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鄱阳湖流域径流模型   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
流域径流是鄱阳湖主要来水,建立鄱阳湖流域径流模型对揭示湖泊水量平衡及其受流域自然和人类活动的影响具有重要意义.针对鄱阳湖-流域系统的特点:流域面积大(16.22×104km2)、多条入湖河流、湖滨区坡面入湖径流等,研究了相应的模拟方法,建立了考虑流域土壤属性和土地利用空间变化的鄱阳湖流域分布式径流模型.采用6个水文站1991-2001年的实测河道径流对模型进行了率定和验证.结果显示,模型整体模拟精度较高.其中,赣江、信江和饶河均取得了较好的模拟结果,月效率系数为0.82-0.95;抚河和修水模拟精度略低,为0.65-0.78.模型揭示了研究时段内年平均入湖径流总量为1623×108m3,其中,赣江最多,占47%,其次为信江和抚河,分别占13%和12%,湖滨区坡面入湖径流约占4%,其余24%来自饶河、修水以及其它入湖支流.模型将用于评估流域下垫面或气候变化引起的入湖水量变化,为湖泊水量平衡计算提供依据.  相似文献   

流域因素与人类活动对黄河下游河道输沙功能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
许炯心 《中国科学D辑》2004,34(8):775-781
从泥沙收支平衡的概念出发定义了河道的输沙功能, 提出了河道输沙功能的定量指标, 研究了流域自然因子和人类活动对黄河下游河道输沙功能的影响. 这种影响可以用不同水沙来源区的降水量、进入黄河下游的大于0.05 mm粗泥沙占来沙量百分比、黄河上游水库对汛期清水基流的调节程度(以兰州站汛期径流量占全年百分比表示)、高含沙水流频率、流域内水土保持措施实施面积等来定量表达. 运用多元回归分析方法, 建立了黄河下游河道输沙功能指标与上述7个因子之间的多元回归方程. 表明不同水沙来源区降水量的减少对下游河道输沙功能的影响是不同的. 河口镇以上清水区和龙门至三门峡之间年降水量减少, 将导致下游河道输沙功能指标降低; 河口镇至龙门间降水减少, 将导致下游河道输沙功能指标增高. 来沙的组成强烈地影响下游河道输沙功能指标, 进入黄河下游的大于0.05 mm粗泥沙占来沙量百分比越大, 则河道输沙功能指标越低. 因此, 小浪底水库拦截粗泥沙、排出细泥沙, 将有利于提高下游河道输沙功能指标. 兰州站汛期径流量占全年百分比越低, 下游河道输沙功能指标越低, 说明黄河上游水库大量拦截汛期清水基流, 是下游河道输沙功能降低的原因之一.  相似文献   

为探究极端降雨对南方红壤区流域水沙的影响,本文基于江西省鄱阳湖水系赣江上游濂江流域1984—2020年逐日降雨量、径流量和输沙量数据,使用95百分位法计算极端降雨,并采用最小事件间隔时间法分割降雨事件,综合应用Pettitt检验和线性回归方法对水沙突变、影响因子进行定量分析。结果表明:(1)发生极端降雨事件的时期是流域泥沙输出的关键时期,极端降雨对输沙量的贡献率达85.58%~87.79%,而对径流量的贡献为38.33%~43.42%。(2)在极端降雨情景下,年径流量从1984—1995年的209.21×106 m3下降到1996—2020年的165.23×106 m3,而年输沙量从1984—1995年的3.65×104 t增加到1996—2020年的12.8×104 t,相比于1984—1995年,1996—2020年的极端降雨所产生的径流量和输沙量占比有缩小趋势,分别表现为从43.42%到38.33%和从87.79%到85.58%。(3)极端降雨情景下...  相似文献   

水利工程兴建后洞庭湖径流与泥沙的变化   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
本文根据1951—1988年洞庭湖及其入湖河流的水文泥沙资料,研究大型水利工程兴建后洞庭湖径流与泥沙的变化。研究表明,近40年来洞庭湖的径流量减少了29.2%,输沙量减少了48.7%。引起水沙变化的主要原因是荆江四口分流河床的淤积,使荆江入湖的径流量与输沙量减少。1966—1972年下荆江三个弯道裁弯取直,使荆江河床下切,导致荆江及其分流水位的下降,也促使荆江分流的流量与输沙量的减少。40年来洞庭湖水流变化的趋势对洞庭湖、江汉平原与长江中下游的防洪较为有利。  相似文献   

