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基于RS-PCA-GA-SVM的砂土液化预测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
砂土液化是一种危害性比较大的自然灾害,对砂土液化进行判定预测在地质灾害防治领域中有重要的研究意义。通过粗糙集理论(Rough Set,RS)对影响砂土液化的6个初始评价指标(包括震级、土深、震中距、地下水位、标贯击数和地震持续时间)进行属性约简,去掉冗余或干扰信息,得到基于4个核心预测指标的数据集。通过主成分分析法(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)从核心评价指标中提取出主成分,采用支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)对数据集进行训练,用遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)优化参数,建立砂土液化的RS-PCA-GA-SVM预测模型。并结合砂土液化实际数据将预测结果与基于Levenberg-Marquardt算法改进的BP神经网络模型(LM-BP)的预测结果做比较。实例计算表明:基于RS-PCA-GA-SVM模型得到的砂土液化预测结果精度较LM-BP神经网络有很大的提高,判别结果与实际情况比较吻合,可在实际工程中应用。  相似文献   

饱和砂土地震液化判别的分形插值模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借鉴分形基本理论,提出了基于分形插值模型的饱和砂土地震液化判别方法.该方法首先选取影响饱和砂土地震液化判别的7个主要因素,根据分类标准,采用在每级标准中随机内插的方法,得到40个标准样本,用于构建饱和砂土地震液化判别的分形插值模型;其次根据最大似然分类原则确定每个饱和砂土地震液化判别指标的评价分维数;然后利用加权求和法计算样本的综合评价值,并根据样本综合评价值与经验等级之间的关系建立分形插值评价模型;最后,进行了实例分析结果表明:该模型的评价结果合理、客观,计算得到的每个样本具体得分值,即使对属于同一级的样本也可以给出其地震液化程度的顺序,为饱和砂土地震液化评价工作提供了一种新的研究方法与思路.  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的砂土液化预测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
将支持向量机方法应用于砂土地震液化预测问题.考虑影响砂土液化的因素,选用震级、标贯击数、相对密实度、土层埋深、地震历时、地面运动峰值加速度和震中距7个影响因子作为液化判别指标,建立了砂土液化预测的支持向量机模型.以砂土液化实测数据作为学习样本进行训练,建立相应函数对待判样本进行分类.研究结果表明:支持向量机模型分类性能良好,是砂土地震液化预测的一种有效方法,可以在实际工程中进行推广.  相似文献   

对以往曾经发生显著液化的唐山地区和巴楚地区的土动力学性能进行对比研究,包括两个地区砂土相对密度与剪切波速关系、剪切波速与标准贯入击数关系等,以此深入了解两个重要地区土层的动力性能,为研究区域化液化判别方法提供基础。结果表明:现行抗震规范液化判别方法数据来源主要为唐山地区,明显不适用于新疆巴楚地区的液化判别;唐山地区与巴楚地区液化场地砂土取相同相对密度时,两个地区液化场地砂土剪切波速差别很小;但唐山地区与巴楚地区液化层砂土平均标准贯入击数和V_s~N_(63.5)关系曲线差异显著,表明以V_s~N_(63.5)关系区分不同地区砂土抗液化能力是可能的。  相似文献   

砂土地震液化问题是岩土地震工程学的重要研究课题之一。在分析模糊神经网络原理的基础上,利用减法聚类算法对自适应模糊推理系统进行优化,并建立了砂土地震液化的模糊神经网络模型。然后,将该模型用于实际工程的砂土液化判别中,并与传统砂土液化判别方法结果进行对比。判别结果表明:文中建立的模糊神经网络模型具有较强的学习功能,用于砂土地震液化判别中是可行的和有效的。  相似文献   

