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汶川M_S8.0地震地表破裂带及其发震构造   总被引:178,自引:33,他引:145  
震后应急野外考察表明,2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0地震在青藏高原东缘龙门山推覆构造带上同时使北川-映秀断裂和灌县-江油断裂两条倾向NW的叠瓦状逆断层发生地表破裂。其中,沿北川-映秀断裂展布的地表破裂带长约240km,以兼有右旋走滑分量的逆断层型破裂为主,最大垂直位移6.2m,最大右旋走滑位移4.9m;沿灌县-江油断裂连续展布的地表破裂带长约72km,最长可达90km,为典型的纯逆断层型地表破裂,最大垂直位移3.5m;另外,在上述两条地表破裂带西部还发育着1条NW向带有逆冲垂直分量、左旋走滑性质的小鱼洞地表破裂带,长约6km。这一地表破裂样式是近期发生的特大地震中结构最复杂的一次逆断层型地表破裂,地表破裂的长度也最长。利用已有的石油地震剖面,结合余震分布和地表破裂带特征等资料构建的三维发震构造模型表明,龙门山推覆构造带现今和第四纪时期以地壳缩短为主,斜滑逆冲型地震表明青藏高原中东部的水平运动在华南地块与巴颜喀拉地块之间的龙门山推覆构造带上转化为地壳的缩短和隆升  相似文献   

汶川M_S8.0地震地表破裂带北川以北段的基本特征   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:25  
对北川-青川间汶川MS8.0地震地表破裂的野外地质调查表明,在这一段内主要存在一条地震地表破裂带,总体沿北川-青川断裂带分布。沿黄家坝、陈家坝、桂溪、平通、南坝、石坎等地的观察显示,该段地表破裂沿走向连续分布,结构单一,破裂长度为60~90km,地表破裂没有到达青川县关庄镇。可观察到的破裂长度在北川北至石坎之间,长62km,走向总体为20°~55°,运动学性质主要为右旋走滑逆冲。地震形成的地表破裂主要表现为垂向上的地表拱曲,指示了深部断层的逆冲性质;在水平运动方向上则主要表现为右旋走滑,不存在左旋走滑分量。地震地表破裂显示的同震垂直位移从西南段黄家坝的3m左右,向东北逐渐降低至南坝、石坎的1.5m左右;右旋水平位移没有明显变化或者略有增加,一般在1.5~2.0m之间。地表破裂特征表明,引起本次汶川MS8.0地震的发震构造是映秀-北川-青川断裂带,该断裂以逆冲运动为主,兼具右旋走滑分量,逆冲方向由NW向SE  相似文献   

GPS测定的2008年汶川Ms 8.0级地震的同震位移场   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
2008年5月12日四川汶川发生Ms8.0级地震,龙门山断裂带的映秀.北川断裂和灌县-江油断裂同时发生破裂,分别形成了240多公里和70多公里长的地表破裂带,最大垂直错距和水平错距分别达到6和4.9m.利用GPS获取的地表形变资料,揭示了大区域、远场同震位移场,发现地壳形变以映秀-北川断裂为中心,两侧发生相向运动和强烈的水平缩短;而且青藏高原东缘的向东运动幅度大于四川盆地向西的运动幅度.5.12汶川大地震还具有右旋走滑分量,GPS定量地揭示了映秀一带南段的右旋水平位移很小,北川县城以北的北段具有明显的右旋位移,但幅度仍然小于水平缩短幅度.垂直同震位移在龙门山断裂带东侧的成都平原以下降为主,断裂上盘只在距断裂很近处观测到了向上的运动,很快又转为下降运动,这种运动图像与高角度逆断裂产生的弹性位移场类似.上述观测事实对于进一步研究岩石圈构造运动、地震动力学特征及判定未来地震趋势等都具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

