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为剔除小地震信号和强噪声对气枪信号叠加效果的影响,提出了一种利用信号记录中噪声特征的主动源数据筛选方法——RMS筛选法,服务于气枪数据的自动化处理。实际气枪数据筛选结果表明,RMS筛选法采用信号噪声水平作为信号选择标准,可以有效去除高噪声信号,其线性和相位加权叠加结果优于常规线性叠加和常规相位加权结果,噪声得到压制,远距离台站微弱信号检测效果得以增强。  相似文献   

使用零相位化处理和非线性叠加方法提取低信噪比记录中的有效信号,通过定量评估结果波形的走时和振幅等信息的精准程度,探究此处理流程是否可提高提取气枪震源有效信号波形的准确性。对合成波形和云南宾川主动源实验中实际资料数据进行零相位化处理,选用相似性加权、时间域相位加权、时频域相位加权、改进的时频域相位加权4种非线性叠加方法提取有效信号。结果表明,基于上述处理方法可有效提高提取波形的准确性:(1)零相位处理可以提高波形数据的分辨率,使有效信号到时点变为波形峰值点,有利于在非线性叠加后拾取出准确的到时位置;(2)零相位化数据的非线性叠加结果卷积震源子波可基本恢复地震信号波形记录,可降低非线性叠加对有效信息的损失;(3)使用时间域相位加权叠加和相似性加权叠加方法可获得较好结果,但可能会压制低信噪比小振幅信号;基于时频域的相位加权类叠加方法对有效波形成分影响较大,但对小振幅信号保幅较好。  相似文献   

基于数据合成仿真、气枪震源激发信号的实际处理,由叠加信噪比、波形相关系数及相位偏移等3个定量指标,系统评价线性、相位加权和S变换等3种叠加方法提取强背景噪声下弱信号的实际性能,并定量估计叠加结果的可靠性。通过对以上3种方法叠加结果的综合探讨,初步对比分析后认为,线性叠加虽然信噪比较低,但波形畸变最小;相位加权叠加信噪比较高,相位偏移小,但波形质量与线性叠加的结果相比偏离较大;S变换叠加可获得相对较高的信噪比,波形幅度损失小,但存在一定的相位偏移现象。因此建议,当波形质量和时间精度均要求较高时宜用线性叠加。但气枪震源激发有限时选择叠加方法应有所偏重,若要求波形高保真,宜选择S变换叠加;若要求时间高精度,可选择相位加权叠加方法,以合理实现弱信号的有效提取。  相似文献   

宽频带地震观测数据中有效信号和干扰噪声经常发生混频效应,常规的频率域滤波方法很难将二者分离.地震波信号属于时变非平稳信号,时频分析方法能够同时得到地震波信号随着时间和频率变化的振幅和相位特征,S变换是其中较为高效的时频分析工具之一.本文以S变换为例,提出了基于相位叠加的时频域相位滤波方法.与传统叠加方法相比,相位叠加方法对强振幅不敏感,对波形一致性相当敏感,更加利于有效弱信号信息的检测.时频域相位滤波方法滤除与有效信号不相干的背景噪声,保留了相位一致的有效信号成分,显著提高了信噪比.运用理论合成的远震接收函数数据和实际的宽频带地震观测数据检验结果显示该方法较传统的带通滤波方法相比,即使在信噪较低且混频严重条件下,时频域相位滤波方法的滤波效果依然很明显,有助于识别能量较弱的有效信号.  相似文献   

王忠仁  高健  林君 《地球物理学报》2010,53(11):2754-2759
常规的可控震源Chirp扫描信号的地震响应存在着相关信号旁瓣大、分辨率低的缺点;用二元伪随机编码信号作为可控震源的驱动信号,地震响应剖面中存在严重的相关噪声,降低了地震记录的信噪比.本文提出的可控震源匹配扫描方法,利用匹配伪随机序列偶调制正弦载波信号作为可控震源驱动信号进行扫描激发,得到两个匹配的原始地震记录,对两个匹配的原始地震记录分别解码后再进行叠加形成最终的综合解码地震剖面.地震数值模拟的结果表明,该方法基本不存在常规Chirp扫描情形的旁瓣效应,可有效避免m-序列编码扫描情形的相关噪声,其最后形成的综合解码地震剖面可以与脉冲震源的炮集记录相媲美.  相似文献   

