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宁洱地震序列的震源机制解分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用云南数字地震台网资料得到宁洱地震序列的主震、5.1级强余震和52个余震震源机制解.分析表明,该地震序列的发震断裂呈NW走向,倾角陡立.在接近水平的近南北向压应力作用下,断裂具有右旋走滑的错动性质.主震、强余震和众多的余震都发生在同一发震断裂上.大量的余震震源机制解结果与主震一致,是地震序列的主要破裂类型,但还存在与主要类型不一致的倾向滑动类型,这可能与余震破裂起始点的微构造控制作用有关,但是它们呈水平向的应力轴与主震的主应力轴一致.NW向断层作右旋走向错动,滑动断层推挤的象限都是逆冲类型的余震,而拉张的象限都是正断层类型的地震.宁洱地震序列的震源机制和周围4次5级以上地震的震源机制相同,表明震源区应力场和区域应力场完全一致,宁洱地震的孕育和发生受区域应力场的控制.  相似文献   

2007年宁洱6.4级地震监测与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用宁洱地震现场流动台网监测资料进行精确定位,结合云南区域测震台网地震波资料,给出了宁洱地震主、余震的震源参数,分析讨论了宁洱地震的震源过程。研究显示,宁洱6.4级地震发震构造为NW向断裂,主破裂走向约N50°W,倾向WS,倾角约80°,断层性质为走滑型。断层破裂长度约为30km,宽度约5km,破裂面深2~12km,断层走向与宏观等震线长轴方向基本一致。震源参数研究表明,宁洱震区地震矩范围为1012~1018N·m,震源破裂半径为300~3500m,应力降为0.0044~14MPa。高应力降地震事件主要发生在4~10km深度范围内,表明该深度区是宁洱地震的主要活动区域。地震应力降随时间逐渐衰减,表明宁洱地震序列类型为主震—余震型。  相似文献   

分析了2007年6月3日云南宁洱6.4级地震序列基本特征,动态追踪了宁洱地震前的中短期地震学异常,结果表明:宁洱地震序列为主震—余震型,最大余震为5.1级,衰减正常。据云南区域数字地震台网资料测定,震源机制解中节面Ⅰ走向为138°,倾角为70°,P轴方位为3°,仰角为9°,宁洱6.4级地震的发震断层为NNW向的普(宁)洱断裂,在NNE向主压应力作用下产生右旋走滑错动,引发宁洱地震。宁洱地震孕育的中短期阶段,地震学异常以云南M≥6.0地震平静和震中附近中小地震活动增强等为主;地震孕育进入短临阶段,最为突出的地震学异常为震源区及附近地区中小地震活动明显增强、出现窗口地震及云南省4级地震平静等。  相似文献   

鲁甸6.5级地震崩滑地质灾害分布与成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2014年8月3日的云南鲁甸6.5级地震震源机制解、余震震中分布及震后的地震地质调查表明,发震构造为NW向包谷垴-小河断裂,断层发生左旋错动;震源机制与余震精定位数据表明发震断层倾角较陡。崩塌、滑坡分布在一个长轴为NW向的矩形区域内(15km×12km),基岩崩塌指示地震动主方向自北向南由SE向变为SN向,与震源机制解揭示的主压应力方向NW-SE总体一致。地震诱发的次生地质灾害崩塌、滑坡的平面分布特征可以用2种发震模式来解释:1)总体走向为NW的弧形断层发生左旋走滑错动,由北向南,地震动方向由SE向逐渐转变为近SN向;2)除NW向断层的左旋错动之外,NE向断裂也可能被牵动,发生由NW向SE的逆冲运动。地震是由NE、NW 2组断层共同作用的结果,以NW向断层左旋错动为主、NE向断层逆冲为辅。余震震中主要呈NW向线性展布,同时在震中附近存在NE向分布的地震条带,隐含2组断层同时错动的可能性;而鲁甸6.5级地震震中所在的滇东北永善、昭通地区,区域多个地震的震源机制表明,地震断层多以逆冲运动为主,走滑为辅。  相似文献   

