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淮南采煤沉陷区内小型塌陷湖泊轮虫群落结构特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
王晓萌  易齐涛  徐鑫  李慧  章磊 《湖泊科学》2015,27(4):657-666
在淮南潘谢矿区内设置3个水文生态环境条件差异较大的小型煤矿塌陷湖泊研究站点,分别为潘谢潘集站(PXPJ)、潘谢顾桥站(PXGQ)和潘谢谢桥站(PXXQ),于2013 2014年4个季度分别对这3个湖泊的轮虫群落结构组成特征及水生态环境因子影响因素进行分析.共观察到轮虫15属32种,其中PXPJ站点13属25种,PXGQ站点13属24种,PXXQ站点11属20种.3个塌陷湖泊轮虫群落结构具有较大的时空分布差异,主要优势种为曲腿龟甲轮虫、罗氏异尾轮虫、前节晶囊轮虫、卜氏晶囊轮虫和针簇多肢轮虫.PXPJ、PXGQ、PXXQ站点轮虫丰度范围分别为500~2800、950~3350、400~3900 ind./L,3个站点Shannon-Wiener多样性性指数的平均值分别为2.71、2.68和2.54,体现了塌陷湖泊β中污染型水质环境的特点.轮虫群落结构与环境因子的冗余分析结果表明:水温、电导率和营养盐等环境因子对淮南采煤塌陷湖泊的轮虫群落结构影响较大.  相似文献   

以淮南后湖非稳沉采煤沉陷区沉积物-水体界面为研究对象,分析该湖未开发区(A区)、水产养殖区(B区)和水生蔬菜种植区(C区)3个功能区上覆水-间隙水-沉积物体系中氮、磷分布及其迁移特征.结果表明,氮、磷在不同水体界面的分布差异较大.其中上覆水中氮、磷浓度表现为A区B区C区;间隙水中氮、磷分布差异不显著,然而各功能区间隙水的氮、磷浓度明显高于上覆水,氮、磷主要由间隙水向上覆水中移动;沉积物中氮、磷含量以C区最高.后湖采煤沉陷区水体表现出氮污染、磷限制的现象.  相似文献   

太湖水体氮、磷浓度演变趋势(1985-2015年)   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3  
戴秀丽  钱佩琪  叶凉  宋挺 《湖泊科学》2016,28(5):935-943
分析了太湖水体氮、磷浓度1985-2015年的演变趋势.结果表明,近30年来,全太湖水体氮、磷指标总体呈先恶化、后好转的波动变化趋势.总氮(TN)浓度年均值在1.79~3.63 mg/L之间,30年平均值为2.62±0.03 mg/L,总磷(TP)浓度年均值在0.04~0.15 mg/L之间,30年平均值为0.086±0.001 mg/L,1996年全太湖TN (3.84 mg/L)和TP (0.15 mg/L)浓度年均值均达历史峰值.氮、磷逐月浓度变化情况显示,TN浓度呈明显季节性变化规律,最高值集中出现在3、4月,概率分别为67%和33%,最低值则分布在8、9、10、11月,概率分别为18%、41%、29%和12%,而TP浓度则没有明显的季节性变化规律.太湖各湖区水体氮、磷浓度变化空间异质性明显,西部水域和北部水域变化幅度大于东部水域、南部水域和湖心区.太湖水体氮、磷浓度的长期变化趋势显然和流域经济发展及各项环保管理措施的实施密切相关,同时也受到重大水情变化的影响.此外,在相对封闭的局部湖湾水体可以通过水利调度等综合治理措施短时期内改善氮、磷指标,但大太湖水质的改善任重而道远.  相似文献   

