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我国7度设防等跨RC框架抗地震倒塌能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国建筑结构抗震设计主要采用基于小震下的构件承载力计算保证结构的抗震承载能力,配合抗震构造措施保证结构的变形能力,缺乏大震抗倒塌定量计算.而实际地震震害表明,即使是同类结构,其结构体系参数对其抗地震倒塌能力也有很大影响.为此,本文依据《建筑抗震设计规范》GB50011 - 2001,按照7度抗震设防设计了24个不同跨度...  相似文献   

在地震作用下钢筋混凝土建筑结构出现破坏倒塌为地震灾害中的关键,有效评估建筑结构抗地震破坏倒塌能力是建筑结构设计的前提,也是当前建筑结构提高抗震性能与加固的依据。提出变形指标极值、失效判断标准以及钢筋混凝土建筑结构倒塌极限状态判断标准,据此获取倒塌储备系数、倒塌易损性、结构整体超强系数、结构整体延性系数等评估标准。采用Pushover分析法选择相应地震波。依据梁柱线刚比对建筑结构抗倒塌能力的影响,以及柱端弯矩增加系数对建筑结构抗地震破坏倒塌能力的影响,对建筑结构易损性进行分析。结果表明:等跨建筑结构抗地震破坏倒塌能力更强;建筑结构底层是薄弱层,COF值越高,结构越容易倒塌。  相似文献   

7度区典型框架教学楼抗震加强措施效果对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于汶川地震导致大量中小学校建筑倒塌,造成巨大伤亡,住建部、中国工程院和中国地震局分别提出了不同的校舍抗震设计加强要求,但这些加强措施的实际抗倒塌效果尚缺乏定量研究.本文采用纤维梁模型,并选择合适的钢筋约束混凝土本构,对汶川地震7度区典型钢筋混凝土框架结构教学楼进行了基于IDA的倒塌率分析,研究了不同抗震加强措施的防倒...  相似文献   

板柱结构节约结构空间是一种常用建筑结构形式,通常也被认为是抗震薄弱体系,我国GB 50011—2010《建筑抗震设计规范》对板柱结构使用范围以及适用高度作了严格限定,与国外规范相比较,我国结构规范对板柱结构有细致严格的构造要求。结合北京8度区某17层带边框高层板柱-剪力墙结构的实际工程,通过ETABS有限元程序对结构进行多遇地震作用分析,重点研究了楼板应力分布。采用SAUSG有限元程序补充罕遇地震下有限元非线性分析,研究了墙柱损伤情况与主要构件性能。应用SAP2000程序采用拆除构件法,分析了板柱结构抗连续倒塌能力。研究结果表明,在满足规范规定构造措施前提下,带边框板柱-剪力墙结构具有较好的承载能力、良好的抗震性能和抗连续倒塌能力,可以达到8度抗震设防烈度区高层建筑安全性能要求。  相似文献   

建筑结构在爆炸荷载作用下的连续倒塌问题近些年被很多学者所关注。从本质上讲,结构的抗倒塌和抗震都是动荷载作用下的结构响应问题,因此,结构抗震设计的很多理念对结构的抗连续倒塌设计同样适用。本文采用数值模拟的方法,分别对按抗震设防烈度Ⅵ度、Ⅶ度和Ⅷ度的钢框架结构进行了40kg炸药爆炸作用下的连续倒塌分析,探讨了抗震设防烈度对钢框架连续性倒塌的影响。计算结果表明,抗震设防烈度高的钢框架结构其抵抗连续倒塌的能力较强。其中,按Ⅵ度设防的结构发生了连续倒塌;按Ⅶ度设防的结构没有发生连续性倒塌,只发生了一定程度的变形和破坏;而相比之下,按Ⅷ度设防的结构变形和破坏最为轻微。  相似文献   

为了提高钢筋混凝土建筑结构的抗震性能,分析多维地震作用下钢筋混凝土建筑结构的抗连续倒塌能力,结合钢筋混凝土建筑结构特性、节点构造特点以及其在多维地震作用下的破坏机理,采用离散单元法建立结构连续倒塌的理论模型,对建筑结构连续倒塌过程进行数值模拟。基于数值模拟化结果,通过备用荷载路径法,实现建筑结构的抗连续倒塌分析。仿真实验结果得出,所提方法能实现对建筑结构抗连续倒塌的准确分析,且在多维地震作用下建筑结构扭转的幅度明显变大,结构顶层位移发散状态显著,不同楼层会产生不同的层间位移以及薄弱部位,建筑结构的抗连续倒塌性能随着失效构件位置的提升而增强。  相似文献   

