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Ripe females of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) of Lake Constance were caught at spawning time on their known spawning sites. Fish were examined for their size, gill-raker number, and for their egg dry weight. On the basis of their spawning sites as well as on correlation between body weight and egg weight, fish were allocated at one of the two sympatric populations: nearshore spawning Gangfisch or pelagic spawning Blaufelchen. The two fish samples were examined electrophoretically for the enzyme products of 37 genetic loci. Blaufelchen and Gangfisch were genetically identical (Nei's unbiased genetic distance D = 0.000) when all fish samples were included into the analysis. However, some genetic differentiation (D = 0.001) was evident after excluding the fish whose data points on body weight versus egg weight overlapped. Additional enzyme systems or some other genetic methodology should be used to provide more information on the genetic status of the two whitefish forms in Lake Constance.Contribution No. 8 in the Program of Joint Investigation of Holarctic Fishes among the Russia, Canada, Finland, and Poland  相似文献   

Previous genetic studies on perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in northern and southern regions of Europe have shown low heterozygosity. No such investigation has been conducted in the central part of Europe. The genetic variability ofP. fluviatilis in four Swiss lakes (Lake Constance, Lake Zürich, Lake Geneva and Lake Maggiore) was investigated. These four lakes belong to three different drainage systems (Rhine, Rhone and Po) without connections. A total of 136 fish were analysed electrophoretically. Only one locus (SOD *) was highly polymorphic in Lake Constance among the 27 loci studied. The expected heterozygosities for each population and for the total population were higher than in the previous studies but low (H S= 0.38–2.7%;H T=1.22%) and Nei's genetic distances were small (0.000–0.003). However, the jack-knifed mean of the Wright'sF STwas calculated as 0.142, which indicates modest genetic differentiation among the perch populations in Switzerland, due to the differentiated population in Lake Constance.  相似文献   

通过对5个湖泊的河川沙塘鳢种群的线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因进行PCR扩增、测序,获得1141 bp的序列全长.序列分析显示,cyt b基因序列中A+T含量(55.8%)略高于G+C含量(44.2%),共检测到806个多态位点,115个样本得到87个单倍型,平均单倍型多样性为0.969±0.012,核苷酸多样性为0.20081±0.00742,遗传多样性表现高度多样性.太湖种群与大纵湖种群间的遗传距离最近,为0.137,巢湖种群和大纵湖种群之间遗传距离最远,为0.424.分子方差分析表明,群体间遗传分化系数Fst为0.531,变异来自群体内及群体间.cyt b基因序列构建的UPGMA系统进化树显示,5个种群分化成不同的分支系谱,种群间存在的基因交流较少.  相似文献   

Systematic genetic analyses of fish populations allow the testing of temporal stability in their genetic structures and better understanding their pattern of connectivity. In this study the pattern of gene flow between the two Atlantic stocks of the European hake has been examined for the period 2000-2002. Present analyses indicate that a large genetic homogeneity existed among all Atlantic populations in that period, and that a systematic grouping occurred between Porcupine Bank samples and Cantabric ones. This scenario is congruent with an inter-annual gene flow from central grounds of the northern stock (Porcupine and Great Sole) to Iberian grounds inhabited by the southern stock. Additionally, estimated migration figures were in agreement with the good recruitments observed in the southern stock after 2003 despite the spawning biomass was at its historical minimum. Altogether these results highlight the central role of Porcupine bank and Great Sole in making sustainable both stocks and advocate the integrative management of this hake fishery by means of a multidisciplinary assessment.  相似文献   

对长江中下游5个湖泊的黄颡鱼种群的线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因进行了PCR扩增、测序,获得了955 bp的序列.分析显示,cyt b序列中A+T含量略高于G+C含量,共检测到54个变异位点,60个样本得到37个单倍型,平均单倍型多样性为0.945±0.018,核苷酸多样性为0.00419±0.00043,遗传多样性表现中等.太湖种群与滆湖种群间的遗传距离最远为0.00651,鄱阳湖种群和巢湖种群之间遗传距离最近为0.00375.分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,群体间遗传分化系数Fst为0.0684,几乎所有变异都来自群体内,群体间遗传分化极小.cyt b序列构建UPGMA系统进化树显示,5个种群没有分化成不同的分枝谱系,种群间存在广泛的基因交流.  相似文献   

