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悬挑式格栅坝为一新型的格栅坝体类型,本文阐述其在以水流为主的稀性泥石流和挟带大量推移质的高含沙洪水的泥石流治理工程中的优点,并以工程实例应用作为悬挑式格栅坝设计实践,从而进行泥石流治理推广。  相似文献   

带弹簧支撑的新型泥石流拦挡坝抗冲击性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解决普通重力式泥石流拦挡坝在大规模泥石流发生时容易被大块石损毁的问题,提出带弹簧支撑的新型泥石流拦挡坝,并采用钢球代替泥石流中的大块石,运用有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA对这种新型坝体进行泥石流大块石的冲击模拟,从坝体的变形、支反力、Von Mises应力、加速度和应变率5个方面与普通重力式拦挡坝进行对比分析。结果表明:与普通泥石流拦挡坝相比,带弹簧支撑的新型泥石流拦挡坝的支反力可减小3/4左右,钢球的冲击加速度可降到1/3.87,坝体的响应加速度可降到1/2.61,说明带弹簧支撑的新型泥石流拦挡坝具有非常好的抗冲击性能。  相似文献   

泥石流防撞墩冲击力理论计算方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在西部泥石流多发区,交通线路经常需要穿越泥石流沟,设置在泥石流沟床中的桥墩容易遭受泥石流大块石的冲击,为此,常常在其前端设置泥石流防撞墩,以达到保护桥墩的目的。防撞墩设计的关键参数是泥石流大块石的冲击力。目前,有关泥石流冲击力的计算方法都比较粗糙,计算结果与实际情况不符。本文以Thornton理想弹塑性接触模型为基础,并考虑防撞墩的弯矩变形特性,根据能量守恒定律,推导了泥石流大块石冲击力的计算公式。结果表明,考虑结构弹塑性特性后,泥石流大块石冲击力大大降低,远小于按弹性冲击理论所确定的冲击力,计算结果更符合实际情况。  相似文献   

泥石流区桥墩损毁机制与控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了保证安全,泥石流多发区的道路常采用桥梁的方式通过。位于泥石流区的桥梁的桥墩在泥石流暴发时受到泥石流的冲击,常会造成不同程度的损毁。泥石流冲击力是泥石流区桥墩受到的主要荷载,目前在计算泥石流冲击力时一般将其视为均质体,但是泥石流为固液两相流体,因此得到的计算结果误差较大。为了提高精确度,本文对泥石流冲击力计算公式进行了修正,先分别运用动力学中的弹性碰撞理论和牛顿第二定律对泥石流固相和液相的冲击力进行计算,然后将其进行叠加,得到总的泥石流冲击力。泥石流区桥墩破坏的模式主要有冲击破坏、倾覆破坏和滑动破坏3种形式。为了减小泥石流对桥墩的破坏能,可在桥墩受到泥石流冲击的部位设置消能层,通过算例发现,设置消能层后冲击力减小了26.94%。  相似文献   

不同容重的泥石流淤积厚度计算方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
余斌 《地震学刊》2010,(2):207-211
泥石流的淤积厚度是泥石流灾害评估和防治的最重要的参数之一,但迄今还没有较好的方法计算不同容重的泥石流淤积厚度。本文通过研究泥石流屈服应力的特点,提出了用地区参数和泥石流体积浓度来计算泥石流屈服应力,进而计算泥石流淤积厚度的方法。采用本文方法计算已发生泥石流地区不同容重泥石流的淤积厚度,可以很好地应用于泥石流灾害评估和防治。  相似文献   

汶川地震后我国西部山区大量崩滑体堵塞泥石流沟道,形成堰塞坝,暴雨条件下极易溃决形成溃决洪水,剧烈冲刷侵蚀下游松散堆积体,形成或加剧泥石流灾害规模,对下游拦挡工程的破坏性极强。通过室内水槽试验,监测堆积体内和拦挡坝后相关土水、动力参数响应规律,分析松散堆积体冲刷侵蚀启动力学机制及其与拦挡坝相互作用机理,并推导出考虑孔隙水压力的泥石流冲击力计算公式。结果表明:(1)冲刷启动过程中堆积体以溯源侵蚀、侧蚀为主,体积含水率和孔隙水压力先增后减,基质吸力呈波动减小。(2)在泥石流冲击拦挡坝过程中,坝后出现两次冲击峰值,第一次拦挡坝泄水通畅,振动加速度为1.29 m/s2;第二次排水受阻,振动加速度为1.22 m/s2,同时泥位达到峰值95 mm。(3)泥石流对拦挡坝的整体冲击力由动、静两部分组成,静冲击力与坝后孔隙水压力呈正比,而动冲击力与流速的平方呈正比。研究成果可为震后泥石流沟道松散堆积体冲刷启动机理研究与防治工程优化提供理论与技术支持。  相似文献   

