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太湖秋季水体遥感反射比的简单经验估测模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2004年10月现场测量了太湖水体的遥感反射比、后向散射系数以及其他必要参数,实验室测量了水体的悬浮颗粒物质浓度.首先把太湖划分为3个大区,即遥感反射比受湖底影响的区域(影响区)、不受湖底影响的区域(非影响区)以及可能受湖底影响的区域(可能影响区),然后再把太湖分为高混浊、中混浊、低清澈以及高清澈等4类水体类型,分别列出了各种水体区域类型的相关属性数据.在整个太湖区域范围内,建立了后向散射和悬浮颗粒物质浓度的经验回归模型;仅在非影响区内,建立了遥感反射比和后向散射的经验回归模型,并可以利用悬浮颗粒物质浓度直接估测遥感反射比.最后详细分析了模型的精度.  相似文献   

不同水动力扰动下太湖沉积物的悬浮特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
利用2002年7月及2003年4月分别在太湖乌龟山和梅梁湾的水动力观测资料,计算了波浪和湖流产生的湖底切应力,分析了二者对太湖沉积物悬浮的不同贡献.结果发现,在小扰动情况下,流切应力大于波切应力,但不能引起沉积物的悬浮;在强扰动情况下,底流对沉积物悬浮的影响可以忽略,且扰动越强,其作用越小,而波浪的影响却愈加突出;在中等扰动下,二者的相互作用产生沉积物的悬浮,但波浪的作用较为显著.该结论能为计算太湖水体悬浮物浓度和动态内源释放提供重要的参考依据.  相似文献   

太湖水体的后向散射概率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
假设2004年10月太湖水体的吸收系数和遥感反射比的测量误差为0,利用生物光学模型,通过优化算法,在光学深水区模拟获得水体的后向散射系数,然后通过后向散射概率和颗粒物后向散射系数之间的定量关系,获得水体中可能真实的颗粒物后向散射概率结果表明,太湖水体的颗粒物后向散射概率不是一个定值,可以表示为波长的二次函数,在442、488、532、589、676和852nm处分别为0.017、0.017、0.027、0.033、0.054和0.094,均值为0.041,标准偏差为0.030。  相似文献   

风浪作用下太湖悬浮态颗粒物中磷的动态释放估算   总被引:68,自引:6,他引:68  
用振荡试验方法模拟了不同风速对太湖沉积物扰动产生的悬浮颗粒物(SPM)量, 研究了SPM中磷的物化形态转化和生物矿化衰减过程, 定量估算了动力扰动作用下, SPM中磷转化对太湖磷负荷贡献. 结果表明: SPM中以物化形态转化为可溶性活性磷(SRP)为主的释磷作用对太湖水体磷负荷的贡献为0.44 t/a, 因生物矿化作用为主的磷衰减对水体磷负荷的贡献量约425.8 t/a, 占太湖外源入湖总量的15.0%, 约为河道SRP入湖量的4.7~7.5倍, 因此是太湖内源动态释放量的最主要来源. 在风浪影响相同情况下, 易悬浮颗粒物中有机磷含量及其生物可转化性是决定湖体内源动态负荷量的主要因素.  相似文献   

太湖水环境面临的主要问题、研究动态与初步进展   总被引:59,自引:15,他引:44  
本文对太湖水环境研究作了一个简单的回顾,指出了这几十年工作所取得的成就,如太湖进出污染物调查和水质评估,太湖水体光辐射观测与模拟等,结合国家有关主湖治理措施与方案,提出了“九五”工作应该着重在湖泊生态管理模型,水土界面主蓝藻水华爆发机制等领域,通过对当前国际上在这些领域中研究进展情况的回顾,特别介绍了在湖泊水动力学的观测,解释,模拟和应用方面,在湖泊藻类生长以及水结出现与湖泊光照条件,营养盐水平的  相似文献   

