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分析了河北西大洋水库沉积物中16种多环芳烃的含量及分布状况,并对其来源和生态风险进行了分析和评估.结果表明,表层沉积物多环芳烃总含量范围在422.36 - 1052.90 ng/g之间,且由库区上游到坝前逐渐升高.水库剖面沉积物中多环芳烃总含量在388.81 - 1205.56 ng,/g之间,自底层20 cm到表层多...  相似文献   

巢湖表层沉积物中多环芳烃分布特征及来源   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
于2010年,采用野外采样调查、色谱分析与统计比较的方法,研究巢湖表层沉积物中27个采样点中多环芳烃(PAHs)分布特征及污染来源.结果表明:巢湖表层沉积物中检测出的14种优控PAHs总浓度为116.0~2832.2 ng/g(DW),平均值为898.9±791.0 ng/g(DW).多环芳烃组成主要以5~6环PAHs为主,占总量的32%~58%.沉积物中总有机碳含量与PAHs总量呈现良好相关性.利用蒽/(蒽+菲)与苯并[a]蒽/(苯并[a]蒽+屈)比值法对PAHs来源进行解析得出,巢湖表层沉积物中PAHs主要来源为燃烧源.与国内其它水体PAHs含量对比表明,巢湖沉积物中PAHs污染处于中等水平.生态风险评估得出南淝河表层沉积物中PAHs存在生态风险,其它采样点表层沉积物中PAHs生态风险均较低.  相似文献   

为研究乌兹别克斯坦境内阿姆河地区水体中多环芳烃(PAHs)污染特征、来源并进行风险评估,采用高效液相色谱二极管阵列检测器串联荧光检测器法,对研究区域50个采样点中16种优先控制的多环芳烃进行了检测分析.结果表明,阿姆河地区水体中多环芳烃总浓度范围为3.19~779 ng/L,平均值为98.4 ng/L,中位值为40.1 ng/L,单体浓度范围为0~333 ng/L,检出浓度最高的单体为苊烯,5种单体芴、蒽、荧蒽、芘和的检出率为100%,单体苯并[b]荧蒽的检出总量最高,水样中总浓度为786 ng/L,平均值为15.7 ng/L,中值为2.79 ng/L.不同水体含中低环多环芳烃(2~4环)与高环多环芳烃(5~6环)总浓度相近,但不同采样点间浓度差异较大.浓度较高的采样点主要集中在阿姆河三角洲的城市、农业灌溉区及近咸海区域.与世界不同研究区域相比,阿姆河流域多环芳烃浓度处于中等水平.采用相对丰度法、同分异构体比值法及正定矩阵分解法相结合进行源解析,表明研究区域水体中多环芳烃多为混合来源,其中阿姆河下游河段水体多环芳烃主要来源于生物质燃烧,而阿姆河三角洲区域主要来源于生物质燃烧、石油、天燃气燃烧及汽车尾气排放.生态风险评估结果显示,研究区水体单体多环芳烃中萘、苊、菲和蒽的生态风险较低,其余单体处于中等风险等级,其中苯并[b]荧蒽的污染程度较为严重;总体上阿姆河流域ΣPAHs风险等级相对较低,但仍有12和8个点位分别处于中等风险2和高风险等级,且主要集中在阿姆河三角洲地区,需采取相应措施加以控制.  相似文献   

以太湖的重污染湖区-五里湖为例,以有机氯农药和多环芳烃为主要目标化合物,分析了疏竣湖区底泥中典型持久性有机污染物的蓄积规律和对生态的潜在影响.分析结果表明:五里湖疏竣湖区底泥中的多环芳烃类有机物在深度上呈指数分布特征,上层底泥中的含量显著高于下层,但对湖区生态没有显著影响;五里湖底泥受到一定的有机氯农药的污染,以六六六和DDE等污染为主,但对比生态风险评估指标仍属于生态安全的底泥.疏竣堆场土壤中多环芳烃的含量仅为五里湖疏竣底泥的1/6,在堆场使用后8个月后,堆场底泥中16种优先检测的多环芳烃含量与湖区底泥仍相当.但堆场使用后,堆场的水花生秸秆内多环芳烃含量发生了显著变化,其总含量增加为原来的6倍,有四种多环芳烃含量超过了生态风险效应区间低值但低于效应区间高值.原秸秆内不含有的苯并[a]蒽和(屈)也被检出,说明堆放五里湖疏竣底泥后对植物产生了一定的生态威胁.  相似文献   