基于地震模拟振动台试验,配制3组不同平均粒径和3组不同细粒含量的6个砂土模型,通过埋置于砂土内部的传感器监测模型内部不同位置的超孔隙水压力等指标,分析砂土模型内部的超孔隙水压力时程曲线及孔压比时程曲线,归纳出地震波加载峰值、砂土平均粒径、细粒含量及埋置深度等因素对饱和砂土液化特性的影响规律。试验结果表明:随着地震波加载峰值的增大,砂土模型液化程度逐渐增大,液化势逐渐增大,抗液化强度逐渐减小;随着砂土埋置深度的增加,砂土细粒含量的增加,砂土平均粒径的增加,砂土模型液化程度逐渐减小,液化势逐渐减小,其抗液化强度逐渐增大。同时,试验结果还表明,砂土液化各影响因素对砂土液化的影响程度依次为地震波强度>砂土埋置深度>砂土平均粒径、细粒含量。试验结果可为后续数值模拟的参数选取提供支持,为研究其他因素对砂土液化的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

从砾性土的定义出发,回顾了砾性土从被认为不会液化到其液化现象引起工程师关注的研究历程及国内外研究进展。总结了含砾量、相对密度等因素对砾性土抗液化能力影响关系的研究现状。介绍了国际上对砾性土场地液化判别的研究成果及各种主流方法的优势与不足;分析了剪切波速方法应用于砾性土场地液化判别的可行性。研究认为:砾性土的液化现象正逐渐被科学界及工程界接受;含砾量对砾性土抗液化能力的影响研究仍然存在较大矛盾,相对密度等影响砂土抗液化能力的因素同样影响砾性土抗液化能力;砂土场地应用的标准贯入、静力触探等液化判别方法不适用于砾性土场地,国际上发展了基于动力触探和贝克尔贯入试验的液化判别方法;剪切波速判别方法在砾性土场地的液化判别中具有优势和潜力,是今后研究的方向之一。  相似文献   

在进行低阻油层识别的过程中,影响判别的测井参数众多,存在大量的冗余信息,从而影响判别的精度和速度.而常规的识别方法又不能有效地识别低阻油层,为此,本文提出了将粗糙集(RS)理论与灰色系统理论相结合的方法进行信息优化,并应用于低阻油层的识别.在剖析粗糙集理论和灰色关联方法的基础上,提出了基于粗糙集的低阻油层灰色识别过程.首先选取反映该类油层特征的识别参数,然后采用粗集理论的属性重要性方法,对这些判别参数进行约简,剔除冗余信息,再将约简后的参数作为低阻油层的最终评价标准,输入灰色系统,最后利用灰色关联法对低阻油层进行识别.通过对某油田18口有测试资料的井进行了实证研究.研究结果表明:粗集理论的属性重要性方法可以有效地约简判别参数,将约简后的参数作为灰色系统的初始值对研究区低阻油层进行识别,通过降维大大提高了判别的运算速度,处理了原来被解释为水层和油水层而实际上是低阻油层的井段,与测试结果相比,识别的准确率达到97%.  相似文献   

传统的规范法在建立经验判别准则过程中存在大量不确定性因素,工程中亟需针对复杂场地液化判别方法的综合性研究。通过对上海市包头路段沉管抢修项目49组砂土土样的研究,在标准贯入试验法(SPT)定性评价的基础上采用提出的绝对差值百分比法(APD),划分出35组判别结果精确及14组存在判别误差的土样。借鉴判别分析理论思想,将平均粒径D50、不均匀系数Cu、比贯入阻力Ps、标准贯入点深度ds、地下水埋深dw和标准贯入锤击数N63.5等物理力学参数加入液化评价,利用精确土样建立适宜研究区工程地质特性的距离判别分析模型(DDA),对14组存在判别误差或失误的土层进行定量评价。研究结果表明:建立的砂土液化综合评价体系对研究区具有较强的针对性与适应性,从多角度全面、客观地评价了研究区砂土液化情况。最终通过合理的抗液化沉陷措施,保障了后续工程的稳步进行,为类似地质条件场区的砂土液化稳定性评价提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