东太湖CDOM吸收光谱的影响因素与参数确定   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
CDOM吸收特性是湖泊水色遥感的重要研究内容之一,影响着水体的遥感反射率;吸收光谱的形状一般符合波长的负指数关系,但不同水体的形态因子即S值是不同的.实地采集东太湖水样,实验室测量叶绿素、悬浮物质以及黄色物质的组份含量,室内测试计算水样的CDOM吸收光谱,根据光谱曲线形状,把样点分为三组,分别进行考察,结果发现对东太湖春季水体而言,浮游植物的降解对CDOM吸收具有重要甚至主导作用;水体中有机悬浮颗粒占有一定的比例,在测试或计算东太湖总的吸收或散射系数时,必须充分考虑有机悬浮颗粒的吸收与散射特性,否则会带来较大的误差;以500nm为分界点,把300—700nm的波段范围分为两个部分即300—500nm和500—700nm,分别定义CDOM吸收光谱的曲线斜率即S值,可以提高CDOM吸收光谱的估测精度,把S值定义为随波长线性变化的函数,可以进一步提高CDOM吸收光谱的估测精度,对东太湖春季水体而言,当:300≤λ<500nm时,S(μm-1)=-0.0193×λ 20.821,当500≤λ≤700nm时,S(μm-1)=-0.0121×λ 16.003.  相似文献   

浅水湖泊沉积物磷释放的波浪水槽试验研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
为探索浅水湖泊水动力扰动作用对沉积物内源营养盐释放的规律,采用波浪水槽试验研究了波浪扰动对太湖和巢湖沉积物悬浮和磷释放的作用.试验结果显示在强波浪扰动下,底泥大规模悬浮,使得水体中悬浮固体(SS)、总磷(TP)和溶解性总磷(DTP)含量显著升高,太湖和巢湖底泥水槽试验中上覆水体TP含量分别升高了6倍和3倍,DTP分别升高了1倍和70%,太湖底泥试验中溶解性活性磷(SRP)含量亦升高了25%.掀沙过程中,不但表层底泥间隙水中的溶解性磷释放到上覆水体当中,沉积物颗粒所吸附的磷也大量转化为SRP而解吸释放.然而,强波浪掀沙一段时间后,溶解态磷的释放逐渐受到限制.随着波浪扰动作用的持续,悬浮物的中值粒径减小,细颗粒组分的百分含量明显增加,使得悬浮物对溶解态磷的吸附能力增强;波浪扰动显著提高了水体的溶解氧浓度,也会促进水体铁锰物质的氧化,增大其对磷酸根离子的吸附能力.这些变化可能是波浪掀沙后期限制水体SRP浓度进一步升高的主要原因.太湖底泥波浪水槽试验的结果与太湖梅梁湾中心区域常见风浪扰动下底泥的悬浮起动情况相吻合,底泥起动的临界切应力也基本相同,强波浪掀沙的切应力条件及水体SS,TP及SRP浓度变化的特点也一致,表明本实验的结果接近太湖的实际状况.本研究说明太湖的水动力扰动能显著提高水体TP及SRP浓度,大波掀沙初期对底泥磷释放的影响最大,后期的影响强度则有所下降.  相似文献   

太湖水体3种典型水质参数的高光谱遥感反演   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
张兵  申茜  李俊生  张浩  吴迪 《湖泊科学》2009,21(2):182-192
以富营养化污染严重的太湖为研究区,设计并实施了2次太湖航空遥感综合实验,获取了太湖7条航带、冬夏两个时相的航空高光谱遥感图像;通过6次太湖地面试验,采集了多时相的太湖水体固有光学量和表观光学量数据,分析了它们的空间分布规律,建立了单化固有光学量数据库;面向叶绿素、悬浮物和黄色物质3种典型水质参数,发展了基于生物光学模型和单位固有光学量数据库的水质参数反演分析方法;利用航空高光谱遥感器Will图像和航天高光谱遥感器CHRIS图像对这些方法进行了检验,获得了较好的水质参数图像反演结果.  相似文献   

太湖流域水环境变化及缘由分析   总被引:38,自引:12,他引:38  
林泽新 《湖泊科学》2002,14(2):111-116
太湖水环境质量在最近的十年中下降1-2个等级,1990年86.5%的水体为Ⅱ、Ⅲ类,到2000年太湖水体87%Ⅳ类;1990年太湖水体为中-富营养化,2000年太湖水体以富营养化为主,本文通过分析经济社会发展和水环境变化,认为太湖流域工业化与城市化及居民生活水平的提高,吧及不合理的农业生产方式,使水环境面临巨大的压力,环保意识落后、治理能力不足、管理体制不合理是太湖目前水环境恶化的根本原因。  相似文献   