2008年5月12日MS8.0 汶川大地震的主要发震断层是龙门山断裂带的映秀—北川断裂.本研究通过地震后的实地调查和地震前后高空间分辨率航空与卫星影像的解译,对映秀—北川断裂带北川段(擂鼓镇—曲山镇)同震地表破裂带的几何学与运动学特征及相关地震地质灾害进行了详细分析.研究结果表明5·12汶川大地震沿映秀—北川断裂带产生的地表破裂带正穿过北川县城—曲山镇中心,并在曲山镇周围诱发了一系列大型滑坡和岩崩等地质灾害,致使北川县城遭到毁灭性破坏.野外考察表明北川段最大逆冲量和右旋走滑量都达8~10 m,这也是映秀—北川地表地震破裂带中位移量最大的地段.同时,值得注意的是曲山镇一带正是地震断层几何学和运动学特征改变的转换地带:曲山镇及其南西部断层倾向北西,呈现以逆冲为主兼右旋走滑的特征;在曲山镇北东断层倾向南东,表现为右旋走滑分量与垂直分量相当,走滑活动特征更明显.研究结果还表明,逆冲-走滑型(或斜向逆冲型)同震地表破裂带的几何学和运动学特征直接影响地震地质灾害及其破坏程度,地震地质灾害的分布表现出明显的不对称性:断层NW盘(上盘)远远强于SE盘(下盘).地震断层的几何学特征与断层运动的应力及坡向的自由面之间相互作用,加强了滑坡、岩崩等地质灾害的破坏力.因此,汶川大地震为我们研究逆冲-走滑型同震地表破裂的几何学、运动学特征及其地震地质灾害效应提供了契机.  相似文献   

2018年5·12汶川地震后,龙门山断裂带的大地震活动特征一直是倍受关注的科学问题.而探槽古地震研究是最直接揭示活断层带晚第四纪大地震活动规律的重要途径.本文通过系统总结龙门山断裂带近十年来探槽古地震研究成果,全面分析了龙门山断裂带不同段落的晚第四纪大地震活动与复发特征.结果显示:龙门山断裂带的大地震活动具有明显的分段性,北川—映秀断裂和江油—灌县断裂中段(包括小鱼洞断裂)是全新世以来,最为活跃的段落,约距今6000年以来,发生过3次位移量近似相等的事件,分别发生在5920—5730 cal BP和3300—2300 cal BP,大地震活动具有3000年左右的准周期复发特征;北川—映秀断裂的北段具有独立破裂的能力,该段汶川地震前一次事件发生在大约665—1030 AD,可能是历史上记载的942 AD地震事件,另一次事件发生在8240—7785 BC;江油—灌县断裂的南段(大川—双石断裂)发震能力明显弱于断裂带中段和北段.现有古地震数据表明,沿北川—映秀断裂,除汶川地震以外,并未显示出不同段落间在全新世期间存在级联破裂的证据,这可能意味着2008年汶川M8地震是龙门山断裂带上罕见的巨大地震事件.另外,青川断裂上探槽揭露的古地震变形事件不像是断裂直接位错的结果,更可能是被动响应北川—映秀断裂右旋位错的现象.  相似文献   

横跨龙门山断裂带南段的连续GPS测网记录到了2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震孕育过程相关的地壳变形信息,为研究此次地震前孕震区地壳变形动态演化过程提供重要的基础资料.研究表明,汶川地震的发生导致茂县-汶川断裂南段及以东地区挤压应变和左旋剪切应变加载.GPS跨单条断裂的基线平均缩短速率约为1~2 mm/a,跨越整个断裂带的基线平均缩短速率约为8~10 mm/a,且均表现出随芦山地震临近年均缩短速率逐渐减小的特征;多站组合的应变参数时序结果显示,龙门山断裂带南段主压应变率自西向东逐渐减小,主压应变方向为N30°~45°W近似垂直于断裂带;北川-映秀断裂以东地区以挤压变形为主兼有明显的左旋剪切变形,且面应变和第一剪应变随着芦山地震的临近应变率逐渐减小;北川-映秀断裂以西则表现为在时间进程上逐渐增强的右旋剪切变形.区域GPS变形场结果显示汶川震后龙门山断裂带南段挤压应变积累速率显著大于震前,且茂县-汶川断裂以东地区表现出左旋剪切应变积累特征.综合分析认为,汶川地震后巴颜喀拉块体东向运动加速,运动速度自西向东递减,致使在汶川地震中未破裂的龙门山断裂带南段的挤压应变积累水平进一步增强.  相似文献   

