaBP以来的中-晚全新世,研究区呈现出典型的草原/草甸景观,有效湿度相对较高,温度大幅降低,气候温凉湿润,相对较为适宜.赛里木湖孢粉、炭屑记录的温度和湿度变化与区域其他湖泊记录对比的一致性表明,太阳辐射是造成区域温度变化的主要驱动因素,同时温度变化影响了区域的有效湿度变化.该地区早全新世气候干旱,中-晚全新世气候相对湿润的气候环境演化特征与季风影响区有着明显的差异.早全新世干旱是中纬度西风减弱和上风向蒸发减少的环流背景下局地温度高蒸发强烈的结果.  相似文献   

末次盛冰期以来江西大湖孢粉植被与环境演变   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据江西定南大湖深346 cm泥炭剖面, 16个14C年龄和76个孢粉样, 重建中国华南南岭山地末次盛冰期以来的植被与气候历史: 大约18330~15630 cal a BP, 景观是落叶阔叶林, 气候温凉偏湿; 15630~11600 cal a BP, 孢粉植被是有常绿阔叶树的落叶阔叶林, 气候温和湿润; 11600~6000 cal a BP, 孢粉植被演替为栲/石栎为建群种的常绿阔叶林, 气候温暖湿润; 而6000 cal a BP以来植被中森林面积减少, 气候温暖偏干, 蕨类植物和草本植物增加, 可能有人类活动的影响. 从孢粉序列中识别到的系列凉干事件, 大致可与北大西洋H1及全新世千年尺度事件对应, 说明低纬地区与高纬地区气候变化密切相关. 与中国高纬地区的季风气候事件对比, 大湖地区气候事件温度、湿度的变幅远低于中国北方内陆地区. 季风气候地域差异性较大.  相似文献   

对中国东部中纬度季风区内的两处山地泥炭——神农架大九湖泥炭和天目山千亩田泥炭腐殖化度进行了研究,并对两剖面的孢粉记录、有机质含量、TOC和Rb/Sr对比分析,结果表明在东亚季风区山间盆地,气候越干冷时泥炭的分解就越强烈,以吸光度表征的腐殖化度就越高;相反,当气候较温暖潮湿时泥炭主要处于还原状态,分解较慢,腐殖化度较低.大九湖剖面的腐殖化度记录了晚冰期(约16.0~11.4cal ka BP)中的新仙女木(YD)(约11.4~12.6cal ka BP)冷干事件、博令.阿勒罗德暖湿期(B.A暖期,约12.6~15.2cal ka BP)、最老仙女木冷干事件(OD,约15.2~16.0cal ka BP)、早全新世的湿润期(约11.4—9.4cal ka BP)、8.2cal ka BP前后的冷干事件和约7.0~4.2cal ka BP之间的全新世最佳适宜期.神农架大九湖和天目山千亩田近5000a以来的泥炭腐殖化度记录有着很好的一致性,表明相近纬度不同经度的山地泥炭对东亚季风降水变化的响应是同步的.近5000a来的气候变化在两个山地泥剖面中几乎同步记录有3大阶段:4.9~3.5cal ka BP,季风降水整体处于高值,但波动剧烈,其中,在约4.2cal ka BP前后,季风降水急剧下降,在3.7cal ka BP前后达到最干旱的峰值后又快速回升:3.5~0.9cal ka BP,季风降水强度整体较弱,但也存在明显的次级干湿波动;0.9cal ka BP以来,吸光度值逐渐降低,表明季风降水增多.与中国东部季风区其他高分辨率沉积记录对比,文中亚高山泥炭记录的约1.6万年以来的气候变化响应了北半球夏季太阳辐射的统一驱动.  相似文献   