为研究余震对钢框架-中心支撑结构抗震性能的影响,以钢框架-拉链柱式中心支撑结构和传统钢框架-人字形中心支撑结构为例,基于增量动力分析方法,对2种结构在主余震、主震作用下进行地震易损性分析。对比了2种结构地震易损性差异,根据抗倒塌储备系数评价了2种结构的抗倒塌性能。结果表明:余震会增加结构的地震易损性,其影响程度随着地震动强度的变大而增加;与人字形中心支撑结构相比,拉链柱式中心支撑结构在高强度地震下处于重度损伤和倒塌2种极限状态时的失效概率更低,抗倒塌储备系数更大,抗倒塌性能更优。  相似文献   

袁景  刘海卿  刘东 《地震学刊》2010,(Z1):115-119
近年来强烈地震造成的钢筋混凝土框架结构倒塌破坏日益受到关注。本文利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元软件对强震作用下钢筋混凝土框架结构,从弹性工作阶段到构件开裂直至倒塌破坏的全过程进行了三维非线性仿真分析,仿真结果与真实倒塌过程吻合较好。证明了框架结构底层抗震能力薄弱,由梁柱连接部位的剪切破坏引起的节点区混凝土碎裂是导致结构倒塌的主要原因。同时也说明通过合理选取计算参数和计算模型,可以成功地再现钢筋混凝土框架结构倒塌破坏的全过程,从而发现其在强震作用下的薄弱环节,为揭示框架结构倒塌破坏机理以及提高结构的抗震性能提供理论分析依据。  相似文献   

基于大震和特大震下倒塌率目标的抗震分析与设计是结构抗震领域的主要发展方向,而大震及特大震作用下结构抗整体性倒塌能力的准确评估是其中的关键科学问题。首先对国内外结构抗整体性倒塌能力的研究工作进行了总结,重点介绍了多种微观和宏观本构模型特性及大震作用下考虑结构构件退化特性对抗整体性倒塌能力的影响。在此基础上,详细阐述了通过增量动力分析获得结构抗倒塌能力易损性曲线及确定结构抗倒塌能力极限状态的方法。最后以一个RC单层单跨平面框架结构分析模型为例,利用OpenSees分析软件,研究了钢筋后期强度退化对结构抗整体性倒塌能力评估结果的影响,结果表明不考虑钢筋后期强度退化会明显高估结构的抗倒塌能力。  相似文献   

多层钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构广泛用于学校、医院和办公建筑中,近年发生的多次破坏性地震中,大量RC框架结构发生粉碎性倒塌,造成大量人员伤亡。而位于同一场地的一般多层砖混结构反而不倒塌。这显示出工程界对RC框架倒塌机理的认识尚不深刻,抗震设计的结果与期望值还有很大差距。本文选取汶川地震中位于极震区的两栋典型结构作为研究对象,代表一般学校多层RC框架的漩口中学教学楼发生倒塌,而北川盐务局职工宿舍楼结构则由于底层框架柱增设适量翼墙而未倒。本文通过地震模拟振动台试验对两者的抗震性能进行了深入研究,剖析前者的倒塌机理,探讨翼墙-框架结构体系的地震响应特点。主要结果有:(1)依据国内外多次地震震害资料,总结了多层RC框架结构震害特点,重点对汶川地震极震区的两个具体结构的构造特点和实际震害进行描述。(2)通过振动台试验,研究了漩口中学结构模型地震响应规律、宏观破坏模式。依据各关键测点的实测数据和倒塌过程,分析了触发倒塌的主要原因。指出局部设置的半高填充墙显著增大了刚度,降低了延性,是倒塌的关键因素。(3)因框架柱增设适量翼墙,北川盐务局职工宿舍历经强震而不倒。对翼墙框架结构体系的概念和抗震机制进行介绍,基于翼墙框架结构和纯框架结构的pushover分析,对比研究了其抗震性能、损伤和屈服模式。(4)为研究翼墙加固RC框架体系在强烈地震作用下的抗震性能和加固效果,完成了一个缩尺比为1:4的翼墙-框架结构模型振动台试验,定量分析了结构在设防小震、中震、大震以及更高强度地震动作用下的受力特征、动力反应和损伤机制。并对试验模型与未加翼墙的纯框架数值模型进行了动力有限元分析,对比得到二者抗震性能的差异。通过以上研究证明,通过翼墙加固多层RC框架结构可以大幅提高多层RC框架的抗震性能,且经济实用、布置方便,可作为抗倒塌措施应用推广。  相似文献   