王琼  卢聪  范志平  李法云 《湖泊科学》2017,29(2):297-307
通过对太子河流域46个采样点溶解性无机氮、溶解性无机磷、总氮、总磷、电导率、p H、溶解氧和叶绿素a浓度及相关环境因子的测定,分析氮、磷浓度与叶绿素a浓度的空间分布特征,利用回归分析判别氮、磷与叶绿素a浓度的相关性,冗余分析判别河流水质与环境因子的关系,并初步评价太子河流域水体富营养化状况.结果表明:太子河流域氮、磷浓度具有明显的空间异质性,表现为上游浓度较低且变化较平稳,辽阳段浓度逐渐上升且波动增大,鞍山段浓度最高.冗余分析显示氮、磷浓度的空间分布特征与土地利用方式、海拔、河岸缓冲带宽度、植被多样性密切相关.叶绿素a浓度与氨氮、硝态氮、溶解性无机氮、溶解性无机磷、总氮、总磷和电导率呈显著正相关,说明营养盐的增多在一定程度上会促进浮游藻类的增长.太子河流域水体富营养化评价综合指数显示,太子河流域"中"营养状态点位有27个,占58.7%,"富"营养状态点位有19个,占41.3%,没有"贫"、"重富"和"极富"营养状态.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖外围湖泊水体营养波动周年特征的比较湖沼学研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
近年来,我国最大淡水湖泊湿地鄱阳湖的水体富营养化趋势明显且日益受到各方关注,而对鄱阳湖湖体外围各类浅水湖泊富营养化情况及其动态却了解颇少.为深入了解鄱阳湖外围不同湖泊的富营养化现状、季节动态及驱动机制,于2014-2015年对毗邻鄱阳湖南岸的南昌市大小不同的3个城市或城郊浅水湖泊(青山湖、瑶湖、军山湖)水质参数和营养状态进行周年观测.结果表明,青山湖、瑶湖和军山湖的高锰酸盐指数范围分别在2.6~4.5、2.1~4.6和1.6~1.9mg/L之间,仅军山湖目前未受到有机物污染影响,3个湖泊两两之间均呈极显著差异.青山湖和瑶湖水体总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)浓度远高于湖泊富营养化转换的阈值(TN:0.20 mg/L,TP:0.02 mg/L),且TP污染最为严重,仅达到地表水Ⅳ~劣Ⅴ类标准.在3个湖泊中,水体氮主要以可溶性态氮的形态占优势,水体磷形态除了军山湖外,另外2个湖泊主要以颗粒态磷占优势.青山湖、瑶湖和军山湖的叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度范围分别为34.65~184.48、7.66~120.67和2.42~17.41μg/L,各湖泊的Chl.a浓度均在冬季达到最低值,且军山湖与其他2个湖泊的Chl.a浓度均呈极显著性差异,青山湖与瑶湖无显著差异.基于综合营养状态指数法对3个湖泊的营养状态进行评价发现,青山湖富营养化程度最高,已达到轻-中度富营养的稳定富营养状态;其次为瑶湖,营养状态不稳定,在中营养-轻度富营养-中度富营养水平之间巨幅波动;军山湖相对最低,全年整体处于贫营养-中营养状态之间,处于波动上升的趋中营养状态.同时发现3个湖泊的水体富营养化程度的年内波动依赖于不同的水温环境,水温是以上3个亚热带浅水湖泊富营养化程度年内季度波动的重要影响因子之一.Pearson相关分析还发现,3个湖泊的Chl.a浓度均与水柱TN和TP浓度呈显著正相关,其中青山湖和军山湖的水柱Chl.a浓度与总溶解性氮和总溶解性磷浓度均呈极显著正相关关系.整体来说,水柱氮是影响3个湖泊水环境特征的主导因子之一,磷是2个富营养化湖泊的主导影响因子,在富营养化湖泊控制和削减磷营养盐输入的同时,应考虑如何有效降低氮的输入,并着力控制中温季节(水温为15~25℃)的营养输入和快速富营养化风险防控;中营养湖泊(军山湖)应在控制磷的输入和消减水柱氮上进行系统调控,尤其重视高温季节(水温25℃)的防控与预警,这将对鄱阳湖外围浅水湖泊的水环境保护和治理提供重点方向与新型管理思路.  相似文献   