伪随机编码震源信号的地震响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
常规的可控震源Chirp扫描信号的地震响应存在着相关信号旁瓣大、分辨率低的缺点.本文利用数值模拟技术研究可控震源伪随机编码信号地震响应的规律和特点.伪随机编码信号的地震响应剖面的旁瓣电平与常规的Chirp扫描信号情形相比有明显地降低,但是伪随机编码信号地震响应剖面的相关噪声仍然没有得到有效地压制.利用伪随机编码信号的周期性特点把一个长地震记录以信号周期为间隔进行分时叠加可以提高地震记录的信噪比和地震数据的利用率.  相似文献   

基于安砂水库气枪震源实验资料,采用线性叠加、频谱白化叠加和相位加权叠加三种常用叠加技术进行处理,从信噪比、波形相关性和震相走时差等方面,分析评估三种叠加方法的实际应用效果。结果表明:(1)相位加权叠加方法提高信噪比的能力最强,但是与线性叠加一样,两者都无法有效地消除强干扰,而频谱白化则可以削弱强干扰的影响,有利于信号准确识别;对低信噪比波形,频谱白化提高信噪比的效果优于线性叠加,反之亦然。(2)以线性叠加结果为参考,相位加权的相关性高,走时差基本为零,但波形中较小幅值的信号可能会被压制,影响小幅值波形信号的判别;频谱白化在台站信噪比高时,波形相关性较差,且存在一定走时差,可能出现震相到时前的波形被放大,使震相初至变得模糊,影响到时拾取精度。  相似文献   

脉冲编码震源的匹配冲击技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
高健  王忠仁  刘瑞  陈卫 《地球物理学报》2012,55(4):1384-1389
常规Vibroseis可控震源Chirp扫描的地震响应存在明显的旁瓣效应,二元m-序列伪随机扫描的解码地震剖面中存在严重的相关噪声,而基于伪随机编码的匹配扫描方法可有效压制解码地震剖面中的相关噪声,提高了地震记录的信噪比.为了将匹配伪随机编码方法应用到冲击式震源中,提出了基于脉冲编码震源的匹配冲击技术.以匹配扫描方法为理论基础给出了匹配冲击信号的编码与解码过程,以有限元差分法对匹配冲击技术和常规线性扫描冲击技术进行了地震数值模拟.结果表明,匹配冲击的综合解码地震剖面中,不存在线性扫描冲击解码地震剖面中能量较强的相关噪声干扰,剖面具有很高的信噪比和分辨率.地震波激发采集对比实验验证了匹配冲击技术在压制相关噪声及远偏移距地震道随机噪声方面相比线性扫描冲击技术所具有的优势.  相似文献   

针对电磁式可控震源地震数据的相关检测,研究发现,在地下结构复杂、基板-大地耦合不佳时,常规方法——基于震源控制信号或基板附近信号作为参考信号检测得到的地震记录中,存在子波到时误差和虚假多次波问题.本文分析了上述问题的理论原因,并提出基于重构激发信号的相关检测参考信号方法(Correlation Detection Reference Signal Based on the Reconstructed Excitation Signal,CDRSBRES).首先,利用直达波与其他地震波到时不一致的特点,从震源基板附近信号中分离、提取直达波.然后,利用直达波重构震源激发信号并作为参考信号对地震数据进行相关检测.最后,应用谱白化技术提高检测结果质量.数值模拟研究表明,重构激发信号与理想激发信号的相关系数为0.9869,达到高度线性相关,CDRSBRES方法检测的地震记录在子波到时和波形特征上均与模型相符.随后,在某金属矿区开展了可控震源对比实验.与液压式可控震源MiniVib T15000检测结果相比,电磁式可控震源PHVS 500的检测结果中:基于震源控制信号的检测结果存在子波到时误差约0.012s,对应垂向精度误差约11.16m;基于基板附近信号的检测结果部分区域出现虚假多次波,信噪比降低;而CDRSBRES方法的检测结果子波到时误差约0.001s,对应垂向精度误差约0.93m,波形特征一致,相同区域无虚假多次波.综上,本方法适用于电磁式可控震源地震数据的高精度检测,尤其对于地下结构复杂区域的高分辨率地震勘探具有重要意义.  相似文献   

