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龙陵共轭地震群的特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文在研究了龙陵地震的特征后指出:龙陵地震是发生在介质相对均匀的区域的一组共轭地震。其基本特征是:两次主震的震级基本相等;两次主震的破裂面基本正交,而与主压应力方向约成45°夹角;前后两次地震的旋性分别是右旋和左旋,即旋性正好相反。 研究前震的分布情况,表明震源区在震前确有一个膨胀过程。前震分布的范围与余震分布范围大体相当,且可根据前震范围估计主震的震级。 龙陵强余震的时间分布适合经验公式 T=n[0.1347+0.3579(n-1)(2n-1)/6]T是以天计的自第一主震起算的时间,n为余震组的序号。根据这一公式便可求得第n组余震发生的时间。  相似文献   

2021年5月21日21时48分在滇西苍山西麓漾濞地区发生MS6.4 (MW6.1)强震,相关地震活动表现为一个典型的前震?主震?余震序列。本研究分别就该地震序列的构造背景、M1.0以上地震的双差定位、主要地震的矩张量反演和破裂传播方向、应力场反演及断层滑动趋势以及潮汐作用等方面进行了初步分析。矩张量反演结果表明,矩心深度为6.0 km。根据断层破裂传播方向分析结果及精定位余震分布判定,主震震源断层产状为走向137°,倾角75°,滑动角?167°,破裂沿南东向单侧扩展,右旋走滑含正断层分量。漾濞地震序列发生在红河断裂带北段延伸方向上的乔后—巍山断裂附近,但主震震源断层及主要余震的分布在走向和位置上均明显偏离已知的乔后—巍山断裂。地震序列受一个发育程度不高、含多级雁列构造的北西向为主、北东向为次的共轭走滑断层系统(本文称为“漾濞断层”)所控制,整体上沿北西向断层展布,主震与部分强余震为北西向断层活动所致,但中强前震和多数余震为北东向断层活动所致。中强震的断层破裂均为单侧扩展,北西向断层主要表现为南东向破裂扩展,而北东向断层沿两个方向破裂扩展,相邻地震还存在往返破裂现象。对截至5月23日所发生的M>4.0前震和余震进行了全矩张量反演。利用漾濞地震震中15 km范围内20多个MW>3.4余震的比较可靠的震源机制解反演了该区的应力场,结果显示:主应力形状比φ=(σ2-σ3)/(σ1-σ3)为0.46±0.17;最大主应力轴的方位角为188.0°±9.0°,倾伏角为12.4°±7.0°;中间主应力轴近直立,倾伏角为72.1°±11.3°;最小主应力轴的方位角为280.3°±7.0°,倾伏角为10.4°±12.0°。本文还对理论潮汐应变及应力进行了分析,结果表明,该地震序列受潮汐调制作用十分明显。5月18日18时及19日20时开始的两组前震群的首个主要地震以及5月21日晚发生的主震均发生在潮汐体应变和库仑应力的峰值附近,余震活动也与潮汐有明显的相关性。综合主要地震震源机制解、前震及余震分布、潮汐调制特征、基于应力场反演的断层滑动趋势分析以及滇西北地区以往类似地震活动研究结果,本文初步推断:漾濞地震受深部流体作用的影响明显,5月18日18时开始的第一次前震活动高潮从北西向断层的一个拉张性断层阶区开始,最大前震的震源断层为北东向断层,随后向北西方向迁移;19日20时开始的第二次前震活动高潮集中在主震震源附近。这些地震的触发及深部流体作用共同促进了北西向断层的活动,但主震的发生受深部流体作用为主。   相似文献   

