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137Cs质量平衡法测算青海湖现代沉积速率的尝试   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张信宝  曾奕  龙翼 《湖泊科学》2009,21(6):827-833
本文是~(137)Cs质量平衡法测算青海湖现代沉积速率的尝试.青海湖和其他低沉积速率湖泊沉积物剖面中,深度数cm处的~(137)Cs蓄积峰,也可能是沉降到底泥表面的~(137)Cs尘埃,以扩散和迁移的方式向下入渗形成.因此,将沉积剖面中的~(137)Cs蓄积峰解释为1963年的沉积,并据此计算沉积速率,未必合理.青海湖湖滨草地测得的2005年~(137)Cs本底值为1 17.7mBq/cm~2.湖泊中部海心山到东南部渔场一线的6个孔的~(137)Cs面积活度介于92.9-325.0mBq/cm~2,其中青海湖东南部两个孔的~(137)Cs面积活度较高,分别为本底值的155%和270%;湖泊中部4个孔的~(137)Cs面积活度略高于或低于本底值.显然,湖泊东南部有明显沉积发生,特别是位于江西沟冲积扇前缘水下部分的QHH02孔,沉积强烈,水深也最小;湖泊中部沉积轻微.根据表层底泥样品的~(137)Cs浓度,入湖河流泥沙的~(137)Cs浓度和流域内草地表层土壤~(137)Cs浓度的分析,初步确定C=30mBq/g,为1963年以来青海湖沉积泥沙的平均~(137)Cs浓度.利用~(137)Cs质量平衡模型求得的湖泊中部的平均沉积速率为0.020cm/a,和根据布哈河输沙模数求算出的青海湖平均沉积速率0.018cm/a吻合,远低于已报导的断代法测定的青海湖沉积速率.湖泊东南部的沉积速率大于湖泊中部,QHH02孔的沉积速率高达0.229cm/a,是已报导的青海湖沉积速率的两倍.  相似文献   

中国地区湖泊沉积物中137Cs分布特征和环境意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
137Cs是人为放射性核素,长期以来,它在沉积物岩芯剖面中的分布被用作近代沉积物定年的重要手段之一,本文全面收集了关于我同湖泊沉积物中137Cs分布的研究文献,对它们进行了综合分析和对比;试图揭示中国湖泊沉积物中137Cs剖面分布特征和环境意义;结合我同湖泊分区和特点,分别讨论了我国5大湖区137Cs的总体特征和主要影响因素,研究表明:影响137Cs沉积剖面分布的因素,除了纬度和海拔外,还应与当地的地貌特征、降雨量、植被状况和人类活动有关;全球核大气沉降是中同湖泊沉积物的137Cs剖面分布最主要的来源,同时我国早期的大气核试验和前苏联切尔诺贝利核泄漏事件对我国部分地区137Cs分布可能有一定的影响.  相似文献   

南极阿德雷岛湖泊沉积210Pb、137Cs定年及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测试了南极阿德雷岛两个湖泊 (Y2和G)沉积物的2 10 Pb和137Cs比度 .根据2 10 Pb和137Cs比度垂向变化特征 ,采用CRS模式对G湖进行了定年 ,年龄跨度大约为 134± 43年 ,并据此计算了G湖的沉积速率 .近大约 10 0年来G湖呈增长变化的沉积速率以及沉积物2 10 Pb ,137Cs蓄积量和沉降通量远大于大气直接沉降 ,可能是温度升高引起该地区大量冰雪 (盖 )融水携带补充的结果 .  相似文献   

对取自黔中喀斯特地区克酬水库32cm长沉积物柱样进行^137Cs比活度以及粒度测定,结合气象站点降雨数据进行比对分析,对沉积物不同层位的年代进行了划分,并以此结合质量深度推算了1960-2004年间该水库的沉积速率。结合实例分析了^137Cs沉降、运移和沉积,改进了仅依靠^137Cs峰值定年方法,认为在流域面积较小、^137Cs比活度测试绝对数值较小的流域,降水和其他条件造成的土壤侵蚀程度差异可能是造成土壤中^137Cs进入湖泊沉积物多少的更主要原因,并表现为沉积物中^137Cs不同层位的差异。  相似文献   

南四湖现代沉积物中营养元素分布特征   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
对南四湖不同湖区20个表层沉积物和独山湖湖区沉积岩芯中营养元素进行了分析结果表明表层沉积物中南阳湖总磷最高,独山湖次之;独山湖总有机碳和总氮含量最高,南阳湖次之;而昭阳湖总有机碳、总氮和总磷含量较低.沉积岩芯中137Cs数据表明南四湖独山湖区柱状沉积物上部(0-18 cm)沉积速率为3.5mm/a;总有机碳、总氮和总磷含量主要集中在沉积岩芯0-8 cm内,并呈现一致的垂向分布规律,具有明显的三阶段分布特征,反映了流域社会经济的发展导致营养元素的释放量增加,造成了湖泊现代沉积物中营养元素的积累.碳氮比值处于7.6-11.4之间,有机质的选择性分解不明显,指示沉积物中有机质主要来自无纤维束的陆源植物.监测数据表明济宁市的城市生活污水、工农业废水排放进入南阳湖是南四湖有机质和TP富集的主要来源.  相似文献   