主动源气枪信号具有绿色环保,低频信号丰富,传播距离远,高重复性的特点,广泛运用于区域尺度深部探测和介质变化监测中.如何准确和高效的识别信号是气枪信号处理的难点也是重点.检测信号的能力取决于观测记录的信噪比,通常为了提高地震记录的信噪比,常用的方法有滤波,去噪和叠加.针对具有高重复性的气枪信号,通过叠加的手段提高信号信噪比.文中基于气枪信号的特征,推导了谱白化叠加与窄带线性叠加的等价关系,从数值模拟和实际气枪记录的角度,对线性叠加、谱白化叠加和加权叠加在信号捡拾能力方面进行了分析和研究.结果表明:相比于线性叠加和加权叠加,谱白化叠加具有与模版信号相似程度高,对弱信号捡拾能力强的特点,但是对于高信噪比信号,线性叠加的效果更好.另一方面,对实际记录分析验证了数值模拟分析的正确性、合理性.因此针对气枪信号近场应采用线性叠加,远场应采用白躁化叠加.而针对地震剖面中信号连续追踪可采用加权叠加结果,这是因为加权叠加提高信噪比最为明显;震相拾取建议采用线性叠加或谱白化叠加结果,这是因为以上两种方法不会产生相位偏移和相位畸变.  相似文献   

We introduce the signal dependent time–frequency distribution, which is a time–frequency distribution that allows the user to optimize the tradeoff between joint time–frequency resolution and suppression of transform artefacts. The signal‐dependent time–frequency distribution, as well as the short‐time Fourier transform, Stockwell transform, and the Fourier transform are analysed for their ability to estimate the spectrum of a known wavelet used in a tuning wedge model. Next, the signal‐dependent time–frequency distribution, and fixed‐ and variable‐window transforms are used to estimate spectra from a zero‐offset synthetic seismogram. Attenuation is estimated from the associated spectral ratio curves, and the accuracy of the results is compared. The synthetic consisted of six pairs of strong reflections, based on real well‐log data, with a modeled intrinsic attenuation value of 1000/Q = 20. The signal‐dependent time–frequency distribution was the only time–frequency transform found to produce spectra that estimated consistent attenuation values, with an average of 1000/Q = 26±2; results from the fixed‐ and variable‐window transforms were 24±17 and 39±10, respectively. Finally, all three time–frequency transforms were used in a pre‐stack attenuation estimation method (the pre‐stack Q inversion algorithm) applied to a gather from a North Sea seismic dataset, to estimate attenuation between nine different strong reflections. In this case, the signal‐dependent time‐frequency distribution produced spectra more consistent with the constant‐Q model of attenuation assumed in the pre‐stack attenuation estimation algorithm: the average L1 residuals of the spectral ratio surfaces from the theoretical constant‐Q expectation for the signal‐dependent time‐frequency distribution, short‐time Fourier transform, and Stockwell transform were 0.12, 0.21, and 0.33, respectively. Based on the results shown, the signal‐dependent time‐frequency distribution is a time–frequency distribution that can provide more accurate and precise estimations of the amplitude spectrum of a reflection, due to a higher attainable time–frequency resolution.  相似文献   

