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水闸闸基隐患探测雷达图像特征分析   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
水闸闸基隐患严重威胁水闸安全,闸基淘空是水闸较常见的隐患之一。闸底地基垫层在水闸上下游水位差的作用下,经一段时间的运行后,往往会形成强渗流层和淘空区,洪水到来时便产生管涌,危及水闸的安全运行和人民的生命财产安全。利用探地雷达技术可探测出闸基冲刷剥蚀程度、淘空区的位置、范围、发育程度及规模,便于及早采取防范措施,进行加固处理。探地雷达技术是水闸闸基隐患探测的有效手段,雷达图像的特征分析是雷达资料解释的关键,通过雷达图像的特征分析,可判译出闸基隐患的具体部位和类型。  相似文献   

钱塘江某公铁两用大桥上游约20 m处新建了一座铁路桥.如何评价新桥建设后的海塘内部质量现状,是否存在空洞等缺陷隐患,工程各方既重视又感困惑.本文在分析工程结构、新桥施工活动、堤身和堤基介质特点以及现有技术状况的基础上,采用了探地雷达、地震映像和瑞雷波法等探测方法.根据探测资料并结合海塘结构、地基特点及施工和运行中的具体情况,分析提出了铁路新桥建设后存在的可能对海塘安全运行有影响的堤身和堤基内部重点介质异常及潜在隐患.  相似文献   

分别叙述了激光干涉技术和雷达差分干涉技术的原理及应用. 采用激光实时干涉计量技术实验室观测试样在加压过程中的形变,研究不同破裂孕育区所表现的不同应变异常场特征. 采用雷达差分干涉技术可以测量地形及地表形变,并且有西藏玛尼、张北——尚义等地震前后的形变测量结果. 指出激光实时干涉计量技术与雷达差分干涉技术相似,都是以条纹变化图研究形变异常场特征. 因此, 对雷达差分干涉技术测量的孕震过程中的形变场,特别是临近大震发生前的形变场特征进行观测和以激光干涉技术进行实验及对比研究均将很有意义.   相似文献   

探地雷达的发展历程及其前景探讨   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在总结近年来众多探地雷达研究者成果基础上,概述了探地雷达在仪器设备研制、数据处理及解释、应用范围这三方面的发展历程.指出了当前雷达设备研制所存在的问题、数据处理及解释技术的不足之处.并针对探地雷达以后的发展方向作了预测.希望通过此文能使读者对探地雷达有一个更深刻的了解,也希望本文对探地雷达工作有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

利用探地雷达检测土壤质量的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
土壤质量的研究正逐步成为国际土壤学的研究热点.探地雷达作为一种快速、无损、经济的土壤质量检测方法,正在被国内外学者所接受,然而由于土壤的复杂性,使得这一技术在具体应用时还存在一些问题.本文从探地雷达检测土壤质量时的方法入手,着重探讨了其在土壤的物理性质、介电性质、有机质检测方面的研究进展,并对检测后得到的探地雷达图像的处理算法以及存在的问题进行了研究,有利于指导探地雷达在土壤质量检测方面的进一步应用.  相似文献   

为了探索路面雷达在沥青路面压实度及空隙率检测领域的适用性与发展方向,在简要介绍路面雷达检测原理的基础上,结合国内外研究成果,对路面雷达检测沥青路面压实度及空隙率的研究进展进行了系统归纳与总结,针对路面雷达在干燥及含水两种沥青混合料的压实度和空隙率检测应用进展,沥青混合料复合介电模型对比分析三个方面进行了详细阐述.结果表明:沥青混合料介电常数受雷达频率与温度影响,现有复合介电模型对沥青混合料的压实度及空隙率计算具有一定的指导意义,但模型的精确性与适用范围有待提高;对于含水沥青混合料,现有模型尚无法解释部分介电常数变化规律;多层沥青混合料结构复合介电模型算法亟待建立与完善.将油石比作为未知变量,考虑介电常数与毛体积相对密度的非线性关系,同时得到沥青路面油石比与毛体积相对密度,这一方法值得研究.总体而言,基于路面雷达的沥青路面压实度及空隙率检测技术处于初步发展阶段,在沥青路面压实实时监控方面具有良好的发展空间及应用前景.  相似文献   