我国快速的城镇化过程造成了河流氮、磷等营养盐的污染和潜在的水体富营养化问题.对城镇流域水体氮、磷污染特征及其演变趋势的识别具有重要意义.本研究选取长三角典型城镇地区宁波市北仑区小浃江流域为研究对象,在流域内根据空间分布、土地利用类型、人类活动强度等情况布设样点,于2017年夏季和冬季采集水样,研究流域水体氮、磷污染的时空分布特征并分析其污染来源和评估其富营养化水平.结果表明:流域内铵态氮(NH4+-N)、;硝态氮(NO3--N)、亚硝态氮(NO2--N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度范围分别为0.63~3.25 mg/L、0.52~3.75 mg/L、0.02~0.22 mg/L、1.61~12.86 mg/L、0.02~0.74 mg/L和0.6~60.57 μg/L.各个采样点氮、磷分布具有较大的空间异质性和季节变化规律.富营养化综合指数EI评估结果显示,整个流域富营养化程度属于贫至中营养级.氮、磷浓度与土地类型面积占比的Spearman相关性统计表明,100 m缓冲区建设用地面积占比与NH4+-N、NO2--N、TN、溶解氧(DO)浓度具有显著相关性,湿地面积占比与DO浓度呈显著正相关.汇水区域内林地面积占比与NH4+-N、NO2--N、TP、PO43--P、COD、Chl.a浓度呈显著负相关,与DO浓度呈显著正相关.相关性分析和冗余分析表明城镇化的面源污染及可能存在的点源污染是小浃江流域氮、磷污染的主要来源.因此,在小浃江流域100 m范围内,控制建设用地的规模和污染排放是减轻流域氮、磷污染的主要途径.在汇水区域内,增加林地植被的面积对减少氮、磷污染具有重要影响.  相似文献   

水体氮、磷营养盐水平对蓝藻优势形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
许海  陈洁  朱广伟  秦伯强  张运林 《湖泊科学》2019,31(5):1239-1247
以江苏省南京市富营养化程度不同的清溪、护城河、玄武湖、月牙湖、琵琶湖和前湖为研究对象,调查各水体浮游植物的群落特征和优势种,并结合藻类生长潜力试验,探究不同氮、磷营养水平的自然水体对铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)和斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)生长与竞争的影响.野外调查发现不同营养水平水体浮游植物优势种不同,按水体富营养化程度从高到底依次以绿藻、蓝藻、硅藻和隐藻分别占优势.单一藻种培养时,铜绿微囊藻在清溪、护城河和玄武湖水体中生长均较好,而斜生栅藻仅在高氮、磷浓度的清溪和护城河水体中有较大生长量,说明斜生栅藻对氮、磷的需求高于铜绿微囊藻;两种藻共培养时,清溪水体中斜生栅藻占优势,护城河和玄武湖水体中铜绿微囊藻占优势,但其他水体中两种藻均不能生长,说明氮、磷浓度过高或过低都不利于蓝藻形成优势.对低营养水平的玄武湖、琵琶湖、月牙湖和前湖水体进行氮、磷加富后,两种藻均能较好地生长,且各组没有显著差异,说明藻类在这些水体中生长受到氮、磷的限制,氮、磷浓度升高会增加水华发生的风险.本研究将野外调查和藻类生长潜力实验相结合,深入探究了蓝藻优势形成与水体氮、磷营养水平的关系,揭示了蓝藻水华是湖泊富营养化发展到特定阶段的产物,水体氮、磷浓度过高或过低均不易产生蓝藻优势.  相似文献   

为揭示大型浅水湖泊水体磷浓度对湖泊外源负荷削减和生态系统变化的响应规律,指导富营养化湖泊水生态修复和管理实践,利用太湖湖泊生态系统研究站20052018年连续14年的太湖水体各形态磷浓度的月、季度调查数据,估算了太湖湖体各形态磷赋存量的季度变化,分析了太湖水体磷浓度受湖泊水位、水量、蓝藻水华态势(蓝藻总生物量及水华出现面积)等环境条件变化的影响特征.结果表明,在连续10年的全流域高投入污染治理背景下,太湖水体总磷浓度仍未发生显著下降,水体各形态磷浓度在年际、月际及空间上的变幅大,不同季节和不同湖区总磷浓度的时空差异性大于14年来总磷浓度年均值的差异性;全湖32个监测点上、中、下3层混合样水体总磷平均值为0.113 mg/L(n=1788),其中颗粒态磷浓度平均值为0.077 mg/L,是水体总磷的主要赋存形式,溶解性总磷浓度平均值为0.036 mg/L,其中反应性活性磷浓度平均值为0.015 mg/L,占总磷浓度的13%;太湖水体总磷的赋存量介于410~1098 t之间,56个季度的平均值为688 t,其中冬季(122月)、春季(35月)、夏季(68月)、秋季(911月)平均值分别为683、604、792和673 t,夏季湖体磷赋存量明显高于其他季节.统计分析表明,蓝藻水华态势和水情要素(水位)对水相总磷、颗粒态磷等主要形态磷的赋存量影响显著,蓝藻水华态势的影响可能大于水量变化的影响.本研究表明,在水体营养盐浓度仍然充分满足蓝藻水华发生的背景下,气象水文波动所造成的湖泊水华面积及生物量的变化及大型水生植被消长带来的内源交换变化能引起水体总磷浓度剧烈变化,太湖水体磷浓度的稳定控制也依赖于蓝藻水华态势的稳定控制,由于太湖当前的蓝藻水华态势受气象水文条件变化影响甚大,短期内太湖水相总磷浓度稳定控制到0.05 mg/L的水质治理目标较难实现.治理策略上,若要实现太湖水体磷浓度的进一步明显下降,一方面需要大幅度削减外源磷负荷,另一方面需要大面积恢复沉水植被等.管理策略上,由于湖体磷浓度变化包括了较大的非人为因素影响,应将太湖总磷治理目标考核重点放在流域磷减排强度、入湖负荷等方面,科学看待气候波动等非人为因素影响下的水相磷浓度波动.  相似文献   

