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基于多自由度空间结构体系地震响应分析的基本理论,利用ANSYS建立空间有限元模型,采用动力时程分析法分析某大跨度连续钢桁架柔性拱桥在一致和非一致激励作用不同地震工况下的空间地震响应。研究结果表明:非一致激励作用下,拱肋轴力、主桁弯矩峰值出现在拱脚和边墩附近;地震波组合输入较其单向输入拱脚轴力和面内弯矩最大分别可达1.28和8.32倍;非一致输入较一致激励作用拱脚轴力和面内弯矩分别可达2.5和8.4倍;地震波横向输入较纵向输入横向位移峰值比可达2.4倍,纵向输入较横向输入纵向位移峰值比可达2.6倍;结构的支座形式对结构构件地震响应结果也有一定影响;建议大跨度钢桁拱桥抗震设计应充分考虑地震波的空间和时间效应。  相似文献   

考虑强震作用下地震动参数的空间相关性,是生命线工程、道路、桥梁等呈空间分布的大型结构抗震设计的重点问题。由于强震观测历史和观测设备的限制,符合设计标准的地震波较为匮乏。因而,人工地震波成为结构抗震时程计算分析的一个重要技术。小波包技术将地震波进行时域和频域分解及合成并通过区域化的强震记录,得出小波包参数在时域和频域的统计特征及其空间相关性。进一步采用克里格插值法对无观测记录场址的地震动小波包参数进行最优估计,从而合成人工地震波。能较好地模拟人工地震波的区域空间相关特征,将为重大工程结构的防灾抗震仿真计算和动力优化设计提供实用可靠的地震波输入。  相似文献   

为了了解我国新颁布的规范对框架结构强柱弱梁措施提高柱端弯矩增大系数的效果,分别按照新旧规范设计设防烈度7度(0.1 g)3级框架结构和设防烈度8度(0.2 g)2级框架结构,采用时程动力分析程序,输入不同频谱的地震波,计算不同设防烈度框架结构在罕遇地震作用下的结构反应,对比分析框架结构的位移、层间位移角和塑性铰。结果表明,设防烈度为7度(0.1 g)3级框架结构,不同频谱地震波作用下新旧规范楼层顶点最大位移差值不超过1 mm,层间位移角最大差值不超过0.12%,新规范提高柱端弯矩增大系数效果不大。旧规范规定的柱端弯矩增大系数足以保证框架结构大震不倒。设防烈度为8度(0.2 g)2级框架结构,不同频谱地震波作用下新旧规范楼层顶点最大位移差值较明显,层间位移角最大差值不超过0.21%,新规范柱端弯矩增大系数效果明显,但其安全性与设防烈度为7度(0.1 g)3级框架结构相比,仍有较大差距。建议进一步提高其柱端弯矩增大系数,以充分保证其大震不倒的安全性。  相似文献   

为研究土-结构接触面参数对地下综合管廊地震动力响应特征的影响,建立动力有限元数值模型,模型边界采用激励侧固定边界、远离激励侧黏性边界、其余侧自由场边界的优化组合动力边界,土体本构采用HSS模型,接触面采用改进Goodman单元,动力荷载考虑三种情况(Rayleigh波的作用、底部激励了美国加利福尼亚Upland地震波以及前两者的共同作用),分别研究不同地震动输入、接触面折减系数的改变对综合管廊内力及加速度的影响。研究结果表明:在相同的折减系数条件下,与静力作用相比,动力作用下的结构内力明显增大,综合管廊设计时应考虑地震荷载作用下内力增大的情况;随着界面折减系数的增加,正弯矩极值减小,负弯矩极值增大,加速度峰值增大;在相同接触面折减系数条件下,底部地震波输入产生的结构内力极值显著高于仅有Rayleigh波输入的情况;考虑Rayleigh波和地震波共同作用条件下,引起的管廊结构内力极值与仅考虑底部地震波输入时的结构内力极值差异不大。研究成果可供地下综合管廊结构地震响应精细化数值模拟及抗震设计参考。  相似文献   

