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<正>中国科学院太湖湖泊生态系统研究站(简称"太湖站"),于1988年获中国科学院批准建立,隶属于中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所.现为中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)野外站,国家重点野外科学观测试验站.太湖站自1991  相似文献   

东太湖的环境质量现状调查评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
石建华 《湖泊科学》1994,6(2):166-170
通过1990—1991年东太湖的水文、水质、底质和生物凋查,对其水质作出评价并探求营养现状。结果表明:东太湖的水质状况良好,营养状况已进入中富营养状态叶。  相似文献   

1991年太湖地区洪涝灾害评估与人类活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
孙顺才  赵锐  毛锐  赵宏 《湖泊科学》1993,5(2):108-117
1991年6、7月间,太湖地区遭受特大洪涝灾害,受灾面积达3309km~2,直接经济损失达106亿元。梅雨暴雨是造成这次洪灾的直接原因,短时间内,降雨量达899mm,为100—200年一遇,超过该地区的承受能力。人类活动对加重灾情亦有着重要影响,包括:围垦与泥沙淤积,使河湖调蓄功能下降;太湖出口河道74.6%被封淤堵死,致使太湖水位达4.79m,超过历史最高记录;圩外面积减少及城市化发展等。治理对策包括充分发挥河湖调蓄功能;合理安排圩外调蓄流量,打通骨干排水河道及城市防洪系统建设等。  相似文献   

庄巍  逢勇 《湖泊科学》2006,18(5):490-494
以西太湖湖滨典型河网区——宜兴大浦河网区为研究区域,对于该典型河网区与太湖之间的水量交换情况进行了系统的计算研究.考虑降雨因素的影响,采用考虑下垫面分类的产汇流模型,对各计算年内(2002年(基准年).1998年(丰水年),1995年(平水年),1994年(枯水年))典型河网区及其西部山地区域的降雨径流过程进行了产汇流模拟.建立起适合该河网区域的非稳态河网水量模型,结合径流计算结果,对各年内典型河网区内水流的动态变化进行了计算模拟,对典型河网区与太湖水体的水量交换情况进行系统研究,分别对顺流与逆流情况下交换水量的年内分布与年际变化规律进行了分析.  相似文献   

太湖富营养化问题及其综合控制对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
范成新  陈荷生 《湖泊科学》1998,10(S1):95-100
On the basis of nine-time current situation investigation for eutrophication of Taihu Lake during 1991-1995, this paper evaluated the trophic levels in the different periods and analyzed the development of the main nutrient content in the nearest 35 years. The results show that the trophic level of Taihu Lake is in the transition state from meso-eutrophic to eutrophic. The eutrophhic and hypereutrophic waters account for 10% or so. The limiting nutrient, P, rises most rapidly, which causes the ratio of N:P to decrease. The increase of P content is still one of the main factors giving rise to the eutrophication of Taihu. LakeSome proposals of comprehensive countermeasure for the eutrophication are put forward. They include the pollution source control of the basin, the littoral multiple management, optimal dispatch of water conservancy facilities, the engineering of helping Taihu Lake with diversion of the Changjiang River, and as well as the setting of the water quality protection and legal system.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾口浮游植物初级生产力及其相关因素关系的研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
研究了太湖梅梁口1991年8月—1993年2月浮游植物初级生产力季节变化和垂直分布以及初级生产力与光、温、叶绿素、透明度之间的关系。结果表明,温度是影响初级生产力的主要因子。全年初级生产力主要集中在夏季(6—8月份)。水柱日毛生产量的更大值在7月份,达4.63g O_2/m~2·d;最小值在12月,仅为0.12g O_2/m~2·d。初级生产力的最适温度为25℃。根据室内模拟实验,它与温度之间拟合方程为:P=0.22θ_(25-r)。初级生产力还受可利用光的影响,最高初级生产力一般出现在透明度一半的水层。初级生产力与光辐射能之间的关系(T=18℃)为:P=0.162·(I/1.33)·exp(1-(I/1.33))+0.05。  相似文献   