基于四川地震台网观测资料,利用双差定位方法进行区域地震重新精定位,获得了2018—2021年荣县—威远—资中地区ML1.8以上地震的5 375个精定位结果。结合精定位地震的成带分布特征与震源机制解结果,探讨了研究区域4个显著地震的震级与破裂尺度经验关系。得到结论:(1)研究区域东部的丛集地震震源深度主要集中在3~5 km,主要走向为北东向。西部余震成带分布(有南北走向和与墨林场断层同向的北西向)。北东向分布的地震可能是由威远背斜北东向的荣县-威远隐伏断裂错动引发的。西部地震的震源深度跳跃较大,深部耦合关系不好,而东部地震的深浅耦合关系好,显示出断层连续性较好,更易形成较大规模的断层破裂风险。(2)结合区域内余震成带分布方向与震源机制解的优势破裂方向,得到研究区域内的4个显著地震的破裂尺度,拟合得到荣县—威远—资中地区震级(MS)与破裂尺度(L)的关系为MS=5.036 5 lg(L)+1.5851。  相似文献   

基于云南数字地震台网和腾冲火山台网宽频带波形记录,采用CAP方法反演了2011年盈江Ms5.8地震序列主震及Ms≥4.0前震、余震的震源机制解.结果显示:主震震源深度为9 km,与该事件的定位结果相一致;震源机制解的节面之一走向248.,倾角77.,滑动角19..结合余震、烈度分布以及震区的活动构造,判定该节面代表了主震的发震断层面,相应的发震断层应是震区附近的北东向大盈江断裂.主震主压力轴方位为20.,除Ms4.7余震为正断型地震外,其他7次地震都为纯走滑型地震,都具有NNE-SSW向近水平的P轴,与该区历史地震震源机制主压应力优势方向一致.综合应力场及构造分析表明,盈江Ms5.8地震的发震动力学环境是:受印度板块向欧亚板块北东向挤压和缅甸弧对保山—腾冲地块北东向俯冲的双重作用,保山—腾冲地块呈现北东向水平运动,导致的大盈江断裂带左旋走滑错动的结果.  相似文献   

2021年5月21日21时48分在滇西苍山西麓漾濞地区发生MS6.4 (MW6.1)强震,相关地震活动表现为一个典型的前震?主震?余震序列。本研究分别就该地震序列的构造背景、M1.0以上地震的双差定位、主要地震的矩张量反演和破裂传播方向、应力场反演及断层滑动趋势以及潮汐作用等方面进行了初步分析。矩张量反演结果表明,矩心深度为6.0 km。根据断层破裂传播方向分析结果及精定位余震分布判定,主震震源断层产状为走向137°,倾角75°,滑动角?167°,破裂沿南东向单侧扩展,右旋走滑含正断层分量。漾濞地震序列发生在红河断裂带北段延伸方向上的乔后—巍山断裂附近,但主震震源断层及主要余震的分布在走向和位置上均明显偏离已知的乔后—巍山断裂。地震序列受一个发育程度不高、含多级雁列构造的北西向为主、北东向为次的共轭走滑断层系统(本文称为“漾濞断层”)所控制,整体上沿北西向断层展布,主震与部分强余震为北西向断层活动所致,但中强前震和多数余震为北东向断层活动所致。中强震的断层破裂均为单侧扩展,北西向断层主要表现为南东向破裂扩展,而北东向断层沿两个方向破裂扩展,相邻地震还存在往返破裂现象。对截至5月23日所发生的M>4.0前震和余震进行了全矩张量反演。利用漾濞地震震中15 km范围内20多个MW>3.4余震的比较可靠的震源机制解反演了该区的应力场,结果显示:主应力形状比φ=(σ2-σ3)/(σ1-σ3)为0.46±0.17;最大主应力轴的方位角为188.0°±9.0°,倾伏角为12.4°±7.0°;中间主应力轴近直立,倾伏角为72.1°±11.3°;最小主应力轴的方位角为280.3°±7.0°,倾伏角为10.4°±12.0°。本文还对理论潮汐应变及应力进行了分析,结果表明,该地震序列受潮汐调制作用十分明显。5月18日18时及19日20时开始的两组前震群的首个主要地震以及5月21日晚发生的主震均发生在潮汐体应变和库仑应力的峰值附近,余震活动也与潮汐有明显的相关性。综合主要地震震源机制解、前震及余震分布、潮汐调制特征、基于应力场反演的断层滑动趋势分析以及滇西北地区以往类似地震活动研究结果,本文初步推断:漾濞地震受深部流体作用的影响明显,5月18日18时开始的第一次前震活动高潮从北西向断层的一个拉张性断层阶区开始,最大前震的震源断层为北东向断层,随后向北西方向迁移;19日20时开始的第二次前震活动高潮集中在主震震源附近。这些地震的触发及深部流体作用共同促进了北西向断层的活动,但主震的发生受深部流体作用为主。   相似文献   