高压隔离开关作为变电站系统中的关键设备,提升其抗震性能对变电站的稳定性具有重要意义。通过Abaqus建立有限元模型,运用增量动力时程分析方法,研究了110k V隔离开关固有频率、放大系数随结构支架截面、高度和和瓷套管材料的变化规律。同时进一步研究了不同支架尺寸参数和不同瓷套管材料下隔离开关易损性特性。结果表明:支架截面增大或高度降低都会降低隔离开关的结构固有频率,提升隔离开关的抗震性能。但是显然在一定变化范围内降低支架高度对抗震性能的提升更为显著,并且高硅瓷柱隔离开关的抗震性能优于普通瓷柱。  相似文献   

高层EPS法分析横向地震波冲击下建筑结构稳定性变化时,未进行横向地震波随机过程数学模拟,获取的横向地震波与实测不符,提出一种新的横向地震波冲击下建筑结构稳定性变化分析方法,采用三角级数型非平稳随机过程模型函数,模拟横向地震波非平稳性特征,得到横向地震波模拟曲线,根据该曲线建立建筑结构稳定性动力运动方程,运用Hilber-Hughes-Taylor递推格式求解该方程的安全系数,安全系数越高建筑结构稳定性越强。为研究建筑结构在横向地震波反复荷载作用下的稳定性状态,运用弹塑性损伤模型模拟建筑结构核心筒墙体混凝土,得到用于分析建筑结构稳定性的最大、最小特征值。实验结果表明,所提方法能够分析建筑结构稳定性变化,横向地震波冲击前5 s对建筑结构稳定性影响最大。  相似文献   

易损性分析是评估不同强度地震作用下混凝土重力坝各级破坏概率的有效方法。目前重力坝易损性分析通常假定地震波为垂直入射,然而在近断层区域,地震波往往是倾斜入射的,地震波斜入射对重力坝地震响应有显著影响。从太平洋地震工程研究中心数据库选取16条地震动记录,采用黏弹性人工边界结合等效节点荷载实现SV波斜入射波动输入。采用增量动力分析方法对地震动峰值加速度进行调幅,以印度Koyna混凝土重力坝为研究对象,以坝顶相对位移为抗震性能指标,建立SV波斜入射下重力坝不同震损等级的易损性曲线。结果表明,与垂直入射相比,相同震损等级和相同地震动强度下,斜入射时重力坝破坏概率减小;当PGA接近重力坝实际遭受的地震动强度时,入射角为15°和30°时破坏概率与垂直入射相比最大减小率分别为27.3%和68.2%;各地震强度下,15°和30°斜入射相对于垂直入射的破坏概率差异值最大分别达36.6%、83.9%。因此,混凝土重力坝抗震性能分析应考虑地震波斜入射的影响。研究结果也可为近断层区域混凝土重力坝安全风险评估提供参考。  相似文献   

已有震害资料表明,支柱类设备具有较高的地震易损性。本文中提出使用钢丝绳及液压阻尼器组成的复合减震支座减小T型旁路开关的地震响应。本文首先分别对固定支座、钢丝绳阻尼器支座和复合支座的旁路开关进行有限元分析。随后对带复合减震支座的旁路开关进行了振动台试验,识别设备多阶振型,利用加速度响应及质量分布计算各截面弯矩,使用频响函数推算支座的减震效果。结果表明,液压阻尼器可以在钢丝绳阻尼器的基础上进一步减小设备的应力及位移响应。T型旁路开关基频较低且易受到高阶振型影响,设备支柱绝缘子中上部加速度响应最大,顶部位移最大而根部应力最大。减震支座能将设备的应力和位移响应减小大约50%,且设备的应力响应满足安全系数要求。  相似文献   

本文用错格实数傅里叶变换的拟谱法的数值模拟方法分析了地震波在冲积扇、盆地等不均匀地震构造体区域的传播过程和地面运动分布. 结果表明, 地震波由岩石区进入盆地结构后,在盆地内上下多次反射振荡,对地面建筑物可能形成多次连续的振动和破坏,仅有极少量地震波能量返回岩石区域中,这是防灾研究中值得注意的地面运动特征;地震波在盆地边界地质构造条件下,形成的地震波体波与次生面波动的叠加干涉形成了大振幅的地面运动,它可能导致建筑物的极大破坏;破坏峰值的空间位置可能远离岩石和盆地沉积层的边界或者地震断层的位置.  相似文献   

