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流域场镇式发展是三峡地区城乡统筹发展的重要模式,通常形成河流两岸串珠状的场镇分布格局,这种人类活动的点状聚集特征对入库河流水环境的综合影响并不清楚.选择三峡库区流域场镇发展特征明显的黑水滩河及主要支流为研究对象,于2014年9月至2015年6月期间对流域内分布的主要场镇前后的水体进行碳、氮、磷浓度的监测分析,探讨场镇分布对流域水体生源要素时空格局的影响.研究结果表明,黑水滩河干、支流水体总有机碳(TOC)和溶解性有机碳浓度为4.5~39.2和3.2~31.4 mg/L,总氮(TN)、铵态氮和硝态氮浓度范围为1.12~6.96、0.87~5.00和0.073~0.881 mg/L,总磷(TP)、溶解性总磷和正磷酸盐浓度范围为0.078~0.454、0.049~0.310和0.025~0.222 mg/L,不同形态的碳、氮、磷含量变化幅度较大;黑水滩河干、支流流经不同场镇区前后,水体各形态碳、氮、磷浓度均不同程度增加(其中TOC、TN和TP的增幅范围分别为4.7%~61.3%、26.7%~144.7%和12.8%~50.7%),而在无场镇分布的干流河段,水体碳浓度变化不大,氮、磷浓度明显降低,表明水体生源要素的空间变异特征受到流域场镇分布格局与河流自净能力的双重影响,导致黑水滩河干流自上游向下游碳浓度呈“阶梯式”增长,氮、磷浓度呈“波动式”增长;相关分析显示,流域水体碳、氮、磷浓度均呈极显著的正相关关系,即场镇发展模式下河流水体污染物呈同步变化的趋势,表明山地河流流域内串珠状场镇发展模式导致从上游向下游水体污染物呈明显的累积效应,并进一步超出水体自净能力,造成下游水体恶化.河流碳、氮、磷浓度的季节变化主要受径流稀释作用影响,表现为夏秋季低、春季高的模式;富营养化综合指数表明,黑水滩河各监测断面全年属于富营养状态以上,表层水体氮污染严重,磷污染较轻;初步估算黑水滩河每年向三峡水库输入TOC、TN、TP通量达4057、1001和47 t,对三峡水库水环境安全具有严重威胁.三峡库区沿河串珠状场镇式发展形成了一种“点面”双重特征的污染模式,未来河流水环境污染防控中应予以关注.  相似文献   

河流及水库等水生态系统中的溶解性无机碳(DIC)是全球碳循环与大气、陆地和海洋之间碳相互作用的重要组成部分.以澜沧江云南段上游天然河段及下游梯级水库群形成的连续体为研究对象,分析了河库连续体表层水体中水化学特征、溶解性无机碳浓度及其碳同位素时空分布特征.研究结果表明:河库连续体水体中溶解无机碳(DIC)及其同位素(δ13 C DIC)组成特征总体表现为:DIC浓度丰水期较低,枯水期较高,平均值分别为2.59±0.44和3.30±0.37 mmol/L;δ13 C DIC值丰水期偏负、枯水期偏正,平均值分别为-8.52‰±0.38‰和-6.95‰±0.53‰,与自然河流的季节变化特征相似.水体DIC来源主要包括土壤及水体有机质分解生成的CO 2、碳酸盐风化和水气界面CO 2的交换过程.澜沧江河库连续体中DIC浓度及δ13 C DIC组成的时空异质性特征与流域岩性、土壤生物地球化学过程以及微生物活动强度等均有较大关系.当前,澜沧江梯级水库群建库时间短,梯级联合运行下调度复杂,水文条件多变,梯级水库对河流重要生源要素——碳累积影响方面的“水库效应”还不明显.  相似文献   