三峡水库典型支流上游区和回水区营养状态分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
张晟  宋丹  张可  曾凡海  李斗果 《湖泊科学》2010,22(2):201-207
2006年3、5、8月,对三峡水库成库后5条支流的上游区和回水区水质参数及营养因子分布进行了初步研究.研究结果表明,支流高锰酸盐指数范围在1.00-2.50mg/L、COD范围为6.00-26.5mg/L,上游区与回水区有机物含量差异不大,支流目前未受到有机物污染影响.NH_4~+-N范围为0.039-0.367mg/L,各支流含量均为丰水期最大.TN范围在0.58-1.67mg/L,TP范围在0.005-0.133mg/L,支流回水区TN和TP含量均远高于水体发生富营养化的最低限制值,水体存在发生富营养化的风险.大多支流N/P比值处于适宜藻类生长范围.Chl.a浓度范围为0.94-28.9mg/m~3,各支流回水区Chl.a浓度均为5月最大河流回水区Chl.a浓度高于上游区,上游区、回水区Chl.a含量有显著差异.选用修正的Carlson营养状态指数(Trophic State Index)TSI_M法,评价了支流水体营养状态,TSI_M指数范围在36.0-64.2,上游区除龙河、澎溪河5月达到富营养水平外,其余支流均为贫-中营养水平.回水区各支流均达到中-富营养水平.支流回水区营养状态指数均高于上游区,但各支流增加幅度不同.支流回水区水体营养状态明显受三峡水库蓄水水体流速减缓的影响.Chl.a与COD(n=15,P0.01)呈极显著正相关,与其它营养因子无明显相关关系.三峡水库完工后,支流回水区水体流速减缓,富营养化趋势可能加重.  相似文献   

西湖叶绿素a周年动态变化及藻类增长潜力试验   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
吴洁  钱天鸣  虞左明 《湖泊科学》2001,13(2):143-148
通过1999年1-12月对杭州西湖主要湖区叶绿素a含量及水量理化指标的逐月测定,分析了西湖主要湖区叶绿素a含量周年动态变经特征及各种环境生态因子对叶绿素a的影响,并对湖水进行了藻类增长潜力试验,研究结果表明,西湖主要湖区叶绿素a含量总体保持在同一水平,年变化在41.16-191.26mg/m^3之间,年均值为为99.98mg/m^3。叶绿素a妗有明显的季节变化特征,夏季和初秋为高峰、冬季最低,水体总磷浓度与叶绿素a年周期动态变化一致,叶绿素a含量的季节变化与水温变化呈显著正相关,西湖为典型的蓝藻型湖,叫氮年均值为2.08mg/L总磷年均值为0.121mg/L,N:P大于17,水体中磷对藻类增长的促进作用比氮更加明显。  相似文献   