In eutrophic Lake Alpnach, several forms of whitefish (Coregonus spp.) are found which show different growth rates. In recent years, immature whitefish of the fastgrowing form (local name: ‘Felchen’, here called ‘Grossfelchen’) have been caught in the nets used for fishing the slowgrowing form (local name: ‘Albeli’, here called ‘Kleinfelchen’). The aim of this study was to identify the different forms of coregonids and to determine their growth rate, age of first maturation, and relative frequency in the catch with gill nets of different mesh sizes. While the separation of the different forms on the basis of meristic characters proved unsatisfactory, the growth during the first year of life was found best suited for this purpose. For the whitefish fishery in Lake Alpnach, the fastgrowing form is regarded as the most important one. Due to eutrophication, the whitefish now show a considerably faster growth than about 40 years ago. In addition, they mature at a younger age than before. The consequences of these findings for the management of the whitefish stocks in Lake Alpnach are discussed.   相似文献   

An Aphanomyces sp. (Oomycetes) was found to be an important egg parasite of Eudiaptomus gracilis (Copepoda) in Lake Mondsee (Austria). The infection is evidenced by densely packed infection hyphae, attached with holdfasts and wrapped around the female's abdomen. The infection hyphae give rise to hyphae which penetrate the egg sac, and subsequently kill all eggs. The infection obviously has no pathogenetic effects on the egg-carrying female. Infected females appear during summer and fall, mainly in warm water layers. Infected egg clutches are found at all seasons of the year, indicating considerable birth control of the Eudiaptomus population by parasite infection. It seems possible that the actual Aphanomyces sp. is not the only parasite involved.  相似文献   

Whitefish larvae (Coregonus sp.) were caught at regular intervals in 1986 and 1987 in oligotrophic Lake Sarnen, and in 1987 in eutrophic Lake Hallwil.The food spectra of the larvae in each lake were directly related to the available prey organisms.The causes for the important decrease of the larval catches in Lake Sarnen observed in 1987 are examined.There was no significant difference in the abundance and size distribution of the principal zooplankton taxa between the 1986 and 1987 samples. The effects of a sudden cooling of the surface water layer on the survival of cold-bred whitefish larvae are discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution of the ichthyofauna of Lake Lugano (Lago di Lugano) during the past 120 years is characterized by the introduction of eight new fish species and by the possibly natural addition of the blenny (Blennius fluviatilis) in recent years. Introduced Salmonids such as charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and whitefish (Coregonus sp.) have established strong populations during the first half of this century, but have declined drastically thereafter. Likewise, the population of the native shad (Alosa fallax lacustris) has diminished significantly. A hydroacoustic survey of the pelagic fish stock of Lake Lugano in 1989 revealed the presence of a dense bleak (Alburnus albidus) population at 0 to 14 m depth. No other fish were found to be present in the pelagic zone. Oxygen and temperature distributions seem to confine the bleak to the uppermost layer in summer. In winter, very few fish were located by echosounding. Growth of bleak and roach (Rutilus rubilio) was difficult to interpret since data for comparison are lacking. Growth of perch (Perca fluviatilis) in the littoral zone was found to be slower than in other eutrophic lakes, for no obvious reason. Possible ways of restructuring the pelagic fish community are discussed.  相似文献   

黄琦  徐少林  徐磊  韩博平 《湖泊科学》2017,29(5):1209-1216
休眠卵库作为淡水枝角类生物与遗传信息的储藏库,从沉积物休眠卵库中萌发的枝角类对现生种群的数量与种群遗传结构有着直接的影响.分别采集流溪河水库盔型溞的现生种群和沉积物表层(0~10 cm)的休眠卵,扩增现生种群与休眠卵的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I基因,构建了单倍型网络.休眠种群相比现生种群有着较高的单倍型多样性和核酸多样性,初期现生种群分别为0.562、0.00104,末期现生种群分别为0.726、0.00331,休眠种群分别为0.815、0.00761.流溪河盔型溞现生种群与休眠种群存在双向基因流,现生种群到休眠种群的有效迁移率为490.9,休眠种群到现生种群的有效迁移率为527.5.通过构建贝叶斯系统树验证了休眠种群和现有种群中并不存在隐种或者亚种的分化,休眠种群与现生种群之间没有出现较大的遗传分化,现生种群遗传多样性来自于休眠种群,水库的休眠种群更能反映种群真实的遗传多样性.休眠种群与现生种群之间的基因流与休眠卵库大小无关,与休眠卵的萌发有关.  相似文献   