对中国北方环境敏感带封闭湖泊岱海获得的高质量沉积物岩芯, 进行了年代学、以及有机质含量(TOC, TN)、碳酸盐含量(CaCO3)和孢粉等代用气候环境指标的测试与分析. 结果表明: 全新世以来岱海沉积物中TOC, TN等有机质含量的变化与孢粉百分含量、孢粉通量的变化相当吻合, 并在约6.7~3.5 ka BP(日历年约7.6~3.6 ka BP)期间达到全新世以来的高值; 6.7 ka BP以来, 沉积物中碳酸盐含量与有机质含量的变化也具有很好的相关性, 也在6.7~3.5 ka BP期间达到峰值; 而在早全新世及中全新世早期9.0~6.7 ka BP(日历年龄约10~7.6 ka BP)期间, 相对较低的有机质含量、孢粉通量却对应较高的碳酸盐含量. 上述关系揭示: 在6.7~3.5 ka BP期间, 岱海流域生产力、有效降水条件均得到很大增强, 进而有可能在水动力条件增强的情况下, 携带较多的流域有机质、花粉以及碳酸盐类物质入湖, 并造成有机质和碳酸盐的同时富集. 而9.0~6.7 ka BP期间, 较低的有机质含量、孢粉通量以及高碳酸盐含量恰恰说明在流域有效降水减少、植被相对匮乏的背景下, 湖泊自身可能的高蒸发率. 二者具有不同的气候环境背景. 基于上述认识, 认为中全新世6.7~3.5 ka BP期间极可能是岱海流域降水充沛、植被丰盛的气候适宜期, 而不是通常认为的中全新世早期或早全新世.  相似文献   

北大兴安岭地区全新世植被演替及气候响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对大兴安岭北部地区霍拉盆地泥炭剖面和表土样品的花粉分析,重建9100cal a BP以来植被演化历史及其对气候变化的响应过程.结果显示研究区植被经历了从早-中全新世暖温、寒温混合型植被向晚全新世寒温型植被的演变过程.全新世温暖期(9100~6000cal a BP),北大兴安岭寒温带针叶林区气候较现在更为温暖湿润,发育鹅耳枥属、榛属、松属和云杉属为主的暖温型针阔叶混交林,与寒温型落叶松和桦共同组成了特有的混交林地,其植被多样性增加.约6000~5000和3500~2500cal a BP的两次显著的降温事件,导致鹅耳枥属、榛属等喜暖植物类型减少,落叶松属和桦属为主的耐寒植被扩张.2500cal a BP之后,形成落叶松和桦为主的寒温型针阔叶混交林植被景观.全新世温暖期温度增加可能导致东亚夏季风对中国北大兴安岭地区的影响增强,有利于暖温型森林植被发育并增加植物载荷.  相似文献   

青藏高原东部全新世冬夏季风变化的高分辨率泥炭记录   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在建立了全新世泥炭沉积物高分辨率冬夏季风代用指标时间序列的基础上, 发现青藏高原若尔盖地区全新世冬夏季风的变化具有此消彼长和同时消长两种基本的模式, 冬季风与夏季风在不同时间尺度上两种模式又相互嵌套. 由冬夏季风指标叠加效应合成的气候状况却有与全球同步的规律性, 表现出千年-百年尺度的不稳定性, 6.2 ka的季风突然减弱事件要比8.0 ka的事件更显著, 反映了亚洲季风的区域特点或它本身就是全球气候的一个窗口.  相似文献   

通过对江汉平原JZ-2010湖相沉积剖面AMS14C年代的精确测定与校正,以及代用指标粒度、磁化率的分析和研究,重建了研究区12.76 cal ka BP以来的环境演变过程:1)12.76-6.70 cal ka BP,区域环境处于偏干的晚冰期向湿润的早全新世发展阶段.2)6.70-4.47 cal ka BP,区域环境湿润,为湿度配置最佳的全新世适宜期,这是大溪文化向屈家岭文化转变时期自然背景.3)4.47-3.67 cal ka BP,区域气候环境偏干,其中经历了明显的4.2 cal ka BP干旱事件.4)3.67-1.22 cal ka BP时期,环境向湿润发展;在2.5 cal ka BP左右水动力条件明显变强,此时正对应于古云梦泽扩张时期.5)1.22 cal ka BP后,研究区处于湖泊面积减小的干旱时期;人类活动带来的影响达到高峰,围湖造田等农业活动也是江汉平原湖群趋于衰退的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