多环芳烃在城市湖泊气-水界面上的交换   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李军  张干  祁士华  刘国卿 《湖泊科学》2004,16(3):238-244
利用大流量采样器和半渗透膜装置对广州麓湖大气中气态多环芳烃和水体中溶解态多环芳烃进行了连续一年的观测,在此数据基础上,依据国内外通用的双膜理论计算了多环芳烃在广州麓湖水面上的交换通量.结果显示萘、苊、二氢苊的交换通量方向是由湖水挥发进入大气,其它主要化合物都是从大气进入水体;在单个化合物的交换通量中,以菲的通量值为最大,平均达13137.1ng/(m2·d),最高达到21211.22ng/(m2·d),其次为萘、荧蒽、蒽、芘、芴、二氢苊和苊等.各化合物交换通量的季节变化特点大部分都是在夏季达到最大值,在冬季交换通量降到最小值,但唯一例外的是芴,其交换通量却是在夏季降到最低值.  相似文献   

小白洋淀水-沉积物系统多环芳烃的分布、来源与生态风险   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
以端村小白洋淀为研究对象,利用GC-MS测定了6个样点水、悬浮物和沉积物中15种优控多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量,分析了其组成与来源特征,探讨了不同多环芳烃单体的生态风险,结果表明:(1)15种优控多环芳烃的总含量(PAH15),水相为40.1-74.0ng/L,算术均值51.0ng/L;悬浮物为2438.0-5927.0ng/g,算术均值4528ng/g;沉积物为466.9-1366.4ng/g,算术均值为755.6ng/g;与国内外有关研究相比,污染较轻,(2)三相中均以2、3环PAHs为主,其比例均高于80%;并且,从水相、悬浮物相到沉积物相,2环PAHs依次降低,3环、4环依次升高,高环检出率和含量也依次升高,(3)沉积物中多环芳烃的来源以生物质燃料(秸秆、薪材)和煤的燃烧为主,以液体化石燃料(汽油、柴油和原油)的燃烧为辅,(4)沉积物中的芴(FLO)、菲(PHE)含量在潜在生态风险效应区间低值(ERL)与中值(ERM)之间,其生态风险几率介于10%-50%之间;其他PAHs单体的含量均低于ERL,其生态风险几率均低于10%.  相似文献   

2006年4月在武汉月湖采集了8个样点的水样和表层沉积物样品,采用气-质联用技术分析了样品中25种半挥发性有机污染物(SVOCs)的含量,探讨月湖受有机物污染的程度.水样中25种半挥发性有机污染物总浓度为564.04-1209.41ng/L,平均值为965.64ng/L.沉积物中总浓度为8500.26-23347.20ng/g(DW),平均值为14832.04ng/g(DW).邻苯二甲酸酯类物质是月湖的主要污染物,其中,邻苯二甲酸乙基己基酯和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯含量最高.多环芳烃、硝基甲苯、异佛尔酮等均有不同程度检出,靠近以前的排污口的样点浓度最高.沉积物中25种半挥发性有机污染物的含量大约是水体中含量的15倍,具有潜在生态风险.  相似文献   