在地震孕育和发生过程中共轭断层活动的作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据海城、唐山和松潘—平武地震的地震前兆、地震序列和地质构造资料,提出了在地震孕育和发生过程中,不仅主震断层面有明显的活动,与之共轭的另一组断层面也有重要作用。在震中区,前震和余震可能分布于一对共轭断层面上,而不只是局限于主震断层面。地震前兆的分布范围存在于比震中区更为广大的一个区域内,该区内共轭断层网络中的某些断层带常成为前兆异常分布带或集中区。其形成原因可以用区域应力场中应力集中和沿共轭剪切网络所产生的破裂及滑动来解释  相似文献   

2000年1月15日姚安6.5级地震较强余震的应力触发   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
20 0 0年 1月 15日在云南省姚安县发生了MS6 5级地震 ,震后发生了 7次M≥ 4 0级的较强余震。本文计算了姚安MS6 5级主震后 ,主震和前震在 7次强余震破裂面上诱发的库仑破裂应力变化 (ΔCFS)。结果表明 ,有5次较强余震发生在库仑破裂应力增加 (ΔCFS >0 )的地区 ,增加的范围为 10 -2 ~ 10 -1MPa。并对结果的可靠性进行了检验 ,发现在前震和主震的破裂面长宽度和位错量估计值分别取上下限的 16种组合情况下 ,5次较强余震破裂面上的库仑破裂应力变化都为正 ,只是数值在 10 -3 ~ 10 -1MPa之间变化 ,而另 2次较强余震破裂面上的库仑破裂应力变化正负值发生变化。结果表明 ,主震和前震位错产生的库仑破裂应力变化是姚安MS6 5级地震较强余震活动的重要原因。  相似文献   

1989年到1999年,大同—阳高地区发生了一系列MS≥5的中强地震.本文基于前人对1989年三次MS≥5地震的震源机制反演的结果,通过建立不同断层模型,利用库仑应力方法,计算前震对于主震,以及前震和主震对于余震的库仑应力触发关系,提出了一种可能的破裂模型,即1989年前震沿北西西方向发生左旋破裂,之后主震和余震沿北北东方向发生右旋破裂.根据这种破裂模式计算得出,前震发生后,主震震源处的库仑应力增加了约2×105 Pa,余震震源处的库仑应力出现下降;主震发生后,余震处的库仑应力出现回升,最后余震处的库仑应力几乎没有变化.基于大同地震台网的近场观测数据,用JHD(Joint Hypocentral determination)定位方法,对1999年11月1日MS=5.6地震后一个月的余震进行重定位,得到一条走向118°,倾角85°的左旋走滑断层,余震的深度分布在5km至20km范围内,显示该断层是隐伏断层.另外提出对主震震中位置约10km的修正.本文对1989年三次MS≥5地震序列和1999年MS=5.6地震余震空间分布的研究揭示该地区存在两条活跃的共轭隐伏走滑断层(1989年主震的北北东方向和1999年地震的北西西方向),并且推断已知的大王村断裂和团堡断裂是地下这两条共轭的隐伏走滑断层构造/地震活动在地表的响应.  相似文献   

强余震的空间分布特征及其理论解释   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
谷继成  谢小碧  赵莉 《地震学报》1982,4(4):389-394
本文是《强余震的时间分布特征及其理论解释》(地球物理学报,1979年1期)的继续。文中分析了我国11个强震的余震序列,结果表明,强余震的空间分布有以下特点: 1.强余震的平面分布。强余震主要分布在断层的两端附近及主震震中附近。 2.强余震的空间迁移具有以下特征: (1)强余震的迁移范围与主震破裂长度相当,且随着时间的推移,迁移的范围越来越大;(2)其总的迁移范围及迁移方向与主震破裂方式有关。对单侧破裂的较大主震,强余震相对其震中呈单侧迁移;对双侧破裂的主震,其强余震相对其主震震中会呈现松弛振荡式迁移;对于双震型地震,强余震往往对第一个主震表现为单侧迁移,对于第二个主震表现为两头跳现象。 3.强余震的垂向分布:位于主破裂的断层面内,且在其前缘上。 本文从断裂力学和流变学角度,对上述观测事实进行了初步理论解释。   相似文献   