水库建设改变了河流水文情势及物质迁移转化过程,从而影响水环境质量。为探究梯级筑坝影响下河流氮、磷的空间分布特征及其形成机制,以澜沧江为研究对象,于2016年和2021年分别开展了沿程水环境监测,对比分析水体中氮、磷及其形态浓度在水库建成前后的变化及沿程分布特征,探究氮、磷变化及其沿程分布的主控因子和影响机制。结果表明:由于河流建库蓄水淹没的土地释放大量土壤有机氮,新建水库段(2021年)水体总氮(TN)浓度相比于建库前(2016年)显著上升;由于建库后水流流速减缓而促进颗粒态磷沉降,水体总磷(TP)浓度显著下降。此外,河流建库蓄水后原自然河道的水环境特征改变且利于沉积物磷的释放,筑坝后水体磷酸盐(PO43--P)占生物可利用磷(Bio-P)的比例显著上升。受沿程土地利用的影响,从上游到下游水体TN浓度总体上逐渐升高,而水体TP浓度由于水库的截留效应逐渐降低。筑坝增加的水力停留时间为水库氮、磷转化提供了有利条件,主要表现为溶解性无机氮以硝态氮为主转变为以氨氮为主;同时,Bio-P中PO43--P的占比...  相似文献   

喀斯特地区梯级水库建造对水化学分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入了解河流梯级筑坝对喀斯特地区河流水化学分布的影响,于2017年1、4、7和10月别对乌江干流洪家渡水库(多年调节)、乌江渡水库(季调节)和索风营水库(日调节) 3个具有不同滞留时间的水库进行水样采集,分析入库水、坝前剖面水和下泄水的水化学特征,探讨河流梯级筑坝对水化学分布及风化速率估算的影响.研究结果表明:3个水库深层水比表层水HCO3-浓度分别高12.9%、5.5%和8.0%,Ca~(2+)浓度分别高15.9%、2.4%和8.5%.河流梯级筑坝一定程度上改变了水体水化学组成,从而影响碳酸盐岩风化速率估算.整体上,洪家渡水库、索风营水库和乌江渡水库的全年风化速率变化范围分别为:-1.7%~15.4%、-5.6%~1.1%和-0.3%~3.4%.河流筑坝作用对风化速率估算及主量离子浓度的影响:HCO_3~-与Ca~(2+)浓度分布均为:洪家水库乌江渡水库索风营水库,这与水体滞留时间长短规律一致,表明水体滞留时间影响着水化学的组成分布.同时水体离子浓度表现出明显的季节性差异,丰水期各水库变化率明显大于枯水期.上述结论表明喀斯特地区河流连续筑坝后水化学组成及分布特征发生了一定程度改变,影响流域化学风化速率的估算,且影响程度随水体滞留时间延长而增大,并受气温影响.因此,今后在估算流域风化速率及探究水化学空间变化时应对筑坝作用加以考虑,以便更加准确地评估喀斯特流域岩石风化在全球碳循环中的作用.  相似文献   

王琼  卢聪  范志平  李法云 《湖泊科学》2017,29(2):297-307
通过对太子河流域46个采样点溶解性无机氮、溶解性无机磷、总氮、总磷、电导率、p H、溶解氧和叶绿素a浓度及相关环境因子的测定,分析氮、磷浓度与叶绿素a浓度的空间分布特征,利用回归分析判别氮、磷与叶绿素a浓度的相关性,冗余分析判别河流水质与环境因子的关系,并初步评价太子河流域水体富营养化状况.结果表明:太子河流域氮、磷浓度具有明显的空间异质性,表现为上游浓度较低且变化较平稳,辽阳段浓度逐渐上升且波动增大,鞍山段浓度最高.冗余分析显示氮、磷浓度的空间分布特征与土地利用方式、海拔、河岸缓冲带宽度、植被多样性密切相关.叶绿素a浓度与氨氮、硝态氮、溶解性无机氮、溶解性无机磷、总氮、总磷和电导率呈显著正相关,说明营养盐的增多在一定程度上会促进浮游藻类的增长.太子河流域水体富营养化评价综合指数显示,太子河流域"中"营养状态点位有27个,占58.7%,"富"营养状态点位有19个,占41.3%,没有"贫"、"重富"和"极富"营养状态.  相似文献   