Low-rank seismic denoising with optimal rank selection for hankel matrices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the fact that the Hankel matrix representing clean seismic data is low rank, low-rank approximation methods have been widely utilized for removing noise from seismic data. A common strategy for real seismic data is to perform the low-rank approximations for small local windows where the events can be approximately viewed as linear. This raises a fundamental question of selecting an optimal rank that best captures the number of events for each local window. Gavish and Donoho proposed a method to select the rank when the noise is independent and identically distributed. Gaussian matrix by analysing the statistical performance of the singular values of the Gaussian matrices. However, such statistical performance is not available for noisy Hankel matrices. In this paper, we adopt the same strategy and propose a rule that computes the number of singular values exceed the median singular value by a multiplicative factor. We suggest a multiplicative factor of 3 based on simulations which mimic the theories underlying Gavish and Donoho in the independent and identically distributed Gaussian setting. The proposed optimal rank selection rule can be incorporated into the classical low-rank approximation method and many other recently developed methods such as those by shrinking the singular values. The low-rank approximation methods with optimally selected rank rule can automatically suppress most of the noise while preserving the main features of the seismic data in each window. Experiments on both synthetic and field seismic data demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed rank selection rule for seismic data denoising.  相似文献   

相关检测在甚低频电磁信号检测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了在甚低频电磁接收机研制中如何利用有关软件以相关检测方法来检测甚低频电磁信号的幅度信息,并给出了理论和实际的检测结果。  相似文献   

单球式海底地震仪(以下简称OBS)由于其成本低、操作简便的优点在天然地震研究、人工地震探测中获得了广泛应用.本文首先分析多型进口和国产OBS在台湾海峡西部采集的地震数据,发现同一台OBS上的垂直向速度检波器(Z分量)的信噪比常显著低于压力检波器(H分量),由于这两种检波器记录的都是海底的垂向振动信号,推测速度检波器的低信噪比更多的与仪器特性有关.然后从信号传递和噪声水平两方面分析影响速度检波器信噪比的因素:为检测速度检波器与OBS壳体的耦合效果,对某型宽频带OBS和陆上地震仪进行了同址同步观测试验,发现OBS的整机灵敏度有较大的差异;为分析速度检波器的水底噪声特征,以H分量记录作为基准,对比分析了同一台仪器不同站位的Z分量噪声水平,发现速度检波器在浅海区受到较大的次生干扰.本文指出OBS的内部耦合和水流次生干扰是至今尚未引起大家重视而又严重影响资料品质和多波探测成效的两个关键问题,这一研究结果对于改进OBS结构设计和制造工艺,以及OBS数据多分量处理方法研究有重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

Multicomponent seismic data are acquired by orthogonal geophones that record a vectorial wavefield. Since the single components are not independent, the processing should be performed jointly for all the components. In this contribution, we use hypercomplex numbers, specifically quaternions, to implement the Wiener deconvolution for multicomponent seismic data. This new approach directly derives from the complex Wiener filter theory, but special care must be taken in the algorithm implementation due to the peculiar properties of quaternion algebra. Synthetic and real data examples show that quaternion deconvolution, either spiking or predictive, generally performs superiorly to the standard (scalar) deconvolution because it properly takes into account the vectorial nature of the wavefields. This provides a better wavelet estimation and thus an improved deconvolution performance, especially when noise affects differently the various components.  相似文献   

The idea of curvature analysis has been widely used in subsurface structure interpretation from three-dimensional seismic data (e.g., fault/fracture detection and geomorphology delineation) by measuring the lateral changes in the geometry of seismic events. However, such geometric curvature utilizes only the kinematic information (two-way traveltime) of the available seismic signals. While analysing the dynamic information (waveform), the traditional approaches (e.g., complex trace analysis) are often trace-wise and thereby fail to take into account the seismic reflector continuity and deviate from the true direction of geologic deposition, especially for steeply dipping formations. This study proposes extending the three-dimensional curvature analysis to the waveforms in a seismic profile, here denoted as the waveform curvature, and investigates the associated implications for assisting seismic interpretation. Applications to the F3 seismic dataset over the Netherlands North Sea demonstrate the added values of the proposed waveform curvature analysis in four aspects. First, the capability of the curvature operator in differentiating convex and concave bending allows automatic decomposition of a seismic image by the reflector types (peaks, troughs and zero crossings), which can greatly facilitate computer-aided horizon interpretation and modelling from three-dimensional seismic data. Second, the signed minimum curvature offers a new analytical approach for estimating the fundamental and important reflector dip attribute by searching the orientation associated with least waveform variation. Third, the signed maximum curvature makes it possible to analyse the seismic signals along the normal direction of the reflection events. Finally, the curvature analysis promotes the frequency bands of the seismic signals and thereby enhances the apparent resolution on identifying and interpreting subtle seismic features.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new method of geophysical data interpretation based on simultaneous analysis of images and sounds. The final objective is to expand the interpretation workflow through multimodal (visual–audio) perception of the same information. We show how seismic data can be effectively converted into standard formats commonly used in digital music. This conversion of geophysical data into the musical domain can be done by applying appropriate time–frequency transforms. Using real data, we demonstrate that the Stockwell transform provides a very accurate and reliable conversion. Once converted into musical files, geophysical datasets can be played and interpreted by using modern computer music tools, such as sequencers. This approach is complementary and not substitutive of interpretation methods based on imaging. It can be applied not only to seismic data but also to well logs and any type of geophysical time/depth series. To show the practical implications of our integrated visual–audio method of interpretation, we discuss an application to a real seismic dataset in correspondence of an important hydrocarbon discovery.  相似文献   

