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在模拟降雨条件下(30-69mm/39min),对官厅水库流域玉米地和休闲地地表径流泥沙和生物可利用磷(BAP)流失进行了初步研究. 累积泥沙产量受雨强、坡度和作物覆盖影响,变幅为305.1-24933.4g/10m2;径流平均颗粒态生物可利用磷(BPP)、溶解态磷(SP)浓度都超出水体允许临界值0.02mg/L,表明流域农田地表径流对库区水体存在潜在污染危害;径流累积BAP流失达0.08-4.804g/10m2,估算的农田径流BAP流失达0.49kg/(hm2.a)以上. 79.7%以上的BAP是颗粒态的. 研究结果有助于采取措施减少农田径流向库区输入生物可利用磷、准确地评估流域农业管理实践对水库水质的影响.  相似文献   

太湖地区丘陵旱地土壤磷的吸持解吸特征   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
高超  张桃林 《湖泊科学》2001,13(3):255-260
旱地土壤中流失的磷是地表水体中磷的重要来源,本文通过模拟实验对比太湖地区丘陵旱地土壤和水稻土对磷的吸持解吸特征,结果表明虽然旱地土壤对磷的固定能力略高于水稻土,但由于旱地土壤的有效磷水平普遍高于水稻土,因而前者磷的吸持饱和度(DPS)要大大高于后者,这就决定了旱地土壤中的磷被淋溶或以溶解态随径流流失的风险和数量也同于水稻土,磷吸持饱和度是土壤磷素水平和土壤固磷能力的综合指标,更能反映土壤固相中的磷进入液相的难易程序,可以作为评价水-土界面磷迁移能力 重要指标。  相似文献   

模拟暴雨条件下农田磷素迁移特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
庹刚  李恒鹏  金洋  李燕 《湖泊科学》2009,21(1):45-52
开展三次重复人工暴雨试验,研究太湖流域平原河网区农田磷素在暴雨径流过程中的迁移输出特征,结果表明,地表径流是暴雨径流过程农田磷素迁移的主要途径,地表径流水相和侵蚀相磷素迁移量分别占总磷输出量的58.50%和34.69%;随壤中水流输移的磷素仅占总磷输出量的6.81%,磷素迁移以颗粒态为主,约占总磷输出量的60.73%,溶解态磷素以无机磷酸盐输出为主,溶解态磷素更易于在土壤中运动,地表径流与壤中流磷素输出特征对比分析显示,土壤对磷素具有较强的滤减作用,尤其对总颗粒态附着磷浓度的消减效果明显,可达80%以上,尽管暴雨径流过程中磷素迁移以地表径流为主,然而在降雨丰富的太湖地区,一般降雨条件下壤中流是产流的主要形式,同时壤中流溶解态磷流失占有较大的比例,对区域水环境恶化具有重要贡献,因此加强壤中流溶解态磷素输移和控制研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

平原圩区磷素流失过程模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄佳聪  高俊峰 《湖泊科学》2015,27(2):216-226
圩区是太湖流域平原区的主要地理单元,其磷素流失是造成平原区水污染的重要原因之一,定量模拟圩区磷素流失过程是非点源磷污染控制的重要环节.以太湖流域的典型圩区——尖圩为研究对象,根据物质守恒原理构建圩区磷素流失过程模型,模型考虑了圩区自然降雨、人工灌溉、洪涝排水、地面渗漏、作物需水、水面蒸发、沟渠磷素拦截等过程,充分体现了圩区系统磷素流失特征;通过已有研究案例、实地监测与野外调研相结合的方法确定模型参数;模拟结果表明:(1)与太湖流域平原非圩区相比,圩区的年度磷素流失量较低(-0.17~0.54 kg/(hm2·a)),并且年度差异显著;(2)人工灌溉与自然降雨是圩区磷素输入的主要渠道,其磷素输入量分别为0.27~0.69、1.05~1.19 kg/(hm2·a);水体下渗和洪涝排水是圩区磷素的输出途径,其磷素输出量分别为1.04~1.06、0.65~0.93 kg/(hm2·a).  相似文献   