High-resolution peat humification records were obtained from Dajiuhu of the Shennongjia Mountains and Qianmutian of the Tianmu Mountains to study climate changes in East China. The analyses of pollen, organic matters, TOC, and Rb/Sr indicate a high degree of peat humification and thus strong decomposition of organic matter when climate was dry. Conversely, when climate was humid, the degree of humification is low because peat was preserved in a waterlogged condition. Peat humification from Dajiuhu occurred not only during the Younger Dryas (about 11.4–12.6 cal ka BP), the Bølling-Allerød Warm Period (12.6–15.2 cal ka BP), and the Oldest Dryas (about 15.2–16.0 cal ka BP), but also during the early Holocene (about 11.4–9.4 cal ka BP), the 8.2 cal ka BP cold event, and the Holocene Optimum (about 7.0–4.2 cal ka BP). Both peat humification records since nearly 5 ka BP are consistent, showing that mountain peatland has synchronous responses to the East Asia monsoon-induced precipitation. The LOI data confirm the above observation. The monsoon precipitation since nearly 5 ka BP recorded in these two peat profiles can be divided into three phases. During 4.9–3.5 ka BP, precipitation amount was high but fluctuated greatly. During 3.5–0.9 ka BP, precipitation amount was low. During 0.9–0 ka BP, degree of humification reduced gradually, indicating the increase of monsoon precipitation. Contrast to other high-resolution records from East China monsoon region shows that the monsoon precipitation records of the two peat profiles since nearly 16 ka BP are controlled by a common forcing mechanism of summer solar radicalization in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Changes in the vegetation and climate of the westerly-dominated areas in Central Asia during the Holocene were interpreted using pollen-assemblages and charcoal data from a 300-cm-long sediment core of the Sayram Lake,northern Xinjiang.Accele-rator Mass Spectrometry(AMS) radiocarbon dating methods were applied to bulk organic matter of the samples.Artemisia spp./Chenopodiaceae ratios and results from principal component analysis were used to infer that the lake basin was dominated by desert vegetation before ca.9.6 cal.ka BP,which suggests a warm and dry climate in the early Holocene.Desert steppe/steppe expanded during 9.6-5.5 cal.ka BP,indicating a remarkable increase both in the precipitation and temperature during the mid-Holocene.Desert vegetation dominated between 6.5 and 5.5 cal.ka BP,marking an extreme warmer and drier interval.The steppe/meadow steppe recovered,and temperatures decreased from 5.5 cal.ka BP in the late Holocene,as indicated by the increased abundance of Artemisia and the development of meadows.Holocene temperatures and moisture variations in the Sayram Lake areas were similar to those of adjacent areas.This consistency implies that solar radiation was the main driving factor for regional temperature changes,and that the effect of temperature variations was significant on regional changes in humidity.The evolution of climate and environment in the Sayram Lake areas,which were characterized as dry in the early Holocene and relatively humid in the middle-late Holocene,are clearly different from those in monsoonal areas.Dry conditions in the early Holocene in the Sayram Lake areas were closely related to decreased water vapor advection.These conditions were a result of reduced westerly wind speeds and less evaporation upstream,which in turn were caused by seasonal changes in solar radiation superimposed by strong evaporation following warming and drying local climate.  相似文献   

Holocene peat sediment has been attached impor-tance to reconstruct the Holocene climatic variations because it can provide much palaeoclimatic informa-tion with high resolution. Analysis on the plant mac-rofossil[1], pollen[2―4], isotope ratio[5―9], element con-tent[10,11], total organic carbon (TOC)[12], humifica-tion[13,14] and grayscale[12] for peat sediment has shown its superiorities as a recorder medium for reconstruct-ing the Holocene climate. Hong et al. have done great fruitful w…  相似文献   