2005年8月5日四川会东-云南会泽间5.3级地震序列初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年8月5日22时14分41秒,在四川省会东县与云南省会泽县交界一带发生了Ms5.3级地震。据西昌遥测地震台网测定:震中经纬度为26°35′N,103°03′E,震源深度为10千米。分析认为:这是一次前震—主震—余震型的地震序列事件。另外,由于这次地震情况比较复杂,根据周围20多个测震台站记录的P波初动解求解的震源机制解结果,初步认为这次地震的主震有可能是位于震区附近小江断裂带北段巧家—蒙姑断裂、蒙姑—东川断裂西侧北东向淌塘—岩坝断层北西上盘,在近水平的北北西向主压应力挤压作用下,发生了往北东方向逆冲的右旋错动的结果。  相似文献   

1989年到1999年,大同—阳高地区发生了一系列MS≥5的中强地震.本文基于前人对1989年三次MS≥5地震的震源机制反演的结果,通过建立不同断层模型,利用库仑应力方法,计算前震对于主震,以及前震和主震对于余震的库仑应力触发关系,提出了一种可能的破裂模型,即1989年前震沿北西西方向发生左旋破裂,之后主震和余震沿北北东方向发生右旋破裂.根据这种破裂模式计算得出,前震发生后,主震震源处的库仑应力增加了约2×105 Pa,余震震源处的库仑应力出现下降;主震发生后,余震处的库仑应力出现回升,最后余震处的库仑应力几乎没有变化.基于大同地震台网的近场观测数据,用JHD(Joint Hypocentral determination)定位方法,对1999年11月1日MS=5.6地震后一个月的余震进行重定位,得到一条走向118°,倾角85°的左旋走滑断层,余震的深度分布在5km至20km范围内,显示该断层是隐伏断层.另外提出对主震震中位置约10km的修正.本文对1989年三次MS≥5地震序列和1999年MS=5.6地震余震空间分布的研究揭示该地区存在两条活跃的共轭隐伏走滑断层(1989年主震的北北东方向和1999年地震的北西西方向),并且推断已知的大王村断裂和团堡断裂是地下这两条共轭的隐伏走滑断层构造/地震活动在地表的响应.  相似文献   

北京时间2016年1月21日1时13分,在青海省门源县发生M_S 6.4地震。利用喜马拉雅台阵二期部分台站和青海地震台网震后2个月的震相观测数据,采用双差定位方法,对门源地震序列进行重定位研究。重定位结果表明,余震序列呈北西向分布,大致平行于冷龙岭断裂走向,余震展布长度约12 km,90%的余震发生在5—13 km深度范围内。结合震源机制,认为此次地震为向西南倾的高倾角逆冲地震,发震断层为冷龙岭北东侧的次级断裂,断层面走向约131°。震源深度剖面显示,门源地震的余震分布与常见的逆冲型地震余震分布存在差异,可能与该区域深部地质构造和介质结构异常复杂有关。  相似文献   

Summary A possible formal approach to a closed steady-state theory of the mean axially-symmetric variables is outlined. The approach involves alternating iterative solutions of the energy and momentum equations. In these equations the effects of transient eddy phenomena of all frequencies are assumed to be parameterized in terms of the mean symmetric variables.  相似文献   

Peaks in the Cascade Range in northern Washington State are on average ~800 m higher than in southern Washington. The influences of differential valley excavation and variations in hillslope length and average slope on these altitudinal trends were tested using a 3‐dimensional model for isostatic rock uplift and calculations of hillslope length and slope respectively. The magnitude of isostatic peak uplift calculated by the model is highly dependent on the flexural rigidity (D) and the related effective elastic thickness (Te) of the crust of this region. Crustal rigidity was constrained using published estimates and by estimating the depth of the seismogenic zone in the area (D > 1 × 1023 Nm and Te > 24 km). With these constraints, isostatic compensation due to differential erosion added < 700 m and 300 m, or < 25% overall, of height to peaks in the northern and southern Cascades, respectively. Deeper valley incision in the northern Cascades accounts for < 300 m of the 800 m difference in peak altitudes between north and south. Similarly, variation in valley spacing and slope account for < 350 m of the difference in mean altitude between northern and southern regions. Hence, at least several hundred m difference in altitude between the northern and southern regions of the Cascades in Washington must be due to tectonic, geologic, or geophysical factors rather than surficial and geomorphic effects like isostatic response to valley incision and hillslope geometry. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper embodies the field, petrographic and petrochemical studies of the dykes occuring within the Deccan basalts, in the Western portions of Rajpipla hills. Major and minor dykes with different trends occur in the area varying in thickness from 2′ to 75′ and traceable lengthwise from few to several miles. The density of the dyke distribution is two per mile. The composition of the minor dykes ranges from teschenite to trachyte with dominant basaltic types and they seem to be coeval with the flows of the area. The major dolerite dykes are found to be post-lava. Both alkali-olivine basalt and tholeiitic types occur. The former phase preceeds the latter and includes the minor alkaline dykes. A differentiation trend based on new chemical analyses is proposed.  相似文献   