夏季滇池和入滇河流氮、磷污染特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为探讨滇池入湖河流水体营养盐空间分布特征及其对滇池水体富营养化的影响,2014年7月采集了入滇4类典型河流(城市纳污型河流、城乡结合型河流、农田型河流、村镇型河流)及滇池水样,分析其氮、磷浓度.结果表明:4条入湖河流总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、硝态氮和氨氮污染均较严重;河流水体中TN、TP平均浓度大小为:农田型河流(大河)村镇型河流(柴河)城乡结合型河流(宝象河)城市纳污型河流(盘龙江),其中农田型河流(大河)水体TN、TP污染最为严重;在夏季,4条入湖河流水体中TN、TP浓度从上游向下游增加趋势比较明显,表明氮、磷沿河流不断富集;氮磷比分析表明,夏季河流输入氮、磷营养盐有利于藻类的生长,并且滇池浮游植物生长主要受TN浓度限制;夏季滇池南部入湖河流水体的TN、TP浓度高于北部入湖河流,该特征与滇池水体中TN、TP污染分布状况相反,推测滇池北部富营养化的主要影响因素是内源释放.因此,在今后的滇池水体富营养化研究中,应对滇池内源释放进行深入研究.  相似文献   

基于SWAT模型的南四湖流域非点源氮磷污染模拟   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
李爽  张祖陆  孙媛媛 《湖泊科学》2013,25(2):236-242
本文利用SWAT模型结合实测数据,对南四湖流域2001-2010年年均非点源氮磷污染进行模拟,分析了南四湖流域非点源氮磷负荷空间分布特征,计算各河流流域对南四湖湖区污染的贡献率,并对非点源氮磷污染严重的关键区进行识别.研究表明:(1)先模拟湖东和湖西的两个典型小流域的非点源氮磷污染,并将模型推及整个南四湖流域,该方法不仅提高了计算效率,且得到了较好的模拟结果.通过对比发现,湖东的模拟效果要好于湖西,一定程度上说明SWAT模型在起伏较大的地区能取得更高的精度.(2)南四湖流域非点源氮磷污染严重,几乎所有区域的氮负荷超标,40%以上的区域磷负荷超标严重.湖东非点源氮磷污染较湖西严重,其中洸府河流域是南四湖湖区非点源氮磷污染的主要贡献者.(3)通过对径流量、泥沙负荷、氮负荷、磷负荷的相关分析可以得出,南四湖流域非点源氮负荷以溶解态为主,随径流进入水体;非点源磷负荷以吸附态为主,随泥沙进入水体.  相似文献   

东巢湖湖滨农田生态拦截沟中浮游植物群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在巢湖市烔炀镇西宋村农田示范基地中建立生态拦截沟来处理农业生产排放的农业面源污水,就生态拦截沟中浮游植物丰度、生物量和群落结构进行了研究.实验历时6个月,研究中共检测到浮游植物9门48属75种.研究发现尽管农田生态拦截沟中的水生植被能有效削减水体中的氮、磷营养盐,但对浮游植物群落结构产生的影响不大.生态拦截沟中主要藻类为绿藻、蓝藻和硅藻,且出水口蓝藻所占比例较进水口有显著上升.生态拦截前后浮游植物优势种类的变化不大,主要为蓝藻门的铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、绿藻门的微球衣藻(Chlamydomonas microsphaera)和硅藻门的孟氏小环藻(Cyclotell meneghiniana)等.藻类生物多样性研究表明生态拦截沟中的水体主要为清洁或寡污型水体,仅在夏季的7月份出现了轻微的水体污染.典型对应分析发现,TN/TP对浮游植物种类分布的解释度最高.同时,发现水体总磷的对数、总溶解磷的对数与藻类的生物量呈正比,而TN/TP与藻类的生物量呈反比.研究表明农田生态拦截沟尽管具有削减农业氮、磷营养盐面源污染的作用,但不能有效地降低水体中蓝藻的生物量.农业面源污水中的藻类营养盐限制主要为磷限制,削减农田径流中的磷含量是控制巢湖流域水体富营养化和遏制蓝藻水华的关键环节.  相似文献   

太湖水体氮素污染状况研究进展   总被引:33,自引:15,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
氮是引起湖泊富营养化的关键要素之一.传统观点认为氮缺乏时,湖泊生态系统可以通过生物固氮作用从大气中获取氮来满足自身的需求,因此认为淡水湖泊水体的生产力主要受磷限制.但随着进一步的研究,发现氮限制与氮和磷共同限制更为普遍,且氮的限制常常伴随着水体的富营养化,因此了解富营养化湖泊水体的氮素污染状况具有重要意义.本文介绍了太湖水体氮素的污染状况及其发展趋势,从外源、内源两大方面介绍了太湖水体中氮素的来源,着重分析和比较了河道输入、大气输入以及沉积物释放不同污染源的输入比例.太湖水体氮素污染存在很大的空间差异,其中西部和北部污染较重而东南部相对较轻,入湖河道输入的外源污染是造成太湖水质空间分布差异的主要原因,其中农业面源污染及生活污染在太湖外源污染中占据了相当的比重;湖泊底泥所造成的内源释放也是氮素污染的一个重要原因,但目前对释放量的估算主要是基于底泥悬浮引起的总量估算,关于这些释放量能有多少比例可以被浮游植物利用还不清楚,尤其是有机颗粒物在水体中停留期间的矿化再生值得进一步研究;在氮素的生物转化过程中,生物固氮目前对太湖氮素输入的贡献很小,反硝化作用是太湖水体氮素自净的主要途径.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖区水体氮、磷污染状况分析   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
通过系统测定鄱阳湖湖水、主要入湖口河水及部分农田水、地下水及城市污水氮磷含量,对其氮、磷污染状况进行了分析,同时对湖水及河水的氮、磷来源进行了初步讨论.结果表明,鄱阳湖区水体已达到一定程度的氮、磷污染,特别是饶河段氮含量较高(0.89-3.15mg/L),信江磷含量较高(0.098-0.22mg/L),而湖体的总氮、总磷含量也分别达到1.06±0.28mg/L和0.067±0.042mg/L,已具备富营养化的条件.  相似文献   