210PBex沉积通量突发增大对湖泊生产力的指示--以程海为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
210Pb沉积计年的基本假设是大气沉降并经由湖水转入沉积物的210Pbex通量稳定.当沉积速率相对稳定时,沉积物中210Pbex的比活度将随沉积年代呈指数衰减.湖泊水体中的210Pbex主要随有机微粒的沉降而进入沉积物.如果湖泊水体中有机质沉积通量出现突发增大时,则可能显著地增大210Pbex被清洗而转入沉积物的通量.这种突发性清洗效应,一方面显然不符合210Pb沉积计年的基本前提; 另一方面可能指示湖泊水体初级生产力的明显变化.根据云南程海近代沉积物210Pbex垂直剖面的特殊变化,对这一问题进行讨论.沉积物柱芯于1997年6月采自程海深水湖区.137Cs比活度垂直剖面呈现出3峰特征,给出了可靠的计年结果并显示出近几十年间沉积物堆积的稳定性.而210Pbex比活度垂直剖面呈现出特异的峰值分布,并与Corg垂直剖面相似.这一现象可能与制约210Pbex转入沉积物的机制有关.程海沉积物中Horg/Corg和Corg/Norg原子比平均值分别为5.51和7.04,表明其有机质主要源于内生藻类残骸.根据沉积物有机质"沉降-降解-堆积"的3阶段特征,模拟计算出1970年以来有机碳Corg的沉积通量(F(Corg)).不同年代210Pbex的沉积通量(F(210Pbex))与F(Corg)显示出很好的同步关系.特别是1972~1974年和1986~1989年的两个时段,二者同步增大.F(Corg)的变化导致F(210Pbex)的变化; F (210Pbex)的变化在一定程度上反映出湖泊生产力的历史变化.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物储存着长时期的流域环境信息,是百年尺度湖泊环境演变研究的高分辨率记录器。本文通过210Pbex137Cs组合定年法,分析放射性核素剖面特征,研究沉积速率时空变化规律,并解析沉积物粒度指示的环境信息,揭示百年尺度湖泊沉积环境演变。结果表明:洞庭湖210 Pbex剖面分布呈现多段衰变型、混合—衰变—平衡型、衰变—本底型和无沉积型4种类型。3大湖体200 cm的沉积深度对应的年代跨度为127~162年,构建了洞庭湖沉积物深度—年代关系。洞庭湖平均质量沉积速率为1.47~3.11 g/(cm2·a),整体上呈现南洞庭湖>西洞庭湖>东洞庭湖的空间特征;自1900年后,质量沉积速率增加了3~7倍,呈时序增加趋势。沉积年代上,沉积物粒度特征表明洞庭湖沉积环境呈3个阶段2个过渡期的演变特征,与同时期区域内毁林开荒、水利建设、植树造林等人为活动有较好的对应关系,说明近百年来人为活动是洞庭湖泥沙沉积的重要因素。本研究结果可为强化湖泊及其流域生态环境保护...  相似文献   

内蒙古呼伦湖表层沉积物的矿物组成和沉积速率   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
吉磊  夏威岚  项亮  王苏民 《湖泊科学》1994,6(3):227-232
呼伦湖表层沉积物的取样和分析表明,沉积物主要由碎屑矿物和自生碳酸盐矿物组成。碳酸盐含量为10%—18%。碳酸盐沉积作用与湖水的较高含盐量和碳酸盐过饱和度有关。湖泊中心HL8号柱样的~(210)Pb测定结果是,10cm以上平均沉积速率0.25cm/a,10—12cm为0.05cm/a。60年代开始随湖泊水位上涨沉积物输入量迅速加大。  相似文献   

在长江中游湖北省东部网湖湖心的采取柱状沉积物,用210Pb+137Cs方法测定表层的沉积速率.制作连续切片,选取深度7烈-88lmm的层型沉积较完整的一段样品,用显微镜量测浅色层和暗色层的厚度,采用电子探针确定层的地球化学成份,并由此计算了纹层的主要矿物组成.认为纹层主要是由于在洪水季节长江带来的浅色泥沙与在枯水季节富水河带来的含暗色矿物泥沙交替沉积形成的.泥沙主要来源于夏季长江倒灌入湖的洪水,部分来自长江支流富水河;冬季枯水季节,泥沙基本来源于长江支流富水河.  相似文献   