探地雷达检测公路结构层隐含裂缝实用方法研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文在简要介绍探地雷达基本原理的基础上,详细介绍了作者最近完成的“多层均匀层状介质中的垂直裂缝对雷达波场响应的数值模拟和物理模拟实验研究”成果,通过与实际的公路工程检测结果对比,三者表现出很好的一致性. 研究结果表明,采用探地雷达检测公路结构层中的隐含裂缝,理论条件是充分的,实践上是可行的,检测方法本身实用性较大,检测结果直观、可靠.  相似文献   

探地雷达GPR正演模拟的时域有限差分实现   总被引:1,自引:13,他引:1  
近年来,随着数字处理技术和电子技术的飞速发展,探地雷达(GPR)的实际应用范围迅速扩大,现已覆盖考古、矿产资源勘探、水文地质调查、岩土勘查、无损检测、工程建筑物结构调查、军事等众多领域,解决了很多工程实际问题,成为浅层勘探的有力工具.而探地雷达的理论研究与实际的应用相比,具有明显的滞后性.但是解释人员要达到精确地对探地雷达实际资料的进行解析,必须事先了解地质体的雷达反射剖面的特征,所以作为反演与解释基础的复杂地电模型的探地雷达正演模拟技术,就成了探地雷达理论研究的主要内容之一.本文以麦克斯韦两个旋度方程为基本出发点,运用K.S.Yee的空间网格模型理论和时域有限差分法的基本原理,推导出二维空间的探地雷达正演方程组,并详细地分析了差分格式中半空间步长与半时间步长的实现方法,及其雷达波电场与磁场分量在计算机上相互关系的C程序实现.然后讨论了数值频散关系及其产生原因,通过同时考虑时域有限差分法及Yee氏网格的特点,推导出了符合探地雷达实际传播规律的理想频散关系,作者自制了探地雷达正演程序,并分别计算了Mur超吸收边界条件及无边界条件下的雷达地电模型,通过对比可知,超吸收边界条件可利用,大大地减少截断边界处的干扰波,达到用有限区域达到在无限空间传播的效果.最后作者利用自制程序,对“V”字形和同一斜面上的五个圆的两个典型的探地雷达地电模型进行了正演模拟,得到了正演剖面图,消除了边界反射后的雷达剖面能很好地指导工作人员对雷达实测剖面的地质解释,同时使正演研究更符合实际的地质情况.  相似文献   

我们经常所说的探地雷达包括地面探地雷达和钻孔探地雷达.我国在地面探地雷达技术的使用和研究方面已经取得了很大的成绩,但对于钻孔雷达的使用和研究尚处于初步阶段.本文在阅读大量文献的基础上,概述了目前钻孔雷达的发展状况,对钻孔雷达层析成像技术方法原理作了详细分析,并给出了其数理实现过程.通过应用实例分析其实际应用效果,根据解释结果给出了相应的工程地质评价和施工建议.最后指出其存在的缺点和未来的发展前景.希望本文对我国钻孔雷达层析成像技术进一步的发展、研究和应用有所启示.  相似文献   

路用探地雷达的应用技术研究进展   总被引:19,自引:12,他引:19  
有效、无损、快捷、简便是公路检测技术发展的方向,当前国内外先进的浅层勘探技术——路用探地雷达检测,以其无损、快捷以及浅层高分辨率的优势被迅速应用于公路检测。本文对近年来路用探地雷达技术的发展及应用情况进行了介绍,详细分析了探地雷达的工作原理、系统组成结构。就探地雷达在公路建设、维护过程中的应用情况进行了系统总结。  相似文献   

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a non-destructive geophysical technique to obtain information about shallow subsurface by transmitting electromagnetic waves into the ground and registering signals reflected from objects or layers with different dielectric properties. The present GPR study was conducted in Võhmuta limestone quarry in Estonia in order to describe the relationship between GRP responses to the variations in petrophysical properties. Sub-horizontally oriented cores for petrophysical measurements were drilled from the side wall of the quarry. The GPR profiles were run at the sloped trench floor and on the top of side wall in order to correlate traceable reflections with physical properties. Based on three techniques: (i) hyperbola fitting, (ii) wide angle reflection and refraction (WARR), and (iii) topographic, a mean electromagnetic wave velocity value of 9.25 cm ns?1 (corresponding to relative dielectric permittivity of 10.5) was found to describe the sequence and was used for time-to-depth conversion. Examination of radar images against petrophysical properties revealed that major reflections appear in levels where the changes in porosity occur.  相似文献   

