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湖冰光谱特征是湖冰遥感反演的物理基础,是研究湖冰光学特性和空间分布的理论依据。本文以查干湖为例,使用ASD Field Spec 4便携式地物光谱仪采集冰封期不同类型湖冰、积雪和水体光谱,利用Savitzky-Golay滤波法和包络线去除法分析白冰、灰冰、黑冰、雪冰、积雪和水体的反射光谱特征,探索气泡对湖冰反射光谱特征的影响。积雪和雪冰、白冰和灰冰、黑冰和水体的反射特征随着波长的变化特征基本一致,冰的反射率介于积雪和水体之间,其中白冰的反射率高于灰冰和黑冰,在包络线去除结果中,黑冰和水体在440 nm吸收谷处的吸收面积为5.184和10.878、吸收深度为0.052和0.106,雪、雪冰、白冰、灰冰在800和1030 nm吸收谷处的吸收面积和吸收深度的变化表现为雪<雪冰<灰冰<白冰。气泡是影响湖冰光谱特征的重要因素,气泡使白冰反射率减小和黑冰反射率增大,并且气泡使得白冰在800/1030nm和黑冰在440 nm处的吸收面积和吸收深度减小,其中气泡大小和疏密程度的不同会导致湖冰反射率的影响程度存在差异。同时,本文选取时间同步的Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像,在完成辐...  相似文献   

地球内部壳幔介质地震各向异性与动力学响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
实际的地球介质十分复杂,远非当今人们所采用的理想模型可以概括,因为其属性和结构的变异是非均匀、非线性和各向异性的.在研究地球内部壳幔介质与结构、构造与属性差异、金属矿产资源和油、气、煤能源的勘查中,无论是区域构造格局、岩相和结构特征(如裂缝、破碎带、不同尺度的洞穴以及一些不规则几何体)均十分复杂.近年来基于成山、成盆、成矿、成岩和成灾研究的不断深化,对地下介质各向异性的研究受到广泛的关注.地震波动传播理论和介质与结构的物理属性研究结果表明:地震各向异性在成因上主要是由岩石、矿物和晶体的晶格优势取向、应力场异常变异和构造裂缝与深部物质运移造成的.为此,本文对14次地震各向异性会议的主体内涵进行分析,在此基础上,指出了在各向异性研究的发展进程中、特别是在应用中尚存在着的一些问题.在深化认识地球内部物质物理属性的基础上,探讨了S波分裂和偏振效应与地震各向异性与介质结构分区、构造活动,油气田勘探与岩相特征,裂隙与构造精细刻划和地震活动区(带)深部介质与构造环境的深层过程和动力学响应的关系.最后提出了地震各向异性在地球物理学发展中的作用和今后的任务.  相似文献   

中国地震局系统期刊编排质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国地震局系统公开出版发行的25种学术类、综合类期刊为研究样本,对照有关文献工作的国家标准、规范,对这些期刊的开本、封面、条码、书脊、目次表、摘要、关键词、分类号、序号、量和单位、数字和日期、数学和物理公式、图、表、总目次和索引、项眉、作者简介、收稿日期、参考文献表、版权标识、印刷装帧等情况进行了统计分析,得出地震期刊编排质量大体符合国家标准,规范的结论,指出了存在的问题,提出了进一步加强地硅期进编排标准化、规范化工作的建议。  相似文献   

本文首先简要介绍了地震现场建筑物安全性鉴定辅助决策系统的定义、用途及发展现状,并阐释了将其应用于地震现场中的作用、方法及意义。此外,还介绍了此辅助系统的功能和设计分析及该系统的层次结构,重点介绍了该系统的计算模型及其理论根据以及模型算法分析。深入研究了辅助系统的功能、业务流程和总体设计,讨论了系统的需求、数据的采集与管理、模型计算、结果输出、查询、统计和分析等功能,并简要介绍了辅助系统的界面设计方法及界面框图,同时对系统的进一步扩展提出了看法。  相似文献   

王晓鸿  鄢帮有 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):37-45
由于人口过速增长和不合理的传统发展模式等种种原因,江西历史上也出现过山区毁林种粮、湖区盲目围垦和酷渔滥捕等短期行为,造成了水土流失严重,旱涝灾害频繁,生态环境恶化,资源利用效率低,经济发展缓慢等区域性的环境与发展不协调问题,对江西的社会经济发展构成了日益严重的威胁.始于20世纪80年代初的江西省山江湖工程,应用流域综合管理理念和生态经济理论,以流域为单元,按照流域水土等自然资源的发育与退化规律,流域的物质循环、能量流动、信息传递和价值增殖规律,系统考虑流域内人口、资源与环境间的相互关系,在全面规划的基础上,合理安排农、林、牧副各业用地和组织布局生产力,因地制宜地布设综合治理措施,对水土及其他自然资源进行保护、改良与合理利用,寻求恢复和保持鄱阳湖流域生态系统良性循环,为实现流域内经济、社会与环境协调发展而进行的_次探索与实践.本文总结了江西省山江湖工程过去近二十年来在鄱阳湖流域综合管理方面所取得的成功经验和方法,以供其他类似地区参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