夏季滇池和入滇河流氮、磷污染特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为探讨滇池入湖河流水体营养盐空间分布特征及其对滇池水体富营养化的影响,2014年7月采集了入滇4类典型河流(城市纳污型河流、城乡结合型河流、农田型河流、村镇型河流)及滇池水样,分析其氮、磷浓度.结果表明:4条入湖河流总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、硝态氮和氨氮污染均较严重;河流水体中TN、TP平均浓度大小为:农田型河流(大河)村镇型河流(柴河)城乡结合型河流(宝象河)城市纳污型河流(盘龙江),其中农田型河流(大河)水体TN、TP污染最为严重;在夏季,4条入湖河流水体中TN、TP浓度从上游向下游增加趋势比较明显,表明氮、磷沿河流不断富集;氮磷比分析表明,夏季河流输入氮、磷营养盐有利于藻类的生长,并且滇池浮游植物生长主要受TN浓度限制;夏季滇池南部入湖河流水体的TN、TP浓度高于北部入湖河流,该特征与滇池水体中TN、TP污染分布状况相反,推测滇池北部富营养化的主要影响因素是内源释放.因此,在今后的滇池水体富营养化研究中,应对滇池内源释放进行深入研究.  相似文献   

韩翠红  孙海龙  魏榆  鲍乾  晏浩 《湖泊科学》2020,32(6):1683-1694
耦联水生光合作用的碳酸盐风化碳汇是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,而生物碳泵效应是稳定碳酸盐风化碳汇的关键机制.河流筑坝后,生物碳泵效应的变化、控制因素及对水化学影响的研究甚少.本研究对2个喀斯特筑坝河流平寨水库和红枫湖进行系统采样,以研究河流筑坝后生物碳泵效应的变化、控制因素及对水化学的影响.研究结果表明,入库河流的水化学变化不明显,而2个水库的水化学则表现出显著的季节变化特征,具体表现为水库的水温和pH均呈现出夏季高、冬季低的变化特征,而电导率(EC)、HCO3-浓度和pCO2则表现出夏季低、冬季高的季节变化特征.以叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度和溶解氧(DO)饱和度指代的生物碳泵效应则是在夏季最强、冬季最弱.生物碳泵效应利用溶解性无机碳(DIC),形成有机质并释放出氧气,是造成夏季水库pH值和DO饱和度升高,电导率(EC)、HCO3-浓度和pCO2降低的主要因素.空间上,水库的Chl.a浓度及DO饱和度均大于河水,EC、HCO3-浓度和pCO2均小于河水,这表明河流筑坝后,由于水库的“湖泊化”导致水库的生物碳泵效应显著提高.通过对Chl.a与碳、氮和磷浓度及化学计量比的相关性分析发现,平寨水库和红枫湖的生物碳泵效应受到碳施肥的影响.平寨水库和红枫湖水库生物碳泵效应碳施肥机制的发现,表明在喀斯特地区,生物碳泵效应不仅受到氮磷元素的控制,也受到碳元素的控制,因此在富营养化湖泊治理时,也应考虑碳的影响.  相似文献   

我国快速的城镇化过程造成了河流氮、磷等营养盐的污染和潜在的水体富营养化问题.对城镇流域水体氮、磷污染特征及其演变趋势的识别具有重要意义.本研究选取长三角典型城镇地区宁波市北仑区小浃江流域为研究对象,在流域内根据空间分布、土地利用类型、人类活动强度等情况布设样点,于2017年夏季和冬季采集水样,研究流域水体氮、磷污染的时空分布特征并分析其污染来源和评估其富营养化水平.结果表明:流域内铵态氮(NH4+-N)、;硝态氮(NO3--N)、亚硝态氮(NO2--N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度范围分别为0.63~3.25 mg/L、0.52~3.75 mg/L、0.02~0.22 mg/L、1.61~12.86 mg/L、0.02~0.74 mg/L和0.6~60.57 μg/L.各个采样点氮、磷分布具有较大的空间异质性和季节变化规律.富营养化综合指数EI评估结果显示,整个流域富营养化程度属于贫至中营养级.氮、磷浓度与土地类型面积占比的Spearman相关性统计表明,100 m缓冲区建设用地面积占比与NH4+-N、NO2--N、TN、溶解氧(DO)浓度具有显著相关性,湿地面积占比与DO浓度呈显著正相关.汇水区域内林地面积占比与NH4+-N、NO2--N、TP、PO43--P、COD、Chl.a浓度呈显著负相关,与DO浓度呈显著正相关.相关性分析和冗余分析表明城镇化的面源污染及可能存在的点源污染是小浃江流域氮、磷污染的主要来源.因此,在小浃江流域100 m范围内,控制建设用地的规模和污染排放是减轻流域氮、磷污染的主要途径.在汇水区域内,增加林地植被的面积对减少氮、磷污染具有重要影响.  相似文献   