杨婷婷  操家顺  周勇  周凌 《湖泊科学》2007,19(5):618-621
过去采用美人蕉等浮床来净化水质报道较多,而采用原位围隔高羊茅草坪浮床来净化重污染河道水体,目前尚未见有报道.本文研究了不同高羊茅草坪浮床覆盖率对冬季重污染河道水体的净化能力,以期确定其最佳覆盖密度.试验结果表明,高羊茅浮床对富营养化水体中的氮、磷、COD等均具有极强的去除能力,并能有效提高水体透明度.这为冬季重污染河道水体水质改善的示范工程提供了可靠的科学依据.  相似文献   

稻田氮磷径流流失模型研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄微尘  周丰  梁浩  陈磊 《湖泊科学》2021,33(2):336-348
水稻是全球最重要的粮食作物,但种植过程中不合理的水肥管理引起了稻田氮磷径流流失,对邻近水体造成污染风险.稻田氮磷径流流失模型是理解区域水体污染排放时空特征和评估水污染风险的有效手段.论文阐述了稻田氮磷径流流失的发生机制和关键过程,梳理了统计经验模型、物理机理模型、水文过程模型和生态系统模型的研发历程.结果表明,当前模型缺乏水—土—气界面过程的有效参数化,基于高分辨率、多年多站点、全通量的模型参数的合理化,以及区域尺度农艺管理(种植制度、施肥制度、灌排制度)和田—沟—塘联合调控措施(分布、规模、运行规则)的模块化,造成了稻田氮磷径流流失的不确定性.同时,提出了面向稻田氮磷循环的高分辨率全通量观测网络建设、农艺管理与调控措施的区域数据集研发、模型开发与先进技术手段的集成与融合、稻田—氮—磷—水耦合的多模型集合等,为稻田氮磷径流流失模型的改进、农艺管理措施的优化以及气候智能型稻田的建设提供科学依据.  相似文献   


The distributed parameter model ANSWERS was used to predict runoff and soil loss from three agricultural watersheds in the arid zone of India. Model input parameters such as landform, drainage, soil and land use/land cover were derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper false colour composites and limited ground truth. The model predicted hydrographs and sediment graphs within acceptable limits. ANSWERS underpredicted the total soil loss by factors of 2.6 to 3.6. Reasons for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Frequent algal blooms in surface water bodies caused by nutrient loading from agricultural lands are an ongoing problem in many regions globally. Tile drains beneath poorly and imperfectly drained agricultural soils have been identified as key pathways for phosphorus (P) transport. Two tile drains in an agricultural field with sandy loam soil in southern Ontario, Canada were monitored over a 28‐month period to quantify discharge and the concentrations and loads of dissolved reactive P (DRP) and total P (TP) in their effluent. This paper characterizes seasonal differences in runoff generation and P export in tile drain effluent and relates hydrologic and biogeochemical responses to precipitation inputs and antecedent soil moisture conditions. The generation of runoff in tile drains was only observed above a clear threshold soil moisture content (~0.49 m3·m?3 in the top 10 cm of the soil; above field capacity and close to saturation), indicating that tile discharge responses to precipitation inputs were governed by the available soil‐water storage capacity of the soil. Soil moisture content approached this threshold throughout the non‐growing season (October – April), leading to runoff responses to most events. Concentrations of P in effluent were variable throughout the study but were not correlated with discharge (p > 0.05). However, there were significant relationships between discharge volume (mm) and DRP and TP loads (kg ha?1) for events occurring over the study period (R2 ≥ 0.49, p ≤ 0.001). This research has shown that the hydrologic and biogeochemical responses of tile drains in a sandy loam soil can be predicted to within an order of magnitude from simple hydrometric data such as precipitation and soil moisture once baseline conditions at a site have been determined. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A phosphorus (P) budget was estimated for the watershed of Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, to assess the effects of nutrient management on P accumulation in the watershed soils. We estimated how nutrient management programs and legislation have affected the budget by comparing the budget for 2007 to a budget calculated for 1995, prior to implementation of the programs. Since 1995, inputs decreased from 1,310,000 to 853,000 kg P/yr (35% reduction) and accumulation decreased from 575,000 to 279,000 kg P/yr (51% reduction). Changes in P input and accumulation were attributed primarily to enhanced agricultural nutrient management, reduction in dairy cattle feed supplements and an urban P fertilizer ban. Four scenarios were investigated to determine potential impacts of additional nutrient management tactics on the watershed P budget and P loading to Lake Mendota. Elimination of chemical P fertilizer input has the greatest potential to reduce watershed P accumulation and establishment of riparian buffers has the greatest potential to prevent P loading to Lake Mendota.  相似文献   