沟谷泥石流危险度计算公式的由来及其应用实例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘希林 《地震学刊》2010,(3):241-245,261
首先介绍了本文作者提出的最新单沟泥石流危险度定量评价计算公式的由来,包括单沟泥石流危险度评价因子的选择,即主要因子的确定和次要因子的筛选,明确了各评价因子的作用,用权重系数方式表达各评价因子对泥石流危险度的影响。然后以2003年发生的四川省丹巴县鹅狼沟泥石流为例,对该沟泥石流危险度进行了定量评价,结果表明其为高度危险的泥石流沟。最后讨论了泥石流危险度计算的经验公式和理论公式及可能遇到的有关问题。  相似文献   

川藏公路四川段泥石流灾害研究与治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量现场调查和观测发现,川藏公路四川段的泥石流灾害集中分布在4个区域,即龙胆溪泥石流区、雅江泥石流区、波戈溪泥石流区和巴塘—金沙江泥石流区。波戈溪泥石流区和巴塘—金沙江泥石流区是境内泥石流灾害最严重的地区,流域面积超过20km^2的特大型泥石流有24条。自东向西,川藏公路四川段泥石流由水石流逐渐演变为稀性泥石流;复杂的地质构造环境、高山深谷地貌特征、强烈的地震活动、高强度的降雨和冰雪融水,构成泥石流灾害显著发育的环境条件。将公路沿线泥石流形成机理概括为4种,即降雨冲击机理、强度衰减机理、冲刷切割机理和沟床拖拽机理;2003年以来采用护岸结构、速流结构、抗冲击结构、拦渣坝、消能坎等技术实施了30余个大型泥石流灾害治理工程,治理效果显著。  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设的发展,越来越多的基础设施修建在工程地质条件复杂的山区内,所形成的高填方工程往往不具备放坡的条件,因此如何解决高填方工程的稳定性已成为一项刻不容缓的课题。土工格栅加筋挡土墙因格栅材料具有特有的网孔结构,对土颗粒能产生极强的嵌固与咬合作用,在高填方工程中得到了越来越广泛的应用。本文基于有限元强度折减法建立了土工格栅加筋土挡墙的计算理论,并通过模型试验进行了验证。通过在某机场工程中的应用说明了土工格栅加筋土挡墙的适用性,以及基于有限元强度折减法进行加筋土挡墙设计计算的可靠性。  相似文献   

龙首二级面板堆石坝地震永久变形分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对龙首二级(西流水)面板堆石坝工程,根据面板坝土石料的大型动三轴试验结果,确定了坝料的残余应变模式,特别是残余体应变模式。在所建立的面板坝三维非线性动力反应有限元法基础上,建立了一套同时计人残余体应变和残余剪应变的面板堆石坝地震永久变形计算方法,对龙首二级面板坝工程进行了地震永久变形的计算,分析了坝体地震永久变形的量值和分布情况,为大坝的抗震设计提供了有力的技术依据。  相似文献   

Blocking is one of the important features when a beam dam intercepts debris flow, while self-cleaning is another when managing suspended debris flow. Both features determine the debris flow control benefits of beam dam but the latter often is not considered in practical engineering design. In this paper, a series of specially designed flume experiments were done to simulate blocking and self-cleaning processes. The blocking ratio and deposition features were measured to contrast the blocking and self-cleaning performance before and after artificial self-cleaning. The experimental results reveal that the beam dam net opening, particle diameter of sediment, sediment concentration, and gradient of the channel are the main factors affecting blocking performance. A new criterion of blocking performance of beam dams that considers the interaction of multiple factors and can provide guidance to practical project design is proposed. For all three types of blocking, sediment deposited upstream of a beam dam can be effectively transported downstream by erosion from post-debris-flow floods, Self-cleaning performance is most efficient for temporary blocking, followed by partial-blocking, and total-blocking. The efficiency of self-cleaning largely depends on the change of the sediment deposit due to erosion. Finally, a discussion is given for the optimal design of an open-type check dam and the feasibility of synergistic effects of self-cleaning in combination with artificial cleaning. Some supporting artificial silt-cleaning should be implemented in practice. A beam dam will, thus, have more storage capacity with which to control the next debris flow event.  相似文献   