在深入探讨湖泊硬水效应成因和变化规律的基础上,借鉴海洋碳库效应校正方法,首次利用湖水和大气14C放射性比度之间关系的方法对青海湖沉积物14C年龄进行硬水效应校正,并重建了青海湖硬水效应在过去8 ka中的变化过程.笔者认为,青海湖表层沉积物有机质14C年龄不老于1549 aBP,青海湖硬水效应在7000-1000 aBP期间是逐渐增强的.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples in the Laptev Sea have average 137Cs content of 7.1 Bq kg(-1), a value intermediate between that of the western Kara Sea (23 Bq kg(-1) and the East Siberian Sea (4.2 Bq kg-'). Both surface sediment content and sediment inventory of 137Cs in the Laptev Sea sediments show significant variability, and the influence of a variety of environmental factors.137Cs concentrations in the Laptev Sea surface sediments range from 0.8 to 16 Bq kg(-1). There is a marked increase in 137Cs content of surface sediment samples collected near the Lena River delta, and a local enrichment in the 137Cs inventories at these sites is also evident. Fine-grained mixed-layer illite/ smectite rich sediments in the estuary provide effective adsorption sites to fix 137Cs, in spite of desorption processes associated with low salinities in estuarine mixing. The Lena River-Laptev Sea mixing zone is a major site of sea-ice production. River and shelf sediments are incorporated into sea-ice formed in this region (Holmes and Creager, 1974). The irregular 137Cs activity profiles of the Lena River estuary cores indicate disturbance or removal of 137Cs-laden sediments via sea-ice related processes. Lena River and Estuary sediments may have served as a secondary source (i.e. other than direct fallout) of 137Cs in sea-ice. North-east of the Lena River estuary, sediment contains a thin layer of 137Cs-bearing material over an erosion surface. The 137Cs-laden surface layer may be the result of transient deposition of estuarine sediments being delivered by sea-ice or spring floods.  相似文献   

通过对云南抚仙湖沉积物柱芯样品的~(210)Pb、~(137)Cs和~(241)Am测试表明,柱芯剖面上有明显的1963年和1986年~(137)Cs蓄积峰,验证了1975年次级蓄积峰存在的可能性,这些峰形完好的蓄积峰对抚仙湖的现代沉积环境有明显的时标意义。利用~(137)Cs计年法得到抚仙湖沉积物自1963年、1975年及1986年以来到2007年的平均沉积速率分别为0.063g/(cm~2·a)、0.052g/(cm~2·a)和0.039g/(cm~2·a),说明了过去近五十年抚仙湖沉积速率整体上经历了一个由快到慢的过程。借助于~(241)Am的1963年蓄积峰可以提高~(137)Cs计年的准确性。根据~(210)Pb CRS计年模式,计算出每个样品深度所对应的年代,与~(137)Cs计年法比较存在一定的偏差,分析了两种计年方法存在差异性的原因。通过质量深度和年代分析,抚仙湖的沉积速率变化幅度比较大,表明抚仙湖近129年来的沉积环境不稳定,可能与相应历史时期的人类活动有密切的关系。  相似文献   

137Cs和241Am在滇池、剑湖沉积孔柱中的蓄积分布及时标意义   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
项亮  吴瑞金  吉磊 《湖泊科学》1996,8(1):27-34
自70年代以来,对湖泊沉积物中核试验散落核素的研究已成为研究现代湖泊沉积过程和沉积年代及沉积速率的一个重要方面,本文通过对分别采自云南省滇池、剑湖的两个沉积孔柱中~(137)Cs和~(241)Am蓄积分布的研究,测定了它们60、70年代以来的沉积速率分别是42.1和28.7mg/(cm~2·a)。研究发现,虽然~(241)Am的含量远低于~(137)Cs,但~(241)Am具有沉积后迁移能力较小,半衰期长等特点,因而随着时间的推移,在未来湖泊现代沉积作用的研究中将会显示出越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