Surface runoff and drainage were evaluated for southern Brazilian soils subjected to different rainfall intensities and management practices. Soils received up to four applications of simulated rainfall in sequences with one application per day. Seven lysimeters, each of 1 m3 volume, were used to measure drainage volume, with measurement of initial and final water content, times at which surface runoff and lysimeter drainage began, and the volume rates of flow. At the end of the second test, soils were subjected to two levels of disturbance (denoted by low and high soil movement) by opening furrows. These cultivation treatments altered the times at which lysimeter surface runoff and drainage were initiated, the rates of surface runoff, the final infiltration and internal drainage, and the components of the water balance throughout the series of trials. Mean times at which surface runoff was initiated in lysimeters subjected to greater soil disturbance were longer than those with little soil disturbance. Final infiltration rates were greater in lysimeters with little soil disturbance. It was also found that lysimeter surface runoff generation was influenced by the state of development of maize grown in the lysimeter.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor G. Mahé  相似文献   

Muddy floods due to agricultural runoff are a widespread and frequent phenomenon in the European loess belt, and particularly in central Belgium. These floods are triggered when high quantities of runoff are generated on cropland and cause severe erosion. Three soil surface characteristics are relevant to determine the runoff potential of cultivated soils: soil cover by crops and residues, soil surface crusting and roughness. These characteristics have been observed on 65 cultivated fields throughout 2005. A heavy rainfall event representative for events triggering muddy floods in the region (60 mm h?1 during 30 minutes) has been simulated using a 0·5 m2 simulator on fields with the 17 most observed combinations of soil surface characteristics in central Belgium. Runoff is not observed in the case of (ploughed) bare uncrusted soils, nor in the case of soils covered by crops showing a transitional crust and a moderate roughness (1–2 cm). In the cases where runoff has been observed, mean runoff coefficients ranged from 13% (wheat in July) to 58% (sugar beet or maize in May and June). Grassed buffer strips (GBSs) and grassed waterways (GWWs) show a higher runoff coefficient (62% for GBSs and 73% for GWWs) than most cultivated soils (13–58%). Furthermore, it is demonstrated that small plot measurements can be used to estimate runoff generation at the field scale. A classification of runoff generation risk based on the surveys of soil surface characteristics has been applied to common crops of central Belgium. February as well as the period between May and September are the most critical for runoff at the field scale. However, it appears from monitoring of a 16 ha catchment that the highest runoff volumes and peak discharges are recorded between May and August after heavy rainfall, explaining why 85% of muddy floods are recorded during this period in central Belgium. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological fluxes and associated nutrient budget were studied during a 2 year period (1998–99) in a montane moist evergreen broad‐leaved forest at Ailao Mountain, Yunnan. Water samples of rainfall, throughfall, and stemflow, and of surface runoff, soil water, and stream flow were collected bimonthly to determine the concentration and fluxes of nutrients. Soil budgets were determined from the difference between precipitation input (including nutrient leaching from canopy) and output via runoff and drainage. The forest was characterized by low canopy interception and surface runoff, and high percolation and stream flow. Concentrations of nutrients were increased in throughfall and stemflow compared with precipitation. Surface runoff and drainage water had higher nutrient concentrations than precipitation and stream water. Total nitrogen and NH4+‐N concentrations were higher in soil water than stream water, whereas K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ concentrations were lower in the former than the latter. Annual nutrient fluxes decreased with soil depth following the pattern of water flux. Annual losses of most nutrient elements via stream flow were less than the corresponding inputs via throughfall and stemflow, except for calcium, for which solute loss was greater than the inputs via precipitation. Leaching losses of that element may be compensated by weathering. Losses of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and sulphur could be replaced through atmospheric inputs. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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