The formation of landslide dams is often induced by earthquakes in mountainous areas.The failure of a landslide dam typically results in catastrophic flash floods or debris flows downstream.Significant attention has been given to the processes and mechanisms involved in the failure of individual landslide dams.However,the processes leading to domino failures of multiple landslide dams remain unclear.In this study,experimental tests were carried out to investigate the domino failure of landslide dams and the consequent enlargement of downstream debris flows.Different blockage conditions were considered,including complete blockage,partial blockage and erodible bed(no blockage).The mean velocity of the flow front was estimated by videos.Total stress transducers(TSTs)and Laser range finders(LRFs) were employed to measure the total stress and the depth of the flow front,respectively.Under a complete blockage pattern,a portion of the debris flow was trapped in front of each retained landslide dam before the latter collapsed completely.This was accompanied by a dramatic decrease in the mean velocity of the flow front.Conversely,under both partial blockage and erodible bed conditions,the mean velocity of the flow front increased gradually downward along the sloping channel.Domino failures of the landslide dams were triggered when a series of dams(complete blockage and partial blockage) were distributed along the flume.However,not all of these domino failures led to enlarged debris flows.The modes of dam failures have significant impacts on the enlargement of debris flows.Therefore,further research is necessary to understand the mechanisms of domino failures of landslide dams and their effects on the enlargement of debris flows.  相似文献   

The advance of technology has led to more competent countermeasures, but lives and properties still continue to suffer from water‐induced disasters, such as floods, landslides, and debris flows. To increase the effectiveness of counter systems, improved methods of planning and designing such systems are prerequisite. This paper describes briefly a methodological approach for predicting debris flow characteristics, and proposes techniques for evaluating and improving the mitigative effectiveness of check dams against debris flows in steep mountain torrents. Additionally, a non‐dimensional parameter, namely potential storage volume, is introduced to generalize the evaluation processes. As an example, the 1999 debris‐flow event in the San Julian River, Venezuela, is chosen for discussion. The paper also proposes a method of evaluating the control function of a series of check dams as well as the criteria for the selection of their sizes, numbers and locations. It is hoped that this work will help to determine which combinations of check dams will fit best together for the optimal control of debris flows and available resources in any river basin. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

稀性泥石流的平均运动速度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余斌 《地震学刊》2009,(5):541-548
泥石流的运动速度是泥石流动力学研究中最重要的参数。稀性泥石流是常见也是危害较大的泥石流类型,准确而简洁地计算稀性泥石流的运动速度非常重要。现有的稀性泥石流平均速度经验公式,在使用上和适用地区上还存在一些问题。本文通过分析一系列稀性泥石流观测资料中的体积浓度与稀性泥石流的运动速度和阻力特征的关系,得出了一个新的计算稀性泥石流平均运动速度的经验公式,该公式能适应各种类型的泥石流沟,适用于一般急流的稀性泥石流;对于缓流稀性泥石流,计算值与观测值相比偏大,但很接近;不适用于缓慢稀性泥石流。本文提出的经验公式,使用简洁,计算稳定,与其他方法计算的稀性泥石流平均运动速度很接近。该速度计算经验公式也适用于稀性泥石流堆积扇上游沟道,但对于堆积扇上的速度,计算值偏大,且越往堆积扇的下游,偏差越大。  相似文献   

Impulsive force of debris flow on a curved dam   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Although Sabo dams are an efficient method for river and basin management, traditional Sabo dams have a great impact on ecology and landscape. Moreover, such dams are hit and often damaged by great impulsive force when they block the debris flow. Therefore, alternative shapes for Sabo dam deserve thorough investigation. In this investigation, a curved dam was designed by changing the upstream-dam-surface geometric shape to reduce the impulsive force of the debris flow, with enhanced stability and reduced concrete mass being the anticipated outcomes. In this study, the flume and laboratory facilities simulated the impulsive force of the debris flow to the Sabo dams. Three geometric forms, including vertical, slanted and curved Sabo dams, were used to determine the impulsive force. Impulsive force theories of the debris flow were derived from the momentum equation and the Bernoulli equation. In these, the impulsive force was balanced by the friction force of the Sabo dam and the opposite force of the load cell behind the dam as it was hit by the debris flow. Positive correlations were found when comparing the experimental data with the theoretical results. These findings suggest that our impulsive force theory has predictive validity with regard to the experimental data. The results from both theory and experimental data clearly show that curved darns were sustained less force than the other darns under the same debris flow. This comparison demonstrates the importance of curved geometry for a well-designed Sabo dam.  相似文献   