王敏 《地球物理学报》2009,52(10):2519-2526
2008年5月12日发生在四川汶川的大地震造成映秀—北川断裂和灌县—江油断裂同时破裂,分别形成了240多公里和70多公里的地表破裂带.本文以GPS观测获得的同震位移场为约束,反演地震破裂的空间分布.反演结果显示映秀—北川主破裂带倾向北西,沿破裂带的走向从南到北倾角逐渐变大,破裂断层的平均宽度在10~18 km左右.破裂断层的错动在南段以逆冲为主,在北段走滑分量逐步加大,右旋走滑成为断层破裂的主要特征.断层破裂最大段落错动量分别达到了7.8 m和7.4 m,恰好对应这次地震中地表破坏最为严重的映秀和北川地区.本次地震释放地震矩6.70×1020N·m,相应矩震级Mw=7.9.  相似文献   

四川汶川8.0级地震震源过程   总被引:167,自引:70,他引:97       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日在青藏高原与四川盆地交界的龙门山山脉发生了Ms8.0级强烈地震,引发山体滑坡等地质灾害,造成了巨大的人员伤亡和经济损失.本文利用远场体波波形记录结合近场同震位移数据,根据地质资料和地震形成的地表破裂轨迹,构造了一个双“铲状”有限地震断层模型,利用反演技术重建地震的破裂过程.结果显示汶川大地震主要是沿龙门山构造带的映秀-北川断裂和灌县-江油断裂发生的逆冲兼右旋走滑破裂事件.断层面上的滑动分布显示两个高滑动区先后发生在地震破坏最为严重的映秀和北川地区,最大滑动量高达1200~1250 cm,且破裂过程也显示一定的复杂性.地震破裂的平均走滑量略大于平均倾滑量,与多种观测资料获得的震前龙门山断裂带构造变形相一致,推断是由于长期区域应力场作用和龙门山地区特殊的物质组成和结构孕育了这次千年尺度的强烈地震.  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震地表破裂带与岩性关系   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
2008年汶川8.0级地震沿龙门山断裂带内的映秀—北川断裂和灌县—安县断裂分别形成约230 km和70 km的地表破裂带.震后地质考察研究表明,伴随地震断层出露地表的滑动面大多沿炭质泥岩和煤层发育.与1∶5万区域地质图进行对照,显示映秀—北川地震破裂带的西南段(虹口—清平段)和灌县—安县地震地表破裂带的展布与龙门山地区上三叠统须家河组煤系地层的出露范围相一致.龙门山地区的上三叠统须家河组地层中的薄煤层、炭质泥岩层以及志留系、寒武系的炭质页岩层是易于产生滑动的柔性岩层,易形成滑脱面或成岩片夹于断层带中.汶川地震产生的复杂地表破裂带是龙门山逆冲推覆构造带沿地表构造层中夹有煤层等柔性岩层的断层产生B型滑动的结果.  相似文献   

汶川Ms8.0级地震断层滑动机制研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
汶川Ms8.0级地震的发震构造为龙门山断裂带,地震地表破裂主要分布在其中的北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂上,尤其是沿前者发育了长达240 km左右的地表破裂带.通过对龙门山断裂带震后断层擦痕的测量,得到311条断层擦痕数据,利用由断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量的计算方法,得到研究区8个测点的构造应力张量数据,并获得了研究区构造应力场特征:区域现代构造应力场以近水平挤压为主,最大主应力方向(σ1)为76°~121°,平均倾角9°,应力结构以逆断型为主.受构造应力场及断层几何特征的影响,地表破裂呈现出分段性:映秀-北川段主要以NW盘逆冲为主,垂直位移明显;北川以北段为逆冲兼走滑,水平位移量与垂直位移量基本相当,或水平位移略大.  相似文献   