气候变化和人类活动对流域径流影响的定量研究是当前研究的热点,赣江作为鄱阳湖流域最大的子流域,径流变化对鄱阳湖湿地水生态系统具有重要的影响.利用Mann-Kendall突变检验分析了赣江流域径流1955—2010年间演变趋势,再分别应用统计方法和IHACRES集总式模型分析气候要素和人类活动对径流的影响.研究表明IHACRES能够较好地模拟赣江流域径流,适用于中亚热带湿润季风气候区.Mann-Kendall突变检验表明赣江流域径流在1979年发生突变,可划分为1955—1979年和1980—2010年两个时段.降水是影响赣江流域径流年际变化的主要因素,而土地利用等人类活动的影响并不明显.水库建设显著影响赣江径流的季节分配,1980—2010年间人类活动影响更加显著,其中45%的年份秋季径流增加50%以上,26%的年份秋季径流增加超过100%,其中1989年的秋季径流增加幅度达到320%.  相似文献   

周建银  高菲  元媛  黄仁勇  闫霞 《湖泊科学》2023,35(2):696-708
为探索三峡水库运行前后长江中下游干流及两湖径流过程的变化及其驱动因素,利用宜昌、监利、大通、七里山、湖口共5个水文站的流量资料,分析了各站径流过程的变化特征及其成因。结论:(1)各站年径流量均减少,但除七里山站之外,其它各站减少比例均小于10%且变化不显著;(2)干流各站月径流量最大减幅发生在10月,而七里山站、湖口站分别发生在7月、4月;(3)干流各站月径流量最大增幅发生在3月,而七里山站、湖口站分别发生在1月、6月;(4)宜昌站,1—4月径流量增加是三峡水库入库径流增加和水库调度的共同作用结果,6—8月径流量减少的主因是三峡水库入库径流量减少,5、9、10月径流量变化的主因是三峡水库调度;(5)监利站,径流量的变化与宜昌站表现出高度的一致性,但冬季各月径流量的增幅均大于宜昌站;(6)大通站,4—6月径流量变化方向与湖口站一致,其它月份变化方向均与宜昌站一致。(7)七里山站,7月径流量减少的主因是洞庭湖流域来水减少,9、10月径流量减少的主要原因是荆江分流减少,但洞庭湖流域来水减少也是重要原因。(8)湖口站,4、5月径流量减少的主因是流域降水减少,9、10月径流量减少的主要原因是鄱阳...  相似文献   

研究鄱阳湖入、出湖污染物通量是加强鄱阳湖及长江水功能区限制纳污红线管理的前提,是建立鄱阳湖水质预测模型的基础.基于2008-2012年鄱阳湖8条主要入湖河流、出湖口的逐月水量、水质同步监测资料,根据污染源特征优选算法,计算总磷(TP)、氨氮(NH3-N)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)的入、出湖污染物通量,并分析时空变化特征及影响因素.结果表明:(1)出湖口和乐安河入湖口断面的NH3-N、TP及昌江入湖口断面的TP,以点源污染为主,采用每月瞬时通量作为月平均通量的算法更准确;其余以非点源污染为主,采用瞬时污染物浓度与月平均流量之积来计算月平均通量更准确.(2)2008-2012年CODMn、NH3-N和TP年平均人湖通量分别为304398、53063和9175 t,年平均出湖通量分别为367436、45814和8452t.8条入湖河流每年的入湖水量、CODMn通量和个别年份的NH3-N、TP通量小于出湖,这主要是因为未计算区间产流及相应排污和采砂引起的内源污染.(3)入、出湖污染物通量在年际间主要受水量影响而呈现W型波动变化趋势,CODMn、NH3-N、TP入湖通量及CODMn出湖通量均集中在汛期,NH3-N、TP出湖通量则是冬季较多(低水位下湿地植被净化作用受限).入湖TP、NH3-N、CODMn通量主要来自赣江、信江、乐安河,而NH3-N、TP浓度最高的是乐安河、信江.  相似文献   