综合物探技术在堤坝隐患探测中的应用   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
本文给出笔者参与的浙江温岭东浦新塘隐患探测、椒江外沙海塘渗漏探测、缙云白马水库和玉环里墩水库坝体渗漏探测等几个实例,详细说明了综合物探技术在堤坝隐患探测中的作用、优点和需要注意的问题,具体分析了堤坝隐患的不同特征和综合物探方法的特点.工作实践表明:高密度电阻率法、探地雷达法、瑞雷波法及其综合运用能有效探测坝体缺陷,查明渗漏原因.同时,由于每种方法各有应用前提及局限性,故应针对可能的隐患特征,选用合适的探测方法及其组合,并努力提高信号采集和处理解释水平.  相似文献   

配筋混凝土空心小砌块墙抗震性能试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对配筋混凝土空心砌块墙体在水平低周反复荷载作用下的试验研究,探讨了配筋混凝土空心砌块墙体的破坏形态、裂缝分布、极限承载力、位移延性与钢筋效应等工作性能,为以配筋砌块为承重材料的房屋城地震区的应用提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

The Carlo's V Castle, located in Crotone Town, on the Ionian coast of the Calabria Region (Italy), date back to the 13th century d.C. (Fig. 1). During its long life, the building changed several owners and sustained the damages and the consequent reconstructions due to the innumerable naval battles. Moreover, the castle suffered the action of the earthquakes which always afflict the region.With the principal aim of detecting the location, depth and geometry of the rests of destroyed structures, a systematic Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was carried out in the area inside the boundary walls. The results are sixty-two one-meter-spaced, filtered and migrated radargrams arranged in four 3D data-sets. From each data-set, the most significant time-slice was extracted.To reduce the ambiguity in the GPR data interpretation, additional geophysical techniques, such as Magnetic (M), and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), were carried out with a partial superimposition with the GPR data. A comparison and a joint interpretation amongst different geophysical data pointed out some very remarkable features associated to buried remains and possible buried cannonballs.With the secondary aim to check the presence of an old military walkway linking two bastions a GPR profile was carried out on the sea side boundary wall. The GPR results are in agreement with an ERT survey carried out on the same profile and consistent with the presence of an underground passage.  相似文献   

为研究再生空心砌块砌体填充墙-钢管再生混凝土框架的骨架曲线模型,设计制作了2榀试件并对其进行低周反复加载试验,获取其滞回及骨架曲线。在此基础之上,对试件的骨架曲线模型进行相关的理论分析,建立了再生空心砌块砌体填充墙—钢管再生混凝土框架的四折线骨架曲线模型。研究表明:试件的滞回曲线呈现为饱满的梭形,表现出了良好的抗震耗能性能;通过相关理论分析建立的四折线骨架曲线模型与试验实测骨架曲线吻合良好,可为该类结构在地震作用下的弹塑性地震反应分析提供相关参考。  相似文献   

The amplitude spectrum of ground penetrating radar (GPR) reflection data acquired with a particular antenna set is normally concentrated over a spectral bandwidth of a single octave, limiting the resolving power of the GPR wavelet. Where variously-sized GPR targets are located at numerous depths in the ground, it is often necessary to acquire several profiles of GPR data using antennas of different nominal frequencies. The most complete understanding of the subsurface is obtained when those frequency-limited radargrams are jointly interpreted, since each frequency yields a particular response to subsurface reflectivity. The application of deconvolution to GPR data could improve image quality, but is often hindered by limited spectral bandwidth.We present multiple-frequency compositing as a means of combining data from several frequency-limited datasets and improving the spectral bandwidth of the GPR profile. A multiple-frequency composite is built by summing together a number of spatially-coincident radargrams, each acquired with antennae of different centre frequency. The goal of the compositing process is therefore to produce a composite radargram with balanced contributions from frequency-limited radargrams and obtain a composite wavelet that has properties approximating a delta function (i.e. short in duration and having a broad, uniform spectral bandwidth).A synthetic investigation of the compositing process was performed using Berlage wavelets as proxies for GPR source pulses. This investigation suggests that a balanced, broad bandwidth, effective source pulse is obtained by a compositing process that equalises the spectral maxima of frequency-limited wavelets prior to summation into the composite. The compositing of real GPR data was examined using a set of 225, 450 and 900 MHz GPR common offset profiles acquired at a site on the Waterloo Moraine in Ontario, Canada. The most successful compositing strategy involved derivation of scaling factors from a time-variant least squares analysis of the amplitude spectra of each frequency-limited dataset. Contributions to the composite from each nominal acquisition frequency are clear, and the trace averaged amplitude spectrum of the corresponding composite is broadened uniformly over a bandwidth approaching two-octaves. Improvements to wavelet resolution are clear when a composite radargram is treated with a spiking deconvolution algorithm. Such improvement suggests that multiple-frequency compositing is a useful imaging tool, and a promising foundation for improving deconvolution of GPR data.  相似文献   

