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黄河三角洲粉土液化的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在野外自然地理和地质调查的基础上,以黄河地区可液化场地粉土为研究对象,利用室内动三轴和振动柱试验进行测定,分析了动荷载作用下粉土的动应力应变关系并模拟了地震荷载作用下粉土的孔压响应及抗液化强度,得出了液化破坏标准,提出了原状粉土的振动孔压上升模型。对试验结果进行分析发现,随着粘粒含量的增加,粉砂、粉土、粉质粘土、粘土达到相同剪应变所需的动剪应力也依次增加;粉土孔压比0.68、粉砂土孔压比0.87作为液化破坏开始的标志;粉土发生液化所需的循环应力比大于砂土。这些研究为以后建立适合本地区的饱和地基土地震破坏判别方法提供了参数和依据。  相似文献   

饱和粉土液化和应变特性试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对取自徐州市棠张镇拟建京沪高速铁路路基的粉土,在试验室内按不同的干密度和细粒含量进行重塑,完成了三组不同干密度和四组不同细粒含量的振动三轴液化试验。分析了粉土干密度和细粒含量对饱和粉土抗液化强度的影响;通过曲线拟合方法建议了粉土振动液化过程中的孔压增长模型和永久应变势模型,给出了模型参数。  相似文献   

饱和粉土液化特性的大型振动台模型试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
京沪高速铁路徐沪段路基的粉土粘粒含量少于1.5%、粉粒含量约为80%,在强烈地震作用下存在着液化可能性.为充分研究这一饱和粉土地层的液化特性,本文作者利用大型地震模拟振动台,进行了模拟自由场地饱和粉土的地震液化模型试验,试验结果再现了自然地震触发的粉土液化的各种宏观震害现象,揭示了饱和粉土的地震液化规律和特征。试验结果为京沪高速铁路徐沪段路基的抗震设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

碎石桩是目前工程中用于处理饱和粉土液化地基最有效、最经济、最普遍的方式之一,但是饱和粉土地基上碎石桩的抗震液化特性还有待于进一步研究。本文利用三维有限差分程序FLAC3D结合安徽某高速公路路基工程对碎石桩加固后的粉土地基的抗震液化特性进行数值分析。通过研究不同埋深距离碎石桩中心不同距离处的孔压增长、消散规律,得到高烈度地震荷载作用下碎石桩加固饱和粉土地基的合理桩间距及加固深度,为类似工程提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

碎石桩是目前工程中用于处理饱和粉土液化地基最有效、最经济、最普遍的方式之一,但是饱和粉土地基上碎石桩的抗震液化特性还有待于进一步研究。本文利用三维有限差分程序FLAC3D结合安徽某高速公路路基工程对碎石桩加固后的粉土地基的抗震液化特性进行数值分析。通过研究不同埋深距离碎石桩中心不同距离处的孔压增长、消散规律,得到高烈度地震荷载作用下碎石桩加固饱和粉土地基的合理桩间距及加固深度,为类似工程提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

坝基地震液化特性及动力稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了考虑水库大坝地基地震液化及动力特性,首先通过室内动三轴试验研究混黏土的粉土、粉砂在动荷载作用下的孔压累积特性,提出了选择双幅应变达到5%作为土样液化的标准;然后采用现场标贯试验和室内动三轴试验对水库坝基中的粉土、粉砂层进行了液化判别,并对判别结果进行了对比分析;同时在液化判别的基础上利用有效应力动力分析方法对坝基土体进行了考虑渗流和不考虑渗流的地震液化的非线性动力有限元分析,并将液化的判别结果与现场标贯试验、室内动三轴试验的判别结果进行对比,从中得出一些有益的结论可供类似工程参考。  相似文献   

以天津汉沽地区某挡土墙地基粉土为研究对象,首先对不同颗粒组成的粉土做固结不排水动三轴剪切试验,采用各向等压固结,周围压力等于100kPa。固结完成后在不排水条件下施加轴向激振力,试验波形为正弦波,振动频率1.0Hz,试验中以试样在周期剪切时轴向周期应变达到5%作为破坏标准,得出粉土的动强度受颗粒组成的影响。细颗粒含量越大,其动强度越小,黏粒含量为7.2%的粉土循环剪应力比CSR约为20.3%黏粒含量粉土的2倍。粉土的动强度可以用循环剪应力比和破坏振次建立的幂函数关系式较好地拟合。在剪切过程中,粉土的孔隙水压力一直没有达到所施加的围压数值,最终稳定在75%~85%围压之间。同时,试验还得出孔隙水压力的增长模式不能用统一的Seed模型拟合,孔压增长规律的影响因素较多。  相似文献   

