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吐鲁番山间盆地早白垩世岩石的磁组构和古地磁新结果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为进一步认识天山褶皱带及其南北两侧块体在印度板块和欧亚大陆始新世碰撞前的古构造格局, 揭示该地区在印度/欧亚大陆碰撞后的总的运动学特征, 我们在中国西部的吐鲁番山间盆地内开展了系统的白垩纪古地磁研究. 经系统热退磁, 绝大多数样品可分离出一具双极性特征的高温剩磁分量. 热退磁特征和岩石磁学结果表明这一高温特征分量主要为赤铁矿所携带. 正的褶皱和倒转检验结果表明此高温特征分量为成岩时或稍后获得的原生剩磁. 与中国西部各块体上所获得的白垩纪古地磁结果相类似, 吐鲁番山间盆地的早白垩世古地磁结果相对于稳定的欧亚大陆之间仍存在一定的倾角偏差. 但磁组构研究表明吐鲁番盆地早白垩世胜金口组砂岩不仅具有较弱的磁化率各向异性度, 且磁化率各向异性度与高温特征剩磁倾角之间几乎没有相关性. 由吐鲁番盆地早白垩世古地磁极与塔里木和准噶尔地块的结果及稳定欧亚大陆的古地磁视极移曲线相对比, 发现吐鲁番山间盆地在新生代印度板块的碰撞和持续挤压下相对于其南侧的塔里木地块未发生明显的构造运动; 但相对于其北侧的准噶尔地块和欧亚大陆之间可能存在明显的南北向构造缩短.  相似文献   

为进一步确定拉萨地块白垩纪-古近纪的古地理位置,我们对青藏高原拉萨地块措勤地区林子宗火山岩18个采点进行了古地磁研究.结果表明高温(高场)特征剩磁分量主要为亚铁磁性的磁铁矿所携带,特征剩磁分量在95%置信水平下通过了褶皱检验. 倾斜校正后采点平均的特征剩磁方向为D/I=16.2°/17.7°, α95=5.6°,对应古地磁极位置为63.1°N,224.6°E,A95=5.1°. 另一方面,Ar-Ar年代学结果表明采样剖面的林子宗火山岩形成年龄为~99-93 Ma, 与拉萨地块林周盆地的林子宗群火山岩的形成年龄存在较大差异.由此我们得到晚白垩世拉萨地块中部措勤地区的古纬度为8.5°±6.9°N,与林周盆地古近纪林子宗群典中组和年波组所揭示出的古纬度相当,进一步表明亚洲大陆最南缘的拉萨地块在晚白垩世-古近世期间位于北半球~10°N的低纬度地区.结合最新的特提斯海相地层古地磁结果,晚白垩世-古近世拉萨地块的古地理位置限定了印度与欧亚大陆的初始碰撞时间不晚于60.5 Ma;~93 Ma以来,拉萨地块和单一刚性欧亚大陆之间存在~1900 km的构造缩短.  相似文献   

海原地区早白垩世古地磁结果及其构造意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
通过海原地区早白垩世13个采点的古地磁研究,揭示了一组高温特征剩磁分量.在5%置信度下通过倒转检验,采样剖面获得的下白垩统李洼峡组和和尚铺组的磁性地层结果,显示多个正、反极性带,与早白垩世早期的极性特征相似,说明这组高温分量很可能代表岩石形成时的原生剩磁,其特征剩磁方向为:偏角D=12.7°,倾角I=50.2°,α5=6.3°;相应的极位置为:经度φ=218.0°E,纬度λ=78.2°N,dp=5.7°,dm=8.4°,古纬度ρ=31.0°.通过对比华北地块鄂尔多斯盆地的早白垩世古地磁结果,表明采样地区自早白垩世以来相对于华北鄂尔多斯盆地未发生明显的构造旋转和纬度方向上的位移.这说明海原断裂东南段并未发生大规模的左旋走滑运动,印度-欧亚板块碰撞挤压作用对青藏高原东北部海原地区的影响已经很小.  相似文献   