砂土原位状态的性能一直以来都难以有效获取,而其体积变化特征的评价指标(状态参数)就是其中重要的一项。利用状态参数(Ψ)来代替相对密实度表征砂土的状态特性是一种新兴的趋势。考虑到砂土状态参数是关于体积变化的评价指标,在砂土地层中,随着围压的增加,砂土剪胀的趋势增加,液化阻力也增加。因此通过状态参数进行砂土液化的判别是可行的。以宿迁—新沂高速公路工程为背景,建立基于孔压静力触探(CPTU)的状态参数、周期阻力比(CRR)和标准贯入击数(N)之间的相关性模型。提出通过砂土的状态参数判别液化的两种新方法。  相似文献   

基于遗传神经网络的砂土液化判别模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对BP人工神经网络具有易陷入局部极小等缺陷,本文提出了将遗传算法与神经网络相结合,同时优化网络结构与权值、阈值的思想。根据地震液化的实测资料,建立了砂土液化判别的遗传神经网络模型,比较计算结果证明了该模型的科学性、高效性。文中并进行主成分分析,提出液化影响的主要因素。  相似文献   

基于遗传神经网络的地震砂土液化判别研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对BP人工神经网络具有易陷入局部极小等缺陷,本文提出了将遗传算法与神经网络结合,同时优化网络结构的权值与阈值的思想,建立了砂土液化判别的遗传神经网络模型。根据地震液化的实测资料,分别对BP〗神经网络判别结果和遗传神经网络判别结果进行了比较,结果表明后者比前者判别能力要好些。  相似文献   

Three dynamic centrifuge model tests were conducted at an acceleration of 80g to simulate the seismic responses of level sand deposits: an intra-silt layer was embedded in two of these sand deposits at different depths. The effects of a low-permeability intra-silt layer on the build-up and dissipation of excess pore-water pressure, surface settlement, and the related liquefaction mechanism were investigated. An intra-silt layer modifies the seismic response of the sand deposit, reduces the extent of liquefaction, and thus decreases surface settlement. The depth of the intra-silt layer is one of the factors influencing the seismic responses of the sand deposits. The magnitude of the surface settlement is proportional to the degree of liquefaction in the sand deposit. The high positive hydraulic gradients appearing in both the intra-silt layer and in the sand deposit lying on the intra-silt layer can break a thinner or weaker top layer and result in sand boiling. Our visual animation of the ratio of the excess pore-water pressure and the lateral displacement revealed that the liquefaction front travels upward during shaking and the solidification front travels upward after shaking.  相似文献   

通过钻孔、标准贯入试验等手段,对汶上县城区进行砂土地震液化调查分析。划分砂土液化等级,并给出汶上县城区在Ⅶ度、Ⅷ度时的砂土液化分布图,为城市建设工程抗震设防提供依据。  相似文献   

Shaking table tests were conducted by means of a large-scale laminar box with 4 m in length, 2 m in width and 2 m in height in order to investigate behavior of a soil-pile-superstructure system in liquefiable ground. A model two-storey structure, supported by a pile group, was set in a saturated sand deposit, and subjected to a sinusoidal base motion with increasing amplitude. Discussions are focused on the transient behavior until soil liquefaction occurs. Main interests are characteristics of springs used in a sway-rocking model and a multi-freedom lumped mass (MFLM) model that are frequently used in soil–pile interaction analysis. The spring constant in the sway-rocking model is represented by restoring force characteristics at the pile head, and that in the MFLM system is represented by an interaction spring connecting the pile to the free field. The transient state prior to soil liquefaction is shown to be important in the design of a pile because dynamic earth pressure shows peak response in this state. The reduction of the stiffness due to excess porewater generation and strain dependent nonlinear behavior is evaluated.  相似文献   