采用室内培养的方法,以富营养化湖泊太湖为例,研究了沉积物有机质矿化过程中碳、氮、磷的迁移特征.结果表明,在沉积物中的有机质矿化过程中,碳以溶解性无机碳释放至水中,同时以CH4和CO2形式释放至大气中,培养结束时,CH4和CO2累积排放含量分别为1492.21和498.96 mg/g(dw),其中CH4占气态碳的89.16%(以C质量计);此外,大量的氮、磷营养盐释放至上覆水体,水中总氮、总磷和铵态氮的最高浓度分别是初始浓度的62.16、28.16和139.45倍,而硝态氮浓度在整个培养过程中逐渐下降,培养末期浓度是初期的0.21倍;厌氧条件下,沉积物有机质的矿化,不仅可以生成大量的CH4、CO2气体,还能够促使沉积物中铵态氮和磷的释放;而沉积物有机质矿化释放的碳、氮、磷营养元素又能加剧湖泊富营养化程度,促进湖泊水体的初级生产力,从而增加湖泊沉积物有机质输入.这样的循环方式可能是湖泊富营养化自维持的重要机制之一.  相似文献   

亚热带地区典型水库流域氮、磷湿沉降及入湖贡献率估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究汤浦水库流域氮、磷湿沉降对水库水体营养的贡献率,本研究对2014 2015年的汤浦水库流域4个采样点的雨水及3条溪流进行样品收集,测定其中磷和不同形态氮的质量浓度,分析汤浦水库流域大气湿沉降中氮、磷营养盐的分布特征,并估算氮、磷营养盐湿沉降对汤浦水库入库负荷的贡献率.结果表明:湿沉降中总氮(TN)平均浓度为1.02±0.58 mg/L,氨氮、硝态氮和有机氮浓度占TN浓度的比例分别为60.65%、34.07%和5.28%;总磷(TP)平均浓度为0.033±0.028 mg/L.4个采样点湿沉降中氮、磷浓度均表现为冬春季(少雨季)高、夏秋季(多雨季)低.空间上,王化点位的各形态氮和总磷浓度显著高于其他3个采样点.TN和TP年均湿沉降通量约为18.15和0.62 kg/(hm~2·a),年均沉降总量为834.94和28.39 t;库区TN和TP水面湿沉降量为24.14和0.82 t,直接贡献率占河流输入的1.77%和3.07%.湿沉降来源的氮、磷营养盐随河流输入的间接贡献率为8.3%和4.6%.综上所述,氮、磷湿沉降是水库外源营养的重要输入部分,深入掌握其时空分布特征及入库贡献率是进一步加强流域管理和减轻水库外源营养输入的重要前提.  相似文献   

A preliminary assessment of the Wujiangdu Reservoir examined nutrient distribution and transport.Water samples were collected in the summer(July) of 2004, during the high-flow season. Inorganic nutrients(N,P, Si) and chlorophyll a(chl a) concentrations of the Wujiangdu Reservoir and its inflow rivers were analyzed.Other water parameters(dissolved oxygen, p H, temperature, and electrical conductivity) were measured as well.The results show gradually decreasing concentrations of NO_3~--N and dissolved silicate in the surface water moving downstream to the dam of the Wujiangdu Reservoir.Additionally, soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations measured very low, with most falling below the sensitivity threshold of the method used in surface waters. Particulate phosphorus and NO_3~--N were the predominant species of phosphorus and nitrogen in the reservoir, respectively. The concentration of nutrients in the Yeji River was the largest of all inflow rivers. The maximum concentration of chl a was found near the dam. These results reflect upstream conditions similar to that of a river, and reservoir conditions near the dam similar to that of a natural lake system.  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水以来,支流小江呈富营养化加重的趋势,且多次暴发春季水华.水库蓄水以后支流流速变缓,水体滞留时间增加,是引发支流水华的主要因素之一.基于MIKE软件,建立小江调节坝下游至河口的二维水动力-富营养化模型,考虑碳、氮、磷3种元素在浮游植物有机体、死亡腐屑和无机盐中的循环转化,模拟小江河段的春季水华过程.分析小江生态调节坝的水量调节抑藻作用,即人为制造"洪水脉冲",增加短时间内的水流流速,对下游流场进行扰动以控制水华.计算结果表明,增大泄水量对调节坝下游的小江河段的春季藻华总体上具有一定的抑制作用.小江上游河段调度作用效果明显,下游高阳至入汇口河段调节作用较小,上游调节坝水力调度可以作为三峡水库支流水华应急治理措施之一.营养盐控制应该是控制支流水华的根本措施.  相似文献   