太湖富营养化现状及原因分析   总被引:110,自引:24,他引:86       下载免费PDF全文
朱广伟 《湖泊科学》2008,20(1):21-26
根据2005-2006年太湖湖泊生态系统研究站的监测结果,结合历史监测记录,评价了近5年来太湖富营养化的趋势.结果显示,从2000年以来,太湖的富营养化状况有加重趋势.主要表现在:1)与历史监测资料对比,近5年来无论梅梁湾还是湖心区,夏季水体TN、TP含量均呈增高趋势,如1992-2001年,太湖湖心区夏季(6-8月份)水体TN的平均值为1.706 mg/L (范围1.238-2.266mg/L),而2002-2006这5年间该平均值为2.344mg/L(范围1.924-2.717mg/L),明显高于前10年(p=0.005),另外,同期湖心区夏季的水体透明度则明显下降(1992—2001年夏季平均值为0.63 m,而2002-2006年则为0.34 m,p=0.003); 2)从野外调查看,太湖夏季水华暴发的范围越来越大,从2000年以前的梅梁湾、竺山湾及部分湖西区为主,发展到2006年的整个西太湖,夏季暴发水华的面积占太湖总面积的一半以上,且一年中出现水华的时间越来越长,水华出现的频率越来越高,微囊藻水华为特征的藻型生态系统在大太湖似乎越来越稳定;3)近年来太湖沉水植物分布区的面积有所下降.研究表明,太湖近年来富营养化的现状不容乐观,原因可能与近几年异常的气候和水文条件有关,也可能与水草区的不断破坏而减弱了微囊藻水华的生态竞争有关,应引起有关部门重视.  相似文献   

本文应用二维滤波法,对北祁连地区1989年、1990年及1991年三期重力观测资料进行了处理。结果发现反映重力场局部变化的高频部分在1989年至1990年间的变化和1990年至1991年间的变化与1991年1月祁连5.1级地震及1991年10月皇城5.2级地震相对应。本文还对该地区重力场和垂直形变的变化关系、重力场变化的动力学特征等,作了一些分析和探讨。  相似文献   

太湖沉积物再悬浮模拟方法   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
由于风浪对浅水湖泊底泥的强烈扰动作用,底泥再悬浮的生态效应研究成为目前国际研究热点之一.但方法的缺乏极大地限制了有关底泥再悬浮环境效应的深入研究.本研究应用一种新的沉积物再悬浮装置,模拟了太湖南部长兜港水域不同风浪影响下悬浮物的垂向分布,获得水柱总悬浮物量(T)与扰动频率(n)的定量关系:T=19.77×exp(n/2.61)-71.7.结合现场实测风情下的水柱总悬浮物量,建立了室内水动力条件、水柱总悬浮物量和现场风情的定量关系.研究2004年10月至2005年10月太湖全年代表性小风、中风及大风与再悬浮装置的扰动频率对应关系,估算了小风、中风和大风常规风情引起的总悬浮物量分别为159、230、425 g/m2.结果表明,模拟获得的太湖悬浮物垂向分布规律与现场状况较为接近,是目前较为适用的浅水水体沉积物再悬浮模拟方法.  相似文献   

太湖水体生态环境历史演变   总被引:57,自引:15,他引:57  
范成新 《湖泊科学》1996,8(4):297-304
根据1950 ̄1995年期间对太湖水体进行的各次综合性研究结果分析:太湖水质和营养程度大致每10 ̄15年上升一个级别,近期变化尤为明显CODMn含量35年来增加了136%,总磷近年来以9.9%速度上升,浮游藻类80年代以来一直以蓝藻和硅藻占优势,但种群数趋于减少,细胞数据增,局部水域蓝藻水华频发;浮游动物和底栖动物中耐污染类增多,枝角类、桡足类和环节动物、节肢动物数量则降低;鱼类种群数减少,银鱼捕  相似文献   