针对既有的C类框架学校建筑提高一度抗震设防的加固目标,从地震作用计算、结构抗震验算和抗震构造措施等方面详细分析了其中的加固难点,指出了应用传统抗震加固方法的一些不足之处,探讨了应用消能减震技术进行结构提高一度抗震设防加固的可行性;并以某C类框架学校建筑加固工程为实例,从减震控制效果分析、弹塑性变形验算、消能部件影响评价、抗震构造措施核查4个方面论证了消能减震加固方法的有效性和可操作性。结果表明,消能减震技术在C类框架学校建筑抗震加固中具有一定的应用优势,不但能有效控制结构的地震响应,而且依据减震效果可以适当降低结构的抗震构造要求。因此,只要通过合理的消能减震加固设计,再辅以额外的局部加强处理,完全可以实现C类框架学校建筑提高一度抗震设防的加固目标需求。  相似文献   

由于承重结构构件分布不均匀,导致高层建筑框架承重构件间的距离不相等。在地震时,这种不规则分布可能引起加速度共振效应,从而导致建筑失稳。为此,以地震动强度、地震动速度峰值、最大层间位移角为参数指标,分析高层建筑的极限状态,提出基于增量动力地震易损性分析的高层结构抗震加固研究。以某实际工程为试验对象,运用ABAQUS软件构造高层建筑框架结构三维模型,选取多条地震波以及符合场地条件的地震动记录进行验证,绘制地震易损性曲线。结果表明:在高层建筑框架结构中安装阻尼器,可增强结构中各构件的承载力,改善高层建筑抗震性能;增加钢板厚度可提高结构抗震水平,降低极限状态下框架结构IO、LS与CP的超越概率;提高混凝土强度,可改善框架结构抗倒塌性能。高层结构完成抗震加固后,抗震能力由0.91提升至1.01。由此证明,以增量动力分析得到的结构易损性为基础,对建筑易损性较大的地方进行加固、完善,能够改善高层建筑框架结构地震易损性,减少地震灾害损失。  相似文献   

梁丹  梁兴文 《地震工程学报》2015,37(4):1060-1065,1072
选取按照现行规范设计的既有建筑进行有限元建模,考虑地震动的不确定性对其进行大量增量动力分析(IDA),得到模型的IDA曲线簇。在此基础上对其进行地震需求概率分析和概率抗震能力分析,拟合得到结构的易损性曲线,据此对结构的倒塌概率进行定量评估,并比较基于非线性分析与性能评估软件PERFORM-3D的纤维模型和塑性铰模型的分析结果。结果表明:按照我国现行规范设计的钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构,在预期的罕遇地震作用下倒塌概率较小,可满足"大震不倒"的要求;基于PERFORM-3D的截面纤维模型所得的RC框架结构,经非线性分析所得的倒塌概率相对保守,安全储备更高。  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced building collapse and progressive collapse due to accidental local failure of vertical components are the two most common failure modes of reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures. Conventional design methods usually focus on the design requirements of a specific hazard but neglect the interactions between different designs. For example, the progressive collapse design of an RC frame often yields increased reinforcement and flexural strength of the beams. As a result, the seismic design principle of “strong-column-weak-beam” may be violated, which may lead to unfavorable failure modes and weaken the seismic performance. To avoid these adverse effects of the progressive collapse design on the seismic resistance of RC frames, a novel structural detailing is proposed in this study. The proposed detailing technique intends to concurrently improve the seismic and progressive collapse performances of an RC frame by changing the layout of the newly added longitudinal reinforcement against progressive collapse without introducing any additional reinforcement. A six-story RC frame is used as the prototype building for this investigation. Both cyclic and progressive collapse tests are conducted to validate the performance of the proposed structural detailing. Based on the experimental results, detailed finite element (FE) models of the RC frame with different reinforcement layouts are established. The seismic and progressive collapse resistances of different models are compared based on the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) and nonlinear dynamic alternate path (AP) methods, respectively. The results indicate that the proposed structural detailing can effectively resolve the conflict between the seismic and progressive collapse designs.  相似文献   