秋季太湖水下光场结构及其对水生态系统的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
水生态系统中光能的分配很大程度上决定了水生态系统的结构和功能,利用2007年11-12月太湖水体光学特性和组分浓度数据,对秋季太湖水下光场结构特征和水体组分光竞争能力的表征光学量(漫衰减系数、平均余弦)和影响因素(吸收系数比重)进行了分析研究.结果表明,秋季太湖水下辐照度呈现单峰分布,最高值为583nm左右:根据Kd可将黄质和非色素物质主导程度的强弱分为弱、较强、强三个等级;Kd(PAR)平均值为4.61±1.54m-1,水体真光层厚度平均值为1.11±0.35m;太湖水下光场的光能主要分布在青光和黄绿光波长范围内,约占总能量的60%,蓝光和红光波长范围内的能量约占30%,这样的光谱结构有利于铜绿微囊藻和斜生栅藻的生长.  相似文献   

湖泊光学研究进展及其展望   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
张运林 《湖泊科学》2011,23(4):483-497
从湖泊光学研究理论框架、研究方法、水体生物光学特性、有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)生物地球化学循环、光与浮游植物相互关系、沉积物再悬浮光学效应、湖泊水色遥感等几个方面全面回顾了湖泊光学研究进展.湖泊光学研究理论框架主要包括各光学组份吸收、散射、漫射衰减及辐射传输方程;近年来,逐步发展了野外时空格局调查、水动力水华过程连续...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to validate evaporation models that can be used for palaeo‐reconstructions of large lake water levels. Lake Titicaca, located in a high‐altitude semi‐arid tropical area in the northern Andean Altiplano, was the object of this case study. As annual evaporation is about 90% of lake output, the lake water balance depends heavily on the yearly and monthly evaporation flux. At the interannual scale, evaporation estimation presents great variability, ranging from 1350 to 1900 mm year?1. It has been found that evaporation is closely related to lake rainfall by a decreasing relationship integrating the implicit effect of nebulosity and humidity. At the seasonal scale, two monthly evaporation data sets were used: pan observations and estimations derived from the lake energy budget. Comparison between these data sets shows that (i) there is one maximum per year for pan evaporation and two maxima per year for lake evaporation, and (ii) pan evaporation is greater than lake evaporation by about 100 mm year?1. These differences, mainly due to a water depth scale factor, have been simulated with a simple thermal model θw(h, t) of a free‐surface water column. This shows that pan evaporation (h = 0·20 m) is strongly correlated with direct solar radiation, whereas the additional maximum of lake evaporation (h = 40 m) is related to the heat restitution towards the atmosphere from the water body at the end of summer. Finally, five monthly evaporation models were tested in order to obtain the optimal efficiency/complexity ratio. When the forcing variables are limited to those that are most readily available in the past, i.e. air temperature and solar radiation, the best results are obtained with the radiative Abtew model (r = 0·70) and with the Makkink radiative/air temperature model (r = 0·67). Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文利用睛空大气辐射传输分光参数化模式,讨论了到达太湖水面太阳总辐射中光合有效成分所占比例的日变化状况。辐射传输计算所涉及的气象参数采用无锡地区气象站资料;水体反射仅考虑有风浪状况下的水平Fresnel反射。两次湖面实测太阳总辐射日变化曲线与计算值对比分析表明,计算结果基本上能反映晴空条件下太湖水面辐射状况。本文结果对利用总辐射值估算水体生态研究中感兴趣的光合有效成份有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is one of the most abundant fractions of organic matter in aquatic systems and plays an important role in the dynamics of aquatic environments, controlling both the penetration and the underwater light radiation climate. DOC can be photodegraded by light, thus facilitating biodegradation, especially in regions where the incidence of solar radiation is high, such as higher altitudes and lower latitudes. This study quantified the photodegradation of dissolved organic material in a natural tropical lake surrounded by native forests (Brazilian Atlantic Forest) through two experiments: i) the first experiment exposed concentrated autochthonous, allochthonous, and lake water to in situ solar radiation; ii) this experiment also exposed the same organic material to artificial UV radiation in an incubator under controlled conditions. The quality and quantity of dissolved organic carbon were measured using indices based on carbon absorbance and fluorescence spectrum. In the in situ experiment, it was observed that the DOC degradation profile of the concentrated allochthonous and autochthonous organic material were distinct from each other in the absorbance indices, and the lake water mostly resembled the latter one. On the other hand, we did not see evidence of any significant difference among treatments in the laboratory experiment. An increase in the SR index and a concomitant decrease in the fluorescence of humic compounds and SUVA254 over time were observed. In both experiments, the amount of degraded organic material over time was low and some possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