The development of new technologies and the miniaturization of sensors bring new requirements for our ability to predict and forecast hazardous space weather conditions. Of particular importance are protons in the energy range from 10s to 100s of MeV which cause electronic part and solar cell degradation, and pose a hazard to biological systems in space and to personnel in polar orbit. Sporadic high-energy solar particle events are a main contributor to the fluences and fluxes of such protons. A statistical model, JPL 1991 (J. Geophys. Res. 98 (1991) 13,281), was developed to specify fluences for spacecraft design and is now widely used. Several major solar proton events have occurred since that model was developed and one objective of this paper is to see if changes need to be made in the model due to these recent events. Another objective is to review the methods used in JPL 1991 in the light of new understandings and to compare the JPL methods with those used in other models. We conclude that the method used in developing JPL 1991 model is valid and that the solar events occurring since then are completely consistent with the 1991 model. Since no changes are needed we suggest that the name of the model be changed to “the JPL fluence model”.  相似文献   

大同地震台水准形变异常调查与地震关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了大同地震台水准自观测以来的正常背景与异常变化,调查了环境变化(降雨、地下水、开采等)对观测值的影响。认为1983~1989年口泉断裂处于闭锁状态,年变速率平均为-0.7mm/a,1990年7月~1991年3月,断层出现加速活动,变化幅度为4.0mm,期间发生了1991年1月29日山西忻州5.1级地震和1991年3月26日大同阳高5.8级地震。震后曲线斜率仍然偏大,年变速率平均为-3.0mm/a,呈现新的背景值。1995年8月~1996年5月3日包头6.4级地震前,出现了异常加速—反向抬升的图象。异常加速幅度为-3.0mm,反向抬升2.0mm,这是自观测以来从未有过的现象。分析认为1990年和1995年下半年的加速变化与1991年大同—阳高5.8级地震和1996年包头6.4级地震有关。  相似文献   

Karthala volcano is a basaltic shield volcano with an active hydrothermal system that forms the southern two-thirds of the Grande Comore Island, off the east coat of Africa, northwest of Madagascar. Since the start of volcano monitoring by the local volcano observatory in 1988, the July 11th, 1991 phreatic eruption was the first volcanic event seismically recorded on this volcano, and a rare example of a monitored basaltic shield. From 1991 to 1995 the VT locations, 0.5<Ml<4.3, show a crack shaped pattern (3 km long, 1 km wide) within the summit caldera extending at depth from –2 km to +2 km relative to sea level. This N-S elongated pattern coincides with the direction of the regional maximum horizontal stress as deduced from regional focal mechanism solutions. This brittle signature of the damage associated with the 1991 phreatic eruption is a typical pattern of the seismicity induced by controlled fluid injections such as those applied at geothermal fields, in oil and gas recovery, or for stress measurements. It suggests the 1991 phreatic eruption was driven by hydraulic fracturing induced by forced fluid flow. We propose that the extremely high LP and VT seismicity rates, relative to other effusive volcanoes, during the climax of the 1991 phreatic explosion, are due to the activation of the whole hydrothermal system, as roughly sized by the distribution of VT hypocenters. The seismicity rate in 1995 was still higher than the pre-eruption seismicity rate, and disagrees with the time pattern of thermo-elastic stress readjustment induced by single magma intrusions at basaltic volcanoes. We propose that it corresponds to the still ongoing relaxation of pressure heterogeneity within the hydrothermal system as suggested by the few LP events that still occurred in 1995.Editorial responsibility: H Shinohara  相似文献   

Regime observations 017 the zoobenthos state in the Balagansk transect in 1971, 1972 and in the Odissa bay in 1987-1993 of the Bratsk Reservoir were conducted.In 1991-1993 there is a change in the zoobenthos structure of the Bratsk Reservoir. In the depth zone of 0-5 m in the Balagansk transect in 1971-1972 the bottom community was considered as Gammaridae-Chiro-nomodae, in 1991 as Gammaridae-Ephemeroptera in 1992-1993 as Chironomidae-Ephemeroptera-Gammaridae. As compared with 1968-1972 the importance of Gammaridae decreased and the role of Ephemeroptera increased in the zoobenthos structure in 1991-1993.Changes were noted in the species composition of the Ologochaeta fauna and increase of the role of Oligochaeta in the zoobenthos in 1991-1993 as compared with 1965-1972.During all studies Chironomidae played a significant role in the zoobenthos. Since 1989 Paratanytarsus baialensis, bailialian endemic, has occurred in the Chironomidae fauna.The comparison of zoobenthos has shown that aver-age number and biomass of bortom invertebrates by 3-6 times and species diversity by 2.25 are higher^ in the Odissa bay than in the Balagansk transect.  相似文献   