对山西交城早三叠世刘家沟组红色砂岩的岩石磁学和系统热退磁研究表明, 一方面高矫顽力的赤铁矿为高温特征剩磁载体. 另一方面, 绝大多数样品的系统热退磁表现为室温至100/200℃之间的粘滞剩磁和250~500℃之间的中温分量及500~680℃之间的高温分量. 中温分量在99%置信范围内有负褶皱检验结果, 且其地理坐标下的平均方向所对应的古地磁极位置在95%置信范围内与华北地块中晚侏罗世古地磁参考极一致, 表明其很可能为燕山期获得的重磁化分量. 高温分量具有双极性和c级分类倒转检验结果, 且在99%置信范围内通过了褶皱检验, 表明其最可能代表岩石形成时的特征剩磁. 高温分量所对应的古地磁极位置与前人在鄂尔多斯盆地早三叠世古地磁极之间的差异, 可能意味着山西交城地区在早三叠世之后相对于鄂尔多斯盆地发生了一定的局部旋转运动. 这一局部旋转运动很可能与作为山西与鄂尔多斯两个构造单元分界的离石大断裂和位于采样地区东南侧, 中新生代仍在活动的交城大断裂的活动有关.  相似文献   

本文对四川北部旺苍-南江地区晚侏罗世蓬莱镇组进行了较为详细的岩石磁学和古地磁学研究.逐步热退磁揭示出蓬莱镇组岩石所携带的剩磁由两个分量组成,其中低温组分(次生剩磁)的解阻温度低于420℃;高温组分(特征分量)可通过褶皱及倒转检验,由此求得磁偏角和磁倾角分别为18.4°和29.3°(构造校正后),95%置信回(α95)为8.5°,对应的古地磁极经纬度分别为236.4°E和66.6°N.基于古地磁结果,并结合已有的地质证据,提出根据古地磁学确定的扬子地块晚侏罗世古纬度偏低的原因可能是由真极移造成的.  相似文献   

运用主成分分离及线性区段等方法,使早白垩世样品明显分离出二线磁组分。叠加剩磁为喜山期重磁化,特征乘磁明显偏离现代地磁场方向,经倾斜校正后,有很好的一致性并通过了倒转换检验,给出塔里木地块库车坳陷早白垩世巴西盖组古地磁亲数据。综合已有的古地磁结果,获得了塔里木地块早白垩世平均剩磁方向及平均古地磁极,阐明了塔里木地块早白垩世磁倾角偏低这一现象,分析导致磁倾角偏低的诸多因素,认为压实作用可能是导致磁倾角偏低的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

本文对四川北部旺苍-南江地区晚侏罗世蓬莱镇组进行了较为详细的岩石磁学和古地磁学研究.逐步热退磁揭示出蓬莱镇组岩石所携带的剩磁由两个分量组成,其中低温组分(次生剩磁)的解阻温度低于420℃;高温组分(特征分量)可通过褶皱及倒转检验,由此求得磁偏角和磁倾角分别为18.4°和29.3°(构造校正后),95%置信回(α95)为8.5°,对应的古地磁极经纬度分别为236.4°E和66.6°N.基于古地磁结果,并结合已有的地质证据,提出根据古地磁学确定的扬子地块晚侏罗世古纬度偏低的原因可能是由真极移造成的.  相似文献   

运用主成分分离及线性区段等方法 ,使早白垩世样品明显分离出二组磁组分 .叠加剩磁为喜山期重磁化 ,特征剩磁明显偏离现代地磁场方向 ,经倾斜校正后 ,有很好的一致性并通过了倒转检验 ,给出塔里木地块库车坳陷早白垩世巴西盖组古地磁新数据 .综合已有的古地磁结果 ,获得了塔里木地块早白垩世平均剩磁方向及平均古地磁极 ,阐明了塔里木地块早白垩世磁倾角明显偏低这一现象 .分析导致磁倾角偏低的诸多因素 ,认为压实作用可能是导致磁倾角偏低的重要因素之一 .  相似文献   

川东褶皱带作为华南板块中部的“侏罗山式”褶皱,开始形成于晚古生代.自白垩纪晚期开始,受太平洋板块和印度板块对欧亚大陆挤压的影响,这一构造带乃至华南板块中部又叠加了新的构造变形.但是,目前对于川东褶皱带白垩纪以来的构造演化缺乏足够的认识.位于川东褶皱带东侧、雪峰造山带西麓的沅麻盆地形成于早白垩世.晚白垩世以来,沅麻盆地与川东褶皱带处于同一构造应力场中,因此对盆地内早白垩世红层的古地磁研究对于解释川东褶皱带中生代晚期以来的构造演化有着重要的意义.该研究在沅麻盆地早白垩世红层中开展的古地磁学研究获得了可靠的原生剩磁分量:Ds=15.6°,Is=42.9°,k=118.6,α95=2.6°,表明沅麻盆地自早白垩世以来发生了4.1°±3.0°的顺时针构造转动.对川东褶皱带周缘白垩纪古地磁数据所揭示的地壳旋转变形,与断裂和褶皱轴组成的构造线迹变化之间的线性相关性分析,表明川东褶皱带位于齐岳山断裂带东南侧的部分,受印度板块-欧亚大陆、太平洋板块-华南板块间的挤压作用,自晚白垩世以来累积了约50~93 km的右旋错断量.  相似文献   