The Badain Jaran Desert is the second largest desert of China with a total area of 49 200 km2. At least 72 perennial lakes are scattered throughout the desert, sustaining a unique desert–lake ecosystem. Groundwater of various origins was believed to play an essential role in maintaining those desert lakes, but hydrological measurements are lacking due to difficult field conditions. This study applied the distributed temperature sensing technique to continuously measure temperature variations in one of the desert lakes – the Badain Lake – to identify groundwater discharge to the lake based on the temperature differences between groundwater and lake water. Because temperature may be influenced by various unforeseen and temporary factors, it is critical to discern those factors that may affect the temperature such as solar radiation and vertical temperature stratification and to ensure that the temperature variations of the lake water as detected by the distributed temperature sensing are mainly caused by groundwater discharge. A time window was identified during which the groundwater discharge is the dominant factor that determines the temperature pattern of the lake water. The results show that the temperature near the eastern and southeastern lakeshore of the eastern Badain Lake is colder than the average, indicating that this area is the main groundwater discharge zone. Near the northwestern lakeshore adjacent to a sand dune, a weak cold abnormal area was identified, indicating that the sand dune is another recharge source to the lake through channelling the local precipitation toward the lake. The contribution from the sand dune, however, appeared to be less than that from the regional groundwater flow. This study provides the first identification of the temperature abnormal areas, which imply groundwater discharges into desert lakes and contributes to a better understanding of the unique desert–lake ecosystem. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Li  Yu  Zhang  Yuxin  Zhang  Xinzhong  Ye  Wangting  Xu  Lingmei  Han  Qin  Li  Yichan  Liu  Hebin  Peng  Simin 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(8):1161-1175
The fluctuation of a single lake level is a comprehensive reflection of water balance within the basin, while the regional consistent fluctuations of lake level can indicate the change of regional effective moisture. Previous researches were mainly focused on reconstructing effective moisture by multiproxy analyses of lake sediments. We carried out a series of experiments, including a transient climate evolution model, a lake energy balance model and a lake water balance model to simulate continuous Holocene effective moisture change represented by variability of virtual lake level in East and Central Asia.The virtual lake level, area, water depth and salinity are not equivalent to actual values, but we estimated relative changes of the regional effective moisture. We also explored the driving mechanisms of effective moisture change in different geographical regions. Our results indicated that gradually falling effective moisture during the Holocene in northern China was due to the combined effects of high lake evaporation caused by longwave and shortwave radiation, and low precipitation caused by reductions of summer solar insolation. A decline in effective moisture through the Holocene in the Tibetan Plateau and southern Central Asia resulted from decreased precipitation because of the weakening of the Asian summer monsoon. Increased precipitation induced by the strengthening of the westerly circulation contributed to the effective moisture rise during the Holocene in northern Central Asia.  相似文献   