对地震荷载作用下不同深度饱和粉土地基的液化特性进行研究,通过室内动三轴试验研究地震荷载作用下饱和粉土地基的最大可液化深度,试验中通过对给定不同应力幅值动荷载作用下饱和粉土的液化特性进行研究,得到不同地震烈度下不同深度土体的动剪应力比与破坏振次关系曲线,进而结合地基液化判别公式判断不同深度饱和粉土在不同地震烈度下是否发生液化。研究成果为高烈度地区确定抗液化措施及处理深度提供了依据。  相似文献   

对地震荷载作用下不同深度饱和粉土地基的液化特性进行研究,通过室内动三轴试验研究地震荷载作用下饱和粉土地基的最大可液化深度,试验中通过对给定不同应力幅值动荷载作用下饱和粉土的液化特性进行研究,得到不同地震烈度下不同深度土体的动剪应力比与破坏振次关系曲线,进而结合地基液化判别公式判断不同深度饱和粉土在不同地震烈度下是否发生液化。研究成果为高烈度地区确定抗液化措施及处理深度提供了依据。  相似文献   

液化场地桥梁群桩基抗震分析简化方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于已完成的液化场地土—桩—桥梁结构地震相互作用振动台试验,利用两步法、等效单桩法,建立了液化场地群桩基础抗震分析的动力非线性文克尔地基梁模型。该模型考虑了桩—土相互作用的影响。首先,按照等刚度原则将群桩简化为等效单桩;其次,选用弹簧元件和阻尼原件并联的宏单元模拟桩—土动力相互作用;然后,计算地震作用下自由场地的土体位移和孔压比;最后,将地震作用下自由场地土体位移和孔压比作为模型的外部激励,计算桩的动力反应规律。将简化方法计算结果与液化场地桥梁桩基振动台试验结果进行对比发现,两者吻合较好,验证了简化方法的正确性。  相似文献   

地震荷载作用下发生滑坡的滑动带通常由粗颗粒与细颗粒组成。滑带土的动力性质及动孔隙水压力的发展对边坡的稳定性至关重要。对掺细料砾石混合土进行动三轴试验来探讨细料(粒径小于0.5mm)含量对砾石(粒径6~20mm)混合土的动孔压特性的影响,进行细料含量为0%、20%和40%的三组试样的动三轴试验,采用固结围压为100kPa、固结应力比为1.0、频率为1.0Hz,施加轴向动应力分别为0.50、0.55、0.60和0.65kN,得到动孔压的变化规律。试验发现:(1)相同激振力作用下,随着细料含量的增加,动孔隙水压力增长速度逐渐变缓;相同细料含量时,随着激振力的增大,动孔隙水压力增长速度变快。(2)激振力较大和细料含量较少时,动孔隙水压力在较少的振次下达到较大值并趋于稳定。(3)细料含量为20%的砾石混合土试样在试验终止时的振动次数最大,细料含量为40%的砾石混合土在试验终止时的振动次数最小。(4)当细粒含量为0%和20%时,试验终止时最终的孔压都可以接近固结围压;当细粒含量为40%,激振力较大时,试验终止时最终的孔压才接近固结围压,而激振力较小时最终的孔压远远没有达到固结围压。  相似文献   

To identify the effect of non-plastic silt on the cyclic behavior of sand–silt mixtures, total sixty undrained cyclic triaxial stress-control tests were carried out on sand–silt mixtures. These tests were conducted on specimens of size 71 mm diameter and 142 mm height with a frequency of 1 Hz. Specimens were prepared at a constant relative density and constant density approach. The effect of relative density, confining pressure as well as magnitude of cyclic loading was also studied. For a constant relative density (Dr=60%) the effect of limiting silt content, pore pressure response and cyclic strength was observed. The rate of generation of excess pore water pressure with respect to cycles of loading was found to initially increase with increase in silt content till the limiting silt content and thereafter it reverses its trend when the specimens were tested at a constant relative density. The cyclic resistance behavior was observed to be just opposite to the pore pressure response. Permeability, CRR and secant shear modulus decreased till limiting silt content; after that they became constant with increasing silt content.  相似文献   