利用筛选的12条10 bp的随机引物对采自武汉市东湖(3个样点)、南湖(3个样点)、月湖(1个样点)和关桥(1个样点)四个水体的天蓝喇叭虫(Stentor coeruleus)种群进行了随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)研究,所得清晰条带显示不同样点样本之间存在着一定的变异,其遗传距离在0.076-0.416之间.用Rapdistance 1.04构建聚类图并探讨不同样点之间的遗传距离远近.结果显示南湖的3样点的遗传距离较近,在聚类图上聚成一枝,应该为同一个种群;而东湖的3个样点可能是由于地理隔离原因,在聚类图上有2个样点聚成一枝,而另1个样点被其他样点所分隔,不属于同一个种群.这种现象的发现从实例上支持了生物地理学关于物种形成的离散假说.更有意义的是本研究可启动水体微生物种群分化和物种形成及过渡的研究,并期望促进种群生态学方面的研究和谱系生物地理学及离散分化生物地理学的发展.  相似文献   

During the past 25 years the effects of eutrophication in the oligo-to mesotrophic Lake Thun and the eutrophic Lake Biel have changed the morphology and biology of theCoregonus spp., as well as the composition of the stock. Statistical procedures and immunodiffusion revealed the existence of threeCoregonus populations in Lake Thun: 5% Kropfer, 28% ‘Albock’ and 67% Brienzlig (local names). Their gillrakers range between 20 and 32, 25 and 40, and 29 and 46, respectively (mean: 22, 31, 40). In Lake Biel two populations were distinguished: 16% Palée and 84% Bondelle with 22–35 and 30–40 gillrakers (mean: 30, 34). Changes of the spawning grounds and periods most probably have led to a bastardization of two species (Schwebalbock and Bodenalbock) to the present ‘Albock’ in Lake Thun. Overlapping values of all 20 morphological characters of the populations studies render the identification of forms difficult. Only gillrakers and a few more characters show significant statistical differences between populations. The determination ofCoregonus spp. of Lake Thun and Lake Biel thus often needs additional data on growth, feed, maturation, spawning ground and/or period.   相似文献   

采用特异性引物对中华刺鳅基因组DNA进行扩增和测序,获得了江苏省5个湖泊的中华刺鳅种群线粒体cyt b基因767 bp的序列.分析表明,cyt b基因中A+T含量略高于G+C含量,144个中华刺鳅共获得cyt b基因单倍型28个,变异位点38个,其中单倍型Hap1分布最为广泛,可能为祖先型单倍型.平均单倍型多样性和平均核苷酸多样性指数分别为0.58751和0.00214,遗传多样性较低.群体间遗传分化系数为0.0356,绝大多数的遗传变异都来自群体内部,而群体间的遗传分化极小.构建的系统进化树未出现明显的以单个湖泊群体的聚簇,5个湖泊的种群间基因交流极其强烈.研究结果表明,当前5个湖泊的中华刺鳅遗传多样性水平比较低,亟待加强保护.  相似文献   

若干水华相关藻类对太湖水体异味物质贡献的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太湖水体中嗅味物质2-甲基异莰醇(MIB)和土臭素(Geo)的出现与水华发生在时间上高度重叠,为探寻水华中常见藻类与嗅味的关系,本研究通过对实验室培养藻株和野外水样比较分析,探寻了部分藻株与太湖水体嗅味物质的关系.分析实验室培养的15株蓝藻(其中11株微囊藻)、4株绿藻和4株硅藻,仅硅藻培养物测定出了Geo,所有藻株均未检测出MIB;对太湖典型水样分析结果显示,水体中MIB与Geo的浓度与微囊藻细胞浓度无相关性;实验室模拟微囊藻水华腐败结果显示,无论是好氧还是厌氧条件下均未产生MIB和Geo;这些数据结果说明湖水中MIB和Geo与水华主要种群微囊藻无直接关系.在鱼腥藻水华中测出了高浓度的MIB,周年水样分析结果显示鱼腥藻细胞数与MIB浓度变化规律一致,因此鱼腥藻可能是MIB的重要来源.但实验室培养的Anabaena sp.PCC7120无论是在缺氮还是有氮培养条件下均不产MIB和Geo,说明嗅味物质的产生具有藻株特异性.  相似文献   