On November 18, 2017, a MS6.9 earthquake struck Mainling County, Tibet, with a depth of 10km. The earthquake occurred at the eastern Himalaya syntaxis. The Namche Barwan moved northward relative to the Himalayan terrane and was subducted deeply beneath the Lhasa terrane, forming the eastern syntaxis after the collision of the Indian plate and Asian plates. Firstly, this paper uses the far and near field broadband seismic waveform for joint inversion (CAPJoint method)of the earthquake focal mechanism. Two groups of nodal planes are obtained after 1000 times Bootstrap test. The strike, dip and rake of the best solution are calculated to be 302°, 76° and 84° (the nodal plane Ⅰ)and 138°, 27° and 104° (the nodal plane Ⅱ), respectively. This event was captured by interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)measurements from the Sentinel-1A radar satellite, which provide the opportunity to determine the fault plane, as well as the co-seismic slip distribution, and assess the seismic hazards. The overall trend of the deformation field revealed by InSAR is consistent with the GPS displacement field released by the Gan Wei-Jun's team. Geodesy (InSAR and GPS)observation of the earthquake deformation field shows the northeastern side of the epicenter uplifting and the southwestern side sinking. According to geodetic measurements and the thrust characteristics of fault deformation field, we speculate that the nodal plane Ⅰ is the true rupture plane. Secondly, based on the focal mechanism, we use InSAR data as the constraint to invert for the fine slip distribution on the fault plane. Our best model suggests that the seismogenic fault is a NW-SE striking thrust fault with a high angle. Combined with the slip distribution and aftershocks, we suggest that the earthquake is a high-angle thrust event, which is caused by the NE-dipping thrust beneath the Namche Barwa syntaxis subducted deeply beneath the Lhasa terrane.  相似文献   

1974年云南省昭通地震破裂机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
1974年5月11日,在云南省昭通地区发生了7.1级地震。震中区位于金沙江下游南岸的山地中。 本文中,作者分析了震区大地测量资料,根据破裂与应变的关系,确立这次地震震源破裂属于逆冲型。依据烈度衰减和余震分布特征建立了矩形滑动断层模式参数,并应用曼辛哈(Mansinha)和斯迈利(smylie)给出的倾斜、有限滑动断层位移场的精确解析表达式,求得平均倾向滑距。结果是:断层走向N6°W,倾向N84°E,倾角60°,断面长20公里,宽30公里;断面顶部距地表深度2.5公里;平均倾向滑距2.8米,地震矩5.4×1026达因·厘米;应力降51巴;释放的应变能下限1.2×1023尔格。 作者还扼要地讨论了P波节面解和这次地震发生的构造条件,并解释了一些宏观地震现象。  相似文献   

2016年4月15日16时25分(UTC),日本熊本县发生MW7.1强烈地震,给当地人员、建筑及经济造成严重灾难和巨大损失.日本地震观测网F-net给出的震源机制解显示此次地震的震源位置为130.7630°E,32.7545°N,深度12.45 km,节面Ⅰ:走向N131°E、倾角53°、滑动角-7°;节面Ⅱ:走向N226°E、倾角84°、滑动角-142°.与此同时,余震的震中分布及其震源机制结果显示主震的震源机制在破裂过程中有可能发生了变化,单一的震源机制不足以充分解释观测数据.本文依据GNSS和InSAR地表形变反演结果为约束,并结合活动构造资料为参考,构建了震源机制变化的有限断层模型,采用水平层状介质模型,利用日本强震观测台网K-NET和KiK-net的近场加速度观测记录,通过多时间窗线性波形反演方法反演了此次地震的震源破裂过程.研究结果显示,这是一次沿Futagawa-Hinagu断层带发生的右旋走滑破裂事件,发震断层分为南北两段,其中北段走向N235°E、倾角60°,南段走向N205°E、倾角72°,断层深度范围和余震深度分布基本一致,断层面上滑动主要集中于断层北段,最大滑动量约7.9 m,整个断层的破裂过程持续约18 s,释放地震矩5.47×1019 N·m(MW7.1).  相似文献   

