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随着我国湖泊科学的发展,湖泊制图也有了巨大的发展。它主要表现在以下几个方面:1)制图形式由单页插图发展到专题图集和综合图集;2)制图区域范围由湖泊水域或盐湖扩大到湖泊周围地区乃至整个湖泊流域;3)制图对象由单纯地表示湖泊水体、沉积物和水生物扩大到同时表示湖泊周围地区的有关要素,使湖中和陆上连城一气;4)以表示自然要素为主发展到以表示经济要素为主;5)反映湖泊环境质量的图幅日益受到重视;6)由单纯地表示湖泊现状发展到既表示现状又表示它的形成、演化过程和趋势;7)图幅内容选题体现为国民经济建设和环境保护服务的宗旨;8)由单要素制图发展为综合制图。  相似文献   

中国湖泊数据库结构特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵锐  赵宏  严晓蓉 《湖泊科学》1991,3(1):67-73
中国湖泊数据库是将全国湖泊面积大于10km2, 按其形态特征和各种属性数据, 按一定的标准和规范, 录入计算机存储和应用, 湖泊数据具有数据量大、类型多、以湖泊代号为关键字、交叉平行式的数据分类、动态变化快和具有空间分布等特点。湖泊数据库逻辑结构严谨, 由全国湖泊分布, 湖泊图形库与属性库, 湖泊专题数据, 模型英语等部分组成。程序结构在主控程序控制下分层次执行, 由图形、属性、专题和应用模型四大模块为第一层次。在它们控制下进入第二层次, 低层可顺利地返回高层, 形成操作简单, 使用方便的程序结构。  相似文献   

Electromagnetic (EM) techniques are the most commonly used geophysical methods in mineral exploration. However, the use of EM measurements for environmental and engineering applications like the detection of contaminant plumes or the exploration of waste sites is relatively new.The reason for the success of the application of EM methods to environmental problems lies in the variation of conductivity caused by different geometry of pore fluids and clay contents in rocks, and by the presence of organic and inorganic contaminants.Many EM methods/instruments used for mapping near surface geology exist and nowadays they play a central role in environmental geophysics. In general, these methods can be classified in two blocks: EM methods using a plane wave source of excitation and EM methods using a controlled source like a magnetic dipole or a loop source. The Very Low Frequency (VLF, VLF-R) and Radiomagnetotelluric (RMT) methods are chosen as representative methods for plane wave techniques, while horizontal loop EM methods operating in low induction numbers (EM31, EM34) and Transient Electromagnetic methods (TEM) are chosen as representatives of magnetic dipole or loop source techniques. Basic principles, advantages and disadvantages of each technique as well as their connection to specific environmental problems will be discussed.Different successful applications of these methods are reported in the literature. However, this review will focus on three major subjects: waste site exploration, detection of contaminated earth layers, and groundwater exploration. Case histories are presented illustrating the suitability of EM methods for solving such problems.  相似文献   

向启华 《湖泊科学》1991,3(1):35-45
水文报道1987年河南封丘曹岗湖底栖动物的调查结果。该湖底栖动物主要由寡毛类8种, 水生昆虫47种和腹足类2种组成, 其中克拉泊水丝蚓和刺铗粗腹摇蚊群为优势种类, 平均密度为2087个/m2, 生物量为4.8690g/m2, 并与长江中游浅水湖泊中的底栖动物作了比较, 对某些环境因素与底栖动物种类组成、数量分布的关系也作了扼要的分析。  相似文献   

