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为了提高乌兰浩特地震台、阿尔山火山地震观测站的震级精度,基于面波震级公式和残差统计方法,分别计算乌兰浩特台、阿尔山火山地震观测站与中国地震台网中心测定的面波震级之间的偏差,分析产生震级偏差的影响因素.结果表明:乌兰浩特台、阿尔山火山地震观测站测定的面波震级与中国地震台网发布震级的偏差平均值分别为0.19、0.17;震级偏差总体呈现随震级的增加而先增大后减少的趋势;阿尔山火山地震观测站震级偏差随震中距的增大而增大,而乌兰浩特台则先增大后减少.  相似文献   

为了提高乌兰浩特地震台、阿尔山火山地震观测站的震级精度,基于面波震级公式和残差统计方法,分别计算乌兰浩特台、阿尔山火山地震观测站与中国地震台网中心测定的面波震级之间的偏差,分析产生震级偏差的影响因素。结果表明:乌兰浩特台、阿尔山火山地震观测站测定的面波震级与中国地震台网发布震级的偏差平均值分别为0.19、0.17;震级偏差总体呈现随震级的增加而先增大后减少的趋势;阿尔山火山地震观测站震级偏差随震中距的增大而增大,而乌兰浩特台则先增大后减少。  相似文献   

地震震级是地震三要素之一,如何准确测定震级对于地震速报与应急工作至关重要。选取赤峰中心地震台2016年1月1日到2019年5月31日测定的674个地震事件的面波震级进行分析,并与中国地震台网中心发布的正式目录进行比较,并根据不同的震中距和方位角,给出面波震级偏差及校正值。结果表明:随着震级和震中距增大,震级偏差增大;赤峰中心地震台以北地区的不同方位角范围内,地震面波震级偏差分别为0.15、-0.13,以南地区的不同方位角范围内,地震面波震级偏差分别为0.22、0.16;根据参考校正值重新计算震级,通过震级对比结果表明校正效果较好。  相似文献   

选取当涂地震站2015年12月至2020年4月记录的120个1.2M_L5.3近震(均为浅源地震),其中省外地震震级为M_L≥2.0。重新计算单台震级M_(L台),与安徽省测震台网中心所测地方性震级M_(L省)进行对比,得出二者的震级偏差,分析在不同震中距和台站方位角范围内震级偏差的分布规律。结果如下:①按震中距分析,可知:Δ70 km,M_(L台)偏小。70 km≤Δ180 km,单台震级大部分偏小,在反射波临界范围内,部分地震震级偏差较小,多在±0.2内摆动,偏差可忽略。Δ≥180 km,震级普遍偏大;②按台站方位角分析,结果如下:方位角≤66°,震级偏差多大于0,震中大部分位于郯庐断裂带以东;方位角大于66°,震级偏差多小于0,大部分地震位于郯庐断裂带以西和长江以北。综合分析认为:量规函数、反射波、断裂带和震源机制均会对震级偏差产生影响,且震级偏差大小能在一定程度上反映地质结构差异。  相似文献   

利用云南地震台网记录的云南及其周边地区2000~2017年的宽频带数字地震资料,按照新的震级国家标准《地震震级的规定》(GB17740-2017)的测定方法,使用同一套软件,对地方性震级M_L、面波震级M_S、宽频带面波震级M_S(BB)、短周期体波震级m_b、宽频带体波震级m_B(BB)和矩震级M_W重新进行人工测量。并分别用一般线性回归和正交回归方法,对不同震级之间的关系进行对比,给出它们之间的经验关系式。研究结果表明:(1)当M4.5时,各种震级之间相差不大,使用地方性震级M_L可以较好地表示地震的大小,也能够更加充分地反映区域特性;当4.5≤M8.0时,宽频带面波震级M_S(BB)和矩震级MW均能较好地表示地震的大小,但矩震级M_W的测定需要一定时间,因此在速报工作和大震应急中,可以使用M_S(BB)表示地震的大小; M_S(BB)的测定方法与国际接轨,消除0.2的震级偏差。(2)对于面波震级MS和宽频带面波震级M_S(BB),由于面波测量的位置、计算公式和量归函数不同,M_S比M_S(BB)系统偏高0.2左右;短周期体波震级mb较宽频带体波震级m_B(BB)整体偏小0.2左右,主要区别在于仿真模式。(3)宽频带面波震级M_S(BB)和宽频带体波震级m_B(BB)均在垂直向原始宽频带记录上直接测定,取消波形仿真环节,另外,相比测定m_B(BB)震中距要求大于5度,许多台站被限制,M_S(BB)更利于区域台网测定。(4)当3.5≤ML≤6.5时,M_L较M_W整体偏大; M_S≥3.5时,M_S也较M_W整体偏大,且均随着震级增加,偏差值呈上升趋势。(5)当M≥8.0时,面波震级出现饱和现象,使用矩震级M_W表示M≥8.0地震的大小。  相似文献   