贲鹏  虞邦义  张辉  胡勇 《湖泊科学》2021,33(1):289-298
为了研究洪泽湖水沙特性、变化趋势与冲淤时空分布规律,运用累积距平法、Mann-Kendall趋势与突变检验以及R/S分析法等方法,分析了洪泽湖19502016年的水沙特征;采用地理信息技术,基于1992年和2016年实测地形,对湖区泥沙冲淤空间分布进行了定量计算与分析.结果表明,入湖径流量无明显增加或减少的趋势,输沙量和含沙量呈明显减小趋势,1990年以后含沙量基本稳定在0.2 kg/m^3以下;淮河干流(包括池河)入湖水量和沙量约占入湖总量的89.6%,三河闸出湖水沙占总出湖量的60%.淮干入湖口和溧河洼为主要淤积区域,淤积量分别为2300×10^4和1900×10^4 m^3,平均淤积厚度分别为0.35和0.25 m;其他区域自然冲淤基本平衡.上游水库和河道闸坝的拦沙作用、农业种植结构变化和水土保持、大规模人工采砂等是入湖沙量减少的主要影响因素;湖区水动力特性是泥沙自然淤积主导因素,而湖区库容变化的主因则是人工采砂、围湖造田和围网养殖,且人类活动的影响远大于自然冲淤.  相似文献   

悬浮泥沙浓度是描述水质的重要参数之一,获得其在空间和时间上的分布信息对于理解、管理和保护湖泊生态系统是必要的.此研究旨在建立基于中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)影像的鄱阳湖悬浮泥沙浓度反演模型,并利用建立的模型反演2000-2007年鄱阳湖丰水期的悬浮泥沙浓度,分析其在时间和空间上的变化特征并对引起这些变化的原因进行讨论.研究结果揭示:MODIS Terra影像红波段与悬浮泥沙浓度具有显著的相关性(R2=0.92,s.e.=12.02mg/L,F=154.30,P<0.001),可以用于鄱阳湖丰水期悬浮泥沙浓度的反演;自2000-2007年间,鄱阳湖悬浮泥沙浓度呈明显的时间和空间分布特征,在南部水体悬浮泥沙浓度无明显变化,在北部呈增加趋势,而中部水体泥沙浓度波动较大;鄱阳湖北部的采砂活动是导致此区域悬浮泥沙浓度增加的主要原因,其与长江江水倒灌鄱阳湖共同作用引起鄱阳湖中部泥沙浓度的波动,抚河、信江和饶河输沙量的非显著变化也导致南部鄱阳湖水体悬浮泥沙浓度的非显著变化.  相似文献   

长时间序列水沙数据分析有助于科学评价流域尺度水土保持减流减沙效应,为科学开展区域水土保持成效评估提供实现路径.本文选取南方红壤区水土保持工程最为集中、持续时间最长的典型流域——平江流域,基于1975-2014年的逐日降水量、流量、含沙量数据,综合应用预置白M-K检验法、Theil-Sen趋势度估计法、Pettitt检验法与累积量斜率变化率比较法,开展河流水沙变化特征及归因分析,揭示长期水土流失治理对河流水沙的影响.结果表明:(1)1975-2014年平江年输沙量、汛期输沙量和非汛期输沙量均存在显著减少趋势,年均减少率分别为2.38×104、1.75×104和0.44×104t/a,汛期输沙量在流域开始实施系统水土流失治理时即发生突变,而年输沙量和非汛期输沙量在系列国家水土保持重点工程实施一段时间后方开始突变;(2)流域长期水土保持显著减少平江输沙,但对径流无显著影响,重点治理期、治理后期以水土保持为主的生态保护工程对输沙量减少的贡献均在94.0%以上,且生态保护工程对汛期输沙量减少的贡献较非汛期的更为突出;(3)以水土保持为主的长期生态保护工程导致平江全年、汛期、非汛期输沙量分别减少59.3%、60.7%和55.7%;(4)在剔除大型水利工程(尤其是大中型水库)建设影响后,南方红壤区可以基于长时间序列水沙数据分析科学评价流域尺度水土保持减流减沙效应.研究结果可以为南方红壤区流域尺度水土保持减流减沙效应评价提供参考,并有望为区域系列国家生态保护与建设工程的布局和管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖区域极端降水异常的特征及成因   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
闵屾  刘健 《湖泊科学》2011,23(3):435-444
鄱阳湖区域4-7月极端降水总量存在显著的2-4年周期变化,且鄱阳湖4-7月极端降水总量的变率存在比较显著的增加趋势.1998年6月鄱阳湖地区极端降水总量异常偏多,而2001年6月异常偏少,仅为1998年的13.5%左右.通过分析大气环流场、水汽输送等方面的差异,发现1998年6月500hPa高度场上乌拉尔山高脊和鄂霍次...  相似文献   