The impact of global warming on the climate of northern China has been investigated intensively, and the behavior of the East Asian monsoon during previous intervals of climatic warming may provide insight into future changes. In this study, we use paleovegetation records from loess and lake sediments in the marginal zone of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) to reconstruct the EASM during the interval of warming from the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM) to the Holocene. The results show that during the LGM, desert steppe or dry steppe dominated much of northern China; in addition, the southeastern margin of the deserts east of the Helan Mountains had a distribution similar to that of the present-day, or was located slightly further south, due to the cold and dry climate caused by a strengthened East Asian winter monsoon(EAWM) and weakened EASM. During the last deglaciation, with the strengthening of the EASM and concomitant weakening of the EAWM, northern China gradually became humid. However, this trend was interrupted by abrupt cooling during the Heinrich 1(H1) and Younger Dryas(YD) events. The EASM intensified substantially during the Holocene, and the monsoon rain belt migrated at least 300 km northwestwards, which led to the substantial shrinking of the desert area in the central and eastern part of northern China, and to the large expansion of plants favored by warm and humid conditions. Paleoclimatic records from the marginal zone of the EASM all show that the EASM reached its peak in the mid-Holocene, and past global climatic warming significantly strengthened the EASM, thereby greatly improving the ecological environment in northern China. Thus, northern China is expected to become wetter as global warming continues. Finally, high resolution Holocene vegetation records are sparse compared with the numerous records on the orbital timescale, and there is a need for more studies of Holocene climatic variability on the centennial-to-decadal scale.  相似文献   

The East Asian monsoon Holocene optimal period has been debated both about duration and whether conditions were a maximum in thermal conditions or in precipitation. In this study we show Holocene climate variability inferred by a forest reconstruction of a subalpine pollen sequence from peat bog deposits in central Taiwan, based on modern analogues of various altitudinal biomes in the region. A warmer interval occurred between 8 and 4 ka BP (calibrated 14C years) when the subtropical forests were more extensive. The Holocene thermal optimum is represented by an altitudinal tropical forest at 6.1–5.9 ka BP and 6.9 ka BP and only the latter was accompanied by wet conditions, indicating decoupling of thermal and precipitation mechanism in the middle Holocene. Abrupt and relative severe cold phases, shown by biome changes, occurred at about 11.2–11.0 ka BP; 7.5 ka BP; 7.2 ka BP; 7.1 ka BP; 5.2 ka BP, 5.0 ka BP and 4.9 ka BP. A spectral analysis of pollen of a relatively cold taxon — Salix, reveals that the time series is dominated by a 1500 yr periodicity and similar to the cold cycle reported in the marine records of Indian and western Pacific Oceans. The cold–warm conditions inferred by the change of forests show close relationship to solar energy in comparison with the production rate of Be-10.  相似文献   

The study of climatic changes since the Late Glacial Age has become one of the hotspots of the PAGES in recent years.Deep-sea cores from the high-latitude area show that the climate was very unstable during the transitional period from the Late Glacial Age to the Holocene[1,2],which has also been testified by the geological records from ocean sediments,ice cores and terrestrial sections in different latitudes of the earth[3—8].What’s more,climatic instability also ex-isted in the Holoce…  相似文献   

One of the goals for paleaoenvironmental research is to predict the tendency of future climate and environmental changes based on the understanding of the past. The key approach is to find similar pictures which happened in the past. By understanding the background and mechanism of the paleaoenvironmen- tal changes, reliable parameters and verifications can be provided for the numerical model to predict the tendency of future climate and environmental changes. The Mid-Holocene as the nearest …  相似文献   