On April 1, 1936, an M6¾ earthquake occurred on the Fangcheng-lingshan Fault. So far, the Lingshan M6¾ earthquake is the biggest one in South China. There are some reports about the Lingshan earthquake fissures, but its surface rupture hasn't been systemically studied. Based on the geological mapping and measurement of the right-lateral displacement and vertical offset, the surface rupture zone caused by the Lingshan M6¾ earthquake was found, which contains two secondary surface rupture zones in the east and west respectively, its strike varies from N55°E to N60°E with en echelon-like distribution along the north section of Lingshan Fault, and its total length is about 12.5km. The western surface rupture zone locates intermittently along Gaotang-Xiatang-Liumeng, about 9.4km in length, with a right-lateral displacement of 0.54~2.9m and a vertical offset of 0.23~1.02m; the other one appears between Jiaogenping and Hekou, about 3.1km in length, with a right-lateral displacement of 0.36~1.3m and a vertical offset of 0.15~0.57m. The maximum right-lateral displacement and vertical offset are 2.9m and 1.02m, appearing at the east of Xiatang reservoir. The types of surface rupture mainly contain earthquake fault, earthquake scarp, earthquake fissure, earthquake colluvial wedge, earthquake caused landslide and liquefaction of sand and so on. The earthquake fault develops at the east of Xiatang and Jiaogenping, earthquake scarp appears at Xiaoyilu and Xiatang, earthquake fissure locates at Xiatang, there are multiple earthquake landslides along the surface rupture zone, and the trench LSTC03 exposes the earthquake colluvial wedge. In order to further investigate the Lingshan earthquake surface rupture zones, the author compares the parameters of Lingshan M6¾ earthquake with the similar typical earthquakes in western China, the results show that the parameters of Lingshan earthquake are similar to the typical earthquakes in western China. The length of Lingshan earthquake surface rupture is shorter, but the dislocation is bigger. The author considers that this is mainly related with the parameters of Lingshan earthquake, site condition and structural environment of surface rupture zone, the symbols of dislocation measuring, human activity and weather condition and so on. The research of surface rupture zone features and analysis of Lingshan M6¾ earthquake provides important and basic data for exploring the seismogenic structure of Lingshan M6¾ earthquake, and it has important scientific significance.  相似文献   

Fault-related tectonic geomorphologic features are integrated expressions of multiple strong seismological events and long-term surface processes, including crucial information about strong earthquake behavior of a fault. It's of great significance to identify the strong seismic activity information from faulted landscapes, which include the date and sequence of the seismic activities, displacements, active fault features, for studying the seismic rupture process, predicting the future seismic recurrence behavior and evaluating the seismic hazard of the fault. However, due to the restriction of measuring techniques and the subsequent poor quality of the acquired data, it has been difficult to accurately extract such information from complex tectonic landforms to study active faults for a long time. Recently, "small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(sUAV)" photogrammetric technique based on "Structure from Motion(SfM)" provides a cost-efficient and convenient access to high-resolution and high-accuracy "digital elevation models(DEMs)" of tectonic landforms. This paper selects the Tangjiapo area at the Haiyuan Fault to conduct data collection, in which the structural and geomorphic features are well preserved. Using a small quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle(Inpire 2), we collect 1598 aerial photographs with a coverage area of 0.72km2. For calibrating the accuracy of the aerial data, we set 10 ground control points and use differential-GPS to obtain the spatial coordinates of these control points. We use model software Agisoft PhotoScan to process these digital pictures, obtaining high-resolution and high-accuracy DEM data with the geographic information, in which data resolution is 2.6cm/pix and the average density of point cloud is 89.3 point/m2. The data with these accuracy and resolution can fully show the real geomorphic features of the landform and meet the requirements for extracting specific structural geomorphic information on the surface. Through the detailed interpretation of the tectonic landforms, we identify a series of structures associated with the strike-slip fault and divide the alluvial fan into four stages, named s1, s2, s3, and s4, respectively.Wherein, the s1 is the latest phase of the alluvial fan, which is in the extension direction of the Haiyuan Fault and there isn't any surface fracture, indicating that the s1 was formed after the M8.5 Haiyuan earthquake in 1920. The rupture zone on the s2 fan is composed of varied kinds of faulting geomorphologic landforms, such as a series of en echelon tension-shear fractures trending 270°~285°, fault scarps and seismic ridges caused by the left-lateral motion of the seismic fault. In addition, a number of field ridges on the s2 fan were faulted by the 1920 Haiyuan M8.5 earthquake, recording the co-seismic displacements of the latest earthquake event. Relatively speaking, the surface rupture structure of the s3 fan is simple, mainly manifested as linear fault scarp with a trend of 270°~285°, which may indicate that multiple earthquakes have connected the different secondary fractures. And a small part of s4 fan is distributed in the southwest of the study area without fault crossing. Furthermore, we measured the horizontal displacements of river channels and vertical offsets of fault scarps. The faulted ridge on the s2 fan and faulted gully on the s3 fan provide good linear markers for obtaining the fault left-lateral dislocation. We used the graphical dislocation measurement software LaDiCaoz developed based on Matlab to restore the gully position before the earthquake by comparing the gully morphology on both sides of the fault, and then determined the horizontal offset of s2, which is(4.3±0.4)m and that of s3 is(8.6±0.6)m. In addition, based on the DEM data, we extracted the fault scarp densely along the fault strike, and obtained the vertical offset of s2, which is(4.3±0.4)m and that of s3 is(1.79±0.16)m. Moreover, we detect slope breaks in the fault scarp morphology. For compound fault scarps generated by multiple surface rupture earthquakes, there are multiple inflection points on the slope of the topographic section, and each inflection point represents a surface rupture event. Therefore, the slope break point on the scarp becomes an important symbol of multiple rupture of the fault. The statistical result shows that the slope breaks number of s2 is 1 and that of s3 is 2. Based on the analysis of horizontal displacements of river channels and vertical offsets of fault scarps as well as its slope breaks, two surface rupturing events can be confirmed along the Tangjiapo area of the Haiyuan Fault. Among them, the horizontal and vertical displacements of the older event are(4.3±0.95)m and(0.85±0.22)m, respectively, while that of the latest event are(4.3±0.4)m and(0.95±0.14)m, which are the coseismic horizontal and vertical offsets of the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake. These recognitions have improved our cognitive level of the fine structure of seismic surface rupture and ability to recognize paleoearthquake events. Therefore, the high-resolution topographic data obtained from the SfM photogrammetry method can be used for interpretation of fine structure and quantitative analysis of microgeomorphology. With the development of research on tectonic geomorphology and active tectonics toward refinement and quantification, this method will be of higher use value and practical significance.  相似文献   