Sediment load reduction in Chinese rivers   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:9  
In this paper, the changes in the annual runoff and sediment transport have been assessed by using the long term observation data from 10 gauging stations on 10 large rivers across China from far north to far south. It is found that the annual sediment yield has generally had a decreasing trend in the past half century. According to the changes in annual runoff and the sediment yield per area, rivers in China can be classified into the following three groups: 1) rivers with decreasing annual sediment transport and stable runoff; 2) rivers with both decreasing annual sediment transport and runoff and 3) rivers with greatly reduced annual sediment transport and decreasing annual runoff. The results indicate that, in all southern rivers (to the south of the Huaihe River including the Huaihe River), there has been little change in average annual runoff but a dramatic decrease in annual sediment transport. In the northern rivers, however, both the annual sediment yield and the runoff show significant evidence of reduction. To further investigate the recent changes in annual runoff and sediment transport, the short-term observation data from these 10 gauging stations in the recent 10 years have been assessed. Results show that both the annual sediment transport and the runoff have decreased" significantly in the northern rivers in the past 10 years. Using the Yellow River at the Lijin Station as an example, the average annual runoff for the last 10 years is only 1/3 of the long term average value and the average annual sediment yield of the last 10 years is only 1/4 of the long term average value. More unusually, in the Yongding River the annual sediment yield has approached zero and the runoff has decreased significantly. In addition, the impacts of human activities on the changes in both runoff and sediment transport have been discussed.  相似文献   

研究了鄱阳湖流域在1955-2002年间的径流系数的变化,重点分析了它与水循环的两个基本要素:降水量和蒸发量的关系,同时对其原因进行了初步的探讨.经分析,在鄱阳湖流域中,径流系数较大的是饶河流域和信江流域,较小的是抚河流域;在年内变化上,4-6月为五河流域径流系数比较大的月份,这与鄱阳湖流域降水集中期相对应.在空间上,4-6月仍然以饶河流域和信江流域相对较大,而抚河流域较小,特别是8月份的径流系数远小于其他四河;年代际变化上,1990s径流系数增加较为显著.尽管鄱阳湖流域的径流系数除了受气候因子的影响外,还受到水土流失和地形等因素的影响,但是降水量的增加,特别是暴雨频率的增加仍然是其主要影响因素,蒸发量的减小对径流系数的增加也有一定程度的影响.径流系数与气温并无明显的线性相关关系.  相似文献   


Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China, and plays a major role in flood mitigation, restoration and conservation of the ecological environment in the middle Yangtze River basin. Sediment load and streamflow variations in Poyang Lake basin are important for the scouring and deposition changes of this lake. However, these hydrological processes are heavily influenced by human activities, such as construction of water reservoirs, and land-use/land cover changes. By thorough analysis of long series of sediment and streamflow obtained from five major hydrological stations, we systematically investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of these hydrological processes and the hydrological responses to human activities using the Mann-Kendall trend test, the double cumulative mass curve and the linear regression method. The results show: (1) no significant change in streamflow followed by an increasing tendency after the 1990s that turns to be decreasing about 2000; and (2) a sharp increase of sediment load during the late 1960s and 1970s triggered by extensive deforestation (during the “Cultural Revolution” in China) followed by a tendency to decrease after the early 1980s. Construction of water reservoirs has greatly reduced the sediment load of the Poyang Lake basin, and this is particularly the case in the Ganjiang River, where the sediment load changes may be attributed to the trapping effects of the Wan'an Reservoir, the largest water reservoir within the Poyang Lake basin. There is no evidence to corroborate the influence of water reservoirs on the streamflow variations. It seems that the streamflow variations are subject mainly to precipitation changes, but this requires further analysis. The current study may be of scientific and practical benefit in the conservation and restoration of Poyang Lake, as a kind of wetland, and also in flood mitigation in the middle Yangtze River basin that is under the influence of human activities.