The reactions of the bream,Abramis brama, to the ecological changes due to man-made eutrophication of Lake Constance were investigated. It could be demonstrated that the bream adapted only to a negligible amount. Likely due to its largeness, structure of the body and population composition the bream is more conservative than perch, roach and whitefish. The only reactions to the changed environment are modificated vertical and horizontal distribution and partly plancton feeding in summer.   相似文献   

基于鱼类江海洄游与否的电子探针耳石锶和钙微化学判别手段,对2020年5月采于赣江炉子窑江段的21尾刀鲚的生态表型进行了生活史重建的探索.研究发现,16尾为典型的溯河洄游型刀鲚,其占总刀鲚标本数量的比例达76%,远高于迄今鄱阳湖及其通湖水系所报道的相关比率.赣江中应该存在洄游型刀鲚的产卵场.这些首次确证了赣江中溯河洄游型刀鲚的存在,并体现出了在长江生态大保护及2019年2月1日业已开始的相关禁渔等国策下,赣江水域洄游型刀鲚资源量和栖息地有恢复向好的趋势.宜尽快开展赣江下游相关类群分布区和产卵场等及水利工程、河道挖沙等潜在威胁因素影响的全面调查,以便有效保护该水域的刀鲚资源及其关键栖息地.  相似文献   

European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) is a dominant zooplanktivorous fish in many praealpine lakes and of great commercial interest. Estimation of prey consumed by European whitefish is essential for the prediction of top down effects in the pelagic zone. Whitefish is known to feed selectively on cladocerans. Quantitative estimates of prey consumed by whitefish are often not easy to get because stomachs frequently contain only degraded fragments of already digested prey. In this study stomach contents of European whitefish which were composed of digested, degraded prey were analyzed. Daphnid prey could be quantified by the number of mandibles divided by two, the number of head capsules and abdomina present. Predatory cladocerans could be quantified by the number of mandibles divided by two and the number of tail appendages present. For stomachs which contained heavily digested fragments counting the mandibles proved to be a useful and sometimes the only applicable means to quantify prey items. Other body parts, like structured legs which were broken into many pieces, were unsuited to quantify prey items.  相似文献   

张文武  马琴  黎明政  张晨  高欣 《湖泊科学》2020,32(3):804-812
三峡水库以及上游江段形成的河—库生态系统与长江中下游洞庭湖和鄱阳湖的江湖生态系统都是四大家鱼的重要栖息地,有相似性也有差异.2017年7—8月在三峡水库、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖利用地笼、虾笼、高网和迷魂阵采集草鱼和鲢幼鱼样本,观测耳石日轮,分析三峡水库和通江湖泊草鱼和鲢幼鱼的繁殖时间和早期生长特征及差异,探讨相应的保护措施.结果显示,三峡水库、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖采集草鱼幼鱼的孵化日期分别为4月24日—5月25日、5月21日—6月26日和5月4日—5月28日;鲢幼鱼的孵化日期分别为4月10日—6月12日、5月25日—6月19日和5月9日—6月12日.三峡水库、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖草鱼样本的体长增长率分别为1.04、1.84和1.64 mm/d,微耳石的沉积率分别为3.41、5.41和4.77μm/d;鲢幼鱼的体长增长率分别为1.10、2.87和1.96 mm/d,微耳石沉积率分别为2.96、7.17和4.57μm/d.洞庭湖草鱼和鲢的体长增长率和耳石沉积率均显著大于三峡水库;鄱阳湖鲢的体长增长率和耳石沉积率均显著大于三峡水库,而草鱼的体长增长率和耳石沉积率则与三峡水库没有显著差异.结果表明,三峡水库蓄水后长江中游干流草鱼和鲢的繁殖时间明显滞后;洞庭湖和鄱阳湖的草鱼和鲢幼鱼生长更快.目前,长江全面禁渔正在逐步实施,预期将对恢复鱼类资源起到重要的作用.除了全面禁渔之外,还建议保护和修复鱼类栖息地;减少江湖阻隔,灌江纳苗;增殖放流亲鱼;开展生态调度,促进鱼类繁殖.  相似文献   

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