在地震震级国家标准《地震震级的规定》(GB17740—2017)发布以后,收集整理鹤岗地震台2018年1月—2020年3月测定的远震面波震级M_(S(HEG)),与中国地震台网中心地震目录中给定的面波震级M_(S(CENC))进行比较,统计二者偏差值。利用统计学方法,分析震级偏差与震级、震中距和反方位角的关系。结果表明:与中国地震台网中心地震目录发布震级相比,鹤岗地震台测定的面波震级偏高,且震级偏差与震中距表现为正相关性;震中位于鹤岗地震台站西北方位,震级偏差较小,而在其他方位,震级偏差则较大。  相似文献   

概述了2001年11月14日发生在新疆、青海交界的昆仑山口西地震震级的测定过程,分析比较了我国国家数字地震台网和美国地质调查局(USGS)国家地震信息中心(NEIC)测定的面波震级MS,以及国内外不同机构测定的该地震的矩震级MW. 结果表明, 不同的机构在测定面波震级时,由于所使用的资料不尽相同, 所使用的计算震级的公式也有所不同, 导致测定结果有一定的差别. 我国对该地震的速报结果是MS=8.1, 在正式编辑出版的《中国数字地震台网观测报告》中给出的测定结果是MS=8.2;美国地质调查局(USGS)国家地震信息中心(NEIC)测定的结果是MS=8.0. 地震发生后不久,哈佛大学(Harvard)、NEIC、东京大学地震研究所(ERI)、中国地震局分析预报中心(APCEA)、 中国地震局地球物理研究所(IGCEA)利用全球地震台网、 中国国家数字地震台网或中国数字地震台网(CDSN)的资料得出的矩震级MW分别是7.8(Harvard), 7.7(NEIC), 7.7(ERI), 7.6(APCEA),7.5(IGCEA),测定的结果基本一致, 平均为MW=7.7. 鉴于矩震级是一个描述地震绝对大小的力学量,与传统的震级标度相比具有明显的优点,国际地震学界推荐矩震级作为优先使用的震级. 本文分析表明,昆仑山口西地震的震级(矩震级)为MW=7.7, 其面波震级MS=8.0, 是一次面波震级未饱和的地震.   相似文献   

区域数字地震台网面波震级Ms测定与系统误差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以国家地震台网测定的面波震级为标准,利用福建区域数字地震台网测定的近距离面波震级Ms结果与国家地震台网测定的面波震级结果进行比较和统计分析。根据两者之间的相对差量,主要从数据采集器的最大动态放大倍数分贝数、FBS-3宽频带反馈式速度平坦型地震计的幅频特性和测定面波震级展开公式推导3方面进行分析。结果表明:震中距△、数据采集器的动态范围和地震计记录地面运动振动频率的有效频带宽度是影响面波震级测定的主要因素,进而提出适合于福建区域台网测定近距离面波震级Ms的台基校正值及标准偏差。  相似文献   

陕西数字地震台网子台测定震级的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用陕西数字地震台网1998~2003年间的地震记录,以台网平均震级为标准震级,分析了各子台的测定震级。结果表明,各子台测定震级的偏差存在地域分布特征,震级随方位角显示趋势性变化。台址位于平原和山区交界处的台站,对于山区发生的地震测定震级偏大,对于平原地区发生的地震测定震级偏小。最后对震级偏差成因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

马宝柱  徐戈 《内陆地震》1997,11(1):62-69
利用乌鲁木齐地震台1985、1986年SK中长周期地震仪记录到的279次和763长周期地震仪记录的385次世界各地地震事件(Ms≥4.0,6≥6.0°,h≥80km),计算得出乌鲁木齐台763仪面波震级的平均偏差八M=0.033,标准误差S=±0.211;SK仪面波震级的平均偏差凸M=0.021,标准误差S=±0.238。分析得出震级偏差与震中距离有关,计算了新的起算函数,求出厂部分区域震级偏差值。  相似文献   

正SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences,an academic journal cosponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China,and published by Science China Press and Springer,is committed to publishing high-quality,original results in both basic and applied research.  相似文献   

正SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences,an academic journal cosponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China,and published by Science China Press and Springer,is committed to publishing high-quality,original results in  相似文献   

In natural waters arsenic concentrations up to a few milligrams per litre were measured. The natural content of arsenic found in soils varies between 0.01 mg/kg and a few hundred milligrams per kilogram. Anthropogenic sources of arsenic in the environment are the smelting of ores, the burning of coal, and the use of arsenic compounds in many products and production processes in the past. A lot of arsenic compounds are toxic and cause acute and chronic poisoning. In aqueous environment the inorganic arsenic species arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)) are the most abundant species. The mobility of these species is influenced by the pH value, the redox potential, and the presence of adsorbents such as oxides and hydroxides of Fe(III), Al(III), Mn(III/IV), humic substances, and clay minerals.  相似文献   