尼泊尔8.1级地震对中国西藏地区造成的震害特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015年4月25日尼泊尔发生8.1级地震,对我国西藏地区造成较大人员伤亡与房屋破坏,道路、通讯等生命线工程及水利等基础设施损坏严重。本文介绍了本次地震的基本情况,并在现场地震烈度调查和地震损失评估的基础上,对灾区震害进行了分析,给出了灾区房屋类别与破坏情况以及生命线系统与各行业的受损情况。通过分析此次地震的灾害特点,指出了灾区在抗震设防中存在的问题,并提出加大地震地质灾害的防治力度,科学编制恢复重建规划,加强防震减灾宣传,提高农牧民抗震设防意识,加强农牧区房屋建筑的指导和监管等建议,以减少地震造成的人员伤亡和财产损失,促进西藏地区经济和社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

车用太  鱼金子 《中国地震》1993,9(2):170-177
本文系统收集了首都圈地区38个形变类观测台、29个地下水类观测井与15个电磁类观测台的地质—水文地质条件,并根据1976—1989年间5个中强地震前的58个台项的异常,逐项统计分析了台址地质—水文地质条件对其映震能力的影响。得到的认识是,影响地形变类台站映震能力的主要地质条件是构造单元、邻近断裂的走向、距离、活动时代与台基地层岩性;影响地下水类观测井映震能力的主要条件是构造单元、邻近断裂的走向、距离、部位、井深、含水层的地层岩性与地下水类型;影响地电磁类台站映震能力的主要条件是构造单元、新生界盖层的结构与厚度、表土岩性、基底岩性与壳内高导层顶面埋深等。  相似文献   

简要介绍当前国内外关于天然地震与爆破、塌陷等非天然地震特征研究及事件类型识别的进展。对各类事件的定义及主要波形特征进行简要综述,重点介绍了事件类型判定的各类识别方法。与自然界天然地震不同,非天然地震由人工干预或人类活动间接引发。爆破是炸药在爆炸瞬间能量迅速释放,部分能量以地震波形式向外传播,引起地表振动而产生破坏效应的一种地震;塌陷是由于岩层崩塌陷落而形成的地震。虽然在地震台网记录到的天然地震与爆破、塌陷的波形存在一定的共性特征,但由于震源类型、波的传播路径、震源深度等不同,各类事件的波形记录在P波初动、P波与S波最大振幅比、持续时间、震相、短周期面波发育情况、发震时刻、空间位置分布以及频谱特征等方面差异明显。目前主要有两类方法来识别地震与爆破、塌陷等非天然事件。一类为直接基于波形在信号、数据方面的特征,通过定性分析来进行事件类型判定,如波形时频分析对比法、小波变换、相关系数等;另一类为统计学领域诸如模式识别等算法,利用统计算法综合考虑多个事件特征判据的定量判定阀值来实现地震与爆破、塌陷事件类型的识别,如最小距离法、改进的连续亨明方法、Fisher方法、逐步代价最小决策法、支持向量机、前馈神经网络等。两类方法本质上均为提取有效特征判据,即对数据进行降维使用,未将事件记录的全部信息用于事件判定。因此,有必要使用一种可从全部事件记录中自动提取各类信息并可组合底层特征的算法来对各类事件进行判断识别。  相似文献   

中国多年来在岩石圈物理学研究中已取得了一系列的重要成果,并促进了中国地球科学的发展。然而在这21世纪之际,基于国家战略需求和自主创新的方针对岩石圈物理学提出了新的挑战。本文在这样的思维前提下对岩石圈物理学的科学内涵和发展导向进行了较全面的分析、研究和思考,并明确指出当今在这一学科领域应该做些什么,核心问题是什么,又存在哪些关键性的科学问题。研究结果提出,高精度的地球物理场观测与岩石圈内壳、幔精细结构(2维和3维)的刻划;在地球内部力系作用下,深部物质和能量的交换;深部物质运移的物理-力学-化学作用过程及深层动力学响应乃是深化对地球本体的认识和揭示成山、成盆、成岩、成矿和成灾的根本机理所在。为此,在本世纪的上、中叶,在地球科学领域中地球物理学研究必为先导。本文最后对岩石圈物理研究中尚存在的一些问题和困惑进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