为研究配筋砌体结构出平面反应,将配筋砌块未注芯的孔灌注了高密度铁砂,以提高缩尺模型材料的等效密度,更真实地模拟墙体出平面惯性效应.利用推导的模型与原型的相似关系,设计并实施了振动台试验.结果表明,模型结构主要以压弯变形为主,在现行规范规定的构造措施下,足以抵抗设防地震造成的墙体出平面破坏.通过敲击试验得到墙体出平面振动频率,该频率相对较高,远离地震动卓越频率.相邻楼层出平面频率不完全相同,振动的相位可能时而同相,时而反相.  相似文献   

Time-lapse geophysical data acquired during transient hydrological experiments are being increasingly employed to estimate subsurface hydraulic properties at the field scale. In particular, crosshole ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data, collected while water infiltrates into the subsurface either by natural or artificial means, have been demonstrated in a number of studies to contain valuable information concerning the hydraulic properties of the unsaturated zone. Previous work in this domain has considered a variety of infiltration conditions and different amounts of time-lapse GPR data in the estimation procedure. However, the particular benefits and drawbacks of these different strategies as well as the impact of a variety of key and common assumptions remain unclear. Using a Bayesian Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo stochastic inversion methodology, we examine in this paper the information content of time-lapse zero-offset-profile (ZOP) GPR traveltime data, collected under three different infiltration conditions, for the estimation of van Genuchten–Mualem (VGM) parameters in a layered subsurface medium. Specifically, we systematically analyze synthetic and field GPR data acquired under natural loading and two rates of forced infiltration, and we consider the value of incorporating different amounts of time-lapse measurements into the estimation procedure. Our results confirm that, for all infiltration scenarios considered, the ZOP GPR traveltime data contain important information about subsurface hydraulic properties as a function of depth, with forced infiltration offering the greatest potential for VGM parameter refinement because of the higher stressing of the hydrological system. Considering greater amounts of time-lapse data in the inversion procedure is also found to help refine VGM parameter estimates. Quite importantly, however, inconsistencies observed in the field results point to the strong possibility that posterior uncertainties are being influenced by model structural errors, which in turn underlines the fundamental importance of a systematic analysis of such errors in future related studies.  相似文献   

Daubechies小波有限元求解GPR波动方程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
基于可分离小波理论,由一维Daubechies尺度函数的张量积构造二维Daubechies小波基,并将它作为GPR波动方程求解的插值函数,导出了二维Daubechies小波有限元GPR方程离散格式;通过引入转换矩阵,实现小波系数空间与雷达场值之间转换.引入自由度凝聚技术,有效解决了小波有限元求解中小波单元内部自由度过多的问题,节约了计算量并方便与传统有限元法耦合.然后,详细阐述了Daubechies小波有限元联系系数计算方法,有效解决了小波有限元求解偏微分方程的难点与核心问题.最后,以两个典型GPR模型为例,对比了Daubechies小波有限元与传统有限元的雷达正演剖面图与单道波形图,结果表明:在相同的剖分方式及节点数目条件下,Daubechies小波有限元的紧支性与正交性一定程度上提高了求解效率,它与有限元法求解结果能较好地吻合,验证了Daubechies小波有限元算法的正确性.  相似文献   

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