Forward directivity may cause large velocity pulses in ground motion time histories that are damaging to buildings at sites close to faults, potentially increasing seismic collapse risk. This study quantifies the effects of forward directivity on collapse risk through incremental dynamic analysis of building simulation models that are capable of capturing the key aspects of strength and stiffness degradation associated with structural collapse. The paper also describes a method for incorporating the effects of near-fault directivity in probabilistic assessment of seismic collapse risk. The analysis is based on a suite of RC frame models that represent both past and present building code provisions, subjected to a database of near-fault, pulse-like ground motions with varying pulse periods. Results show that the predicted collapse capacity is strongly influenced by variations in pulse period and building ductility; pulse periods that are longer than the first-mode elastic building period tend to be the most damaging. A detailed assessment of seismic collapse risk shows that the predicted probability of collapse in 50 years for modern concrete buildings at a representative near-fault site is approximately 6%, which is significantly higher than the 1% probability in the far-field region targeted by current seismic design maps in the US. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Simplified seismic sidesway collapse analysis of frame buildings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper presents the development and assessment of a simplified procedure for estimating the seismic sidesway collapse margin ratio of building structures. The proposed procedure is based on the development of a robust database of seismic peak displacement responses of nonlinear single‐degree‐of‐freedom systems for various seismic intensities and uses nonlinear static (pushover) analysis without the need for nonlinear time history dynamic analysis. The proposed simplified procedure is assessed by comparing its collapse capacity predictions on 72 different building structures with those obtained by nonlinear incremental dynamic analyses. The proposed simplified procedure offers a simple, yet efficient, computational/analytical tool that is capable of predicting collapse capacities with acceptable accuracy for a wide variety of frame building structures. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reinforced concrete (R/C) frame buildings designed according to older seismic codes represent a large part of the existing building stock worldwide. Their structural elements are often vulnerable to shear or flexure‐shear failure, which can eventually lead to loss of axial load resistance of vertical elements and initiate vertical progressive collapse of a building. In this study, a computationally efficient member‐type finite element model for the hysteretic response of shear critical R/C frame elements up to the onset of axial failure is presented; it accounts for shear‐flexure interaction and considers, for the first time, the localisation of shear strains, after the onset of shear failure, in a critical length defined by the diagonal failure plane. Its predictive capabilities are verified against experimental results of column and frame specimens and are shown to be accurate not only in terms of total response, but also with regard to individual deformation components. The accuracy, versatility, and simplicity of this finite element model make it a valuable tool in seismic analysis of complex R/C buildings with shear deficient structural elements.  相似文献   

整理并分析汉中地区的地震背景、地震动参数和地质灾害,调查区域内地震动参数有差异的9类样本行政镇的931栋典型农村房屋,研究典型农村房屋的结构类型、抗震概念设计和建造场地等因素对房屋抗震性能的影响。结果表明:汉中地区地质构造复杂,深大断裂发育,94.7%的区域为灾害易发区,存在4个地震烈度异常区;农村既有房屋结构类型有土木结构、砖木结构、砖混结构和框架结构,其中砖木结构和砖混结构是主要的抗震结构类型,框架结构是新型抗震结构类型;区域内农村房屋的建造场地条件危险性大并且抗震概念设计不足,房屋震害严重,村民的工程地质和地震地质等相关知识匮乏。该研究可为村镇房屋的防震减灾工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Non‐ductile reinforced concrete buildings represent a prevalent construction type found in many parts of the world. Due to the seismic vulnerability of such buildings, in areas of high seismic activity non‐ductile reinforced concrete buildings pose a significant threat to the safety of the occupants and damage to such structures can result in large financial losses. This paper introduces advanced analytical models that can be used to simulate the nonlinear dynamic response of these structural systems, including collapse. The state‐of‐the‐art loss simulation procedure developed for new buildings is extended to estimate the expected losses of existing non‐ductile concrete buildings considering their vulnerability to collapse. Three criteria for collapse, namely first component failure, side‐sway collapse, and gravity‐load collapse, are considered in determining the probability of collapse and the assessment of financial losses. A detailed example is presented using a seven‐story non‐ductile reinforced concrete frame building located in the Los Angeles, California. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concept of intensity‐based assessment for risk‐based decision‐making is introduced. It is realized by means of the so‐called 3R method (response analysis, record selection and risk‐based decision‐making), which can be used to check the adequacy of design of a new building or of the strengthening of an existing building by performing conventional pushover analysis and dynamic analysis for only a few ground motions, which are termed characteristic ground motions. Because the objective of the method is not a precise assessment of the seismic risk, a simple decision model for risk acceptability can be introduced. The engineer can decide that the reliability of a no‐collapse requirement is sufficient when collapse is observed in the case of less than half of, for example, seven characteristic ground motions. From the theoretical point of view, it is shown that the accuracy of the method is acceptable if the non‐linear response history analyses are performed at a low percentile of limit‐state intensity, which is also proven by means of several examples of multi‐storey reinforced concrete frame buildings. The 3R method represents a compromise between the exclusive use of either pushover analysis or dynamic analysis and can be easily introduced into building codes provided that its applicability is further investigated (e.g. asymmetric structures and other performance objectives) and that the procedure for the selection of characteristic ground motions is automated and readily available to engineers (www.smartengineering.si).  相似文献   

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