Seismic facies analysis is a well‐established technique in the workflow followed by seismic interpreters. Typically, huge volumes of seismic data are scanned to derive maps of interesting features and find particular patterns, correlating them with the subsurface lithology and the lateral changes in the reservoir. In this paper, we show how seismic facies analysis can be accomplished in an effective and complementary way to the usual one. Our idea is to translate the seismic data in the musical domain through a process called sonification, mainly based on a very accurate time–frequency analysis of the original seismic signals. From these sonified seismic data, we extract several original musical attributes for seismic facies analysis, and we show that they can capture and explain underlying stratigraphic and structural features. Moreover, we introduce a complete workflow for seismic facies analysis starting exclusively from musical attributes, based on state‐of‐the‐art machine learning computational techniques applied to the classification of the aforementioned musical attributes. We apply this workflow to two case studies: a sub‐salt two‐dimensional seismic section and a three‐dimensional seismic cube. Seismic facies analysis through musical attributes proves to be very useful in enhancing the interpretation of complicated structural features and in anticipating the presence of hydrocarbon‐bearing layers.  相似文献   

Seismic data processing is a challenging task, especially when dealing with vector-valued datasets. These data are characterized by correlated components, where different levels of uncorrelated random noise corrupt each one of the components. Mitigating such noise while preserving the signal of interest is a primary goal in the seismic-processing workflow. The frequency-space deconvolution is a well-known linear prediction technique, which is commonly used for random noise suppression. This paper represents vector-field seismic data through quaternion arrays and shows how to mitigate random noise by proposing the extension of the frequency-space deconvolution to its hypercomplex version, the quaternion frequency-space deconvolution. It also shows how a widely linear prediction model exploits the correlation between data components of improper signals. The widely linear scheme, named widely-linear quaternion frequency-space deconvolution, produces longer prediction filters, which have enhanced signal preservation capabilities shown through synthetic and field vector-valued data examples.  相似文献   

In the past few years, distributed acoustic sensing has gained great interest in geophysics. This acquisition technology offers immense improvement in terms of efficiency when compared with current geophysical acquisition methods. However, the fundamentals of the measurement are still not fully understood because direct comparisons of fibre data with conventional geophysical sensors are difficult during field tests. We present downscaled laboratory experiments that enabled us to characterise the relationship between the signals recorded by conventional seismic point receivers and by distributed fibre optic sensors. Interrogation of the distributed optical fibre sensor was performed with a Michelson interferometer because this system is suited to compact test configurations, and it requires only a very simple data processing workflow for extracting the signal outputs. We show acoustic data that were recorded simultaneously by both the fibre optical interferometer and conventional three‐component accelerometers, thus enabling the comparison of sensor performance. We present results focused on the directionality of fibre measurements, on the amplitude variation with angle of incidence, and on the transfer function that allows accelerometer signals to be transformed into optical fibre signals. We conclude that the optical fibre response matches with the array of the displacement differences of the inline accelerometers deployed along the fibre length. Moreover, we also analysed the influence of various types of coupling and fibre cable coating on the signal responses, emphasising the importance of these parameters for field seismic acquisitions when using the distributed fibre optic technology.  相似文献   

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