The devastating earthquake on 26 January 2001 at Bhuj, India, resulted in large-scale death and destruction of properties of several million US dollars. The moment magnitude of the earthquake was 7.7 and its maximum focal intensity exceeded X in MM scale. The rate of aftershocks of this earthquake, recorded at Gauribidanur seismic array station (GBA), shows a monotonic decay with time superposed with oscillations. For the Indian continent the Lg phase is a prominent arrival at regional distances. The estimate of Lg amplitude is obtained by optimally fitting the Lg wave train to a exponential decay curve. The logarithm of these amplitudes and logarithm of root mean square (rms) value of actual amplitudes of the Lg are calibrated with USGS mb to create a local mbLg magnitude scale. The energy released from these aftershocks is calculated from the rms value of Lg phase. The plot of cumulative energy release with time follows the power law of the form tp, superposed with oscillations. The exponent of the power law, p, is estimated both by a time-window scanning method and by an interpolation method. The value of p is 0.434 for time-window scanning method and 0.432 for the interpolation method. The predominant periods found in the oscillatory part of the cumulative energy, obtained by differencing the observed from the power law fit, are 10.6, 7.9, 5.4, 4.6 and 3.5 h for time-window scanning method. The corresponding periods for interpolation method are 13.4, 11.5, 7.4, 4.2, 3.5, 2.6 and 2.4 h.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb were determined in filtered water, suspended particulate matter, and bottom sediments from a 2000 km section of the Ob and Irtysh Rivers. Dissolved Cd, Cr, Cu and Ni concentrations are similar to, or higher than, results from other Russian Arctic and large world river-estuaries. Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb in suspended particulate matter are generally comparable to results from other Russian Arctic and large world rivers and estuaries. Comparison of trace metal ratios in crustal material and suspended particulate matter and bottom sediment suggests that the source of Cr, Cu and Ni is continental weathering. Particulate Cd and Pb are elevated relative to their crustal abundance, suggesting a source of these metals to the Ob-Irtysh in addition to continental weathering.  相似文献   

Introduction The June 4, 2000 southern Sumatra, Indonesia, earthquake (16h28min26.2s UTC, 4.72, 102.09, 33 km, MS=8.0 [IRIS]) occurred under the Indian Ocean, near the Mentawai fault, along the well-known Sumatran subduction zone and the great Sumatran fault, all of which trend northwest-southeast. 1 800 houses were totally destroyed, 10 196 were heavily damaged, and 18 378 were slightly damaged by the earthquake. At least 97 people were killed, 1 900 were injured, and 122 000 were left…  相似文献   

Field investigations in 1999 confirmed that the tsunami that struck the Aitape coast of Papua New Guinea on 17 July, 1998 caused damage at points as far as 230 km to the west-northwest, particularly at locations where the coast is indented. Eyewitnesses saw the sea withdraw (in most cases), then surge to levels around 2 m higher than normal in a series of three waves. In some cases the time of arrival of the waves is known approximately by reference to the onset of darkness and to felt earthquakes. Seiche waves followed in some bays, notably in Yos Sudarso Bay, Indonesia, where waves persisted for 3–5 days. Damage was caused by the backwash from the waves. Bodies presumed to be those of Aitape victims were seen floating at sea off Jayapura five days after the tsunami. We record the recollections of people in the Yos Sudarso Bay area who experienced a number of tsunamis in the past 60 years; people that we interviewed on the Papua New Guinea side of the border recollected few or none.  相似文献   