秦镕聪  肖艳  郭劲松  李哲  方芳  刘静  杨梅 《湖泊科学》2018,30(5):1284-1294
本文通过选取水华鱼腥藻(Anabaena flos-aquae)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、空球藻(Eudorina sp.)和湖北小环藻(Cyclotella hubeiana)为三峡库区流域中典型的优势藻,在澎溪河进行原位培养试验,跟踪监测了三峡水库不同运行时期4种典型优势藻细胞氮(Cell-N)、磷(Cell-P)浓度以及环境水体中的总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)浓度,并且结合团队之前的研究成果,根据临界(供应)N/P摩尔比、细胞N/P摩尔比和Guildford的TN/TP摩尔比评价标准对库区水体的营养限制状态进行了评价,为进一步揭示三峡水库运行下支流水域富营养化过程与生理特征的限制性评价提供研究基础.原位试验结果表明:3个评价标准下水体的营养(氮或磷)限制状态基本相同,低水位时期水体无机磷营养盐比较贫乏,在试验初期没有显著的营养盐限制而在末期受到了磷的相对限制;高水位试验初期和末期均未呈现显著的营养盐限制;泄水期营养盐变动频繁,试验初期表现为氮限制而末期表现为磷限制.虽然各藻种在不同时期会表现出不同的营养盐限制性,但总的来看,临界N/P比和细胞N/P比的阈值范围具有一定指示作用,能够从藻类细胞生理的角度对水体的营养状况作出初步评价.  相似文献   