在整合CSN和青海、西藏、四川区域台网宽频带数字地震记录的基础上,采用“Cut and Paste”方法研究了2010年4月14日青海玉树地震序列中M4.7级前震、Ms7.1级主震、Ms6.3级强余震的震源机制解和可能的矩心深度,并结合震中附近活动断裂分布与地表破裂带调查资料讨论了发震构造.结果表明2010年4月14日青海玉树M7.1级主震的破裂面为走向129°,倾角84°,滑动角17°,矩心深度6 km左右,矩震级6.8级;Ms4.7级前震的破裂面为走向114°,倾角67°,滑动角-5°,矩心深度11 km左右,矩震级4.2级;Ms6.3级强余震的破裂面为走向123°、倾角89°、滑动角9°,矩心深度6 km左右,矩震级5.7级.本次地震序列的发震构造为甘孜-玉树-风火山断裂,地震破裂时以左旋走滑为主,地表破裂的总体走向与主震的破裂面走向基本一致,前震-主震-强余震的震源性质综合研究可推测发震构造在浅部的倾角陡立,到了深部有所变缓.  相似文献   

系统梳理2021年3月24日新疆拜城MS 5.4地震前地震活动异常特征、地球物理观测异常以及区域构造情况,结果如下:①地震活动:震前存在地震平静、高频、带状分布等异常;②地球物理观测:出现5项异常,其中形变3项,电磁2项,且形变异常对于该地震具有预测意义;③综合方法:地震发生前,震中附近存在多参数概率谱异常。拜城MS 5.4地震发生在库车坳陷西南部,震源机制解显示为走滑型破裂。该序列类型为前震—主震—余震型,主震前存在前震活动,余震较少,序列活动呈持续衰减特征。综合分析认为,拜城MS 5.4地震前异常较多,其中地震活动相关异常为后续中强地震的预测提供了有效依据。  相似文献   

介绍了2014年2月12日新疆于田MS7. 3 地震的基本参数、发震构造和地震序列特征,并与2008 年于田MS7. 3 地震序列特征进行对比分析。结果显示,2014 年于田MS7. 3 地震有MS5. 4 直接前震,序列强余震频次低、余震衰减较快,目前最大余震震级为MS5. 7; 通过分析历史地震序列类型、计算于田单台序列的h 值、b 值、主震释放的能量与序列能量的比值等参数,初步判断于田MS7. 3 地震序列为“前震—主震—余震型”。  相似文献   

潮汐应力-应变对某些地震序列的调制触发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黎凯武  江在森  申彤 《地震》2005,25(4):75-86
对1960年以来中国大陆浅源地震序列与潮汐应变的相关分析表明, 某些地区某些地震序列, 包括前震序列、 前震-主震序列、 前震-主震-余震序列和主震-余震序列明显受到潮汐应力-应变的调制触发。 如龙陵地震的前震-主震序列, 邢台地震的前震-主震-余震序列、 唐山地震的主震-余震序列等。 这些地震序列受到潮汐力调制触发的特征明显, 对地震预测有意义, 并作了具体的叙述。 同时对地震序列受调制触发的机理作了初步的探讨, 指出不同类型地震序列的调制触发特征与孕育系统地质构造, 地震震源岩石性质和区域构造应力场方向以及地震破裂机制有关, 对地震机理和预测的研究有一定意义。  相似文献   