The faulting mechanism and multiple rupture process of the M = 7.4 Miyagi-Oki earthquake are studied using surface and body wave data from local and worldwide stations. The main results are as follows. (1) P-wave first motion data and radiation patterns of long-period surface waves indicate a predominantly thrust mechanism with strike N10° E, dip 20°W, and slip angle 76°. The seismic moment is 3.1 × 1027 dyne-cm. (2) Farfield SH waveforms and local seismograms suggest that the rupture occurred in two stages, being concordant with the two zones of aftershock activity revealed by the microearthquake network of Tohoku University. The upper and lower zones, located along the westward-dipping plate interface, are separated by a gap at a depth of 35 km and have dimensions of 37 × 34 and 24 × 34 km2, respectively. Rupture initiated at the southern end of the upper aftershock zone and propagated at N20°W subparallel to the trench axis. About 11 s later, the second shock, which was located 30 km landward (westward) of the first, initiated at the upper corner of the lower aftershock zone and propagated down-dip N80°W. Using Haskell modelling for this rupture process, synthetic seismograms were computed for teleseismic SH waves and nearfield body waves. Other parameters determined are: seismic moment M0 = 1.7 × 1027dyne-cm, slip dislocationu = 1.9 m, Δσ = 95 bar, rupture velocity ν = 3.2 km s?1, rise time τ = 2 s, for the first event; M0 = 1.4 × 1027dyne-cm, u = 2.4 m, Δσ = 145 bar, for the second event; and time separation between the two shocks ΔT = 11 s. The above two-segment model does not explain well the sharp onsets of the body waves at near-source stations. An initial break of a small subsegment on the upper zone, which propagated down-dip, was hypothesized to explain the observed near-source seismograms. (3) The multiple rupture of the event and the absence of aftershocks between the two fault zones suggests that the frictional and/or sliding characteristics along the plate interface are not uniform. The rupture of the first event was arrested, presumably by a region of high fracture strength between the two zones. The fracture energy of the barrier was estimated to be 1010 erg cm?2. (4) The possible occurrence of a large earthquake has been noted for the region adjacent to and seaward of the area that ruptured during the 1978 event. The 1978 event does not appear to reduce the likelihood of occurrence of this expected earthquake.  相似文献   

The petrology of the highly phyric two-pyroxene andesitic to dacitic pyroclastic rocks of the November 13, 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia, reveals evidence of: (1) increasingly fractionated bulk compositions with time; (2) tapping of a small magma chamber marginally zoned in regard to H2O contents (1 to 4%), temperature (960–1090°C), and amount of residual melt (35 to 65%); (3) partial melting and assimilation of degassed zones in the hotter less dense interior of the magma chamber; (4) probable heating, thermal disruption and mineralogic and compositional contamination of the magma body by basaltic magma “underplating”; and (5) crustal contamination of the magmas during ascent and within the magma chamber. Near-crater fall-back or “spill-over” emitted in the middle of the eruptive sequence produced a small pyroclastic flow that became welded in its central and basal portions because of ponding and thus heat conservation on the flat glaciated summit near the Arenas crater. The heterogeneity of Ruiz magmas may be related to the comparatively small volume (0.03 km3) of the eruption, nearly ten times less than the 0.2 km3 of the Plinian phase of Mount St. Helens, and probable steep thermal and PH2O gradients of a small source magma chamber, estimated at 300 m long and 100 m wide for an assumed ellipsoidal shape.  相似文献   

Athens experienced a devastating earthquake on September 7, 1999, centred about 10km beneath the outskirts of the city, with peak accelerations in the meizoseismal area estimated above 0.5 g. While the magnitude of the earthquake was moderate (MS=5.9), damage and loss of life were extensive, numbering over 143 fatalities, 90 collapsed buildings, and over 100,000 rendered homeless. The most severe losses took place within 8 km of the fault, and peak rock accelerations in excess of 0.35 g were recorded 12 km from fault in downtown Athens. Local geologic effects played an important role, as demonstrated by concentrations of building damage on pockets of soft soil and near river canyons in the northwest part of the city. The earthquake was the first to severely damage Athens in over 2500 years. This study examines the engineering characteristics of 12 triaxial strong motion accelerograms recorded during the main shock. Properties investigated include peak ground acceleration and velocity, bracketed duration, Housner intensity, and response spectra. Spectral values at different orientations in the horizontal plane (“planar spectra”) are computed to infer the interaction of source directivity effects and building period, on damage potential. The role of rupture directivity close to the fault is investigated by means of idealized triangular pulses. Inelastic effects are examined using ductility spectra and sliding block analyses. Evidence is presented that low-rise structures in the area may have higher strength and longer natural period than those anticipated by building codes. The implications of the damage potential calculations for earthquake hazard assessment in Eastern North America and Northern Europe are also addressed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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