China has achieved much during recent years in the area of lithospheric physics research and promoted the development of the geosciences (Teng, 2004). However, in the 21^st century, national needs and policy challenges the science of lithospheric physics. I suggest a general analysis, research, and development direction for lithospheric physics and point out clearly the content, core problems, and key scientific problems in this field. The realization of the earth and the discovery of the basic mechanisms of mountains, basins, minerals, and natural disasters depend basically on high-resolution observations of geophysics, the delineation of the fine structure of crust and mantle (2D and 3D) inside the lithosphere, substance and energy exchanges in the deep earth, the process of deep physical, mechanical, and chemical actions, and deep dynamical response. Therefore, geophysics should be the pioneer in the geosciences field in the first half of the 21^st century. I end with an analysis and discussion of some problems and difficulties in the research of lithospheric physics.  相似文献   

研究湿地底泥污染特性及水-土界面边界层性质是明确大型人工湿地长期运行下底泥内源污染问题的关键.本文以典型人工湿地为例,通过综合布点垂向分层监测湿地底泥理化性质,明确底泥污染特性,分析水-土界面边界氧化层现象、性质及形成机理,探讨其性质成因.结果表明:与湖泊类似,长期运行人工湿地底泥也会产生氧化层,垂向由上到下分为氧化层、污染层、过渡层和健康层;运行6年的湿地底泥可形成厚约1 cm、无明显臭味、棕黄色可塑状的氧化层;与污染层相比,氧化层色味变淡、流动性减弱,含水率、d(0.9)、亚铁、总有机碳和总氮含量分别降低7.20%、54.04%、54.59%、17.89%和7.00%,氧化还原电位和总磷含量分别升高150.41%和18.17%;氧化层是由氧化、沉降协同作用下形成的底泥表层氧化态微环境,其中上覆水溶解氧水平越高越有利于提高氧化层致密程度,降低氧化层有机质、总氮含量,上覆水悬浮物浓度越高、水深越深越有利于增加氧化层厚度.  相似文献   

太湖与长三角区域一体化发展:地位、挑战与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈雯  刘伟  孙伟 《湖泊科学》2021,33(2):327-335
太湖及太湖流域在长三角自然和经济地理空间具有举足轻重的地位,更是长三角区域一体化发展国家战略实施的关键地区.在当前区域一体化高质量发展背景下,太湖治理面临新的形势和任务,也面临一系列新的挑战,着重体现在水环境治理形势更加复杂严峻和水资源供给压力不断提升两方面.传统水陆分割治理难以解决湖泊问题,行政区治理难以适应区域一体化发展要求,水资源共享和付费机制尚未建立等问题,对长三角区域一体化进程也构成了较大阻滞.太湖水问题绝不局限于太湖本身,需要从湖泊—流域系统视角构建资源、环境、生态、社会与经济多要素协调统筹治理的新体系,考虑水陆空间协同治理与开发和不同次区域经济、社会、自然效益的均衡,以推动长三角区域一体化高质量发展.基于此,研究提出新背景下的太湖及流域治理思路:推动太湖水资源生态环境之间以及与流域经济社会的联动,撬动长三角生态环境一体化的思维创新;探索关键卡脖子技术研发和流域管理综合集成的科学体系,推动长三角资源环境领域的创新一体化发展;探索太湖流域跨行政区域的水生态环境共治、水资源共享和绿色发展机制,牵动一体化协调制度的改革创新.  相似文献   

我国多年来在岩石圈物理学研究中已取得了一系列的重要成果,并促进了我国地球科学的发展.然而在这21世纪之际,基于国家战略需求和自主创新的方针对岩石圏物理学是挑战,也是机遇.为此,必须厘定其今后的发展导向,并凝炼出前瞻性、并具有带动性的创新性核心科学问题.本文在这样的思维前提下对岩石圈物理学的科学内涵和发展导向进行了较全面的分析、研究和思考,并明确指出当今在这一学科领域应该做些什么,核心问题是什么,又存在哪些关键性的科学问题.研究结果提出,高精度的地球物理场观测与岩石圏内壳、幔精细结构(2维和3维)的刻划;在地球内部力系作用下,深部物质和能量的交换;深部物质运移的物理—力学—化学作用过程及深层动力学响应乃是深化对地球本体的认识和揭示成山、成盆、成岩、成矿和成灾的根本机理所在.为此,在本世纪的上、中叶,在地球科学领域中地球物理学研究必为先导!本文最后对岩石圈物理研究中尚存在的一些问题及困惑进行了分析和讨论,并提出了有关统一规划和观测仪器与设备的自主研发以及有序进行国际合作等方面的意见.  相似文献   