晚第四纪中亚高山湖泊的演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中亚晚第四纪商山湖泊的演化受到复杂的气候波动釤响,主要由水汽的变化、湖盆冰川作用和径流与 流址的变化而引起的。冷干条件伴随右融水补给的减少和湖退;暖湿条件引起了冰川的后退,增加了融水补给,引起湖进。分布于不同海抜高度的天山和帕米尔竑原地区的湖泊,普遍处于较干旱的环境中,通过对湖盆地貌学、冰川和湖泊沉积物的分布和成份的研究、以及对湖泊沉积物的孢粉分析和埋藏植物碎屑的l4C年代测定,可以里违晚贝新世以来益山湖泊的演化阶段和中亚高山区的古地理环堍。22000-17000a B.P.,天山查特尔库尔湖和帕米尔喀拉湖为外流淡水湖,面积超过目前的2-3倍。湖泊沉积物中孢粉以干草原植被为主,反映气候较暖湿。16000-11000a B.P.,冻川活动达到极盛,气候寒冷、干燥,湖泊干涸、消失。孢粉频率低,以旱生植物花粉为主。10000-8000a B.P.,温度、湿度提中湿植物和蒿属相对藜科增加,开始湖进。查特尔库尔湖水位较今高12m,面积超过现今3倍;8000—4000a B.P.,天山和东帕米尔的湖盆气侯相对暖湿。4000—3500a B.P.,气候变干,旱生植物花粉增加。3000a B.P.以来以气候干旱化为特征,植被以高山干草原和草原-荒漠为主。1500a B.P.以来气候更趋干早,干旱植物花粉增加,湖水位下降,一直持续至今。据历史和考古资料,公元14-16世纪天山气候暖干化,发生湖退;17—18世纪天山和帕米尔湿度增加,出现湖进。目前该地区湖水位普遍处于下降时期,仅若干冰融水补给湖泊有湖进的迹象。  相似文献   

In the first part of this tutorial paper, we survey the physical basis of radiometry – the measurement of electromagnetic energy, and the physical quantities needed to quantify it and to describe reflected and emitted radiation The second part considers what a radiometer is, how it works and on what the signal depends. The third part addresses radiometry inthe context of Earth Observations, with an emphasis on the solar reflected region (visible near infrared) and thermal infrared region. The role of the atmosphere, the ambient radiation, and how to extract information from the signal at the satellite are also discussed briefly.  相似文献   

地震学中的一个主要问题是如何将原始的震源信号从其他影响中分离出来。讨论了地震波在传播过程中可能引起波形变化的一些因素以及记录系统和采样处理过程所产生的影响,介绍了地震信号处理中的一般原理和概念,通过对简单的RC滤波器的讨论,揭示了系统理论的一些基本概念,如线性时间不变系统、傅里叶变换和拉普拉斯变换、褶积、频率响应函数、传递函数和极点等,为讨论数字地震信号的处理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文在总结分析攀钢、攀矿昔格达层滑坡基本特征的基础上,对区内滑坡进行了地震稳定性计算,给出了经不同方法治理后的滑坡的地震稳定系数;同时采用“因子迭加”方法对究研区进行边坡稳定性区划,划分出相对的稳定区、欠稳定区和不稳定区,为抗震减灾和土地的开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

东太湖网围养鱼试验对底质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
隋桂荣 《湖泊科学》1990,2(2):61-65
本文报道网围养鱼后湖泊底质中有机物、总氮和全磷含试增加的情況。因残饵、鱼粪 便和鱼分泌物等在湖体中的积累,经围养一年后,使底质中有机质、总氮和全磷分别增加48.81%、13,75%和22.22%;两年后分别增加70.63%、47.62%和25.00%;三年后分别增加90.18%、65.08%和30.56%;四年后分别增加116.86%、90.48%和55.56%。为了减少底质的营养负荷,建议:1.改良饵型;2.控制鱼种放养密度;3.及时清除死鱼;4.养殖与种植轮作。  相似文献   

Hydrodynamical Modeling Of Oceanic Vortices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mesoscale coherent vortices are numerous in the ocean.Though they possess various structures in temperature and salinity,they are all long-lived, fairly intense and mostly circular. Thephysical variable which best describes the rotation and the density anomaly associated with coherent vortices is potential vorticity. It is diagnostically related to velocity and pressure, when the vortex is stationary. Stationary vortices can be monopolar (circular or elliptical) or multipolar; their stability analysis shows thattransitions between the various stationary shapes are possible when they become unstable. But stable vortices can also undergo unsteady evolutions when perturbed by environmental effects, likelarge-scale shear or strain fields, -effect or topography. Changes in vortex shapes can also result from vortex interactions. such as the pairing, merger or vertical alignment of two vortices, which depend on their relative polarities and depths. Such interactions transfer energy and enstrophy between scales, and are essential in two-dimensional and in geostrophic turbulence. Finally, in relation with the observations, we describe a few mechanisms of vortex generation.  相似文献   

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