万宏滨  周娟  罗端  杨浩  黄昌春  黄涛 《湖泊科学》2020,32(6):1632-1645
为明确长江中游地区湖泊沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布特征、来源及其生态风险,于2018年7月采集了该地区12个湖泊的表层沉积物样品.采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)测定了沉积物中16种PAHs的含量.结果表明:12个湖泊沉积物中均检测出16种优控PAHs,PAHs的总含量在572.7~1766.2 ng/g (dw)之间(均值为976.5±285.0 ng/g (dw)).武汉市东湖沉积物中PAHs含量最高,达到1634.8±111.4 ng/g (dw).与国内外其他地区湖泊沉积物相比,长江中游地区湖泊沉积物中PAHs含量高于国内偏远地区的抚仙湖、青海湖及博斯腾湖,低于东部地区的巢湖、太湖及美国经济工业发达地区的湖泊.根据单体PAH的聚类分析结果,12个湖泊可以分成3种类型,类型1主要以低环为主,占比为64.04%±7.02%,类型2低环和中高环分布相对平均,分别为50.76%±5.17%和49.24%±5.17%,类型3低、中、高环分布相对平均,占比分别为35.35%±3.56%、26.17%±0.45%和38.48%±3.84%.综合该区域PAHs的分布特征及异构体比值法与主成分分析法的结果表明,类型1湖泊沉积物中PAHs主要来源为煤炭、木材等生物质的燃烧源;类型2和类型3湖泊沉积物中PAHs主要来源为煤炭、木材等生物质的低温燃烧以及机动车等燃烧汽油、柴油的尾气排放和工业炼焦等化石燃料的高温燃烧源.沉积物中PAHs与总有机碳(TOC)之间显著的相关性表明,沉积物中TOC含量是影响长江中游湖泊沉积物中PAHs归趋分布的主要因素.长江中游流域湖泊沉积物中PAHs的RQNCs值均小于800,且RQMPCs值大于1的风险商值法生态风险评价结果表明,长江中游流域湖泊表层沉积物中PAHs整体呈中等风险水平.  相似文献   

利用干湿沉降采样器、大流量采样器和半渗透膜装置对广州麓湖大气干湿沉降、大气中气态和颗粒态多环芳烃以及水体中溶解态多环芳烃进行了连续一年的采样监测,并在此数据基础上依据多环芳烃在大气和水体间的作用规律,计算了广州麓湖水-气界面上多环芳烃的交换通量.结果显示,每年大气将向麓湖中输送约1300g的多环芳烃,主要以菲为主,占总量的60%以上.而湖水向大气挥发约220g的多环芳烃,主要以萘为主,占总挥发的95%.不同化合物在气水交换中的主要作用方式是不同的,2-3环的化合物主要以气水界面交换为主,5-6环的化合物以颗粒物沉降为主.而4环的化合物则以三种方式并存.不同季节,除了4环的化合物的各种作用方式所占地比重有所变化外,其它化合物变化不大.  相似文献   

广东新丰江水库XFJ-1孔DDTs和HCHs的沉积记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林田  李军  李可昌  张干 《湖泊科学》2010,22(2):215-220
以~(210)Pb对广东新丰江水库XFJ-1孔进行了定年,以GC-ECD测定新丰江水库沉积钻孔中DDTs和HCHs的含量,通过对比其剖面变化特征与该类农药在我国的生产、使用历史,探讨了水库中DDT、HCH的历史输入途径.过去30年来,XFJ-1孔平均沉积速率为1.42cm/a,沉积物中HCHs和DDTs的含量分别为1.26-3.90ng/g和1.00-3.96ng/g.DDTs、HCHs含量从20世纪80年代初逐渐下降,总体上与我国1983年开始禁止DDT、HCH的大规模生产和使用这一历史事件相符.DDTs、HCHs及其化合物比值的剖面变化特征均表明:流域内后期土壤侵蚀、搬运的再循环污染物质(即二次污染源)对水库DDT和HCH的贡献不明显;相反,农药历史使用(即一次污染源)是其主要来源,大气沉降是其主要输入途径.此外,γ-HCH、o,p′-DDT和p,p′-DDT含量的垂直变化表明,大规模禁用以后这些化合物仍有少量新的输入,需引起重视.  相似文献   