2001年昆仑山口西地震经历了一个相当复杂的破裂过程,迄今为止用不同资料、不同方法和模型得到的同震破裂发布具有很大差异.我们采用地震前后GPS和InSAR观测数据得到的同震位移反演该地震的同震破裂分布,检验各种可能的模型参数,得到在数据与平滑优化约束下尽可能详尽的结果.建模过程经历三个步骤:(1)采用直立断层模型反演,根据解的分辨率和拟合差的折中曲线得到最优平滑约束;(2)改变断层倾角,找到使得观测数据和正演计算拟合最好的断层倾角;(3)根据前面两步得到的最优平滑约束和断层倾角求得地震同震破裂分布.比起前人的研究结果,我们得到的地表走滑分量随断层分布与地质考察数据符合得更好.我们还发现形变沿断层两盘并不对称,断层南盘的位移比北盘大10%~20%.这种位移场的不对称性可以由倾角约为80°~81°的南倾断层所解释.我们首次用大地测量数据揭示了太阳湖断层东端和东昆仑主断层西端~50 km的左阶断层上吸收了0.1~0.2 m的正断层分量,昆仑山口断层段吸收了~0.8 m的逆冲分量.地震释放的总地震矩为9.3×1020 N·m, 对应于 Mw8.0的地震.  相似文献   