Liquefaction macrophenomena in the great Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
On May 12, 2008 at 14:28, a catastrophic magnitude M 8.0 earthquake struck the Sichuan Province of China.The epicenter was located at Wenchuan (31.00°N, 103.40°E). Liquefaction macrophenomena and corresponding destruction was observed throughout a vast area of 500 km long and 200 km wide following the earthquake. This paper illustrates the geographic distribution of the liquefaction and the relationship between liquefaction behavior and seismic intensity, and summarizes the liquefaction macrophenomena, including sandboils and waterspouts, ground subsidence, ground fissures etc., and relevant liquefaction features. A brief summary of the structural damage caused by liquefaction is presented and discussed. Based on comparisons with liquefaction phenomena observed in the 1976 Tangshan and 1975 Haicheng earthquakes, preliminary analyses were performed, which revealed some new features of liquefaction behavior and associated issues arising from this event. The site investigation indicated that the spatial non-uniformity of liquefaction distribution was obvious and most of the liquefied sites were located in regions of seismic intensity Ⅷ. However, liquefaction phenomena at ten different sites in regions of seismic intensity Ⅵ were also observed for the first time in China mainland. Sandboils and waterspouts ranged from centimeters to tens of meters, with most between 1 m to 3 m. Dramatically high water/sand ejections,e.g., more than 10 m, were observed at four different sites. The sand ejections included silty sand, fine sand, medium sand,course sand and gravel, but the ejected sand amount was less than that in the 1976 Tangshan earthquake. Possible liquefaction of natural gravel soils was observed for the first time in China mainland.  相似文献   

This paper presents the constitutive relations and the simulative potential of a new plasticity model developed mainly for the seismic liquefaction analysis of geostructures. The model incorporates the framework of critical state soil mechanics, while it relies on bounding surface plasticity with a vanished elastic region to simulate the non-linear soil response. Key constitutive ingredients of the new model are: (a) the inter-dependence of the critical state, the bounding and the dilatancy (open cone) surfaces on the basis of the state parameter ψ, (b) a (Ramberg–Osgood type) non-linear hysteretic formulation for the “elastic” strain rate, (c) a discontinuously relocatable stress projection center related to the “last” load reversal point, which is used for mapping the current stress point on model surfaces and as a reference point for introducing non-linearity in the “elastic” strain rate and finally (d) an empirical index of the directional effect of sand fabric evolution during shearing, which scales the plastic modulus. In addition, the paper outlines the calibration procedure for the model constants, and exhibits its accuracy on the basis of a large number of laboratory element tests on Nevada sand. More importantly, the paper explores the potential of the new model by presenting simulations of the VELACS centrifuge tests of Models No 1 and 12, which refer to the free-field liquefaction response of Nevada sand and the seismic response of a rigid foundation on the same sand, respectively. These simulations show that the new model can be used successfully for the analysis of widely different boundary value problems involving earthquake soil liquefaction, with the same set of model constants calibrated on the basis of laboratory element tests.  相似文献   

饱和砂土液化是由地震引起的一种最常见的工程地质现象,也是造成重大地震灾害的主要原因之一。由于成因的复杂性和所造成灾害的严重性,饱和砂土液化一直是土动力学和岩土地震工程研究领域的重要课题。针对饱和砂土液化问题,基于开源地震工程数值计算平台OpenSees,对材料库中的4种砂土本构模型进行数值计算。采用二维u-p单元模拟土颗粒位移和孔隙水压力,分析和对比4种模型在循环动力荷载作用下的加速度、超孔隙水压力、位移、剪应力-剪应变和平均有效应力路径方面的响应结果。研究结果表明:(1)砂土对输入加速度表现出一定的放大效应,对于不同的模型,该放大效应存在一些差异;(2) Stress Density模型在循环动力荷载作用下易产生永久变形;(3)在循环动力荷载作用下,PDMY模型和CycLiqCPSP模型的强度逐渐降低,直到完全消失;(4) Stress Density模型和Manzari Dafalias模型在循环动力荷载下表现出明显的剪胀效应。研究成果对砂土液化的数值模拟问题具有重要的理论价值,可为饱和砂土的液化模拟和砂土本构模型的选取提供参考。  相似文献   

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