To assess the status of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in coastal and riverine environments in Thailand, we collected 42 surface sediment samples from canals, a river, an estuary, and coastal areas in Thailand in 2003 and analyzed them for PAHs with 3-7 benzene rings by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The total concentration of PAHs ranged from 6 to 8399 ng/g dry weight. The average total PAH concentrations were 2290+/-2556 ng/g dry weight (n=8) in canals, 263+/-174 (n=11) in the river, 179+/-222 (n=9) in the estuary, and 50+/-56 (n=14) in coastal areas. Comparison of the concentration range with a worldwide survey of sedimentary PAH concentrations ranked PAH contamination in Thai sediments as low to moderate. The ratio of the sum of methylphenanthrenes to phenanthrene (MP/P ratio) allows discrimination of PAH sources between petrogenic (>2) and pyrogenic (<0.5) origins. Sediments from urban canals in Bangkok showed the highest PAH concentrations and petrogenic signatures (MP/P=1.84+/-0.98 [n=6] in canal sediments) with abundant alkylated PAHs, indicating major sources of petrogenic PAHs in the city. To identify the sources of the petrogenic inputs in Thailand, we analyzed triterpanes, biomarkers of petroleum pollution, in the sediment samples and in potential source materials. Hopane profiles were remarkably uniform throughout the nation, suggesting a diffuse single source (e.g. automobiles). Molecular profiles of hopanes and PAHs in sediments from the urban canals were similar to those in street dust, indicating that street dust is one of the major sources of petrogenic PAHs in the urban area. On the other hand, low levels of PAHs (approximately 50 ng/g) with a pyrogenic signature (MP/P ratio approximately 0.5) were widely recorded in remote areas of the coast and the Chao Phraya River. These pyrogenic PAHs may be atmospherically transported throughout the nation. Middle and lower reaches of the Chao Phraya River, the river mouth, and the upper Gulf of Thailand showed intermediate concentrations and profiles of PAHs, indicating mixtures of petrogenic and pyrogenic origins. Perylene was abundant in sediments, representing up to approximately 60% of total identified PAHs. High inputs of soil due to frequent heavy rains could contribute to the high perylene abundance in the sediments. Sedimentary PAH concentrations decreased offshore with a half distance of approximately 10 km in the upper Gulf off the mouth of the Chao Phraya River. This is probably due to active deposition of laterally transported riverborne particles.  相似文献   

Twelve sediment samples collected from three transects of mangrove swamp of Deep Bay, Shenzhen, China, were determined for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The total PAHs concentrations ranged from 237 to 726 ng g(-1) dry weight, and showed strong correlation with total organic carbon (TOC), clay content and Pb concentrations. The highest PAHs concentrations were found in the samples from mangrove sediments. Overall, PAHs in Deep Bay sediment were lower than those in other developed areas. The biological effect due to PAHs alone in Deep Bay is expected to be low, based on the comparisons of individual and total PAHs concentrations determined in the sediment with those in USEPA sediment quality guidelines. Four and five-ring compounds dominated the PAHs composition pattern profiles. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to further investigate the source of PAHs. The PAH sources of Deep Bay mangrove swamp were suggested to be primarily combustion of fossil fuel, especially leaded-gasoline exhaust.  相似文献   

The fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in a mangrove swamp (Yi O) in Hong Kong after an oil spill accident was investigated. The concentrations and profiles of PAHs in surface sediments collected from five quadrats (each of 10 m×10 m) covering different degrees of oil contamination and the most contaminated mangrove leaves were examined in December 2000 (30 days after the accident) and March 2001 (126 days later). The concentrations of total PAHs in surface sediments ranged from 138 to 2135 ng g−1, and PAHs concentrations decreased with time. In the most contaminated sediments, total PAHs dropped from 2135 (30 days) to 1196 ng g−1 (120 days), and the decrease was smaller in less contaminated sediments. The percentage reduction in sediment PAHs over three months (44%) was less significant than that in contaminated leaves (85%), indicating PAH in or on leaves disappeared more rapidly. The PAH profiles were very similar in sediments collected from quadrats Q1 and Q2 with benzo[a]anthracene and pyrene being the most abundant PAH compounds, but were different in the other three quadrats. The proportion of the light molecular weight PAHs to total PAHs increased after three months, especially phenanthrene. Results suggest that physical and photo-chemical weathering (tidal washing and photo-oxidation) of crude oil in surface sediments and on plant leaves were important processes in the first few months after the oil spill. The PAH contamination in Yi O swamp came from both petrogenic and pyrolytic sources. The petrogenic characteristic in the most contaminated sediment was confirmed with high values of phenanthrene to anthracene ratio (>10) and low values of fluoranthene to pyrene ratio (0.3–0.4).  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of aliphatic (n-alkanes) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured for the surface sediments collected at 25 sites from Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China. Total n-alkanes and PAH concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 8.2 microg/gdw and 0.02 to 2.2 microg/gdw, respectively, and the distribution of both n-alkanes and PAHs showed large spatial variations in the bay. The distribution of PAHs in the sediments was predominated by the three or more ring compounds. High hydrocarbon levels were generally found in the areas associated with high anthropogenic impact and port activities in the bay. The calculated hydrocarbon indexes suggest that petroleum contamination was the main source of n-alkanes, while both pyrolytic and petrogenic sources contributed PAHs to the surface sediments of Jiaozhou Bay. In comparison to other polluted coastal sediments, the level of contamination from both aliphatic hydrocarbons and PAHs in Jiaozhou Bay sediments is relatively low at the present time.  相似文献   