芦山7.0级地震序列的震源位置与震源机制解特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
基于中国国家和四川区域数字地震台网记录,采用HypoDD方法精确定位了四川芦山ML2.0级以上地震序列的震源位置,采用CAP方法反演了36次ML4.0级以上地震的最佳双力偶震源机制解,并利用小震分布和区域应力场拟合了可能存在的发震断层面参数,从而综合分析了芦山地震序列的震源深度、震源机制和震源破裂面特征,探讨可能的发震构造.结果显示,7.0级主震的震源位置为30.30°N、102.97°E,初始破裂深度为15 km左右,震源矩心深度为14 km左右,最佳双力偶震源机制解的两组节面分别为走向209°/倾角46°/滑动角94°和走向23°/倾角44°/滑动角86°,可视为纯逆冲型地震破裂,绝大多数ML4.0级以上余震的震源机制也表现出与主震类似的逆冲破裂特征.ML2.0级以上余震序列发生在主震两侧,集中分布的长轴为30 km左右,震源深度主要集中在5~27 km,ML3.5级以上较大余震则集中分布在9~25 km的深度上,并揭示出发震断层倾向北西的特征.利用小震分布和区域应力场拟合得到发震断层参数为走向207°/倾角50°/滑动角92°,绝大多数余震发生在断层面附近10 km左右的区域.综合地震序列分布特征、主震震源深度和已有破裂过程研究结果,可以推测主震破裂过程自初始点沿断层的两侧扩展破裂,南侧破裂比北侧稍长,滑动量主要集中在初始破裂点附近,可能没有破裂到地表.综合本文研究成果、地震烈度分布和现有的科学考察结果,初步推测发震构造为龙门山山前断裂,也不排除主震震中东侧还存在一条未知的基底断裂发震的可能性.  相似文献   

2008年10月6日16时30分(北京时间),西藏自治区拉萨市当雄县发生Ms6.6级地震.震中位于亚东-谷露近南北向裂谷带北段,是该活动构造带近年来发生的一次较大地震.我们利用中国地震台网中心(CENC)和美国地震学联合研究所(IRIS)提供的宽频带地震记录资料,基于点源和有限断层模型,通过波形拟合反演了该地震的震源过程.结果表明,本次地震的发震断层面走向为183.3°,倾角为49.5°,滑动角约为-115°,最大滑动量达130 cm,地震震源的深度为9.6 km,地震的标量地震矩为2.85×1018 N·m,破裂持续时间约10 s.根据地震破裂的几何学和运动学特征,推测该地震主要发生在亚东-谷露南北向裂谷活动构造带内的一个高角度西倾断层上,是一个以拉张为主且有一定的右旋分量的破裂事件,这与青藏高原现今GPS测量所揭示的该地区地壳运动特征基本一致,暗示了青藏高原南部从西向东地表运动从北北东向到南东东向的运动学转变所导致的地壳在近东西方向上的拉张变形特征.  相似文献   

We achieved the coseismic displacements of the Napa MW6.1 earthquake located in California US occurring on 24 August 2014 by using InSAR data from the newly launched ESA's Sentinel-1A satellite. The 30m×30m ASTER GDEM was used to remove the terrain effect, and phase unwrapping method of branch-cut algorithm was adopted. In order to obtain a better coseismic displacement field, we also tested 90m×90m SRTM data to remove the terrain effect and Minimum Cost Flow algorithm to unwrap the phase. Results showed that the earthquake caused a significant ground displacement with maximum uplift and subsidence of 0.1m and -0.09m in the satellite light of sight(LOS). Based on the Sentinel-1A dataset and sensitivity based iterative fitting(SBIF) method of restrictive least-squares algorithm, we obtained coseismic fault slip distribution and part of the earthquake source parameters. Inversion results show that the strike angle is 341.3°, the dip angle is 80°, rupture is given right-lateral fault, average rake angle is -176.38°, and the maximum slip is ~0.8m at a depth of 4.43km. The accumulative seismic moment is up to 1.6×1018N·m, equivalent to a magnitude of MW6.14.  相似文献   

1996年3月19日新疆阿图什6.9级地震:单侧破裂过程   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
结合已有的地质、余震分布及地震宏观考察资料,使用全球数字地震台网(GDSN)宽频带P波数据,利用波形拟合和有限断层的全局混合反演方法研究了1996年3月19日新疆阿图什地震的震源破裂时空过程.结果表明,这次地震是发生在柯坪断裂带的哈帕雷克断层上的一次具有逆倾和较小走滑分量的由西向东单侧破裂事件.断层面的走向为252°,倾角30°,震源深度为13km,震源持续时间为15s.破裂面上的滑动分布主要由两部分构成:初始破裂0.3m对应较小上升时间0.8s;最大滑动尺度1.0m则位于沿破裂方向离初始点约25km处,相应的上升时间为3.5s.由于微观震中是指震源开始破裂的地方,而宏观震中则代表地面破坏最严重的区域,我们的反演结果解释了其他研究者得出的微观震中与宏观震中相距约30km的结论.  相似文献   

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