Due to deleterious effects on non-target organisms, the use of organotin compounds on boat hulls of small vessels (<25 m) has been widely prohibited. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) resolved that the complete prohibition on organotin compounds acting as biocides in antifouling systems should commence in 2008. As a result of restrictions on the use of organotin based paints, other antifouling formulations containing organic biocides have been utilised. This survey was conducted to assess the contamination of replacement biocides in the marine environment following the ban of TBT-based paints. Surface sediments samples were collected in the major ports and marinas along the France Mediterranean coastline (Cote d’Azur) and analysed for organotin compounds, Irgarol 1051, Sea-nine 211TM, Chlorothalonil, Dichlofluanid and Folpet. Every port and marina exhibited high levels of organotin compounds, with concentrations in sediments ranging from 37 ng Sn g−1dry wt in Menton Garavan to over 4000 ng Sn g−1dry wt close to the ship chandler within the port of Villefranche-sur-Mer. TBT degradation indexes suggested that fresh inputs are still made. Among the other antifoulants monitored, only Irgarol 1051 exhibited measurable concentrations in almost every port, with concentrations ranging from 40 ng g−1dry wt (Cannes) to almost 700 ng g−1dry wt (Villefranche-sur-Mer, ship chandler).  相似文献   

Microcystins are cyclic heptapeptide toxins produced by a range of cyanobacterial genera. These cyanobacteria occur naturally in drinking water reservoirs subject to eutrophication, and in rivers and natural lakes. Because of the diversity of organisms, the toxins occur, from oligo‐mesotrophic lakes in North Temperate latitudes, to hypertrophic tropical ponds. The toxins are responsible for numerous cases of injury and death of domestic animals, and human poisoning from drinking water. The initial poisoning includes hepatic cell death. This leads to secondary effects from liver deficiency, including jaundice and photosensitisation. The toxic effects are largely due to inhibition of phosphatase enzymes, acting to regulate protein phosphorylation. The consequences include structural damage, apoptosis and, at lower concentrations, cell cycle effects and tumour promotion. As there is no clear evidence for direct carcinogenesis by microcystins, they are classed as non‐carcinogenic toxins in drinking water. Guideline Values for safe drinking water are derived from data for subchronic rodent toxicity, using the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (the highest dose giving no toxicity). To this dose are applied uncertainty factors, to calculate a Tolerable Daily Intake. On the basis of a standard bodyweight and water consumption the Guideline Value is determined for drinking water. For microcystin‐LR the WHO have set a provisional Guideline Value of 1 μg/L for drinking water.  相似文献   

The geomagnetic field and secular variation exhibit asymmetrical spatial features which are possibly originating from an heterogeneous thermal control of the Earth's lower mantle on the core. The identification of this control in magnetic data is subject to several difficulties, some of which can be alleviated by the use of core surface flow models. Using numerical dynamos driven by heterogeneous boundary heat flux, we confirm that within the parameter space accessible to simulations, time average surface flows obey a simple thermal wind equilibrium between the Coriolis and buoyancy forces, the Lorentz, inertial and viscous forces playing only a secondary role, even for Elsasser numbers significantly larger than 1. Furthermore, we average the models over the duration of three vortex turnovers, and correlate them with a longer time average which fully reveals the signature of boundary heterogeneity. This allows us to quantify the possibility of observing mantle control in core surface flows averaged over a short time period. A scaling analysis is performed in order to apply the results to the Earth's core. We find that three vortex turnovers could represent between 100 and 360 years of Earth time, and that the heat flux heterogeneity at the core-mantle boundary could be large enough to yield an observable signature of thermal mantle control in a time average core surface flow within reach of the available geomagnetic data.  相似文献   

A procedure for short-term rainfall forecasting in real-time is developed and a study of the role of sampling on forecast ability is conducted. Ground level rainfall fields are forecasted using a stochastic space-time rainfall model in state-space form. Updating of the rainfall field in real-time is accomplished using a distributed parameter Kalman filter to optimally combine measurement information and forecast model estimates. The influence of sampling density on forecast accuracy is evaluated using a series of a simulated rainfall events generated with the same stochastic rainfall model. Sampling was conducted at five different network spatial densities. The results quantify the influence of sampling network density on real-time rainfall field forecasting. Statistical analyses of the rainfall field residuals illustrate improvement in one hour lead time forecasts at higher measurement densities.  相似文献   

正This journal is established by the Institute of Engineering Mechanics(IEM),China Earthquake Administration,to promote scientific exchange between Chinese and foreign scientists and engineers so as to improve the theory and practice of earthquake hazards mitigation,preparedness,and recovery.To accomplish this purpose,the journal aims to attract a balanced number of papers between Chinese and  相似文献   

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