对扬子地块北部地区的湖北兴山 秭归剖面寒武系至中生界进行了构造古地磁学研究 .对岩石标本剩磁载体和剩磁稳定性的分析以及褶皱检验和倒转检验的结果表明 ,从 82 5个岩芯 ( 84个采样点 ,代表古生界至侏罗系 )分离出的高温特征分量代表了原生剩磁分量 ,从而得到这一地区古生代至侏罗纪几个地质时代的古地磁极位置 ,补充了中国扬子地块古地磁极移曲线的基本数据 .  相似文献   

The Pontides are characterized by a series of Mesozoic-Cenozoic fold belts comprising a N-vergent foreland fold and thrust belt in the Western Pontides and a concave, upward-shaped fold belt in the Eastern Pontides. The curvature of the fold belt follows the Caucasus which may imply a phase of oroclinal bending. In order to test whether the fold curvature represents a phase of oroclinal bending, a paleomagnetic study has been carried out in the Eastern Pontides on late Cretaceous and middle Eocene volcanic and sedimentary rocks from 29 sites. Rock magnetic studies reveal medium-temperature components with an unblocking temperature of 400–580 °C, indicating pseudo-single domain titanomagnetite as the most abundant carrier of magnetic remanence in the middle Eocene rocks studied here. In the upper Cretaceous rocks, a high-temperature component with an unblocking range of 580–650 °C was isolated. Stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization isolated two components of remanent magnetization in middle Eocene rocks comprising a low unblocking temperature/coercivity component near the present field direction and a characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) component of Ds = 332.3°, Is = 49.9° (k = 33.3, α95 = 9.2°, N = 15 sites). A positive fold test at a 95% confidence level and a reversal test indicate a primary magnetization. Component analysis of the upper Cretaceous rocks identifies a stable ChRM Ds = 160.3°, Is = −45.0°, (k =  85.6, α95 = 6.0°, N =  8 sites) following removal of secondary remanence. Their ChRM direction passes fold and reversal tests at a 95% confidence level. Both the upper Cretaceous and middle Eocene paleomagnetic data from the Eastern Pontides and the Lesser Caucasus clearly demonstrate evidence of oroclinal bending that occurred contemporaneouslywith the convergence between Arabia and Eurasia in the Paleocene.  相似文献   

羌北地块中-晚侏罗世雁石坪群古地磁新结果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道青藏高原羌北地区中-晚侏罗世雁石坪群古地磁新结果.对采自青海省格尔木市唐古拉山乡雁石坪剖面(33.6°N, 92.1°E)11个灰岩采点(118块)和10个碎屑岩采点(99块)定向样品系统古地磁学研究表明,大部分样品的退磁曲线具有双分量特征.低温分量方向在地理坐标系下较为集中,应该为地层褶皱之后的黏滞剩磁.高温特征剩磁分量方向可分为两类:(1)索瓦组(J3s)和布曲组(J2b)灰岩,以磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物,高温特征剩磁分量(Ds=355.7°,Is=42.1°,k=58.2,α95=6°)可通过99%置信度的褶皱检验.(2)雪山组(J2x)和雀莫错组(J2q)碎屑岩,以赤铁矿、磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物,高温特征剩磁分量(Ds=3.3°,Is=28.9°,k=30.7,α95=8.9°)可通过95%置信度的倒转检验和99%置信度的褶皱检验.两组分量都应该是岩石形成时的原生剩磁信息.碎屑岩组的磁倾角比灰岩组偏低13°左右,其剩磁方向很可能存在着与压实作用相关的剩磁倾角变浅的状况.本文取灰岩组平均磁化方向作为雁石坪群的原生剩磁分量,获得羌北地区雁石坪群古磁极位置:80.0°N,295.2°E(dp/dm=7.4/4.5).古地磁结果表明,羌北-昌都地区晚石炭-晚二叠世期间位于南纬中低纬度地区,早三叠世以后开始大规模北向漂移,至中-晚侏罗世已到达24.3°N.其快速北向运动主要发生在早三叠至早侏罗世期间(3500 km左右),与现今位置相比中晚侏罗世之后的北向迁移总量为900 km左右.  相似文献   