鉴于超长混凝土框架结构行波效应规律尚缺乏系统研究,借助建筑结构通用有限元软件MI-DAS/GEN,采用一致与非一致两种激励方式对165~1100m/s地震波速作用下长度为33~264m的3层钢筋混凝土框架结构进行弹性时程分析。通过对比一致与非一致激励下的梁弯矩、剪力和轴力,详细讨论了其随波速、长度以及不同部位的变化规律。研究表明:波速越慢,模型越长,行波效应越明显。框架梁弯矩的增大作用主要集中在264m模型第1层两端,减小作用表现在各模型第1层中部和第2、3层的梁上;剪力与弯矩有相似的变化规律;梁中存在拉力与压力,中部各梁的拉力和压力较两端的梁要大。  相似文献   

Fragility curves constitute the cornerstone in seismic risk evaluations and performance-based earthquake engineering. They describe the probability of a structure to experience a certain damage level for a given earthquake intensity measure, providing a relationship between seismic hazard and vulnerability. In this paper a numerical approach is applied to derive fragility curves for tunnel shafts built in clays, a component that is found in several critical infrastructure such as urban metro networks, airport facilities or water and waste water projects. The seismic response of a representative tunnel shaft is assessed using tridimensional finite difference non-linear analyses carried out with the program FLAC3D, under increasing levels of seismic intensity. A hysteretic model is used to simulate the soil non-linear behavior during the seismic event. The effect of soil conditions and ground motion characteristics on the soil-structure system response is accounted for in the analyses. The damage is defined based on the exceedance of the concrete wall shaft capacity due to the developed seismic forces. The fragility curves are estimated in terms of peak ground acceleration at a rock or stiff soil outcrop, based on the evolution of damage with increasing earthquake intensity. The proposed fragility models allows the characterization of the seismic risk of a representative tunnel shaft typology and soil conditions considering the associated uncertainties, and partially fill the gap of data required in performing a risk analysis assessment of tunnels shafts.  相似文献   

简要介绍了静力弹塑性分析方法(Pushover法)的原理、计算步骤和影响分析结果的主要因素.并通过实例比较了pushover分析结果与非线性动力分析结果,分析了高度、荷载分布模式因素对分析结果的影响。  相似文献   

Model diagnostic analyses help to improve the understanding of hydrological processes and their representation in hydrological models. A detailed temporal analysis detects periods of poor model performance and model components with potential for model improvements, which cannot be found by analysing the whole discharge time series. In this study, we aim to improve the understanding of hydrological processes by investigating the temporal dynamics of parameter sensitivity and of model performance for the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model applied to the Treene lowland catchment in Northern Germany. The temporal analysis shows that the parameter sensitivity varies temporally with high sensitivity for three groundwater parameters (groundwater time delay, baseflow recession constant and aquifer fraction coefficient) and one evaporation parameter (soil evaporation compensation factor). Whereas the soil evaporation compensation factor dominates in baseflow and resaturation periods, groundwater time delay, baseflow recession constant and aquifer fraction coefficient are dominant in the peak and recession phases. The temporal analysis of model performance identifies three clusters with different model performances, which can be related to different phases of the hydrograph. The lowest performance, when comparing six performance measures, is detected for the baseflow cluster. A spatially distributed analysis for six hydrological stations within the Treene catchment shows similar results for all stations. The linkage of periods with poor model performance to the dominant model components in these phases and with the related hydrological processes shows that the groundwater module has the highest potential for improvement. This temporal diagnostic analysis enhances the understanding of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model and of the dominant hydrological processes in the lowland catchment. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高精度频率衰减分析技术及其应用(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文从含流体孔隙介质中的地震波场的衰减理论出发,对常规的频率衰减分析技术中的"低频阴影"和"频率衰减梯度"分析方法进行了改进,提出了一种高精度的频率衰减分析技术。首先,通过引入三参数小波变换和时频聚焦准则,发展了一种基于自适应三参数小波变换的高精度时频分析方法,其不仅具有很高的时—频分辨率(有利于"低频阴影"分析),而且其频谱只有一个峰,旁瓣比较小(有利于"频率衰减梯度"分析)。其次,采用基于最小二乘法的Nelder-Mead非线性算法对频谱的衰减部分进行拟合计算,可以准确地计算衰减系数,提高了"频率衰减梯度"的计算精度。实际资料的计算结果表明,本文提出的综合"低频阴影"和"频率衰减梯度"方法的频率衰减分析技术能够有效地圈定碳酸盐岩鲕滩储层的发育区域,且两种方法具有很好的一致性,有效地提高了储层预测的可靠性,从而降低了勘探风险。  相似文献   