三峡水库对长江N、P营养盐截留效应的模型分析   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
张恩仁  张经 《湖泊科学》2003,15(1):41-48
在长江流域干支流NP营养盐现场观测资料的基础上利用模式分析的方法分析了三峡水库对上游营养盐的截流效应. 三峡水库投入使用后发育出的水库生态系统可将上游输入的2%-7%溶解态无机氮和13%-42%的溶解态无机磷固定于浮游生物中库区水体中生物有机碳总量可保持在0.84109-2.65109mol的范围. 相应地三峡工程可减缓长江下游及长江口区的富营养化趋势但却在一定程度上加剧了长江中下游营养盐N/P比上升的趋势.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2007,27(10-11):1422-1446
The coastal areas of the Southern North Sea (SNS) experience eutrophication problems resulting from freshwater nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs from rivers. In particular, massive blooms of Phaeocystis colonies occur in Belgian waters. In this region, water masses result from the mixing of Western Channel (WCH) waters transported through the Straits of Dover with nutrient-rich freshwater from the Scheldt, the Rhine and Meuse, the Seine, the Thames and other smaller rivers. However, the relative contribution of the WCH and each river to the inorganic nutrient pool and the impact on the phytoplankton community structure (diatoms and Phaeocystis) are not known. In order to effectively manage the eutrophication problems, it is necessary to know: (i) the relative contribution of the WCH and of each river impacting the region and (ii) the relative effect of a N and/or P nutrient reduction on the Phaeocystis blooms. To answer these questions, sensitivity tests (1% nutrient reduction) and nutrient reduction scenarios (50% nutrient reduction) have been performed with a three-dimensional (3D) coupled physical–biogeochemical model (MIRO&CO-3D).MIRO&CO-3D results from the coupling of the COHERENS 3D hydrodynamic model with the ecological model MIRO. The model has been set up for the region between 48.5°N, 4°W and 52.5°N, 4.5°E and run to simulate the annual cycle of carbon, inorganic and organic nutrients, phytoplankton (diatoms and Phaeocystis), bacteria and zooplankton (microzooplankton and copepods) in the SNS under realistic forcing (meteorology and river inputs) for the period 1991–2003. The relative contribution of the WCH waters and of the different rivers on the inorganic nutrient pool available for phytoplankton (diatoms and Phaeocystis) growth is assessed by decreasing by 1% the nutrient (dissolved inorganic nitrogen, DIN and inorganic phosphate, PO4) inputs from the WCH and from, respectively, the Scheldt (and smaller Belgian rivers), the Rhine/Meuse and the Seine (and smaller French rivers) [sensitivity tests]. The relative role of N and P reduction on the diatoms/Phaeocystis distribution is further explored by simulations with 50% reduction of the total (inorganic and organic) N and total P river inputs [nutrient reduction scenarios]. These scenarios allow assessing the impact of the expected 50% reduction of river nutrient inputs resulting from the implementation of nutrient reduction policy.Results of the sensitivity tests suggest that the impact of a 1% reduction of river nutrient inputs on surface nutrients (DIN and PO4) over the Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) area is similar for the Seine and the Scheldt, which are in turn greater than for the Rhine. However, a hypothetical 1% reduction of nutrient input from the WCH boundary would have a higher impact than for the Scheldt. The impact of nutrient reduction is higher for DIN than for PO4 whatever the river (contrary to the WCH). DIN is more sensitive to riverine nutrient reduction because the rivers are over enriched in DIN compared to PO4. The sensitivity tests suggest also that a PO4 river input reduction would result in a N:P increase and a DIN river input reduction would result in a N:P decrease but that a combined (PO4 and DIN) input reduction would reduce the N:P ratio at sea.From 50% nutrient reduction scenarios, model results suggest that a total P reduction would induce a significant decrease of diatoms and a small (coast) to negligible (offshore) decrease of Phaeocystis biomass. On the contrary, a total N reduction would induce a significant decrease of Phaeocystis biomass and a moderate increase of diatoms. When N and P river input reductions are combined, the model predicts a significant decrease of Phaeocystis biomass in Belgian waters and a significant decrease of diatom biomass in the coastal waters and a small increase offshore. A future management plan aiming at Phaeocystis reduction should thus prioritise N reduction.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical data collected in field studies in the near-mouth area and delta of the Don R. (Aksay T.—the mouths of Don delta branches) in 2006–2015 are analyzed. The seasonal dynamics is demonstrated, and the average annual concentrations were evaluated for mineral, total dissolved, and total forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, silica; dissolved and particulate organic carbon; and total suspended solids in river water. The export of dissolved and particulate organic carbon and nutrients by the Don River into the Sea of Azov in the low-water period of 2007–2015 is evaluated. Retrospective analysis of nutrient export into the Sea of Azov with river runoff in the XX–early XXI century is given.  相似文献   