淮南采煤塌陷湖泊浮游植物优势种的营养动力学   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在淮南潘谢矿区选取3个营养盐结构差异较大的塌陷湖泊,于2014—2015年4个季度分别对浮游植物群落结构组成进行调查,选取3个湖泊中的优势种(属)具尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas caudata)、链形小环藻(Cyclotella catenata)和伪鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena sp.)作为研究对象,设置不同的氮(N)、磷(P)浓度梯度进行营养动力学培养实验,并结合Monod方程,获得3个藻种在不同营养盐限制下的营养动力学参数.N限制下具尾蓝隐藻、小环藻和伪鱼腥藻的最大生长速率(μmax)和半饱和常数(Ks)分别为:0.66 d~(-1)、1.66 mg/L;0.37 d~(-1)、1.06 mg/L;0.71 d~(-1)、2.26 mg/L;P限制下它们的μmax和Ks则分别为:0.51 d~(-1)、0.023 mg/L;0.31 d~(-1)、0.035 mg/L;0.90 d~(-1)、0.015 mg/L.综上所述,在N充足时,伪鱼腥藻能够在竞争中形成优势,同时在P限制情况下易成为优势种,从营养动力学的角度揭示了其在塌陷湖泊中占据优势的营养盐动力学机制.研究结果可以为沉陷区水域开发利用和营养盐管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Coral reef degradation resulting from nutrient enrichment of coastal waters is of increasing global concern. Although effects of nutrients on coral reef organisms have been demonstrated in the laboratory, there is little direct evidence of nutrient effects on coral reef biota in situ. The ENCORE experiment investigated responses of coral reef organisms and processes to controlled additions of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N) and/or phosphorus (P) on an offshore reef (One Tree Island) at the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. A multi-disciplinary team assessed a variety of factors focusing on nutrient dynamics and biotic responses. A controlled and replicated experiment was conducted over two years using twelve small patch reefs ponded at low tide by a coral rim. Treatments included three control reefs (no nutrient addition) and three + N reefs (NH4Cl added), three + P reefs (KH2PO4 added), and three + N + P reefs. Nutrients were added as pulses at each low tide (ca twice per day) by remotely operated units. There were two phases of nutrient additions. During the initial, low-loading phase of the experiment nutrient pulses (mean dose = 11.5 microM NH4+; 2.3 microM PO4(-3)) rapidly declined, reaching near-background levels (mean = 0.9 microM NH4+; 0.5 microM PO4(-3)) within 2-3 h. A variety of biotic processes, assessed over a year during this initial nutrient loading phase, were not significantly affected, with the exception of coral reproduction, which was affected in all nutrient treatments. In Acropora longicyathus and A. aspera, fewer successfully developed embryos were formed, and in A. longicyathus fertilization rates and lipid levels decreased. In the second, high-loading, phase of ENCORE an increased nutrient dosage (mean dose = 36.2 microM NH4+; 5.1 microM PO4(-3)) declining to means of 11.3 microM NH4+ and 2.4 microM PO4(-3) at the end of low tide) was used for a further year, and a variety of significant biotic responses occurred. Encrusting algae incorporated virtually none of the added nutrients. Organisms containing endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (corals and giant clams) assimilated dissolved nutrients rapidly and were responsive to added nutrients. Coral mortality, not detected during the initial low-loading phase, became evident with increased nutrient dosage, particularly in Pocillopora damicornis. Nitrogen additions stunted coral growth, and phosphorus additions had a variable effect. Coral calcification rate and linear extension increased in the presence of added phosphorus but skeletal density was reduced, making corals more susceptible to breakage. Settlement of all coral larvae was reduced in nitrogen treatments, yet settlement of larvae from brooded species was enhanced in phosphorus treatments. Recruitment of stomatopods, benthic crustaceans living in coral rubble, was reduced in nitrogen and nitrogen plus phosphorus treatments. Grazing rates and reproductive effort of various fish species were not affected by the nutrient treatments. Microbial nitrogen transformations in sediments were responsive to nutrient loading with nitrogen fixation significantly increased in phosphorus treatments and denitrification increased in all treatments to which nitrogen had been added. Rates of bioerosion and grazing showed no significant effects of added nutrients. ENCORE has shown that reef organisms and processes investigated in situ were impacted by elevated nutrients. Impacts were dependent on dose level, whether nitrogen and/or phosphorus were elevated and were often species-specific. The impacts were generally sub-lethal and subtle and the treated reefs at the end of the experiment were visually similar to control reefs. Rapid nutrient uptake indicates that nutrient concentrations alone are not adequate to assess nutrient condition of reefs. Sensitive and quantifiable biological indicators need to be developed for coral reef ecosystems. The potential bioindicators identified in ENCORE should be tested in future research on coral reef/nutrient interactions. Synergistic and cumulative effects of elevated nutrients and other environmental parameters, comparative studies of intact vs. disturbed reefs, offshore vs. inshore reefs, or the ability of a nutrient-stressed reef to respond to natural disturbances require elucidation. An expanded understanding of coral reef responses to anthropogenic impacts is necessary, particularly regarding the subtle, sub-lethal effects detected in the ENCORE studies.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to quantify the water and sediment quality and growth and production parameters and to establish nutrient budgets for an average of five selected semi-intensive shrimp ponds in Bangladesh over a growing cycle. Physico-chemical parameters of water and sediments were measured and analyzed by standard methods. Gross yield (kg ha-1) of shrimp was calculated from the stocking and harvesting data. Finally, a partial nutrient mass budget for N and P was calculated. Most of the parameters of water and sediments correlated significantly with each other suggesting a high degree of interactions between different parameters in the system. Significantly higher concentrations of all species of nitrogenous nutrients were recorded in the effluent waters than that entering into the ponds. Therefore, a high loading and net output of nitrogenous nutrients in effluent waters was documented. The study also indicated a net discharge of solids and minerals through effluent loading. However, significantly lower concentrations of phosphorus in the effluent water indicated a net retention and trapping of phosphatic nutrients in the environment. Total production ranged between 532.0 and 697.0 kg ha-1 cycle-1 and P. monodon production between 484.0 and 562.0 kg ha-1 cycle-1. Ponds gained nitrogen primarily from intake water (55%) and fertilizers (29%), and nitrogen was lost primarily from water exchange (78%) and harvested shrimp (12%). Phosphorus gain occurred mostly from intake water (52%) and fertilizers (25%), and phosphorus was lost primarily from water exchange (52%) and harvested shrimp (3.3%). About 10% of input nitrogen and 44% of phosphorus were not accounted for in measured losses, and presumably were fixed or metabolized in the system. On average, 78 g N was discharged to and 25 g P was removed from the surrounding water by the system for each kilogram of shrimp produced. Mean conversion of feed nitrogen and phosphorus to shrimp flesh averaged 74% and 40%, respectively. It was concluded that semi-intensive systems serve as net supplier of N to and net remover of P from the surrounding water.  相似文献   

The availability of iron within the surface waters of the broad, oligotrophic West Florida Shelf (WFS) controls periodic blooms of the pelagic marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Summer delivery of Saharan dust provided adequate iron (Fe) to shift limitation of growth to the availability of phosphorus (P). Florida's rivers drain Miocene phosphorus deposits to provide the WFS with freshwater nutrient supplies at molar dissolved inorganic nitrogen/phosphate (DIN/PO4) ratios of <6. These diazotrophs draw upon ubiquitous stocks of dissolved nitrogen gas, once stimulated by Fe-deposition within P-replete waters of the WFS.  相似文献   