We present the major results from studies of fire history over the last 11000 years(Holocene) in southern Sweden, on the basis of palaeoecological analyses of peat sequences from three small peat bogs. The main objective is to emphasize the value of multiple, continuous sedimentary records of macroscopic charcoal(macro-C) for the reconstruction of local to regional past changes in fire regimes, the importance of multi-proxy studies, and the advantage of model-based estimates of plant cover from pollen data to assess the role of tree composition and human impact in fire history. The chronologies at the three study sites are based on a large number of 14 C dates from terrestrial plant remains and age-depth models are achieved using Bayesian statistics. Fire history is inferred from continuous records of macro-C and microscopic charcoal counts on pollen slides. The Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm(LRA) for pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of local vegetation cover is applied on the three pollen records for plant cover reconstruction over the entire Holocene. The results are as follows:(1) the long-term trends in fire regimes are similar between sites, i.e., frequent fires during the early Holocene until ca. 9 ka BP, low fire frequency during the mid-Holocene, and higher fire frequency from ca. 2.5 ka BP;(2) this broad trend agrees with the overall fire history of northwestern and western Europe north of the Mediterranean area, and is due to climate forcing in the early and mid-Holocene, and to anthropogenic land-use in the late Holocene;(3) the LRA estimates of plant cover at the three sites demonstrate that the relative abundance of pine played a primordial role in the early and mid-Holocene fire history; and(4) the between-site differences in the charcoal records and inferred fire history are due to local factors(i.e., relative abundance of pine, geomorphological setting, and anthropogenic land-use) and taphonomy of charcoal deposition in the small peat bogs. It is shown that continuous macro-C records are most useful to disentangle local from regional-subcontinental fire history, and climate-induced from human-induced fire regimes, and that pollen-based LRA estimates of local plant cover are more adequate than pollen percentages for the assessment of the role of plant composition on fire history.  相似文献   

The Relative Pollen Productivities(RPPs)of common steppe species are estimated using Extended R-value(ERV)model based on pollen analysis and vegetation survey of 30 surface soil samples from typical steppe area of northern China.Artemisia,Chenopodiaceae,Poaceae,Cyperaceae,and Asteraceae are the dominant pollen types in pollen assemblages,reflecting the typical steppe communities well.The five dominant pollen types and six common types(Thalictrum,Iridaceae,Potentilla,Ephedra,Brassicaceae,and Ulmus)have strong wind transport abilities;the estimated Relevant Source Area of Pollen(RSAP)is ca.1000 m when the sediment basin radius is set at 0.5 m.Ulmus,Artemisia,Brassicaceae,Chenopodiaceae,and Thalictrum have relative high RPPs;Poaceae,Cyperaceae,Potentilla,and Ephedra pollen have moderate RPPs;Asteraceae and Iridaceae have low RPPs.The reliability test of RPPs revealed that most of the RPPs are reliable in past vegetation reconstruction.However,the RPPs of Asteraceae and Iridaceae are obviously underestimated,and those of Poaceae,Chenopodiaceae,and Ephedra are either slightly underestimated or slightly overestimated,suggesting that those RPPs should be considered with caution.These RPPs were applied to estimating plant abundances for two fossil pollen spectra(from the Lake Bayanchagan and Lake Haoluku)covering the Holocene in typical steppe area,using the"Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites"(REVEALS)model.The RPPs-based vegetation reconstruction revealed that meadow-steppe dominated by Poaceae,Cyperaceae,and Artemisia plants flourished in this area before 6500–5600 cal yr BP,and then was replaced by present typical steppe.  相似文献   

The ecotone between alpine steppe and meadow in the central Tibetan Plateau is sensitive to climate changes. Here we used the pollen records from three lakes in this region to reconstruct the evolution of local vegetation and climate since 8200 cal. yr BP. The history of temperature and precipitation was reconstructed quantitatively with multi-bioclimatic indexes and a transfer function from pollen records. Results show that the steppe/meadow dominated during the period of 8200–6500 cal. yr BP, especially 8200–7200 cal. yr BP, indicating the central Tibetan Plateau was controlled by strong monsoon. The steppe dominated during the periods of 6000–4900, 4400–3900, and 2800–2400 cal. yr BP. The steppe decreased gradually and the meadow expanded during the period of 4900–4400 cal. yr BP. Three century-scale drought events occurred during 5800–4900, 4400–3900 and 2800 cal. yr BP, respectively. The first time when the regional climate shifted to the present level was at 6500 cal. yr BP in the central Plateau. Since 3000 cal. yr BP, the temperature and precipitation have decreased gradually to the present level. However, the cold climate between 700–300 cal. yr BP likely corresponds to the Little Ice Age. Supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences 100 Talents Project (Grant No. 29082762), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40671196, 40372085, 49371068, 49871078), and U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant Nos. ATM-9410491, ATM-008194)  相似文献   

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