九十年代北祁连河西地区重力场变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁伟锋  祝意青 《地震研究》1999,22(3):273-279
以1989 ̄1997年北祁连河西地区流动重力监测资料为基础,分为1989 ̄1991、1991 ̄1995、1995 ̄1997年三个时段,定性定量分析了这三个时段该地区重力的时空变化特征,得出了北祁连河西地区的重力场现处于祁连山重力值上升、河西走廊重力下降的逆继承性重力变化的结论。  相似文献   

The eruption of Unzen Volcano commenced on 17 November 1990. Phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions occurred by early May 1991. No large-scale explosive eruptions preceded the extrusion of lava domes. Lava domes appeared in a summit crater on 20 May 1991, and they grew on the steep slope of Mt. Fugen at Unzen Volcano. Rockfalls from the margins of the domes frequently generated pyroclastic flows. Major pyroclastic flows occurred on 3 June, 8 June, and 15 September 1991. The 3 June pyroclastic flow killed forty-three persons. Many of the pyroclastic flows seem to have resulted from the simple rockfalls, except one flow on 8 June, which was accompanied by an explosion from the crater. Many of the rockfalls that generated pyroclastic flows were witnessed. As of November 1991. Unzen Volcano was still active with a nearly constant magma-supply rate of about 0.3 × 106 m3/d. The total magma output exceeded 45 × 106 m3 by the beginning of November 1991. The volume of the lava domes is more than 23 × 106 m3.  相似文献   

1991年气候异常,入春以后雨量偏多,5月中旬起,高空低槽不断东移,北方冷空气频频南下,北太平洋副热带高压增强很快,高压脊线西伸北抬,梅雨提早发生,雨期连绵两三个月,范围广、强度大、持续时间长,加上长江和淮河的洪水夹击,使江淮流域和太湖地区遭受了历史上罕见的特大暴雨洪涝灾害.本文从江淮地区的地理气候特点出发,分析了导致这场灾害的大气环流异常和下垫面水文水利状况,研究了形成这场灾害的雨情特征、水情特征和灾情特征,并与1954年的特大洪涝灾害相对比,揭示了这次暴雨洪涝灾害的气象水文特征与机理.  相似文献   

以应变能和震级为指标,对辽西地区1966-1991年间的地震活动进行了周期探讨。结果表明此间地震活动呈现了较好周期性。如果该周期性继续保持,那么,从1991年开始,辽西地震活动进入低水平活动阶段。估计在1994年前后开始出现转折。  相似文献   

本文报导一例多次复发的囊性颅咽管瘤,应用^32P腔内放射治疗成功,随访4.5年无复发,生活自理,视力维持术前状态,复查CT囊腔缩小50%以上,可以认为立体定向腔内离疗是一种安全有效的方法,对于孤立的或多发的囊性颅咽管瘤病例应作为外科手术首选方法,但仍需进行深入的临床研究,以观察和确定疗效。  相似文献   

Abstract Analysis of the 12 samples taken from two horizons (the pre-1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption and the post-1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption layers) of the six deep water cores that were collected along the Eastern South China Sea shows that the absolute abundance of Recent benthic foraminifera (total assemblage) in the post-eruption layer is much lower compared to the pre-eruption layer. The post-eruption layer also shows lower diversity with relative high abundance of Quinqueloculina spp., which probably form part of the recolonization fauna. These observations suggest that environmental stability plays a vital role in the distribution of foraminifera in the eastern margin of the South China Sea. The disturbance created by the immense amount of pyroclastic materials that originated from the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo has resulted in the dilution and, eventually, the decimation of most of the benthic foraminifera. The species that were able to survive might have taken advantage of the small amounts of available nutrient supply. These might also be the species that were able to adapt quickly to the changes in the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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