The organic matter of three different chronological major carbonaceous rock gold-bearing formations of South China (Middle Proterozoic Shangqiaoshan group of northeastern Jiangxi, Lower Cambrian Shuikou group of northern Guangxi and Devonian Shetianqiao group of eastern Hunan) and related carbonaceous stratabound gold deposits such as Jinshan, Longshui and Shixia deposits, respectively, has been characterized by organic geochemical techniques. These organic geochemical results show that the average total organic carbon (TOC) content of the three chronological carbonaceous rock gold-bearing formations of South China ranges from 0.15% to 1.56%. The thermal maturity of the organic matter of host rocks in the three gold-bearing formations is high. The micro-component of the organic matter of the host rocks consists primarily of solid bitumen and graphite. The organic carbon and gold of the host rocks appear to syndepositin situ during the formation of the gold-bearing formations. The organic carbon played a certain role in controlling the geochemical environment of the gold-bearing formations. The metallogenetic mechanism of the carbonaceous rock stratabound gold deposits of South China is closely associated in genesis with the sedimentation, diagenesis and thermal evolution history of the organic matter of host rocks in the gold-bearing formations.  相似文献   

Lower Cretaceous red sedimentary rocks from the depositional basin of East Qilian fold belt have been collected for a paleomagnetic study. Stepwise thermal demagnetization reveals two or three components of magnetization from dark red sandstones. Low-temperature magnetic component is consistent with the present Earth Field direction in geographic coordinates. High-temperature magnetic components are mainly carried by hematite. The mean pole of 19 sites for high-temperature magnetic components after tilt-correction is λ=62.2°N, φ=193.4°E, A95=3.2°, and it passes fold tests at 99% confidence level and reversal tests at 95% confidence level. The paleopole is insignificantly different from that of Halim et al. (1998) from the same sampling area at the 95% confidence level. Compared with paleomagnetic results for North China, South China, and Eurasia, our results suggest that no significant relative latitudinal displacement has taken place between Lanzhou region and these blocks since Cretaceous time. Remarkably, the pole of Lanzhou shows a 20° clockwise rotation with respect to those of North China, South China, and Eurasia. Geological information indicates that the crustal shortening in the western part of Qilian is greater than that in eastern part. In this case, the clockwise rotation of sampling area was related to India/Eurasia collision, and this collision resulted in a left-lateral strike-slip motion of the Altun fault in north Tibetan Plateau after the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The role of rift processes is analysed in the structural evolution of the continental margins of Eastern Asia including the Indo-China Peninsula and North China plain. Paleoreconstructions were made for the Indo-China Peninsula to characterize individual stages of rifting covering the Late Cretaceous-Eocene, Oligocene-Middle Miocene and Late Pliocene-Early Quaternary epochs. The rifting of continental margins occurred synchronously with spreading processes in marginal seas, whereas the formation of rift structures in the North China plain was concurrent with the formation of a deep-water basin of the Philippine Sea. The development of asthenospheric diapire led to crustal extension and was responsible for the formation of rift structures in marginal seas and continental margins.  相似文献   

New Lu-Hf and Pb-Pb age constraints on the earliest animal fossils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, South China, preserves a unique assemblage of early multicellular fossils and overlies rocks, which are thought to have formed during an ice age of global extent. The age of this formation is thus critical for understanding the important biological and climatic events that occurred towards the end of the Proterozoic Eon. Until now, direct dating of sedimentary formations such as the Doushantuo has been difficult and associated with large uncertainties. Here, we show that dating of Doushantuo phosphorites by a novel Lu-Hf dating method and conventional Pb-Pb geochronometry independently yield ages of 584±26 Ma and 599.3±4.2 Ma, respectively. These ages are in agreement with bio- and chemostratigraphical observations and show that the Doushantuo animal remains predate diverse Ediacaran fossil assemblages, making them the oldest unambiguous remains of metazoans currently known. Furthermore, the Pb-Pb age for the post-glacial Doushantuo rocks suggests that the Neoproterozoic glaciation in China might predate glacial rocks in Eastern North America commonly associated with the younger (Marinoan) of two major Neoproterozoic glaciations. The combination of Lu-Hf and Pb-Pb dating shows considerable potential for dating other phosphorite successions and future application of these methods could therefore provide further constraints on Proterozoic biological and environmental history.  相似文献   