The Yao'an Ms6.5 earthquake occurred on Jan. 15, 2000 and the Yongsheng Ms6.0 earthquake occurred on Oct. 27, 2001 in Yunnan Province, China. They are both located in the middle of the Dian block. Their epicenters are close to each other, the tectonic and strain characters of the earthquakes were similar, and there were many aftershocks after the two main shocks. In order to further study the spatial-temporal distributions and fault rupture characters of the main shocks and aftershocks, the latter are located using the Geiger earthquake location algorithm (Geiger) and the double difference earthquake location algorithm (DD) based on the seismic phase data of the two earthquake sequences. They were recorded by two Near Source Digital Seismic Networks (YNSSN and YSNSSN) deployed by the Yunnan Seismological Bureau (YNSB). Then, two main shock parameters were relocated using DD based on the data of larger magnitude aftershocks and the two main shocks that were recorded by the Kunming Regional Digital Seismic Network (KMSN). Combining the spatial- temporal distributions of the two earthquake sequences, the tectonic and strain characters of earthquakes, the rupture processes of the two aftershock sequences along faults are analyzed and discussed contrastively.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONEarthquake sequence is a series of centralized earthquake events in space-time after a largerearthquake.Since these earthquake events occur in a small space and are sequential in one specialtime,their seismogenic structure,mediumcharacteristics and earthquake mechanisms must be similar.By studying one earthquake sequence,the seismic activitytrend after a large earthquake can beconjectured.Some characteristics of the earthquake source development process and physic states canal…  相似文献   

8.1级地震发生前地震活动性图像显示出多种异常形态,地震背景空区、地震条带、小震活动平静等地震活动性异常配套出现。余震集中区远离主震震中,并在地表形成350km的破裂形变带。8.1级地震后东昆仑断裂带中段出现中等地震平静,应力场呈闭锁状态,有较强地震的孕育迹象。  相似文献   

Yingjiang area is located in the China-Burma border,the Sudian-Xima arc tectonic belt,which lies in the collision zone between the Indian and Eurasian plates.The Yingjiang earthquake occurring on May 30th,2014 is the only event above MS6.0 in this region since seismicity can be recorded.In this study,we relocated the Yingjiang MS5.6 and MS6.1 earthquake sequences by using the double-difference method.The results show that two main shocks are located in the east of the Kachang-Dazhuzhai Fault,the northern segment of the Sudian-Xima Fault.Compared with the Yingjiang MS5.6 earthquake,the Yingjiang MS6.1 earthquake is nearer to the Kachang-Dazhuzhai Fault.The aftershocks of the two earthquakes are distributed along the strike direction of the Kachang-Dazhuzhai Fault (NNE).The rupture zone of the main shock of Yingjiang MS6.1 earthquake extends northward approximately 5km.The aftershocks of two earthquakes are mainly located in the eastern side of the Kachang-Dazhuzhai Fault with a significant asymmetry along the fault,which differ from the characteristics of the aftershock distribution of the strike-slip earthquake.It may indicate that the Yingjiang earthquakes are conjugate rupture earthquakes.The non-double-couple components are relatively high in the moment tensor.We speculate that the Yingjiang earthquakes are related to the fractured zone caused by the long-term seismic activity and heat effect in the deep between Kachang-Dazhuzhai Fault and its neighboring secondary faults.Aftershock distribution of the Yingjiang MS6.1 earthquake on the southern area crosses a secondary fault on the right of the Kachang-Dazhuzhai Fault,suggesting that the coseismic rupture of the secondary fault may be triggered by the dynamic stress of the main shock.  相似文献   

中国大陆7级大地震强余震震级和空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕晓健  高孟潭  郝平  陈丹 《地震》2010,30(2):61-70
本文研究了中国大陆1966年以来15次7.0~7.9级地震序列强余震空间分布和震级分布特征。 研究结果表明: ① 强余震与主震震级差(ΔM)与频度(N)的统计关系服从指数分布, 统计得到了全部序列平均B值为0.72, 12个走滑型地震序列平均B值为0.73; ② 走滑型地震序列强余震优势分布范围是5~59 km, 非走滑型序列优势分布为10~29 km, 并且强余震与主震震中距离服从正态分布。  相似文献   