An adaptive multilevel correlation analysis, a kind of data-driven methodology, is proposed. The analysis is done by subdividing the time series into segments such that adjacent segments have significantly different mean values. It is shown that the proposed methodology can provide multilevel information about the correlation between two variables. An integrated coefficient with its significance testing is also proposed to summarize the correlation at each level. Using the adaptive multilevel correlation analysis methodology, the correlation between streamflow and water level is investigated for a case study, and the results indicate that real correlation might be far more complicated than the empirically constructed picture.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis ASSOCIATE EDITOR E. Volpi  相似文献   

对白银形变观测站2008年以来观测资料的运行、变化和噪声水平做初步分析,结果表明:DSQ 型水管倾斜仪观测资料连续、稳定、可靠具有明确的正常背景---夏高冬低,为今后地震前兆异常的判断打下基础;水管倾斜仪 EW 分量在2013年7月22日 MS 6.6地震前出现破年变变化,说明白银地震台水管倾斜仪具有一定的地震前兆异常监测能力。  相似文献   

Analysis of data characterizing the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation was presented, with an emphasis on components responsible for neutralization of rain acidity. For this purpose, chemometric methods were applied. Based on a principal component analysis (PCA) a strong correlation between precipitation pH and potassium and ammonium ions in the heating period (October–March) and potassium and sodium ions in the non‐heating period (April–September) was observed. Additionally, a classification of eight variables, i.e., Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, , , Cl?, and according to their similarities was made using a cluster analysis. Based on this study, two ions, potassium and ammonium, together with the pH value were classified into one group (cluster) in the heating period while in the non‐heating period ions of potassium and sodium were clustered together with the pH. The results of the cluster analysis indicated that the selected ions contributed the most to the neutralization of the atmospheric precipitation acidity. This relationship was confirmed by a discriminant analysis in which potassium and ammonium ions were selected as components of the highest potential for precipitation classification according to its acidity degree. The relationship between the precipitation pH and the number of non‐precipitation days preceding the precipitation was also analyzed. It was found that although the observed an increase of the pH value was not very high, nevertheless, the effect of the duration of the period preceding the precipitation on the pH value recorded on the day of the precipitation occurrence was quite evident.  相似文献   

四川地区地震前跨断层数据异常分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
概述四川7.0级以上大震前观测场地的异常情况。在核实2个大震震前异常的基础上,将传统异常判别方法进行汇总。总结近年来针对跨断层监测数据进行分析进而识别异常的方法:原始数据反映的断层活动速率异常以及转折异常。在此基础上,引入小波分析的方法对大震前的异常进行判别。对小波分解得到的两个趋势项进行分析,发现了大震与小波分解项异常的对应性。最后,基于对原始数据和小波分解项的分析,提出利用跨断层数据分析大震前兆的参考意见,为以后的震前异常研究工作提供了基础。  相似文献   

MT时间序列的小波去噪分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
从本质上说 ,MT时间序列中噪声的强度与类型是能否取得MT响应参数无偏估计的决定性因素。当MT时间序列中磁场和电场中都含有相关噪声时 ,传统的去噪方法已无能为力。结合小波分析与MT时间序列的特征 ,提出了一种基于小波分析的MT时间序列去噪方法 ,讨论了基于小波分析的噪声识别 ,分析了理论数据通过小波分解与重构实现的去噪处理 ,探讨了对实测时间序列的固定源和随机干扰的去噪处理  相似文献   

Because it can be carried by flowing water, a sand/gravel pit on the river bed could migrate downstream. Consequently, the presence of pits on river beds could pose a safety threat to in-stream hydraulic structures such as bridge piers. A pit migration model can be used to predict progressive changes of pit geometry as it migrates downstream. However, due to the existence of many uncertainties, the maximum pit depth cannot be predicted with certainty. This paper adopted a simple pit migration model and evaluated the uncertainty associated with the calculated maximum pit depth. Such information is essential for evaluating the probability that a migrating pit could pose a safety threat to a downstream hydraulic structure. Three reliability analysis techniques were applied and their performances were compared.  相似文献   

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