The availability and partition of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in inorganic and organic compartments, as well as their stoichiometric ratio, are influenced by both physical and biological forcing factors. On this basis, the temporal and spatial dynamics in N:P atomic ratios in different compartments may provide information on the functioning of marine ecosystems. Here we explore the relative importance of water temperature, river inputs, wind mixing, stratification, ingression of nutrient-depleted Eastern Adriatic Current and phytoplankton biomass on concentrations and ratios between nitrogen and phosphorus in a semi-enclosed bay (the Gulf of Trieste), using data from monitoring programs carried out during 8 years. Water samples are first classified in 6 water types based on N:P ratios in different components, and then relationships between water type space-time distribution and a set of forcing factors is sought. Results show that the gulf is characterised by relatively stable N:P ratios in all compartments (about 23-26), always exceeding the classical Redfield ratio. In the surface layer, however, nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics are decoupled because of river input and plankton productivity, and a significant spatial and temporal variability is observed in terms of stoichiometric balance, nutrient concentrations and partition among the different pools. Deviations from stable N:P ratios follow a seasonal evolution. In spring, continental inputs alter inorganic nutrient compartments (N:P up to 115); later on, during the seasonal succession of biological processes (e.g. late spring phytoplankton blooms, summer increase in microbial activities and autumn phytoplankton blooms), a change is also seen in the organic dissolved and particulate pools. Multivariate statistical analysis suggests that, among the considered forcing factors, the most relevant in modulating the N:P stoichiometry in the Gulf of Trieste are river inputs and ingression of the Eastern Adriatic Current (acting in opposite directions) along with phytoplankton dynamics. During the whole period, besides variations in N:P stoichiometry, in the Gulf of Trieste dissolved organic matter represents the largest pool of N and P, which can provide a source of nutrients for the planktonic community alternative to inorganic nutrient.  相似文献   


Human activities have created high nutrient surpluses in agricultural lands due to the increasing rate of chemical fertilizer application and the increase in livestock production. To analyse the nutrient characteristics and estimate the nutrient load in streams, we conducted extensive field survey and water quality experiments from 2007 to 2008 in Koise River, a major river of the Lake Kasumigaura watershed, Japan. Water quality indicators of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and total organic carbon (TOC) were investigated. The nutrient loads of TN, TP and TOC, as well as dissolved total nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen, particle organic nitrogen, dissolved total phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon and particle organic carbon were also estimated for the Koise River. Seasonal variation of the nutrient concentration from 2007 to 2008 was analysed considering the river discharge variation and agricultural activities. The results showed that the irrigation water from Lake Kasumigaura has the potential ability to decrease the TN concentration and increase the TOC concentration in the Koise River. Significant correlation coefficients between nutrient load and river discharge were found. The monthly pollution loads from different sources were then evaluated based on land cover classification generated from high-resolution Quick Bird remote sensing imagery. This study presents a useful interpretation of water quality data sets with a view to obtaining better information about water quality for more effective management of water resources in river basins.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation He, B., Oki, K., Wang, Y., Oki, T., Yamashiki, Y., Takara, K., Miura, S., Imai, A., Komatsu, K. and Kawasaki, N., 2012. Analysis of stream water quality and estimation of nutrient load with the aid of Quick Bird remote sensing imagery. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (5), 850–860.  相似文献   

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