The South Iceland seismic zone is, roughly speaking, situated between two sections of the mid-Atlantic ridge, i.e., the Reykjanes Ridge southwest of Iceland and the Eastern Volcanic Zone on the island. It is a transform zone, where earthquakes are expected to occur on E-W-trending left-lateral shear faults, equivalent to conjugate, N-S-oriented right-lateral, rupture planes. In fact, earthquakes take place on en-échelon N-S-oriented faults, which is indicated by the distribution of main shock intensities, aftershocks as well as by surface fault traces. The stress field continuously generated in the fault zone by opening of the adjacent ridges is computed and superimposed on the stress field changes induced by a series of 13 earthquakes (M 6) between 1706 and 2000. The level of the pre-seismic stress field is analysed as well as the size of the area under high stress. Finally, the post-seismic stress field of June 2000 is analysed, to see where high stresses might have accumulated. The modelling indicates that the rupture planes located on separated parallel N-S-striking zones are dense enough to lead to an area-wide stress release by the series of events. The obtained pre-seismic stress level for most events is high and stable with the exception of situations when several strong shocks occur over a time span of several days, i.e., display typical main shock-aftershock patterns. The size of areas under high stress aside from of the rupture plane, i.e., where no event occurs at the specific time, is of medium to small size.  相似文献   

In seismology according to Båth’s well-known law, the magnitude of the strongest aftershock is on average by unity lower than the magnitude of the main shock. At the same time, most of the strongest aftershocks typically occur within a few hours after the main shock. From the practical standpoint, this activity is quite naturally perceived as a direct continuation of the main earthquake. The subsequent strong aftershocks occur against the rarer background shocks, are less expected, and therefore constitute a separate hazard. The average difference in magnitudes between the main shock and the strongest aftershock that occurs a certain time after the main shock gradually increases. In this work, we consider the problem of estimating the magnitudes of the strongest future aftershock at the successive instants of time after the main shock without taking into account the information about the aftershocks that have already occurred before a given time. For these estimates, we construct the theoretical distributions whose shape proves to be independent of time, whereas the time dependence of the shift in the magnitude proves to be known a priori. The predetermination of these dependences at the moment of the strong earthquake gives us grounds to characterize the constructed theoretical model as Båth’s dynamic law.  相似文献   

We consider whether mm-scale earthquake-like seismic events generated in laboratory experiments are consistent with our understanding of the physics of larger earthquakes. This work focuses on a population of 48 very small shocks that are foreshocks and aftershocks of stick–slip events occurring on a 2.0 m by 0.4 m simulated strike-slip fault cut through a large granite sample. Unlike the larger stick–slip events that rupture the entirety of the simulated fault, the small foreshocks and aftershocks are contained events whose properties are controlled by the rigidity of the surrounding granite blocks rather than characteristics of the experimental apparatus. The large size of the experimental apparatus, high fidelity sensors, rigorous treatment of wave propagation effects, and in situ system calibration separates this study from traditional acoustic emission analyses and allows these sources to be studied with as much rigor as larger natural earthquakes. The tiny events have short (3–6 μs) rise times and are well modeled by simple double couple focal mechanisms that are consistent with left-lateral slip occurring on a mm-scale patch of the precut fault surface. The repeatability of the experiments indicates that they are the result of frictional processes on the simulated fault surface rather than grain crushing or fracture of fresh rock. Our waveform analysis shows no significant differences (other than size) between the M -7 to M -5.5 earthquakes reported here and larger natural earthquakes. Their source characteristics such as stress drop (1–10 MPa) appear to be entirely consistent with earthquake scaling laws derived for larger earthquakes.  相似文献   

强余震的断层面解特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析了我国及邻区16次大地震的前震、主震和强余震的断层面解.其结果表明:前震和主震具有很好的一致性;一部分强余震同主震相比具有明显的差异, 具有明显差异的强余震发生的时间, 一般都在主震之后的一、二天内.这些特点有助于对地震趋势的估计.断层面解的差异性可能由于局部应力场引起, 也可能由于震源区断层面错动性质的多样性所致.   相似文献   

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