A number of studies in north Queensland over the past two decades have concluded that large amounts of nutrients and sediments are exported from agricultural watersheds, particularly during wet season rainfall events. With the co-operation of a number of growers, runoff from Queensland Wet Tropics banana and cane farm paddocks in two distinct tropical river catchments was examined to provide an estimate of nutrient and sediment concentrations and export, with comparison to water quality of flow through a small urban lakes system. Median total nitrogen concentrations in cane drainage runoff (3110 microg N/L) were higher than for banana paddock drainage (2580 microg N/L), although the maximum concentration was recorded from a banana paddock (20,900 microg N/L). Nitrogen losses during post-event drainage flow were supplemented by high proportions of NO(X) (nitrate + nitrite) sourced from groundwater inputs. Banana paddocks had the highest maximum and median total phosphorus and TSS concentrations (5120 and 286 microg P/L, and 7250 and 75 mg/L respectively) compared to the cane farms (1430 and 50 microg P/L, and 1840 and 14 mg/L respectively). The higher phosphorus and TSS concentrations in the banana runoff were attributed to higher paddock slopes and a greater proportion of exposed ground surface during the wet season. Highest nutrient and TSS concentrations corresponded with samples collected near the peak discharge periods; however, the rising stage of the drainage flows, where the highest nutrient and TSS concentrations are often reported, were difficult to target because of the manual sampling strategy used. This study shows that high concentrations of nutrients and TSS occur in the runoff from cane and banana paddocks. Median total nitrogen, total phosphorus and TSS concentrations in flow through the urban lakes were 369 microg N/L, 16 microg P/L and 11 mg/L, respectively. Flux estimates of 9.2 kg N, 0.8 kg P and 126 kg TSS/ha were determined for drainage runoff from a banana paddock during a single intensive storm event.  相似文献   

In 2001, the Hong Kong government implemented the Harbor Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) under which 70% of the sewage that had been formerly discharged into Victoria Harbor is now collected and sent to Stonecutters Island Sewage Works where it receives chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT), and is then discharged into waters west of the Harbor. The relocation of the sewage discharge will possibly change the nutrient dynamics and phytoplankton biomass in this area. Therefore, there is a need to examine the factors that regulate phytoplankton growth in Hong Kong waters in order to understand future impacts. Based on a historic nutrient data set (1986-2001), a comparison of ambient nutrient ratios with the Redfield ratio (N:P:Si=16:1:16) showed clear spatial variations in the factors that regulate phytoplankton biomass along a west (estuary) to east (coastal/oceanic) transect through Hong Kong waters. Algal biomass was constrained by a combination of low light conditions, a rapid change in salinity, and strong turbulent mixing in western waters throughout the year. Potential stoichiometric Si limitation (up to 94% of the cases in winter) occurred in Victoria Harbor due to the contribution of sewage effluent with high N and P enrichment all year, except for summer when the frequency of stoichiometric Si limitation (48%) was the same as P, owing to the influence of the high Si in the Pearl River discharge. In the eastern waters, potential N limitation and N and P co-limitation occurred in autumn and winter respectively, because of the dominance of coastal/oceanic water with low nutrients and low N:P ratios. In contrast, potential Si limitation occurred in spring and a switch to potential N, P and Si limitation occurred in eastern waters in summer. In southern waters, there was a shift from P limitation (80%) in summer due to the influence of the N-rich Pearl River discharge, to N limitation (68%) in autumn, and to N and P co-limitation in winter due to the dominance of N-poor oceanic water from the oligotrophic South China Sea. Our results show clear temporal and spatial variations in the nutrient stoichiometry which indicates potential regulation of phytoplankton biomass in HK waters due to the combination of the seasonal exchange of the Pearl River discharge and oceanic water, sewage effluent inputs, and strong hydrodynamic mixing from SW monsoon winds in summer and the NE monsoon winds in winter.  相似文献   

赵斌 《湖泊科学》1996,8(2):125-132
1992年11月 ̄1993年10月,在安徽太平湖水库,同时用藻类生长潜力测试法(AGP试验)和外源添加营养的黑白瓶测定初级生产力法,对陵山站的水体分季度进行了分析测试。其结果表明,这两种方法对太平湖水库的营养评价均是行之有效的,而且二者的结果也能相互比较、相互验证;太平湖水库的不同季节,其主要营养限制性因子也各异。在枯水期,磷是藻类种群和密度的第一限制性营养元素;丰水期,由于各营养元素都相对缺乏,  相似文献   

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