为研究压实度对脱硫石膏动强度与动孔压特性影响,对压实度为0.85、0.90和0.95三组脱硫石膏进行等压固结不排水振动三轴试验,试验围压为100 kPa、200 kPa和400 kPa。结果表明:随压实度增大,脱硫石膏颗粒间作用力愈强,颗粒联结骨架越不容易破坏,脱硫石膏动强度越大,动孔压增长越慢;试验压实度范围下,脱硫石膏动剪应力比和动内摩擦角均与压实度呈线性相关;试验用脱硫石膏可分类定名为低液限粉土,其动强度曲线和动孔压发展模式均与常规粉土类似,分别可通过幂函数和对数函数表征,经F值试验法检验,其统计回归显著性水平均为"高度显著"。  相似文献   

Laboratory cyclic triaxial tests were performed to investigate the effect of fine content on the pore pressure generation in sand. Strain-controlled, consolidated undrained tests have been performed with a cyclic shear strain range of 0·015-1·5%. These tests were carried to 1000 cycles or to initial liquefaction, which ever occurred first. Triaxial tests were performed on pure sand silt specimens and specimens with silt additions of 10, 20, 30, and 60% by weight. Two types of silt, a non-plastic silt and a low plasticity silt (PI 10) were used as control materials. The main parameters varied in this study were the amount of silt, the plasticity index of silt, and the void ratio where the observed parameter was the pore pressure generation. For all silt contents, silt plasticity and the number of loading cycles have no significant effect at strain levels below 0·01%. Therefore, threshold strain for silty sands have approximately the same value as sands. For both non-plastic and low plasticity silts, there is a significant increase in the generated pore pressure at high strain levels.  相似文献   

利用GDS循环三轴仪进行一系列饱和砂砾土不排水动三轴液化试验,研究其在循环荷载作用下的液化特性,分析含砾量对饱和砂砾土动强度和动孔压的影响规律。研究表明:含砾量对砂砾土液化性能影响较大,随着含砾量的增加砂砾土抗液化强度呈单调增加趋势;随循环周次的增加孔隙水压力不断升高,增长速率与所施加的循环应力幅值有关,同一固结压力下,振次比相同时循环动应力幅值越大动孔压比越大;破坏振次对动孔压增长模式存在影响,破坏振次较小时砂砾土动孔压增长模式呈双曲线型发展,破坏振次较大时砂砾土的动孔压增长模式可用反正弦函数来表示,且含砾量越大循环荷载引起的孔隙水压力越高;含砾量对砂砾土液化特性的影响可从砂砾土的微细观结构特征得到阐释,并借助其粒间状态参量进行分析。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of shaking table model tests which were carried out to investigate the pore water pressure generation and related liquefaction mechanism in layered sand deposits. The experiments were performed on uniform sand columns, silt interlayered sand columns and two layered sand columns deposited at various relative densities and subjected to different input excitations. During the experiments excess pore water pressures were measured by pore pressure transducers installed at three different depths and, surface settlements and thickness of water film developed under less permeable inclusions were measured by a digital camera. The experimental results are discussed and compared to demonstrate the effects of relative density, input acceleration and presence of a silt seam on the generation of excess pore water pressure in sand deposits subjected to dynamic loading. The results showed that the presence of a less permeable silt interlayer within the sand deposit and existence of a loose sand layer underlying dense sand deposits can have significant effect on the pore water pressure generation mechanism.  相似文献   

The liquefaction behavior and cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) of reconstituted samples of non-plastic silt and sandy silts with 50% and 75% silt content are examined using constant-volume cyclic and monotonic ring shear tests along with bender element shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements. Liquefaction occurred at excess pore water pressure ratios (ru) between 0.6 and 0.7 associated with cumulative cyclic shear strains (γ) of 4% to 7%, after which cyclic liquefaction ensued with very large shear strains and excess pore water pressure ratio (ru>0.8). The cyclic ring shear tests demonstrate that cyclic resistance ratio of silt and sandy silts decreases with increasing void ratio, or with decreasing silt content at a certain void ratio. The results also show good agreement with those from cyclic direct simple shear tests on silts and sandy silts. A unique correlation is developed for estimating CRR of silts and sandy silts (with more than 50% silt content) from stress-normalized shear wave velocity measurements (Vs1) with negligible effect of silt content. The results indicate that the existing CRR–Vs1 correlations would underestimate the liquefaction resistance of silts and sandy silt soils.  相似文献   

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