The composition and spatial distribution of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in biota and coastal sediments from four countries surrounding the Gulf (Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman). The levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), aliphatic unresolved mixture and PAHs in sediments and biota were relatively low compared to world-wide locations reported to be chronically contaminated by oil. Only in the case of the sediments collected near the BAPCO oil refinery in Bahrain, having concentrations of 779 μg g−1 total petroleum hydrocarbon equivalents and 6.6 μg g−1 ∑PAHs, can they be categorized as chronically contaminated. Some evidence of oil contamination was also apparent in sediments and bivalves around Akkah Head and Abu Dhabi in the UAE, and near Mirbat in Oman. Contaminant patterns in sediments and biota indicated that the PAHs were mainly from fossil sources, with the exception of the high PAH concentrations in sediments near the BAPCO refinery that contained substantial concentrations of carcinogenic PAH combustion products.  相似文献   

Surface sediments were collected from sixteen locations in order to assess levels and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments of Qatar exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Samples were analyzed for 16 parent PAHs, 18 alkyl homologs and for dibenzothiophenes. Total PAHs concentration (∑PAHs) ranged from 2.6 ng g−1 to 1025 ng g−1. The highest PAHs concentrations were in sediments in and adjacent to harbors. Alkylated PAHs predominated most of the sampling locations reaching up to 80% in offshore locations. Parent PAHs and parent high molecular weight PAHs dominated location adjacent to industrial activities and urban areas. The origin of PAHs sources to the sediments was elucidated using ternary plot, indices, and molecular ratios of specific compounds such as (Ant/Phe + Ant), (Flt/Flt + Pyr). PAHs inputs to most coastal sites consisted of mixture of petroleum and combustion derived sources. However, inputs to the offshore sediments were mainly of petroleum origin.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 17 parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in surface sediments from nine stations in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy). Total PAH concentrations ranged from 380 to 12,750 microg/kg d.w., while total PCB levels ranged from 2 to 1684 microg/kg d.w.; this values were higher than those found in others marine coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. For PAHs, low molecular weight/high molecular weight, phenanthrene/anthracene and fluoranthene/pyrene ratio were used for discriminating between pyrolitic and petroleum origin. Results showed that PAHs were mainly of pyrolitic origin. PCB and PAH levels in sediments were compared with Sediments Quality Guidelines (ERM-ERL, TEL-PEL indexes) for evaluation probable toxic effects on marine organism. Finally, ERM and PEL quotients were used to evaluate the degree to which chemicals exceed guidelines. Results suggest an ecotoxicological risk for benthic organisms mainly in the first inlet, where high concentrations of PCBs were found in sediments influenced by harbour activities.  相似文献   

The distribution, sources, and ecological risk assessment of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments from the Nantong coast in China were investigated. The results indicated that the total concentrations of the 16 PAHs in the surface sediments from the study area ranged from 1.4 to 87.1 ng g? 1 dw (mean value 19.9 ng g? 1 dw), which were generally low compared to the adjacent offshore area and other coastal zones around the world. The selected PAH ratios and the principal components analysis for each site showed that petroleum combustion and petrogenic pollution (mainly caused by petroleum spills) were the dominant PAHs sources in the surface sediments of the coast. The ecological risk assessment indicated that most of the individual PAHs had few negative effects in this area.  相似文献   

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