The tectonic settings of the different stages of the magmatic activity in the middle-south section of the Da Hinggan Mts. are analyzed through measuring the isotopic ages of the Mesozoic volcano-plutonic rocks from this area, and thus the tectono-magmatic evolution series are consequently determined as the initial mantle upwelling marked by the Late Triassic invasion of basic-ultrabasic rocks containing mantle-source enclaves, middle-upper crust extension marked by intrusion of the Early-Middle Jurassic diobase dike swarms, dramatic ruption of the Late Jurassic trachitic volcanic rocks, the Early Cretaceous nonorogenic alkalic-subalkalic granite invasion and the formation of the basic dike swarms and basalts. It is thus inferred that the uprise of the Da Hinggan Mts. in the Mesozoic is closely reiated to the upwelling of the deep magma in the mantle upwarping settings. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 249472143).  相似文献   

陆内块体旋转是周边构造环境和深部构造活动相互作用的结果.前人研究表明华北东部和俄罗斯远东地区晚中生代以来的块体旋转样式,很可能以牡丹江断裂为界发生了显著变化.进一步对牡丹江断裂两侧块体晚中生代以来的块体旋转样式的限定,有助于正确理解这一差异旋转的机制.对采自黑龙江省东部白垩纪和古近纪岩石的(51个采点)古地磁学研究表明...  相似文献   

广丰县李家膨润土矿床赋存于白垩系上统南雄组第二岩性段酸性火山岩的顶底部。膨润土的主要矿物成分为蒙脱石,矿石结构构造与成矿原岩有关。矿石化学成分与酸性熔岩相近,矿体形态及空间分布受酸性熔岩流相带的控制。因此认为,膨润土矿床成矿原岩为酸性玻质熔岩,矿床是由酸性玻璃质熔岩经水解脱玻化而形成,其成因类型为风化淋滤蚀变岩型矿床。膨润土可自然改型,由原来的钠基膨润土改型成钙基膨润土和偏镁的钙基膨润土。对时代较新的酸性火山岩,在玻质熔岩发育处都有可能找到有利用价值的膨润土矿。由于膨润土常由珍珠岩、沸石脱玻化形成,三者常共生出现,是很好的找矿标志。  相似文献   

A geochronological study of zircon U-Pb on the volcanic rocks from the stratotype section of the Qingshan Group within the Jiaozhou Basin, eastern Shandong Province, is presented. The zircons were analyzed using the method of in situ ablation of a 193 nm excimer laser system coupled with an up to date ICP-MS system. Among the three formations of the Qingshan Group, zircons recovered from the lowest part of the Houkuang Fm. were dated at 106±2 Ma (95% confidence, the same below), whereas those from the lower and upper parts of the Shiqianzhuang Fm. were given ages of 105±4 Ma and 98±1 Ma, respectively. A spatially decreasing trend for the Mesozoic magmatic timing from west to east in the province is observed through comparing the data of this study with those by previous works on the Qingshan volcanic lavas occurring at western Shandong and within the Yishu fault zone. The Qingshan volcanic rocks are constituent of the 'Shoshonite Province' in East China. Exposed at most provinces of central East China along the Tan-Lu fault and the Yangtze fault zones, these volcanic suites are characterized by shoshonite and high-K calcalkalic rocks in lithology and thought to be correlated with the partial melting of continental mantle in genesis. It is also shown that the Qingshan potassic volcanic suite from eastern Shandong basins is distinctly younger than those from other ar-eas of the shoshonite province. By contrary, ages of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic alkaline basalts, sourced by asthenospheric mantle, from both northern Huaiyan basin and northern Dabie belt along the Tan-Lu fault zone and from the Ningwu, Lishui and Luzong basins along the Yangtze fault zone are observably older than those occurring within eastern Shandong. The revealed temporal and spatial patterns in magmatism for the two types of volcanic suites make an important geochronological con-straint on the Mesozoic to Cenozoic dynamic evolution model of the subcontinental lithosphere in East China.  相似文献   

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