Hinterland intermountain basins and northern and southern piedmonts of the Qinling Mountains accumulated a large amount of loess during the Pleistocene. The loess strata not only record local paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental changes, but also contain rich hominin fossils and Paleolithic remains. In the northern piedmont of the Qinling Mountains and the lower valley of the South Luohe River, the loess strata have multi loess-paleosol sequences with aeolian loess continuously accumulating during glacial and interglacial cycles. In contrast to the northern piedmont, loess stratigraphy in the hinterland intermountain basins of the Qinling Mountains is relatively thin and contains finer loess particles. In this “mini” type of loess stratum, the density of Paleolithic remain generally is higher than the Loess Plateau in the north of the Qinling Mountains. Based on stratigraphic, chronological, and lithic artifacts analysis in recent years, it appears that the regional lithic assemblage belongs to the Oldowan (Mode I) lithic industry, and it is dominated by choppers, cores, flakes, and simple retouched flake tools from 1.15 to 0.6 Ma. Paleolithic open-air sites such as Gongwangling and Chenjiawo in the Lantian area, Shangbaichuan and Liuwan in the Luonan Basin, Qiaojiayao in the Lushi Basin, Longgangsi and Yaochangwan in the Hanzhong Basin, Guanmiao in the Ankang Basin, and the Yunxian Man Site in the Yunxian Basin are representative sites in the region; from 400 to 250 ka, the Longyadong cave site in the Luonan Basin inherited the characteristics of the local Mode I lithic industry, the stone assemblage is made up of cores, flakes, and small retouched flake tools, such as scrapers, points, and burins; during the period from 250 to 50 ka, bi-facially retouched Acheulean tools (Model II), such as hand-axes, picks, and cleavers, were commonly found in the Qinling Mountains region. The emergence of a large number of Model II artifacts indicates that local lithic industries went through a major transition process. Zhanghuokou, Guoyuan, and Huaishuping sites in the Luonan Basin, Diaozhai, Ganyu, Laochihe, and Xiehu sites in the Lantian area, Hejialiang site in the Hanzhong Basin are representative sites in this period; to the turn of the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene, it may also exist a small flake-retouched tools lithic industry in the piedmonts of the northern and southern sides of the Qinling Mountains. The lithic assemblages in different stages of the Qinling Mountains region reflect the hominin behavioral changes and the development of lithic technology during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

双相各向异性研究、问题与应用前景   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
地球内部流体的存在和岩石各向异性是地下介质的两大表征,考虑地下流体和介质各向异性问题的双相各向异性理论是当今地震学和地球物理学理论与应用研究的前沿和难题之一。孔隙流体的存在、固体和流体之间的相互作用会弱化或硬化岩石的力学属性,上起声波或弹性声波速度的频散的振幅的衰减,并产生第二类压缩波。裂缝或裂隙的定向分布、岩层的旋性沉积、应力场的定向排列,都会引起传播速度的各向异性、横波发生分裂等重要现象,这些  相似文献   

Concentrations and seasonal variations of water chemistry, including dissolved and particulate forms of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Ni in rivers of Primorskii Krai are determined. It is shown that, unlike the macrocomposition, the effect of hydrological regime on the concentration of dissolved metal forms is controversial and depends on anthropogenic load, watershed landscapes, and pH variations. Elevated concentrations of dissolved metal forms are recorded in the beginning of spring flood and during low-water period. Beyond the limits of local impact of wastewater, the concentrations of dissolved forms of Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, and Cd in river waters of the region insignificantly differ from the clearest rivers of the World.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake occurred near the "triple junction" linking the Bayan Har block, the South China block, and the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block, and its influences on the surrounding blocks and the main fault zones in the Sichuan-Yunnan region, i.e., the block boundary zone, cannot be ignored. In this paper, changes of movement and stress of the fault zones before and after a strong earthquake were simulated based on the GPS repetition survey results recently obtained during 1999–2007, 2009–2011, and 2011–2013 with a two-dimensional finite-element contact model and the "block- loading" method. The results show that, before the Wenchuan earthquake, the movement of the Longmenshan fault zone was very slow and its compressive stress accumulated rapidly; after the Wenchuan earthquake, movements toward the E-SSE direction of the Bayan Har, southwestern Yunnan, and rhombic blocks were enhanced, and the dextral and horizontal compressive speeds and annual accumulative compressive stress of the Longmenshan fault zone increased markedly by factors of 4.5, 2.1, and 2.5, respectively. The southern Xianshuihe, Anninghe, Zemuhe, Daliangshan, and Lijiang-Xiaojinhe fault zones accumulated compressive stress rapidly, forming enhanced compressive stress zones along a NE strike crossing the central part of the Sichuan-Yunnan region. The tensional movement of the Xianshuihe fault zone was enhanced and the slip movement in the central part of the zone was reversed in a short time. The changes are tightly related to the medium-intensity earthquakes that occurred during the same period in this region, revealing that the spatial migration of seismic activity is related to changes of movement of the blocks.  相似文献   