Citation Zhang, Q., Sun, P., Jiang, T. & Chen, X.-H. (2011) Spatio-temporal patterns of hydrological processes and their hydrological responses to human activities in the Poyang Lake basin, China. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(2), 305–318.  相似文献   

The Jialingjiang River basin is one of the main sediment contributing areas in the upper reaches of the Changjiang River. Great changes have taken place in the runoff and sediment discharge in recent years. Comparing the data of 1991-2003 with the data of 1954-1990, the annual runoff of the Jialingjiang River basin decreased by 23 %, and the suspended sediment transport decreased by 74% or 105 million tons. The main factors affecting the reduction include a decrease in rainfall, sediment detention of hydraulic structures, soil and water conservation activities, sedimentation and sand dredging in the river channel. Thorough investigation and analysis of the contribution of each factor to the sediment decrease at Beibei Station was determined for the first time. The following are the contributing percentages for each factor: a decrease in runoff accounted for 32.9%; soil and water conservation measures accounted for 16.4%; sediment detention of hydraulic structures accounted for 30.5%; sedimentation, river channel sand dredging, and other factors accounted for 20.2%. These findings are very important for forecasting the trend of inflow sediment discharge variation.  相似文献   

基于遥感的鄱阳湖湖区蒸散特征及环境要素影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒸散是湖泊湿地生态系统水循环的重要组成部分,研究湖区地表蒸散量的时空变化对了解鄱阳湖湖区水量平衡关系具有重要意义.本研究基于MODIS数据,应用地面温度-植被指数三角关系法反演2000-2009年鄱阳湖湖区的实际蒸散量,分析湖区蒸散的时空分布特征及主要气象因子对流域蒸散的影响.结果表明:2000-2009年鄱阳湖湖区年蒸散量在685~921 mm之间,平均年蒸散量为797 mm,最大蒸散量出现在2004年.2000-2009年多年平均水体蒸发量为1107 mm,高于湖区植被蒸散量(774 mm).湖区汇水区域中蒸散量占降水的平均比例为55%,是水量平衡的主要支出项,径流系数约为0.45.湖区蒸散主要受辐射和气温的影响,月蒸散量与气温呈显著的指数相关,2007年蒸散量对温度的关系最为敏感.降水量距平与蒸散量距平的关系除2007年呈显著负相关外,其他年份相关性不显著.鄱阳湖湿地蒸散与湖泊水域面积总体呈正相关,但在水文干旱严重的2006年,当水域面积<30%时,蒸散速率随水域面积增加而减小.  相似文献   

The nonparametric Mann-Kendall test and the Pettitt test were employed to examine the change trends and shifts of runoff and sediment input to Poyang Lake between 1961 and 2013. Water balance and linear regression models were used to evaluate the impacts of climate variability and human activities on the runoff and sediment discharge changes. The results showed that runoff inputs to the lake had insignificant temporal trends and change points, while sediment inputs had significant decreasing trends, with an abrupt change in 1989. Quantitative assessment demonstrated that human activities led to a small decrease (5.5%) in runoff inputs to the lake, and a dramatic (121.4%) decrease in sediment inputs to the lake between the reference period (before the change point) and the human-influenced period (after the change point). This work provides a useful reference for future policy makers in water resource utilization and environmental safety of the Poyang Lake basin.  相似文献   

The annual changes of sediment deposition-scour on the riverbed in the Sanhuhekou-Toudaoguai Reach of the upper Yellow River during the years 1952-2010 were investigated based on runoff and sediment transport observations from the Sanhuhekou and Toudaoguai hydrological stations. Multiple influencing factors such as reservoir operations, tributary inflows, as well as runoff and sediment loads from the Shidakongdui area were analyzed. The results show that even though the sediment loads from the major sources, the Shidakongdui area as well as the upstream tributaries such as the Qingshui River and the Zuli River have reduced especially since the 2000 s as a result of enhanced water-soil conservation measures and improvement of vegetation cover, the study reach was still generally in a status of cumulative aggradation. This is mainly due to the joint operations of the Liujiaxia Reservoir and the Longyangxia Reservoir, which significantly reduced the annual runoff and sediment loads at the Sanhuhekou Crosssection. The reservoirs also remarkably altered the summer flood characteristics of the study reach, inducing the shape of the annual flow curve changing from a 'single-peak' into a 'doublepeak'. These alternations sharply decreased the sediment transport capacity of flooding in the summer flood season which yields more than 90% of the sediment loads, leading to an unbalanced relation between the water and sediment. In addition, the estimated incoming sediment coefficient of the Sanhuhekou Crosssection ranged from 0.003 to 0.014 kg s/m~6, of which 0.004 kg s/m~6 was suggested as a rough critical value to determine the scour or deposition status of the study reach.  相似文献   

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