During the summer of 1990, 12 gravity cores were collected in Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho at various depths and in a variety of depositional environments. All core subsamples were analysed to determine the bulk sediment chemistry; selected subsamples were analysed for trace element partitioning and 137Cs activity. The purpose of these analyses was to determine the trace element concentrations and distributions in the sediment column and to try to establish a trace element geochemical history of the lake in relation to mining and mining-related discharge operations in the area. Substantial portions of the near-surface sediments in Lake Coeur d'Alene are markedly enriched in Ag, As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb and Zn, and slightly enriched in Cu, Fe and Mn. Variations in the thickness of the trace element-rich sediments, which range from more than 119 cm to as little as 17 cm, indicate that the source of much of this material is the Coeur d'Alene River. An estimated 75 million tonnes of trace element-rich sediments have been deposited on or in the lake bed. Estimated trace element masses in excess of those considered representative of background conditions range from a high of 468 000 tonnes of Pb to a low of 260 tonnes of Hg. The similarity between the trace element-rich surface and subsurface sediments with respect to their location, their bulk chemistry, their interelement relations and their trace element partitioning indicate that the sources and/or concentrating mechanisms causing the trace element enrichment in the lake sediments have probably been the same through-out their depositional history. Based on a Mt St Helens'ash layer from the 1980 eruption, ages estimated from 137Cs activity and the presence of 80 discernible and presumably annual layers in a core collected near the Coeur d'Alene River delta indicate that deposition rates for the trace element-rich sediments have ranges from 2.1 to 1.3 cm/year. These data also indicate that the deposition of trace element-rich sediments began, at least in the Coeur d'Alene River delta, some time between 1895 and 1910, dates consistent with the onset of mining and ore processing activities that began in the area in the 1880s.  相似文献   

The ability to achieve meaningful decreases in sediment loads to reservoirs requires a determination of the relative importance of sediment sources within the contributing basins. In an investigation of sources of fine-grained sediment (clay and silt) within the Perry Lake Basin in northeast Kansas, representative samples of channel-bank sources, surface-soil sources (cropland and grassland), and reservoir bottom sediment were collected, chemically analyzed, and compared. The samples were sieved to isolate the 〈63μt m fraction and analyzed for selected nutrients (total nitrogen and total phosphorus), organic and total carbon, 25 trace elements, and the radionuclide cesium-137 (^137Cs). On the basis of substantial and consistent compositional differences among the source types, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), total organic carbon (TOC), and ^137Cs were selected for use in the estimation of sediment sources. To further account for differences in particle-size composition between the sources and the reservoir bottom sediment, constituent ratio and clay-normalization techniques were used. Computed ratios included TOC to TN, TOC to TP, and TN to TP. Constituent concentrations (TN, TP, TOC) and activities (^137Cs) were normalized by dividing by the percentage of clay. Thus, the sediment-source estimations involved the use of seven sediment-source indicators. Within the Perry Lake Basin, the consensus of the seven indicators was that both channel-bank and surface-soil sources were important in the Atchison County Lake and Banner Creek Reservoir subbasins, whereas channel-bank sources were dominant in the Mission Lake subbasin. On the sole basis of ^137Cs activity, surface-soil sources contributed the most free-grained sediment to Atchison County Lake, and channel-bank sources contributed the most fine-grained sediment to Banner Creek Reservoir and Mission Lake. Both the seven-indicator consensus and ^137Cs indicated that channelbank sources were dominant for Perry Lake and that channel-bank sources increased in importance with distance downstream in the basin.  相似文献   

137Cs湖泊沉积年代学方法应用的局限——以Crawford湖为例   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
项亮 《湖泊科学》1995,7(4):307-313
^137Cs湖泊沉积年代学方法是测定现代湖泊沉积物沉积年代和沉积速率的重要同位素年代学方法之一。对加拿大Crawford湖采集的沉积孔柱内^137Cs垂直分布的研究发现,该方法给出时的标有明显偏差。比较^210Pb和纹层等年代方法的结果,其1963年时标蓄积峰值所在位置明显移向表层,而作为1954年时标的该核素出现蓄积的层位则远早于该年沉积物蓄积层位。研究还表明,孔柱中较高的间隙水含量、缺少足以吸  相似文献   

A rapid removal of Chernobyl137Cs from a number of large lakes has been previously reported. Our measurements of137Cs in water, sediments and pore water in the mono- and meromictic basins of Lake Lugano (Lago di Lugano) reveal generally slower half-removal times of 1.2 and 6.7 yrs, respectively. In the seasonally anoxic southern basin, this is most probably related to an intensive recycling of137Cs between water and sediments. In the permanently stratified northern basin the removal rate is much slower due to an important inventory build up in the deep anoxic part of the basin.  相似文献   

李祥忠  刘卫国 《湖泊科学》2012,24(4):623-628
介形类壳体的氧同位素组成已成为恢复湖区古气候/古环境的有效代用指标,而其氧同位素分馏及环境意义目前还缺乏研究.为评价青海湖介形类壳体氧同位素分馏及其环境意义,在青海湖进行系统的表层沉积物和水样的采集,测定表层沉积物中的意外湖花介(Limnocythere inopinata Bird)和相应水样的氧同位素组成.结果表明:意外湖花介壳体的氧同位素组成主要受控于水体的氧同位素组成,除温度的影响外,还可能受到盐度的影响,随着盐度变化,该种壳体与水体之间的同位素分馏呈减小趋势,而两者的氧同位素组成均呈偏正趋势.青海湖意外湖花介壳体的氧同位素组成在一定程度上可能间接反映水体盐度的变化,值得进行更深入的研究.  相似文献   

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