Landslide dams commonly form when mass earth or rock movements reach a river channel and cause a complete or partial blockage of the channel.Intense rainfalls can induce upstream flows along a sloping channel that significantly affect downstream landslide dams.If a series of landslide dams are collapsed by incoming mountain torrents(induced by intense rainfall),large debris flows can form in a very short period.Furthermore,the failure of these dams can amplify the magnitude and scale of debris flows in the flow direction.The catastrophic debris flows that occurred in Zhouqu County,China on 8 August 2010 were caused by intense rainfall and the upstream cascading failure of landslide dams along the gullies.Incorporating the role of outburst floods associated with the complete or partial failure of landslide dams is an interesting problem usually beyond the scope of analysis because of the inherent modeling complexity.To understand the cascading failure modes of a series of landslide dams,and the dynamic effect these failures have on the enlargement of debris flow scales,experimental tests are conducted in sloping channels mimicking field conditions,with the modeled landslide dams distributed along a sloping channel and crushed by different upstream flows.The failure modes of three different cascades of landslide dams fully or partially blocking a channel river are parametrically studied.This study illustrates that upstream flows can induce a cascading failure of the landslide dams along a channel.Overtopping is the primary failure mechanism,while piping and erosion can also induce failures for different constructed landslide dams.A cascading failure of landslide dams causes a gradually increasing flow velocity and discharge of the front flow,resulting in an increase in both diameter and percentage of the entrained coarse particles.Furthermore,large landslide blockages can act to enhance the efficiency of river incision,or conversely to induce aggradation of fluvial sediments,depending on the blockage factor of the landslide dams and upstream discharge.  相似文献   

汶川大地震简支梁桥落梁震害与设计对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了5.12汶川大地震中简支梁桥落梁震害及主要影响因素,发现除地震山体滑坡等地质灾害外,断层地表破裂、近断层地震动效应、桥台胸墙冲切破坏、防落梁构造措施单一及桥梁体型复杂等因素都是引起简支梁桥落梁震害的重要原因。提出了简支梁桥防落梁设计的基本理念及相关技术方案要点为允许墩梁间发生滑移,以降低桥墩承受的地震惯性力,以及盖梁提供允许的最大滑移长度及支座支承宽度,再辅助挡块或拉索限位器等共同防止落梁发生。最后结合现行规范,以拉索限位器为例给出了简支梁桥防落梁设计方法。  相似文献   

为深入了解整体式桥梁的动力特性和抗震性能,建立台-土有限元模型,并提出合理的台-土相互作用数学模型,然后利用Midas Civil整体模型研究台-土相互作用、桩-土相互作用、桥墩构造等因素对整体式桥梁抗震性能的影响。结果表明:与简支梁相比,同等跨度下整体式桥梁的纵向刚度明显提高,但横向刚度差距不大;台后土的约束刚度大小对桥梁的静动力特性不产生明显影响,整体式桥梁根据我国现有规范计算台后地震力相对保守;改变桩-土约束刚度对整体式桥梁的抗震性能影响不大;提高桥墩的横向刚度,将独柱墩改为双柱墩能大幅提高结构抗震性能。研究结论及台后土压力系数的计算方式,可供整体式桥梁抗震计算提供参考。  相似文献   

A simple mapping finite element method is used to calculate the coupled natural frequencies and mode shapes of realistic arch dam reservoir systems in which the dam is circular cylindrical with non-uniform cross-section. This method, in which both the dam and the reservoir domains are mapped into geometrically simpler shapes using cylindrical-polar transformations, is found to give accurate results, achieved simply and economically. Results of analysis show that hydrodynamic interaction has a substantial effect on the coupled natural frequencies and mode shapes; also that the effect of water compressibility in the type of dams considered can be ignored without significant loss of accuracy. A simple method is also presented for predicting the water compressibility effect before undertaking detailed response analysis.  相似文献   

进行了4根GFRP筋混凝土简支梁在ISO834标准升温曲线下的火灾实验,试件依据ACI440.1R-06进行截面设计,分别考虑了不同荷载比、保护层厚度、端部锚固方式对梁耐火性能的影响。试验结果表明,GFRP筋混凝土梁在火灾中的裂纹开展深度较传统的钢筋混凝土结构明显偏大。由于GFRP筋横向膨胀大更易造成梁底混凝土的开裂与剥落,建议在满足纵筋锚固性能要求的前提下,尽量减少端部J型锚固筋。GFRP筋在高温下的材料性能衰减严重,合理的设计保护层厚度和限制GFRP筋的使用内力,可使GFRP筋混凝土梁的耐火性能满足实际工程的需要。  相似文献   

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