The solubility of Au in silicate melts and fluids governs the enrichment and migration of Au during the formation of magmatic-hydrothermal Au deposits. Large Au deposits require vast amounts of Au to migrate from the upper mantle-lower crust to the shallow crust, and high Au solubility in magma and hydrothermal fluid facilitates the formation of Au-rich magma and fluid in the crust and mantle source and efficient transport. This paper reviews recent high-pressure and high-temperature experimental studies on Au species in magmas and hydrothermal fluids, the partitioning behavior of Au between silicate melts and fluids, and the effects of temperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity, sulfur fugacity, silicate melt composition, and volatiles(H_2O, CO_2, chlorine, and sulfur) on the solubility of Au in magma. We show that the solubility of Au in magma is largely controlled by the volatiles in the magma: the higher the content of reduced sulfur(S~(2-) and HS~-) in the magma, the higher the solubility of Au. Under high-temperature, high-pressure, H_2O-rich, and intermediate oxygen fugacity conditions, magma can dissolve more reduced sulfur species, thus enhancing the ability of the magma to transport Au. If the ore-forming elements of the Au deposits in the North China Craton originate from mantle-derived magmas and fluids, we can conclude, in terms of massive Au migration, that these deep Au-rich magmas might have been generated under H2 O-rich and moderately oxidized conditions(S~(2-) coexists with S~(6+)). The big mantle wedge beneath East Asia was metasomatized by melts and fluids from the dehydration of the Early Cretaceous paleo-Pacific stagnant slab, which not only caused thinning of the North China Craton, but also created physicochemical conditions favorable for massive Au migration.  相似文献   

As the rock samples will produce abnormal signals of acoustic emission, microseismic and charge signals under external loading, the waveform comprehensive monitoring devices are used to synchronously monitor acoustic emission, microseismic and charge signals during the deformation and failure process of granite with fault zone under uniaxial compression. The results show that, the granite with fault zone has obvious synchronous precursory signals of acoustic emission, microseism and charge induction in the elastic deformation stage, and has high amplitude synchronous precursory signals in the instability destruction stage. The influence of fault zone on granite samples strength is remarkable, and the uniaxial compressive strength of samples with the fault zone is greatly reduced. With the angle of the fault zone decreasing, the uniaxial compressive strength of the specimens is reduced, the samples are more liable to instability and the energy of instability destruction is greater. With the fault zone angle of granite samples decreasing, the acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction signals increase in the deformation and failure process of samples. The samples stress decreases when the acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction precursory signals appear synchronously. The duration of acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction precursory signals is increasing in the instability destruction stage. When the angle of the fault zone reaches 30°, the mutability of acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction signal increases, the time to enter the dangerous stage is much earlier, and the acoustic emission events of large magnitude increase significantly, and the large angle faults of coal mine are more dangerous. The intensive and high amplitude synchronous precursory signals of acoustic emission, microseism and charge induction are produced before the instability destruction, and the signals duration is shorter. The intensive and strongest synchronous precursory signals of acoustic emission, microseism and charge induction are produced in the instability destruction, and the signals duration is longer. Acoustic emission monitoring data can better reflect the micro rupture of rock. And combined with the acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction precursory signals, the precursory information of rock instability destruction can be obtained more accurately.  相似文献   

基于GIS的长江三峡水库诱发地震预测数据库构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从系统需求分析出发 ,介绍了可视化的长江三峡水库诱发地震预测数据库构建的主要内容及其实施技术路线 ,划分了国内外典型的诱震震例以及长江三峡地区基础地理、诱震地质环境和诱发地震前兆监测等相关基础信息的主要类型 ,确定了各类信息的数据库结构和数据格式。在此基础上 ,对各类基础图形进行数字化处理 ,建立了可视化的图形数据库 ;通过其相关属性信息的录入或转换 ,建立了各类图形相应的属性数据库 ;利用GIS技术 ,对图形数据库及其属性数据库进行了无缝集成 ,实现了图形数据与其相应属性数据间的可视化交互式查询、浏览、管理和分析  相似文献   

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