Although the calculation of radiative transfer in the middle-shortwave infrared band is important in the field of optical remote sensing, studies in this area of research are rare in China. Both solar reflection and atmospheric emission should be considered when calculating radiative transfer in the middle-shortwave infrared band. This paper presents a new radiative transfer model based on the doubling and adding method. The new model uses approximate calculations of direct solar reflection,multiple scattering, and thermal emissions for a finitely thin atmospheric layer and considers both the solar and thermal sources of radiation. To verify its accuracy, the calculation results produced by the model for four typical scenarios(single layer at night,multi-layer aerosols, double-layer with ice and water clouds, and multi-layer with clouds and aerosols) were compared with those of the DISORT model. With the exception of a few channels, the absolute deviation between the two models was less than2×10~(-6) K. For the same calculation, the computation speed of the new model was approximately two to three times faster than that of the DISORT model. Sensitivity studies were performed to evaluate the error resulting from using simplified calculation methods in the new model. The results obtained in this study indicated that atmospheric thermal emission made a significant contribution to the measured radiance in the strong-absorption band(2230–2400 cm~(-1)), whereas solar radiation could be neglected in this region. However, neglecting solar radiation in the window region(2400–2580 cm~(-1)) introduced error on the order of dozens of K. Employing the average-layer temperature method simplified the calculation of thermal radiation but caused a larger error in the strong-absorption band than in the window region. In the doubling and adding method, the calculation error decreased as the value used for minimum optical thickness decreased. Under the condition of satisfying the requirement of calculation precision, we can consider using the layer-average temperature radiation method and selecting a relative larger minimum optical thickness value to improve the calculation efficiency. The new radiative calculation model proposed herein can be used in the simulation, inversion, and assimilation of middle-shortwave infrared measurements by hyper-spectral satellite instruments.  相似文献   

—This paper deals with a new broadband atmospheric model designed for predicting the total and diffuse solar radiation incident on the earth’s surface in medium or large-sized coastal or near-coastal cities, under a clear or cloudy sky. The revised solar spectrum is used. The atmospheric transmittance of each atmospheric parameter contributing to solar radiation depletion, water vapor, ozone, uniformly mixed gases, molecules and aerosols, is calculated using parameterized expressions resulting from integrated spectral transmittance functions. The beam and diffuse radiation components are obtained as a function of the specific atmospheric transmittances. The model requires the following parameters as inputs: total water vapor and ozone amount in a vertical column, sunshine duration and the surface albedo. The model has been used for validation purposes at two stations with slightly different characteristics (NOA and Penteli) in the Athens basin, where total and diffuse radiation measurements are available, for a period of 34 months for NOA and 23 for Penteli. The NOA station is located on a small hill (107 m a.m.s.l.) near the center of Athens, while the Penteli station (500 m a.m.s.l.) is situated in a relatively less polluted area in northern Athens. The clear sky part of the model was tested for 70 individual “clear” days with 2-minute intervals, while the whole model was checked with monthly “mean” days and mean hourly values. A close agreement between the calculated and the measured values of total and diffuse solar radiation is observed.  相似文献   

Land surface evapotranspiration (ET) plays an important role in energy and water balances. ET can significantly affect the runoff yield of a basin and the available water resources in mountainous areas. The existing models to estimate ET are typically applicable to plains, and excessive data are required to calculate the surface fluxes accurately. This study established a simple and practical model capable of depicting the surface fluxes, while using relatively less parameters. Considering the complex terrain, solar radiation was corrected by importing a series of topographic factors. The water deficit index, a measure of land surface wetness, was calculated by applying the fc (vegetation fractional cover)‐Trad (land surface temperature) framework in the two‐source trapezoid model for evapotranspiration model to mountainous areas after corrections of temperature based on altitude variations. The model was successfully applied to the Kaidu River Basin, a basin with few gauges located in the east Tien Shan Mountains of China. Based on the time scale extensions, ET was analyzed at different time scales from 2000 to 2013. The results demonstrated that the corrected solar radiation and water deficit index were reasonably distributed in space and that this model is applicable to ungauged catchments, such as the Kaidu River Basin.  相似文献   

湖泊热力结构不仅影响湖泊内部生态环境,而且与区域气象和气候系统相互影响,但目前对湖泊垂直温度的观测研究仍非常匮乏.本研究基于青藏高原拉昂错连续的湖温和气象观测,分析了小时尺度和日尺度热力分层规律和混合层深度的变化特征.结果表明:拉昂错为冷多次完全混合型湖泊;湖表温度8月达到最大值,湖面敞水区和沿岸的湖表温度季节震荡相同,但存在一定的空间差异;与空气温度相比,湖表温度变幅小,降温更慢,峰值滞后约1个月.同时发现,拉昂错混合层深度变化较为规律,辐射和风速是影响湖泊混合层深度的主要外界因子.探明真实的高原湖泊分层规律,有利于提高湖泊模拟能力,为优化湖泊参数化方案提供参考.  相似文献   

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